Verification tests on the history of Ancient Rus' (to the textbook by A.A. Danilov, S.M. Kosulina)

Test tasks are offered to your attention on the history of Russia, grade 6 to the textbook by A.A. Danilov, L.N. Kosulina on the topic: “ Old Russian state in IX first half XII century":

Test 1. Ancient on the territory of our country

Test 2. Formation of states

Test 3. Eastern Slavs

Test 4 Eastern Slavs

Test 5. The formation of the Old Russian state

Test 6

Test 7

Test 8 Ancient Rus'

Test 9

Test 10. Culture of Rus' IX - early XII.

Test 11

Tasks of a basic and advanced level of complexity are offered: parts A, B, C. 7-15 minutes are allotted for thematic tests, and 40-45 minutes for the final ones. I consider it expedient to use tests, since it is necessary to prepare students for passing the GIA and the Unified State Examination in the history of Russia.

Answers in part A are worth 1 point. If you need to select several answers, then depending on the number of correct answers, points are also calculated: 3 answers 3 points,

2 answers 2 points, 1 answer 1 point, no answer 0 points.

Tasks of part B can be evaluated at 1 point for the entire answer, and if the answer consists of several parts, then 1 point for each part.

When evaluating student work, it is necessary to use a flexible knowledge assessment system, because everyone has the right to make a mistake:

80% of the maximum score grade "5"

60-80% - grade "4"

40-60% - grade "3"

0 40% - score "2"

For the preparation of this material used work: Control and measuring materials. Russian history. 6th grade. /Comp. K. V. Volkova. - M.: VAKO, 2011./

Option 1

A1. Who ruled in the Old Russian state later than others?

1) Svyatoslav 2) Igor 3) Oleg 4) Vladimir Monomakh

A2. Which prince is considered the ancestor of the dynasty of Russian princes?

1) Askold 2) Kiy 3) Dir 4) Rurik

A3. What testified to the emergence of the Old Russian state among the Slavs?

1) the emergence of legislation 2) the strengthening of the role of elders

3) the creation of the "Tale of Bygone Years" 4) the emergence of religious beliefs

1) termination of contacts with other countries

2) provision of land allotments to all communal peasants

3) strengthening the power of the elders

4) ensuring the superiority of Rus' on the most important trade routes

A5. What was evidenced by the appearance in the Old Russian state of the patrimonial

Land ownership?

1) on the preservation of tribal relations 2) on the formation of feudal relations

3) about the transition of the Slavs to agriculture and cattle breeding 4) about the spread of Christianity

A6. The desire to strengthen state power forced Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich:

1) establish graveyards and lessons 2) adopt Christianity

A7. When did the events described in the chronicle take place?

And they gathered in Lyubech to arrange peace. And they turned to themselves, saying: “Why are we destroying the Russian land, raising enmity against ourselves, and the Polovtsians tear our land to pieces and rejoice that there are wars between them to this day. From now on, we will unite in one heart and will protect the Russian lands. Let everyone keep his fatherland ... ”and at this they kissed the cross:“ if anyone goes against anyone [by war], then we will all be against him ... ”and taking an oath, they went home.

I) it 862 2) 1) 882 3) in 988 4) in 1097

A8. Where are the words from?

Yes, and he drove up to the glorious city of Chernigov. Whether that city of Chernigov Has been overtaken by something black-black, And black-black, like a black crow. So no one here walks by infantry, No one rides here on a good horse, The black raven bird does not fly, The gray beast does not roar.

I) from Russian Pravda 2) from The Tale of Bygone Years

3) from the "Life of Boris and Gleb" 4) from the epic about Ilya Muromets

I) Varangians 2) Glade 3) Pechenegs 4) Drevlyans 5) Vyatichi

1) votchinniki 2) serfs 3) warriors 4) purchases 5) ryadovichi

IN 1. Continue the logical series and indicate the missing name:

"Teaching Children" Vladimir Monomakh; "A word about law and grace" - Hilarion

"The Tale of Bygone Years" _________

Prince's name Characteristic

1. Oleg

2. Igor

3. Vladimir


A. Inflicted a crushing defeat on the Polovtsy, adopted a new code of laws "Charter", which eased the situation of the dependent population in Rus'

B. united Kyiv and Novgorod under his rule, made a number of successful

Campaigns against Byzantium

B. He made an unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium, was killed by the Drevlyans "

VZ.Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

Term Definition

1. Wrestling

2. Graveyard

3. Polyudie

A. Collection of tribute

B. Collection of honey from wild bees

B. Collection site

Option 2

A1. Who ruled in the Old Russian state before others?

I) Svyatoslav 2) Igor 3) Oleg 4) Yaroslav the Wise

A2. In which city, according to the chronicle, did the Varangian prince Rurik reign?

1) to Moscow 2) it to Kyiv 3) in Vladimir 4) in Novgorod

A3. What testified to the emergence of the Old Russian State among the Slavs?

1) strengthening the role of the people's assembly 2) creating a unified management system

2) the emergence of a new occupation beekeeping 4) the strengthening of collective property

A4. What was the task facing the Old Russian state?

