What are we talking about. No traces of hybridization with sapiens found in the genomes of late European Neanderthals The organization calls on the Russian authorities to resolve the contradictions

The era (1) that began (2) after the discoveries of Galileo Galilei (3) and ended with the work of Isaac Newton (4) marked a new stage in the development of science and technology.

Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Stone paths (1) winding lines (2) which (3) symbolize the flow of energy (4) take on a special meaning in the Japanese garden.

115. Choose the answer option in which punctuation marks are placed correctly:

· The goal of our power engineers is to provide the domestic market with heat and light to the maximum.

· Last winter, organizations and social facilities of the city worked smoothly.

· Sales volumes, according to experts' expectations, will collapse by almost 50%.

116. Read the sentences. In which answer option are the numbers of all sentences in which you need to put ONE comma:

1. In gouache painting, flat and round brushes have an advantage.

2. I took out the heavy lists of the novel and draft notebooks from the desk drawer and began to burn them.

3. The heart suddenly trembles and beats, then irretrievably drowns in memories.

4. You can love a spring or a path, a quiet lake or a dense forest, a blue night or a bright morning.

117. Indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence:

The pond (2) formed on the river (1) diagonally crossing the Abramtsevo estate (3) was the natural boundary of the courtyard with outbuildings and the park (4) stretching southeast of the estate house.

· 2, 3, 4

118. Indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences:

The conclusion (1) based on the results of an independent anti-corruption expertise (2) is advisory in nature and is subject to mandatory consideration by the body, organization or official to which it was sent (3) within thirty days from the date of its receipt. Based on the results of consideration (4), a reasoned response is sent to the citizen or organization that conducted the independent examination (5), except for cases (6) when the conclusion does not contain a proposal on how to eliminate the identified (7) corruption factors.

· 3, 5, 6

1, 2, 3, 4, 6

119. Indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences:

The memory of how V.G. Belinsky, stayed with F.M. Dostoevsky (1) apparently (2) forever. The writer always (3) exclusively (4) recalled with gratitude the enthusiastic recognition of his talent by a well-known critic.

Shadows moved timidly next to us (1) and it seemed to me (2) that from the past timidly came here (3) people who once lived here (4) to bask by the fire and tell about their lives.

· 1, 2, 4

Indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences.

At the same time (1) technologies for creating intelligent systems are not yet available to our industry (2) that interact with the environment (3) and can adapt (4) by changing their properties

122. Choose the answer option in which the commas are placed correctly:

· In addition, the legislation governing the payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation does not contain any exceptions for citizens serving sentences of corrective labor.

· In the event that a civil servant has a personal interest that will lead, or may lead to a conflict of interest, the civil servant is obliged to inform the representative of the employer in writing.

· Meanwhile, labor relations are of a continuing nature, therefore, these restrictions apply both to persons already in labor relations and to those who apply for teaching activities.

· A situation in which a civil servant receives or intends to receive a material benefit from an organization for activities that he can influence with his actions and decisions is a typical example of a conflict of interest.

123. Choose the answer option in which punctuation marks are placed correctly:

· If literature serves as an expression of people's life, then the first requirement, which may be presented to it by criticism, is truthfulness.

· In his opinion, émigré literature could only be saved by the miraculous appearance of a patron who would agree to spend very large sums of money without counting on their return.

· The subsequent baptism of the Russian people according to the Greek rite determined not only what kind of literature would be circulated in the vastness of Russia, but also how the manuscripts would be decorated.

· The extensive literature devoted to this problem allows us to conclude that, despite the temptation of applications, most of the proposed approaches based on general concepts are of theoretical interest.

124. Choose the answer option in which you need to put a comma:

· At the same time, many aspects of political life are subject to public criticism.

· However, for contracts for the lease of buildings and structures for a period of less than one year, state registration is not required.

· After a large-scale reconstruction of roads, it is necessary to properly organize traffic and call motorists to order.

