Beauty Caribbean. Sea - Paradise Corner on Earth

One of the most beautiful places on Earth is the Caribbean Sea. It received its name thanks to the Caribbean, who lived in the area. There is a second name - Antilles, which is consumed much less often. The beauty of the Caribbean - the sea and the islands that belong to its pool are considered the most interesting and romantic places on the planet. No wonder the lovers come here to conduct a wedding ceremony or

Geographical position

The Caribbean Sea refers to the Atlantic Ocean Basin. On the one hand, it is limited to the shores of Central and South America, and on the other - the Antilles Islands. Therefore, the sea is semi-shined.

Water Caribbean, the sea is connected to through the Yucatan shed, and with the Pacific Ocean - through the Panaman Canal. The pool area is about 2,753,000 square kilometers. The sea washes the coast of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Sea are divided into five pools, which limit the islands and underwater ridges. The maximum depth is 7686 meters, although this sea is considered shallow.

Pearl of the Atlantic Ocean.

Where the Caribbean Sea, there is an incredible color, unlike each other corners, love and romance reigns. This area is famous for its extraordinary coral reefs, large quantity Tropical cyclones that are destructive and, of course, pirates. The coastline of the sea is not monotonous, it is strongly cut.

There are many beautiful lagoon, bays, picturesque bays and capes. The coast of the sea is predominantly lowered, with white sandy beaches, but sometimes there is also a mountainous area. Each country whose coast is washed by the sea, has its own, unusual flavor. Therefore, the journey through the Caribbean becomes unforgettable.


The bright flowers of the Caribbean are numerous islands. All of them are combined into the Antilles archipelago (small and large antilles, Bahamas). Each of the islands has its own unique landscape, flora and fauna. They are inhabited by colorful nations, and here you can try exotic cuisine. Each seas is an amazing corner that must be visited to penetrate the atmosphere of the picturesque nature. Choose one place to visit is very difficult, because I want to know all the beauty of the Caribbean.

The most picturesque corners

The most passionate corner of the Caribbean is Jamaica. Affecting imagination nature, exotic music, mountains, hot sun, sandy beaches and local coloring For a long time remain in memory and make it comes back here again and again. Incredible Cascades of Waterfalls, colorful jungle, beautiful lagoon and rare animal representatives will appear before tourists. Saint Lucia is an unusual island who manitis with its snow-white beaches, a quiet harborn and the primacy of nature.

Here, as if you get into the virgin forests, untouched by a person, and feel one whole with the environment. Dominic Island is the best corner for ecotourism. It is located in the warm waters of the Caribbean. Its surface is covered with impassable jungle, among which sleeping volcanoes, waterfalls, hot springs and mountain rivers are hidden. Martinique is the island of flowers, where European culture and local exotic were surprisingly mixed with a surprisingly harmoniously. You can infinitely list the beauty of the Caribbean, but it is simply impossible to cover all amazing features.

Bottom relief

The relief of the Caribbean Sea is uneven. There are numerous depressions and hills. All the plateau is conditionally divided into five parts, which are divided by underwater ridges. Among the features of the bottom surface should be noted the Cayman Wpadin, Puerto Rico Gutter and Trench Haiti. Water Caribbean, the sea is a very seismic accommodation area. Therefore, hurricanes and tsunami often happen here, from which residents of coastal settlements suffer.

For the most part, coastal soil consists of sand, but stony surfaces are found. A distinctive feature The Caribbean Sea is snow-white beaches.

Underwater floral world

Beauty Caribbean, the sea attract divers. And it is not by chance. Flora of this reservoir is very rich and diverse. Here you can meet whole glads of picturesque vegetation that are striking with their beauty. The pearl of the underwater world is coral reefs. These are amazing buildings created by nature itself. Numerous types of algae will affect the most demanding lover of underwater flora. Very much harmful and vegetation is applied hurricanes bringing garbage and littering these beautiful corners of nature.

Animal world of the sea

The fauna of the Caribbean is unique. Here are the most exotic marine mammals and fish. A feature of the underwater world are which are presented in a large species manifold. One of the islands got its name because of the huge number of these animals (Las Torch). In the pool there are both large mammals (whales, couching). Underwater world - This is the most unique feature that the Caribbean Sea presented. Photos of his beautiful and diverse representatives are obtained by the most colorful. This part of the planet is unique and amazing worldwho pleases and caresses the gaze of those who come here.

The Caribbean Sea, the Caribbean Sea, the semi-cocked outbound sea in the western part of the Tropical Area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean. In the West and the south, the continental coasts of Central and South America are limited in the north and east - the grocery of large Antille Islands (Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico) and the views of the Small Antilles group. It was reported to Yucatan Strait with the Mexican Bay, numerous straits in the archipelagoes of large and small Antille Islands - with the Atlantic Ocean, Panaman Canal - with the Pacific Ocean. Area 2777 thousand km2, Volos of 6745 thousand km3. The greatest depth is 7090 m (Kaiman's fruit).

The banks of Central America lowland, wooded, South America mostly high, incisive, with separate low areas covered with mangrove thickets. Most of the islands of the shore mountains and climbing. The western and partly south-west coast of the sea is fristed with reefs. The main major bays are located in the western and southern parts of the sea: Hondurasky, Mosquitos, Dariansky, Venezuelan Bay with Lake Maracaibo, Paria. From major islands - Jamaica; Many small islands, most in the western and southeastern parts of the sea.

The shelf is well pronounced only off the coast of Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela (100-240 km), the mainstream slope is cool, on average about 17 °, in separate areas of the slope, a steepness is marked up to 45 °. At the highly dissected submarine ridges, the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the bottom: Yucatanian (4800 m), Colombian (4259 m), Venezuelan (5420 m), Grenadian (4120 m). In the north of the Caribbean Sea from the West to the East along the southern foot of the epidian underwater ridge, the deep-water bile Cayman is pulled out. Most of the underwater ridges (Auz, Beat, the threshold of Minestino, etc.), apparently, are submersible island arcs. Donate precipitates are presented mainly by lime foraminiferous yals. An important sedimentation factor for flat relief Kotlovin is mouse flows, the most powerful precipitates are revealed in the north of Venezuelan Basin (up to 12 km).

