Whether conjugation is determined for verbs. How to determine the conjugation of a verb in Russian? Learning the rule easily

The greatest difficulties in studying the course of morphology among students are caused by 1 and 2 conjugations. They are very often confused with each other, they forget the rather large list of exceptions. How to quickly and efficiently study this topic? Let's try to figure it out further.

Verb as part of speech

Before you start studying the ending, you need to understand some of the intricacies.

What makes our speech "move", animate inanimate objects, be dynamic? Of course,

Without it, our language is simply impossible to imagine. It would be difficult for us if this part of speech suddenly disappeared. Even when describing a static object, we still use it. V fiction verbs are used as an effective means of artistic imagery and expressiveness.

For example, a personification that animates objects is never complete without a verb. Let's compare: The clock hand moves in a circle. The clock is ticking. When does our imagination start playing? Undoubtedly in the second. The language becomes more "lively", bright. Of course, the clock has no legs, but, nevertheless, it is on the similarity of movement that the personification is built. Examples include: the river rushes, the wind howls, the storm rages.

It is thanks to the verbs that such a figurative, expressive feeling is created.

Conjugation is ...

Starting to study the endings of verbs 1 and 2 of the conjugation, we need to find out what this term means.

Almost every part of speech can change in its own way. Nouns, for example, are by case and number. Adjectives, in addition, also change by gender. What about the verb? It can be changed by faces as well as numbers. This is what is called conjugation. Each of them has its own set. They are often confused with each other. And we will figure out how to qualitatively remember these nuances and no longer make written and oral mistakes.

There is one more thing worth recalling. important rule, to which the conjugation of verbs belongs. 1, 2, 3 - there is only declension! And the verb has only two conjugations. Let's talk about them in more detail.

1 conjugation

The largest number of questions in the course of studying parts of speech are caused by the endings of verb conjugations. They should be determined by the infinitive. It is customary to refer to the first one that in the initial form ends in -to (smack), -to (break), -to (hurt), -yat (walk) other .

But, as in any rule, there are 1 2 exception verbs.

So, the first also includes two more words ending in - shave: shave and lay... This is due to the historical changes in these forms.

How are we going to define conjugation? Very simple: we put the word in the initial form. She answers the question "what to do?"

For example: Students are doing their homework. Verb do we bring to the initial form - make. Let's see where it ends. In this case, it is to eat... Accordingly, we will refer such a word to the first conjugation.

2 conjugation

The endings of verbs 1 and 2 of the conjugation are very similar to each other. But if you know how to distinguish them correctly, there will be no difficulties.

It is customary to refer to the second conjugation those that end in -to: talk, build, come. As mentioned above, this list does not include the words shave, and lay.

In this case, there are much more exceptions than in the first conjugation. To the second, we will include as many as eleven more exclusion words.

These are seven verbs on - eat: offend (kitten), twirl (ball), depend (on circumstances), see (beauty), hate (arrogance), watch (film), endure (bullying). We will also include here four words for -at: drive (in the neck), hold (in hands), breathe (quickly), hear (song).

When determining the endings of verbs 1 and 2 of the conjugation, it is necessary to know the list of exceptions in advance.

Finding out which of them the word refers to is not difficult.

Example: The baby is very dependent on the mother.

Verb depends put in the initial form - depend... It would seem that everything is simple, it ends in -net, and therefore there should be 1 ref. But, remembering the exceptions, we will change our point of view: he, after all, is on this list and refers to 2 ref.

One more example: Workers are building a new house.

Initial verb build ends in -it... It is no exception, and therefore we can safely refer it to the second conjugation. Therefore, be careful when starting the assignment.

The table will help you remember 1, 2 verb conjugation better.

With its help, information becomes more structured and better remembered.

Change by faces

We now know that Personal Verb Endings are the next step to be learned.

As we have already noted, this part of speech has the ability to change across faces.

Recall that in order to determine whether a verb belongs to the 1st, 2nd or 3rd person, it is necessary to substitute the corresponding pronouns for it.

To the first person, the word I (singular) or we (plural): I ask, we write.

The second must be substituted for you (singular) or you (plural): you say, look.

To the third - he (it or she) or they (plural): shines, think.

Those endings that have turned out as a result of this are called personal.

Conjugation of verbs by stress

By no means in all cases will we doubt how to write the word given to us correctly. If in the verb the stress falls on the ending, we, without hesitation, use it correctly.

For example: they say, fly, you will come.

