Give a comparative characteristic of Vladimiro Suzdal Principality of Novgorod. Old Russian Princess

The period of feudal fragmentation, called the "specific period" tradition, continued from the XII to the end of the XV centuries.

Feudal fragmentation weakened the defensive capabilities of Russian lands. It became noticeable in the second half of the XI century, when a new strong enemy appeared in the south - Polovtsy (Turkic nomadic tribes). According to the annals, it is estimated that from 1061 to the beginning of the XIII century. There were more than 46 major invasions of Polovtsy.

Intelligent Wars of Princes, related to them. The ruin of cities, villages, the development of the population into slavery became a disaster for the peasants and citizens. From 1228 to 1462, submitted by S. M. Solovyov, there were 90 wars between the Russian principalities, in which there are 35 cases of taking cities, and 106 external wars, of which: 45 - with Tatars, 41 - with Lithuanians, 30 - with Livonian Order, the rest - with the Swedes and Bulgarians. The population begins to leave Kiev and neighboring lands to the northeast to Rostov-Suzdal Earth and partly on the south-west to Galicia. By occupying South Russian Steppes, the Polovtsy cut off the Russia from foreign markets, which led to the decline of trading. In the same period, European trading routes were replaced by the Balkano-Asian directions as a result of crusades. Russian principalities in this regard experienced difficulties in international trade.

In addition to external, the inner reasons for the decline of Kievan Rus appeared. Klyuchevsky believed that the proceeded legal and economic situation of the employment and significant development of slavery was inflicted for this process. The courtyards and villages of the princes were full of "Chelyant"; The position of "procurement" and "Nimitov" (semi-free) was on the verge of a slave state. The deaths who preserved the communities pressed the princely defeats and growing appetites boyars. Feudal fragmentation, the growth of political contradictions between expanding their territories by independent principalities led to changes in their public strict. The power of the princes became strictly hereditary, the boyars was fastened, which was the right to the free selection of Siser, multiplied by the category of free servants (former ordinary warriors). The number of non-free servants engaged in the production and material provision of the prince, his family, persons of the prince's courtyard grew in the princely farm.

As a result of crushing an ancient Russian state by the middle of the XII century. It was allocated to the independent ten states of the principalities. Subsequently, by the middle of the XIII century, their number reached eighteen. The names were appropriated on uralic cities: Kiev, Chernigov, Pereyaslav, Muromo-Ryazan. Suzdal (Vladimir). Smolensk, Galitsky, Vladimiro-Volynskoye, Polotsk, Novgorod boyars. In each of the principalities, the rules are one of the branches of Rurikovich, and the sons of princes and governors-boyars were controlled by individual diets and volathes. However, in all lands they remained the same writing, a single religion and church organization, the legal norms of the Russian truth, and most importantly - the awareness of the general roots, and the general historical destiny. At the same time, each of the established independent states had its own features of development. The largest of them, who played a significant role in the follow-up History of Russia, became: Suzdal (later - Vladimir) Principality - Northeast Russia; Galitsky (later - Galico-Volynskoe) Principality - South-Western Rus; Novgorod Boyar Republic - Novgorod Land (North-West Rus).

Suzdal Prince

It was located in the interflueline of Oka and Volga. Its territory was well protected from external invasions by forests and rivers, had advantageous trading routes along the Volga with the countries of the East, and through the Verkhovaya Volga to Novgorod and the countries of Western Europe. A constant influx of the population contributed to economic lifting. Suzdal Prince Yuri Dolgoruky (1125 - 1157) In the fight against his nephew Izyaslav Mstislavich for the Kiev throne repeatedly captured Kiev. For the first time in the chronicles under 1147, Moscow is mentioned, where Yuri negotiations with Chernigov Prince Svyatoslav took place. Yuri's son, Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157 - 1174) suffered the capital of the Principality from Suzdal to Vladimir, who rebuilt with great pomp. The northeastern princes cease to claim the board in Kiev, but they seek to preserve their influence here first by organizing military campaigns, then with the help of diplomacy and dynastic marriages. In the fight against boyars Andrei killed by conspirators. His politics continued a consolidated brother - Vsevolod is a big nest (1176 - 1212). He had many sons, for which he got such a nickname.

