That the grammatical category is Russian. The concept of grammatical category and grammatical form

A grammatical category is a system of opposed forms with a homogeneous meaning, or opposition. A grammatical category is the unity of grammatical meaning and the means of its formal expression. grammatical categories: 1) by the number of members of the category (eg, singular h and pln h); 2) Categories are divided into inflectional and classification. Inflectional - their members are forms of one word (eg, time: read, read ...) 3) Categories are divided into lexical-grammatical and proper-grammatical. (For example, the number of noun names is lexical-grammatical.) Languages \u200b\u200bdiffer in the set and characteristics of grammatical categories. The grammatical categories are extremely diverse. So, there are two-term categories, for example, in modern Russian number (singular: plural), verb form (perfect: imperfect); three-member, for example, a person (first: second: third); polynomials, for example, in Russian and many other languages \u200b\u200b- case. Grammatical science is traditionally divided into two large divisions - morphology, or grammar of a word, and syntax, or grammar of coherent speech. The division into morphology and syntax is to a certain extent arbitrary, since the grammatical meanings behind the change in word forms are fully revealed only when the syntactic functions of these forms are taken into account, that is, their functions within the framework of a phrase and a sentence. As part of the "grammar of a word", the area associated with the formation of words as lexical units of the language, and the area associated with the formation of grammatical forms of the word . The first area is called the science of word formation, the second is actually morphology. Modality is a category in which the speaker's attitude to the content of the message is expressed. The category of predicativity correlates the content of a sentence with reality.

Question number 40

Parts of speech

Speaking about parts of speech, they mean the grammatical grouping of lexical units of the language, that is, the allocation of certain groups or categories in the vocabulary of the language, characterized by certain grammatical features. The grammatical categories that characterize the words of a particular part of speech do not coincide or do not completely coincide in different languages, but they are in any case due to the general grammatical meaning of the given class of words. In some cases, the main formal feature of a certain part of speech is one or another combination of the corresponding words with others. The noun expresses the grammatical meaning of objectivity. Primary syntactic functions noun - the function of the subject and completion. Typical grammatical categories of a noun are case and number. Of other grammatical categories of a noun, the category of definiteness / indefiniteness is widespread. The adjective expresses the grammatical meaning of a quality or property that is not called abstractly, in itself, but as a sign given in something, in some way. subject: not whiteness, but something white, white. The primary functions of the adjective are the function of the definition and the predicate. The signs indicated by adjectives, in many cases, can vary in intensity. The verb in most languages \u200b\u200bconsists of two series of formations: from the verb itself, for example, I read, read, read, read, and the so-called verboids, for example, read, read, read, reading, combining the features of the verb with the features of some other parts of speech. expresses the grammatical meaning of an action, that is, a dynamic feature that occurs in time. The most typical grammatical categories of the predicate verb are tense, mood and voice. A special place among the verb categories is occupied by the grammatical category of the form, opposing each other different types flow and distribution of action in time. According to its grammatical meaning, an adverb is defined as a "feature attribute". An adverb is characterized by the absence of any grammatical categories, except for the category of degrees of comparison. Grammatical meaning numeral - the value of the quantity, represented as the amount of something (five tables, five senses) or as an abstract number (five five - twenty five) Ordinal numbers (fifth, etc.) are a kind of adjectives: they do not call the number of objects , a place of an item in a row, that is, one of the features given in the subject, as do all other adjectives. A specific category of personal pronouns, reflected in some other groups, is the category of a person. Service words form a separate subsystem of service parts of speech, which is greatly modified from language to language. "Morphological" and "syntactic" service words can be highlighted. The former are involved in the formation of analytical forms. These are prepositions (or postpositions), articles, auxiliary verbs, degree words, particles of the Russian type. be, etc. Syntactic function words serve phrases and sentences.

Category in the broad sense is any group of linguistic elements distinguished on the basis of any general properties; in a broad sense, a certain feature (parameter) that underlies the partitioning of an extensive set of homogeneous linguistic units into a limited number of non-overlapping classes, whose members are characterized by the same meaning of a given feature (for example, case category, category of souls / inanimate, category of species) ... Often, however, the term "category" refers to one of the meanings of the mentioned attribute (category accusative case). The concept of a category goes back to Aristotle, who identified 10 categories: essence, quantity, quality, attitude, place, time, position, state, action and suffering. The selection of these categories largely influenced the further separation of parts of speech and members of the sentence.

