Presentation "Ecological problems of the Black Sea in Sudak and the village of Sandy

As a result of the economic activity of mankind, the water areas of Russia not only polluted by household garbage, chemical and oil-containing products, but still suffer from climatic anomalies and poaching. Environmental problems in the seas cause concerns. Ignoring them will lead to irreversible consequences in the life of sea flora and fauna, will affect the global water balance.

Sea of \u200b\u200bRussia

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 13 marine waters, a variety of natural resources, climatic characteristics and degree of learning.

Baltic, Black and Azov Sea belong to the Atlantic Ocean. The reservoirs of the Arctic Ocean - Barents, White, Karaska. Next is the sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev, East Siberian and Chukotka. Far Eastern water area - Bering, Japanese and Okhotsk Sea. The Caspian Sea is called inner.

The Russian seas are famous for the variety of fish of salmon and sturgeon families, the presence of unique environmental systems.

Their role in human economic activity:

  1. Affordable and cheap transport path for the carriage of goods.
  2. 250 fishing species of fish, the abundance of mollusks and crustaceans provides a reserve of seafood.
  3. Inexhaustible resource of mineral saline compounds.
  4. Obtaining electricity due to the energy of the sea tide.
  5. The famous spa coasts intended for the full rest and recovery of citizens.

The uncontrolled use of water resources leads to a sharp deterioration of the environmental situation.

Causes of environmental problems

One of the main negative factors is the pollution of the seas as a result of technogenic accidents, draining fertilizers with fields, intentional discharge of radioactive substances for burial at the bottom.

An unfavorable effect has an excessive use of nautical transport.

Three types of pollution distinguish:

  1. Chemical - getting into water resources of various impurities as a result of human negligence. Inorganic substances (zinc, lead, arsenic, fluorine and other elements) fall into the pond with acid rain, when discharged industrial waste. Organic - waste water with sewage elements, fertilizers. Posted on the bottom, they slow down the development of microorganisms involved in the process of purification of water.
  2. Physical - infection with radioactive waste and heating thermal energy by nuclear power plants.
  3. Biological is the enhancing of pathogenic organisms (food waste, sewage drain, sub-products of meat processing plants and crushed plants and others). This species is dangerous for humanity to spread epidemics of infectious diseases (cholera, typhoid, hepatitis).

Environmental map of the seas of Russia clearly shows the degree of pollution of a certain zone. Barents, White and Kara Sea, due to the individual characteristics of the climatic conditions of the Arctic Ocean (temperature regime, salinity level, flow rate, and other) are subject to active precipitation of harmful impurities to the bottom. These reservoirs require the close attention of environmentalists.

The second reason that worsening the state of natural aquatorium is the consumption of the seafood man. Mass catch fish, including a trawling method, destroys valuable bottom biological resources. This environmental problem leads to the disappearance of representatives of flora and fauna.

It is characteristic of the Bering Water area, which is the second reservoir in the Pacific Ocean in the number of living organisms. The uncontrolled catch of fish, hunting for walrles and seals, sharply reduced the number of existing individuals, and in some cases led to the complete disappearance of the species. Bering's resources are not limitless. Abandoned on the shore of the barrels from the radioactive waste - an additional minus leading to an ecological catastrophe.

The results of clogging water resources

Two decades ago, the map of pollution of the seas of Russia was a single islands on the expanses of clean water. With the detection of oil fields on the loops, cases of technogenic accidents, the consequences of which are the formation of solid oily films, layer thickness up to 10 cm. Later, oil turns into an emulsion, lumps floating on an aqueous surface. Small living organisms stick to fuel oil fractions, in turn, fish and whales absorb poisonous delicacy.

The consequences of environmental pollution affect the living inhabitants of the seas. Breathing, growth and reproduction processes are violated, mutation of organisms is underway. The presence in the water branch of organic compounds and nitrogen-containing waste leads to the rapid growth and flowering of algae, lack of sunlight and oxygen in the thickness of water.

