Why is it impossible to clean the apartment in the evening. You can't cut your hair and shave

The dark time of the day used to be considered something mystical and mysterious. After the sun went down, people gave up all their affairs, otherwise they could bring trouble on themselves.

Our ancestors had complete list things that cannot be done at night. I must say that some of this list will be observed to this day.

You can't take out the trash at night

This superstition is associated with the meaning of the very night in popular beliefs... They used to believe that they wake up at night devilry, and if you take out the trash after sunset, this can negatively affect the material well-being of the whole family.

You can't leave a knife on the table overnight - a bad omen

Leaving a knife on the table overnight is a sign of trouble and illness. This popular superstition meant that the same unclean force could use the edge of a knife.

Can't clean up after sunset

If you start cleaning at night, you can attract setbacks and monetary losses into the house. Our ancestors believed that if you wash the floors in the evening, you can wash your luck, love and prosperity out of the house.

You can't cut your hair and shave

It is believed that if after sunset a man shaves, then he will face problems in his intimate life. Also, girls were forbidden to cut their hair and nails at night looking. This could be the reason for failures in his personal life.

You can not lend or borrow money after sunset

According to popular monetary convention, the transfer of money in the evening promises large financial losses. It is believed that if you lend money after sunset, you can lose money luck... If, on the contrary, you borrow money, then you can long time stay in debt.

Dirty dishes should not be left overnight.

Unwashed dishes, according to popular beliefs and superstitions, promise monetary losses. Leaving dirty dishes is disrespectful to the brownie. He may be offended and get in trouble.

You can't look in the mirror at night

Mirror figures very often in folk signs. Since ancient times it was endowed magic power... It is believed that at night it becomes a door to other world, and if you look into it, you can attract guests from the other world. Also, young girls were forbidden to look in the mirror - this promised premature old age. In the dark, the mirror distorts the reflection, and it can "remember" the girl in a bad way.

All these signs and superstitions have a long history. Believe in them or not, decide for yourself. But remember that only those signs come true that a person sacredly reveres. So only trust good superstitions. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.05.2014 09:25

A large number of signs have developed about the Moon in ancient times. Our ancestors endowed the satellite of the Earth with magical ...

Superstitions and omens are of great importance: they suggest when good luck awaits us, and warn about ...

Each housewife strives to make her home attractive, to keep it clean and tidy, but ... Not all of us know that cleaning done on the wrong day can deprive us of our wealth and, conversely, sweeping the floor at the “right” time will contribute to the growth of well-being.

So, in order to sweep out negativity, illness and negative energy from the house, it is recommended to sweep the whole house with a broom on the waning moon.

In this case, sweep all the debris to the very doorstep. The threshold is traditionally considered the border between the two worlds. Collect all the garbage in a scoop, throw it out of the scoop into a bag and immediately cross the threshold of your house with it, saying: “Garbage to garbage, good to good. There is no need for someone else's evil, I send it back where it came from. " Take the garbage out into the street with a broom and throw it away. Go home without looking back.

In the event that you want not only to clean up the house, but also to attract well-being, follow the advice of our ancestors on what days to clean.

You can't take revenge on Monday - you can lose money.

On Tuesday, revenge - find money. On this day, thanks to cleaning, you can most often find last year's stash or lost money.

Cleaning on Wednesday - trade will go smartly. It is believed that sweeping the floor on this day can bring good luck in business.

On Thursday they sweep away the lack of money. To do this, when cleaning, open all windows and doors.

Sweeping on Friday means losing money.

On Saturday to wave a broom - to call for money.

On Sunday, revenge is a problem. Sunday is not a cleaning day.

It is also worth remembering about a number of beliefs that were transmitted to us by our ancestors, who believed in the awakening of dark forces and evil spirits in dark time... It was also believed that at night witches perform their rituals, collecting material for them (hair, threads, etc. from the clothes of the victims)

So, what you shouldn't do in the evening if you don't want to bring trouble:

Don't clean the house. There is a sign that cleaning in the dark could bring the inhabitants of the house into poverty. Washing floors or sweeping in the evening means washing the wealth out of the house, especially on Monday, Friday and Sunday.

Don't take out the trash. There are two explanations for this sign. Firstly, after sunset, an evil spirits go out for a walk, which can pick up the things you threw away and use them in their dark rituals. And secondly, some of the things you threw away may be needed by your housekeeper, who will carefully sort the garbage left in the house overnight.

Don't lend or borrow. Without exception, all evening manipulations associated with money lead to losses and losses. Evening is the time when money "rests", so do not disturb them.

Do not give anything from your home in the evening, especially bread or salt. It is believed that along with this, you give your good luck and well-being.

Conspiracy to protect the home.

Guardian on the threshold:

Carry, Lord, past my house
All the enemies I know and who I don’t know,
Whom am I waiting for and who am I expecting.
My first word, the enemy's last word.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

As soon as the need to clean the house matures: vacuuming, dusting, washing dishes in cupboards, washing and ironing things, more important things appear. We start calling friends, sit down to a meal, or solve work issues. In general, anything you want, just not to get out! Almost every person associates cleaning with an unpleasant and burdensome necessity.