A grammatical category is a system of opposed rows of grammatical forms with homogeneous meanings. A grammatical form is a linguistic sign in which the grammatical meaning finds its regular expression. Within grammatical forms, the means of expressing grammatical meanings are affixes, phonemic alternations (internal inflection), the nature of stress, reduplication, service words, word order and intonation. In the system of grammatical categories, the categorizing feature is decisive, for example, the generalized meaning of time, person, voice, etc., uniting the system of meanings of individual times, persons and pledges and the system of corresponding forms.

Grammatical categories are subdivided into morphological and syntactic ones. Among the morphological categories, for example, the categories of species, voice, genus, number, case are distinguished; whole grammatical classes of words (parts of speech) are characterized by the consistent expression of these categories. The number of opposed members within such categories can be different: for example, in Russian, the grammatical category of gender is represented by a system of three series of forms expressing the grammatical meanings of husband, wives. and cf. gender, and the grammatical category of number is a system of two series of forms - unit. and pl. numbers. In languages \u200b\u200bwith developed inflection, gram categories are differentiated, i.e. those whose members can be represented by forms of the same word within its paradigm (for example, in Russian - tense, mood, face of a verb, number, case, gender of adjectives, degrees of comparison) and non-verbal (classifying), i.e. ... those whose members cannot be represented by the forms of the same word (in Russian - the gender and animateness of inanimate nouns).

The languages \u200b\u200bof the world differ:

1.the number and composition of grammatical categories - for some slavic languages species specific category; the category of certainty for languages \u200b\u200bwith the article; the category of respectability (politeness) in Japanese and Korean; the number of opposed members within the same category (6 cases in Russian and up to 40 in Dagestan) what parts of speech contain a particular category (in Nenets nouns have categories of person and tense)

The mix of broader and narrower categories may vary from language to language. In Russian, names and participles are declined, and Finno-Ugric names can change according to persons ("my mother", "your mother", etc. "eke-m", "eke-n", etc.)

The grammatical categories are best studied, to their characteristic features includes the modifying type of the categorizing attribute, its involvement in the syntax, the obligatory choice of one of its meanings for word forms from the categorized set and the presence of a regular way of expressing it. The presence of the totality of these properties is usually the basis for unconditional recognition of the grammatical nature of the category, although each of them individually is neither a necessary nor a sufficient feature of the grammatical category.

There is not a single grammatical category that would be typical for all languages \u200b\u200bof the world. The discrepancy between grammatical categories in different languages \u200b\u200bis the best evidence of the specificity of the selection of grammatical categories in each language.

Thus, the category of certainty-uncertainty, which is very essential for the Romano-Germanic languages \u200b\u200band is clearly expressed in these languages \u200b\u200bwith the help of articles, is absent in the Russian language, but this does not mean that Russians cannot have these meanings in their consciousness. They only express them lexically (pronouns). If in the language one grammeme is expressed by special methods, then the second can express negatively - by the absence of a special indicator. For example, in Hebrew: bajio "house", habbajio "definite house", in the Tajik language, on the contrary, there is only an indefinite article. Consequently, the first property of the grammatical category is the regularity of distinguishing grammatical meanings.

An example of repetition in African and Indonesian languages; dual. The division between animate and inanimate (V. p.) Is unusual for ancient European languages; also the distinction of the category of the species, even the gender of nouns does not know english language and all Turkic languages.

The second property is obligatoryness (in Romano-Germanic languages, one cannot do without the certainty of uncertainty).

The number of homogeneous categories is different in different languages; so in languages \u200b\u200bwith declension, the number of cases can range from 3 (in Arabic), 4 - in German, 6 in Russian, 15 in Estonian and more (Dagest. languages).

Even sometimes, when there is a correspondence between the languages \u200b\u200bin relation to cases, the same thing can be expressed in different cases: "I went for firewood" (Tv.p.), and in Kazakh it is expressed by the dative case.

It is customary to distinguish lexico-grammatical categories of words from grammatical categories in morphology - such subclasses within certain parts of speech that have a common semantic feature that affects the ability of words to express certain categorical morphological meanings. The meaning of plurality in forms plural - grammatical, in collective names - the fact of lexical meaning, expressed by the stem, and the grammatical method shows a singular number (fist-fist-fist), they also highlight concrete, abstract, material nouns; qualitative and relative adjectives, etc.