1) access to the coast Baltic Sea 2) destruction of Byzantium

3) preservation of pagan beliefs 4) strengthening of princely power and suppression of uprisings

A5. What did the allocation in Russian Pravda testify to various groups free and

Dependent population?

I) on conducting successful campaigns of conquest 2) on the development of feudal relations

3) about the preservation of the tribal system 4) about the preservation of pagan beliefs

A6. The desire to streamline the collection of tribute made Princess Olga:

I) establish graveyards and lessons 2) adopt Christianity

3) create Russian Truth 4) kill the Kyiv princes Askold and Dir

A 7. When did the events described in the passage from the chronicle take place?

Then Vladimir sent throughout the city to say, “If someone does not come to the river tomorrow, be it rich; or a poor man, or a beggar, or a slave, will be my enemy.” Hearing this, the people went with joy, rejoicing and saying: "If it weren't for this good, our prince and boyars would not have accepted it." The very next day Vladimir went out with the Tsaritsyn and Korsun priests to the Dnieper, and an innumerable people gathered there. They entered the water and stood there, some up to their necks, others up to their chests, while the young ones near the shore were up to their chests, some held babies, and already adults wandered around, while the priests, standing, made prayers.

1) in 862 2) in 882 3) in 988 4) in 1097

A8. Where did the words come from: “Where did the Russian land come from, who became the first to reign in Kyiv and how

There was a Russian land"?

1) from Russkaya Pravda 2) from The Life of Boris and Gleb

3) from the epic about Ilya Muromets 4) from The Tale of Bygone Years

A9. What were the large tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs called?

1) Russ 2) Khazars 3) Northerners 4) Radimichi 5) Ilmen Slovenes

A10. Who belonged to the category of the free population of the Old Russian state?

1) junior warriors 2) serfs 3) boyars 4) purchases 5) artisans

IN 1. Continue the logical series and indicate the missing name.

1. Russian-Byzantine treaty of 911 Oleg Veshchy

2. Russian Truth Yaroslav the Wise 3. "Charter" - ____________________

B 2. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

Prince's name Characteristic
  1. Vladimir Saint
  1. Yaroslav the Wise

3. Svyatoslav

A. Defeated the Pechenegs, founded the Kiev Caves Monastery, built St. Sophia Cathedral. The time of his reign the period of political power, cultural and economic flourishing of the Old Russian state

B. Made numerous military campaigns, defeated Khazar Khaganate, died in a clash with the Pechenegs

B. He attached new lands to the principality, built fortified border lines that served as a barrier to nomads. Accepted Christianity. He was the hero of legends, tales, epics

AT 3.Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

Term Definition
  1. Metropolitan
  2. Magus
  3. Viceroy

A. Priest

B. Spiritual person in the Orthodox Church

B. Head of local government


Option 1 Option 2

A 1. 4 A 1. 3

A 2.4 A 2.4

A 3. 1 A 3. 2

A 4.4 A 4.4

A 5. 2 A 5. 2

A 6.2 A 6.1

A 7.4 A 7.3

A 8.4 A 8.4

A 9. 2 4 5 A 9. 3 4 5

A 10. 2 4 5 A 10. 1 3 5

B 1. Nestor B 1. Vladimir Monomakh

C 2. 1B 2C 3A C 2. 1C 2A 3B

AT 3. 1B 2B 3A B 3. 1B 2A 3B

T. D. Shipilova, MBOU "Povalikhinskaya secondary school", Pervomaisky district, Altai Territory

a) with the key events of the formation of the Old Russian state;

b) with the struggle of Ancient Rus' with the Khazars;

c) with the reign of Yaroslav the Wise;

d) with the campaigns of Vladimir Monomakh.

    Which event happened later than all the others?

a) the uprising of the Drevlyans;

b) the baptism of Rus';

c) the calling of the Varangians;

    Which event happened later than all the others:

a) the baptism of Rus';

b) Neva battle;

c) Battle of Kulikovo;

d) the calling of the Varangians.

    The reign of Yaroslav the Wise refers to:

a) by the 11th c. b) by the 8th c. c) by the 13th century. d) by the 19th century.

    The path from the Varangians to the Greeks is:

a) the sea trade route from the mouth of the Danube to Athens;

b) overland trade route through Moscow;

c) a trade route that passed along the rivers of Rus' (Neva, Volkhov, ...)

6. The Lyubech Congress of Princes, which made the decision: “Let everyone keep his fatherland”, took place: a) in 1097 b) in 989 c) in 1240 d) in 1223

    Establish a correspondence between the names of the princes and the periods of their reign:

1) Igor a) 1113 - 1125

2) Yaroslav the Wise b) 962 - 972

3) Svyatoslav c) 1019 - 1054

4) Vladimir Monomakh d) 912 - 945

D) 882 - 912

8. Set the correspondence between events and dates:

1) calling the Varangians a) 1097

2) the uprising of the Drevlyans b) 862

3) unification of Kyiv and Novgorod c) 945

4) Congress of princes in Lyubech d) 882

D) 845

    Arrange in chronological order:

a) the uprising of the Drevlyans; b) the baptism of Rus'; c) acceptance of Russian Pravda;

d) unification of Kyiv and Novgorod.

