Capacity from the tire. A discovery that has been successfully inhabiting country gardens for many years is a do-it-yourself decorative pond from a car tire

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Gradually, the reservoir in the country is becoming an integral part of a comfortable stay. To make the heat easier to carry, you can build a reservoir from the materials at hand - a do-it-yourself pool from a tire, for example.

At the summer cottage, a pool and a pond create a unique beauty. In addition, reservoirs for summer residents and plants help to withstand the heat. In its waters it is pleasant to cool off in the heat of summer and in the evening when the work is finished.

The unique microclimate is able to create even a tiny body of water from a car tire.

If you know how to tinker with your hands, a do-it-yourself tire pool will be an excellent alternative to expensive and not very durable inflatable pools. Its creation is not associated with material costs, and the product is durable and reliable.

In order for a pool to appear on the site, you will need:

  • large tire;
  • sand, cement and gravel;
  • an electric jigsaw and a knife with a sharp large blade.

The pool layout looks something like the one shown in the figure.

The procedure for the device of the reservoir

It all starts with preparing the tire. It needs to be cut on one side, leaving only the side. A jigsaw will help you cut the cord. The grinder is less preferable in this matter, since the rubber scatters from it and becomes sticky and it will not be easy to get rid of it.

In order for the structure to stand still, a platform is prepared: in an area corresponding to the diameter of the tire, sod is removed on a bayonet with a shovel. Make a sand pillow of a small thickness. If it is planned to supply a concrete path to the pool, then the size of the site will need to be increased.

The next step is concreting. To carry it out, you need to knead the solution for pouring the prepared circle. The layer height is at least 20 cm so that the concrete does not crack during operation. While it is not frozen, install the tire.

The cement is leveled (the rim of the tire should be under the layer of cement, i.e. be invisible if you look inside the tire). Otherwise, cement must be added to ensure the pool is sealed.

To prevent the future reservoir from shifting under the weight of water, it is recommended to fill the bottom with molten tar, on which a special (or plastic) film is placed. As a last resort, paint the tire from the inside.

After the work is completed, the structures are allowed to dry well. Then they fill it with water and cover it with plastic wrap to protect it from sunlight, bad weather and pollution.

Since, in a sunny area, water will evaporate, settling on the inner surface of the film, it is recommended to ventilate it periodically.

After the bottom has completely dried, they begin to decorate and design the reservoir.

And here the scope for imagination is endless - you can paint the side surface of the tire with multi-colored paints, make a brick wall, tighten it with a net, plaster it and lay it out with mosaics.

  1. If you cut a circle of plywood under the base of the tire, screwing into it in the place where the rim will be, two bolts that serve to fasten the cement plug, you can get a portable pool from the tire with your own hands. The workpiece with the tire installed on it, then poured with cement. It is ready to use as soon as the materials are dry.
  2. To prevent cracks in the cement base of a stationary pool, it is placed in a dry place or a layer of gravel is placed under a sand cushion.
  3. Do-it-yourself painting of the pool from a tire is carried out before filling with water. There are no boundaries of imagination - they can be painted, laid out with mosaics, stone or brick.

The issue of its replacement is decided before the concrete is poured: perhaps it will be a crane fixed with a locknut and a pair of washers. The device will not leak due to the compression of the rubber. Water in unpainted tires heats up faster because the black color attracts heat better.

Video: DIY pool made of tires

Tire pool, decorative

You can create on your site a decorative pool from a tire with your own hands, which serves as a small pond. You cannot swim in it, but such a reservoir will be an excellent decoration. It can be overlaid with stone, decorated with flowers.

By filling it with water and algae, you can launch fish there. The boundaries of imagination do not exist here: you can lay out a mosaic, just paint, etc. The tire will require a large one.

And you will also need:

  • polyethylene film or bitumen;
  • concrete-cement mortar;
  • crushed stone;
  • vegetable soil.

Its creation begins with digging a foundation pit. Its diameter should be 20-30 centimeters larger than the tire size. The depth of the pit is 2/3 of the width. The bottom of the pit is carefully leveled.

Crushed stone is poured on it, tamped and concreted. Then waterproofing is created, for which the bottom is poured with melted bitumen to the height of the tire bead.

You can replace bitumen with a polyethylene film: they line the bottom, bending the edges outward.

But, it will have to be changed every year, so it is more correct to prepare a covering material instead of polyethylene, which is used to waterproof swimming pools.

