Tests on history “Old Russian state. Verification tests on the history of Ancient Russia (to the textbook by A.A. Danilov, S.M.

a) with the key events of the formation of the Old Russian state;

b) with the fight Ancient Rus with the Khazars;

c) with the reign of Yaroslav the Wise;

d) with the campaigns of Vladimir Monomakh.

    What event happened later than all others?

a) the uprising of the Drevlyans;

b) the baptism of Russia;

c) the vocation of the Varangians;

    What event happened later than everyone else:

a) the baptism of Russia;

b) the Battle of the Neva;

c) Battle of Kulikovo;

d) the vocation of the Vikings.

    The reign of Yaroslav the Wise refers to:

a) by the 11th century. b) by the 8th century. c) by the 13th century. d) by the 19th century.

    The way from the Varangians to the Greeks is:

a) sea trade route from the mouth of the Danube to Athens;

b) an overland trade route that ran through Moscow;

c) the trade route passing along the rivers of Rus (Neva, Volkhov, ...)

6. The Lyubesky Congress of Princes, which adopted the decision: "Let everyone keep his fatherland," took place: a) in 1097 b) in 989 c) in 1240 d) in 1223

    Establish a correspondence between the names of princes and the periods of their reign:

1) Igor a) 1113 - 1125

2) Yaroslav the Wise b) 962 - 972

3) Svyatoslav c) 1019 - 1054

4) Vladimir Monomakh d) 912 - 945

D) 882 - 912

8. Set the correspondence between events and dates:

1) the vocation of the Varangians a) 1097

2) the uprising of the Drevlyans b) 862

3) the unification of Kiev and Novgorod c) 945

4) Congress of princes in Lyubech d) 882

D) 845

    Arrange in chronological order:

a) the uprising of the Drevlyans; b) the baptism of Russia; c) acceptance of the Russian Truth;

d) unification of Kiev and Novgorod.

ten. . Which prince united Kiev and Novgorod?

a) Rurik; b) Svyatoslav; c) Oleg; d) Yaroslav the wise.

11. The words of the chronicler: “You, prince, are looking for a foreign land, but you have left yours” - are addressed to the prince: a) Svyatoslav; b) Oleg; c) Vladimir Monomakh; d) Igor

12. The Church of St. Sophia was erected in Kiev in the 11th century in honor of the defeat:

a) the Pechenegs; b) Cumans; c) the Swedes; d) Khazars.

13. The creation of the first written code of laws of Ancient Rus - Russian Truth - is associated with the name of the prince: a) Yuri Dolgoruky; b) Alexander Nevsky; c) Yaroslav the Wise; d) Vladimir Monomakh.

14. To the monuments of architecture of Ancient Russia 9-12 centuries. refers to:

a) Church of the Tithes in Kiev; b) Trinity-Sergius Monastery;

c) St. Basil's Cathedral; d) Andronikov monastery.

15. "Where did the Russian land come from ..." - these words began:

a) "Zadonshchina" b) "The Tale of Bygone Years"

c) "A lesson to children" d) "A word about Igor's regiment"

16. Community at Eastern Slavs was called:

a) the interview; b) vira; c) polyud; d) elderly

17. The Code of Laws of Ancient Rus is ..

a) Russian Truth; b) the Code of Law; c) Domostroy d) Stoglav

18. Set the correspondence:

1) rope a) fine

2) vira b) the form of collecting tribute, introduced by Princess Olga

3) carriage c) community

4) patrimony d) large land property, inherited

19. Set the correspondence:

1) Cyrillic a) tax in favor of the church

2) tithe b) type of writing

3) mural c) weather records of events

4) chronicle d) fine

20. What was the consequence of the adoption of the Russian Truth:

a) blood feud was replaced by a fine

b) "lesson summers" were introduced

c) "reserved summers" were introduced

d) the polyudye is replaced by a wagon

21. The campaigns of Prince Vladimir Monomakh led:

a) to the defeat of the Polovtsi

b) to victory over the Mongol-Tatars

c) to the accession of the Vyatichi

d) to victory over the Pechenegs

22. As a result of the uprising in Kiev in 1113:

a) polyudye was canceled

b) the church tithe was introduced

c) the Kiev throne was occupied by Prince Vladimir Monomakh

d) the Kiev throne was occupied by Prince Yaroslav the Wise

23. Among the main political centers of Russia, specific Russia included the principality: a) Vladimir-Suzdal b) Kiev c) Smolensk d) Tver

24. The main cathedral of ancient Novgorod:

a) Assumption b) Georgievsky c) Pokrovsky d) Sophia

25.write the definitions of the words:

1) slave 2) purchase 3) smerd 4) ryadovichi 5) tiun 6) polyudye

Test No. 1

Section 1 " Old Russian state v IX XIII centuries. "

Option III

1. The most developed tribal union of the Eastern Slavs were:


b) meadow;

c) krivichi;

d) northerners.

2. The initial East Slavic statehood is formed in:

a)the interfluve of the Oka and the Upper Volga;

b) the Middle Dnieper region and in the northwestern region, headed by the cities of Ladoga and Novgorod;

c) the Carpathian region and the Vistula river basin;

d) Transnistria and Danube.

3. Who was called the Russes (Ross, Rusyos, Rusyns) in the Byzantine documents of the 8th-9th centuries?

a)Western Slavs;

b) the Germans;

c) Eastern Slavs;

d) Volga Bulgars.

4. The first known mention of the state of Rus was a certificate of (about):

a) the impact of the Russians on the Crimean possessions of Byzantium;

b) the campaign of the Russian squads on the Danube;

c) the ruin of the centers of the Avar Kaganate;

d) establishing trade contacts with the Arab Caliphate.