In this situation, the endings are in a strong position, which does not cause any difficulties.

Be careful if the word is in the infinitive. Sometimes stress can only be misleading. For example, the verb "live". It ends in -it which is percussive. But at the same time, in a personal form in a plural number, the word has an ending -NS(live). And this means that it must be attributed to the first conjugation. Therefore, make sure that the stress falls on the ending only when the word is only in personal form.

Difficult cases

But what to do when the ending is unstressed? For such a case, there is a special set of personal endings, by which we learn about conjugation.

The first conjugation always has the letter "e" in singular: you try, you disappear, you talk, you talk. The plural always ends with either -NS or are: are struggling to show themselves.

It is difficult to define them in an unstressed position, but in this case the infinitive will come to the rescue.

2 conjugations are different: in the only one we write the letter "and": depends, drives... In the plural, endings must be used -at or -at: BUILD, HOLD.

Remember that in an unstressed position, the ending is more vulnerable and makes writing difficult. For this reason, it is necessary to put the word in the initial form and by it determine whether to 1 or 2 ref. it applies.


We managed to cope with a difficult task and point out the subtleties of determining the endings of verbs. Take your time when a word is causing you difficulty. Recall that in the infinitive 1 the right has the ending -ot, -et, -fat and others, and in the second only -it... Add to this rule a rather large list of exceptions. In order to memorize all these words, there are many poems consisting only of them.

Just learn the personal endings, it is not difficult at all. Then you will not experience problems in their spelling. In case of difficulty, you can always refer to our article to refresh your knowledge on this issue.

Information about the grammatical features of the Russian language is useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for all people whose literacy has not been brought to the level of automatism. Even adults do not always remember what verb conjugation is, how and why this concept is used. It's time to brush up on these rules of the times of the fifth or sixth grade.

What is conjugation

Verb conjugation is a constant grammatical property of this part of speech, which is a system for changing the form of a verb in the present tense, depending on numbers and persons.

In Russian, there are two types of conjugations, which are called so - the first and the second (usually denoted by Roman numerals I and II).

By general rule, the conjugation is determined at the end of the verb. If the ending is unstressed, the conjugation is established by the suffix of the indefinite form of the word.

Verbs in the past tense have no conjugation.

Conjugation rules

The definition of this verb property is important in order to correctly write the vowels in the endings of the verbs. To do this, pay attention to the stress in the word being checked. If the ending contains a stressed vowel, there is no doubt about which letter should be there.

Conjugation of verbs by personal endings.

Verbs of the first conjugation:

Face Examples of
1 -y or -yu -eat I draw, sew, grow
2 -you you you draw, sew, grow
3 -no -t or -yut draws, sews, grows

Second conjugation:

Face Ending singular Plural ending Examples of
1 -y or -yu -them buy, hold, cook
2 -you -you buy, hold, cook
3 -it -at or -at buy, hold, cook

Verbs with the prefix "you-"

In this case, it is possible to determine conjugation by dropping the prefix, according to the remaining word in the usual order, for example, from the word “to stand” it turns out “to stand” - “you are standing”. The verbs "to stand" and "to stand" are the second conjugation.

If the prefix cannot be discarded, for example, in the word “turn off”, it is replaced with another prefix - “turn off”, “conclude”, and the conjugation is determined by personal ending. “Conclude” is the second conjugation, which means that the verb “turn off” is also.

Intransitive verbs with a prefix are changed according to the rule of the first conjugation (get well - get well).

According to the rule, to determine the conjugation, you need to take the infinitive of the same kind of verb, in which the personal form is:

  • meet - meet (completed form);
  • meet - meet (unfinished view).

Unstressed Verb Conjugation

The general rule for defining conjugation is shown in the table below.


Exception verbs are the above eleven words that refer to the second conjugation, although they have the endings of the first. When conjugating these verbs by person and number, you should pay attention to their personal endings. Likewise, the verbs “shave” and “lay” are exceptions in the first conjugation, as they end in the second. You just need to remember these words in order to use the correct vowels in the endings.

In addition, there are two more groups of atypical verbs in the Russian language - multi-conjugated and special conjugated verbs.

Disconjugated have endings of both the first and the second conjugation: these are the words "run", "honor", "want", "give," "dawn". "Honor" in the third form has two types: "honor" and "honor". In some forms, these verbs give when conjugating the end of the first (usually in the singular), and in others, the second conjugation (usually in plural).