The space formed between the cover and the walls of the pit is covered with soil and compacted.

After waiting until the cement hardens well (about a week), you can start water procedures. We must not forget that even a small reservoir needs to be looked after - change the water, clean the bottom.

Video: Exclusive Tire Ponds

Undoubtedly, today it is not a problem to buy an inflatable pool, which is simple to install and does not take up much space, and can be easily removed for the winter. But, such pools have one significant disadvantage - the price.

When constructing a pool made of tires, practically no material investment is required, and it is just pleasant to refresh yourself in the reservoir, in the construction of which they are directly involved. You can feel all the advantages of such a pool by plunging into its cool water. Try it!

Friends! I am glad to once again present you the work of Nadezhda Leshchuk from the Tula region. Nadia has already sent us wonderful works that our readers have already appreciated. Her advice, on or on the hacienda, is popular. And today the participant of the competition will talk about what can be done from old tires... To her work, Nadia has included advice on how to cut a wheel using an ordinary sickle.

What can be made from car tires.

Nowadays, the decoration of garden plots with the help of old wheels that have served their time has come into fashion. Many different garden crafts, sculptures are cut out of them, flower beds are made. But cutting a tire is far from an easy task that requires tremendous physical strength, often male. The woman herself, well, not quite within her power. I suggest you take an ordinary sickle in your hands, it (what a surprise!) Is sold in all garden stores. Five minutes - and the huge wheel turns….

Yes, don't forget to cement the wheel base

And if you paint the tire again, the minipool is ready, and the watering of the plants is ensured, and there is no need to buy barrels.

How to cut a tire

Important!!! It is necessary to observe safety precautions: it is necessary to cut off the sharp end of the sickle with a grinder and round it off.

Then, mark the desired borders on the wheel with a marker. You pierce the wheel with a large knife. Take a sickle in your hands, insert it into the hole and calmly cut out the necessary segments.

Nadezhda uses an old tire as a water container that can be used for irrigation. But if you put fertile soil inside a car tire and plant flowers, you get a wonderful flower bed. And what do you think?

Let me remind you that the competition "My own summer resident" continues. Each of you has a great chance to show off your successes in crop production and receive a wonderful prize from our sponsor. Read the details and conditions of participation.

With you were the participant of the competition Nadezhda Leshchuk and the author of the blog Olga Zhurbenko

The desire to add urban comfort to summer cottage life prompts many summer residents, and owners of suburban real estate, to arrange a water supply system on their own site. But a full-fledged work of a water supply system is impossible without a sewage system, right?

It turns out that you can make an autonomous sewage system yourself from scrap materials. One of the popular self-made structures is a tire drain pit used to collect and filter wastewater. The device and installation of the structure are very simple, but the efficiency and safety of the system operation is achieved only with strict adherence to technological standards.

In this material, we will talk about how to choose a place for a cesspool, and what needs to be taken into account. Also, here you will find step-by-step instructions on how to construct a sump from car tires. The material is accompanied by diagrams for the arrangement and videos with expert advice on the construction of drain pits.

A cesspool is the simplest arrangement. With the advent of highly efficient septic tanks and local treatment systems, the use of drain collectors in private households and cottage villages has decreased. However, among summer residents, this method of removing wastewater remains in demand.

The most budgetary and easy-to-implement local sewerage system is based on the use of old car tires. In this case, the walls of the drain collector are reinforced with rubber tires, the bottom of the tank is missing.

There are two options for organizing a drainage pit: 1 - an absorbing well without a bottom, designed for the processing and disposal of gray wastewater and clarified water that has been treated in a septic tank, 2 - a sealed storage tank arranged to collect mixed or brown waste masses. Both methods are simple and easy to implement.

The base of the absorbing, or otherwise filtering version is a drainage layer of rubble and sand. The stability of the structure is achieved due to the weight of the tires themselves, soil dusting and accumulated waste water.

In the upper part of the "tower" of tires, a sewer pipeline is provided. The entire structure is covered with a cover that prevents the spread of unpleasant odors and clogging of the pit

The principle of the absorption pit:

  1. The waste liquid enters the container through the pipe.
  2. Heavy, solid suspensions settle on the surface of the crushed stone "pillow".
  3. Semi-purified water seeps through the drainage layer and goes deep into the soil.
  4. The accumulated sludge is periodically pumped out of the tank.

