Three main alien races that influenced the Earth Civilization. What races of aliens exist

Some people argue that alien civilizations caused the birth of life itself on Earth. Others say - aliens, on the contrary, try to destroy this life with all their might. But no one else remains indifferent: the ufologists (which is not so little), the international scientific community considers Charlatans, and the Ufologists themselves simply put forward all new evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Here are 7 main (according to the same Ufologs) of alien races, the field of whose influence is applied to our land.

  • Gray

    If we had to choose, then aliens under the codenamed gray (grays) would be the main challengers for the role of bad guys. High humans with elongated skulls, they most often appear in the media as aliens. These guys are put forward as kidnappers who use people for terrible experiments. Maybe this, of course, and nonsense - however, the image of aliens is too frightening.

  • Sassani

    It is believed that this race can be the progenitor of all mankind. Numerous supporters of the theory of extraterrestrial reason argue that people are Sassan hybrids and earthly fauna. Unlike the same gray, Sassan Race is a benevhetory. They try to awaken the highest mind of humanity so that we can enter into the space alliance.


    The Motherland of Arcturians is among the planets of the Milky Way. This one of the oldest cosmorats (if you believe the ufologists). Arcturians are able to mutate in any creature in their choice, and their original form is a high humanoid with green skin. Each Arcturian owns telepathy, which allowed them to be elevated among other aliens.


    Dream of warriors of the North. Nordics look like real Norwegian aces. Ufologists believe that the Scandinavian epic wrote his gods from these aliens. The Aryans work closely with gray, but do not approve of their politicians towards people.


    As you can guess from the name, these guys arrived to us from the constellation of the Pleiads. Externally, they are very similar to people and, guided by excerpts from the abstracts of Ufologov, they love to live on Earth. According to some reports, the Pleiadians are their essence of those whose mind is cleared. So, if you want to see aliens - try meditation.


    Yakhuel - the first who entered into friendly contact with people. Yakhuel understand that we are not the most open view In the universe and are always ready to meet something unusual with weapons in their hands. Therefore, they try to initiate chat gently, without pressure. Apparently, it is this race that can open the story of the entire galaxy to all people.


    What will a man do who began to master another planet? Records its resources. That was what the Anunnaki was received, for the first time landing on our native land. They came from the planet Nibiru (which, in fact, most of the adequate scientific community considers completely fictional).

Presented races of alien civilizations:

Constellations: Orion, Andromeda, Lyra;
Sirius, Antaresa, Bethelgeuse, Rigel, Vega, Tau Whale, Alpha Centaur, Arcticura, Polar Star;
Star accumulation:
Mars, Venus, Nibiru, their incarnation on earth, and others.

Now earthlings are received by a lot of information about creatures from various planets. I present you information about representatives of some of them. So, Meet.

Nearby Race of rather frightening ancient angelic creatures from Andromeda Galaxy. They ultimately - the spiritual strength of the Ashtar command (Ashtar) and the leaders of Pleiadians (Pleiadians) and the whole of our branch of human evolution! But not only that. They are managers at least another completely different branch branch of the Signsian race (Cygnusian) - quiet mucous amphibians, - such creatures arriving with the planets in the constellation Signs (CYGNUS). The path that the creatures of the Andromeda galaxy helps to develop creatures in our own Milky Way Galaxy can be seen on the macrocosmic example of how Pleiadian's civilization (Pleiadians) helps develop civilization on our land.

Aryans (Aryans), Blondes (Blondes)

Blond Scandinavian humanoids that work with gray. They say they were captured by reptoids and also have implants (implementation). They consider to have a tendency to vibrations in loyalty between reptoids and the confederation of people.

Arcturian (Arcturus)

Members of the Confederation of People. Arcturian is a very spiritual race that lives in the universe or in the reality of pure love. It seems on our planet there is some gate through which higher energies are transferred to the universe of our measurement.

Vegans (Vegans)

Members of the Confederation of People. Another famous type of aliens of the human type "higher spiritually developed" nature, which seem to be aware of the situation on Earth and take some possible actions. They are with Arctica and from Vega.