The grammatical categories changed over time: in Latin there was no definite article yet, and in folk Latin the pronoun "ilia" was used so often that it became a definite article in Romance languages. Later, the indefinite article also emerged from the pronoun "one"

Gramme (eng. grammeme) - grammatical meaning, understood as one of the elements of the grammatical category; different grammemes of the same category are mutually exclusive and cannot be expressed together. So, in Russian, singular and plural are grammemes of the category of number; one or the other value must be expressed, but not both at the same time. Also a grammeme can be called grammatical indicator - the plan of expression of grammatical meaning (in the same meaning, the term proposed by J. Bybi is used gram, eng. gram ), as well as the unity of meaning (content plan) and ways of expressing it.

The grammeme in the language is represented by a number of forms united by the meaning of the component of this grammatical category, but differing in the meanings of other categories inherent in this part of speech: for example, the grammeme of the second person of the verb in Russian is represented by a number of forms united by this meaning, but differing in the meanings of mood, time, type , collateral, numbers. Grammemes, expressed in a number of morphological forms, constitute a morphological category. There are also grammemes expressed in syntactic forms - classes of syntactic constructions (for example, active and passive constructions) - and constituting syntactic categories.

With the grammeme, understood as a unit of the content plan, the morpheme is correlated as a unit of the plan of expression. A unit of the plan of expression, correlated with grammes of several grammatical categories at the same time, is called an inflectional morpheme, or inflection.

GRAMMEMA is a component of a grammatical category, which, in terms of its meaning, is a specific concept in relation to the meaning of grammatical. category as a generic concept. Such are, for example, G. units. and many others number, 1st, 2nd and 3rd person, G. owls. and nesov. species. As well as grammar. category as a whole, G. is a unity of meaning and ways of expressing it. In the structure of grammar. categories G. is one of the opposed series of grammatical. forms constituting grammatical. category as a system. For example, opposing rows of forms of the present, past. and bud. time form the structure of grammar. time categories. G., considered as elements of the structure of grammatical. categories are close to the "formal categories" of A. M. Peshkovsky and the "categorical forms" of A. I. Smirnitsky. Axles. structural type G. - a number of morpho-logical. forms, united by the meaning of one of the members of the grammatical. categories. Grammemes of this type form morphological. categories. At the same time G. syntax can be presented. forms - syntactic classes. structures (compare active and passive structures). Such G. are components of syntactic. categories. A number of grammar. forms that make up the structure of G., includes forms, to-rye are united by the meaning of the component of the given grammar. categories, io differ from t. sp. other categories inherent in this part of speech. For example, G. 2nd l. verb in Russian. lang. is represented by a number of forms, united by the meaning of the 2nd l., but differing in mood, time, type, voice, number. In some languages \u200b\u200b(synthetic-ag-glutinating type, etc.), a generic concept fixed by grammatical. a category, may at the same time be the meaning of one of the G. (for example, this is, according to V. Z. Panfilov's mission, the ratio of singular and plural forms in the Nivkh language). The specified two-sided (content-formal) understanding of G. reveals one of the meanings of this term. Its other meaning appears in those cases when it is used only in relation to the content plan and is interpreted as an elementary grammatical unit. values. The second meaning of the term hG. " does not contradict the first, since it is always assumed that G. has this or that formal expression.

There are also grammatical categories that are syntactically identifiable (relational), i.e., indicating primarily the compatibility of forms in the composition of a phrase or sentence (in Russian - gender, case), and non-syntactically identifiable (nominative), i.e. expressing, first of all, semantic abstractions, abstracted from the properties, connections and relations of extra-linguistic reality (in Russian, type, time); grammatical categories such as number or person combine features of both of these types.

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Grammar as a language level. Morphology and adjacent levels of the language; morphology and phonology; basic concepts of morphonology; morphology and syntax

The term morphology consists of two ancient Greek roots and literally means the doctrine of the form, it has two main .. a system of language mechanisms providing the construction and understanding of it .. a section of grammar that studies the laws of the functioning and development of this system ..

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GRAMMATIC CATEGORY, a system of opposed rows of grammatical forms with homogeneous meanings. In this system, the categorizing feature is decisive (see Linguistic category), for example, the generalized meaning of time, person, pledge, and the like, uniting the system of meanings of individual times, persons, pledges, etc. into the system of appropriate forms. A necessary feature of a grammatical category is the unity of its meaning and the expression of this meaning in the system of grammatical forms.