To improve the quality of filtration and accelerate the drainage of wastewater, a hollow perforated pipe is installed from the tires inside the tank.

Stage # 4. Earthworks

One of the tires is used as a template for marking the boundaries of the pit. The tire must be put in the chosen place and pegs should be placed around the perimeter of the circle. In order for the tires to fit freely into the pit in the future, the diameter of the ring must be expanded by 20-40 cm.

At first, it is convenient to dig the earth with a bayonet shovel. The fertile soil layer (first 50 cm) can be evenly distributed over the garden, the deeper soil layers can be used for backfilling.

It is easier to continue digging a deep pit with a shovel with a long handle - the compacted soil is loosened by a "digger", then collected with a shovel and loaded into buckets. To descend into the ditch and raise the filled containers to the surface, a ladder is lowered into the working.

Working together, the digging process can be accelerated and a primitive lifting mechanism can be built - to tie a rope to the buckets.

The pit is further deepened by the thickness of the drainage pad (20-30 cm). The walls of the pit are freed of tree roots so that as they grow, they do not damage or move the tires

For safety reasons, excavation at depth should be carried out with a partner. One person is engaged in digging, and the second helps on the surface and insures against the collapse of the pit walls. This requirement is especially important when arranging a pit in unstable soils.

Stage # 5. Harvesting of car tires

Concerning the technology of preparing tires for the construction of a cesspool, the opinions of the performers were divided. The first group believes that no manipulation of the tires is necessary, since complete or partial removal of the tread will negatively affect the stability of the segments and the tightness of the structure as a whole.

However, the preservation of the tire beads impairs the operation of the absorption pit - the useful volume of the reservoir is significantly reduced, and waste accumulates very quickly in the formed "pockets". At the same time, it is almost impossible to qualitatively clean the sludge from the embossed walls - the tank quickly overflows with sewage, and the sewage system fails.

The optimal solution is to partially cut the rim. On the wheels, you need to leave side ends of 5-7 cm for fixing with adjacent segments

In one car tire, you need to cut a hole for the sewer pipe.

Stage # 6. Drainage well formation

At depth, very often the soil is heavy, clayey, poorly absorbent and permeable to moisture. To increase the suction area of \u200b\u200bthe sewage and improve the efficiency of the absorption trench, one or more drainage channels are installed.

Work progress:

  1. Drill the deepest well with a garden auger - the channel must pass through dense rocks that slow down the outflow of filtered water. The depth of the trench from the bottom of the pit is up to 3-5 m.
  2. Prepare a pipe corresponding to the length and diameter of the drainage channel. To prevent the filtration pipe from getting silted up, its upper edge should be 1 m higher than the base of the drain pit.
  3. The side walls of the pipe, starting from the top and not reaching 50 cm to the bottom, are drilled. The top of the channel is closed with a fine-mesh polypropylene mesh.

After casing a drainage well, i.e. installation into the drilled hole of a perforated pipe, a layer of crushed stone and gravel is poured onto the bottom of the pit - the thickness of the filter pad is about 20-30 cm.

A 110 mm diameter plastic sewer pipe can be used as an outflow channel. More affordable alternative - asbestos-cement pipe

Stage # 7. Laying tires and sealing walls

The first tire is placed at the bottom of a kind of mine, passing through it. Similarly, the second tire is lowered into the pit, and the sides of the adjacent wheels are connected in a convenient way.

After matching and aligning both tires, you need to make through holes in the treads. Pass a metal wire or plastic clamp through them, and twist tightly.

During the construction of the tower, external joints are sealed - the joints of the tires are treated with concrete mortar or bituminous mastic. After the mixture has set, you can start backfilling the pit.

The fixation and strengthening of the tank walls made of tires in the ground is carried out in different ways: backfilling with a sand-earth mixture, pouring with concrete or filling the space with the remaining tires. Vertically laid tires will immobilize the structure

The end of the last tire should rise slightly off the ground. At the end of the laying of all tires, the walls of the tank are covered from the inside with a waterproof material. The most affordable hydro-barrier option is a sealant that is suitable in composition.

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The idea to build an artificial reservoir in the country comes to mind to many site owners. Undoubtedly, such a source of coolness and positive emotions will delight not only the owner himself, but also his guests, becoming a real highlight of the landscape. The mere sight of the water surface helps a person to relax, tune in to a lyrical mood, and causes rushes of inspiration. But, having critically assessed only six acres of their own plot, some give up their dreams. But in vain! We will tell you how to bring it to life by making a mini-pond from a tire at the dacha with your own hands, and at the same time dispose of old rubber unnecessary in the household.

