Reactions with non-metals. General characteristics of non-metals


Of the \(118\) known to this moment chemical elements\ (22 \) elements form simple substances with non-metallic properties. non-metallic simple substances much more than the non-metallic chemical elements themselves. The reason for this is the existence of a phenomenon called allotropy.

Allotropy is the ability of the atoms of a given chemical element to form several simple substances called allotropic modifications or allotropic modifications.

For example, the chemical element oxygen \ (O \) forms a simple substance oxygen O 2, the molecule of which consists of two atoms, and a simple substance ozone O 3, the molecule of which consists of three atoms of this element.

The chemical element phosphorus \ (P \) forms a set allotropic modifications, the most important of which are red phosphorus and white phosphorus.

The chemical element carbon \(C\) forms naturally occurring modifications - diamond and graphite.

Allotropic modifications formed by the same chemical element differ significantly from each other both in structure and in properties.

Allotropy is not inherent in all non-metallic chemical elements.

For example, hydrogen, nitrogen, Elements VII A and VIIIA groups do not have allotropic modifications, i.e. each of the mentioned elements forms only one simple substance.

Crystal lattice of non-metals

The reason for the wide variety of physical properties of non-metals lies in the different structure of the crystal lattices of these substances.

Some non-metals have atomic crystal lattice. Crystals of such substances consist of atoms interconnected by strong covalent bonds. Such non-metals are in a solid state of aggregation and are non-volatile. Examples of such substances are diamond, graphite, red phosphorus and silicon.

Models of crystal lattices of diamond (left) and graphite. The crystals of these allotropic modifications consist of carbon atoms interconnected by covalent bonds. Graphite crystals, unlike diamond crystals, are composed of separate layers that are arranged in relation to each other, like sheets of paper in a book.

The other part of non-metals has molecular crystal lattice. In this case, in each molecule, the atoms are connected quite firmly covalent bond, but the individual molecules are very weakly bound to each other in the crystals of a substance. Therefore substances molecular structure at normal conditions may be gases, liquids or fusible solids.

Oxygen O 2, ozone O 3, nitrogen N 2, hydrogen H 2, fluorine F 2, chlorine Cl 2, bromine Br 2, iodine I 2, white phosphorus P 4, crystalline sulfur S 8 and inert gases - these are all substances, crystals which consist of individual molecules (and in the case of inert gases - from individual atoms, as it were, performing the role of molecules).

Model of a sulfur molecule (left) and a sulfur crystal. A sulfur crystal is made up of individual molecules\(S_8\).

Physical properties of non-metals

The properties of non-metallic simple substances are very diverse. Strictly speaking, they are united only by the fact that, as a rule, they do not have the physical properties that are typical for metals, i.e. do not have a characteristic metallic luster, malleability, plasticity, high thermal and electrical conductivity.

State of aggregation

Non-metals under normal conditions can be gaseous, liquid and solid substances.

gaseous non-metals i are helium\(He\), neon\(Ne\), argon\(Ar\), krypton\(Kr\), xenon\(Xe\) and radon\(Rn\). They are called inert or noble gases. Each "molecule" of an inert gas consists of only one atom.

Chemical elements such as hydrogen \ (H \), oxygen \ (O \), nitrogen \ (N \), chlorine \ (Cl \), fluorine \ (F \) form gaseous substances consisting of diatomic molecules, respectively - H 2, O 2, N 2, Cl 2, F 2.

From non-metallic simple substances under normal conditions liquid is only bromine, whose molecules are diatomic Br 2 .

The remaining non-metallic chemical elements under normal conditions are in solid state of aggregation. For example, the chemical element carbon forms solids such as diamond and graphite. Solid are crystalline sulfur S 8, red phosphorus and white phosphorus P 4, crystalline iodine I 2.

Color and shine

Only some non-metals, unlike metals, have luster. For example, crystalline iodine, silicon and graphite are not like other non-metals - they have a luster somewhat reminiscent of the luster of metals.