Hybrids (Hybrids)

Almost all types of aliens are distinguished by great interest in human biology. Very often, eyewitnesses or victims of kidnaps describe medical experiments on the reproductive organs of people. Some say that they were forced to join interspecific sex. Other were shown embryos or newborns, which appeared as a result of similar contacts between people and aliens. The hybrids are more than other aliens like people, although they have a typical aliens for alien shape of the eyes and skull. In some situations, hybrids show the ability to telepathy.

Blue (Blues), "Star Warriors"

Blue, as they think, have transparent skin, large almond-shaped eye and small growth. main topic Their exercises are "Follow your passions", follow your own way, do your own, do not allow you to be forced to be not the one who / what you are.

Information about Blue goes from Robert Morning. According to him, the first contact began around 1947-1948, when gray came into contact with the US government to conclude an agreement. But another ship has arrived with aliens called blue. Blue advised the government without dealing with gray, warning that it will only lead to disasters. They ordered the United States to follow their own way. They said they would teach peace and harmony if people disarm and listen. The military did not say anything. So they decline, but few of them decided to stay and remained in Northern Mexico and Arizona and entered into an agreement with the Indians of the Hopi tribe. These aliens are famous for Hopi as star warriors. Gray began to track blue, so the latter were forced to flee from the reservation and go underground, a few elders Hopi went with them.

According to the legend, Hopi had two races: "Children of Feather, who arrived from heaven, and" children of reptiles "who arrived from under the ground. "Children of Reptiles" expelled the Indians of Hopi from their land, they were also called the hasty.

Dalis (Dals)

This is the racial of the Scandinavian types, come from what is called "Dal Universe". They are the branch of Lirian (Lyrians) and are very advanced technically and spiritually; Approximately 300-1000 years ahead of Pleiadian (Pleiadians). They help them very much like the Pleiadian (Pleiadians) help us.

Ancient (Ancient)

They are usually described as mantily-like humanoids with cold black almond-like eyes and yellow-green skin. They are rather tall, from 1.5 to 2 meters. Like most cosmic races, ancient is very thin, with elongated limbs and fingers. Unlike other aliens, the ancient is extremely cold, and sometimes with a big hostility belong to people. They are absolutely not interested in the knowledge and achievements of our civilization. The stories of those who kidnap the ancients are distinguished by terrible details about the barbaric medical experiments. Ancient often accompany gray, as if fulfilling the role of managers or supervisors. From this fact, the hypothesis grew up that all the races of aliens coexist in some galactic civilization and that some types were obtained from others by genetic experiments.

Confederation of People (Intergalactic Confederation)

It is more often referred to as the "Intergalactic Confederation", headed by the Ashtar command. It consists of organizing groups of aliens born in positive energy that help the human race and wish to protect it. Includes: Vegan (VEGA), Arcturian (Arcturus), Sirian (Sirius), Pleiadian (Pleiades), Lirian (Lyrians), Dalian (Dals) and Centaurian (CENTAURIANS).

Lyrian (Lyrians)

This is the most ancient parental race, from which all our branch of human or humanoid races occurred, including all the Scandinavian types, Orionans (Orions), and even gray (Greys). A civilization is very militant in his infancy, they gradually changed to the better and now technically and spiritually they are at about the level of Pleiadian (Pleiadians).

People like "B"

Genetically similar to us (likea people?), As well as people who serve as gray. They are from Pleiad, also look blondes with light skin. This type is a product of pure evolution, spiritual, friendly, having blood relations with people and the only aliens who can be trusted on this moment. They once suggested their help to earth leaders in the settlement of the situation with aliens, but they were denied and since then they do not interfere. These aliens are presumably, are the ancestors of the human race. They are mainly not present on earth now due to serious problems On the territory of their home.

People like "C"

They know very little about them. Presumably, they are very highly evolutionary, they are spiritual type, very friendly to earthly people.

