The first lunar day in November. The Magic of Numbers

Phase lunar growth- this is a two-week period when all living things begin to accumulate vital energy inside themselves, eating from the moon. In November, this time will not be quite usual, and the lunar calendar will tell you more about this.

In November 2016, the moon grows from the 1st to the 13th and on November 29 and 30. During the growth of the moon, it is very important to be able to quickly raise your energy and mood. The advice of Elena Yasevich, an authoritative psychic and specialist in bioenergetics, will help you with this.

Moon Growth Energy

During the growth phase of the moon, it is necessary to develop vigorous activity, but do not forget to rest on time. Overloads of a physical and intellectual nature are acceptable, but not always useful. You need to be able to prioritize correctly. It is better to act in accordance with plans that you have already drawn up earlier or by inspiration.

During the growth of the moon, people's decision-making speed improves, but this can become an obstacle for those who must solve a complex problem: the risk increases that you will not see any little thing that has great value. That is why astrologers advise to think over each step, if possible.

In the growing phase, the lunar calendar advises you to go in for sports, make new plans for the future, meet new people. This period is very good for high sexual activity and for romantic dates. In addition, you can cut and dye your hair, do manicures and, of course, make purchases.

November and the growing moon

For love, the best time will be the period from November 1 to 3. In the financial sector, the growing Moon in Aquarius usually helps. This time it will be two days - November 7 and 8. Don't lose your temper and keep moving forward to do your best to succeed in money.

This November, the growing moon will have one feature. The fact is that the New Moon will come on the 29th, therefore, on November 30, the second growth in a month will begin. This is the last day of the month and the last day of autumn, so it is especially important for us. Sagittarius will rule this day with the Moon. The dynamics of the day will be prohibitive. If you are used to living in a fast rhythm, then your energy will be fueled in a very tangible way. It may not be easy for people who are slow and lethargic, but, on the other hand, it is on November 30 that you will be able to keep up with Fortune.

From November 1 to November 13, there will be a normal increase. Most auspicious days according to the lunar calendar - from the 1st to the 10th day. From 11 to 13, things will not be so pleasant, because Aries will “help” the Moon, and then Taurus. The 13th will be the day before the Full Moon, which is rarely positive. This time it will be even dangerous in some ways, since Taurus can push you to take unjustified risks.

Meditation on the growing moon will also help to bring what you want to life. It will increase your energy even more and streamline your thoughts, which is very important, because the Moon and stars can cause a lot of problems by making a mess in your head. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

31.10.2016 02:12

With the help of a special short phrase, you can set your thoughts on a positive wave and speed up the execution of your ...

Each lunar phase has its own energy potential, which since ancient times people have been trying to use to...

All moments are specified in summer Kyiv time.

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Waxing Moon: 1-13, November 30 Waning Moon: November 15-28
For each organism in the sublunar space, the energy potential begins to increase from the new moon and reaches its maximum at the full moon. This is the period when the external form of manifestation of the vital activity of all organisms on Earth is most active. For example, plants at this time quickly reach for the Sun, accelerating their growth, in a hurry to conquer as much open space as possible. From the moment of the full moon, the external manifestation of energy begins to fall. Each organism directs efforts to maintain the positions won on the growing moon. During this period, processes of internal redistribution of energy take place, adequately to external changes. In plants, for example, the internal structure of the trunk and branches is strengthened, but the main “attention”, during this period, the tree pays to its root system.

Sunrise-sunset: 06:38-16:41Sleeping moon: 04:44–16:43

3 ld "MANAGEMENT" This is a day of active action in the field of improving structure and form. How to build relationships today, a situation, affairs, etc., they will be like that for the entire lunar month. And if you want to fundamentally change something in your life, then this should be done on this very day.

Sunrise-sunset: 06:40-16:40

4 ld "BALANCE" An auspicious day to evaluate your own strengths, analyze and plan the prospects for what you can do in the future. On this day, you should weigh your every step, compare all the pros and cons. The main thing is to maintain harmony in all spheres of life.