· In my opinion, this is a matter of our country's survival in the modern world.

125. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put a comma:

This job could have been done by anyone.

· However, during the construction process, the original technology was abandoned.

· Meanwhile, various tenants of the house came and went to the manager's office.

126. Choose an answer in which the word / expression in bold does not need to be separated by commas:

· However, the contract has not passed the state registration and therefore, on the basis of clause 3 of Article 433 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, cannot be considered concluded.

· In my opinion, this is a matter of our country's survival in the modern world.

· Secondly, the problem of equipping the school with modern equipment is topical.

· In this way, it was recently possible to discover in humans the area of ​​​​the brain responsible for face recognition.

127. Choose the answer in which the commas are placed correctly:

· A civil servant who has received an instruction directed, in his opinion, to commit acts of corruption, must submit in writing a justification for the illegality of this instruction.

· A civil servant who has received an instruction directed, in his opinion, to commit acts of corruption, must submit in writing a justification for the illegality of this instruction.

· A civil servant who has received an instruction directed, in his opinion, to commit acts of corruption must submit in writing a justification for the illegality of this instruction.

· A civil servant who has received an instruction directed, in his opinion, to commit acts of corruption, must submit in writing a justification for the illegality of this instruction.

128. Choose the answer option in which the commas are placed correctly:

· The composition of the attestation commission is formed in such a way that the possibility of conflicts of interest that could affect the decisions made by the attestation commission is excluded.

· The composition of the attestation commission is formed in such a way that the possibility of conflicts of interest that could affect the decisions made by the attestation commission is excluded.

· The composition of the attestation commission is formed in such a way that the possibility of conflicts of interest that could affect the decisions taken by the attestation commission is excluded.

· The composition of the attestation commission is formed in such a way that the possibility of conflicts of interest that could affect the decisions made by the attestation commission is excluded.

129. Choose the answer option in which the colon is correct:

· I think that the whole country should know the best managers.

· We have the most important thing that the economy needs: professional staff and a huge market.

· The arrival time of an ambulance depends on three factors: a single dispatch service, the quality of roads and the condition of cars.

· Everyone likes modern and cozy streets: where you can walk, have lunch, meet friends, just spend time.

130. Choose the answer option in which the commas are placed correctly:

· Civil servants, taking care of their reputation, should avoid any conflicts of interest.

· If the probation period has expired, and the civil servant continues to fill the position of the civil service, then he is considered to have passed the probation.

· In recent years, professional standards have been developed in Russia, which are considered at the stage of coordination both by employers and trade unions.

· In the certificate of income, property and obligations of a property nature, all real estate objects owned by a civil servant on the right of ownership are indicated, regardless of when they were acquired, in which subject of the Russian Federation, or in which state they are registered.

131. Choose the answer in which the dash is correct:

· It is known that an independent and fair court is the basis of a just social order.

Everyone understands perfectly well why this is important.

· According to the estimates of the heads of energy enterprises, this year they will have to work in conditions of an unprecedented increase in electricity consumption.

· The current situation is still encouraging – the Russian language occupies a worthy place among the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world.

All people during the period of their lives forgot a lot of things, both significant and insignificant for them, faced with the deterioration of the former capabilities of their memory. Hermann Ebingaus was one of the first to become experimentally familiar with the processes of forgetting by studying Fechner's work on psychophysics. After that, he was interested in the problem of experimental study of psychological functions and built the first data table on the reproduction of the material. Further, it turned out that the information that a person forgot, he remembers a little later. It turns out that it is almost impossible to strictly determine how the process of forgetting occurs.

Definition of forgetting in psychology

There is a so-called generally accepted definition of this term in psychology:

Forgetting is the complete loss or disappearance of certain information, a kind of return to the past, when the material disappears without a trace.

Forgetting is the inability to retrieve from memory at the moment what was possible to remember earlier. For example, I could not remember at some point the necessary information, which means I forgot it. The problem is that in this way it is essentially impossible to prove that something is forgotten completely and irretrievably.