10. . Which prince united Kyiv and Novgorod?

a) Rurik; b) Svyatoslav; c) Oleg; d) Yaroslav the wise.

11. The words of the chronicler: "You, prince, are looking for someone else's land, but left your own" - addressed to the prince: a) Svyatoslav; b) Oleg; c) Vladimir Monomakh; d) Igor

12. The Church of St. Sophia was elevated in Kyiv in the 11th century in honor of the defeat:

a) Pechenegs; b) Polovtsy; c) Swedes; d) Khazar.

13. The creation of the first written set of laws of Ancient Rus' - Russian Pravda - is associated with the name of the prince: a) Yuri Dolgoruky; b) Alexander Nevsky; c) Yaroslav the Wise; d) Vladimir Monomakh.

14. To the monuments of architecture of Ancient Rus' 9-12 centuries. applies to:

a) Tithe Church in Kyiv; b) Trinity-Sergius Monastery;

c) St. Basil's Cathedral; d) Andronikov Monastery.

15. “Where did the Russian land come from ...” - these words began:

a) "Zadonshchina" b) "The Tale of Bygone Years"

c) "Instruction for children" d) "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

16. The community of the Eastern Slavs was called:

a) rope; b) vira; c) polyudem; d) elderly

17. The code of laws of Ancient Rus' is ..

a) Russian Truth; b) Sudebnik; c) Domostroy d) Stoglav

18. Match:

1) rope a) fine

2) vira b) a form of tribute collection introduced by Princess Olga

3) cart c) community

4) patrimony d) large landed property, inherited

19. Match:

1) Cyrillic a) tax in favor of the church

2) tithe b) type of writing

3) fresco c) weather records of events

4) chronicle d) fine

20. What was the result of the adoption of Russian Truth:

a) blood feud was replaced by a fine

b) "lesson summer" was introduced

c) “reserved years” were introduced

d) polyudye is replaced by a wagon

21. The campaigns of Prince Vladimir Monomakh led to:

a) to the defeat of the Polovtsy

b) to victory over the Mongol-Tatars

c) to join the Vyatichi

d) to victory over the Pechenegs

22. As a result of the uprising in Kyiv in 1113:

a) polyudye was canceled

b) church tithe introduced

c) Kyiv throne was occupied by Prince Vladimir Monomakh

d) the throne of Kyiv was occupied by Prince Yaroslav the Wise

23. Among the main political centers of Rus' specific Rus' was the principality: a) Vladimir-Suzdal b) Kiev c) Smolensk d) Tver

24. The main cathedral of ancient Novgorod:

a) Uspensky b) Georgievsky c) Pokrovsky d) Sofia

25. write the definitions of the words:

1) serf 2) purchase 3) smerd 4) ryadovichi 5) tiun 6) polyudie

Test tasks are offered to your attention on the history of Russia, grade 6 to the textbook by A.A. Danilov, L.N. Kosulina on the topic: “Old Russian state in IX first half XII century":

Test 1. Ancient on the territory of our country

Test 2. Formation of states

Test 3. Eastern Slavs

Test 4. Prerequisites for the creation of a state among the Eastern Slavs

Test 5. The formation of the Old Russian state

Test 6

Test 7

Test 8

Test 9

Test 10. Culture of Rus' IX - early XII.

Test 11

Tasks of a basic and advanced level of complexity are offered: parts A, B, C. 7-15 minutes are allotted for thematic tests, and 40-45 minutes for the final ones. I consider it expedient to use tests, since it is necessary to prepare students for passing the GIA and the Unified State Examination in the history of Russia.

Answers in part A are worth 1 point. If you need to select several answers, then depending on the number of correct answers, points are also calculated: 3 answers 3 points,

2 answers 2 points, 1 answer 1 point, no answer 0 points.

Tasks of part B can be evaluated at 1 point for the entire answer, and if the answer consists of several parts, then 1 point for each part.

When evaluating student work, it is necessary to use a flexible knowledge assessment system, because everyone has the right to make a mistake:

80% of the maximum score grade "5"

60-80% - grade "4"

40-60% - grade "3"

0 40% - score "2"

For the preparation of this material used work: Control and measuring materials. Russian history. 6th grade. /Comp. K. V. Volkova. - M.: VAKO, 2011./

Option 1

Al. Who was the main trading partner of Rus'?

1) Byzantium 2) Sweden 3) Tmutarakan 4) Scythia

A2. The events of 882 and 907 are associated with the name of which prince?

1) Rurik 2) Oleg 3) Igor 4) Svyatoslav

A3. What did the establishment of lessons and graveyards by Princess Olga contribute to?

1) the development of education 2) streamlining the collection of tribute

3) strengthening ties with Byzantium 4) spreading Christianity

If a wolf gets into the habit of sheep, then he will carry off the whole flock, if they do not kill him, so this one: if we do not kill him, then he will destroy us all. And they sent messengers to him, saying, “Why are you going again? You've taken tribute."

1) about Oleg's campaign against Kyiv 2) about Svyatoslav's campaign

3) about the uprising of the Drevlyans 4) about the attack of the Khazars

A5. What was the name of the prince's detour of subject tribes and lands in the Old Russian state in order to collect tribute?