If the vast majority of metals are characterized by a silver-gray or silver-white color, then the color of non-metals is very diverse. White color is white phosphorus, red - red phosphorus, yellow - sulfur and fluorine, red-brown - liquid bromine, yellow-green - chlorine, violet iodine vapor has color, blue - liquid oxygen, grey - graphite and silicon. Colorless is a diamond, the inert gases, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen also have no color.

red phosphorus

White phosphorus

General characteristics of non-metals.

non-metals- chemical elements that form simple bodies that do not have the properties characteristic of metals. Qualitative characteristic nonmetals is electronegativity.

Electronegativity- this is the ability to polarize a chemical bond, to pull common electron pairs towards itself.

22 elements are classified as non-metals.

The position is not metal elements in the periodic table of chemical elements

1st period

2nd period

3rd period

4th period

5th period

6th period

As can be seen from the table, non-metallic elements are mainly located in the upper right part of the periodic table.

The structure of atoms of non-metals

A characteristic feature of non-metals is a larger (compared with metals) number of electrons on the outer energy level their atoms. This determines their greater ability to add additional electrons and exhibit higher oxidative activity than metals. Particularly strong oxidizing properties, i.e., the ability to attach electrons, are exhibited by non-metals that are in the 2nd and 3rd periods of groups VI-VII. If we compare the arrangement of electrons in orbitals in the atoms of fluorine, chlorine and other halogens, then we can also judge their distinctive properties. The fluorine atom has no free orbitals. Therefore, fluorine atoms can only show valency I and oxidation state - 1. The strongest oxidizing agent is fluorine. In the atoms of other halogens, for example, in the chlorine atom, there are free d-orbitals at the same energy level. Due to this, the depairing of electrons can occur in three different ways. In the first case, chlorine can exhibit an oxidation state of +3 and form hydrochloric acid HClO 2 , which corresponds to salts - chlorites, for example, potassium chlorite KClO 2 . In the second case, chlorine can form compounds in which the oxidation state of chlorine is +5. Such compounds include chloric acid HClO 3 and its salts, chlorates, for example, potassium chlorate KClO 3 (Bertolet's salt). In the third case, chlorine exhibits an oxidation state of +7, for example, in perchloric acid HClO 4 and in its salts, perchlorates (in potassium perchlorate KClO 4).

Structures of non-metal molecules. Physical properties of non-metals

In the gaseous state at room temperature are:

    hydrogen - H 2 ;

    nitrogen, N 2 ;

    oxygen - O 2 ;

    fluorine - F 2 ;

    chlorine - CI 2 .

And inert gases:

    helium - He;

    neon - Ne;

    argon - Ar;

    krypton, Kr;

    xenon - Xe;

    radon - Rn).

In liquid - bromine - Br.

In solid:

  • carbon, C;

    silicon - Si;

    phosphorus, P;

  • arsenic, As;

    selenium - Se;

    tellurium - Te;

  • astatine - At.

Non-metals also have a much richer spectrum of colors: red for phosphorus, brown for bromine, yellow for sulfur, yellow-green for chlorine, purple for iodine vapor, etc.

The most typical non-metals have a molecular structure, while the less typical ones have a non-molecular structure. This explains the difference in their properties.

Composition and properties of simple substances - non-metals

Non-metals form both monatomic and diatomic molecules. To monatomic non-metals include inert gases that practically do not react even with the most active substances. Inert gases are located in group VIII of the periodic system, and the chemical formulas of the corresponding simple substances are as follows: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe and Rn.