Sunrise-sunset: 06:41-16:38Sleeping moon: 12:35-24:00

5 ld "ACTION" If you can do something significant in your life, then you should test your capabilities and lay the foundation today. This is the day for an objective assessment of improving any kind of activity, and in a person - business qualities.

Sunrise-sunset: 06:43-16:37Sleeping moon: 00:00–05:05

Main influence: 5 l.d

Sunrise-sunset: 06:44-16:35

Main influence: 6 l.d

6 ld "DEVELOPMENT" If you want to develop your activities, then you should take the appropriate steps and lay the foundations on this day. You can see the real capabilities of partners, the professional competence of employees, evaluate other opportunities. Do not take on what you are not competent in!

Moon in Capricorn

period of routine work. Days of productive thinking. Favorable time to compare thoughts with reality. The plans developed at this time will be practical and will actively influence the situation. You should not contact the authorities and official institutions - the solution of the issue can fall into the ruthless millstones of the routine. The position of the Moon in Capricorn is also unfavorable for financial activities, trade and barter transactions. It is not recommended to appoint engagements and marriages for this period, to make acquaintances and business ties. The Moon in Capricorn is a period of good, sober advice. But it is better to contact the experts. This is a favorable time for agricultural work and the purchase and sale of land.

Sunrise-sunset: 06:46-16:34Sleeping moon: 11:56–15:55

Main influence: 7 l.d

7 ld "IMPLEMENTATION" One of the most important days - the foundations for obtaining results are being laid. You will be able to realistically assess the future fruits of your labor and how much more effort you will have to make to implement your plan. The space will conduct a viability test. So less hassle!

Sunrise-sunset: 06:47-16:33

Main influence: 8 l.d

8 ld "BIRTHDAY" It is good to begin the implementation of any ideas. The momentum you give to your affairs on this day will support them throughout the month. Try to purposefully spend your energy. It is recommended to assign the main investments for this day - this will give the maximum effect.

Moon in Aquarius

At this time, situations are perceived very sharply, responsibility for one's own actions increases. Imprudent steps can cause irreversible processes in our lives, causing irreparable harm. But at the same time space helps a person to change his destiny. Thoughtful, balanced and purposeful actions will help you change the attitude of others towards you personally and to issues of interest to you. At this time, it is enough to make a small, but expressive, concrete, and most importantly sincere act, and you can evoke in any person a sincere disposition and support in your affairs. This time is also favorable for all activities related to technology, and especially with its purchase and repair.

Sunrise-sunset: 06:48-16:31Sleeping moon: 15:54–23:45

Main influence: 9 l.d

9 ld "ACCUMULATION" If you manage to avoid scandals and unpleasant surprises, it is good to accumulate obligations. This is a day of reorganization and strengthening of existing capabilities. Avoid scandals! It is desirable to bring plans into line with reality. Take care of your health!

Sunrise-sunset: 06:50-16:30

Main influence: 10 l.d

10 ld "MANAGEMENT" This is a good day for developing partnerships, strengthening ties and contacts. Travel and negotiations will be productive, and contracts concluded on this day will have good prospects and, as a rule, bring the greatest profit.

Sunrise-sunset: 06:51-16:29

Main influence: 11 l.d

11 ld "BALANCE" The day will show how the innovations and undertakings introduced by you into your reality turned out to be natural and harmonious for you. A day of harmonious expansion of spheres of activity and consolidation of established positions in the surrounding space.

Moon in Pisces

Psychologically difficult period. Our ideals are tested for strength, and the life lived in a month - for compliance with ours. moral principles. Intuition and parapsychological abilities are aggravated. And sentimentality and spiritual dissatisfaction can push to extraordinary acts of noble origin, repentance and self-sacrifice. People become excitable and emotionally unstable. The unconscious and uncontrollable uncertainty inherent in this period promotes spiritual communication, but harms all major undertakings. During this period, it is very easy to go astray from your own path, opening your soul to outside influences. It is recommended at this time not to start disputes and not to sort things out.

