Quotes about sunset and dreams. Amazing and wise sunset quotes

Remind me of love, how the sunset fades, memories in the dawn to look back *

Sunset, nature, they are together and happy ... And you continue to drink in the same spirit, play WOW, and fuck women from the gateway ...

And somewhere the sea, beaches, macho ... The sunset is intoxicating, beautiful! Everything is simpler here - summer, dacha ... Shovels, rakes ... Vodka with beer ...

Whether it is an evening sunset or a milky sunrise ... EEE !! rest the sea! Fun! The sun is the beach ... this is what our summer is;)

Red wine, orange sunset. Tired eyes, and no more obstacles. Again the silence will calm my nerves, my life flows like a transparent river ...

Sunset is amazingly beautiful and good. But the sunset with your loved one is just amazing. When it takes your breath away and your heart pounds so wildly, there is joy in your eyes, and butterflies in your stomach ...

Take your eyes off the monitor and look out the window there the sunset is the last rays of the sun, a wonderful sight)

If you drive along the equator to the west at a speed of 1669.8206667 km / h, then the sunset will never come. :)

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same.

And so I sit and gaze at the sunset. listening to relaxing music ... and who cares * I have problems and life is shit. I just watch the sunset, smile like a fuck ...

Sunset. I close my eyes. I pretend that everything is in order. I'm drowning in rage over all these lies. I can't pretend that everything is okay. Please don't let me be lost forever. Can you tell me this is over?

Open nights, sunset without dawn, How much I want: to fly with the wind, And bad in the wild, and hard closed, I remember how painful, but I'm not broken.

Often love turns into hate as imperceptibly as a June sunset turns into a sunrise.

I want chocolate, a teddy bear, be loved, flowers, warmth, sun, soft blanket, coffee, sunset. I want to be a naughty little girl ...

Day after day you dream. Again you meet the sunset. And you miss the sun with a wet look. You will not be able to understand. You can't get it. You can't learn to love again.

Here is my home - slippers, sunset, Shallow apartment, but there are a lot of guys in it.

Sunset is a great time to take pictures)

There are three things you can watch forever: drizzling rain, sunset, and formatting the C drive.

The sunset is burning, the thunderstorm has passed, Your face shines again. I will look into your eyes And there I will find my love.

You quietly walk along the white soft sand, the salty wind from the sea tickles your body and slightly blows your hair ... and there is a beautiful sunset ahead ... and the outgoing rays of the sun are shining in your face ... and the sound of the quiet surf calms and mesmerizes from the inside.

Give me the sunset, don't take the sunrise.

Do not envy someone who is strong and rich. Dawn is always followed by sunset. With this life, short, equal to a sigh, Treat as given to you for rent.

How all the same you want to sit on the seashore in the summer, watch the sunset and think about the good ...

The sunset shone in her eyes, overshadowed everything with its light ...

Sometimes again I will revel in harmony, Over the fiction, I will shed tears, And maybe - on my sad sunset Love will flash with a farewell smile.

There was nothing romantic about our relationship! - How was it not? Well, do you remember how we licked at sunset?

Exhibitions, walks at sunset along the embankment, and in the evening I got drunk anyway ...

I really want summer, a beach at sunset, champagne and you ...

You should not conclude about your own greatness by the size of your shadow at sunset.

From dawn to dusk, guys finally guys.

One of him. To your fingertips. From dawn to dusk. Up to 7 sky. One of him.

Soon - sunset, Soon - back; To me - to the nursery, to you - Letters read daring, Bite your mouth. And the ice is still going.

Grab my hand and kiss tightly - and it will be better than the sunset ...

Any heart wants spring, a cozy and gentle sunset, one but common silence with someone, beloved eyes now, not sometime ...

At sunrise, the sun is red, and it is red at sunset. Both in happiness and in unhappiness, the great are unchanging.

Real lovers are like sunsets and sunrises - they write about them more often than watch them live.

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same.

The conflagration of the sunset was extinguished, sprinkled with white ash of stars.

Tyom, you know what I noticed? In Moscow, the sun goes down - like a cold samovar taken away. In St. Petersburg - like a Peter's penny hid by the sleeve. In Odessa - they rolled a hare on a drum ... In Astrakhan - the sunset is like a red fish being fried. In Arkhangelsk, they were treated to frozen fish, but they carried me by. In Ryazan - like a deck eaten by ants. In Riga - as if a pill was put under the tongue.

You can admire, as admire the beauty of nature - dawn, sunset, mountains, sea.

Did you think your robot and I would leave the dump nicely into the sunset?

Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful when you admire it with someone you love?

Get up early at dawn and remember that the sunset will come when you are not expecting it at all.