5. Find wrong statement.

a) the embassy from the state of Russia was unable to establish contacts with the empire of the Franks.

b) the Russians made several trips to the Crimean possessions of Byzantium.

c) Russian ambassadors in 838-839. settled relations with Byzantium.

6. Russian troops led by the princes of Kiev Askold and Dir attacked Constantinople in:

a) 860;

b) 879;

c) 882;

d) 907

7. Presumably the first prince of the Russians who was baptized was:

a) Cue;

b) Vyatko;

c) Askold;

d) Radim.

8. Supporters of the Norman theory of the creation of the Russian state believe that the Russians were:

a) Scandinavian warriors who contributed to the creation of a state among the Eastern Slavs;

b) a Slavic tribe that came from the shores Baltic Sea;

c) the Slavs, brought by Kiy, Schek and Khoriv from the Danube;

d) Arab traders.

9. In 862, they began to reign in the area of ​​Lake Ilmen:

a) Kiy, Schek, Horeb;

b) Askold and Dir;

c) Rurik, Sineus, Truvor;

d) Vyatko and Radim.

10. The beginning of the Russian state is considered:
a) 860;

b) 882;

c) 872;

d) 839

11. According to the treaty between Prince Igor and Byzantium:

a) Russian merchants could visit baths in Byzantium for free;

b) Russia undertook to pay tribute to the Byzantines in furs;

c) Russian merchants have lost the right to duty-free trade in the Greek markets;

d) the Russian squad pledged to help the Byzantines in joint campaigns.

12. Christianity, in the opinion of Princess Olga, should have contributed to:

a) the isolation of tribes;

b) the preservation of blood feud;

c) strengthening of the princely power;

d) development of ties with Khazaria.

Exercise II .

    Read an excerpt from the book of the historian S.M. Solovyov.

“The main, initial phenomenon at the foundation of the state is the unification of disparate tribes through the emergence among them of a concentrating principle, power. The northern tribes, Slavic and Finnish, united and called to themselves this concentrating principle, this power. Here, in the concentration of several northern tribes, the beginning of all other tribes was laid ... "

    the campaign of the Russians to Byzantium;

    calling the Varangians to reign;

    baptism of Askold;

    the formation of a union of Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes in the area of ​​Lake Ilmen.

    Establish a correspondence between the names of the princes and the cities that were the centers of their power.

names of princes cities

    Rurik; A) Izborsk;

    Sineus; B) Beloozero;

    Truvor. C) Ladoga and Novgorod

D) Polotsk

3 . Read an excerpt from The Tale of Bygone Years. Answer the questions .

In the summer of 6370 (date from the creation of the world, from the birth of Christ - 862 -Note. auth.) (Novgorodians) drove the Varangians across the sea, and did not give them tribute, and began to possess themselves. And there was no truth in them, and generation after generation rose up, and they had strife, and they began to fight with themselves. And they said to themselves: "Let us look for a prince who would rule over us and judge by right."

And they went across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia. Those Varangians called themselves Rus, as others are called svei, some Normans, other Goths, and these. Chud, Slovenia, Krivichi and the whole of Russia said: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it. Come to reign and rule over us. "

And three brothers gathered together with their families and took all Russia with them, and came. And the eldest, Rurik, sat in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, on Beloozero, and the third, Truvor, in Izborsk. And from those Varangians the Russian land was nicknamed ...


    How does the chronicler explain the origin of the word "rus"?

    What is the reason for calling the prince from across the sea?

    Expand the meaning of the expression "summon the Varangian", which has become popular in modern speech.

4. Read an excerpt from the essay of the historian Yu.K. Krasnov on the origin of the state in Russia. Answer the questions.

“The peculiarities of the formation of the Old Russian state are due to a number of factors.

First, there is a geographic factor. The Russian state arose on a vast, sparsely populated area that did not have clear natural barriers that could become state borders.

Secondly, tribes lived on the territory of the East European Plain, which were united by a common habitat, occupation and pagan beliefs. But these were tribes of different ethnic origin - Slavs, Finno-Ugric, Baltic tribes and others.

Thirdly, the famous trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" passed through the territory of the East Slavic tribes. The concentration in the same hands of the centralized protection of this route, customs duties brought obvious benefits, which contributed to the unification of the Slavic tribes and the formation of a single Old Russian state.

Fourth, the domination of similar pagan beliefs at the time of the emergence of the state, and then the adoption of Christianity with a tolerant attitude towards the pagans, also contributed to the integration of tribes, the formation of a single spiritual space. "


    What groups of factors in the formation of the state have been identified by the author?

    What factors are not taken into account in this judgment? Give at least two.

    What factors do you think are the most significant? Give at least two arguments to support your point of view.

style = "position: relative;"

Test 1. East Slavs

A1. What was the territory of settlement of the Eastern Slavs?

1. East Asia

2. Western Europe

3. East European Plain

4. Baltics

A2. What occupation are associated with the words "undercut", "plow" and "harrow"?

    with fishing

    with beekeeping

    with cattle breeding

    with agriculture

A3. What was the explanation for the spread of the slash-and-burn farming system among the Eastern Slavs in the Dnieper region?

1. fertility of the soil.

2.wooded edge

3.lack of forest

4. use of the plow.

A4. An excerpt from the composition of the Byzantine historian: "These tribes, Slavs and Antes, are not ruled by one person, but since ancient times they have lived in the rule of the people (democracy), and therefore they consider happiness and unhappiness in life to be a common matter" - testifies that the Eastern Slavs in the 6th century:

    feudal relations were established

    the tribal system has been preserved

    the state was formed

    there was no division of labor between men and women

Slavic deity

The personification of the forces of nature




A. god of thunder and lightning

B. lord of the wind

V. sun god

Key to the answers:

    1A, 2B, 3B

Test 11. Final test on the topic

"Old Russian state in the 9th-first half of the 12th century."