Oriones (ORIONS)

Consist of two opposite races. The "Council of Light" was originally founded in the Bethielgei star system, such powerful Orion Negative ("Evil") of the forces were substituted in the star of the Rigel. Orionnts occupied a large number of planets in less the spiritual times of our galaxy, but they were always balanced by the intergalactic confederation. The gripful part of the Orion's Empire was defeated by 200,000 years ago by the intergalactic confederation, and they have not had a threat to the Earth. They are now preparing for "transformation in the 4th dimension", just as we are on Earth. In fact, some people on Earth are reincarnated by ORIONS (ORIONS), which should integrate their negative start here and allow both our worlds to rise.

Pleiadian (Pleiadians)

This is a team of aliens star system Pleiad. There are also pleiadans from different periods of time in the future, starting from 500 years from the present time to millions of years from this time. Pleiavskaya culture is very ancient and was "grown" from another universe of love much earlier than the Earth was created. They have formed a huge community that works with love, with ideas and ideals with which we are still not familiar.

Pleiadian began their project to come into contact and inspiration of earthly people to regain their strength and create better reality for themselves. They are here as ambassadors from another universe to help Earth in its transition from the third dimension in the fourth dimension and help each of us in our personal efforts of awakening, memories and knowledge. Since this project was increasingly successful large quantity Aliens joined the initial group, some came from other systems. A group later changed the name with Pleiadians on Pleiadians Plus.

They say that their reasons for contact with us are that in the future there is probability of tyranny and they return to our times to inspire us as much as possible so that we are responsible for creating our own reality and change the future.

They offer a very strengthening form of personal and social metaphysics, with love and clarity. Pleiadians act as a single team, and among them no individuals are allocated. They do not appear in physical form, although they say that they can. They say that it is so safe to penetrate the channel and that it does not attract a lot of attention.


Very rarely dated appearance of aliens. In physical parameters, they are also thin and debt, as many other types, but at the same time they have pronounced signs of reptiles: scaly, like some lizards, leather, large snake eyes, clawed limbs. Nothing is known about their intentions and sphere of interest on Earth.

Reptoids, Lizards (Lizards), Mountain (Gorn)

Rasa Lizards with Draco (Draco), conquerors. They believe, control the gray-and through implants, just as gray introduce implants to people. They are also considered inspirations of abduction plans (abduction). The main goal is to introduce using recently created implanted "half-breeds", "hybrids" to destroy the confederation of people. They are carnivore towards people using them as food.

Genetically similar to reptiles is a very advanced race, however, they are extremely negative, hostile and dangerous to people, considering their lower races. They perceive us about how we perceive the flock of livestock. There is an allegedly controlled planetoid or asteroid populated by 30 million of these lizards, which entered our solar system in the mid-90s on our calendar.

They consider land as their own ancient outpost and seek to get full control over the planet after their return. Their own planet is no longer suitable for maintaining life and they need some other for living. These are aliens who serve gray-a.

Gray (Greys)

This is the most frequently identifiable aliens raus. There are many different views, stories and theories regarding them.

Gray, as they see the scientific community:

Gray is the most frequently described by the victims of Race's abduction. At the same time, they are considered as a raus with unknown motifs and intentions. They seem to be kidnapped, studying, experience and differently use people at all unclear purposes.

Gray from the point of view of New Age:

In this movement, gray is often associated with an angry race or racial energy. They are often associated with many other races, type of reptoids (REPTOIDS), their motives are known.

Gray from the point of view of various conspiracy theories:

Various conspiracy theories are often a mixture of scientific data and ideas of New Age. The standard basis of the conspiracy theory declares that Greys suffered a crash (one or more of their spacecraft and they themselves were found in the US government). The Government is trying to conclude a secret agreement with them, allowing them to kidnap people in exchange for their technology.

Conspiracy theories often end with the fact that Greys do not fulfill their part of the transaction.