Grammatical categories are subdivided into morphological and syntactic ones. Among morphological grammatical categories, there are, for example, grammatical categories of type, voice, time, mood, person, gender, number, case; whole grammatical classes of words (parts of speech) are characterized by the consistent expression of these categories. The number of opposed members within such categories can be different: for example, in Russian, the grammatical category of gender is represented by the system three rows forms expressing the grammatical meanings of masculine, feminine and neuter, and the grammatical category of number - by a system of two series of forms - singular and plural. In languages \u200b\u200bwith developed inflection, grammatical categories are differentiated, that is, those whose members can be represented by forms of the same word within its paradigm (for example, in Russian - tense, mood, face of the verb, number, case, gender, degrees comparisons of adjectives) and non-verbal (classifying, classification), that is, those whose members cannot be represented by forms of the same word (for example, in Russian - gender and animate-inanimate nouns). The belonging of some grammatical categories (for example, in Russian - type and voice) to the inflectional or non-verbal type is an object of discussion.

There are also distinctions between grammatical categories syntactically identifiable, that is, indicating, first of all, the compatibility of forms in the composition of a phrase or sentence (for example, in Russian - gender, case), and non-syntactically identifiable, that is, expressing, first of all, various semantic abstractions, abstract from the properties, connections and relations of extra-linguistic reality (for example, in Russian - type, time); grammatical categories such as, for example, number or person, combine signs of both these types.

The languages \u200b\u200bof the world differ:

1) by the number and composition of grammatical categories; compare, for example, the category of the verbal form, specific for some languages \u200b\u200b- Slavic and others; the category of the so-called grammatical class - a person or a thing - in a number of Caucasian languages; the category of certainty-uncertainty, inherent mainly in languages \u200b\u200bwith the article; the category of politeness, or respectability, characteristic of a number of Asian languages \u200b\u200b(in particular, Japanese and Korean) and associated with the grammatical expression of the speaker's attitude to the interlocutor and the persons in question;

2) by the number of opposed members within the same category; compare the traditionally allocated 6 cases in Russian and up to 40 in some Dagestan;

3) according to which parts of speech contain one or another category (for example, in the Nenets language, nouns have categories of person and tense). These characteristics can change in the course of the historical development of one language; compare the three forms of number in the Old Russian language, including the dual, and two in the modern Russian language.

Lit .: Shcherba L. V. On parts of speech in the Russian language // Shcherba L. V. Selected works on the Russian language. M., 1957; Gukhman M.M.Grammatical category and structure of paradigms // Research on the general theory of grammar. M., 1968; Katsnelson S. D. Typology of language and speech thinking. L., 1972; Lomtev T.P. Sentence and its grammatical categories. M., 1972; Typology of grammatical categories. Meshchaninov's readings. M., 1973; Bondarko A. V. Theory of morphological categories. L., 1976; Panfilov V. 3. Philosophical problems of linguistics. M., 1977; Lyons J. An Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. M., 1978; Kholodovich A.A.Problems of grammatical theory. L., 1979; Russian grammar. M., 1980. T. 1.S. 453-459; Typology of grammatical categories. L., 1991; Melchuk I.A.Course of General Morphology. M., 1998. T. 2. Part 2; Gak V.G. Theoretical grammar french... M., 2004.

Grammar category Is a system of opposed rows of grammatical forms with homogeneous meanings. In this system, the categorizing feature is decisive, for example. the generalized meaning of time, person, pledge, etc., uniting the system of meanings of individual times, persons, pledges, etc. and the system of corresponding forms.

A necessary feature of gram. category is the unity of meaning and its expression in the system of grammatical forms as bilateral linguistic units. Gram. categories are subdivided into morphological and syntactic. Among the morphological categories, there are, for example, the categories of species, voice, time, mood, person, gender, number, case. The number of opposed members within such categories can be different: for example, the genus category is represented in Russian. language by a system of three rows of forms expressing the grammatical meanings of man., wives. and cf. kind, and category. numbers - a system of two rows of forms - units. and many others h.

Case category... In Russian, the case category is represented by 6 cases - nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental and prepositional. Considering the meaning of each individual case as a special grammatical category, we see that it has a complex character and consists of a number of smaller connotations. For example, objectivity can be called as one of such connotations, since the category of case is inherent in nouns denoting objects and phenomena. Another connotation can be called the belonging of a noun to a certain grammatical gender, and so on. Professor EI Shendels calls these senses semes. The concept of seme is understood as a minimal, further indivisible element of grammatical meaning. In Russian, the category of case is characterized by the presence of the following semes: objectivity, gender, number, animate / inanimate.