1) taxation 2) polyudie 3) redemption 4) offering

IN 1. Establish the sequence of the reign of ancient Russian princes and princesses.

A. Olga B. Oleg V. Rurik G. Igor D. Svyatoslav

1 2 3 4 5

Option 2

AI. The name of which prince is associated with the annexation of the land of the Vyatichi and the defeat

Khazar Khaganate?

I) Rurik 2) Oleg 3) Igor 4) Svyatoslav

A2. Who was the main military opponent of Rus'?

I) Byzantium 2) Sweden 3) Tmutarakan 4) Scythia

A3. As a result of the uprising of the Drevlyans in 945:

| I) the Old Russian state collapsed 2) tribute collection was streamlined

3) Novgorodians invited Rurik to reign

4) the capital was moved from Novgorod to Kyiv

A4. About what in question in an excerpt from a document?

And he swam to the Ugorskaya mountain, hiding his soldiers, and sent to Askold and Dir, telling them that “we are merchants, we are going to the Greeks ... Come to us, to your relatives.” When Askold and Dir arrived, all the rest jumped out of the rooks ... killed Askold and Dir.

I) about Oleg's campaign against Kyiv 2) about the invasion of the Normans

3) about the uprising of the Drevlyans 4) about the campaign of Prince Svyatoslav

A5. Places of tribute collection established by Olga:

I) cities 2) polyudye 3) graveyards 4) bargaining

IN 1. Set the correct sequence of events.

A. Unification of Kyiv and Novgorod under Oleg

B. The murder of Prince Igor by the Drevlyans

B. Establishment by Princess Olga of lessons and churchyards

D. The defeat of the Khazar Khaganate by Prince Svyatoslav

E. Calling Rurik to the Novgorod land

1 2 3 4 5


Option 1 Option 2

A 1.1 A 1.4

A 2. 2 A 2. 1

A 3. 2 A 3. 2

A 4. 3 A 4. 1

A 5. 2 A 5. 3


T. D. Shipilova, MBOU "Povalikhinskaya secondary school", Pervomaisky district, Altai Territory

Test 1 "Old Russian State".

A1. What was the name of the first Russian chronicle?

1) "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" 2) "The Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor

3) “Instruction for children” by Vladimir Monomakh 4) “Word about law and grace”

A2. The ancient Russian state was formed in

1) 182 2) 828 3) 882 4) 988

A3. After the campaigns of which prince, Khazaria ceased to exist as a strong state?

1) Igor 2) Svyatoslav 3) Vladimir 4) Yaroslav

A4. Christianity in Rus' was adopted: 1) 955 2) 988 3) 1054 4) 1223

A5. Under his reign, a light warning system (fiery telegraph) was introduced to warn of danger in the southern borders of Rus':

1) Vladimir 2) Yaroslav the Wise 3) Vladimir Monomakh 4) Yuri Dolgoruky

A6. In what year was Moscow first mentioned?

1) 1132 2) 1147 3) 1157 4) 1212

A7. Who was the first Moscow prince?

1) Yuri Dolgoruky 2) Daniil Alexandrovich 3) Ivan Kalita 4) Dmitry Donskoy

A8. The heyday of the Old Russian state is considered to be the reign of:

1) Princess Olga 2) Prince Yaroslav the Wise

3) Prince Vladimir the Holy 4) Prince Svyatoslav

A9. When did feudal fragmentation begin and end in Rus'?

1) the end of the 10th century - until the 12th century

2) the end of the XI century - until the middle of the XIII century

3) the beginning of the XIII century-40s of the XVI century

4) 30s of the XII-end of the XV century

A10. During the fragmentation of Rus', the boyar republics existed in:

1) Novgorod and Kyiv 2) Novgorod and Vladimir 3) Novgorod and Pskov 4) Novgorod and Moscow

A11. The first source of legal norms was called:

1) Russkaya Gazeta 2) Russkaya Pravda 3) Russian Law 4) Russian word»

A12. In what year did the Lubeck Congress of Princes take place?

1) 1054 2) 1097 3) 1111 4) 1147

A13. Which prince bequeathed that henceforth the eldest in the family should be the Grand Duke in Rus'?

1) Yaroslav the Wise 2) Izyaslav 3) Oleg 4) Vsevolod

A14. Such people, for a monetary debt, worked out part of their time for the master, because they concluded an agreement with him, and became dependent on him:

1) serfs 2) smerds 3) purchases 4) ryadovichi

A15. What was the result of the battles on the Neva River and Lake Peipus?

1) Rus' captured the entire coast of the Baltic Sea

2) the beginning of the unification of Russian lands was laid

3) the offensive of the Mongol-Tatars was stopped

4) the spread of Catholicism in Russian lands was prevented

A16. The battle on the Kalka River took place: 1) 1223 2) 1242 3) 1380 4) 1480

A17. Which of the events does not relate to the struggle of the Russian state with the Mongol-Tatars?

1) battle on the Kalka River 2) Battle on the Ice 3) Battle of Kulikovo 4) Standing on the Ugra River

A18. The Battle of Kulikovo took place in: 1) 1223 2) 1237 3) 1380 4) 1480

A19. Please indicate which of the following literary works is devoted to the description of the event related to the XIV century.