There are descriptions of several types of gray:

  • 1. The most often noticed gray: height from 2 to 4 feet, very slim and thin in appearance, small creatures with light weight, extremely penetrating black diagonal eyes without pupils, almost rudimentary mouth and nose, a very big head with a pronounced chin. The skin color varies from dark gray to light gray, from brown to brown-gray, from white to pale white. They have no hair on the body.
  • 2. Another commonly noticed gray is similar to what is described above, except that they are usually six inches above, and it seems to be ordered. The variation of the individual described here: the same height, but the eyes look like large black buttons and rounded.
  • 3. Another type of gray is a small robot-like creature, a native and small, with a smooth rounded hat on the head, with dark deeply planted eyes, a round o-shaped ridge, a square chest with concentric circles on it. Their smell resembles the smell of burned match heads, porous gray leather. These gray are often said that they are in contacts act as guards.

Other variations are described like Reptilians (REPTILIANS) with claws like a mantis. There were also many messages about mixed types (hybrids), which are not completely people and not quite gray.

Gray - type A

This type is mainly understood as "gray." Also known as Zeta Reticulans from the Reticulum star system. Apparently, Militarist Race with clearly distributed social Structurewhich retains science and "conquest of worlds" primary goals. They are usually 4.5 feet of growth with large heads and black eyes. They have limited features of the face, mouth in the form of a slit and no nose. They evolved beyond the need for a reproductive system or digestive system and multiply cloning.

Their genetics is partially based on insects. Their science is very widely studied by other forms of life and genetic engineering. They are supposedly involved in the change in the genetic structure of people for thousands of years. Apparently, they are trying to genetically cross themselves with people in order to create a "mixed race", hybrids, which will be perfect than basic.

Apparently, there are two main social classes. Some of them are more sharp, rude, assertive. Others are more peaceful, more inclined to conduct business and diplomatic approach to establish control over people.

They do not possess emotions (according to human concepts) and look cruel towards the human race. They are able to take human Lives Without any of the apparent reason. They, presumably, can use human bodies (substances) for nutrition and, therefore, carnivore towards people.

It is known that these gray actually serve as the highest races of reptoids and are trying to prepare the Earth to their arrival, taking control over the planet different ways. They enjoy the freedom that they have on earth, away from their owners, and would like to help people in confrontation with the lizards.

These gray have well-known bases in New Mexico and Nevada, as well as in many countries of the world.

Gray - type in

High gray from Orion. Usually about 7-8 feet of growth, with similar type and features of the face, with the exception of the presence of a large nose. These gray also have technologies that allow them to do something that looks like "miracle." These gray are less hostile towards people than type A, but still remain those. They strive to influence political control, conclusion of agreements with government representatives. Their main bases, apparently, in the Aleutian Islands.

Gray - type with

It is the most shorter gray - about 3.5 feet growth. Face features like gray with Zeta Reticuli. Also hostile to people like Zetas. They are from the star system from the outskirts of Orion called Bellatrex (Bellatrax).

Sirians (Sirians)

Members of the Confederation of People. They are aqueous, dreamy race, to some extent this is a developed version of dolphins and whales. It is believed that they live in the minds of Christ and are in the solar system, very closely associated with our own in the mental sense. They also play a role in assisting land, but they do it in a thinner way, through representatives of cetaceans in our seas.

Centaurian Centaurian

They are the type of blond Scandinavians, arrive with Alpha Centauro. They sympathize with Pleiadians, seek to help us grow spiritually, but they do not take actively participating, unlike other races, although they have and have contacts with selected people on Earth.

We are all to some extent aliens

In fact, there is no significant difference between aliens and people, since quite a long time the land is genetically manipulated various alien races. Therefore, we all, to one degree or another, have genes of other star systems.

There are some physical genetic attributes transmitted from generation to generation that can help identify the alien heritage of humanity. For example, those people that contain the genetic material of the Pleydean of Scandinavian type are often high and muscular, with blond hair and blue eyes. But in all this mixing and shuffling of the genes in the Space Melting Boiler of the Earth, to identify the original origin of a person seems to be a very difficult task.

In fact, if the aliens walked among us (and some do somehow), they could not even be identified. Not only are some alien races can be cleverly disguised, but many people just look out on us.