The climate of sea, warm, with a small seasonal variability, is determined by the location of the Caribbean in the zone of the atmosphere of the atmosphere. The average air temperatures in February 24-27 ° C, in August 27-30 ° C. The amount of precipitation increases from the east to the west of from 500 to 2000 mm per year. The largest average monthly rainfall falls in the summer of the banks of Panama (up to 400 mm), the smallest - in winter off the coast of Cuba (about 20 mm). Northeastern trade winds with speeds of 5-7 m / s are dominated over the sea. The storm atmosphere is usually associated with tropical hurricanes, in which the wind speed reaches 40-60 m / s. Hurricanes crosses the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Caribbean in the Western and North-Western directions at a speed of 10-20 km / h with repeatability on average 3 times a year (in some years more than 10).

Water exchanges with the Atlantic Ocean are carried out mainly through deep straits: windward, sombrero, Dominica, etc.; With the Mexican Bay - through Yucatanian. The excitement of predominantly eastern and northeastern directions, on average 3-4, rarely 5 points. The magnitude of the annual oscillations of the level is small and is usually from 8 to 30 cm. Short-term level fluctuations are observed during the passage of tropical hurricanes. The incorrect is the incorrect, on the shores of Venezuela - the irregular daily, the value is up to 1 m.

Water circulation is given by the branches of the antillest flow and the Guiangic flow, which are part of the Caribbean Sea through the Northern and East Area Straits. These waters spread in the western direction called the Caribbean. In the eastern part of the sea, the current moves with two streams at a distance of 200-300 km from each other. About 80 ° West longitude, both streams merge into one. The flow rate in the western part of the sea reaches 70 cm / s. At the coast of Cuba and Jamaica, the current forms several anticyclonic cycles, cyclonic vortices are observed along the coasts of Venezuela, Panama and Costa Rica. The water of the Caribbean flow through the Yucatan Strait is taken out in the Mexican Bay. In the strait, the highest speeds of surface flows from the mainland shore to 150 cm / s.

The temperature of the water on the surface is changing from 26 ° in winter to 29 ° in the summer. Deepive basins are filled with atlantic water with a temperature of about 4.3 ° C. The average saline of water on the surface from 35.5 to 36.5. By the end summer season Because of the abundance of precipitation and fresh river flow, salinity decreases by 0.5-1.0, the lowest values \u200b\u200b(33-34 ‰) at the islands of Trinidad and Tobago are explained by a large freshly flow of the Orinoco River. High salting surface water In a narrow strip off the coast of South America and the shores of Haiti and Cuba (over 36).

There are about 800 species of fish in the Caribbean, of which more than half are edible. Of the commercial fish, representatives of the families of Lucian, serranous, sea crucias, several types of Kefalai, hillside, and Sardinells, Stavrids, Mackerel, Tarpon, Anchovies are most important. Open ocean fish are widespread - tuna, marliners, sailboats, ordinary corneter, sharks.

The coast of the Caribbean is known to beautiful beaches, is the largest recreational area with numerous resorts. Vilitary shipping; The sea route passes through the Panama Canal, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Main ports: Santiago de Cuba (Cuba), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Maracaibo (Venezuela), Barranquilla and Cartagena (Colombia), Colon (Panama).

Lit.: Zubdin B. S., Kosarev A. N. Sea. M., 1999.m. Deev.

The temperature of the water of the Caribbean. Caribbean Sea water temperature on the coast

These data show the surface temperature of the water on the coast of the seas and oceans. To see the meanings, select the country and then the city that interests you.

10 entertaining facts about the Caribbean Sea

In addition to the temperature of the water, we also provide weather information for today, tomorrow and in the coming days, surfing forecast, state and excitement of the sea, the data on the sunrise / sunset and the moon.

List of countries and territories in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Caribbean

Sea temperature in Caribbean Sea by month:

Sea temperature in the Caribbean Sea in January
Sea temperature in Caribbean Sea in February
Sea temperature in Caribbean in March
Sea temperature in Caribbean Sea in April
Sea temperature in Caribbean Sea in May
Sea temperature in the Caribbean Sea in June
Sea temperature in Caribbean Sea in July
Sea temperature in the Caribbean Sea in August
Sea temperature in the Caribbean Sea in September
Sea temperature in the Caribbean Sea in October
Sea temperature in Caribbean Sea in November
Sea temperature in Caribbean Sea in December

To calculate the temperature of the sea, satellite data are used in conjunction with observation results at ground stations.

Water temperature values, weather forecast and sea status are updated daily. The temperature in small areas near the coast can be slightly higher here.

The location of the Caribbean: The western part of the Atlantic Ocean, between Central and South America.

Square of the Caribbean: 2,754 thousand km2

The average depth of the Caribbean: 2 491 m.

The greatest depth of the Caribbean: 7,680 m (Cayman chute).

Relief DNA Caribbean: Deepoded ridges (Cayman, Aves, Beat, Minelino threshold), Basins (Grenada, Venezuelan, Colombian, Bartlet, Yucatanian).

Salinity Caribbean: 35.5-36.

Flow Caribbeanmoving from the east to the west, when leaving the Gulf of Mexico, Gulf Stream is given.

The inhabitants of the Caribbean: sharks, volatile fish, sea turtles and other types of tropical fauna; Cashollot, humpback whales, seals and lamantines are found.

Additional information Caribbean Sea: The Caribbean Sea borders with the Mexican Bay, through it the shortest seaway, connecting the ports of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through the Panaman Canal.

Caribbean Wikipedia
Site search:

Caribbean Sea: Where is on the map, photo, square, depth, river, fish, country, cities

Caribbean Sea - Semi-closed sea in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean, located between Central and South America. Countries that are washes by the Caribbean Sea: Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Cuba, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Haiti, Jamaica, Nicaragua, etc.

Area: 2,754,000 square meters.

Caribbean Sea - Corals, Animals, Tourism, Pirates, Interesting Facts

km. The average depth: 2500 m. The highest depth: 7686 m.