1) "The Tale of the Battle of Mamaev" 2) "The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu"

3) "Journey beyond three seas" 4) "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

A20. The ruin of Moscow by Khan Tokhtamysh took place in the reign

1) Alexander Nevsky 2) Dmitry Donskoy

3) Ivan Kalita 4) Vasily III

Test 2 "The Russian state in the XV-XVII centuries."

When completing tasks A1-A20, out of the four proposed options, select one correct one.

A1. Which of the following events took place during the reign of Grand Duke Ivan III?

1) a lawsuit was issued 2) the first Zemsky Sobor was convened

3) a streltsy army appeared 4) Western Siberia became part of the Russian state

A2. He was the first to take the title of "Sovereign of All Rus'":

1) Vasily the Dark 2) Ivan the Terrible 3) Ivan III 4) Semyon Proud

A3. The coat of arms with a double-headed eagle appeared as the official symbol of the Russian state with:

1) Ivan III 2) Ivan the Red 3) Vasily the Dark 4) Dmitry Donskoy

A4. Standing on the Ugra River occurred in:

1) 1410 2) 1475 3) 1433 4) 1480

A5. What event happened during the reign of Ivan III?

1) restoration of veche Orders in the Moscow Principality

2) removal of the veche bell from Novgorod to Moscow

3) writing a set of laws "Russian Truth"

4) construction of signal towers on the borders of the principality

A6. The procedure for filling higher positions, depending on the nobility of the clan and the importance of the positions occupied by the ancestors, is called:

1) tax 2) feeding 3) polyudie 4) localism

A7. Which of the above refers to the results of Prince Ivan III's campaign against Veliky Novgorod in 1478?

1) expansion of the powers of the Novgorod veche

2) the receipt by the Moscow prince of large land holdings at his disposal

3) providing the Novgorod merchants with special benefits

4) transfer of most of the Novgorod lands to the principality of Lithuania

A8. In honor of the birth of Ivan the Terrible in the village of Kolomenskoye was built

1) Temple of the Ascension 2) Temple of Basil on Gorka

3) Spassky Cathedral 4) Intercession Cathedral

A9. Wedding year for the reign of Ivan the Terrible:

1) 1530 2) 1533 3) 1538 4) 1547

A10. The introduction of oprichnina by Ivan the Terrible led to:

1) final legal registration serfdom

2) the abolition of parochialism

3) cancellation of feedings

4) strengthening the personal power of the king

A11. Year of annexation of the Kazan Khanate to Russia:

1) 1514 2) 1552 3) 1556 4) 1558

A12. Yermak's campaign in Siberia was organized at the expense of:

1) merchant-industrialists Stroganovs 2) state treasury

3) entrepreneurs Demidovs 4) at their own expense

A13. Read an excerpt from a historian's work and indicate under what name the government in question entered history.

“About the beginning of Ivan’s reign, one can even say that it was an autocratic monarchy” with human face”, thanks to the reforms of the government led by Adashev and Sylvester. During its ten years in power, this government carried out as many reforms as no other decade in the history of medieval Russia knew. Indeed, preconditions reform activities took shape even before the appearance of Adashev and Sylvester on the historical stage.

1) Council of All the Earth 2) Elected Rada

3) Order of secret affairs 4) Middle thought

A14. Read an excerpt from the work of a modern historian and indicate when the events described took place: “Using the decay of the oprichnina army, the Crimean Khan ... broke through to Moscow and set fire to the city. The fire spread to the Kremlin, where many Muscovites hid. Almost all of them suffocated "from the fire heat" in stone cathedrals and chambers. For about two months, the city was cleared of corpses. This time, too, there was no betrayal.”

1) 1558 2) 1564 3) 1571 4) 1584

A15. Which of the following refers to the results of the Livonian War of 1558-1583?

1) economic ruin of the northwestern territories of the Moscow State

2) accession to Russia of Courland and Lithuania

3) Russian loss of Novgorod and Pskov

4) Russia receiving the Baltic coast from Vyborg to Riga

A16. Read an excerpt from the work of a historian and indicate the name of the territory, the annexation of which to Russia is in question.

“The warriors of Kuchum did not know how to use the invention of gunpowder and at the end of the 16th century acted as the only weapon of the Genghis times. Each Cossack went to the crowd of enemies, hit one with a deadly bullet, and dispersed twenty and thirty with a terrible sound of his squeak. So in the first battle on the banks of the Tobol, in the Babasane tract, the leader of the Cossacks, standing in a trench, with several volleys stopped the desire of ten or more Mametkulov horsemen, who rushed at full speed to trample on him: he himself hit them and, having completed the victory, discovered path to the mouth of the Tobol.

1) Astrakhan Khanate 2) Amur Region 3) Eastern Siberia 4) Western Siberia

A17. Master Dionysius worked on the murals:

1) Trinity-Sergius Monastery 2) Ferapontov Monastery near Vologda

3) Andronikov Monastery in Moscow 4) Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery

A18. With what events national history Are the dates 1497, 1550 connected?