For example, the word "give" has the endings of two conjugations in different faces and in numbers: he gives, you give, I give, they give, you give, we give.

The singular conjugation has unusual endings in the singular, and in the plural the verb changes either according to the rule of the second conjugation, or according to the rules of the first and second. Examples: eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat; I will give, give, give, give, give, give.

Verbs in the past tense, subjunctive and indicative mood do not have personal endings: read - read, read - read. The imperative mood gives personal endings only to verbs in the second person: read, read. There are also insufficient verbs that are not singular in the first person: convince, win, bass, hang. They are used with additional verbs or in general in the conjunction "additional verb + noun, close in meaning", for example, I will win, I have to hang, I will win.

To easily learn, remember and use the rule of conjugation, first you need to understand the basic principle - there are two general conjugations, because there are two types of endings for verbs (apart from exceptions).

First of all, you need to check if the stress falls on the ending of the verb. It is very easy to determine conjugation by the shock ending - you just need to remember that the first conjugation in the third person plural ends in -ut or -yat, and the second - in -at and -at.

If the ending is unstressed, the second conjugation includes all verbs ending in -it, except for "lay" and "shave", which you just need to remember. To make it easier to learn 11 exception verbs in the second conjugation, you can memorize rhymes compiled specifically for this, for example:

Drive, hold,

look and see

breathe, hear,


And depend, and twirl,

and offend and endure.

Will you remember, friends,

they cannot be conjugated “on ––”.

The rest of the verbs with unstressed endings, according to the elimination method, mainly refer to the first conjugation.

Examples and exercises

Task 1. Select from the list the verbs of the second conjugation: drive, drive, clean, pull, cook, set, run, conjugate.


  • going - going, going, going (1 ref.);
  • drives - drive, drive, drive (2 ref.);
  • clean - clean, clean, clean (2 ref.);
  • pull - pull, pull, pull (1 sp.);
  • cook - cook, cook, cook (2 ref.);
  • set - set, set, set (2 ref.);
  • launch - launch, launch, launch (1 ref.);
  • you conjugate - I conjugate, conjugate, conjugate (1 ref.).

The correct answer is: drive, clean, cook, set.

Task 2. Insert the missing vowels in the endings: swim - bathe, clap - clap, glue - glue, remember - remember, fry - fry, lay - steal, get scared - get scared.

Answers: you swim, clap, glue, remember, fry, lay down, get scared.

Task 3. Select from the list only verbs of the first conjugation: swim, bark, prick, carry, walk, build, weed, fly, breathe, walk.


  • swim - I am swimming, swimming, swimming (1 ref.);
  • bark - bark, bark, bark (1 ref.);
  • prick - prick, prick, prick (1 ref.);
  • wear - wear, wear, wear (2 ref.);
  • to walk - I walk, walk, walk (1 ref.);
  • build - build, build, build (2 ref.);
  • weed - field, flight, flight, flight (1 ref.);
  • fly - fly, fly, fly (2 ref.);
  • breathe - breathe, breathe, breathe (2 sp.);
  • walk - walk, walk, walk (2 ref.).

Answers: swim, bark, stab, walk, weed.

All verbs have been divided into two main conjugation groups for convenience. Having identified common endings for each type, people differentiated them into the first and second conjugation. Having memorized the easy rules of conjugation, having learned the exception words, it will be easier for adults and children to avoid mistakes in the endings of verbs in writing or speaking.

What is conjugation? The answer is simple - it is a change in verb forms according to inconsistent features, which are person (1-3) and number (singular or plural). The face tells by whom the action is performed. There are three categories of a person.

Example: you draw you need to choose a suitable pronoun for it, here it is suitable - you. From this it is clear that drawing stands in unit. h., has the features of a second person. We can conclude that the conjugation of verbs in the Russian language is their change according to inconstant signs.

Features of the conjugation of verbs in Russian. Tables.

The inflections that appear during conjugation are called personal.

Attention! The table above is important to remember very well.

Some subtleties

So that each Verification work in morphology, it did not cause panic attacks, and when passing the exam, one could feel confident, you need to master the basic principles and rules of Russian spelling well.

For example: Laughter is heard. We write AND (2 ref.). The beds are floating. Verb of the first conjugation. gives the letter Y. The process of changing verbs affects the spelling, it is it that decides what suffix the participle will have.


If the inflection is under stress, then there can be no doubts about the correctness of the spelling. What are the endings of the verbs of both conjugations in Russian, you will learn from the table:

If a morpheme other than inflection is emphasized, then the infinitive, or rather, the letter combination located at the end of the word, will help in correlating the lexeme and the group.