Sunrise-sunset: 06:53-16:28Sleeping moon: 01:16–03:44

Main influence: 12 l.d

12 ld "ACTION" The day will test how your business qualities correspond to reality. Day of Action! Cherished dreams come true, and plans take on real shape. It is good to overcome the barriers of misunderstanding, to find points of reconciliation, to test competence.

Sunrise-sunset: 06:54-16:26Sleeping moon: 14:45–24:00

Main influence: 13 ld

13 ld "DEVELOPMENT" The day will check how much you and your activities correspond to the actual accumulated experience, knowledge and other potential. It is good to combine opportunities (money, forces, connections) and act actively. You should not take a word - the reliability of the statements should be verified personally.

Moon in Aries

This is a period of accumulation of spiritual strength. The surrounding space creates conditions for the manifestation of the individual spiritual potential of a person. At this time, the Moon increases our spiritual powers and we are filled with energy and optimism. But don't be enthusiastic about practical activities- it will quickly pass, and the heaped up business undertakings will turn into a “long-term construction”. The sobriety of thinking under the pressure of the energy acquired during this period is replaced by a desire to use it up. Even the most brilliant ideas these days should not be washed with champagne, but with the sobriety of their assessment. It is best to think about new ideas and develop programs for their implementation, look for supporters and allies to implement your plans!

Sunrise-sunset: 06:56-16:25Sleeping moon: 00:00–04:23

Main influence: 14 l.d

14 ld "IMPLEMENTATION" The day will show how much your efforts were sufficient to implement your plan and were directed in the right direction. A good day to get rid of connections, duties, affairs that disperse forces and means, making it difficult to concentrate on the main thing.

Sunrise-sunset: 06:57-16:24Sleeping moon: 15:53–24:00

Main influence: 15 ld

15 ld "BIRTH" This is one of the Critical days! It is good to make specific, but small investments of forces and means to maintain internal activities (house, inner world, workplace, team). The day will require concretizing efforts and purposefully spending forces and means.

Moon in Taurus

Time of accumulation and regrouping vitality. The situations created at this time are of fundamental importance, and depending on individual characteristics, they can cause irreversible changes in life. Intuitively feeling the significant influence of the Moon on the formation of their future, people show increased caution and pragmatism inexplicable at a rational level. In people, the desire for stability and peace is aggravated, as well as dependence on material goods, the need for financial stability, the desire for material comfort and beauty. And, nevertheless, this is a favorable moment for the accomplishment of responsible, especially significant actions in your destiny and for holding important events for you.

Sunrise-sunset: 06:59-16:23Sleeping moon: 00:00–03:22

Main influence: 16 l.d

16 ld "ACCUMULATION" It is good to carry out actions aimed at processing the results of labor. The day provides an opportunity to make radical changes in Destiny! We just need to draw conclusions from the mistakes made. Day of accumulation of experience and wisdom! Less emotions.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:00-16:22Sleeping moon: 12:57-24:00

Main influence: 17 ld

17 ld "MANAGEMENT" We recommend correcting internal structural ties - this is a good day for personnel changes. Travels, negotiations and agreements aimed at strengthening life activity both in the work team and at home will turn out to be productive.

Moon in Gemini

The period of information processing associated with its accumulation and dissemination. Favorable time for understanding and evaluating situations, in general for mental activity in the field of systematization and analysis. People are talkative to the point of talkativeness, easily join in a conversation, and are highly contact. During this period, it is good to conduct "reconnaissance of foreign territories." But the openness of a person in the perception of information of a versatile nature can do a disservice. Under the Moon in Gemini, new or incomprehensible information can lead to wrong conclusions and false conclusions. Before joining the conversation, think about how much you need it?