Migrants, which made a significant proportion of the population, did not retain the state traditions of Kievan Rus, - the role of "Veche" and "worlds". Under these conditions, the despotism of the power of the princes, which strengthen the struggle with the boyars. For Vsevolod, it ended in favor of the princely power. Vsevolod managed to establish close ties with Novgorod, where his sons and relatives were contacted; defeated the Ryazan Principality, having arranged the resettlement of part of its residents in their own ownership; Successfully fought with the Volga Bulgaria, putting under its control a number of her lands, heed up with the Kiev and Chernigov princes. He became one of the strongest princes in Russia. His son Yuri (1218 - 1238) founded Nizhny Novgorod and strengthened in the Mordovian lands. The further development of the principality was interrupted by the Mongolian invasion.

Galician-Volyn Principality

It occupied the northeastern slopes of the Carpathians and the territory between the Dniester and Prut rivers. A favorable geographical position (Neighborhood with European countries) and climatic conditions contributed to economic development, and the second migration flow from South Russian principalities was sent here (in more secure regions). Poles and Germans also settled here.

The rise of the Galician principality began under Yaroslav I rational (1153 - 1187), and with the Volyn Prince, the Roman Mstislavich in 1199 there was an association of Galician and Volyn Principities. In 1203, Roman seized Kiev. The Galico-Volyn Principality became one of the largest states in feudal-fragmented Europe, its close ties with European states were established, Catholicism began to penetrate into Russian land. Son His Daniel (1221 - 1264) led a long struggle for the Galician throne with Western neighbors (Hungarian and Polish princes) and the expansion of the state. In 1240, he united the South-Western Rus and Kiev land, approved his power in the fight against the boyars. But in 1241, the Galician-Volyn Principality was subjected to Mongolian ruin. In the subsequent struggle, Daniel strengthened the principality, and in 1254 he accepted the royal title from the Pope. However, the Catholic West did not help Daniel in his fight against the Tatars. Daniel was forced to recognize himself with the Vassal of the Orda Khan. In existence of about a hundred years, the Galician-Volyn state entered the staff of Poland and Lithuania, which had a great influence on the formation of Ukrainian nation. The Grand Principality of Lithuanian entered Western Russian Principles - Polotsk, Vitebskoye, Minsk, Dutinsky, Town-Pinskoye, Novgorod-Severskie, and others. As part of this state, Belarusian nationality was formed.

Novgorod Boyarskaya Republic

Novgorod land is the most important part of the ancient Russian state. During the period of feudal fragmentation, it retained its political importance, economic and trade relations with the West and East, covered the territory from the Ice Ocean to the Verkhovyev Volga from the north to the south, from the Baltic States and almost to the Urals from the West to the East. The huge land foundation belonged to local boyars. The latter, using the uprising of Novgorod in 1136, managed to defeat the princely power and establish the boyars republic. The highest body was the veche, where the most important issues of life were solved and the Novgorod government was elected. In fact, the owners on it were the largest boyars of Novgorod. The main official in the management was landan. He was elected from the most knowledgeable birth of Novgorod. The head of the Novgorod Church elected and the head of the Novgorod Church, who ordered the treasury, controlled the external intercourse and had even his army. From the end of the XII century. The position of the head of the trade and economic sphere of life of the Novgorod society was called "Thousands". Usually it was occupied by major merchants. Certain positions kept in Novgorod and the princely power. Evening invited Prince to manage the war, but even the residence of Prince was outside the Novgorod Kremlin. Wealth and military power Novgorod did the Novgorod Republic with an influential force in Russia. Novgorodians became a military support in the fight against the German and Swedish aggression against Russian lands. Mongolian invasion did not reach Novgorod. Wide trade relations with Europe identified a significant influence of the West in the Novgorod Republic. Novgorod became one of the major trading, craft and cultural centers not only in Russia, but also in Europe. The high level of the culture of the Novgorod residents shows the degree of literacy of the population, which is seen from the archaeologists open by archaeologists, the number of which exceeds a thousand.