The following rivers flow into the Caribbean: Plantein Garden, Magdalena, Rio Grande, San Juan, Coco, Aguan, Motagua, Rio-Odo, etc.
Resorts sites located at sea: Cancun (Mexico), Varadero (Cuba), Montego Bay (Jamaica), Bridgetown (Barbados), Freeport (Bahamas), etc.

The main ports of the Caribbean: Cartagena (Colombia), Santiago de Cuba (Cuba), Maracaibo (Venezuela), Colon (Panama), Lemon (Costa Rica), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Kingston (Jamaica).

Large bays: Mexican, Hondurasky, Venezuelan, Dariansky, Batabano, Gonav, Guakana, Paria.

The most important islands of the Caribbean: Antilles, Bahamas, Caymann, Ternoff, Islas de la Bayy. The largest island: Cuba.

Animal World: Angel Fish, Silk Shark, Turtle Biss, Barracuda, Morayna, Tuns, Languhes, Sardines, Monk Seal, Pointed Crocodile, etc.

Photo of the Caribbean:

Where is on the map:

Oceans, lakes and rivers

Caribbean Sea

The Caribbean Sea refers to the Atlantic Ocean and is located in the tropics of the Western Hemisphere. In the north-west, the reservoir borders with the Yucatan peninsula (Mexico) and connects with the Mexican bay through the Yucatan pass between Yucatan and Cuba.

In the north and east there are large and small antilles. In the south, the sea is washed by the northern coast of South America. In the West and South-West is the coast of Central America. Caribbean waters through the Panaman canal are connected with the quiet ocean.


The reservoir is considered one of the largest in the world.

Its surface is 2.754 thousand square meters. km. The amount of water is 6,860 thousand cubic meters. km. Maximum depth of 7686 meters. It is installed in the so-called trench candle. It is located between Jamaica and Cayman Islands.

This is underwater deflection between North American and Caribbean plates. The average reservoir depth is 2500 meters.


Many countries erase many seas. In South America, this is Venezuela and Colombia. In Central America: Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras and Belize.

The last in this series is Yucatan Peninsula. The northern part occupies 3 Mexican states, and in the south - territories belonging to Belize and Guatemala.

In the northern part of the large Antille Islands there are countries such as Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Puerto Rico.

Countries such as Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and Grencadine, Trinidad and Tobago live in the Antilles.

Caribbean on the map


Those who do not know should know that the Bahamas never belonged to the Caribbean Sea. They are located north of Cuba and south of Florida. These are the water of the Atlantic, and historically this area is called West India.

It covers both the Caribbean, and the Bahamas. This term appeared when Columbus opened America.

In the reservoir under consideration there are Antilles, divided into large and small. The first includes four major islands: Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. This includes small islands located near Cuba, and form Los Canaryos archipelagoes and Hardine-De La Reina.

Smaller antilles are much more numerous.

They are affected by the Northeast Passat and are divided into wind, shower or south. The first group has about 50 islands. The southern group extends along the coast of South America and includes both individual islands and archipelago.

Closer to the west coast of the reservoir there are several archipelago. It is Cayman Islands (Big Cayman, Mali Cayman, Cayman Brac), Department of Islands Islands Bay, who are located in Honduras, as well as the islands of Miscitos and Tereneff.

There are separate Islands of San Andres and Providence.


In a large reservoir, many rivers. The biggest one is the South American River Magdalene. He passes through Colombia and has a length of 1550 km. The annual flow is the largest and amounts to approximately 230 cubic meters.

km. Another Colombian River is called Atrato. Its length is 644 km. Some rivers go to Lake Maracaibo (the largest in South America). The Caribbean Sea is connected to the Venezuelan bay with a small slope, the depth of which does not exceed 4 meters.

In Central America, we also feed about 30 rivers.

On the islands there are rivers. For example, the Kauto River in Cuba. Its length is 343 km. But the river Artibonit on Haiti with a length of 240 km. On Jamaica there are rivers. This is the milk river and a black river.


Tropical climate. It was created by the subtropical caribbean stream, the continuation of the South Trend of Trade. Hot water flows from the south-east to the north-west and passes through the Yucatan Canal in the Mexican Bay, from where he takes Gulf Stream.

therefore annual temperature ranges from 21 to 29 degrees Celsius.

Windmills prevail the trade winds. Their speed ranges from 16 to 30 km / h. In the northern part of the reservoir there are tropical hurricanes. Their speed can reach 120 km / h. Such strong winds sometimes suffer a real tragedy: people die, destroy at home, die culture.

For example, a hurricane "MITCH", created in the western part of the sea in October 1998, brought a lot of sorrow. 11 thousand people were killed, and the same number was lacking. No housing was 2.7 million people. They were mostly citizens of Nicaragua and Honduras.


The Caribbean Sea is inextricably linked with oil production.

Approximately 170 million tons are produced in the water area.

Caribbean Sea: "True Paradise on Earth"

ton oil per year. In addition, the fishing industry is well developed. Sea water Every year provides up to 500 thousand tons of fish. However, human activity pollutes the environment. First, it negatively affects coral reefs, which are constantly discolored and their ecosystem is destroyed.

In the near future, this may affect the tourist industry the best way. Every year about 40 million tourists visit the region. Net profit from them is about 30 billion dollars. Many tourists attract diving and beauty of coral reefs. About 3 million local residents living on the islands are somehow related to the tourist company. therefore ecological problems pretty acute.

Sergey Gubanov

Before you find out where the Caribbean islands are located on the world map, you need to get a little general information about them. They include antilles, significantly towering above sea level, as well as the Bahamas from coral reefs. Most of them are the nature of volcanic origin. Some of the islands are surrounded by large coral reefs whose vertices protrude from the water and chose palm trees.

There are four major sushi sections that are stretched from the mainland, among them Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Haiti and Cuba among them. Small Antille Islands include an axampy of small lands, to which Bahamas, Kaikos, Terks, Bourbuda, Antigua, Virginia Archipelago, Guadeloupe, Barbados, and so on.

Hard to say, what Country Caribbean IslandsSince their number includes all areas of sushi washed by the Caribbean Sea.

In this case, parts of the archipelago geographically belong to different states. Previously, they were known to the world as the legendary antihily, then as a West India, and only then, like the Caribbean, comfortably accomplished inside a peculiar geographic depression between South and North America.