The sunset was pure, naive, as if it had been drawn by a provincial young lady long before the first, terrible thoughts about men came to her mind.

The sunset left after enough glass.

The sunset blazed and died out - every moment of it seemed eternal, but the transition from scarlet to ash took no more than a few demonic moments.

What is life? This is the light of a firefly in the night. This is the breath of a bison when winter comes. It is a shadow that lays down on the grass and melts at sunset.

I really love the sunset. Let's go and see the sun go down, we'll just have to wait a bit. What to expect? For the sun to go down

I just love to play with fire and "burn bridges" and watch the bloody sunset.

I watch the sunset, which lasts three hours at this time of the year. As if the sun is in last minute before entering, she nevertheless found some dignity in this world and because of this now she does not want to leave.

What do you think is the best thing in the world? - Mom says it's sunset. “Okay, then what’s the best man-made thing in the world?” - Mom says - Mona Lisa. “Look, with all due respect to your mom, buddy, a twisted shot is the best in the world.

Sunrises and sunsets In youth winged: And if it rains in the evening, then it is sunny in the morning! Sunsets and sunrises Familiar signs: Spring has come and the time has come for love!

You can only move the chair a few steps. And you look at the sunset sky again and again, if you just want to.

Everything has its own sunset, only the night ends with dawn.

And at the beginning and at the end of love, people always experience confusion, being alone with each other.

“J. La Bruyere "

And you look at the sunset sky again and again, if you just want to.

Sometimes at sunset you see something extraordinary, which you don’t believe later when you see the same thing in a picture.

Sometimes I go for a walk at sunset, through the forest to the twilight mountains. I watch as the world is covered with darkness, and everything is filled with the white light of eternity.

Look at the sunset. Beauty. The one upstairs, the painter that you need.

Why do you never confuse whether the sun rises or sets when you see it over the sea?

Previously, people admired the sunsets, and now - the kickbacks.

The most unfortunate person in the world is an atheist, he sees the sea sunset, and he has no one to thank for this beauty.

Weddings are like sunsets. The romance of the moment. Marriage is the sea in which the red sun sets.

The sunsets over the ocean are absolutely mesmerizing. Today it is calm, and the sunset looks like a red orange has decided to drown in the mirror.

See also -

Oh, how amazing these magical, iridescent shades of yellow and red, violet and purple, gentle and strict, crying and enchanting, warm and soft, beloved and mirror sunsets are amazing! They say that only on earth can you see such a wonder of the world, and it blooms when God lies in his cradle. And at this moment, the quotes and aphorisms of the sages begin to curl with the colors of the evening sunset. Only with the birth of the sunset does a quote appear, and it flies into the vastness, pouring mountains with wisdom.

About sunset: aphorisms and quotes

Let's look at a few examples. Before you - smart, gentle, philosophical aphorisms and quotes about the sunset:

  • Any heart dreams of cozy and gentle sunsets, spring and flowers, beloved eyes in silence, and not once, but now.
  • I admire you because you are the most magnificent beauty of nature - sunsets and sunrises, seas and mountains.
  • What is life? This is the light of fireflies in the stillness of the night. This is the breath of animals in winter. These are shadows that envelop the grass and melt at sunset.
  • All sunsets are the birth of big and bright sunrises.
  • Sunsets over seas and oceans are an indescribable and mesmerizing sight. Today it is quiet and calm, and looks like a red orange deciding to drown in the mirror.
  • Playing with fire is my destiny, in which I burn bridges and watch the bloody sunset.
  • I go for a walk at sunset, through the twilight mountains and forests. I see how the world is shrouded in darkness, and then everything fills with eternal life.
  • True love is sunrises and sunsets. They write about her more often than they can see live.
  • Life starts counting with every sunrise, not sunset.
  • No matter how beautiful the sunset is, the heart always groans with it.
  • For some reason, in uninhabited cities, you want to whisper and contemplate a lonely sunset.
  • The scarlet sunset, roaring impulsively, burned out my feelings.
  • The sunset flashed and went out, and every moment was eternal, but the transformation from scarlet to ash took only a few magical seconds.
  • The sunset left, leaving the glass to fade, and immediately it became quieter, colder.
  • Their eyes are filled with sunset, and their hearts are filled with dawn.
  • Wherever you move your chair, but again admire the sunset sky, just look up.