The appearance in the second half of the XI century. - The first third of the XIII century. New political centers contributed to the growth and development of culture. In the period of feudal fragmentation, one of the greatest creations of the ancient Russian culture "Word about the regiment of Igor" appeared. His author, touched upon the circumstances of the defeat of the Novgorod-Seversky Prince Igor Svyatoslavich on a weekly clash with Polovtsy (1185), was able to turn him into a tragedy of a nationwide scale. "The word about the regiment of Igor" became a prophetic warning against the danger of princely gravities, which sounded in four decades on the eve of the crushing Tatar-Mongol invasion.

Vladimir-Suzdal Earth. An important role in the political life of Russia played Vladimir-Suzdal Earth (Fig. 2.4).

Fig. 2.4.

At the turn of the XII-XIII centuries. Vladimir-Suzdal lands covered huge spaces in the Okey and Volga interfluid. These land, who are now considered the most center of Russia, a thousand years ago were settled very little. With antiquity, the Finno-Ugric tribes lived here, subsequently almost completely assimilated by the Slavs. The growth of the population of Kievan Rus is caused by the development of new territories. In the XI-XII centuries. The southern boundaries were constantly subjected to nomads. At this time, the intensive movement of Slavic migrants begins

to the northeast region. The center of Rostov is becoming the center of Rostov (now the Great).

History of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus in the XII-XIII centuries. associated with the names of the princes, the descendants of Vladimir Monomakh. It was here that one of the younger sons of Vladimir Yuri Dolgoruky reigned (Fig. 2.5). Many generations of Russian people he is memorable as the founder of Moscow. Meanwhile, Yuri laid not only by the future capital of Russia, but also Dmitrov, Zvenigorod, Pereslavl and other cities. Yuri did his capital of Suzdal. This prince, who received his penetment for numerous seizures of other people's own possessions, graduated from his days not in the Vladimir-Suzdal Earth, but in the conquered Kiev. According to some reports, he was poisoned by Kiev boyars and.

Fig. 2.5

The son of Yuri Andrei Bogolyubsky was planted by the father for the reign in Vyshgorod (near Kiev) (Fig. 2.6). He left the city arbitrarily and moved to Vladimir. From Vyshgorod, Andrei brought the most revered on Russia to the icon of the Virgin, brought before that from Constantinople and since the time of Prince Vladimir called the "Vladimir Magnifier". After the death of Father, Andrei became an independent prince of Vladimir-Suzdal Land. At the head of Suzdal, Chernigov, Smolensk friend also made a campaign to Kiev and subjugated his power. Unlike the father to live in Kiev, Andrei did not remain, preferring Vladimir-Suzdal lands an ancient capital of his ancestors. Andrei did not Rostov, and not Suzdal, and the city of Vladimir, who is insignificant until that time, who is on the merger of the Klyazma and Nerya rivers. Andrei Provos

personal Great Prince of all Russia. With him, Vladimir became the actual center of political life Rus. According to the chronicler, Andrei "greatly arranged" Vladimir. For its development, the best architects of that time were attracted. The nickname "Bogolyubsky" prince received from the village of Bogolyubov, where his suburban residence was located. Andrei Bogolyubsky was a major statesman, a commander and a quirky diplomat. Among the contemporaries, he was heard by the powerful and cruel man, whom the chronicles called the "samovlas". The struggle for strengthening his power cost the prince of life: in 1174 he is a sacrifice of a boyars conspiracy.

Fig . 2.6

Andrei's successor was his younger brother Vsevolod a big nest (Fig. 2.7). Vsevolod Yuryevich showed himself as a strong and skillful statesman. With it, Vladimir-Suzdal Principality has reached the highest heyday. The power of the Vladimir Prince was supposed to personify the Dmitrievsky Cathedral built by Vsevolod. At Vsevolod, the title "Grand Prince" was strengthened. However, after the death of Prince Vsevolod in 1212, the heirs divided its lands into several separate principalities.