Some of the islands are not populated, but most of them are still developing a resort network. Today, about fifty islands are places where guests come from all over the world.

The popularity of local latitudes is explained by a harmonious combination of a soft climate, a rich historical heritage, as well as picturesque natural landscapes.

An important advantage of Carib is the opportunity to relax yearly, because it is not cold here, the eternal summer and sunny weather reigns.

The need for visas is becoming a big question. It is tourists who are screaming visa restrictions that interests most Caribbean islands is whereTo which countries they relate. More than fifty islands include Karibama, some of which are individual states, while others are considered the territorial property of France, America and England. However, most of the sections of the Caribbean do not require visa from their guests.

All cruises are carried out from Mexico, Dominican Republic and the United States, so the city of departure should still be reached by plane, so cruise travel lovers without a visa will still not be able to do. The most common cruise directions such as Eastern, South and Western Caribbeans are most common. It is also worth noting that the cost of a ticket depends on the number of islands included in the route.

What caribbean islands to visit

Among the huge list of areas of Carib, several areas that are most popular can be distinguished.

After the tourist realized where the Caribbean islands were located, he needs to make a specific choice where he would go to rest.

To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the basic information known about the most resorts. Some of them are distinguished by a developed tourist network, others fall in love with travelers with remoteness from the usual civilization. Domestic tourists are usually chosen among such proposals:

The list can be continued for a very long time.

It is noteworthy that before going to travel, it is also necessary to view the weather of the Caribbean Islands by months, which will make the right choice.

Weather in Karibach

Weather conditions for different sections of land belonging to one archipelago may vary slightly.

However, in general, the climate varies from wet to moderate tropical. It is worth noting that the humidity indicator for any island will remain invariably high, which contributes to excellent growth of different types Vegetation.

Clean and land and land is always on mountain areas. The air temperature here does not fall below +25 degrees. Water off the coast remains warm all year round, its temperature does not fall below +22 degrees.

With caution of vacation planning in these latitudes, it should be taken from September to November. Since this period is distinguished by increased raininess with possible hurricanes.

Local summer is characterized by moderate heat, which is facilitated by the trade winds that have been made from the sea.

The peak of tourism falls for the period from December to April, so domestic travelers often meet the new year.

From August to November, the so-called "Dead Season" begins on the Caribbean. It is worth noting that it is difficult to predict a caribbean rest, because in one section of the sushi can be a pouring shower, and on the other, the Sun is bright. Thus, it is important not only to view the photos of the beaches of the Caribbean Islands on the Internet, but also read reviews of tourists who have already had a rest here.

1. Title and history

2. Geology

3. Relief

In the ridge of large antillest islands there are two deep passages: the Strait of the anegana and a winding strait. The depth of the Strait of the anegada varies from 1950 to 2350 m, the winding duct - from 1600 to 1630 m.

Map of the Caribbean, created on the basis of satellite data
NASA, 2008
The numbers are indicated: 1. Honduran Bay 2. Bay Moskitos 3. Dariensk Bay 4. Venezuelan Bay 5. Lake Maracaibo 6. Guachanoe 7. Gulf Gone 8. Trinidad Island Caymans

3.1. Coastline

The coastline of the sea is severely cut, the shores of the mountains in places, lowlands in places (Predibisk lowland). In shallow areas there are various coral sediments and numerous reef buildings. There are several bays on the continental coast (Western and Southern Sea), the largest of which are Honduraskaya, Mosquitos, Dariensk and Venezuelan. Batabano, Ana Maria and Guachanoe (South Coast of Cuba) are located in the northern part of the Bay of Gone (Western Hait Island).

On the eastern shore of Yucatana there are several bays, including Asenskion, Espiritu-Santo and Chetumal. The Honduras Bay ends with the Cove of Amatics, located on the border of Belize and Guatemala. The North Coast of Honduras is weakly cut, and several lagun is crashed into the Mosquito bank, among which the lagoons of Karatask, Bismuna, Pearl and Bloofilds Bay. In the East Panama is a big chirik lagoon. From the coast of South America, Dariensk Bay ends at the Bay of the Uracha, and the Venezuelan Bay with the Guahir's Guahir's peninsula - Maracaibo Lake. To the west of the island Trinidad lies the Bay of the Paria, which is considered part of the Atlantic Ocean.

3.2. Islands

The superficial subtropical caribbean flow extending from the southeastern to the north-western part of the sea is a continuation of the northern trade-end flow, its flow is estimated at 26 million m / s. The Passat drives water to the West, off the coast of Central America during the course turns to the north and through Yucatan shed goes to the Mexican bay. The flow rate is 1-2.8 km / h, in Yucatanian strait increases to 6 km / h. Warm flow, water temperature in it is about 28 C, and salinity is less than 35.5 due to a significant contribution freshwater Amazon and Orinoco. Water injected from the Caribbean in the Mexican bay increases the level of the latter relative to the main part of the Atlantic Ocean (water level at the western coast of Florida is 19Cs higher than that of Eastern), which creates a hydrostatic pressure, which is supposed to be the main driving force of Golfustrum .

In the southwestern region of the sea, between the coast of Colombia and Nicaragua, during almost the entire year there is a circular course, spinned counterclockwise. Riding in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Caribbean sea is mainly incorrect semi-sufficient, amplitude less than 1 m.

In the season of water rains, the Orinoco River creates high concentrations of chlorophyll in the eastern part of the sea. Careako, located off the coast of Venezuela, is interesting in that it constantly presents hydrogen sulfide, and a high concentration of methane has been found in the chute.

4.1. Swimming pool of the Caribbean

The Swimming pool of the Caribbean is located on the territory of Central and South America. The largest river flowing into the Caribbean Sea, Magdalena (1550 km) with Kauca and Cuech's tributaries. Its annual stock is 228 km, or an average of 7.2 thousand m / s (data from 1942 to 2002). In the Bay of Uracha Darianskiy Bay, the Atrato Rivers (annual stock - 81 km), Leon (2.1 km) and Turbo (12 km). Among other rivers of South America, Dick (9.4 km) and the Son (11.8 km), as well as Kathatumbo and Chama, flowing into Maracaibo - the largest Lake of the Continent.