Sunset quotes in English

There are many sunsets, just like people. Everyone loves to gaze up at the fantastic evening skies. All countries of the world, in different dialects, have their own beautiful sunsets. And let's read the quotes about the sunset with the translation into English:

  1. At dawn, when you wake up, remember that the sunset will follow, which you do not expect at all. At dawn, when you wake up, remember that an order will follow, which you do not expect at all (from the movie "Tabor Goes to Heaven").
  2. Each sunset is unique and beautiful in its own way. Each sunset is unique and beautiful in its own way (Jared Leto).
  3. Everything in the world ends with sunset, only every night comes to life with dawn. Everything in the world ends in decline, only every night comes to life with dawn (Vladislav Grzhegorchik).
  4. It is a pity that I cannot convey this wonderful sunset over the lake. And how I would like! could pass this marvelous sunset over the lake. And I would like to! (Liu Yong)
  5. Sunsets are sometimes sad, because, seeing them off, you realize that this one is beautiful or leaves me forever. Sunsets are sometimes sad, because, seeing them off, you realize that this wonderful or bad day is leaving me forever (Elchin Safarli).
  6. We look at the sunset that connected us, and we will stay with it forever. We look at the sunset that united us, and with it we will remain forever (Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak).
  7. When you see off the sunset with your loved one, it is beautiful and expensive. When you walk off with your loved one, it is beautiful and expensive (Bones).
  8. They change shades in a whimsical way, as happens with sunsets and bruises. They change shades quaintly, as it happens with sunsets and bruises (Max Frye).
  9. None of the sunsets will ever look like the others, because the colors of the sky are multicolored and unique. None of the sunsets will ever be similar to others, because the colors of the sky are multicolored and unique

Some more sunset quotes

And of course, the sun cannot be excluded from the beautiful pictures of sunsets. It is it that gives such colors to the clouds on the horizon that the soul sings. Therefore, we have selected quotes about sunset, which mention a great luminary.

  • When the sun goes down or rises, such exciting landscapes should never be confused.
  • When the sun is at sunset, demons are called to payback.
  • Marriage is an ocean bathed in bright sunshine. A wedding is the romance of the sunrises and sunsets.
  • The sunset was created so beautiful and inevitable that we think every day about the meaning of our destiny in the Universe.
  • There are times of the year when the sun goes down for three long hours. The sun seemed to have no desire to sleep and decided to still admire the new, wonderful beauty of this world.
  • The sunsets over the ocean are mesmerizing. In calm weather, the disk of the sun above the water mirror looks like two red tangerines, which stretch the elements of water and air to each other.
  • As the sun cradled the sky, cloaking in the crimson reflections of the sunset, the Glen More Valley was just awakening. Invisible life flew on the wings of owls, looking around, emerging from shelters. Day hurried away, striding widely westward, to the sharp peaks of the mountains. He left behind only a scattering of stars.
  • Sunsets never repeat. In Moscow - as if a cooled samovar was taken out. In Odessa - like a bunny on a drum rolled ... In Ryazan - like an anthill a log eaten up. In Astrakhan - like a red fish on coals is fried. In Arkhangelsk - as if they wanted to treat with a fish, but they slipped past. In Riga - the sun, like a pill dissolves under the tongue. In St. Petersburg - like a Peter's penny was thrust into the sleeve.

We hope you enjoyed the sunset and sun quotes. Read them to family and friends, friends and acquaintances. Bring the beautiful thoughts of philosophers into the world, and it will become warmer.

The sun rises and sets regardless of the season, circumstances and people's mood. It lives by itself. It starts the day and ends it. In our selection you will find beautiful quotes and statuses about sunrises and sunsets. After reading them, you will surely have a desire to wake up at dawn and admire it, and philosophical statements about sunsets will inspire you for a romantic walk at sunset.

A person is looking for happiness all the time, but it is hidden in simple things and is so close. Living in harmony with nature, isn't it happiness? Seeing sunrises and sunsets, isn't it wonderful? Sunrise and sunset are very beautiful, or rather even bewitching phenomena, over which you can observe every day, the main thing is desire.

Dawn is the awakening of people and nature, the beginning of a new day. The sun's rays make their way through trees and houses, with every minute the glimpses become brighter and brighter, the sun rises higher and higher. Dawn is filled with cheerfulness, energy and optimism.

Sunset is a kind of the end of the day. When the sun goes down, the day is drawing to a close. In contrast to the cheerful and optimistic sunrise, the sunset is filled with romance and mystery. It awakens human thoughts, slightly evokes sadness. But, if you observe how the red fireball is buried in the horizon line, with your loved one, then no sadness is terrible for you!

Look at this dawn. This is the eighth wonder of the world. For this you need to live. Enjoy it every morning, enjoy music, freedom. For happy life people are not needed. Trust me. (Stace Kramer)

To be happy, you need to be alone with nature.

Night cannot last forever ... No matter how endless it may seem, no matter how dark, it is always followed by the dawn of a new day.

Everything has an end, and night is no exception.