Number category... In both English and Russian, there is a grammatical category of number. This category expresses the quantitative relations that exist in reality, reflected in the minds of the speakers of a given language and having morphological expression in the corresponding forms of the language.

Genus category.In Russian, the category of grammatical gender has wide use... Each noun, be it animate or inanimate, in the composition of its semes that determine its grammatical essence, necessarily has this gender - masculine, feminine or neuter. The gender category for nouns of the Russian language is formal, except for nouns denoting people and animals.

The gender category - masculine, feminine, neuter - was once inherent in the nouns of the Old English period. However, the historical development of the morphological structure of the English language led to the fact that the category of grammatical gender, devoid of morphological means of expression, ceased to exist. But at the same time, as a consequence of the Old English language system, in modern English, ships, yachts and other vessels belong to the female gender. Moreover, in spoken English, informal style, animals also acquire the category of genus. Inconsistencies in grammatical gender lead to the need for translation transformations.

Certainty category - uncertainty... The content of the category of certainty - uncertainty indicates whether the object denoted by a noun is thought of as belonging to a given class of objects (indefinite article), or as a well-known object, distinguished from the class of objects similar to it (definite article).

In contrast to English, in the Russian language the category of certainty - uncertainty has no morphological expression and is expressed lexically. To express certainty, the following are used: particle - this, demonstrative pronouns this, this, this, this or that, that, those, that. In their function, they correspond to the definite article. To express uncertainty, some pronouns are used, some, some, some; numeral one. When translated into English, they are replaced by the indefinite article a or an. But it should be borne in mind that this kind of substitution is not regular, but depends on the context.

Quality grade category... The main means of expressing the category of the degree of quality are adjectives. According to their typological characteristics, adjectives in both languages \u200b\u200bdiffer significantly from each other. According to their composition, adjectives in Russian are divided into 3 categories:

1) qualitative adjectives denoting the attribute of an object directly: large - small, thick - thin, cold - warm, etc .;

2) relative adjectives denoting a feature of an object through its relation to another object or action. Relative adjectives in Russian are derived from the stems of nouns: stone - stone, truth - true, winter - winter;

3) possessive adjectives denoting the belonging of an object to a person or an animal: paternal, sisters, etc.

View and time category. These two grammatical categories in different languages \u200b\u200bhave far from the same development and the most diverse morphological composition. A species category is usually defined as a lexico-grammatical category that conveys a characteristic of the course of an action or a process indicated by a verb - the repetition, duration, repetition, instantaneousness of an action, or effectiveness, completeness, or limit, that is, the relation of an action to its internal limit. ... The listed characteristics of the course of an action or process are obtained in various languages \u200b\u200bin the most diverse morphological or morphological-syntactic expression. Thus, when translating, the translator resorts to various kinds of grammatical transformations. In Russian, two types are distinguished: imperfect (to write, speak, etc.), expressing an action in its course, and perfect (to do, write, etc.), expressing an action limited by the limit of accomplishment in any the moment of its implementation or reporting the result of a given action or process. The system of species in Russian, according to V.D.Arakin, has its own distinctive feature - the presence of correlative pairs of verbs that form correlative series of forms that permeate the entire system of verb forms with the same lexical meaning.

The central and fundamental concept of grammar is the concept of a grammatical category.

Grammar category - these are generalized meanings inherent in words, meanings abstracted from the specific lexical meanings of these words. Categorical values \u200b\u200bcan be indicators such as relationships of this word to other words in a phrase and a sentence (category of case), attitude to the person speaking (category of person), attitude of the communicated to reality (category of mood), attitude of the communicated to time (category of time), etc.

Grammar categories have varying degrees abstraction. For example, the grammatical category of case in comparison with the grammatical category of gender is a more abstracted category. So, any noun is included in the system of case relations, but not each of them is included in the system of oppositions by gender: teacher - teacher, actor - actress,but teacher, linguist, director.

b) within the framework of morphological categories, the grammatical meanings of a word (as well as grammatical formal means) are studied not in isolation, but in contrast to all other homogeneous grammatical meanings and all formal means of expressing these meanings. For example, the category of the verb type is made up of homogeneous meanings of the perfect and imperfect form, the category of a person is the homogeneous meanings of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person.