On the coast of North America in the Caribbean Sea River, Krikomol (flows into the lagoon chiriki), Terriba and Sixsaola (Panama), Chirripo-Atlantico, Rentalison and San Juan (Costa Rica), Indio, Punta Gorda, Rio Escondido and Kurinoas, Rio Grande de Metagalpa, Princepolka, Bamban, Cook, Uaua and Coco (Nicaragua), Pathway, Syko-Tinto, Agua, Ulua and Chamelacon (Honduras), Motagua and Rio Dulce (Guatemala), Belize River , New River, Rio Odo (Belize).

Island rivers: Cauto and Sasa (Cuba), artibonit and some kind of del Sur (Haiti Island), Black River and Milk River (Jamaica).

5. Climate

The Caribbean Sea is located in the tropical climate zone, which is affected by the trade-mounted circulation. The average monthly air temperatures vary from 23 to 27 C. Cloudy is 4-5 points.

The average annual rainfall in the region varies from 250 mm on the island of Bonaire to 9000 mm in the amateur parts of the Dominica. Northeastern trade winds with average speeds of 16-32 km / h prevail, but tropical hurricanes occur in the northern seasia, the speed of which can exceed 120 km / h. On average, 8-9 such hurricanes occurs in the period from June to November, and in September - October they are most frequent. According to the US National Hurricane Center for the period from 1494 to 1900, 385 hurricanes passed over the Caribbean, and from 1900 to 1991 235 such manifestations of the elements were recorded. The Caribbean region is less susceptible to the destructive action of hurricanes than the Mexican bay or the western part Pacific Ocean (where from May to November rampant typhoon). Most of the hurricanes are formed in the islands of the Green Cape and is sent to the trade winds to the shores of America, in general it is impossible to predict the accurate trajectory of the hurricane movement.

Strong hurricanes lead to the death of people, destruction and fault in the region. Great Hurricane 1780, which raged from October 10 to October 16, 1780, caused the enormous damage to the Small Antilles, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and, possibly, the Florida Peninsula, and also led to death from 22 to 24 thousand people. Hurricane Mitch, which emerged on October 22, 1998 off the coast of Colombia, was held on Central America, Yucatan and Florida Peninsula, making damage to $ 40 million and destroyed 11-18 thousand people. Hurricanes Galveston (1900) and Fifi (1974) also inflicted significant damage to the region.

6. Flora and Fauna

According to the faunistic zoning area, the Caribbean area refers to the Caribbean region. The region is typical of large biodiversity, many species are endemics.

6.1. Vegetable world

The vegetation of the region is predominantly tropical, but differences in topographic, soil and climatic conditions increase species diversity. Porous limestone terraces of islands are usually poor nutrients. It is estimated that there are 13 thousand species of plants in the Caribbean region, of which 6.5 thousand are endemics, for example, a guive tree (the flower of which is a national symbol of Jamaica and) and the Schortings of Mahagony (National Flower of the Dominican Republic). In coastal areas, coconut palm trees, in the lagoons and estuaries of rivers are dense thickets of mangram (red and black mangrove tree).

In shallow water of flora and fauna, concentrates around coral reefs, the growth of which is promoted by almost constant steady temperature, pure water and small changes in the level of salinity. In the lagoons of the leeward sides of the reefs there are underwater fields of marine herbs. In total, seven species of algae are found in the Caribbean. The most common Talaso Telessia (Testudinum) and Syringodium Filiforme (Tsimodo deception family), which can grow both together and single fields at depths of up to 20 m. Another type of zimodo sewage - Halodule Wrightii - grows on sand and mud surfaces at depths to 5 m. In the saltwate water of the harbors and the estuaries of rivers at the depths of 0-2.5 m occurred by Ruppia Maritima. Representatives of three species belong to Halophila (Halophila Baillonii, Halophila Engelmanni and Halophila Decipiens) live at depths up to 30 m. Halophila Engelmanni is not growing below 5 m, the area of \u200b\u200bthis species is limited by Bahamas, Florida, large Antilles and the western part of the Caribbean. The view of Halophila Baillonii was found only on the small Antilles.

6.2. Animal world

The Mammals of the Caribbean region are represented by 90 species, there are casculotes, humpback whales and dolphin. Near the island of Jamaica inhabit seals and American lamantines. Earlier in the region there was a Caribbean monk, which is now considered to be extinct. Under the threat of extinction, representatives of the Socials family.

Reptiles of the Caribbean region are represented by 500 species (94% endemics). Several endemic types of cyclur live on the islands, widespread acute crocodile. The region presents several types of sea turtles: Trichecheea SPP., Logrid (Caretta Caretta) Green turtle, features, leathery turtle, Atlantic Ridlea (Lepidochelys Kempii) and olive turtle. Some species are under threat of extinction, their population, according to the estimates of researchers, has greatly decreased from the XVII century - the number of green turtles decreased from 91 million to 300 thousand individuals, and the devil - from 11 million to less than 30 thousand to the year.

In the Caribbean region, 600 species of birds were registered, 163 of which endemic to the region, for example, then, Cuban Shilodzobi Dweath and Palm Chackan. With endemics 48 species are under threat of extinction: Puertorica Amazon, Cuban epaulets, Cuban wretfish, etc. Antilles next to Central America lie on the migration of birds from North America, so the size of bird populations are subject to strong seasonal fluctuations. Parrots, sugar birds and tucanis are found in the forests, frigates and phaetons can be found over the open sea.

7. Ecology

The main factors affecting the global change in the characteristics of the Caribbean, global warming and rise of the sea level are considered (it is expected that by the year it will rise by 86.36 cm), an increase in the temperature of the sea, causing coral bleaching and water bloom, as well as changes in precipitation distribution And the corresponding river flow and even dust brought by sandy storms from the Sahara. Negatively affects the ecological state of the sea shipping generating about 82 thousand tons of garbage per year, oil transportation and ground sources of pollution.

Currently, no more than 23 thousand km (10%) of indigenous forests remained at the Caribbean Islands. On Cuba, where the largest forests of the island part of the region are located, less than 15% of forests have been preserved, the rest were cut down in the process of mastering the territories.