As I said before, about 80% of all aliens - friendly, pleasant, loving souls who sincerely want to help mankind go back to their cosmic family. Approximately 20% of aliens - unfriendly, greedy to power of creatures that completely ignore or even despised people. Of course, there is some neutral average level (mainly alien scholars who have no special hostility towards humanity, but are not sufficiently developed spiritually to be able to understand what is the best for us). In the name of science, they can gut a person to learn more about him. (But the abduction is another topic for another time).

The bottom line is that most negative aliens vibrate in 3D and 4D areas, and therefore are more often visible to people. Most of the friendliest missions in the love of races exist in 5D, 6D and 7D and can only be available to those people who are approached with the vibrations of these high worlds. Thus, it is only so it seems that there are many negative aliens associated with the Earth. And of course, most of the world rulers manipulate negative aliens (due to their thirst for power).

There are many different "species" of aliens. Here is my last assessment, including those who are in human incarnation:

  • Oriones are similar to us, because almost 80% of us - Oriones.
  • Pleiadians are also like us as they were the main race that settled the land.
  • Siriusyan is slightly higher and thinner of the middle man.
  • Anthasites are large, muscular and have reddish brown skin.
  • Andromedyan tend to be embodied among Asians, although they are high and long-grade, with big heads and small diagonal almond eyes.

Zetas have three main shades:

  1. Alebastrovo white shorts with huge black almond eyes;
  2. Gray dwarfs with large black almond-shaped eyes (their majority);
  3. High hybrids, with blue tint leather and small diagonal almond eyes;
  4. Venusalents - Belliest, blond, transparent;
  5. Arcturians are large, translucent creatures with bluish skin;
  6. Highest dimensional Pleiadians look like flickering gold figures of light. Pleiadean itself high level similar to blue-white stars in the visible eye of the star group Pleiad;

Other races belong to higher measurements and can change their appearance at will.

Star system - Earth Group:

  • The constellation of Orion - the Councils of Rigel and Bethelgeuse; Embodied from Mars and Maldek.
  • System Pleiad 7D - Ras Adam (original earthlings) from DNA Lira / Vega, Atlantic Priests-rulers.
  • Dual system of Sirius b - biblical god, greek gods, descendants of Israel and the Middle East.
  • Venus, 6D - usually white-haired, blue-eyed, belligerent people.
  • System Pleiad 4D - Scandinavian type, high muscular (initial vikings, Scandinavian peoples).
  • Andromedyan 4D - Eastern people with narrow diagonal eyes.

  • Antshassets 4D - Red Giant Race, referred to in the Book of Genesis (Nordic Types, Primary Europeans).
  • 3D Zeta is the human embodiment of the initial race.
  • Hybrids Zeta network 3D - human incarnation during evolution programs.
  • Hybrids of Andromedan 3D - human incarnation in the course of evolution programs.
  • Tau Kita, Alpha Centauro, Polar Star - Human incarnations from these star systems (mainly 6D-8D).
  • Arctic 7D-9D - emissary embodied in human form.
  • Nibiru (Planet X) - members of the Council of Nibiru, earth and extraterrestrial incarnations.
  • Aliens in their bodies - Humanoids embodying outside the Earth.
  • Deputy (Walk-in) - various races occupying human bodies through a shower replacement.
  • Other categories (3D-12D) are people from star systems not mentioned above.
  • Other entities (7D or higher) - spiritual masters from high dimensional (Avatars in mystically created bodies).

Some astronomy - For those who want, because there are many unfamiliar names that can enhance suspicion: "Can it be faithful"?

I think that maybe. Nothing from what has said here has caused suspicion, and cannot be called a lie. And part of the information is confirmed by other sources.

  • Breyl and Bethelgeuse - The brightest stars of the Constellation Orion.
  • Sirius - SAMIA bright Star Constellation B.Pest.
  • Vega - The brightest star of the constellation Lyra.
  • Polar - The brightest star of the constellation is a small bear.

"Double system of Sirius b - biblical god, Greek gods, descendants of Israel and the Middle East" - it is known that civilization Ancient Egypt Supported by civilizations of Sirius and Orion.