A1. Who ruled in the Old Russian state later than others?




    Vladimir Monomakh

A2. Which prince is considered the ancestor of the dynasty of Russian princes?



A3. What testified to the emergence of the Old Russian state among the Slavs?

1.the emergence of legislation

2.strengthening the role of elders

3. creation of the "Tale of Bygone Years"

4.the emergence of religious beliefs

A4. What was the challenge facing the Old Russian state?

1.cessation of contacts with other countries

2.provision of land allotments to all peasants-community members

3.increasing the authority of the elders

4.Ensuring the primacy of Russia on the most important trade routes

A5. What did the appearance of patrimonial land tenure in the Old Russian state testify to?

1.on the preservation of tribal relations

2.on the formation of feudal relations

3.on the transition of the Slavs to agriculture and cattle breeding

4.about the spread of Christianity

A6. The desire to strengthen state power made Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich:

1.to establish churchyards and lessons

2.convert to Christianity

3. to create Russian Truth

4.kill the princes of Kiev Askold and Dir


And they gathered in Lyubech to build peace. And they turned to themselves, saying: “Why are we destroying the Russian land, erecting enmity against ourselves, but the Polovtsy are tearing our land to pieces and rejoicing that there are wars between us to this day. From this time on, let us unite in one heart and protect the Russian lands. Let everyone keep their fatherland ... "and on this they kissed the cross:" if someone goes against someone (by war), then we will all ... "and, having taken an oath, went home.

1.in 862

2.in 882

3.in 988

4.in 1097

A8. Where did the words come from?

And he drove up to the glorious city of Chernigov.

Does that city of Chernigov

Black-black silushki is overtaken,

And black as black as a crow.

So no one walks around here with infantry,

Nobody rides on a good horse here,

The black crow does not fly

Let the gray beast not sprout.

1.from Russian Truth

2. from "The Tale of Bygone Years"

3. from "The Life of Boris and Gleb"

4.from the epic about Ilya Muromets

A9. What were the names of the large tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs?

1.Varangians 4.Drevlyans

2. glade 5. vyatichi


A10. Who belongs to the category of the dependent population of the Old Russian state?

1. patrimonials 4. purchases

2. slaves 5. ryadovichi


IN 1. Continue the logical sequence and specify the missing name.

"Teaching Children" - Vladimir Monomakh

"Word of Law and Grace" - Hilarion

"The Tale of Bygone Years" - _______________________

IN 2. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

Prince's name


1. Oleg

2. Igor

3. Vladimir Monomakh

A. Inflicted a crushing defeat on the Polovtsy, adopted a new set of laws "Ustav", which eased the position of the dependent population in Russia

B. He united Kiev and Novgorod under his rule, made several successful campaigns against Byzantium

V. Made an unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium, killed by the Drevlyans

AT 3. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.




2. churchyard


A. Collecting tribute

B. Collecting honey from wild bees

B. Place of collection of tribute

The keys to the test:

    2, 4, 5

    2, 4, 5

IN 1. Nestor

IN 2. 1B, 2V, 3A

AT 3. 1B, 2V, 3A

Test 7. The beginning of the collapse of the Old Russian state

A1. What was the reason for the strife between the sons of Yaroslav the Wise?

1.different denominations of princes

2.the desire to obtain the title of Kiev prince

3.the will left by Prince Rurik

4.Attacks of the Polovtsians


    Russian Truth

    "Tale of Bygone Years"

    Slavic alphabet

A3. What did the decisions of the Lyubech Congress of Princes contribute to?

1.creation of the first written legislation

2.the consolidation of feudal fragmentation

3.the spread of Christianity

4.lightening the plight of slaves

A4. Associated with the name of Vladimir Monomakh:

    reflection of the Polovtsian danger

    foundation of Novgorod

    adoption of Christianity

    weakening of the power of the Kiev prince

IN 1. Arrange the following words in the spaces of the gaps. Words are given in alphabetical order in the nominative case. The answer must be a combination of the corresponding letters, in the order in which the words are missing in the text. For example, GVBAD ..

A. Vladimir Monomakh

B. "The Truth of the Yaroslavichs"

V. "Russian Truth"

D. "Charter"

D. Yaroslav the Wise

The first written legislation in Russia was named (1) ________. Its compilation began in the first half of the 11th century. At this time in Kiev ruled (2) _______. After his death, the legislation was supplemented with new articles. These additions are named (3) _________. The legislation consolidated the inequality that arose in Russia, protected private property. In the first quarter of the XII century. the Kiev prince (4) _______ gave Russia a new set of laws. It was named (5) ___________.

Key to the answers:


Test 5. The heyday of the Old Russian state

A1. For what act did Prince Svyatopolk receive the nickname The Damned?

1.for refusing to accept Christianity

2.for organizing the murder of his brothers

3.for the murder of Prince Igor

4.for organizing an unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium

A2. The era of the heyday of the Old Russian state is considered the time of reign:

    Princess Olga

    Prince Yaroslav the Wise

    Prince Vladimir Saint

    Prince Svyatoslav

A3. What did the establishment in Russian Pravda of different punishments for the same crime mean?

1.reduction of the crime rate in society

2.equalization of the entire population in rights and obligations

3.the abolition of private ownership of land and the recognition of land as a national property

4.the legislative consolidation of social inequality that has arisen in Russia

A4. What was the direction of activity of Prince Yaroslav the Wise?

    setting certain norms for collecting tribute

    compilation of the first written collection of laws

    sending ambassadors to different countries to choose religion

    fight against the Khazar Kaganate

A5. Old Russian state in the XI century. It was:




    feudal monarchy



    IX century

    X century.