7.1. Coral

In the Atlantic Ocean there are about 9% of the coral reefs of the world. Their area is 50 thousand km, most of the coast of the Caribbean Islands and Central America. . One of the most studied in lately The phenomena in the region was the discoloration of corals. Until the 1980s, Mad Page Corals were widespread in the Caribbean, over the next 20 years of anthropogenic and natural reasons, their population has decreased, and the number of seaweed has increased. In 1983, this process was aggravated by the mass death of marine heels, which feed on algae. Reef scientific research has been conducted from 1995 to 1998 off the coast of Belize on the largest coral barrier reef in the northern hemisphere, as well as in a year near reefs in the eastern sea. The warming of the Caribbean (as a result of global climate change) threatens the fragile coral reef ecosystems - long-term excess of the water temperature of 29 C leads to the death of microscopic algae zooxantels. These plants give corals food and color, so their death leads to the discoloration of corals and violation of the entire reef ecosystem.

Residents of reef are important for such types of tourist activity as fishing and diving, which, according to the estimate of 2000, bring a region of 3.1-4.6 billion US dollars annually.

7.2. Environmental protection

The total area of \u200b\u200bprotected territories on the Islands of West Indies is 30 thousand km (13% of the earth's surface). About 15% of its territory is protected in Cuba (including Sapata 4354.3 KM swamp, national Park The name of Alexandra Gumboldt and Desxbarco del Granma), in Dominica - a little more than 20% (including Morne-Python National Park), in the Dominican Republic - about 15% (Haragua National Park, etc.). There are almost no environmental territories in other countries.

Among the environmental territories along the continental coast are allocated: the Sian-Kaan Reserve, Chinchorro (Mexico), Biological Reserve on the Islands of Miscitos (Nicaragua), Daryaen National Park (Panama), national parks Los Catios and Tyrona (Colombia), Medanos De Coro National Park, Henry Peter National Park, El Avila, urine and Laguna de la Resting (Venezuela).

8. Economy and economic importance

On the banks of the Caribbean (within 100 km from the coast), more than 116 million people live, the main source of revenues of which is tourism (15.5% of all jobs in the region). In the fishing industry employs more than 300 thousand people. Fishing volumes are estimated by a little less than half a million tons of seafood per year. Major Commercial Species: Caribbean Langaists (Panulirus Argus), Strombus Giant (Strombus Gigas), Barrot Shrimps (Penaeidae), Mackerel-Cavalli (Scomberomorus Cavalla), Spanish Mackerel (S. Maculatus), Bolshaya Corneteen (Coryphaena Hippurus), Seriol SPP.) And others. Industrial gathering of pearls.

8.1. Shipping and Trade

From an economic and strategic point of view, the Caribbean sea plays the role of the shortest sea route from the ports of the Atlantic Ocean through the Panaman Canal to the Pacific Watering. The main ports of the Caribbean: Marakaybo and La Guaira (Venezuela), Cartagena (Colombia), Lemon (Costa Rica), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Colon (Panama), Santiago de Cuba (Cuba) and others.

A complex communication system and trade in the Caribbean provides high turnover, but most of it falls on countries located outside this region. Products and resources that are the object of trade within the region are few: rice from Guyana, wood from Belize, gasoline from Trinidad and Curacao, salt, fertilizers, vegetable oils and fats from the eastern islands, as well as a small amount of industrial products. Consumers most of the products produced in the region (bananas, sugar, coffee, rum, bauxites, nickel and oil) are USA and Canada.

8.2. Tourism

Thanks to the warm climate and beautiful beaches, the Caribbean region is one of the main resort zones of the world. Rich Sea Fauna attracts divers other than natural beauty the region is rich cultural monuments Precucumbian civilizations and colonial era. The tourism industry is an important component of the economy of the Caribbean countries, serving mainly tourists from the USA, Canada, Brazil and Argentina. Air traffic between North America and the Caribbean is better than inside the region. According to the Caribbean tourist organization, 22,700,000 tourists visited the region, as well as 19,200,000 people took part in cruise tours. The most popular destinations include the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Mexico (Cancun, Riviera Maya), Jamaica, Bahamas and Puerto Rico.

9. Culture

The rich history of the Caribbean inspired many authors to create various works of culture associated with piracy. Daniel Defo, Robert Lewis Stevenson, Rafael Sabatini and other writers, Rafael Sabatini, and other writers, were created on this topic (including the Pirates of the Caribbean Pirates and the Treasure Island cartoon), and numerous is also released computer games. The life and customs of residents of the Caribbean countries described the authors such as Cuban writer Alejo Carpentener, Dominican writer (and president) Juan Bosch, Derek Walcott (Saint Lucia) and Columbian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

The Caribbean region is home to various musical genres: reggae, ska on Jamaica, Merenge and Bachata in the Dominican Republic, Calypso in Trinidad and Tobago. Reetoon takes place with Puerto Rico and Panama, sleep and Son Montuno appeared in Cuba, Kumbia, Poro and Valnato - on the Caribbean coast of Colombia.

One of the most popular sports in the Caribbean region is a baseball, there is a separate baseball tournament - the Caribbean series. Cricket is also widespread in the English-speaking antilie islands, football has football in the participating countries. The region hosts central America and the Caribbean, national teams also take part in Pan American Games.