Self-cleaning of water bodies

The sea has the ability to self-clean at the expense of their living inhabitants, but this process is long. Petroleum deposits poisoned the surrounding organisms and plants, turning the water area into the dead zones. There are two types of mollusks involved in the purification of water spaces:

  1. Oysters, scallops and mussels at the expense of the oral apparatus, consisting of two tubes, suck the contaminated liquid. Their body works as a filter, separating particles, and produces purified water back. One adult marine inhabitant passes up to 65 liters.
  2. Climbing types of mollusks are moving along the bottom and stones. Due to the twisted or oval shell, they consider a long-term mud raid.

There are only 70 species of organisms capable of fighting hydrocarbons and oil impurities. Scientists of the Institute of Biology noted that the naval bacteria actively work in warm water. When the temperature is reduced by 6-9 degrees, they fall into anabyosis, so oil spots in the northern seas can exist without changes to several decades.

Ways Solutions

Environmental problems are solved at the state level. Requires the investment of funds and the development of a full set of measures:

  1. Preparation of the modern concept of environmental management.
  2. Strict control over catch fish using trawls. The device of artificial irregularities at the bottom of the sea in the form of concrete reefs.
  3. Construction of coastal collectors of wastewater in strict accordance with the approved project documentation has passed the state examination. Tracking unauthorized wastewater emissions.
  4. Ensuring favorable conditions for the reproduction of mollusks, shrimp, algae, which are alive treatment facilities.
  5. Update and improving the technique occupied on clearing the coastal strip.
  6. Implementation of innovation in the garbage collection and export system.
  7. Landing a forest belt along the agricultural fields, to prevent the flushing of fertilizers.

Each citizen is able to identify environmental problems and find ways to solve them. The most simple actions - after resting on the beach, pick up the garbage with you, rationally spend the water - make your small contribution to a big deal.

Presentation on the topic: Pollution of the World Ocean
pupils of 10-A class
Vasilyeva Valeria
Shehovtsova Anastasia

Pollution of the World Ocean
Waste emission statistics in the world ocean

Ways to solve the problem
Information sources

Waste emission statistics in the world ocean

Pollution with oil and petroleum products
Main paths of pollution of the hydrosphere
Bacterial and biological pollution
Pollution by wastewater
Mechanical pollution
Pollution with heavy metals
Pollution with acid rain
Nuclear pollution
Heat pollution
Contamination by household waste

Oil and petroleum products are the main ocean pollutants. Every year in the world ocean, more than 10 million tons of oil falls and up to 20% of the world's ocean are already covered with an oil film, which makes it difficult to the processes of photosynthesis in water, causes the death of plants and animals. Each ton of oil creates an oil film on an area up to 12 km square. Restoration of affected ecosystems takes 10-15 years.

Pollution by wastewater, mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as municipal domestic runoff leads to the eutrophication of water bodies - enrichment by their nutrients, which causes excessive development of algae and the death of other ecosystems of reservoirs with continuing water (lakes and ponds), and sometimes to roaming terrain. The world economy drops a year of 1500 km3 of wastewater varying degrees of purification, which require 50 - 100 - a multiple dilution to give them natural properties and further purification in the biosphere.

Dropping garbage in the waters of the World Ocean caused the formation of garbage stains - anthropogenic garbage trash in the world ocean. A large Pacific garbage stain (the largest of all existing) was formed in the northern part of the Pacific Tests, gradually concentrating in the same area thrown into the ocean garbage. This is a huge bunch of floating garbage - Everghable planet dump - keeps in one place under the influence of underwater flows. According to scientists, at present, the mass of the garbage island is more than 3.5 million tons, and the area is more than 1 million km2