3.first half of the 11th century

A. The emergence of Russian Truth

B. Formation of the Old Russian state

B. Baptism of Rus

Key to the answers:

IN 1. 1B, 2V, 3A

Test 6. Inhabitants of Ancient Russia

A1 What testified to the completion of the unification of all Eastern Slavs at the end of the 10th century into a single state?

1.existence of large tribal unions

2.the publication of the decree recognizing Perun as the main god

3.the emergence of a single Old Russian language

4.conclusion of dynastic marriages with the rulers of European countries

A2. What did the appearance in Kievan Rus estates and dependent peasants?

    development of feudal relations

    establishment of a slave system

    strengthening of tribal relations

    strengthening the power of the church

A3. What was the main occupation of the population of Rus?




4. farming

A4. Who in Ancient Russia was called a slave?

    totally addicted person

    junior guard

    free peasant commune

    peasant obligated to work off a debt

A5. What word is connected in meaning with the word "epancha"?





IN 1. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

Key to the answers:

IN 1. 1B, 2A, 3V

Option I

1 .Assign events and dates

1.1097 - a) the battle on the Kalka River;

2.1219-1222 - b) the prince of Alexander Nevsky in Vladimir;

4.153-1263 d) the conquest of Central Asia and the Caucasus by Genghis Khan;

e) Battle on the ice.

2 ... Define the following concepts:

Feudal fragmentation, ulus, baskaki, veche.

3 ... In the XII-XIII centuries. the political center of North-Eastern Russia was located in the city:

A) Moscow b) Nizhny Novgorod c) Tver d) Suzdal e) Vladimir

4. Insert the most suitable word.

On the lands of the Baltic states, a spiritually knightly ………… .. "warriors of God" was created. Those who entered it were called swordsmen. ( Union, order, clan, squad, class)

5. When did the events described in the passage from the annals take place?

Batu came to Kiev with great strength, with many many soldiers, Batu was near the city, and his soldiers surrounded the city. And it was impossible to hear a voice from the creaking of his carts, from the roar of many of his camels, the neigh of his herds of horses, and the whole Russian land was filled with soldiers.

a) 1223 B) 1237 c) 1240 D) 1242

6 ... What event happened earlier than others?

a) battle on Lake Peipsi b) the capture of Kiev by the Mongol-Tatars

b) the battle on the Kalka river d) the proclamation of Genghis Khan as the supreme ruler of Mongolia

7. What is the manifestation of the political dependence of Russia on the Golden Horde?

A) in the participation of Russian princes in the kurultai B) in the compulsory study of the Mongolian language

C) in the issuance of labels for reign by the Horde to Russian princes

D) in the mandatory adoption of Islam by Russian people

8. Match the elements of the left and right columns

9. The representative of the Golden Horde who controlled the collection of tribute was called _______________.

10. What is the name of the unification of two monarchical states under the rule of one monarch?

A) yoke b) union c) aggression d) dynastic marriage

11 ... The reason for the unification of Lithuanian tribes in united state there was a desire:

A) resist the onslaught of the crusaders b) throw off the Mongol-Tatar yoke

C) convert to Catholicism c) strengthen on the trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks"

12. Describe the reasons for the feudal fragmentation of the Old Russian state

Test on the topic "Specific Rus" grade 6

Option II

1. Correlate dates and events:

2.1236-1242 - b) the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky in the Rostov-Suzdal land;

3.125-1157 - c) the Mongol nobility conferred the title of Genghis Khan on Temuchin;

4.1206 - d) Battle of the Neva;

e) Batu's invasion.

2. Define the following concepts:

Lot, dominion, label, republic

3 Which prince among the people earned the nickname "Big Nest" for having 12 children:

A) Andrey Yuryevich b) Vsevolod Yuryevich c) Konstantin Vsevolodovich

4. When did the events described in the passage from the annals take place?

The godless Tsar Batu came to the Russian land with many Tatar soldiers .. And he sent unlucky ambassadors to Ryazan to the Grand Duke Yuri Igorevich of Ryazan, demanding from him a tenth share in everything: in princes, and in all kinds of people, and in the rest.

A) in 1223 B) in 1237 C) in 1240 D) in 1242

5. Why weren't the Mongol-Tatars able to conquer the countries of Central Europe?

A) they did not know how to overcome water obstacles

B) they had a small army

C) the Russian people put up fierce resistance to the invaders

D) the inhabitants of Central Europe were helped by the Normans

6 ... What event happened later than others?

A) the death of Genghis Khan b) the battle on Lake Peipsi

C) the capture of Ryazan by the Mongol-Tatars d) the battle on the Kalka River

7. For what purpose did Alexander Nevsky take part in the suppression of the Novgorod uprising directed against the Mongol-Tatars?

A) prevent a new Horde invasion;

B) take the post of Novgorod mayor;

C) convert to Islam;

D) enlist the support of the Horde to attack the Crusaders.

8. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

9 ... The system of exploitation of the Russian principalities by the Mongol conquerors was called "Mongol-Tatar ___________________"

10. What is the name of an armed attack by one or several states on another state with the aim of seizing its territory and enslaving the people?

A) union b) yoke c) aggression d) civil strife

11. What did Prince Gediminas do when he annexed the Russian lands to his possessions?

A) forced residents to accept Catholicism b) canceled the previous order of government

C) forbade the use of the Russian language d) imposed a tribute on the Russian lands

12. What is the scale and significance of the Battle of the Neva and the Battle of the Ice? What caused the special attention to them in Russian history?

Test 4. The reign of Prince Vladimir

A1. Who was the ruler of Russia in 980-1015?