10. Ports


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  2. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Caribbean Sea - (rus.)
  3. "International Bathymetric Chart Of The Caribbean Sea and The Gulf of Mexico" - / mgg / ibcca / ibcca.html. NOAA. . - / mgg / ibcca / ibcca.html . Checked 2009-04-23 .
  4. G. Samuels (RSMAS) .. "Animation of changes in monthly temperatures in the Caribbean" - / img / original / monthly_temperatures_caribbean.gif. Wwf. . - / img / original / monthly_temperatures_caribbean.gif . Checked 2009-04-30 .
  5. S. Heileman, R. Mahon .. "Large Marine Ecosystems - Caribbean SEA" -\u003dcom_content&view\u003darticle&id\u003d58:lme12&catid\u003d41:briefs&itemid\u003d53. NOAA.\u003dcom_content&view\u003darticle&id\u003d58:lme12&catid\u003d41:briefs&itemid\u003d53 . Checked 2009-04-23 .
  6. Judy Gray, Doug Wilson (NOAA / NODC). (2004). "Animation of salinity distribution changes in the Caribbean" - / img / original / months / img / original / months_salinity_caribbean.gif. Wwf. . - / img / original / monthly_salinity_caribbean.gif . Checked 2009-04-30 .
  7. The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology, P. 638.
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  9. Joanna Gyory, Arthur J. Mariano, Edward H. Ryan .. "The Caribbean Current" - / caribbean / caribbean.html. University of Miami . - / caribbean / caribbean.html . Checked 2009-03-11 .
  10. The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology, P. 642.
  11. Luis Ernesto Medina Faull .. "Descargas Fluviales En Las Zonas Costeras" - DIRECCIN DE HIDROGRAFA Y NAVEGACIN DE VENEZUELA . - . Checked 2009-03-11 .
  12. "Caribbean Sea" - Dictionary of modern geographical names . - .
  13. Institute Oceanology RAS. (1997). "Hydrothermal mechanism for the formation of hydrocarbons in the mid-oceanic ridges" - . - . Checked 2009-03-07 .
  14. John B. R. AGARD, ANGELA CROPPER, ET AL. (2007). - UNEP. . Checked 2009-04-23 .
  15. Philip Dickenson Peters. CARIBBEAN WOW 2.0 Zagada Markets. 2003 ISBN 1929970048 - / Books? id \u003d TXBO9H6T1TCC
  16. Orlando Frez. (1970).

The Caribbean Sea, or the Central American Sea, is the outskirts of the Atlantic Ocean. Its northern border passes from Yucatan Peninsula to the Big Antilles, then along the Big Antille Islands (Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico and Jamaica). Virgin Islands, the east of Puerto Rico Island, are part of the small Antilles. The latter consist of a large number of small islands forming an arc directed to the southeast of the Strait of anegada and further to the south, where the arc is adjacent to the South America shelf, forming the eastern border of the Caribbean. Large islands of this volcanic arc -Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Lucia, etc. Another arc (external) is the islands of Barbados, Tobago and Trinidad - connects to the southeast with mountain chains Venezuela. The southern border of the Caribbean Sea is the northern shores of the three countries -Venesuel, Colombia and Panama. The eastern shores of Central America form the eastern stepped border of the Caribbean sea, the first step of which is Honduras, the second Peninsula Yucatan. Yucatan Strait of 220 km width connects the Caribbean Sea with the Mexican Bay.

Numerous straits down to 2000 m. Between large and small antilles join the Caribbean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Caribbean Sea 2640 thousand km2. The greatest depth of the Caribbean Sea is a little exceeding 7100 m. The following main basins are located on the West of Cayman from the east: Grenadian (3000 m) Venezuelan (5000 m), Columnic (4000 m), Cayman (6000m) and Yucatan (500 m). Mebeznachable basins are the Bowl of the Virgin Islands, Dominican Zutin and Wpadina Kariako. The average depth of Kotlovin is approximately 4400 m. From the east to the West, the main underwater ridges are drawn: Aves, Beat, Jamaica and Cayman. The Caribbean Sea is located in the trade in the trade zone, and therefore the winds that have been very resistant to the East and the VV. Intense sediments are observed in the summer months, when the conditions of weather are prevailing characteristic of the tropics. The most abundant sediments fall east of the Panama isthmus - more than 2000 mm in 6 months, from June to November. Directly in the Caribbean sea of \u200b\u200bhurricanes is born little, however, many hurricanes come through the small Antilles in the late summer and early autumn.

Hydrological mode

Circulation. Most of the straits connecting the Caribbean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean, shallow water, which prevents large water exchange. Only some sheds have a depth of over 1000 m, they also play a leading role in the circulation of the water of the Caribbean. The main strait along which the water leaves the Caribbean is Yucatan shedding the depth of its threshold of about 2000 m.

The direction of the main flux of the Caribbean in the upper 1500-meter layer from the east to the west. Below this depth of the water of the Caribbean Sea is isolated from the ocean, therefore it is observed a very slow and volatile flow. In the Caribbean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean, waters arrived by the drift Guiangian flow walking along the shores of South America to the North-West. Having reached the small antillest islands, the Guiangic flow branches. The main branch takes place in the Caribbean Sea through the central sheds of this island arc, mainly through the spirits of the north and south of Saint Lucia Islands; Another branch is poured into the northern trade house and goes along the eastern and northern borders of the Caribbean Sea towards the Bahamas. The Water of the Gwyan flow form in the Caribbean, after they pass the Grenada Basin and the Avesta Ridge, well-developed zonal circulation with the maximum flow rate of 200-300 km north of the coast of South America. The branch of the Guiangle flows into the Caribbean current and continues to go west through the passage of Aruba in Colombian Basin. In the western part of the hollow, she turns north, crosses the Ridge Jamaica and then goes along the Cayman brand to 85-86 ° C. D., where turns back to the north and comes out of the Caribbean Sea through the Yucatan Strait.

The caribbean axis is usually held over the largest depths from the small antillest islands to the Yucatanian strait of the north and the southern axis of the Caribbean flow flows are mainly parallel. Their direction weakly changes with depth, the speed with increasing depth decreases continuously, for example,<5 см/с на глубинах свыше 1500 м в Венесуэльской и Колумбийской котловинах. В Кайманской и Юкатанской котловинах глубинное течение проявляется лучше, но его все же можно считать медленным.

The speed of the surface currents of the Caribbean is determined by seasonal changes in the speed of trade winds. The highest rate of caribbean flow on the surface is observed at the end of winter (39.1 cm / s) and at the beginning of the summer (41.2 cm / s). The average rate of caribbean flow on the surface during the year 0.7 nodes, or 38 cm / s. During observation from the courts, higher velocities reaching 138.9 cm / s on the main axis of the Caribbean flow were noted. The estimated speeds can be calculated according to the density measurement data. The calculation shows that the main axis of the flow is preserved in the upper 300-400-meter layer, and its speed is rapidly decreased from 40-60 cm / s on the surface to 10 cm / s at a depth of 300 m. Below is slow decrease in speed to zero depth 1000-1500 m; Below this depth is too slow, so that it can be calculated by its geostrophic method. Along the shores of Cuba, Haiti and South America, anti-acts are observed (in the direction east). In the western regions of Columbian, Cayman and Yucatanian bideline, countercases are directed towards the center of the Caribbean, the zonal flow is violated by the meridional transfer, which is determined by the rejection of the flow on the border with the mainland.