A decorative mini-pond should delight and attract everyone's attention. Therefore, the place where it should be located should be chosen especially carefully. There are several rules that we recommend to follow in order to make the right choice:

  • The reservoir should not be constantly exposed to the sun. Penumbra is the best place for him. Otherwise, the plants will be too hot, and they will begin to wilt, and the water will bloom quickly.
  • Open and airy places are also not the best option.
  • If you build a pond under the crowns of trees, the water will constantly become clogged with leaves and small debris. The cleaning process will become regular for you and will tire you.

It's good if the pond is clearly visible from different points of view. Let beautiful objects be reflected in it: running clouds, a house or trees. Be aware that small bodies of water look best when viewed from above. Therefore, they are often placed in natural landscape depressions.

In such a place, the mini-pond will be clearly visible from different points of view. In addition, it will not be constantly exposed to direct sunlight.

If you are in doubt about your own choice, arrange yourself a test. Take a piece of plastic that will represent the mini-pond and place it in the location of your choice. Walk around the site and see how well it can be seen from the main viewpoints.

Where can I find the right tire?

Before looking for a tire, let's define what exactly we want to find. If space on the site is sorely lacking, then to make our dream come true, it will be enough for us to find a tire from any car.

To implement a large-scale project, the size of the wheel must be impressive. After all, there are wheels whose diameter exceeds human height. Using them as a base, you can build a whole lake!

Tires come in a variety of sizes. It is not so easy to find such a Gulliver among them, and it is hardly necessary if the size of the plot does not exceed the standard six hundred square meters.

For large objects, you must have:

  • a car tire from KAMAZ;
  • rear wheel from the Belarus tractor;
  • rubber from the mighty "BELAZ".

If your own unnecessary tire is not lying around in your garage, then a suitable copy can be found in a tire workshop. There is a lot of waste rubber that needs to be recycled, so you can get it for free.

Used tires can also be found at car companies. You may have to pay there, but purely symbolic. Ordinary car owners can also offer what you are looking for. So check out their ads as well.

What will your body of water be like?

In a tiny reservoir, it is unlikely that you will be able to get fish. Although goldfish from an aquarium can do well in a small artificial pond. However, this structure can be decorated in other ways. For example, Siberian iris can be planted along its banks.

Perfect companions of any pond will be

  • water lilies;
  • swamp turcha;
  • floating pdest.

In the end, you can also use artificial decorations that imitate the same lilies, but do not require attention. Small imitations of ducks can look good on its surface, and turtles on the banks.

Plants planted around an artificial reservoir can completely transform it, turning it into a favorite vacation spot for all family members.

The rubber base should be securely covered with decorative flagstone so that it would not even occur to anyone how a mini-pond was formed on your site. Often small alpine slides become companions of water structures, which, by the way, solve the problem of creating shade.

To provide an additional effect, you can illuminate the structure with solar-powered garden lamps. All the energy that they accumulate on a sunny day, at night they will use up in the form of a soft mysterious glow.

Pond decorations also have their downside - they attract the attention of kids who love to play in such a fabulous place.

Whatever your mini-pond may be, remember that it can be a source of danger for young children left unattended.

Step-by-step instruction

Any work is preceded by a preparatory stage. It is necessary to bring together all the necessary tools and material in order to be as distracted as possible in the process of performing work.

Stage # 1 - preparing tools and materials

We don't need a lot of tools:

  • two types of shovels: bayonet and shovel;
  • building level;
  • electric jigsaw or ordinary hacksaw for metal.

In addition to the tire, with the diameter of which we have already decided, we will need:

  • pVC film or special covering material for swimming pools, which is sold in specialized stores;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • large stones for decorating the banks of the pond;
  • plants for decorating the reservoir and framing.

If everything you need is prepared, you can get to work.

Stage # 2 - preparing the tire for work

Despite the fact that we are going to bury the tire, at the first stage of work it must be cleaned of dirt. But her preparation will not end there. We need to cut off the top of it.

It is unlikely that an ordinary knife is suitable for this purpose. We recommend using a low speed jigsaw. You can also use a hacksaw for metal, but then this operation will have to spend more time and effort.