Some nonmetals form diatomic molecules. These are H 2, F 2, Cl 2, Br 2, Cl 2 (elements of group VII of the periodic system), as well as oxygen O 2 and nitrogen N 2. From triatomic molecules consists of ozone gas (O 3). For non-metal substances that are in the solid state, it is quite difficult to make a chemical formula. The carbon atoms in graphite are connected to each other in various ways. It is difficult to isolate an individual molecule in the given structures. When writing the chemical formulas of such substances, as in the case of metals, the assumption is introduced that such substances consist only of atoms. Chemical formulas, at the same time, are written without indices: C, Si, S, etc. Such simple substances as ozone and oxygen, which have the same qualitative composition (both consist of the same element - oxygen), but differ in the number of atoms in molecule have different properties. So, oxygen has no smell, while ozone has a pungent smell that we feel during a thunderstorm. Properties of solid non-metals, graphite and diamond, which also have the same qualitative composition, but different structure, differ sharply (graphite is brittle, diamond is hard). Thus, the properties of a substance are determined not only by its qualitative composition, but also by how many atoms are contained in a substance molecule and how they are interconnected. Non-metals in the form of simple bodies are in a solid or gaseous state (excluding bromine - liquid). They do not have the physical properties of metals. Solid non-metals do not have the characteristic luster of metals, they are usually brittle, and do not conduct well. electricity and heat (with the exception of graphite). Crystalline boron B (like crystalline silicon) has a very high melting point (2075°C) and high hardness. The electrical conductivity of boron increases greatly with increasing temperature, which makes it possible to widely use it in semiconductor technology. The addition of boron to steel and to alloys of aluminum, copper, nickel, etc. improves them mechanical properties. Borides (boron compounds with some metals, such as titanium: TiB, TiB 2) are necessary in the manufacture of parts jet engines, gas turbine blades. As can be seen from Scheme 1, carbon is C, silicon is Si, and boron is B have a similar structure and have some common properties. As simple substances, they occur in two modifications - crystalline and amorphous. The crystalline modifications of these elements are very hard, with high melting points. Crystalline silicon has semiconductor properties. All these elements form compounds with metals - carbides, silicides and borides (CaC 2 , Al 4 C 3 , Fe 3 C, Mg 2 Si, TiB, TiB 2). Some of them have greater hardness, such as Fe 3 C, TiB. Calcium carbide is used to produce acetylene.

Chemical properties of non-metals

In accordance with the numerical values ​​of the relative electronegativity, the oxidative abilities of non-metals increase in the following order: Si, B, H, P, C, S, I, N, Cl, O, F.

Nonmetals as oxidizers

The oxidizing properties of non-metals are manifested when they interact:

    with metals: 2Na + Cl 2 = 2NaCl;

    with hydrogen: H 2 + F 2 = 2HF;

    with non-metals that have a lower electronegativity: 2P + 5S = P 2 S 5;

    with some complex substances: 4NH 3 + 5O 2 = 4NO + 6H 2 O,

2FeCl 2 + Cl 2 \u003d 2 FeCl 3.

Nonmetals as reducing agents

    All non-metals (except fluorine) exhibit reducing properties when interacting with oxygen:

S + O 2 \u003d SO 2, 2H 2 + O 2 \u003d 2H 2 O.

Oxygen in combination with fluorine can also exhibit positive degree oxidation, i.e., be a reducing agent. All other non-metals exhibit reducing properties. So, for example, chlorine does not combine directly with oxygen, but its oxides (Cl 2 O, ClO 2, Cl 2 O 2) can be obtained indirectly, in which chlorine exhibits a positive oxidation state. Nitrogen at high temperature directly combines with oxygen and exhibits reducing properties. Sulfur reacts even more easily with oxygen.

    Many non-metals exhibit reducing properties when interacting with complex substances:

ZnO + C \u003d Zn + CO, S + 6HNO 3 conc \u003d H 2 SO 4 + 6NO 2 + 2H 2 O.

    There are also such reactions in which the same non-metal is both an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent:

Cl 2 + H 2 O \u003d HCl + HClO.

    Fluorine is the most typical non-metal, which is not characterized by reducing properties, i.e., the ability to donate electrons in chemical reactions.

Compounds of non-metals

Nonmetals can form compounds with different intramolecular bonds.