1. Vladimir 2. Igor

3. Oleg 4. Svyatoslav

A2. Where did Christianity come from to Russia?

    from Volga Bulgaria 2.from Rome

3.from the Khazar Kaganate 4.from Byzantium

A3. The reason for the adoption of Christianity in Russia was the desire:

1.Prince Svyatoslav to intermarry with the rulers of European countries

2.Kievan princes to avoid enslavement by the Khazars

3.the inhabitants of Kievan Rus convert to Christianity

4.Kievan princes to consolidate the state and their power

A4. Conversion to Christianity:

    slowed down the development of culture

    led to the creation of the Old Russian state

    strengthened the international position of Russia

    led to the complete disappearance of paganism

A5. The activities of Prince Vladimir were aimed at:

    setting certain norms for collecting tribute

    conducting military campaigns against the Turkic kaganate

    construction of the cities of Novgorod and Kiev

    construction of defensive lines on the southern borders of the state

IN 1. Set the correct sequence of events:

A. Hike of Prince Vladimir to Chersonesos (Korsun)

B. Baptism of Rus

C. Religious reform: the proclamation of six pagan gods as the main deities of Russia

D. The beginning of the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich

Option 1

A1... Who was Rus' main trading partner?

1. Byzantium 2. Sweden

3. Tmutarakan 4. Scythia

A2. With the name of which prince are the events of 882 and 907 connected?

    Rurik 2. Oleg

    Igor 4. Svyatoslav

A3... What contributed to the establishment by Princess Olga of lessons and churchyards?

1. development of education 2. streamlining the collection of tribute

3. strengthening ties with Byzantium 4. spread of Christianity

A4... About what in question in an excerpt from a document?

If the wolf gets into the habit of the sheep, it will carry away the whole flock, if they do not kill it, so will this one: if we do not kill it, then it will destroy all of us. And they sent ambassadors to him, saying: “Why are you going again? You took a tribute. "

    about Oleg's campaign to Kiev 2.about Svyatoslav's campaign

3.about the uprising of the Drevlyans 4.on the attack of the Khazars

A5. What was the name of the prince's detour of the subordinate tribes and lands in the Old Russian state in order to collect tribute?

    taxation 2.polyudye

3. ransom 4. offering

IN 1. Establish the sequence of reign of ancient Russian princes and princesses

B. Oleg

D. Svyatoslav

Test 3. Formation of the Old Russian state

Option 2

A1. With the name of which prince are connected the annexation of the land of the Vyatichi and the defeat of the Khazar Kaganate?

    Rurik 2. Oleg

3. Igor 4. Svyatoslav

A2... Who was the main military enemy of Russia?

    Byzantium 2. Sweden

3. Tmutarakan 4. Scythia

A3. As a result of the Drevlyan uprising in 945:

    The Old Russian state disintegrated

    Tribute collection has been streamlined

    Novgorodians invited Rurik to reign

    The capital was moved from Novgorod to Kiev

A4... What is the excerpt from the document about?

And he swam to the Ugric mountain, hiding his soldiers, and sent them to Askold and Dir, telling them that "we, merchants, are going to the Greeks ... Come to us, to your relatives." When Askold and Dir came, all the rest jumped out of the boats ... killed Askold and Dir.

1. About Oleg's campaign to Kiev 2. About the invasion of the Normans

3. about the uprising of the Drevlyans 4. About the campaign of Prince Svyatoslav

A5... Places for collecting tribute, established by Olga:

1.Cities 2.People 3. Graveyards 4.Trade

IN 1... Establish the correct sequence of events.

A. Unification of Kiev and Novgorod under the rule of Oleg

B. The murder of Prince Igor by the Drevlyans

B. Establishment of lessons and churchyards by Princess Olga

D. Defeat of the Khazar Kaganate by Prince Svyatoslav

E. Calling Rurik to the Novgorod land

Test 8. Culture of Russia IX - early XII centuries.

A1. Who created the Tale of Bygone Years?

1.Historian Herodotus

2.Metropolitan Hilarion

3.Monks Cyril and Methodius

4.Monk Nestor

A2. What was the evidence of the creation of domed churches in Russia?

    about the influence of Byzantium

    about the predominance of pagan traditions

    about the absence of building stone

    about the lack of skill among ancient Russian builders

A3. Old Russian culture:

1. has come down to us only in the works of oral folk art

2.inherited the culture of the East Slavic tribes and their neighbors

3.began to develop more slowly after adopting Christianity

4. arose by the decree of Yaroslav the Wise

A4. What was the name of the openwork pattern made of thin gold or silver wire?





A5. Which prince founded the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev?


    Yaroslav the Wise

    Vladimir Svyatoslavovich

    Vladimir Monomakh

A6. What contributed to the development of ancient Russian culture?

    invasion of the Huns

    the birth of cattle breeding and agriculture

    emergence of inequality

    adoption of Christianity

IN 1. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the right one.

The main genres of Old Russian literature






A. works written in the form of a solemn address

B. Russian folk epic legends

C. Literary Descriptions of the Lives of Christian Saints

D. records of events compiled by year

Key to the answers:

IN 1. 1B, 2V, 3A, 4G

Option 2

A1... What was the prerequisite for the formation of the state among the Eastern Slavs?

1.conclusion of a military treaty with Byzantium

2. urban development and trade

3.the emergence of religious beliefs

4.releasing from Khazar dependence

A2. Where during the formation of the Old Russian state did the Eastern Slavs have two centers of statehood?

    in Novgorod and Dnieper

    in the Volga region and the Baltics

    in the Baltic and Black Sea regions

    in the Volga region and on the Don

A3. What did the Slavs willingly buy from foreign merchants?