Fig. 2.7

Novgorod land. The Novgorod land, which occupied the north-west of the former Old Russian state, began to go out of the authorities of the Kiev Prince before other parts of the country. At the end of the XI - early XII century. There was a peculiar political education, which in modern historical literature is called feudal republic. The Novgorod residents themselves called their state beautifully and solemnly - "Mr. Veliky Novgorod". This name applied to a huge scale of the Middle Ages state. Novgorod possessions stretched from the Gulf of Finland in the West, to the Ural Mountains in the East, from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the borders of the modern Tver and Moscow regions in the south. Higher power in Novgorod belonged to the People's Assembly - vese. The main role in solving the most important issues was playing boyarsky Council (Otherwise, the "Lord Council" or "300 gold belts"). The head of state was considered posadan. who shared his powers with the prince. Unlike other Russian lands in Novgorod, the prince did not receive power inheritance, but invited to the reign of the city. The main task of the prince was the leadership of the state defense. Together with the Postener, the prince carried out judicial functions. For the content of the princely courtyard, special land has highlighted. If the prince did not suit the Novgorod residents, he was expelled and invited another. In addition to the prince, the military function performed thousands - Head of urban militia. The head of the Novgorod Diocese was the big power in Veliky Novgorod - archbishop. In the freedom-loving city, even the spiritual leader was not appointed from above, but was elected by citizens. Novgorod was divided into several districts ("ends"), each of which was ruled konchaninsky Starost. (Fig. 2.8).

Galico-Volyn Principality. In the south-west of Russian lands in the middle of the XII century. Eliminate as independent formation of the Earth of the Galician and Volyn Principality. In 1119, the prince of Roman Mustlavich united them. So there was a large Galician-Volyn Principality. Capturing in 1203 Kiev, Prince Roman became the ruler of the South-West of Russia. Other

prince Daniel Romanovich became a major figure in the history of these lands. In the middle of the XIII century. His troops won the Polish and Hungarian knights. For the political life of Galico-Volyn Rus, a constant struggle between the prince and local boyars aristocracy was characterized. After the Mongol-Tatar conquest, south-western lands are separated from the rest of Russia (Fig. 2.9).

Feudal fragmentation of Russia call the historical period in the history of Russia, which is characterized by the fact that, formally, in the composition of the Kiev Rus, the specific principalities are gradually separated from Kiev

The main reasons for the feudal fragmentation of Russia

1. Preserving a significant breeding disunity in the premium conditions of natural economy

2. Development of feudal ownership of land and the growth of specific, princelyo-boyars land tenure

3. The struggle for power between princes and feudal crossburses

4. Permanent raids of nomads and outflow of the population in Northeast Rus

5. Decline of trade in the Dnieper due to the Polovtsian danger and the loss of Byzantium of the Disclaimer in International Trade

6. Growth of cities as specific land centers

The consequences of the feudal fragmentation of Russia

The main princesses of Russia

The largest princesses of Russia and their features


Vladimir-Suzdal Prince

Galico-Volyn Prince

Novgorod Boyarskaya Republic


Territory: Northeast Russia, Okey and Volga interfluid

Territory of the south-west of Russia, between the rivers Dnipro and Prut, Carpathians

Fertile lands, mild climate. Vulnerability for nomad raids

Climate and soil are little suitable for agriculture. Outpost from western aggression


The main branch of the economy - agriculture due to the abundance of fertile lands suitable for crop production

With the influx of the population from South Russian lands (XI-XII centuries), the development of new lands is intensified, new cities appear

Finding the principality at the intersection of trade routes (according to the rivers of the Oka and Volga)

Ancient center of Russian pasha farming due to the abundance of fertile lands

Development of stoneware production and the supply of southern Russia

Long-time TSGR trading with Southeast and Central Europe, Eastern countries

Leading branches of farms - Trade and craft

Wide development of fishery: salt, iron production, fisheries, hunting, etc.