Types of non-metal compounds

The general formulas of hydrogen compounds according to the groups of the periodic system of chemical elements are given in the table:

non-volatile hydrogen compounds

Volatile hydrogen compounds

With metals, hydrogen forms (with a few exceptions) non-volatile compounds, which are non-molecular solids. Therefore, their melting points are relatively high. With non-metals, hydrogen forms volatile compounds of a molecular structure (for example, hydrogen fluoride HF, hydrogen sulfide H 2 S, ammonia NH 3, methane CH 4). Under normal conditions, these are gases or volatile liquids. When dissolved in water, the hydrogen compounds of halogens, sulfur, selenium and tellurium form acids of the same formula as the hydrogen compounds themselves: HF, HCl, HBr, HI, H 2 S, H 2 Se, H 2 Te. When ammonia is dissolved in water, ammonia water is formed, usually denoted by the formula NH 4 OH and called ammonium hydroxide. It is also denoted by the formula NH 3 ∙H 2 O and is called ammonia hydrate.

With oxygen, non-metals form acidic oxides. In some oxides, they exhibit a maximum oxidation state equal to the group number (for example, SO 2 , N 2 O 5 ), while in others, a lower one (for example, SO 2 , N 2 O 3 ). Acid oxides acids correspond, and of the two oxygen acids of one non-metal, the one in which it exhibits a higher degree of oxidation is stronger. For example, Nitric acid HNO 3 is stronger than nitrogenous HNO 2, and sulfuric acid H 2 SO 4 is stronger than sulfurous H 2 SO 3.

Characteristics of oxygen compounds of non-metals

    Properties of higher oxides (i.e. oxides, which include an element of this group with the highest degree oxidation) in periods from left to right gradually change from basic to acidic.

    In groups from top to bottom acid properties higher oxides gradually weaken. This can be judged by the properties of the acids corresponding to these oxides.

    The increase in the acidic properties of higher oxides of the corresponding elements in periods from left to right is explained by a gradual increase in the positive charge of the ions of these elements.

    In the main subgroups of the periodic system of chemical elements in the direction from top to bottom, the acidic properties of higher oxides of non-metals decrease.


The structure of halogen atoms

The halogens include elements of group VIII of the periodic system, the atoms of these elements contain seven electrons on the external energy level and until it is completed they lack only one electron, therefore halogens exhibit bright oxidizing properties. In a subgroup, with an increase in the serial number, these properties decrease due to an increase in the radius of atoms: from fluorine to astatine - and, accordingly, their reducing properties increase. Similarly, the value of the relative electronegativity of halogens also decreases. As the most electronegative element, fluorine in compounds with other elements exhibits a constant oxidation state -1 . The remaining halogens can exhibit both this oxidation state in compounds with metals, hydrogen, and less electronegative elements, as well as positive odd oxidation states from +1 before +7 in compounds with more electronegative elements: oxygen, fluorine.

Simple substances halogens and their properties

Chlorine, bromine and iodine in glass jars

When characterizing simple substances - halogens, it is necessary to recall the basic theoretical information about the types chemical bond and crystalline structure of matter. In diatomic halogen molecules, the atoms are bonded by a covalent non-polar bond G · · G or G―G and have a molecular crystal lattice.

Under normal conditions F 2 - bright yellow, orange tint gas, Cl 2 - yellow-green poisonous gas with a characteristic suffocating odor, Br 2 - a highly volatile brown liquid (bromine vapors are highly toxic, bromine burns are very painful and do not heal for a long time), and I 2 ― the firm crystal substance capable to sublimation. In a row F 2, Cl 2 , Br 2 , I 2 — the density of simple substances increases, and the color intensity increases. Consequently, the same regularity is manifested in the change in the properties of atoms and simple substances - halogens: with an increase in the serial number, non-metallic properties weaken, and metallic ones increase.

Chemical properties of halogens

    The interaction of halogens with metals to form halides:

2Na + I 2 - 2Na +1 I -1 (sodium iodide);

2Al + 3I 2 = 2Al +3 I 3 -1 (aluminum iodide);

2Al + 3Br 2 = 2Al +3 Br 3 -1 (aluminum bromide).