Basic theories of forgetting

Thus, various theories of forgetting begin to emerge, one of which is called the “decay theory”. It lies in the fact that memory passively decays over time, regardless of any events.

The second theory is the interference theory, which says that we forget certain data during the learning process, acquiring new skills and knowledge.

It is also impossible to separate these two theories, since we always acquire some new information over time, which means that memory deteriorates for one of the two reasons stated above.

With regard to the studies that exist from 2010 to 2014, the most significant is the study of active forgetting, the meaning of which is to identify non-random memory lapses. The body does this intentionally, an adaptive and necessary process takes place.

In most cases, theories of forgetting are based on the fact that forgetting is a flaw or an error that has happened in the memory of the brain.

Active theories of forgetting characterize forgetting as a specific separate process. Three lines of research were carried out on molluscs, insects and mammals. An experiment was conducted on molluscs (common pond snail) in which the body of a certain neuron in its brain was destroyed. Mollusks have rather large nerve cells, without which the animal cannot function normally. There is also one nerve cell, without which the pond snail cannot learn a new skill. In addition, it became known that after learning this new skill, when the cell is intact, if it is destroyed, the mollusk will not be able to learn further, but it will also lose the opportunity to forget what it has learned up to this point.

The law (curve) of forgetting according to Ebbinghaus is as follows:

Forgetting mechanisms

That is, for the process of forgetting, the presence of a nerve cell is necessary, and without it, this operation will not occur. It turns out that for the weakening and even the preservation of brain structures is necessary.

On rats, the experiment is based on the same structure. In this case, it is also shown that without a certain type of receptor, the process of forgetting slows down.

All this information means that forgetting is a completely natural process for the body, associated with fixing a decent amount of unnecessary information in memory. Violation of this process leads to a deterioration in the learning process.

The main reasons for the forgetting process are:

When new experiences are acquired, existing experiences are reorganized as newer, more recent information arrives. These changes provoke forgetting. It turns out that in the body there are constant changes and modifications associated with our training. If this process is disturbed, forgetting will also worsen.

This question is also related to the fact that the specialization of nerve cells is irreversible and permanent: when a nerve cell “remembers” something, it will never lose this data. Naturally, forgetting does not exist in a healthy organism, when there is no restructuring, reorganization of experience and changes during training.

Factors affecting the mechanism of forgetting:

The real loss of information occurs during the death of nerve cells, when violations or injuries are detected. Only in this case, there is a loss of certain information from the memory of the brain, that is, the body still adapts to injury or to some pathological events. On this topic, we recommend reading the patient's history.

In fact, the problem of forgetting the necessary information worries a large number of people. The best minds of mankind are working on the creation of modern methods of partial prevention of this process. To date, the best solution is to use stimulating dietary supplements like Optimentis, which help improve memory, attention and activate all brain resources.

Russian scientists neurophysiologists have already begun to actively conduct clinical research, so in the near future we can expect the appearance of scientific articles with results in leading scientific journals. In the meantime, one can only be content with the opinion of independent doctors, for example, Yevgeny Simanyuk, chief specialist of the Research Institute of Fundamental Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Love science, read WikiScience!

An international team of paleogeneticists led by Svante Peabo has reported a rough reading of the nuclear genomes of five "late" Neanderthals who lived 47,000-39,000 years ago in what is now Belgium, France, Croatia and Russia. The study was made possible thanks to new methods of purification of ancient DNA from bacterial and modern human impurities. Genome analysis has shown that the ancestors of late European Neanderthals 150,000–90,000 years ago diverged from the ancestors of that Neanderthal population that 55,000 years ago interbred with the ancestors of modern non-African humanity. Although the sapiens who came to Europe continued to interbreed with local Neanderthals (which was told by the genome of the Upper Paleolithic sapiens from the Romanian cave of Oase), sapiens impurities could not be found in the genomes of late Neanderthals. The study also showed that the late Neanderthal from Mezmayskaya Cave (Northern Caucasus) is closer to Western European Neanderthals than to an older individual from the same cave. This speaks of long-distance migrations of European Neanderthals shortly before extinction.