  • Antares \u003d Ant-Ares is a rival of reddish Mars, a reddish star in the constellation of Scorpio.
  • Andromeda - Constellation of the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Keith, Centaur - Equatorial constellations.
  • Arctur. - The brightest star of the volfish constellation.

Do you believe in extraterrestrial mind? And what do you say that alien races may not only exist, but also support contact with earthlings right now? Many things indicate that this assumption is plausible. And if you have ever read something about it, it is unlikely that it will seem strange and short-sighted. This article will reveal for you the details of this theory and will present you those alien types with which you can establish contacts right now - the Universe is waiting.



Yahal is great and elegant hybrid creatures. It is reported that they emit clean sunny energy And are the closest relatives of people in the universe. Most likely, they will become the first race, which will be connected with humanity in the near future. They have about the same growth as people, a good physique, and also possess appearance, similar to anime character, many of them look quite multi-substant. They are beautiful, tender, intelligent, sympathizing and attentive. They have well-developed technologies, and at the same time it is supposed to be close to help humanity progress and develop. This civilization also appeared in ancient times, and it is also much more advanced in technological plan. There is an assumption that ideas social networks Were transferred to humanity through their stream of consciousness.

Sirius hybrids

This type of "hyper Sapirens" is incredibly developed, there is information that it incredibly often in contact with people throughout history. It is believed that this is the parental race of mankind, it was she who created people from a genetic point of view. After all, many ancient prophecies and spiritual texts contain references to the fact that extraterrestrial reason took part in the creation of people. Creatures from Sirius exist about 300-500 years further in the future and tens of thousands of years overtook humanity in technological progress. They specialize in technologies, architecture, sustainable energy and sacred geometry. In addition, it is worth noting that the creatures depicted in the film "Avatar" are very much like Sirius hybrids. They are slender, slightly higher people on average, and also have a well-developed musculature. They have a light blue tint of leather, warm oval eyes and long incredibly clever fingers.


Pleiadians are high, rounded, broad-eyed creatures, with soft, but rather clear features. These are wonderful creatures that, if and have hair, are usually blondes, as well as their eyes are always blue. Many believe that people before birth spend a long time on the Pleiades, passing special training - and it is there that they return after death. Bodies of the Pleiamen work as elegant tools that can take mental signals from the whole universe. Therefore, if you focus on the elimination with the pleyadians, you will have a high chance of success, as they are among the most responsive and most likely, closely located alien creatures in the universe. Pleiadians also have high diplomacy rates - they are part of the interstellar alliance, support the creation and development of new races on other planets, and also ensure evolution and progress for all existing civilizations. This race is gentle and loving, so you will not have problems with access to contact with its representatives, they are always available and ready to communicate, at any time can receive a signal from you and answer you.


The most ancient race of the entire Milky Way Galaxy is the Arcturians, they are incredibly developed, they know a lot, have tremendous experience and are constantly involved in various innovations. It is known that it is the Arcturians who became the first race developed in the Galaxy of the Milky Way, which resulted in the emergence of other subsidiaries, among which there is both human. Arcturians can take the most various formsSince their advanced consciousness allowed them to go through singularity and begin existence in a new, inaccessible to other high-frequency reality. Their growth ranges from 120 to 150 centimeters, which is significantly lower than the average growth of people. But at the same time, their heads are significantly more, as they contain a huge brain. But at the same time their bodies are quite large and muscular. However, the Arcturians continue to develop and are becoming less physical. These creatures have an incredible intelligence, which is so high that such indicators are beyond the face of human understanding. This is one of the ancestors of humanity, about the connection with which people should always remember.

How to communicate with aliens?

In order to increase the chances of establishing a contact with an alien mind, it is recommended to release a little time to meditate daily, and it is approximately the same thing at the same time. Clean the space around yourself, make it easier, make some deep breaths. Mentally send an invitation for aliens into the space, after that calm down, start the meditation, observe silence - and listen. Perhaps you should ask a question and listen to what answers will be given by aliens.