When metals of secondary subgroups (transition metals) react with halogens, halides with a high degree of oxidation of the metal are formed, for example:

2Fe + 3Cl 2 = 2FeCl 3,

but 2HCl + Fe = FeCl 2 + H 2.

    Interaction of halogens with hydrogen to form hydrogen halides (bond type - covalent polar, lattice type - molecular). Speed ​​Comparison chemical reactions different halogens with hydrogen allows you to repeat its dependence on the nature of the reactants. Thus, fluorine has such a high reaction rate that it interacts with hydrogen with an explosion even in the dark. The reaction of chlorine with hydrogen under normal conditions is slow, and only when ignited or illuminated does its rate increase many times over (an explosion occurs). Bromine and iodine interact even more slowly with hydrogen, and the latter reaction becomes endothermic:

Only fluorine interacts with hydrogen irreversibly, other halogens, depending on the conditions, can also give a reversible reaction.

Aqueous solutions of hydrogen halides are acids: HF - hydrofluoric (hydrofluoric), HCl - hydrochloric (hydrochloric), HBr - hydrobromic, HI - hydroiodic.

    Halogens interact with water:

2F 2 + 2H 2 O \u003d 4HF + O 2

Water in fluorine burns, oxygen is not a cause, but a consequence of combustion, acting in an unusual role for it as a reducing agent.

    To characterize the ability of some halogens (not halogen atoms, but simple substances) to displace others from solutions of their compounds, you can use the “activity series” of halogens, which is written as follows:

F 2 > Cl 2 > Br 2 > I 2,

i.e., the oxidizing properties are reduced.

So, chlorine displaces bromine and iodine (but not fluorine), and bromine is able to displace only iodine from solutions of the corresponding salts:

2NaBr + Cl 2 \u003d 2NaCl + Br 2

2КI + Br 2 = 2КВr + I 2 .

Biological significance and use of halogens

Fluorine plays very important role in plant, animal and human life. Without fluorine, the development of the bone skeleton and especially teeth is impossible. The content of fluorine in the bones is 80-100 mg per 100 g of dry matter. In enamel, fluorine is present in the form of the compound Ca 4 F 2 (PO 4) 2 and gives it hardness and whiteness. With a lack of fluorine in the human body, dental tissue is damaged (caries), and its excess contributes to dental fluorosis. The daily human need for fluorine is 2-3 mg. Chlorine(chlorine ion) is more important for the life of animals and humans than for plants. It is part of the kidneys, lungs, spleen, blood, saliva, cartilage, hair. Chlorine ions regulate the buffer system of the blood. Sodium chloride is integral part blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluid and is involved in the regulation of water metabolism in the body. Free hydrochloric acid is part of the gastric juice of all mammals and is actively involved in digestion. A healthy person contains 0.2-0.3% hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The lack of chlorine in the body leads to tachycardia, lowering blood pressure, convulsions. A sufficient amount of chlorine is found in vegetables such as celery, radishes, cucumbers, white cabbage, dill, peppers, onions, artichokes. Bromine It is also one of the essential trace elements and most of all it is found in the pituitary gland, blood. Thyroid gland, adrenal glands. Bromides in small doses (0.1-0.3 of an adult) have a positive effect on non-central nervous system as enhancers of inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. In nature, bromides accumulate in plants such as rye, wheat, barley, potatoes, carrots, cherries, and apples. A lot of bromine is found in Dutch cheese. Iodine in the human body begins to accumulate even in the womb. The human thyroid hormone thyroxine contains 60% bound iodine. This hormone with the blood flow enters the liver, kidneys, mammary glands, gastrointestinal tract. A lack of iodine in the human body causes diseases such as endemic goiter and cretinism, in which growth slows down and mental retardation develops. In combination with other elements, iodine contributes to the growth and fatness of animals, improves their health and fertility. The main suppliers of iodine for humans are cereals, eggplant, beans, white and cauliflower, potatoes, onions, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin, lettuce, seaweed, squid.