1.furs 2.fish

3.wax 4.silk and brocade

A4. What was the role of the Vikings in Russian history?

    the Vikings founded the city of Kiev

    the Vikings conquered the Old Russian state

    the Varangians created a state among the Eastern Slavs

    the Varangians laid the foundation for the Russian princely dynasty

IN 1

A. Lake Ilmen

B. Baltic Sea

V. Lovat River

Test 2. Prerequisites for the creation of a state among the Eastern Slavs

Option 1

A1... What was the prerequisite for the formation of a state among the Eastern Slavs?

1) the onset of the glacier

2) the termination of the payment of tribute to the Varangians

3) strengthening the role of the squad and the prince

4) the division of the Slavic tribes into eastern, southern and western

A2... Where did the trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" lead?

    from the White Sea to the Caspian

    from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea

    from the White Sea to the Black Sea

    from the Baltic Sea to Lake Ladoga

A3... What did foreign merchants willingly buy from the Slavs?

    fur 2) gems

    wine 4) silk and brocade

A4... Why were the inhabitants of the East Slavic cities forced to invite the Varangians?

    the Vikings were skilled craftsmen

    the Varangians protected cities and trade caravans

    the Vikings founded the cities of Kiev and Novgorod

    the Varangians created the Old Russian state

IN 1... Arrange the sections of the route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" in the correct sequence.

A. Dnieper river

B. Ladoga Lake

V. Volkhov River

Final test for the course “History. State and peoples of Russia: grade 6 "

A1. К During the formation of the Old Russian state in the VI-VIII centuries:

    Eastern Slavs were pagans

    The main occupation of the Eastern Slavs was hunting and gathering.

    Eastern Slavs lived in tribal communities

    Tribes of the Eastern Slavs lived along the banks of the Volga and Don rivers

A2. What was the result of the invitation to the reign of the Varangian prince?

    The rule of the Rurik dynasty began in Novgorod

    Christianity came to Russia

    Completed the formation of the Old Russian state

    The Slavs have the first written legislation

A3. Which prince is associated with the defeat of the Khazar Kaganate and the organization of military campaigns in the Balkans:


    Vladimir Monomakh

    Vladimir Saint

    Yaroslav the Wise

A4. What was the consequence of adopting Christianity?

    Weakening of the princely power

    Establishment of a state among the Eastern Slavs

    The emergence of feudal fragmentation

A5. What prince is involved in the excerpt from the document?

He laid ... a great city, at the same city the Golden Gate; he founded the Church of St. Sophia, the Metropolitanate, and then the Church on the Golden Gate - the Holy Mother of God of the Annunciation, then the monastery of St. George and St. Irene. And with him the Christian faith began to multiply and expand, and ... monasteries to appear.



    Yaroslav the Wise


A6. When did the congress of princes take place in Lyubech, which decided "everyone keeps his patrimony"?

What was the consequence of adopting Christianity?

    in 882

    in 988

    in 1097

    in 1147

A7. Why did the number of principalities increase in Russia in the 12th and early 13th centuries?

    as a result of the development of new lands, the territory has increased

    the local boyars began to claim the princely throne

    a period of feudal fragmentation began

    Polovtsian raids became more frequent

A8. What kind of land is being structured in an excerpt from the work of a Russian historian?

The issues to be discussed at the veche were proposed to him by the prince or by the highest dignitaries, the dignified mayor or the thousand. Veche was in charge of the entire area of ​​legislation, all issues foreign policy and internal structure, as well as a court on political and other major crimes ... Veche decreed new laws, invited the prince or expelled him ... decided the issue of war and peace.





A9. In the Battle of Kulikovo, in contrast to the Battle of the Ice, the Russian army:


    fought with the Mongol-Tatars

    headed by Ivan III

    fought with the troops of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

A10. What was the name of the Horde tribute collectors in the Russian principalities?





A11. What was the significance of the reign of Ivan Kalita?

    he destroyed the dependence of the Russian lands on the Golden Horde

    he completed the process of unification of Russian lands

    he secured the Moscow principality from the raids of the Horde

    he built the white-stone Moscow Kremlin

A12. What happened as a result of the unification of the Russian lands?

    extension trade links between regions

    increase in the number of appanage principalities

    development of subsistence economy

    transition from appropriating to producing economy

A13. The Code of Law of Ivan III, in contrast to the Russian Pravda:

    introduced blood feud for the most serious crimes

    limited the right of peasants to cross over to St. George's Day

    established a republican form of government

    reinforced inequality

A14. The icon painters were:

    Nestor and Hilarion

    Afanasy Nikitin and Aristotle Fiorovanti

    Andrey Rublev and Feofan the Greek

    Relight and Weaken

IN 1. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the right one.




3. palace peasants

A. dependent peasants living on the lands of the grand duke

B. warriors of the armed detachments of princes

B. persons in the Old Russian state who served the feudal lords under a treaty

IN 2. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the right one.




2.the estate


A. part of the city inhabited by people of similar professions

B. land ownership given for military and government service, without the right to sell, exchange or inherit

B. hereditary land ownership of the feudal lord

AT 3. Continue the logical series and indicate the missing name

Alexander Yaroslavovich - the Neva river

Dmitry Ivanovich - Don River

Ivan III - river ______________

AT 4. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the right one.

Historical period


      1.the formation and flourishing of the Old Russian state

2.period of feudal fragmentation

3.the formation of a centralized state

A. calling the Vikings to Russia

B. institution of the elderly

B. invasion of Khan Batu

AT 5. Arrange the following words in the spaces of the gaps. Words are given in alphabetical order in the nominative case. The answer must be a combination of the corresponding letters, built in the order in which the words are missing in the text. For example, GZVBAZHED. Please note that one of the concepts is superfluous.