When analyzing morphological categories, it is especially important to take into account the unity of semantic and formal plans: if any plan is absent, then it is impossible to consider this phenomenon as a category. For example, there is no reason to consider the opposition of proper names to common nouns as a morphological category, since this opposition does not find a consistent formal expression. The opposition of verbal conjugations is not a category either, but for a different reason: clear formal indicators (endings) of I and II conjugations do not serve to express semantic differences between verbs of different conjugations.

1. By the number of forms that can represent the morphological category, distinguish binary and non-binary categories.

Binary categories are represented by the opposition of two (rows) forms. For example, the category of the number of a noun is represented by the singular and plural forms, the category of voice - by the forms of the active and passive voice. One form is not a system, and due to the lack of contrast of meanings (opposition), it cannot represent categories. Let's consider an analogy: a street traffic light represents a system of color signals: red - stop, yellow - attention, green - go, which, in fact, constitutes the lexical paradigm (red / yellow / green \u003d stop / attention / go).

Suppose this system is simplified, reduced to one color, then the color value system remains binary (it becomes similar to the grammatical one):

Yellow color - blinking - be careful (especially attentive), because traffic lights are installed in especially important areas of pedestrian traffic;

Red - stop, especially dangerous, lack of color allows movement;

Green - go, the absence of color in principle prohibits movement (it is dangerous to go) - a system of pointers and in the presence of one exponent, as in grammar, it appears as an opposition to its zero significance, and you can choose the most optimal system signs.

(In practice, flashing yellow color). However, with any number of forms and in non-binary categories (represented, for example, by three forms, as in the category of the mood of the verb, or six forms, as in the category of the case of a noun), binarity as a phenomenon of opposition (contrast of meanings) is of fundamental importance for the realization of the semantic potential of the category ...

2. By the nature of the opposition of components, categories are distinguished that are formed on the basis of:

1) privative (unequal), 2) equipolent (equivalent), 3) gradual (stepwise) relations.

Privative opposition by gender forms nouns of the type teacher - teacher, tractor driver - tractor driver, cashier - cashier: a masculine noun in such pairs can name both a man and a woman, and a feminine noun only a woman. The privative category is the kind in the verb. Perfective verbs answer only a semantic question What to do, and imperfective verbs, except for the question What to do,in some speech situations they also answer the question What to do? - What is the fault of the boy? What did he do? - He tore apples in someone else's garden.

Equipolent opposition is formed by some personal nouns of masculine and feminine gender: mother - father, brother - sister, girl - boy. Masculine nouns denote men, feminine nouns denote women.

Gradual relations are presented in degrees of comparison.

The case as a grammatical category in a certain volume is arranged according to the principle of additional distribution: the same lexical meaning is placed in different syntactic positions using the case: to lose someone of something, to envy someone to something, to hate someone, to admire something, to grieve about someone - about something.

In the same grammatical category can be found different principles semantic organization.

3. Depending on whether the components of the grammatical category are one word or represent different lexemes, they distinguish inflectional and classifying (lexical and grammatical) categories. Inflectional categories find their expression in the opposition of different word forms of the same word. For example, the category of the face of a verb is inflectional, since to find it, it is enough to compare different shapes one verb (go, go, go).

Non-verbal (classification, or lexico-grammatical) categories find their expression in the opposition of words according to their grammatical properties. Taking into account the meanings expressed by non-verbal categories, the vocabulary of the language can be divided into grammatical classes (therefore, the morphological categories of this type are called classification). For example, the categories of gender and animate / inanimate of nouns are non-verbal.

A. V. Bondarko called inflectional categories correlative, and classifying ones - non-correlative. In doing so, he singled out consistently correlative, consistently non-correlative and inconsistently correlative grammatical categories.