Active trade with Volga Bulgaria, Baltic States, Northwemiec cities, Scandinavia


A constant influx of the population in search of protection against nomads and normal conditions for the management of farm

Fast growth of cities old: Vladimir, Suzdal, Rostov,

Yaroslavl; New: Moscow, Kostroma, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky

In the new cities and lands weak the eve of traditions and weak boyars, which caused a strong princely power

An unlimited nature of the power of the Prince and deliberative authority

The struggle for the primacy in Russia and mastering Kiev

Early there was a powerful boyars, challenged the power of the princes

Weak princely power. Strong boyars and merchants who belonged to real political power

Special state-control device of Novgorod (see the scheme below)

Special state-management device of Novgorod (scheme)

Princely intersubs and constant raids of nomads and exhausted the forces of the ancient Kiev Rus. The state lost the former power, and in the middle of the XII in the independent principality. The center of political and economic life began to be gradually shifted to the northeast, to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Upper Volga region, where Vladimir-Suzdal Principality was formed.


Up to X century, the lands of the future princess was occupied by the Tribe Merey and the whole. Overlooking the forest with Sunny Podprovia, Rusichi began to live on some lands with Finno-Ugric tribes. The curviti and Novgorod who arrived here were plagued by the local people and brought the primitives of cultural and administrative entities. Fully the Zalesskaya Rus, or the Suzdalshchina, was mastered by Rusichs in the middle of the 15th century, but for a long time this territory remained only a distant outskirt of the huge power of Rurikovich.

The peculiarities of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality were based on the fact that, occupying the Earth in the interfold of Oka and Volga, it was located on the raids of nomads and internecine raids. By the XII century. There was an established system of boyars land tenure. Each fertile piece of land was overnoled to the forest bar and received the name of the opolia. Despite the poor of the earth and the severity of the climate, the peasants managed to receive yields, to engage in forest fishing, cattle breeding, fishing. The cities developed a pottery, blacksmithing. The economic administrative device has passed to them from the Kiev lands and made it possible to form an independent specific territory called Vladimir-Suzdal Principality.

Geographical position

The separate position, which was held by Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, was explained primarily by natural barriers to surrounding his borders from all sides. In addition, the path of nomads to these places was blocked by the principality, which were south.

Features of the development of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality in economic and political terms are briefly described below:

The continuous flow of the workforce, which arrived here from Kievan Rus: People were tired to endure the unbearable defeats of the princely grids and the constant half-time position, so they came to the principality with families and all the homemade scrags;

Branched trading tracks connecting Northern Europe with Eastern Khanateshi;

The territorial remoteness of the principality from the ways of nomads - this land was not subjected to raids and destruction.

It was these factors that explained the peculiarities of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, his strong economic situation. Strong and rich boyars did not want to share with Kiev and pushed local rulers to independence. It urged the people to separate from Rus rulers and make independent Vladimir-Suzdal Principality.


The Zalessky Territory was unrepretory for princes from Ruriki - places far away, the earth is scanty. This principality was usually given to the younger sons of princely houses, the ruling heirs rarely travel to these places, they were considered unattractive, relatively poor and very far.

It is noteworthy is the uprising of the Magi in 1024, when Yaroslav Wise came to the Suzdal Principality and docked the Buntovshchikov. The situation has changed in the XII century, when Prince Vladimir Monomakh, visiting the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, planted for the throne in Suzdal his sons - first Yuropolk, and then Yuri. For a short time, Suzdal becomes the capital of the principality. Later, making sure the need to build a modern fortified city, senior monomas founded the city on the Klyazma River and called him his name - Vladimir.

So, against the background of the decline of Kievan Russia, a slow, a leisurely elevation of the Earth began, which became referred to as Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. Princes from the genus Momomakhovichy successfully and for a long time the Suzdal throne was held, and the population of northeastern lands unconditionally took their power.

Yury Dolgoruky

After the death of the Kiev ruler of all Russia, Vladimir Monomakh, Vladimir-Suzdal Principality separated from Kievan Rus. Son Monomakh - Yuri Dolgoruky became his first independent ruler. The peculiarities of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality during the reign of this prince were to actively affect the nearby territories. Thus, the principality joined Ryazan and Murom lands.

The development of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality passed to a new stage. Yuri built up his possessions fortified, wonderful cities, but still did not leave hope for the Kyiv throne towards the hands. The Suzdal ruler constantly led long-term exhausting wars for distant Kiev and was confident that only the princely throne in the capital will give him the right to "be the oldest" in Russia. Due to the permanent stretching of greedy "long hands" to distant cities and strangers of the Prince and nicknamed Dolgoruky.