As psychologists and esotericists say, cleaning the house of dirt and dust is like putting your life in order! If at the same time you step over yourself and throw out all unnecessary trash from the house: clothes that you do not wear, old diaries that you haven’t looked at for a long time, small things that you don’t remember, then you will invite happiness into your house.

If it is clean around you, then it will be faster to bring your mind and heart into harmony. Apartment littered with unnecessary things, about which there is not a single pleasant memory, will provoke mental chaos in your head, you will constantly think about the problems in your life and not find ways to solve them.

In Russia, it is generally accepted that cleaning is an ungrateful and ignoble business, only a cleaning lady, who “has no mind for anything else,” can wash the floors, then, for example, in Japan there is a completely different philosophy. Every self-respecting Japanese is respectful of cleaning, in the process of which he sets himself up to think in a positive way. It is believed that if a Japanese does not take off his shoes on the doorstep of any house, then such a dirty person can, regardless of the feelings of another person, walk through his life in dirty shoes.

Esotericists advise more often to cleanse your home of negative energy, and to do this not only by washing the floors. Ignition will help to "clean" the apartment scented candles, hanging special bells, using various incense.

There are many signs associated with cleaning. In particular, superstitious housewives are worried about the question: what time of day is it better to put things in order, and when it is not worth cleaning.

Often, after spending all day at work or with small children, only the evening remains for cleaning. However, many have heard that cleaning the floor after the sun has gone down is strictly prohibited. It was believed that as soon as it gets dark on the street, evil spirits start to dominate everywhere.

Evil sorcerers and witches performed their rituals precisely at nightfall. For this reason, if you start scrubbing the floor at night, you can deprive your home of positive energy. All evil spirits can easily burst into such an unprotected house and bring home illnesses, misfortunes, petty domestic quarrels and poverty.

It was believed that children who loved to wash the floors at night grew up extremely naughty, and even with poor health.

Thus, washing the floors at night is to wash all the good things out of the house.

Why you can't clean your house in the evening

In the evening, you can not only wash the floors, but also tidy up, in principle. Especially, if you believe in the signs, it is not recommended to take out the trash. This will bring financial troubles to the family. There is also a saying “wash dirty linen in public,” that is, if you throw out the garbage in the evening, it will lead to quarrels and constant conflicts in the family.

If you get rid of garbage after sunset, then your home can be coveted evil spirits and, on the contrary, taking out the garbage during the day will attract good spirits to your house, which will help the owners in everything.

Cleaning at home in the evening is again to lose all the positive energy in the apartment.

But it is better to take off drying clothes for the night, otherwise it can absorb unkind energy. Leaving the dishes in the sink is also not recommended: the brownie may take offense at you and begin to be mischievous on trifles.

Is it possible to sweep at night

Is it possible to sweep in the evening? If you believe the omens, then sweeping the floor before going to bed means sweeping money out of the house.

You can take up the broom in the evening, but before sunset. They say that in this case, a kind angel will fly into the house. If the sun has already set, and you decide to walk with a broom in the corners, expect misfortune.

In addition, if you sweep in the evening, you can empty not only your wallet, but also your soul emotionally.

Scientific substantiation of signs

If we discard all the signs and superstitions, including common sense, then you really should not get out for the night. Cleaning, and especially washing floors, can greatly humidify the air in the room, and therefore relax in the atmosphere high humidity and the cold will be unpleasant.

Not safe to use in the evening detergents, the composition of which includes chemical components. At night, the whole family will inhale chemical fumes, which can be harmful to health, especially the well-being of children who are so susceptible to unnatural smells.

Moreover, starting to vacuum, banging with a mop or dishes late in the evening, you can simply anger the neighbors having a rest after work. The most grumpy of them will also call the police!

All for the same safety reasons, it is better not to take out the trash in the dark, so as not to make yourself unpleasant adventures: thieves, bandits or drunken aggressive people walk the streets in the dark.

Experts dealing with the human psyche say that it is better for a woman to refrain from cleaning in the evening after work. Prolonged lack of rest will provoke tantrums and scandals in especially emotional persons. Who needs a fight before bed?

Psychologists believe that it is much more effective and more constructive to get up before work early and do a couple of household chores that seem urgent to the hostess. Thus, in the evening the woman will rest, and in the morning she will get rid of the possible feelings of guilt that may arise from the awareness of her own laziness.

The Orthodox Church strictly forbids believing omens, but it also does not advise cleaning the house in the evenings. The priests are convinced that family evening you need to give your household members, chat with them over a cup of tea, find out what he lives in recent times every family member. Doctors say that it is better to rest in the evening, and excessive workload associated with household chores will lead to stress.

Choose daytime for cleaning the apartment, or better, take a part of the day off for this. Cleaning without haste will help you sort out not only things, but also your thoughts. If the house is very dirty, and only evening time is enough for cleaning, in this case it is better to clean up and not fill up the apartment with rubbish, blindly following the instructions will accept.