The verbs of the second conjugation, according to the established linguistic rules, end in –it, except for the verbs shave, lay, build up. Complementing the group of exceptions from 1 ref. (watch, see, offend, depend, breathe, hate, hear, drive, hold, twirl, endure).

All verbs that do not fall into the second group belong to the first, including shaving, shaving, building up.

Verbs 2 conjugations include similar examples: ready go, hurry go.

Important! Clearly understand the exceptions for the 1st and 2nd conjugations.

An example of using the basic rule in practice

  1. The people are fighting. N.F. fight. We discard the postfix. The combination of letters is an indicator of 1 ref. The table gives us the letter E in place of the pass. Bor people e tsya.
  2. She is ready ... N.F. Cook. This is a verb of the second conjugation. Irregular signs: 3 y., Unity. number. According to the table, we determine that at the place of the pass there should be the letter I. It is ready and T.
  3. Bre..t beard. We put in. Shave - determine which conjugation it is. We attribute it to group 1. Bre e t beard.
  4. We're kind ... m. We put in n. f. To see - we determine which conjugation it is. Group 2. We are kind and m.

Conjugation of verbs

Conjugation is the main category of the verb as a part of speech. In linguistics, there are two understandings of the term "verb conjugation". The conjugation of a verb in a broad sense is its change in numbers, persons, moods and tenses. Conjugation in the narrow sense - changes in the verb by person and number. It is necessary to be able to correctly determine the conjugation of each verb, since the literacy level directly depends on this. Often you need to accurately figure out the type of conjugation of a verb in order to correctly spell a word in a specific form.

There is a clear algorithm thanks to which you can correctly determine the conjugation of the verb. It is also important to remember a number of exceptions, to memorize all verbs inflected in different ways.

If the ending of the verb is stressed, you need to put the verb in the third person plural form. Vowels at the end of a word signal that the verb belongs to 1 or 2 conjugation.

Verbs 1 conjugation have the endings -at (-yut), 2 conjugations - -at (-yat).

For example, 1 conjugation includes the verbs read, sing, blossom, and 2 - hang, burn, lie.

It is very important to remember: it is possible to determine the conjugation at the ending of the third person plural verb only if the stress falls on the ending.

If the stress does not fall on the end of the verb, the word must be translated into indefinite form... For example: breathe - breathe. The initial form answers the question "what to do", has no main categories. It retains only the feature of the species, and it also determines whether the verb is reflexive, transitive or intransitive. The initial (indefinite) form is usually called the infinitive.

Verbs that have unstressed ending in the initial form - thread, refer to 2 conjugation.

The rest of the verbs refer to 1 conjugation. You also need to memorize a number of verbs that are exceptions to the rule.

The following exception words belong to verbs 1 conjugation: beat, shave, twist, rot, live, build up, swell, pour, drink, rest, lay, sew, - beat (hurt, make a mistake), as well as all the verbs that come from them educated.

Back in school, everyone got acquainted with an easy counting rhyme that allows you to quickly memorize 11 verbs, which are the most common words-exceptions to the rule. They do not end in –th, but also refer to 2nd conjugation. In this case, they are listed alphabetically: twirl, see, drive, hold, breathe, depend, hate, offend, hear, watch, endure. These words need to be remembered

Verbs that have shock attachment"You" demand special attention... For precise definition conjugation, the prefix must be dropped. In those cases when the endings are under stress, they are used to find out the conjugation. If the ending is unstressed, the verb is put in an indefinite form. Of course, the prefix is ​​only dropped when the word is used without it.

There is a group of mixed conjugated verbs: run, want, honor, and all derived forms from these words. They conjugate by different models, this must be remembered.

The verbs "to run", "to honor", which are in the form of the first, second person, singular, should be inflected as verbs of 2 conjugations. According to model 1 of the conjugation, these verbs are conjugated in the plural, third person. Alternative forms of honor and honor are possible.

According to model 2 of conjugation, it is necessary to inflect the verb "want" in the plural, and in the singular - as verb 1 of the conjugation.

Archaic endings for the verbs "to give" and "to have."

It is enough to memorize the rules and learn all the exception words in order to correctly determine the conjugation of the verb and correctly express your thoughts, avoiding mistakes.