Sunset almost always, in all worlds, crimson, bloody, flooded with molten gold, purple - something pathetic, dramatic, alarming in it ... a kind of magnificent funeral of the day according to all classical canons. But a new day is born quietly and dimly. Slightly noticeable gilding, barely perceptible pinkness - in the sea of ​​morning whiteness, tender and light, inspires joy and hope, simply drives away the darkness and everything, without any pathos, pressure and tension. And - a rarely observed sacrament: at sunset we are awake, owls, so to speak, and at dawn we sleep. This is probably why there are fewer optimists in the world than pessimists ... (Max Dalin)

Those who wake up at dawn are born optimists.

Life is measured by sunrises, not sunsets. (O. Demchenko)

Just like the day begins with sunrises, not sunsets.

Everything has its own sunset, only the night ends with dawn. (V. Grzhegorchik)

No matter how lonely and long the night may seem to you, in the morning it will end ...

The sun did not just rise, it surged like a stream and overflowed the whole world. (Ray Bradbury)

The sun fills life not only with light, but also with joy and optimism.

The sunsets are saturated with sadness. Because every time you see him off, you think: no matter how successful or unlucky it was, the day is my day, and it goes away forever. (Elchin Safarli)

Sunset is the result of a day lived.

Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful when you admire it with someone you love? (Angela Montenegro)

Dawn, by the way, too ...

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same. (Mark Levy)

Nature does not tend to repeat itself, creating masterpieces.

The gray undertones of dawn are unlike the gray evening twilight, although the colors seem to be the same. At sunrise, light appears to be active and darkness is passive, while in the evening the growing darkness is active, and light drowsily passive. (Thomas Hardy)

On the one hand, sunrise and sunset seem to be similar, but if you look closely, they are so different. Yes, they bring different feelings too ...


Dawn comes without the crowing of the roosters.

Dawn does not wait for everyone to wake up, it comes by itself.

Each sunset is beautiful in its own way.

Both sunsets and sunrises have a unique beauty.

There will be a new dawn - there will be a sea of ​​victories! And never believe that there is no way out!

Dawn is another day, another opportunity to correct mistakes and make things happen.

Get up early at dawn and remember that the sunset will come when you are not expecting it at all.

The sun will go down regardless of whether you have done everything or not.

Do not be weaker than the rooster that crows at dawn, and you sleep at dawn.

So I also have to go to bed at 7 pm?)

To enjoy the sunrise, you have to admire the dawn.

Life must be loved with all its sunsets and sunrises.

Sunset with you, dawn with you ... only you - your beloved INTERNET!

You can admire sunsets and sunrises only in nature, and not on the Internet.

I watch the sunset, which lasts three hours at this time of the year. As if the sun, at the last minute before sunset, nevertheless found some dignity in this world and because of this now does not want to leave. (P. Heg)

As much as we want to continue the day, the sun will still go down and night will come.

The most beautiful sunrise is not on the seashore or in the distant Alps. The most beautiful dawn is where you are, and I wake up in love and full of hope!

The dawn is beautiful anywhere, the main thing is the desire to see this beauty.

After the night, there is always dawn, you just need to wait for it and not break.

Better yet, sleep at night and wake up at dawn.

The most dark time- before dawn.

This is the best time to sleep.

Sometimes at sunset you see something extraordinary, which you don’t believe later when you see the same thing in a picture. (A. Chekhov)

Sunset is such a beautiful natural phenomenon that it is sometimes hard to believe that it is happening in reality.

About sea sunsets

Why do you never confuse whether the sun rises or sets when you see it over the sea? (S. Lukyanenko)

All sunsets are beautiful, but the sea ones are special.

The sunsets over the ocean are absolutely mesmerizing. Today it is calm, and the sunset looks like a red orange has decided to drown in the mirror. (B. Akunin)

Sunset evokes many associations, many feelings, it awakens thoughts.

Summer evening, seashore, enchanting sunset - this is happiness!

Real happiness is being close to nature.

Summer is the time of year when we forget about time ... After all, when sea sunrises give way to beautiful sunsets, time stops.

The sea resembles infinity, so no one watches the time there.

And in the evening, watching the sunset on the seashore, and after admiring the stars, you will feel with your soul how beautiful and endless our world is, and what happiness it is that you live here and now.

The sunset by the sea is a truly mesmerizing sight.

When you sail on the sea, joyfully and patiently following the trail of the sun, you leave a trail of troubles and sadness behind your back ...

The sea can hide everything: tears, sadness, and even joyful thoughts ...

The most beautiful things in the world are the sea, sunset and love.

All of them are beautiful in themselves, but if you combine them, then the beauty comes out unearthly ...

In the sky, only talk about the sea. And about the sunset. They talk about how damn cool it is to watch a huge fireball how it melts in the waves, and the barely visible light, as if from a candle, burns somewhere in the depths ...