Sunrise-sunset: 07:01-16:21Sleeping moon: 00:00–02:56

Main influence: 18 pp

18 ld "BALANCE" The day will show how much the innovations and undertakings introduced by you into your reality have had a harmonious impact. The day of harmonization of the internal structure and consolidation of the accumulated positions in the surrounding space. A good day to evaluate the commitments made.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:03-16:20

Main influence: 19 pp

19 ld "ACTION" The day of expanding professional opportunities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities, internal organization. This is the day when the results of the activity can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions.

Moon in Cancer

The period of accumulation of impressions. The sensory perception of the world is aggravated, and emotions prevail in the motivation of actions. Emotional condition unstable, and its differences can fluctuate sharply for no apparent reason. From tears and sentiments, a person easily passes to anger and aggression. The Moon in Cancer shows caring for others in people, but you should not go too far, otherwise good intentions will come out “sideways” to you. At this time in business area it is not recommended to start projects that are significant to you, conclude major transactions and sign important contracts. You may be impressed by interested parties. Strive to objectively evaluate your own feelings!

Sunrise-sunset: 07:04-16:19Sleeping moon: 00:02–05:14

Main influence: 20 l.d

20 ld "ACTION" The day of expanding professional opportunities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities, internal organization. This is the day when the results of the activity can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:06-16:18

Main influence: 21 l.d.

21 ld "INcarnation" We recommend emotional detachment. Try not to get involved in situations that require active emotional reactions. It is good to distribute profits, assess the need for expenses, get rid of objects that bring more costs than benefits.

Moon in Leo

The period of accumulation of sensations. At this time, more than usual, people pay attention to the aesthetic sphere. And in making decisions, they are guided more by their feelings than by logical conclusions. At this time, we strive to attract maximum attention to our person, we want recognition of our merits and would not mind listening to flattering speeches. This is a period of pleasure and intimate communication, but it is difficult to make true friends at this time. The Moon in Leo awakens adventurism and the need for adventure in people. We are more confident in ourselves, and therefore we can demonstrate our best qualities.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:07-16:17Sleeping moon: 10:34–11:34

Main influence: 22 ld

22 ld "BIRTHDAY" One of the critical days of the lunar month requires a new look at oneself and one's activities. On this day, treat any situations, actions, words, thoughts very carefully - you can look into your future. The day when you can find happiness, open the way to achieving it.

Sunrise-sunset: 07:08-16:16Sleeping moon: 19:41–24:00

23 pp "ACCUMULATION" The day of accumulation of the Knowledge of one's Destiny. External energy costs are useless or ineffective. It is recommended to maintain a state of internal concentration. Avoid fuss. Activity on this day is a useless expenditure of energy. It is favorable to evaluate the results of your work, the lived period.

Moon in Virgo

The period when the relationship between the spiritual and the material is aggravated, the mental state is reflected in health. The sense of duty and responsibility increases, and the effectiveness of communication depends on the specifics. it good time for jobs that require close attention to detail. A desire for order awakens in us, we can start a general cleaning. Bringing cleanliness and order will give a positive and sometimes unexpected effect. How would relations in a family or a professional team improve by themselves, and unwanted people will forget the way to your house!

November 11 will be the only unfavorable day during this period. In these lunar day you will significantly increase emotionality and a tendency to make spontaneous decisions. Be careful as this can harm you. Learn to control your mood and before you do something, think several times about the possible consequences.

Wednesday, November 2

This month, all auspicious days fall on Wednesday. The middle of the week is considered the most fruitful day, because at the beginning of the week you have already completed some tasks, which allows you to look at the results and adjust your action plan if necessary.

The Moon is in the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius, and it is this combination that will help you look at the situation from all sides and prevent all kinds of mistakes in time. At the beginning of the month, make detailed plan, which will help to get the first results by mid-November. Do not be afraid to experiment, but remember that every project must have an accurate calculation.

Wednesday, November 16

On these 17 lunar days, the night luminary will be in the constellation of Gemini, so the day promises to be quite energetic and one of the most favorable this month.

This is the time to take action and make quick decisions. If you need to deal with certain financial situations or make important deals, then today you will be able to determine where is the truth and where is the lie. Use this opportunity to select the right business partners and make the necessary connections.