Water transfer through cuts from north to south can be calculated by geostrophic velocities. In the west, its average value of 30 million m3 / s. Straits of large Antille Islands do not play a significant role in the overall transfer. Through Meridian 64 ° h. It is mainly the same as through meridian 84 ° h. The Caribbean flow is approximately 30% of total transfer (75-90 million m3 / s) with golfustrim water. (The remaining 70% go to Golf Stream from the antillest course, which is poured into it north of the Bahamas.)

A feature of the circulation of the waters of the Caribbean is the rise of deep waters on the surface off the coast of South America. The ascending movement of the mass of water in the Caribbean, as well as in other parts of the world ocean, is caused by the action of wind: there is a saft of surface water from the coast and replacing it with deep water. The rise of deep water does not apply to greater depths and below 250 m is not significant. As a result of the rise of deep waters, productivity increases, it is an area of \u200b\u200bintense fisheries. The appropriate lowering of surface water occurs in Venezuelan and Colombian hollows along 17 ° C.Sh.

Salney of the Caribbean Sea

Field of salinity in the Caribbean is characterized by four layers. Two of them, surface waters and subtropical subsurface water (50-200 cm) are associated with the area of \u200b\u200bthe warm water of the ocean and are separated from the field of cold waters at a depth of 400-600 m with a low layer (below 3.0 ml / l) of oxygen content; Two other layers are represented by cold subanctric intermediate waters (700-850 m) and north-atlantic deep waters (1800-2500 m).

Waters lying on the border between the main layers are mixed due to turbulence. The size of the salinity of surface water depends on evaporation, atmospheric precipitation, drain from sushi and advection caused by flows. Soleside in winter is higher at the coast of South America (36 Prom), and this is partially due to the rise to the surface of salty subtropical subsurface water. In the north of the Caribbean, the salinity on the surface decreases and becomes less than 35.5 industrial. In the Cayman and Yucatanian basins the highest salinity (ZB Prom) is observed south of Cuba. Further to the south, the salinity of surface waters also decreases to 35.5 industries. At the coast of Honduras. In summer, abundant precipitation and stock with sushi reduce the salinity of surface waters by about 0.5 industrate in the south and 1.0 prom. in the north.

The distribution of salinity in the western part of the Caribbean information is not enough.
The greatest salinity has subtropical subsurface water. It is a thin layer (which indicates the predominance of horizontal mixing over the vertical in a stable layer), which has a bias from the south (50-100 m) to the north (200 m).
The main axis of the stream of subtropical subsurface water coincides with the axis of the Caribbean. The salinity of this water is more than 37pro in the eastern regions of the Venezuelan Basin. In the Yucatanian Strait, the salinity is reduced by stirring to the ZB, 7 prom. but
Subnutrctic intermediate water, which is formed in the zone of the Southern Polar Front, the least salted. The layer also has a bias from the south (600-700 m) to the north (800-850 m). In the southern part of the Caribbean sea, this layer is thicker. West of 65 ° z. His north edge becomes thinner and disappears, without reaching the northern border of the Caribbean, the salinity of this layer is less than 34.7 industries, but as water progresses, it increases so much so that this layer cannot be found in Yucatanian Strait. Its axis also coincides with the axis of the Caribbean. Below this layer is a layer of the North Atlantic deep water, which is included in the Caribbean Sea through the thresholds of the straits between the small Antilles Islands. The water of this layer is extremely homogeneous, with salinity of about 35 industrial.

The temperature of the Caribbean

The field of temperatures of the Caribbean has a tropical character, i.e. Warm water on the surface and well-visible thermocline at a depth of 100_200 m, which prevents vertical stirring and penetration of heat from the surface to depth. Below 1500 m water temperature is approximately 4 ° C with a small oscillation from the basin to the hollow. The temperature rises by several tenth of degrees at high depths (below3000 m) due to the effect of increasing pressure. Dragging the temperature of the surface layer determines the position of the temperature equator in the northern part of the Caribbean sea.

At the end of the summer, the temperature of the surface layer of the Caribbean is 28.3 ° C in the south and 28.9 ° C in the north. In the West of the Caribbean, the warmer month is August, in the east - September. The surface layer temperature of the Caribbean in winter is about 3 ° C below. In the Caribbean, the temperature of the surface layer has small gradients and seasonal oscillations. Below the depth of 150 m, seasonal oscillations are not observed. The central areas of the Caribbean are obtained on average for the year 6.28 * 10 ^ 18 feces / day of heat, with deviation from this middle ± 0.5 * 10 ^ 18 feces / day.

Located in the west of the Atlantic Ocean. From the West and the South borders with the coast of Central and South America, from the north and east large and small antilles. From the West and South-West are reefs. The largest bays: Hondurasky, Venezuelan, Dariansky. The largest: Jamaica.

Map of the Caribbean from the satellite from Bing
(Map can be moved by the mouse, reduce and increase)

The climate is warm sea here. In February here +24, and in August +30. The most precipitation falls off the shores of Panama, and the least of the coast of Cuba. Hurricanes occur three times a year over the sea.
Water exchanges with the Atlantic Ocean occurs through the straits viewed, Sombrero and Dominica.
The water temperature during the year ranges from 26 to 29 degrees.
There are 800 species of fish (Kefal, Gorny, Sardinell, Study, Mackerel).
The coast of the Caribbean is known by the beaches. Main ports: Santiago de Cuba in Cuba, Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Maracaibo in Venezuela, Barranquilla and Cartagena in Colombia. Cote d'Azur, beautiful beaches, girls in bikini. Caribbean islands is a unique, magical place to relax and complete relaxation.
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