A. Veche

B. Kievan Rus

V. Prince

G. Primitive communal

E. Russian centralized state

E. Feudal fragmentation

J. Feudal Republic

Z. Feudal

TO IX century in Russia (1) ______ system was formed. The wealthy people were no longer satisfied with the order of government that had developed in the tribes, since it could not ensure the protection of their property and create conditions for its increase. The first state of the Eastern Slavs was named (2) ______. The supreme power in it belonged to (3) __________.

At the beginning XII century. a new slogan was voiced and legitimized: "everyone keeps his patrimony." This marked the beginning of (4) __________. The forms of political structure in the Russian lands during this period were very diverse: from the feudal monarchy to the existing one in Novgorod and Pskov (5) ___________. The supreme power in these cities belonged to (6) ____________.

Test tasks are offered to your attention on the history of Russia, grade 6 to the textbook by A.A. Danilov, L.N. Kosulina on the topic: "The Old Russian state in IX - first half XII century ":

Test 1: Ancients in our country

Test 2. Formation of states

Test 3. East Slavs

Test 4. Prerequisites for the creation of a state among the Eastern Slavs

Test 5. Formation of the Old Russian state

Test 6. The reign of Prince Vladimir

Test 7. The heyday of the Old Russian state

Test 8. Inhabitants of Ancient Russia

Test 9. The beginning of the collapse of the Old Russian state

Test 10. Culture of Russia IX - early XII.

Test 11. Final test on the topic "Old Russian state in the IX - first half of the XII century."

Tasks of the basic and advanced levels of complexity are offered: parts A, B, C. 7-15 minutes are allotted for thematic tests, 40-45 minutes for the final ones. I consider it expedient to use tests, since it is necessary to prepare students for passing the State Examination and Unified State Examination in the history of Russia.

Answers in part A are worth 1 point. If you need to select several answers, then, depending on the number of correct answers, points are also calculated: 3 answers - 3 points,

2 answers - 2 points, 1 answer - 1 point, no answer - 0 points.

Part B assignments can be evaluated at 1 point for the entire answer, and if the answer consists of several parts, then 1 point for each part.

When evaluating students' work, it is necessary to use a flexible knowledge assessment system, because everyone has the right to make a mistake:

80% of the maximum amount of points - grade "5"

60-80% - rating "4"

40-60% - grade "3"

0 - 40% - rating "2"

To prepare this material, the following work was used: Control and measuring materials. Russian history. 6th grade. / Comp. K. V. Volkova. - M .: VAKO, 2011./

Option 1

A1. Who ruled in the Old Russian state later than others?

1) Svyatoslav 2) Igor 3) Oleg 4) Vladimir Monomakh

A2. Which prince is considered the ancestor of the dynasty of Russian princes?

1) Askold 2) Cue 3) Dir 4) Rurik

A3. What testified to the emergence of the Old Russian state among the Slavs?

1) the emergence of legislation 2) the strengthening of the role of elders

3) the creation of the "Tale of Bygone Years" 4) the emergence of religious beliefs

1) termination of contacts with other countries

2) the provision of land allotments to all peasants-community members

3) strengthening the authority of the elders

4) ensuring the primacy of Russia on the most important trade routes

A5. As evidenced by the appearance in the Old Russian state of the patrimonial

Land tenure?

1) on the preservation of tribal relations 2) on the formation of feudal relations

3) on the transition of the Slavs to agriculture and cattle breeding 4) on the spread of Christianity

A6. Striving to strengthen state power made Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich:

1) establish churchyards and lessons 2) convert to Christianity

A7. When did the events described in the passage from the annals take place?

And they gathered in Lyubech to build peace. And they turned to themselves, saying: “Why are we destroying the Russian land, erecting enmity against ourselves, while the Polovtsians are tearing our land apart and rejoicing that there are wars between them to this day. From this time on, let us unite in one heart and protect the Russian lands. Let each one keep his fatherland ... "and on this they kissed the cross:" if someone goes to someone [by war], then we will all ... "and, having taken an oath, went home.

I) it 862 2) 1) 882 3) in 988 4) in 1097

A8. Where did the words come from?

Yes, and he drove up to the glorious city of Chernigov. Whether near that city of Chernigov, there were silushki black-black, A and black-black, like a black crow. So no one walks around here with infantry, No one drives a good horse here, The black raven bird does not fly by, But the gray beast does not prowl.

I) from Russian Pravda 2) from "The Tale of Bygone Years"

3) from the "Life of Boris and Gleb" 4) from the epic about Ilya Muromets

I) Varangians 2) glades 3) Pechenegs 4) Drevlyans 5) Vyatichi

1) votchinniki 2) slaves 3) vigilantes 4) purchases 5) ryadovichi

IN 1. Continue the logical sequence and specify the missing name:

"Teaching Children" - Vladimir Monomakh; "Word of Law and Grace" - Hilarion

"The Tale of Bygone Years" - _________

Prince's name Characteristic

1. Oleg

2. Igor

3. Vladimir


A. Inflicted a crushing defeat on the Polovtsy, adopted a new set of laws "Ustav", which eased the position of the dependent population in Russia

B. He united Kiev and Novgorod under his rule, made a number of successful

Campaigns against Byzantium

B. Made an unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium, killed by the Drevlyans "

OT.Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

Term Definition

1. Borting

2. Churchyard

3. Polyudye

A. Collecting tribute

B. Collecting honey from wild bees

B. Place of collection of tribute

Option 2

A1. Who ruled in the Old Russian state before others?

I) Svyatoslav 2) Igor 3) Oleg 4) Yaroslav the Wise

A2. In which city, according to the chronicle, did the Varangian prince Rurik reign?

1) to Moscow 2) it Kiev 3) in Vladimir 4) in Novgorod

A3. What testified to the emergence of the Old Russian I state among the Slavs?