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  • All currently known chemical elements have a common "home" - periodic system. However, they are not located there as it should, but in a strict order, in a certain sequence. One of the main criteria by which all atoms are classified is characteristics.

    Non-metals and representatives of metallic elements are the basis on which not only their separation within the table is based, but also the scope of human application. Let's take a closer look at non-metals and their characteristics.

    Position in the periodic system

    If we consider the system of chemical elements as a whole, then we can determine the position of non-metals as follows:

    1. Upper right corner.
    2. Above the conditional boundary diagonal from boron to astatine.
    3. Main subgroups with IV-VIII group.

    Obviously, their number is clearly inferior to that of metals. In terms of numerical ratio, this will be approximately 25/85. However, this fact does not diminish their significance and importance. At the same time, the physical properties of non-metals are much more diverse than those of their "opponents".

    Varieties of simple compounds of non-metals

    Several main categories are defined to which all known elements under consideration belong. Physical properties - non-metals - allow us to divide them into:

    • hard;
    • gaseous;
    • liquid.

    At the same time, there is a special group of elements - noble gases. According to their characteristics, they do not belong to any of the designated categories.

    Gaseous non-metals

    There are enough of those. These include such simple substances as:

    • oxygen;
    • nitrogen;
    • halogens chlorine and fluorine;
    • hydrogen;
    • white phosphorus;
    • ozone.

    However, this is possible provided standard parameters environment. these representatives - molecular, the type of chemical bond in molecules - covalent non-polar. The physical properties of non-metals of this group are similar. They possess:

    • compressibility;
    • the ability to intermingle without limit;
    • extensibility;
    • fill the entire volume of the vessel.

    Among these substances, two are poisonous - chlorine and Very dangerous, asphyxiating compounds. At the same time, chlorine is a yellow-green gas, phosphorus is white, easily flammable in air.

    Oxygen and ozone are good oxidizing agents. The first is a constant component of air, necessary for the life of most organisms. The second is formed after a thunderstorm under the action of electrical discharges of lightning on oxygen in the air. Has a pleasant fresh scent.

    Liquid non-metals

    The physical properties of non-metals of this group can be described by characterizing only one substance - bromine. Since only it is a liquid under normal conditions among all representatives of the considered group of elements.

    It is a dark brown liquid, quite heavy, which is the strongest poison. Even bromine vapors can cause complex, non-healing for a long time ulcers on the hands. Its smell is very unpleasant, for which the element got its name (in translation, bromos - fetid).

    According to its chemical characteristics, bromine is an oxidizing agent for metals and a reducing agent for stronger non-metals than itself.

    Despite these features, bromine ions must be present in the human body. Without it, diseases associated with hormonal disorders occur.

    Solid Representatives

    The majority of non-metals belong to simple substances in this category. It:

    • all carbon;
    • red and black phosphorus;
    • sulfur;
    • silicon;
    • arsenic;
    • one of the modifications of tin.

    All of them have fairly solid, but brittle substances. Black phosphorus is a dry compound that is greasy to the touch. Red is a pasty mass.

    The hardest of all these substances is diamond, a type of carbon. Physical and Chemical properties nonmetals of this group are very different, since some of them are located far from each other in the table. This means that the degree of oxidation, the chemical activity exhibited, the nature of the compounds - all these indicators will vary.

    An interesting non-metal in the solid state is iodine. Its crystals shine on the cut, thus showing similarity with metals. This is not surprising, because it is located almost on the border with them. This substance also has special property- sublimation. When heated, iodine passes into a gaseous state, bypassing the liquid state. Pairs of it have a bright purple saturated color.