The weather in the house is provided by a woman. The atmosphere should always be cozy and comfortable. However, not everyone has enough time to create such conditions in the house, in other words, sometimes there is neither strength nor desire to clean up. Women work, come home late, cooking and cleaning remain in the evening.

But what's interesting is that our ancestors also prescribed special mystical properties for the dark time of day. And there is a rather large list of signs and superstitions that cannot be done in the evening and at night.

Why you can't clean up at night (signs about housekeeping)

Coming home from work, and seeing that everything around was mired in dust, the irritation that had come in the afternoon begins to grow. And everyone will fall under the hands: children, husband, cat. But cleaning still does not require delay, perhaps guests will come unexpectedly, you need to take care of cleaning positive emotions... Otherwise, everything will fall out of hand and nothing will work out normally.

  • When you return from work tired and falling apart, and then there is dirt everywhere. That mood does not go to hell at all. Ancient omens strictly declare that cleaning in the evening will lead to troubles, poverty and deep misfortune. Is anyone ready to incur such negative energy? Of course not!
  • It is best to plan your week, including weekends, so that Sunday or Saturday mornings are devoted to general cleaning. And weekdays, busy with work, let them be devoted only to minor cleaning and you just need to maintain order at the proper level.
  • To make it not so difficult and difficult after a long day at work, all family members can be involved in cleaning. Everything will go much faster and there will be more time for communication. And after putting things in order, everyone will appreciate the cleanliness in their own home more.

But is it only mystical power hidden in cleaning at night, or is it impossible to clean at night for another reason? Vacuuming, drilling, and the like in the dark can anger neighbors.

Why you can't clean up for the night

There are many signs and superstitions that have been tested for centuries. They are associated with many important aspects of our life. But most of all it relates to everyday life and household. After all, the house is the place where a person rests, where family and love live.

It is on the atmosphere of the house that the life and work of each family member outside their native walls depends. And therefore, a person is used to protecting his small fortress, including from sorcerers, evil spirits and all kinds of evil spirits.

There is a sign of cleaning at night in general, and more specific superstitions. Consider some of their many that have been tested by centuries and people. Night has always been considered a mystical time of day when evil spirits wake up and interfere with a person.

So, for example, taking out the trash at night - material well-being will go away. And cleaning at night will attract unhappiness to the house. If the floors were washed after sunset, then the ancestors were afraid that along with the dust, financial well-being would leave the family. However, dishes that are dirty should not be left overnight. In ancient times, people believed that this would offend the brownie, and he would bring trouble.

Another sign of cleaning at night has to do with guests. Once guests have left the master's house, they must not sweep or mop the floors until they reach the house. Thus, a good road of guests to the house is swept away. You can't clean up not only at night, but in principle, when someone from your family has a long journey ahead. If you put things in order after leaving the house, then the one who left may not return.

However, there are purely mundane down-to-earth reasons not to clean up for the night. Today, there are many detergents available to aid cleaning. And it is recommended to ventilate after using them at home. It is more difficult to do this at night. So we figured out why you can't clean up for the night.

Previously, brooms and brooms had a special, sacred meaning... With the help of their power, they drove out evil, got rid of troubles, swept out lack of money. There are many broom conspiracies that our ancestors used to attract prosperity and wealth to the house.

How to sweep negativity, illness and negative energy out of your home

On the waning moon, sweep the entire house with a broom, concentrate all the garbage at the very entrance to the house, right at the doorstep. The threshold is considered the border between the two worlds. Collect the garbage in a scoop, throw it out of the scoop into a bag and immediately cross the threshold of your house with it with the words: “Garbage to garbage, good to good. There is no need for someone else's evil, I send it back where it came from. " Take the trash outside with a broom. Go home without looking back.

As in the old days they stole good luck with a broom

In the old days, there was a ritual with the help of which they stole good luck from the richer and successful people... To do this, they took a broom, went to the fence of the house lucky person and they began to sweep the land at the gate, saying the plot to a broom: "I take your luck for myself." This garbage should "spend the night" in the house overnight. Then you can throw it away. Of course, taking your luck in this way is hardly possible. But it is quite possible to take a little luck without harming a happy neighbor!

What days to sweep to attract money

If you want not only to clean the house, but also to attract money, then folk wisdom recommends taking into account the days of the week when cleaning.

You can't take revenge on Monday - you can lose money.
On Tuesday, revenge - you can find money. On this day, thanks to cleaning, you can find last year's stash or lost money.
Cleaning on Wednesday - trade will go smartly. Sweeping the floor on this day can bring good luck in business and sales.
On Thursday, they sweep away the lack of money. To do this, open all the windows so that dust, energy of losses and poverty from the floor can go out through the window.
Sweeping on Friday means losing money.
On Saturday to wave a broom - to call for money.
On Sunday, revenge is a problem. This day was not meant for cleaning.

When sweeping the floor and wanting, thereby, not only to put things in order, but also to attract good luck, do not forget to think about what you want to get rid of and what to attract!