Pollution with heavy metals. Violates the livelihood of aquatic organisms and man;
Pollution with acid rain. Leads to the acidification of water bodies and death ecosystems;
Bacterial and biological pollution. Associated with different pathogenic organisms, mushrooms and algae.
A serious ecological threat to life in the World Ocean is a burial at the Sea Day of Radioactive Waste (RAO) and discharge into a sea of \u200b\u200bliquid radioactive waste (LRR).
Heat pollution. It is caused by discharge in the reservoirs of heated water TPP and nuclear power plants. Leads to a massive development of blue - green algae, the so-called water blossom, a decrease in the amount of oxygen and adversely affects the flora and fauna of the reservoirs;
Mechanical pollution. Increases the content of mechanical impurities;

Consequences of ocean pollution

Consequences of ocean pollution
As a result of the pollution of the World Ocean, it leads to a violation of natural processes, harmful consequences for living organisms and to the danger to human health, prevents the development of all marine biotes (plankton, marine plants, ichthyofauna, marine animals) worsens the quality of sea water and harms all parties to human activity.
Plastic garbage in the Pacific Ocean are the cause of the death of more than a million seabirds per year, as well as more than 100 thousand individuals of marine mammals. In the stomachs of the fallen seabirds, syringes, lighters and toothbrushes are found - all these bird items swallow, taking them for food.

Methods of solving problems
To solve such a large-scale problem, Serbian architects Milorad Vidosedic (Milorad vidojević), Elena Pukarevich (Milica Pihler) and Milica Pihler (Milica Pihler) offered an original solution: Use part of the sea plastic for the construction of huge underwater skyscrapers "Lady Landfill Skyscraper", which then ourselves take For the utilization of garbage.

Presentation on the topic: "The Black Sea and its environmental problems." Teacher of Biology Vdovichenko O.N.

Black Sea - the inner sea of \u200b\u200bthe pool of the Atlantic Ocean. The Bosphorus Strait is connected to the marble sea, further, through the Strait of Dardanelles - with the Aegean and Mediterranean seas. The Kerch Strait is connected to the Azov Sea. From the north in the sea, the Crimean Peninsula is deeply crashed. On the surface of the Black Sea, the water border between Europe and Malaya Asia passes.

Area 422,000 km? (According to other data - 436,400 km?). The outlines of the Black Sea remind an oval with the largest axis about 1150 km. The greatest length of the sea from north to south is 580 km. The greatest depth is 2210 m, the average - 1240 m.

The uniqueness of the sea starting from the depth of 100-150 meters the water of the Black Sea "is infected" with a large number of hydrogen sulfide, which is a highly aggressive medium and is deadly for human life and life in general. The hydrogen sulfide zone occupies 87% of its water mass.

The upper layer of the sea, which makes up about 13% of the total water volume, is settled by flora and fauna. In the Black Sea there are about 2,000 species of animals: from the simplest to mammals. The world of underwater plants has about 100 species.

Problems and forecasts The comprehensive studies of the marine environment showed that the viability of the Black Sea worsen. The predictions of scientists are rather gloomy: on a variety of signs - at the omission of marine flora and fauna, the chemical composition of water and pollution - the Black Sea close to the suicide state.

One of the most serious environmental problems of the Black Sea lies in the fact that the rivers flowing into it carry not only pesticides or heavy metals, but also nitrogen and phosphorus, in large quantities are fluttered from the fields. Nitrogen and phosphorus are not only agricultural fertilizers, but also food for marine microorganisms and algae, which, due to the overaffect of nutrients, begin to grow violently. Dying, they fall at the bottom and in the process of rotting consume a significant amount of oxygen. And then the zams of marine animals begin - mollusks, fish, worms, crustaceans - as they have nothing to breathe.

The floral world of the Black Sea includes 270 species of multi-mero green, brown, red bottom algae (cystosyra, phillofor, zoster, alert, ulwa, enteromorph, etc.). As part of the phytoplankton of the Black Sea - at least six hundred species. Among them, Dinoflagellats are shell burns (crortrum Micans, Ceratium Furca, Little Scriptsiella Trochoidea Scriptsiella, Dinoflates (Dinofizis, Protoperidinium, Alexandrium), various diatoms of algae, etc.