    Physical properties of non-metals: table

    To make it easier to indicate what non-metals are, it is better to build a generalizing table. It will show what are the common physical properties of non-metals, and what are their differences.

    physical propertyExample of a non-metal
    under normal conditionsAll three are characteristic: solid (sulfur, carbon, silicon and others), gaseous (for example, halogens), liquid (bromine)
    Electrical and thermal conductivityNot characteristic of anything other than carbon and black phosphorus
    Coloring of a simple substanceVery varied. Example: bromine is red, sulfur is yellow, iodine crystals are dark purple, carbon in the form of graphite is dark gray, chlorine is yellow-green, and so on.
    metallic lusterCharacteristic only for crystalline iodine
    Malleability and ductilityCompletely missing. All solids are brittle except diamond and some forms of silicon

    It is obvious that in physical properties non-metals are more dominated by differences than similarities. If for metals it is possible to distinguish several characteristics under which each of them will fall, then for the elements we have considered this is impossible.

    If most of the metal elements are not colored, with the exception of only copper and gold, then almost all non-metals have their own color: fluorine - orange-yellow, chlorine - greenish-yellow, bromine - brick red, iodine - purple, sulfur - yellow, phosphorus can be white, red and black, and liquid oxygen - blue.

    All non-metals do not conduct heat and electric current, since they do not have free charge carriers - electrons, they are all used to form chemical bonds. Non-metal crystals are non-plastic and brittle, since any deformation leads to the destruction of chemical bonds. Most of the non-metals do not have a metallic sheen.

    The physical properties of non-metals are varied and are determined by different type crystal lattices.

    1.4.1 Allotropy

    ALLOTROPY - the existence of chemical elements in two or more molecular or crystalline forms. For example, allotropes are ordinary oxygen O 2 and ozone O 3; in this case, allotropy is due to the formation of molecules with different numbers of atoms. Most often, allotropy is associated with the formation of crystals of various modifications. Carbon exists in two distinct crystalline allotropic forms: diamond and graphite. Previously, it was believed that the so-called. amorphous forms of carbon, charcoal and soot - also his allotropic modifications, but it turned out that they have the same crystalline structure as graphite. Sulfur occurs in two crystalline modifications: rhombic (a-S) and monoclinic (b-S); at least three of its non-crystalline forms are known: l-S, m-S and violet. For phosphorus, white and red modifications have been well studied; black phosphorus has also been described; at temperatures below -77 ° C, there is another kind of white phosphorus. Allotropic modifications of As, Sn, Sb, Se, and at high temperatures of iron and many other elements have been found.

    1.5. Chemical properties of non-metals

    Non-metal chemical elements can exhibit both oxidizing and reducing properties, depending on the chemical transformation in which they take part.

    The atoms of the most electronegative element - fluorine - are not able to donate electrons, it always exhibits only oxidizing properties, other elements can also exhibit reducing properties, although to a much lesser extent than metals. The strongest oxidizing agents are fluorine, oxygen and chlorine, hydrogen, boron, carbon, silicon, phosphorus, arsenic and tellurium exhibit predominantly reducing properties. Intermediate redox properties have nitrogen, sulfur, iodine.

    Interaction with simple substances

    Interaction with metals:

    2Na + Cl 2 \u003d 2NaCl,

    6Li + N 2 \u003d 2Li 3 N,

    2Ca + O 2 \u003d 2CaO

    in these cases, non-metals exhibit oxidizing properties, they accept electrons, forming negatively charged particles.

    Interaction with other non-metals:

    Interacting with hydrogen, most non-metals exhibit oxidizing properties, forming volatile hydrogen compounds - covalent hydrides:

    3H 2 + N 2 \u003d 2NH 3,

    H 2 + Br 2 = 2HBr;

    Interacting with oxygen, all non-metals, except for fluorine, exhibit reducing properties:

    S + O 2 \u003d SO 2,

    4P + 5O 2 \u003d 2P 2 O 5;

    When interacting with fluorine, fluorine is an oxidizing agent, and oxygen is a reducing agent:

    2F 2 + O 2 \u003d 2OF 2;

    Non-metals interact with each other, a more electronegative metal plays the role of an oxidizing agent, a less electronegative one - the role of a reducing agent:

    S + 3F 2 \u003d SF 6,