E.V. Klobukov proposed to single out interpretive morphological categories as a special type, “ intended to express the degree of relative importance of two or more homogeneous semantic elements»Statements. " Thanks to these categories, one of the homogeneous meanings is highlighted by the speaker as the main, and the other meaning as an additional, accompanying, comitative information part.". Klobukov calls the grammatical meaning expressed by such categories as comitative.In his opinion, the opposition of complete and short forms adjective, conjugated and attributive forms of the verb, forms of the real and suffering voice, as well as the nominative and vocative cases of indirect cases

4. By the nature of the content, morphological categories differ from formal dominant and semantic dominant.

In categories with a formal dominant, the forms perform to a greater extent the function of constructing a sentence, its building units - combinations of words, and not distinguishing grammatical semantics based on conceptual content. These are the categories of gender, number and case of adjectives. Forms of adjectives agree in gender, number and case with the noun. These three different categories in the adjective denote the same formal feature - dependence on the noun: the material differences of these forms white (scarf) - white (dress) - white (scarf) - white (scarves, dresses, scarves, trousers) - white (trousers)- etc. - do not introduce any meanings into the semantics of forms, except overall value adjective - depending on the noun.

Another thing is the form of the number of nouns in words denoting countable objects: house - at home, notebook - notebooks... However, in other nouns, the forms of numbers lose this quantitative semantics, their formal side is enhanced: the form of the number is in some cases only an indicator of the formal independence of the noun, independence in number from other words (compare: ate soup - ate cabbage soup; bought perfume, cologne - bought perfume, cologne; put on glasses, bruki).

The case forms of nouns distinguish between the subject / object of action: The student asks the teacher. - The teacher asks the student... Sentences differ not in form, but in the meaning of the subject / object of the same lexical units. The case category is a category with semantic significance, but it also has formal (structural) significance.

The situation is even more complicated with the gender category of a noun. Therefore, in different grammars one can find different interpretations of the content of this category: either it falls into the lexico-grammatical category, then into the grammatical category. The content of the category of genus is genetically based on the distinction between masculine and feminine, everything that is connected with it in one way or another, but synchronously only in some cases does the form of the gender reveal the semantics of gender. In Russian, in accordance with the gender of the noun, the words were distributed according to the types of declension, so that we can already talk about the type of declension as a morphological expression of the gender.

Thus, the category of the gender of a noun in modern Russian is a category with a formal dominant, interacting with the lexical component of a word form. Semantically, the gender form is not motivated in words denoting realities that do not have gender characteristics: house - wall - window... The gender of these nouns is a purely formal feature of the noun; the immutability of the gender is an indicator of the form of a noun, as opposed to an adjective, and an indicator of the type of declension (as well as the forms of number in nouns unchanged in number; in particular, nouns such as glasses, gates, scissors are sometimes called nouns of the natural pair gender for this feature). Many nouns denoting persons and living beings ( painter, fellow, soldier; pike, dog etc.).

A prominent part of nouns, however, has a gender-motivated gender form: father - mother, cow - bull, lion - lioness... In some nouns, the morphological expression of the gender - the type of declension - does not coincide with the syntactic one - the main indicator of the gender: like [oh] men [ah] (which gives rise to the child's natural question: "Dad, are you husband?"). The semantic field of masculine and feminine is, of course, broader than the semantics of the sex itself. The meaning of masculine, for example, is associated with the semantics of the strong, important, large, etc., the meaning of the feminine is associated with the semantics of tender, soft, beautiful and everything opposite to masculine.

« In tongues weighed down - as I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay, - genital nightmare”, In the historical context, you can observe how the mentality of the people was formed in the field of fundamental human culture problems, analyzing the design of nouns by gender. But this must be done with great care, understanding a certain conventionality of the form and the inevitability of folk etymologization in this paralinguistic field of research, creative potential which can be seen in the work of the artist with the word.

As a category with a formal dominant, the category of the gender of a noun has developed to perform a structural function - to connect, on the one hand, adjectives with a noun, on the other hand, a noun with verbs and other nouns. This category is represented by the forms of agreement of the adjective with the noun and the type of declension, formed in accordance with the gender of the noun.

In the forms of mood, the assessment of the action from the point of view of the reality of the action is expressed ( read - read - read), in the forms of time - the relation of action to the moment of speech ( read - read - read - read, will read), in the form of a face - the attitude to the speaker as to the performer of the action ( read - read - read), in the forms of the form - the nature of the course of action in time ( record - record), in the forms of pledge - the location of the action relative to its subject and object ( lost — was lost: Children lost a telegram in the snow. - The telegram was lost by children in the snow).

The term "grammatical category" is also used in a different, broader sense - in the meaning of a class of words united by common grammatical features. In this sense, we are talking about the category of a noun, etc. However, this adds a qualifying adjective lexical, i.e. it comes about lexical and grammatical categories of words, or parts of speech.