Stage # 3 - digging a hole for the reservoir

Before making a recess, it is necessary to level the platform. Now we need to decide how much we want to deepen the rubber base of the future structure.

She may be:

  • immersed in the soil to the full width of its tread;
  • deepened by one third;
  • stay on the surface of the prepared site.

Based on the decision made, we dig a hole. Its shape should correspond to the outer diameter of the tire, but with small allowances along its entire circumference. Do not completely deepen the rubber base into the hole: if you leave the rubber edge on the surface, rainwater will not flood the container.

Before installing the tire in the resulting groove, it is necessary to level the bottom and fill it with sand about 15 cm. The sand should be soft and without pebbles. In this case, he will be able to protect the gasket placed on the bottom of the reservoir from damage, and water leaks can be avoided.

When forming a depression for a tire, you need to compact the sand well at the site of the future bottom of the mini-pond and check the level of the quality of the work performed

We check the quality of the work performed with the level. Do not forget to tamp the bottom and only then place the rubber base on it. After that, you should use the level again to check the horizontal position of the tire.

Stage # 4 - waterproofing device

For the arrangement of waterproofing, it is better to use a dense covering material, which is specifically designed to protect the bottom of the pools. You can buy it at specialized pool stores. Sometimes it can also be found among garden products. The material must be taken in such a way that it protrudes about half a meter beyond the walls of the tire.

Yes, we prefer a special waterproofing material over ordinary polyethylene. Someone may argue that because of this, our structure becomes less like a homemade product, for the creation of which, as a rule, scrap materials are used. But it is better to make a structure that will serve you for more than one year without replacing the bottom. After all, even very thick polyethylene will not be able to withstand the load and will certainly leak.

However, each owner decides for himself which material he should use. When choosing ordinary polyethylene, consider replacing it when you begin to strengthen the walls of the future pond. The structure may have to be disassembled.

Even if you fold the plastic wrap in half, it will leak. To replace it, the mini-pond will have to be disassembled, so the top of the structure will have to be made collapsible

So, the covering material is freely distributed along the bottom of the pit, and its edges are brought out half a meter beyond the edges of the tire placed in the recess.

The membrane of the material must be rationally distributed inside the tire. For this purpose, the future summer cottage mini-pond is filled with water, which will exert pressure on the bottom and walls of the structure. Under its pressure, the reservoir will take its shape.

Take your time for quality work and you will get an excellent result that you can be proud of for several years

Now the covering material must be carefully spread out. To fix the cover in the desired position, you can press it down with rounded boulders placed on the bottom from opposite sides.

Stage # 5 - we form the walls and decorate the pond

Smooth the edges of the material and sprinkle them with sand and gravel. This will permanently secure the membrane. Now it won't slip. The sand will serve as the basis for further decoration of the pond.

Further strengthening and decoration of the reservoir completely depends on the imagination of its author. At the initial stage, you can simply surround the pond with stones.

If you manage to find a big tire, you can make a mini-pond not only for kids, but also for adult family members.

The options for placing stones depend on the degree of functionality of the structure:

  • For swimming. If the tire was large, then such a structure can even be used for swimming. The banks of such a pond should not be overloaded with stones. With their help, it is enough to form an area around the walls. Large amounts of stones can injure bathers.
  • For decorative purposes. If the reservoir is needed only in order to create a beautiful image, you can fantasize with the location of the stones in order to highlight their beauty as advantageously as possible. In this case, one should not be afraid to show their sharp edges. They look impressive.

The stones can be laid out in several rows, placing rounded and large boulders at the bottom, and smaller stones on top. Even the bottom of the mini-pond can be decorated with cute, medium-sized, oval-shaped pebbles taken from the river or brought from the sea. But it is better not to use sand and gravel for decorating the bottom, because the water from them can become cloudy.

Do not overload the mini-pond with decorative elements. He is handsome as it is. Even in a minimalist style, it remains a gorgeous eye-catcher.

In any garden, regardless of the will of its owners, there are many small animals. This can be, for example, moles, hedgehogs or mice. If you do not want to find the corpse of an unfortunate hedgehog in the water one morning, place a picturesque snag in the pond. It will not only make the appearance of the structure natural, but also help the animal to avoid death.

To visualize the whole process of work, watch the video:

Other ideas for arranging such a pond

If you think that a pond made of a single tire is all that the imagination of domestic craftsmen-gardeners could generate, then you are deeply mistaken. There are a lot of options for using tires to create reservoirs. And we will now tell you about the most popular of them.