The Black Sea is noticeably poorer than the Mediterranean Sea. 2.5 thousand species of animals live in the Black Sea (of which 500 species of one-owl, 160 species of vertebrates - fish and mammals, 500 species of crustaceans, 200 types of mollusks, the rest - invertebrates different types), for comparison, in Mediterranean - about 9 thousand species. Among the main causes of the relative poverty of the animal world of the Black Sea: a wide range of water salts, moderately cold water, the presence of hydrogen sulfide at high depths. In this regard, the Black Sea is suitable for habitat enough unpretentious species, at all stages of the development of which are not required in high depths. At the bottom of the Black Sea, mussels, oysters, pecten, as well as a mollusk predator Rapana, brought with ships from the Far East. In the crevices of coastal cliffs and among the stones live numerous crabs, there are shrimp, there are various types of jellyfish (the most common corenotes and auras), acti, sponges.

Fish of the Black Sea. In the Black Sea: Different types of bulls (bull-head, bull-whip, bull-round, bull-martovik, bull-rhotan), Azov Hamsa, Black Sea Hamsa (Anchovus), Akula-Katran, Kambala Gloss, Kefal of five species, Lufar, Merlusa (Heck), Marine Yersh, Barabul (Ordinary Black Sea Sultanka), Piksha, Mackerel, Stavrid, Chernomorsko-Azov Herring, Black Sea-Azov Tulka, etc. There are sturgeon (Beluga, Black Sea Azov Osperature). Among the dangerous fish of the Black Sea - the sea dragon (the most dangerous - poisonous spine barrels and gill lids), Black Sea and noticeable Speren, Skat-tail (sea cat) with poisonous spikes on the tail.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

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Environmental problems of the Black Sea Matveyeva Inna Stanislavovna, teacher of biology of MBOU G. Kerch RK "School-Gymnasium №2 them. VG Negolenko "2017 2017 - year of ecology in Russia

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87% of the volume occupy water saturated with hydrogen sulfide. This zone begins at a depth of about 100 meters, and the border over the years is gradually rising. About 2,000 species of animals live in the Black Sea, 100 species of plants and 270 species of bottom multicellular algae Black Sea unique!

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Main challenges 1 Black Sea pollution by wastewater, toxic substances and petroleum products 2. Eutrophication of water 3. The accumulation of solid household waste 4. Biological pollution of the Black Sea ecosystem is alien species 5. Reducing biological diversity. Cooking flora and fauna

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1. Black Sea pollution by wastewater, toxic substances and petroleum products Waste to the sea come with the waters of the Dnieper, Danube and Prut. From utility services of large cities and resorts, industrial enterprises go wastewater streams. Increased concentration of petroleum products leads to extinction of many types of fauna, the catch are reduced.

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2. Evailing (flowering) i.e. formation of oxygen shortage zones. With the waters of rivers in the sea come nitrogen and phosphorus from the fields. Phytoplankton, obtaining excess nutrients from fertilizers, brewing violently, water "blooms". Then the bottom microorganisms die. In the process of rotting, they use an increased amount of oxygen, which leads to the hypoxia of the bottom animals: crabs, mussels, oysters, sturgeon. Zones of the zone reach 40 thousand square meters. km. All coastal waters of the North-Western water area are rebuffed.

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3. The acquisition of solid household waste bottom of the coastal zones and the coast are contaminated with a huge number of household garbage. It comes from ships, noomers organized along rivers and washed floods, from the shores of the resorts. In saline water, such garbage decomposes decades, and plastic - century. The decomposition of solid household waste (MSW) leads to the release of toxic substances into water.

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4. Biological pollution of the Black Sea ecosystem alien species of Rapane. In 2005, the Musiy - the main bio filtrate was almost completely destroyed by Rapana, the predatory molluste, which fell into the Black Sea with the ballast waters of the courts. Due to the absence of natural enemies, Rapana significantly reduced the number of oysters, scallops, mussels, a sea cutter. Another divinement - Grevenik Mnemiopsis, who feeds on young mussels and plankton, broke the fodder feed base!