The chronicle reported to this day a message that in 1147 Yuri invited one of his allies - younger princes: "Come to me, brother, in Moscow." These words are the first mention of Moscow. The territory of the future city, together with the adjacent lands, the Dolgoruky selected a bunch from his boyarin. During his jurisdiction, the city of Yuryev-Polsky, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Kostroma, bloomed and strengthened the city of Vladimir.

Strengthening power

In 1149, using the civilians and disagreements between the southern princes, the Dolgoruky went hiking to the southern lands of Kievan Rus and, having entered into an alliance with Polovtsy, near the city of Pereyaslav, which on the Dnieper, broke the squad of Kiev Prince Izyaslav II. Yuri Dolgoruky captured Kiev, but there was no longer for a long time, and in 1151 after the next military defeat was forced to return to Suzdal. The last time Yuri Dolgoruki captured the Kiev throne in 1155 and remained in it until the end of his days. To gain a foothold on the southern lands, he distributed the specific principalities to his sons.

Held Yuri attention and his eternal rivals - Galico-Volyn Principality. It was on the outskirts of Kievan Rus, as well as Vladimir-Suzdal Principality; The geographical position of these lands delivering this territory from permanent nomad raids. These "fragments" of Kievan Rus rose and flourished at the same time. Yuri Dolgoruky preferred to put up with rich long-distance relatives and even gave his daughter Olga Prince Yaroslav Orel, who at that time had in the Office of the Galician-Volyn Principality.

The Vladimir-Suzdal invasion lasted long - soon Olga ran away from her husband because he openly lived with his mistress. In the end, the funeral was returned to the spouse, but this marriage was happy never. Dying, Yaroslav gave the throne not to his legitimate heirs, and the son of his mistress - Oleg.

The ruler of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality did not enjoy love among the Kievan. He was poisoned in 1157 on the fear of Boyar Petrily. After his death, the rebels of Kiev residents eliminated the power established by Yury. During the reign of Yuri, Dolgoruky was first revealed and aggravated the long-standing rival of two peoples, between Kiev and Suzdal began a protracted struggle, which acquired extreme forms into the reign of the son of Yuri Dolgoruky.

Andrey Bogolyubsky

When Yuri Dolgoruky tried to take Kiev once again, his son Andrei returned to Vladimir. After the death of the Father, he, by the traditional order of the throne, suffered here the princely throne. Andrei came to Suzdal Earth, apparently, at the secret invitation of local boyars. With her, he grabbed the famous icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. Twelve years after the death of his father, Andrei went to Kiev, took it and exposed to almost complete ruin. It was then, in 1169, Andrei Bogolyubsky first call himself great Prince Vladimir-Suzdalish, which actually strikes his lands from Kievan Rus. Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, briefly speaking, usurped the power of Kiev princes in the northeastern lands. In the XIII-XIV centuries, the Great Princes of Vladimir-Suzdali had the right only the supreme rulers of these lands.

Andrei Bogolyubsky was attempts to subordinate to the land, with whom Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, such as Veliki Novgorod, neighdened. Features of the development of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality during this period were characterized primarily by the strengthening of the fight against local boyars. The recalcitable heads flew from the shoulders, and the lands of Rapting Boyar are irrevocably confiscated. Based on the support of citizens and his squad, Andrei set the sole power in his lands. To strengthen its independence, Andrei suffered the capital from ancient Rostov in Vladimir-on-Klyazma. The new city was well strengthened, information about the strong gold gates made by the example of Kiev, and the famous Assumption Cathedral was preserved.

The confluence of the rivers Klyazma and Nerli, in the neighboring village of Bogolyubovo Andrei built a luxurious choir and loved to live there, so he received a nicknamer Bogolyubsky during his lifetime. Here Andrei and found his death. Later, he became a victim of the uprising boyars and died in his chambers in 1174.