If you have a lot of things planned, then you don’t need to be afraid that you won’t have time to do anything. The energy of Gemini will help you quickly switch from one task to another and have time to complete everything planned. Also, this Zodiac Sign has many more virtues that will help you achieve your goals.

Wednesday, November 30

The growing moon will be in the constellation of Sagittarius. This will help to gather all the will into a fist and concentrate on the most important tasks. You can also set priorities and cut off all unnecessary without much difficulty.

By setting a clear goal for yourself, you will see how many small tasks will be solved by themselves. On this day, the most important thing is your intention. With the least amount of effort, you get the most out of it. Take advantage of this opportunity and make wishes correctly. And to simplify your task in setting goals, apply simple and effective rules for the fulfillment of desires.

Do not dismiss new ideas that come to your mind. Before you abandon another idea, think about how you can apply it in practice, and what benefits it will bring.

Many people have an understanding that it is necessary to act only on favorable days, and on the rest to dutifully lie on the couch. In fact, every day the Universe gives us a chance to make our lives better. And to give yourself confidence, use daily affirmations to attract good luck. Moon calendar wishes you a great mood, faith in yourself, and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.10.2016 04:05

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It is best to cut your hair on days when the space is filled with the positive energy of the Moon. In the lunar calendar...

Every trip to the hairdresser is a responsible task, because the condition of the hair and...

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(Waxing Crescent).
At 05:44 the period of the Moon without a course begins
At 09:42 the 3rd Lunar day begins.
At 17:43 the period of the Moon without a course ends
At 17:43 the Moon moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius. until 09:42 the 2nd Lunar day continues

The symbol is a cornucopia.
On this day, the appetite awakens, so beneficial effect diet provides. It is recommended to do prokshalana in the morning (washing the gastrointestinal tract according to the yoga system). The process of cleansing is helped by a bath and great physical exertion. You can also use dry fasting or a mono-diet (eat all day with only one product). Good results are obtained by cereals cooked without salt and oil. On this day, your intuition will not deceive you - you can very accurately determine by your feelings which food is good for you and which is harmful. What you want is useful. What you don't like is bad. This applies not only to products, but also to people. On this day, you will feel very keenly with whom you need to communicate, and with whom you should not. Do not let greed appear on this day, but on the contrary, show generosity. Give someone a gift, give away things you don't need - everything will pay off and return in full. You can lend money. Avoid conflicts and violent outbursts of emotions. There is still no need to start new serious business, continue to think about your plans, accumulate strength for their implementation. It is good to start a cycle of physical exercises on this day or to start mastering new knowledge.
Divination. Only for a month.
dreams. Dreams on these lunar days, as a rule, are not serious, you do not need to believe them. If in a dream you cannot overcome some obstacle, then in reality you can easily overcome it.
Medically you should pay attention to the mouth, teeth, upper part of the sky.
This lunar day is especially successful for conceiving a girl and procreating. Brings abundance and fulfillment of desires, success and patronage.
Those born on this lunar day will grow up safely.
They have a strong physical component. They don't need any special diet. Rarely are they full. They have a worldly mind. Attached to loved ones and property. In the "good" side, this develops into devotion and thriftiness. In the "bad" can develop into greed and predatory. at 09:42 the 3rd Lunar day begins