1) the adoption of the Code of Laws 2) the struggle against the Horde dominion

3) the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible 4) the expansion of the territory of Moscow Rus'

A19. Basil's Cathedral was built in:

1) the end of the XV century. 2) the middle of the XVI century. 3) the end of the XVI century. 4) the beginning of the XVII century.

A20. Read the extract from the document and indicate the century:

“..King and Grand Duke Fedor Ivanovich of All Rus' pointed out .. Which peasants are because of the boyars and because of the nobles and because of the clerks and because of the children of the boyars and because of all kinds of people, from estates and from estates, and from patriarchs and from metropolitans and from sovereign and from monasteries fiefdoms ran out before the current year 106 for 5 years, and on those fugitive peasants in their escape. and against those landowners and votchinniks, for whom they run out, they live, for that landlord, from whom they ran out, and for the patriarchal and metropolitan and sovereign children of boyar and monastic villages as clerks and servants to give court and search firmly for all sorts of investigations, and by court and by investigation those fugitive peasants with their wives and children and with all their bellies to carry back where someone lived.

1) XV century. 2) XVI century. 3) XVII century. 4) XVIII century.

Test 3 "Time of Troubles in Russia"

When completing tasks A1-A20, out of the four proposed options, select one correct one.

A1. Foreign interference in the internal affairs of Russia during the Time of Troubles was carried out by:

1) Denmark, Norway 2) Commonwealth, Sweden

3) England, Sweden 4) Turkey, Crimean Khanate.

A2. Time of Troubles in Russia is called:

1) the end of the 16th century 2) the first half of XVII century

3) the beginning of the 16th century 4) the end of the 16th - the beginning of the 17th centuries

A3. K. Minin and D. Pozharsky became famous in Russian history as leaders:

1) a peasant uprising; 2) the defense of Smolensk;

3) a conspiracy of the boyars against False Dmitry I 4) a militia that liberated Moscow from the invaders

A4. In the period of troubled times, the "Tushinsky thief" was called:

1) Ivan Kholopko 2) Grigory Otrepiev 3) False Dmitry II 4) Procopius Lyapunov

A5. The second militia began to form:

1) in Ryazan 2) in Vladimir 3) in Nizhny Novgorod 4) in Moscow

A6. The Rurik dynasty ended after death:

1) Ivan the Terrible 2) Fedor Ivanovich 3) Boris Godunov 4) Mikhail Fedorovich

A7. The first tsar who occupied the Russian throne not by inheritance, but as a result of election to the kingdom was:

1) Mikhail Romanov 2) Boris Godunov 3) Vasily Shuisky, 4) False Dmitry I.

A8. In 1598 Boris Godunov took the Moscow throne on the basis of:

1) Wills of Fyodor Ivanovich 2) Decisions of Tsaritsa Irina

3) Decisions of the Boyar Duma 4) Decrees of the Zemsky Sobor

A9. Which of the following documents was adopted later than the others:

1) Decree on lesson years, 2) Sudebnik Ivan IV,

3) Decree on reserved years, 4) Sudebnik of Ivan III

A10. Leader of the peasant movement 1603-1604:

1) Lyapunov P 2) Ileyka Muromets 3) Cotton Kosolap 4) Zarutsky I.M

A11. About whom V.O. Klyuchevsky said: “It was only baked in a Polish oven, and fermented in Moscow”:

1) about Fyodor Romanov 2) about Boris Godunov

3) about Grigory Otrepiev 4) about Prince Vladislav

1) Boyar Duma 2) Seven Boyars 3) Shuisky V.I 4) False Dmitry I

A13. The uprising of 1606-1607 under the leadership of Bolotnikov I.I. was suppressed after:

1) Defeats near the village of Kotly 2) Surrenders of Tula 3) Retreats to Kaluga 4) Siege of Moscow

A14. In the uprising of Bolotnikov I.I. did not participate:

1) Archers 2) Peasants 3) Cossacks 4) Posad people

A15. Contemporaries were Bolotnikov I.I. and:

1) Ivan IV 2) Khmelnitsky B.M. 3) Shuisky V.I. 4) Razin S.T.

A16. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian N. I. Kostomarov and determine the name of the historical figure missing in the text to which this characteristic. “They chose Prince ______ as king, being sure that the former, killed, named Dmitry, was not the real Dmitry ... But the people were unhappy that _______ sat on the throne incorrectly: not the whole earth, through their chosen people, elected him to the kingdom, but shouted him king and planted the parasites in Moscow also favored him on the throne ”:

1) Mikhail Romanov 2) Boris Godunov 3) Alexei Mikhailovich 4) Vasily Shuisky

A17. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky and indicate to whom the road to the throne was opened after the described conspiracy. “However, the main reason for the fall of False Dmitry I was different. At a meeting of conspirators on the eve of the uprising, the boyars frankly stated that they recognized False Dmitry only in order to get rid of Godunov. The great boyars had to create an impostor in order to depose Godunov, and then depose the impostor in order to open the way to the throne for one of their own. They did just that."