Vsevolod is a big nest

After the death of Andrei Vsevolod, the younger brother of the murdered, began to head Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. Princes, and later the chronicles, called Vsevolod "Big Nest" due to the great number of his family. One sons of the new rule of the principality was eight. It was Vsevolod first to strive for self-sufficiency in his separate state and put a lot of effort to implement this idea. It is impossible to deny the fact that during the reign of Vsevolod, a large nest reached the period of the greatest heyday of the Prince's own behavior - Vladimir-Suzdal Principality.

Briefly about internal and foreign policy

Basically, the political maneuvers of Vsevolod were reduced to inside the princes ruling by the southern lands of Kievan Rus, among themselves and strengthen their Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. The characteristic of the policy of this prince was that the depletion of opponents resources, he strengthened his power. Thanks to the innate diplomatic gift, he managed to unite the Vladimir boyars around him and establish his personal power in all corners of the principality. Vsevolod has achieved a decision from the Church that the prince has the right to appoint bishops. But the greatest achievement of the Vsevolod was that he achieved the strengthening of his power over his own Novgorod.

In those days, Novgorod was managed by the People's Eve and had the right to be appointed, so driving his princes from the throne. Each street of the city and each his end had its own control. People's eve had the authority to appoint a governor, call for princes and choose bishops. With the help of bribers and intrigues, Novgorod and Vladimir-Suzdal Principality began to obey the decisions of one person. Vsevolod has tamed recurrent Novgorod residents and received a number of profitable and important political and economic decisions.

Foreign policy

Vsevolod A large nest in foreign policy paid close attention to trade issues, which was famous for Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. The position of this land among halfwheat-half-breeds forced the prince to look for ways with which you can expand and protect the trading paths controlled by it. To this end, the Druzhinnikov of the Suzdal Prince carried out conquering campaigns to Volzhskaya Bulgaria in 1184 and 1185. Permanent diplomatic efforts led to the fact that other Russian princes took part in these campaigns, the chronicles coming to us the names of the Murom, Ryazan and Smolensk rulers. But full military power in these campaigns, of course, belonged to Vsevolod, all important decisions were made alone alone. The defeat of the Volga Bulgarus led to control over the most important trade routes and the conquest of new lands.

Sunset of Vladimir-Suzdal Principality

At the beginning of the XIII century, Vsevolod convened representatives from all cities of his principality, and at this meeting was decided after the death of Prince to give the power to his son Yuri. But Rostov boyars and Kiev Prince Mstislav were planted on the throne of the eldest son of Vsevolod - Constantine. To avoid accusations in the usurpation of power and prevent civil strife, Konstantin divided land between her relatives. Thus formed Rostov, Pereyaslav, Yaroslavl Principality. In 1218, Konstantin dies, and Vladimir's throne again goes to Yuri. Strengthening his authority The son of Vsevolod began with a successful raid on the Volga Bulgaria and from the base at the mouth of the Oki Nizhny Novgorod. But the fragmentation of his own principality prevented him to be such an authoritative politician as his father was.

Mongol-Tatar yoke

At the beginning of 1238, the Russian princes suffered a crushing defeat from the Tatar-Mongolian conquerors. Vladimir-Suzdal Principality was destroyed, burned and looted fourteen major cities, such as Vladimir, Moscow, Suzdal, Rostov and others. In March 1238, a detachment of Mongol-Tatars, under the leadership of Burundai Databa, was able to completely defeat the Vladimir Raint, which Vladimir Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich scored. Yuri himself died in battle. After his death, the rulers of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality began nominally to be considered to be Yaroslav Vsevolodovich.

The new prince of northeastern land was forced to go to the Horde behind the label to the reign. Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was recognized as the oldest, which means the most revered Russian prince. This act marked the beginning of the dependence of the principalities of the Russian north of the Mongols.

After Yaroslav Title Prince Vladimirsky, Alexander Nevsky wore. The beginning of his reign was quite successful, including the defeat of the Crusaders in the ice, and the victory over the Swedes in the Nevsky Battle. But in 1262, Mongolian supplies were killed. To prevent one more devastating raid of Mongols, Alexander personally goes to the Horde. From there it is returned already fatally ill. After his death, the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality ceased to exist, and the territory of Northeast Russia was broken into a set of dwarf specific princes.