The symbol is a leopard or leopard.
From that day on, a crescent moon appears in the sky. This is a period of active struggle, action and aggression. The tasks of the day are to free oneself from one's negative emotions, from disrespect for oneself and other people, but this is also a time of confrontation with one's pride and jealousy. Passivity on this day is contraindicated and even dangerous. All passive people are vulnerable on this day, they can be defeated and even injured - both physical and mental. Internal energy the body is especially strong on this day, so you have enough strength for self-defense and for starting new things. It is advisable on this day to give yourself a big intensive physical activity, go to the sauna, otherwise your energy, being unused, will harm you, internal organs may suffer, illnesses begin. On this day, they work with metals, sharpen knives. You can cut your hair (if the Moon is not in Aries). It is bad to pour oil on the third day of the Moon (this means that you slipped, went out of your way).
Divination. Don't guess.
dreams. Dreams on this day rarely come true, but they can become a kind of test of your strength. If you suddenly gave up in a dream, you can wake up and play the dream again in your imagination, so that it has the end you want.
Medically attention should be paid to the neck and ears.
This Lunar day is only good for conceiving a warrior, fighter, revolutionary or bully. Passion and activity will own a person conceived on this day.
Those born on this lunar day, in the absence of strong positive aspects, especially from strong and happy planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, will not live long.
They can become good athletes, military men, as well as succeed in any area where pressure and determination are needed.

The lunar calendar for November 2016 shows the position of the moon for the day. If you want to know what lunar day is today in November, as well as favorable lunar days for November 2016 and unfavorable lunar days, then the lunar calendar for November will open all the phases of the moon for October 2016. The position of the moon for the day will help you plan your affairs correctly, which, with positive lunar energies, can move both easily and with obstacles. Therefore, in order to eliminate unnecessary problems, it is best to use the information about the position of the moon, which is provided by lunar days for November 2016. Lunar calendar for november 2016.

Nov. 1. 3rd lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

November 2. 4th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

the 3rd of November. 5th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

November 4th. 6th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

November 5. 7th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

November 6th. 8th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

November 7th. 9th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

November 8th. 10th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

November 9. 11th lunar day. Moon in Pisces. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

10th of November. 12th lunar day. Moon in Pisces. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

11th of November. 13th lunar day. Moon in Aries. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

November 12th. 14th lunar day. Moon in Aries. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

the 13th of November. 15th lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve of forces is at the peak of activity, so the possibilities for realizations increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

November 14th. 16th lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Full moon. On the full moon, it is good to define your desires, goals and objectives, both mentally and out loud. Also, full moon days are often marked by the fact that important matters and situations take a new direction. Women are especially sensitive to the full moon. On the full moon, all rituals aimed at increasing financial wealth are shown.

15th of November. 17th lunar day. Moon in Gemini. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

November 16th. 18th lunar day. Moon in Gemini. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

November 17th. 19th lunar day. Moon in Cancer. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

November 18th. 20th lunar day. Moon in Cancer. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

November 19th. 21st lunar day. Moon in Leo. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

20 November. 22nd lunar day. Moon in Leo. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

November 21. 22nd lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the work you have begun, to comprehend your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything you don't need. It is better not to start new business, especially if you are not sure to have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

November 22. 23rd lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

November 23rd. 24th lunar day. Moon in Libra. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

November 24th. 25th lunar day. Moon in Libra. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

November 25. 26th lunar day. Moon in Libra. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

November 26th. 27th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

November 27th. 28th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

November 28. 29th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. Often feeling tired and exhausted. It is better to analyze your affairs and plans.

29th of November. 31st lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. New moon. The influence of the new moon on a person lasts for several days. At this time, weakness, emotional instability, fatigue appear. Therefore, it is preferable to give up heavy loads, not to make important decisions, it is best to devote time to rest, meditation and spiritual practices.

November 30th. 2nd lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning, awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

Auspicious days in November 2016:
from November 1 to November 5, 2016 - the growing moon;
from November 5 to November 13, 2016 - the growing moon;
from November 15 to November 21, 2016 - the waning moon;
from November 22 to 28, 2016 - the waning moon.

In the days of the new growing moon, it is a good time to start new things. You can make plans for the future and take important decisions. This time is favorable for starting weight loss procedures, dieting, and also starting to fight bad habits.

Unfavorable days in November 2016:
November 29, 2016 - New Moon;
until November 5, 2016 - First quarter;
November 14, 2016 - Full Moon;
from November 22, 2016 - Last quarter.

These are conflicting, stressful days, it is important to exercise caution, balance and attentiveness. It is not recommended to start important or new business. Also these days you need to carefully monitor your health.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.