1) Vasily Shuisky 2) Ivan Zarutsky 3) Prokopy Lyapunov 4) False Dmitry II

A18. The cross-kissing record of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, given upon his accession to the throne, contained a promise:

1) transfer part of state lands to the church 2) do not execute without trial

3) to make large land grants to the nobles 4) to cancel state taxes

A19. The meaning of the "cross-kissing record" of Vasily Shuisky was:

1) in the creation of a new authority - the Zemsky Sobor,

2) in the promise of the king to his subjects to observe the rule of law,

3) in the introduction of a new principle of succession to the throne,

4) in the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia.

A20. By 1606-1607. applies to:

1) the reign of Vasily Shuisky 2) the uprising led by I.I. Bolotnikova

3) the reign of False Dmitry I 4) the activities of the Second Home Guard

Test 4 "The First Romanovs"

When completing tasks A1-A20, out of the four proposed options, select one correct one.

A1. What did the accession of the Romanov dynasty mean?

1) the beginning of a new stage civil war 2) the end of the Time of Troubles

3) the end of feudal fragmentation 4) the beginning of boyar rule

A2. The concept of "split" in the XVII-XVIII centuries. meant the division of the population into supporters and opponents:

1) reforms of the Chosen One 2) abolition of serfdom

3) reforms of Patriarch Nikon 4) expansion of the privileges of the nobility

A3. Archpriest Avvakum was:

3) the leader of opponents church reform 4) a mentor to the royal children.

A4. The Council Code of 1649 played a decisive role in:

1) the formation of enlightened absolutism 2) the enslavement of the peasants

3) the establishment of a class-representative system; 4) the replacement of orders by colleges.

A5. Which of the following refers to the results foreign policy Alexei Mikhailovich?

1) accession to Russia of the Northern Black Sea region

2) annexation of Western Siberia to Russia

3) Russia gaining access to Baltic Sea

4) accession to Russia of the Left-Bank Ukraine and Kyiv

A6. Which of the following was the result of Nikon's reforms in the 17th century?

1) liquidation of monastic land ownership 2) change in church rites

3) the creation of the Holy Synod 4) the establishment of the patriarchate

A7. What century in the history of Russia was called the "rebellious century"?

1) XVI century. 2) XVII century. 3) XVIII century. 4) XIX century.

A8. Read the passage from the chronicle and answer the question: When did these events take place?

“At this time, robbery multiplied in the Russian land, not only there was no passage in deserted places, but near Moscow there was a great robbery. Tsar Boris sent troops to them many times ... but nothing could be done with them. The boyars decided to send a governor with a large army against them ... They (troops) went and met with (robbers) near Moscow. The robbers fought with them without sparing their heads, and they killed the governor Ivan Fedorovich ... and barely overcame the accursed, killing many of them ... Cotton, barely alive, was taken prisoner, while others fled to Ukraine and there they were caught and hanged.

1) 1602-1603 2) 1606-1607 3) 1608-1609 4) 1611-1612

A9. Russian pioneer:

1) Ivan Fedorov 2) Andrey Kurbsky 3) Ivan Peresvetov 4) Theodosius Kosoy

A10. The supreme power became two-headed: the king and the patriarch jointly ruled the country. These were:

1) Vasily Shuisky and Germogen 2) Mikhail Fedorovich and Filaret

3) Boris Godunov and Job 4) Alexei Mikhailovich and Nikon

A11. The concept of "lesson summer" meant:

2) restriction on the transition of peasants on St. George's Day

3) the term for the investigation and return of fugitive peasants

4) the years when the landowner transferred the peasants to dues

A12. A state in which the power of the monarch is combined with the existence of bodies composed of deputies from the nobility, clergy and townspeople is called:

1) absolute monarchy 2) constitutional monarchy

3) estate-representative monarchy 4) oligarchy

A13. The Council Code stated:

1) a reform of church rituals was carried out

2) the last destinies were destroyed

3) liquidated "black settlements"

4) the search for runaway peasants became indefinite

A14. The salt riot took place in:

1) 1648 2) 1645 3) 1653 4) 1667

A15. The Andrusovo truce between Russia and Poland was concluded in:

1) 1667 2) 1653 3) 1681 4) 1689

A16. One of the associates of Stepan Razin:

1) Vasily Us 2) Yuri Baryatinsky 3) Philip Kolychev 4) Archpriest Avvakum

A17. Despite the suppression of the Copper Riot, the government was forced to:

1) Develop a new set of laws 2) Go for the abolition of copper money

3) Abolish serfdom 4) Exempt the taxable population from paying taxes

A18. The uprising of Stepan Razin happened:

1) 1667-1677 2) 1667-1670 3) 1670-1671 4) 1669-1671

A19. The copper riot took place in:

1) 1649 2) 1665 3) 1662 4) 1670

A20. The king, nicknamed "the quietest":

1) Boris Godunov 2) Mikhail Fedorovich

B) Fedor Borisovich 4) Alexei Mikhailovich

Answers to tests.




















Test #1

Section 1 "Old Russian state in IX XIII centuries"

Option III

1. The most developed tribal union of the Eastern Slavs were:


b) clearing;

c) krivichi;

d) northerners.

2. The initial East Slavic statehood is formed in:

a)the interfluve of the Oka and the Upper Volga;

b) the Middle Dnieper and in the northwestern region, headed by the cities of Ladoga and Novgorod;

c) the Carpathian region and the Vistula river basin;

d) Transnistria and Danube.