In the era of feudal fragmentation, three centers were raised, which began the process of land collection. In the southwest, Vladimir-Volynsky became such a center, in the north-west - Velikiy Novgorod, and in the northeast - Vladimir-on-Klyazma. The elevation of Veliky Novgorod was associated with its special situation in the times of unified Rus: many great princes before the topics in Kiev were governors of their fathers in Novgorod.

The elevation of Vladimir-Volynsky and Vladimir-on-Klyazma was associated with the activities of the rules in these cities of the specific princes: Mstislava Galitsky and Andrey Bogolyubsky. These powerful rulers submitted their neighboring specific princes and participated in the struggle for the right to pronounce in Kiev. However, their power already depended on the one who was titled the Grand Duke.

Three new Rus Center began to collect earth around them at the beginning of the XII century, but this process was stopped in the middle of the century Mongol-Tatar invasion. Over time, old centers have decline. The centralization of Russian lands ended to the middle of the 20th century.

Vladimir-Suzdal Principality

Kiev principality.

Novgorod Princess

Galician-Volyn Principality

Construction "Table"

Concremices "Table". Thengorodsky prince-step to Kiev.

Consequence of the process of colonization of northeastern Russia
During the period of feudal fragmentation was:

a) strengthening the dependence of the population from the prince of power

b) active construction of cities

c) intensive development of agriculture and crafts

Specify where the main colonization was not sent

Western Russia.

Specify where the main colonization was sent from
The flow of the progress of the population in the Northeast Rus in the period
feudal fragmentation and to it.

Western Russia.

1) South West (Galico-Volynskaya) Rus

2) North-West (Novgorod) Rus

3) Southeast (Pereaslavo-Chernigov) Rus

Consequence of the process of colonization of North-Western Russia
During the period of feudal fragmentation, it was: intensive development of agriculture and crafts

"Northern" The Path of East Slavic Colonization was led to the area: Ladoga and Ilmensky Lakes

The unification of the Galician and Volyn principalities in the Unified Galico-Volynsky occurred during the reign:

Roman Mstislavich Volynsky (1199-1205).

"Southern" path of East Slavic colonization led to the area: a) Carpathia

b) Middle Transnistria

Novgorod variant of civilizational development intended to enhance

boyar Duma

The southwest version of civilizational development intended to enhance Boyar Duma.

1) Yuri Dolgoruky (1125-1157) - Son V. Monomakh

printed in ...

Ryazan principality.

Turned the Rostov-Suzdal Earth into the extensive principality.

Reasons for the elevation of Novgorod: Strengthening trade relations with Europe

Yaroslav Osmomysl

2) Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157-1174

3)) - grandson in Monomakh.

Was a typical prince of the feudal fragmentation era

Andrei Bogolyubsky suffered the capital to Vladimir

Name the architectural monument in Vladimir-Suzdal
Rus, the construction of which refers to the right time
Andrei Bogolyubsky.

1. Bogolyubovsky Castle (1158-1160)

2 Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir-on-Klyazma

3.Chver cover-on-Nerlie

Andrei Bogolyubsky reigned in the Ryazan Principality.

Control system

The head of Novgorod self-government in the period is fragmented
Rus was considered: landan.

The main function of the Thousands in Novgorod in the period of fragmentation of Russia was (-O):

command of the Novgorod "Thousand" (militia)

the prince was not a full lord, the rules of the city, but served him.

Archbishop.: Spiritual chapter, court, citywide treasury, "Lord Regiment"


1. Collection of taxes and the implementation of the Trade Court

2) Conclusion of international treaties

1) Igor Seversky

Prince Novgorod -seversky and Chernigov: In 1185, organized an unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsy.

"Word about the regiment of Igor"

Vsevolod III Big nest (1177-1212)

The highest power. Stand referred to the "Grand Duke"

Dmitrovsky Cathedral in Vladimir-on-Klyazma

Name the prince who suffered the capital of northeast
Rus from Rostov the Great in Suzdal.

In the Novgorod Republic, the ledation period
Political and leading social roles belonged: boyars

Igor Svyatoslavich (1150-1202)

Yuri Vsevolodovich

Daniel Galitsky

"Do not push the bees honey not to poison." The support of the squad in the fight against the nobility.