Discussions about the existence of aliens and the share of their participation in the earthly life will be very long and worried. Some of us are firmly convinced - ancient astronauts were on Earth. And not just visited the planet, but also communicated with the civilizations of the past, generously giving earthlings knowledge.
Others indicate that there are still no real facts of having extraterrestrial life, which means we are the only reasonable view of the universe. At the same time, there are many ancient texts with a description of the landing on the Earth gods who descended from heaven.
Some believe that written by ancient residents can not be perceived with all seriousness. After all, it can be just a mythology created by a person legend, or the issuance of the desired for valid. Well, I think, you should not convince anyone in anyone, everyone believes in what he believes according to his understanding of the world.

Meanwhile, the theory of ancient aliens has gained wide popularity and serves as a topic for a variety of unlucky discussions. According to the assumption, our planet is thousands, and even hundreds of thousands of years ago, visited extraterrestrial creatures - in our consciousness they entrenched like gods.
Today, researchers who studied and analyzed cases of the appearance of UFOs on Earth declare that there are several alien creatures that influenced the development of earthly civilization. Here we will highlight the three significant races of the aliens, which exist according to the data of the Ufologs and theorists of Conspirology.
Although, of course, we remember the recent words of Professor Simon Morris that all alien forms of life are the same, and aliens look exactly like us. But, nevertheless, let's look at the hypothetically existing inhabitants of other stars.

1. Reptiloids.

As it is clear from the name, the reptiloids occur from the branches of anthropomorphic reptiles, whose civilizations were distributed from the Dragon Alpha system, so they are also known as "dragons / dragon carriers". According to Ufologs, they have a growth of about 4 meters and are characterized as unreasonable warriors.

Aliens Reptiloids
The management structure in their world has a hierarchical pyramid, where the part of the military system is ruled. They also have powerful mental strength, feed on negative energy - such as fear and hatred.
Some researchers consider reptiloids with a regressive species, noting a certain demonic start in them.
Many UFO hunters believe that "reptiles" is currently firmly "assieged" among the ruling elite of our planet. He deeply imbued into our lives, seriously regularly speaking, they actually manage the world of the planet Earth. It is not excluded that they destroy those who have not conquered the civilization of other worlds.

2. Gray aliens.
Gray aliens are the most famous creatures with someone else's planet among all the alien races who have been on Earth, both in the past and in the present. Eyewitnesses describe gray as creatures with large heads, almond-shaped incisions of large eyes and small bodies (about 120 cm growth).

Gray aliens
They come to us from the constellation Orion Star Zeta System. According to ufologists and researchers, the population of their planet is very small, some believe that this is an extinct race, which is due to close related relations.
As they believe, they are unlike people who do not have the souls, because they behave like robots - others believe that they are artificial creatures. Gray aliens "absentia" accused in most cases abduction of people on our planet. According to one of the non-confident assumptions, gray can consist in the service of reptiloids.
According to some data (Conspirology), in the 50s between the American government and gray aliens, an extremely secret pact was concluded. Under the terms of the contract, gray are divided by "magic" alien technologies, while they themselves receive a blanche card on the abduction of people and a different kind of experiments with a person.

3. Annunaki.

Annunae is the most famous Race aliens, this is our past, because this extraterrestrial race gave rise to a person. Annunaki is a name, this stranger is still here, that in translation means "those who come down to earth from heaven."

Annunaki - our genetic ancestors

These creatures allegedly arrived from the planet Nibiru, which with a period of 3,600 years later visits Sunny system (Although it was said to Sitchin about the time of 360 thousand years). According to Zechariah Sithin (taken parts of the text from the translation of Sumerian tablets), Annunaki mix their own genetic materials with early people. Thus, the aliens create races raises, for heavy labor in mines. It is assumed that genetic experiments were held about 200,000 years ago. It was Annunakov ancient people who kept in their memory under high status - gods.

Conclusion ...

I agree, everything is more written more suitable under the theory of conspiracy and specialists of the Countreg Theory. But at the same time, even the Vatican - whose library keeps incredible documents of the past - does not deny the existence of a reasonable life on other planets. What a representative of the Holy See said about the recently: since God created a man on earth, he could do it on another planet. At the same time added that aliens, though part of the divine design plan, but Jesus Christ did not send to them.