Svante Pääbo and colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig continue to improve methods for extracting and purifying DNA from ancient bones. They recently discovered that if ancient bone material is treated with a 0.5 percent sodium hypochlorite solution, then almost all modern DNA in the sample is destroyed. Ancient DNA suffers much less in this case. As a result, the proportion of ancient DNA in the sample can increase many times over (see: P. Korlević et al., 2015. Reducing microbial and human contamination in DNA extractions from ancient bones and teeth). Along with numerous tricks invented earlier (see links at the end of the news), this allows you to extract invaluable genetic information from bones that seemed completely hopeless 5–8 years ago: there is so little ancient DNA in them and so much modern pollution.

It was from these “junk” bones and teeth that scientists managed to extract as many as five new draft (that is, read with low coverage) Neanderthal nuclear genomes. More precisely, in the end there were four new genomes, because the bone from the Croatian cave Vindia, as it turned out, belonged to a Neanderthal whose nuclear genome had already been read earlier.

All new genomes belong to the "late" European Neanderthals, who lived shortly before the extinction of the species (which occurred, according to modern data, a little less than 40,000 years ago). Locations and age of the bones are shown in fig. one.

Recall that the very first Neanderthal nuclear genome was assembled from DNA fragments of three individuals from Croatia and had a small coverage (see: Neanderthal genome read: Neanderthals left a trace in the genes of modern people, "Elements", 05/10/2010). Then, the genomes of a Neanderthal woman from Denisova Cave in Altai, who lived (according to the latest estimates) about 120,000 years ago, and another woman from Vindia Cave in Croatia (Vindia-33.19), who lived a little over 45,000 years ago, were read with high coverage ( it was her genome that was reread in the course of this study). In addition, the genome of a Neanderthal from the Mezmaiskaya Cave (Mezmaiskaya-1), who lived 70,000–60,000 years ago, was read in rough outline.

Thus, four new nuclear genomes (men and women from Belgium, women from France, and another male from the North Caucasus - Mezmaiskaya-2) expand the base for studying the genetic diversity of Neanderthals by about half. As for the Neanderthal mitochondrial genomes, more than two dozen have already been read (Fig. 2a).

One of the main results of the work is a phylogenetic tree based on seven Neanderthal nuclear genomes (Fig. 2c). All seven Neanderthals form a single clade (branch) on the tree, slightly closer to the Denisovan than to modern humans. This is an expected result, confirming the prevailing ideas about the kinship of Neanderthals, Denisovans and Sapiens.

Within the Neanderthal branch, one can notice a division by age: the oldest individual, the woman from the Denisova Cave (“Altai Neanderthal”), differs most from the rest of the Neanderthals, then the second oldest individual, Mezmaiskaya-1, separates from the common trunk.

All five late Neanderthals (Mezmayskaya-2, Vindia-33.19, two "Belgians" and "French") are genetically close to each other. Within this group, a rule is observed that is characteristic of modern people: geographical proximity correlates with genetic relationship.

Against this background, it is noteworthy that the late Neanderthal Mezmaiskaya-2 turned out to be closer to the late Neanderthals from Croatia, France and Belgium than to an older individual from the same cave (Mezmaiskaya-1). Apparently, this speaks of some migrations of late Neanderthals that took place shortly before the final extinction. The available data are insufficient to understand the direction of migration: whether individuals from Western Europe came to the North Caucasus, or vice versa. In any case, these migrations take place in an era when the climate in Europe was very harsh and changeable. Severe cooling could lead to the extinction of local Neanderthal populations, after which the depopulated areas were repopulated by the descendants of the surviving groups.