3. Who were called Russes (Rosses, Russio, Ruthenians) in Byzantine documents of the 8th-9th centuries?

a)Western Slavs;

b) Germans;

c) Eastern Slavs;

d) Volga Bulgars.

4. The first known mention of the state of Rus' was the evidence of (about):

a) the impact of the Russians on the Crimean possessions of Byzantium;

b) the campaign of Russian squads on the Danube;

c) the ruin of the centers of the Avar Khaganate;

d) establishing trade contacts with the Arab Caliphate.

5. Find incorrect statement.

a) the embassy from the state of Rus' was unable to establish contacts with the Frankish empire.

b) the Russians made several trips to the Crimean possessions of Byzantium.

c) Russian ambassadors in 838-839. settled relations with Byzantium.

6. Russian troops led by Kyiv princes Askold and Dir attacked Constantinople in:

a) 860;

b) 879;

c) 882;

d) 907

7. Presumably the first prince of the Russians who was baptized was:

a) cue;

b) Vyatko;

c) Askold;

d) Radim.

8. Supporters of the Norman theory of the creation of the Russian state believe that the Russians were:

a) Scandinavian warriors who contributed to the creation of a state among the Eastern Slavs;

b) a Slavic tribe that came from the shores of the Baltic Sea;

c) the Slavs brought by Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv from the Danube;

d) Arab merchants.

9. In 862, in the area of ​​​​Lake Ilmen, they began to reign:

a) Kiy, Shchek, Khoriv;

b) Askold and Dir;

c) Rurik, Sineus, Truvor;

d) Vyatko and Radim.

10. The beginning of the Russian state is considered:
a) 860;

b) 882;

c) 872;

d) 839

11. According to the agreement between Prince Igor and Byzantium:

a) Russian merchants could visit the baths in Byzantium for free;

b) Rus' undertook to pay tribute to the Byzantines in furs;

c) Russian merchants lost the right to free trade in Greek markets;

d) the Russian squad undertook to help the Byzantines in joint campaigns.

12. Christianity, according to Princess Olga, should have contributed to:

a) separation of tribes;

b) the preservation of blood feud;

c) strengthening princely power;

d) development of ties with Khazaria.

The task II .

    Read an excerpt from the book of the historian S.M. Solovyov.

“The main, initial phenomenon in the foundation of the state is the unification of disparate tribes through the appearance among them of a concentrating principle, power. The northern tribes, Slavic and Finnish, united and called to themselves this concentrating principle, this power. Here, in the concentration of several northern tribes, the beginning of all the other tribes was laid ... "

    Russian campaign against Byzantium;

    calling the Varangians to reign;

    baptism of Askold;

    the formation of a union of Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes in the region of Lake Ilmen.

    Establish a correspondence between the names of the princes and the cities that were the centers of their power.

names of princes cities

    Rurik; A) Izborsk;

    Sineus; B) Beloozero;

    Truvor. C) Ladoga and Novgorod

D) Polotsk

3 . Read an excerpt from The Tale of Bygone Years. Answer the questions .

In the summer of 6370 (date from the creation of the world, from the birth of Christ - 862 -Note. auth.) (Novgorodians) expelled the Varangians across the sea, and did not give them tribute, and began to rule themselves. And there was no truth in them, and generation upon generation stood up, and they had strife, and they began to fight with themselves. And they said to themselves: "Let's look for a prince who would rule over us and judge by right."

And they went across the sea to the Varangians, to Rus'. Those Varangians called themselves Rus, as others are called Svei, other Normans, other Goths, and these. The Russians said Chud, Slovenes, Krivichi and all: “Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no order in it. Come reign and rule over us."

And three brothers gathered with their clans and took with them all of Rus', and they came. And the eldest, Rurik, sat in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, on Beloozero, and the third, Truvor, in Izborsk. And from those Varangians the Russian land was nicknamed ...


    How does the chronicler explain the origin of the word "Rus"?

    What is the reason for calling the prince from across the sea?

    Reveal the meaning of the expression "to call the Varangian", which has become popular in modern speech.

4. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian Yu.K. Krasnov about the origin of the state in Rus'. Answer the questions.

“The features of the formation of the Old Russian state are due to a number of factors.

First, it is a geographical factor. Russian state arose on a vast sparsely populated area that did not have clear natural barriers that could become state borders.

Secondly, tribes lived on the territory of the East European Plain, which were united by a common living conditions, occupations and pagan beliefs. But these were tribes of different ethnic origin - Slavs, Finno-Ugric peoples, Baltic tribes and others.

Thirdly, the famous trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" passed through the territory of the East Slavic tribes. The concentration in one hand of the centralized protection of this route, customs duties bore obvious benefits, which contributed to the unification of the Slavic tribes and the formation of a single Old Russian state.

Fourthly, the domination of similar pagan beliefs at the time of the emergence of the state, and then the adoption of Christianity, with a tolerant attitude towards pagans, also contributed to the integration of tribes, the formation of a single spiritual space.


    What groups of factors of state formation are singled out by the author?

    What factors are not taken into account in this judgment? Bring at least two.

    What factors do you think are the most important? Give at least two arguments to support your point of view.