1) strengthening the role of the people's assembly 2) creating a unified management system

2) the emergence of a new occupation - beekeeping 4) strengthening of collective property

A4. What was the challenge facing the Old Russian state?

1) access to the shores of the Baltic Sea 2) the destruction of Byzantium

3) preservation of pagan beliefs 4) strengthening of princely power and suppression of uprisings

A5. As evidenced by the selection in the Russian Truth different groups free and

A dependent population?

I) on conducting successful campaigns of conquest 2) on the development of feudal relations

3) on the preservation of the tribal system 4) on the preservation of pagan beliefs

A6. The desire to streamline the collection of tribute made Princess Olga:

I) establish churchyards and lessons 2) convert to Christianity

3) create Russian Truth 4) kill the princes of Kiev Askold and Dir

A 7. When did the events described in the passage from the annals take place?

Then Vladimir sent all over the city to say, “If someone does not come to the river tomorrow, be it rich; or the poor, or the beggar, or the slave - will be my enemy. " Hearing this, people went with joy, rejoicing and saying: "If it had not been for this good, our prince and boyars would not have accepted this." The next day, Vladimir went out with the Tsaritsyn and Korsun priests to the Dnieper, and there were no number of people. They entered the water and stood there alone up to their necks, others up to their breasts, the young ones near the shore up to their breasts, some held babies, and already the adults wandered, the priests, standing, made prayers.

1) in 862 2) in 882 3) in 988 4) in 1097.

A8. Where did the words come from: "Where did the Russian land come from, who was the first to reign in Kiev and how

The Russian land appeared ”?

1) from Russkaya Pravda 2) from the "Life of Boris and Gleb"

3) from the epic about Ilya Muromets 4) from the "Tale of Bygone Years"

A9. What were the names of the large tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs?

1) Rus 2) Khazars 3) northerners 4) Radimichi 5) Ilmen Slovenes

A10. Who belonged to the category of the free population of the Old Russian state?

1) junior warriors 2) slaves 3) boyars 4) purchases 5) artisans

IN 1. Continue the logical sequence and specify the missing name.

1. Russian-Byzantine treaty of 911 - Oleg the Prophet

2. Russian Truth - Yaroslav the Wise 3. "Charter" - ____________________

В 2. Establish a correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

Prince's name Characteristic
  1. Vladimir Saint
  1. Yaroslav the Wise

3. Svyatoslav

A. He defeated the Pechenegs, founded the Kiev-Pechersky Monastery, and built the St. Sophia Cathedral. The time of his reign - the period of political power, cultural and economic heyday of the Old Russian state

B. He made numerous military campaigns, defeated Khazar Kaganate, died in a collision with the Pechenegs

B. Annexed new lands to the principality, built border fortified lines, which served as a barrier for nomads. Adopted Christianity. Was a hero of legends, legends, epics

AT 3.Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

Term Definition
  1. Metropolitan
  2. Magus
  3. Viceroy

A. Priest

B. Spiritual person in the Orthodox Church

B. Head of local government


Option 1 Option 2

A 1.4 A 1.3

A 2.4 A 2.4

A 3.1 A 3.2

A 4.4 A 4.4

A 5.2 A 5.2

A 6.2 A 6.1

A 7.4 A 7.3

A 8.4 A 8.4

A 9.2 4 5 A 9.3 4 5

A 10.2 4 5 A 10.1 3 5

В 1. Nestor В 1. Vladimir Monomakh

V 2.1B 2V 3A V 2.1V 2A 3B

AT 3. 1B 2V 3A V 3.1B 2A 3V

T. D. Shipilova, MBOU "Povalikhinskaya Secondary School", Pervomaisky District, Altai Territory

Test on the history of Russia "Formation of the Old Russian state." (6th grade)

1. According to legend, what city was founded by three brothers: Kyi, Shchek and Horeb:

1) Chersonesos 2) Kaliningrad

3) Kiev 4) Pskov

2. Founder of the first princely dynasties:

1) Rurik 2) Askold

3) Deer 4) Oleg

3.A large role in the formation of the Old Russian state was played by:

1) Agriculture 2) craft

3) trade 4) cattle breeding

4. The prince of the unifier of Novgorod and Kiev:

1) Rurik 2) Oleg

3) Olga 4) Svyatoslav

5. Residents of Scandinavia -

1) Chukchi 2) Varangians

3) Meria 4) Franks

6. As a result of the unification of which two main centers of the Eastern Slavs, a state was formed, which received the name Rus:

1) Kiev and Novgorod 2) Kiev and Chernigov

3) Smolensk and Rostov 4) Novgorod and Kozelsk

7. The beginning of the reign of Rurik:

1) 862 2) 874

3) 886 4) 892

8. The city built by Rurik became the center of the new principality:

1) Chernigov 2) Yaroslavl

3) Novgorod 4) Moscow

9. Noble people of Rurik began to rule in:

1) Novgorod 2) Kiev

3) Ladoga 4) Rostov

10. In 879 he died in Novgorod:

1) Askold 2) Oleg

3) Deer 4) Rurik

11. Who killed the princes of Kiev Askold and Dir:

1) Khoriv 2) Svyatoslav

3) Oleg 4) Igor

12. The head of Russia was:

1) Kagan 2) Caliph

3) King 4) Prince

13. The trade route from the "Varangians to the Greeks" passed from:

1) Aegean Sea to Caspian 2) Baltic Sea to White

3) Black Sea to Caspian 4) Baltic Sea to Black

14. Kiev prince collecting tribute with his retinue:

15. Find a match

1) Kiev a) northerners

2) Chernihiv b) Ilmenian Slovenes

3) Smolensk c) krivichi

4) Lyubech d) glade

5) Novgorod e) radimichi