The researchers tried to find sapient impurities in the late Neanderthal genomes, but found nothing. This result can be called unexpected, because of the five late Neanderthals, four (all but Vindius-33.19) lived after the arrival of sapiens in Europe. Meanwhile, it was previously shown that the Cro-Magnon man from the Romanian cave Oase, who lived 42,000–37,000 years ago, had a Neanderthal ancestor in the fourth or sixth generation (Q. Fu et al., 2015. An early modern human from Romania with a recent Neanderthal ancestor). This means that sapiens, having come to Europe, interbred with local Neanderthals. The genes of European Neanderthals penetrated the Cro-Magnon gene pool. True, this genetic heritage did not reach modern Europeans - perhaps because the hybrids had reduced fitness, or those Cro-Magnon tribes that hybridized in Europe with Neanderthals were simply “unlucky”. Against this background, the complete absence of sapiens impurities in the genomes of late Neanderthals looks quite unexpected. There is clearly not enough data for confident conclusions, but one can fantasize about the alleged patrilocality of later Homo(see: Neanderthals lived in small groups and ate each other, "Elements", 01/13/2011) and that brides from a weak and backward tribe are more likely to move into a strong and prosperous tribe than vice versa.

Based on the obtained genetic data, the authors tried to date the branching points of the tree shown in Fig. 2, c, and assess the degree of relationship of the studied Neanderthals with the Neanderthal population that left its two percent mark in the genomes of out-of-African sapiens. This population, which interbred with sapiens that emerged from Africa 55,000 years ago, most likely lived in the Middle East. Its gene pool can be judged by those Neanderthal fragments that have been preserved in our genomes (see: 20% of the Neanderthal genome is assembled from the genes of modern people, "Elements", 03/08/2014). It turned out that this population is less related to the Altai Neanderthal than to all other Neanderthals with known genomes, but among these latter it is related to all to the same extent.

  • Separation of Sapiens ancestors from Neanderthals and Denisovans: 530,000 years ago;
  • Separation of Neanderthals and Denisovans: 400,000 years ago;
  • Separation of the ancestors of the Altai Neanderthal from all other Neanderthals with known genomes: 150,000 years ago;
  • The separation of the population with which the sapiens that emerged from Africa interbred from the rest of the Neanderthals with known genomes: after 150,000 but before 90,000 years ago;
  • Separation of the ancestors of the individual Mezmayskaya-1 from the late European Neanderthals: 90,000 years ago.

Unfortunately, the quality of reading the Cro-Magnon genome from the Romanian Oase cave turned out to be insufficient to find out the family ties of that Neanderthal man, who was his ancestor in the fourth or sixth generation.

The main significance of the work under discussion is that it showed that the development of paleogenetic methods continues at an accelerated pace. Complete nuclear genomes can already be extracted from bones, which just five years ago were considered unpromising. Perhaps not far off is the day when large-scale population genetic studies of extinct populations will become a reality.

In the Department of Labor and Employment of the Republic of Mari El - Chief Specialist-Expert
department of personnel and legal work

Note: You must choose the correct answer in your opinion and mark it. There may be one or more correct answers to a question.


1. Choose the answer option in which all words are written together:

2. Choose the option in which in all cases NOT with words is written separately:

17. What command should be used to create a copy of a document under a different name?

0 "style="border-collapse:collapse;border:none">

18. Which tab should I go to to change the fields of the edited document?

0 "style="border-collapse:collapse;border:none">

19. What is the shortcut to use to launch the browser to viewWEB pages?

0 "style="border-collapse:collapse;border:none">

20. What is the time frame for the public employment service to make a decision to recognize a citizen as unemployed?

21. Which of the following documents, when applying to the public employment service, a citizen is not required to submit?

22. Which of the following citizens cannot be recognized as unemployed?

23 . Which of the following is not a guarantee of social support for the unemployed? (Article 28 of the Law on Employment of the Population)

24. Which of the following information is the employer required to submit to the employment service? (Article 25 of the Law on Employment of the Population)

25. Who can be recognized as unemployed? (Article 3 of the Law on Employment of the Population)

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