Despite the fact that the Russian language course on the topic of "Verb conjugation" takes several hours, many students experience difficulties in mastering this topic. They do not know to what type to attribute this or that verb, they feel awkward when meeting with differently conjugated verbs. Still vaguely imagine the algorithm that allows you to determine the first or second conjugation. Below we will analyze the conjugation of verbs, provide a number of rules defining this division, and also analyze several examples of such conjugations.

The word "conjugation" entered the Russian language from about the 17th century, being a derivative of the stem "conjugate" in the meaning of "unite", "connect together."

In the linguistics of the Russian language, "conjugation" means change verbs by person and number(in some cases, even by time and birth). The conjugation system currently dominant in the Russian language is the result of a significant simplification of the conjugation system of the Old Russian language. In it, the categories of type and time were not completely separated, had several paradigms of number - singular, plural, dual, time had four forms of the past tense and two forms of the future, etc.

Conjugation as a form of verbal change in the paradigmatics of the language is opposed to declension.

Types of conjugations in Russian

In today's Russian language, there are two types of conjugations - the first (I) and the second (II)

For convenience, it is better to start the presentation of the material with the second type of conjugation. The second type contains exception verbs that do not fall under the first type of conjugation. Therefore, if you have determined that the verb does not belong to the second type of conjugation, then such a verb in the vast majority of cases belongs to the first type. The only exceptions are a few differently conjugated verbs, which can be attributed simultaneously to the first and second types.

To the second conjugation include all verbs ending in "-it", except for the five verbs "shave", "build up", "wear", "lay", "praise". The latter belong to the first type of conjugation.

Also, the second conjugation includes seven verbs with the ending in "-et" - "look", "twirl", "see", "depend", "hate", "offend", "endure". All other verbs ending in "et" refer to the first conjugation.

In addition, the second conjugation includes four verbs ending in "-at" - "drive", "breathe", "hold", "hear". All other verbs ending in "-at" refer to the first conjugation.

There is even a rhyme for easy memorization of the listed exceptions:

Examples of verbs of the second conjugation

TO first conjugation include all other verbs ending in "-at", "-t", "-ut", "-t".

Conjugation rules and examples

At shock ending conjugation of verbs is determined undefined... This form answers the question "what to do?", "What to do?" Put the verb in an indefinite form, and identify the first or second conjugation.

At unstressed personal ending the verb needs:

In Russian, when determining the conjugation of a verb, the initial form must be of the same type as the personal form.

For example:

The verb "draws" (the initial form is "to draw". The verb ends in "-at", therefore this is the first conjugation);

The verb "saws" (the initial form is "to saw", ends with "-it", which means this is the second conjugation);

Let's conjugate the indicated verbs, that is, change them by person and number. To define the face of a verb, we put a personal pronoun in front of it.

The verb "draws"

I draw We draw

You paint you paint

He draws They draw

The verb "saws"

I saw We saw

You saw you write

He saws They saws

Determining the vowel of unstressed personal endings of the verb

Let's find out what vowel you need to write in unstressed personal verb endings.

There are two ways to do this:

The first way

Conjugated verb to put in 3rd person plural

Ut, -yut - the first conjugation - the letter "E".

The personal ending will have the obligatory vowel "e" (they draw - the first conjugation - draw).

At, -at - the second conjugation - the letter "I"

The personal ending will always have the vowel "and" (they color - the second conjugation - color).

Second way

The second way is to put the verb in an indefinite form, answering the questions "what to do?" "what to do"?

If this verb does not end with "-it" - then it is the first conjugation, and in the personal form of the verb you need to write "e"

If the verb ends in "-it" (what to do - cut) then it is of the second conjugation, and you need to write "and".

Praise_i - (what to do? - praise) - the second conjugation - we will write "and" in personal form - praise so.

Multi-conjugated verbs

Also in the Russian language there are multi-conjugated verbs that can be conjugated according to both the first and the second type of conjugation (for example, honor, want, run, etc.). And also have a specific ending system (give, there is, etc.).

For example, the verb “want” in the singular number 3 persons belong to the first type of conjugation (“wants”), and in plural third person - to the second type (they want).

Such verbs do not belong to any of the presented conjugations, and are exceptions in the conjugation of verbs in Russian.


Above, we analyzed the conjugation of verbs, listed a number of rules in Russian, according to which the types of verb conjugation are classified. And they gave a number of examples of such conjugations. Use the algorithm specified in the article to determine the first or direct conjugation, which will give you the opportunity to avoid mistakes when writing texts.

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