If you take not one, but two tires of equal or even different sizes, you can make not one, but two reservoirs, which will be in contact with each other with the protectors. The most interesting thing about this building will be its decorative design. For example, at the junction of two rubber bases, you can build a beam bridge from birch logs. It can be either decorative or a continuation of the garden path.

By changing the depth of the tires, you can create overflow ponds. To do this, one tire is fixed on the surface of the site, and the other is buried. With the help of such an overflow, by the way, it is possible to organize the drainage of rainwater flowing from the roof.

On the basis of ponds with overflow, you can make a homemade waterfall. To do this, you need to lead a hose to the upper container, from which water is supplied under a weak pressure. It can be neatly camouflaged with stones located along the banks. Water, overflowing the upper part of the structure, will effectively run into its lower half, imitating a waterfall.

If the landscape of your site allows, then why not build such a magnificent waterfall, the basis of which is all the same car tires

Swimming in the summer is something that no child can leave indifferent. A large tire will make it easy and simple to make. Kids will have something to dabble in under the supervision of adults. It is best to surround the paddling pool with a beach area made of tiles, so that you can safely step on it with bare feet. To protect the children, the water in such a pool needs to be filtered. A pump can be used for this purpose. Or you can just change the water more often.

A good idea to liven up your pond is to use a fountain in it. To do this, you can adapt a turbine with a nozzle for an aquarium or a small pump. For the fountain to work, it needs to be powered. Do not forget to protect yourself: the electrical wire must be insulated with a corrugated pipe and dug in.

See how the construction of a tire fountain looks like:

Even if there is absolutely no meta for a pond in the garden, using a tire, it can be done on a balcony, on a terrace or in a loggia. Artificial stones will help to give the structure an attractive look, which can be glued with a water-based compound to the side surface of the tire.

Of course, this list of ideas cannot be exhausted, because human fantasy knows no boundaries. Watch this video - we are not fooling you:

A situation may arise when there are not enough water tanks on the site. But for a homemade craftsman, this is not a problem. For example, based on homemade barrels from car tires, you can create an entire irrigation system.

Barrels are made as follows. A round bottom should be cut out of the steel sheet according to the size of the available tires (it is better to use tires from trucks) and along its edge with an interval of 80-100 mm, drill holes 06 mm for bolts. Having cut off the inner edges with thickenings, connect the tires to each other (best of all with bolts and nuts), and the lower one with the bottom. Coat the joints with hot tar. The heads of the bolts and washers are placed under the nuts, preferably of an oblong shape (for example, from a thin metal strip with a hole) in order to provide a sufficient contact area (Fig. 50, a).

To drain the water, you can simply cut a regular water tap into the lower tire and fix it from the inside with a nut through a washer. You may need to carefully cut the protector at the attachment point. Instead of a tap, you can use a 0% pipe squeegee in the same way, using nuts with washers on both sides. With their help, several drums installed on a support from a metal corner can be connected together. The height of the support should allow you to freely place a bucket under the tap.

Worn tires, especially from heavy wheeled tractors, can be used individually. This is a great, essentially free and almost forever warm water tank. Even the bottom does not need to be specially made for it. First, make a cushion of sand or fine (up to 5 mm) crushed stone at the location of the tire. Cover it with plastic wrap to seal the seam and press down with a tire on top. In the latter, you must first cut off the upper edge to the cord, and the lower one before the beginning of the bend of the tire inward (Fig. 50, b). After that, fill the center of the laid tire with concrete so that it grabs the cut bottom edge, and after a few days the water tank is completely ready for use. It will serve for a long time, without fear of rust, not only for its intended purpose, but also as a decoration for a garden plot. To do this, just paint the tire. You can install such a product under the roof gutters.

Figure: 50. Water collectors: a - barrels from tires; b - mini-pond from a tire (/ - tire; 2 - water; 3 - concrete pouring; 4 - a pillow of sand or crushed stone; 5 - plastic film); c - rainwater collector (/ - supports made of poles or pipes; 2 - storage tank; 3 - gutter; 4 - covering from a film or oilcloth; 5 - nails;

6 - strip made of tin, linoleum; 7 - bearing bars of the frame;

8 - lathing strips; 9 - wire strands); g - fan-shaped catchment