7 types of aliens who live on earth according to Ufologov

Some people argue that alien civilizations caused the birth of life itself on Earth. Others say - aliens, on the contrary, try to destroy this life with all their might. But no one else remains indifferent: the ufologists (which is not so little), the international scientific community considers Charlatans, and the Ufologists themselves simply put forward all new evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Here are 7 main (according to the same Ufologs) of alien races, the field of whose influence is applied to our land.


Gray or Greek are the most common alien race, which ever had to meet people. True, most often such meetings occur in fiction or cinema.

Descriptions of gray, if you consider eyewitness words, diverge in all respects - appearance, character, skin color, origin, etc. Given the set of evidence, such a description can be folded: GREE is small creatures of gray, having a disproportionately big head, large black eyes, elongated limbs, atrophied muscles, without ears and genitals.

They are usually positioned as unfriendly "bad", kidding people and carrying terrible experiments on them. The most famous case of such a kidnapping occurred in 1961 with Betty's spouses and Barney Hill from Portsmouth.


People-reptile, the existence of which they say ufology, based on their arguments on the theories of the universal conspiracy. They are among the most famous heroes of science fiction and urban legends. Have a similar body structure similar to people, however, characterized green Skin, eyes and limbs peculiar to reptiles. Possess telepathy and abilities to reincarnate into any of the well-known creatures. Cunning and ruthless humanoids, not inclined to mercy and compassion. The first report on contact with them was the testimony of the American policeman, who announced in 1967 about the abduction of his green reptiles. According to the fans of the theory of conspiracy, leaders american government - Reptiloids.


According to some of the ufologists, Sassani can be the most distant ancestors of the earthlings - it was thanks to them that the evolution of monkeys to a person occurred. Supporters of this version call people, a peculiar hybrid of Sassan's aliens and earthly fauna, which inhabited the planet during the period when the first contact occurred.

Despite the visual similarity with the Gray, these aliens are benevolent. They appeal to the human mind and hope that the earthlings will finally open their highest opportunities and go to the space alliance.


According to contactors and ufologov, Nordes are human-like creatures, like two drops of water similar to Europeans, or rather, Scandinavians.

They are described as two-meter men and women of amazing beauty, with blond hair and blue eyes. Their skin has a pale pink or tanned shade, and they themselves often wear tight clothes. Ufologists believe that the Scandinavian Epos Edda was written out from these creatures perceived as gods.

They are talking about them as very friendly and magical creatures, who willingly go to contact and have the desire to communicate with earthlings. The peak of messages about their appearance fell on the 50th, however, afterwards Greeks pushed them into contacts of the contactors.


It is believed that the Arcturians originate from one of the planets of our galaxy Milky Way, which specifically is unknown. If you believe the words of Ufologov, they are among the oldest space races.

The original form in which they were people are famous for many green or purple men with an elongated head shape and high growth. At the same time, they have the ability to instant mutation into any of the creatures, just with the help of the strength of thought. Among other things, they are peculiar to telepathy, and the ability to mentally speak with any forms of life.

They are a benevolent and majestic race with a richest history.


Aliens who arrived on Earth from the planetary system located in the constellation of the Pleiads. They consider earthlings part of their race, first of all, due to external similarities. Visually, the appearance of Pleiadians do not have differences from the human, except that they have a higher growth (on average 2m) and the wonderful beauty of the face, as if angels. To distinguish them from people can except psychics who can see Aura - she is much cleaned by Pleiadians. Their mission is to develop earth civilizationBecause they consider people their shameful past.


Mentioned only in Sumero-Akkada mythology, they, according to Ufologov, are considered one of the most common species of alien creatures that inhabited the land for several millennia ago.

So, the adherents of Paleokontakt believe that Annunaki arrived to us from the planet Nibiru as "mediators" between the gods and people.

Many agree that they lead globalists and representatives of the World Government.