Interesting questions about birds for children. Quiz dedicated to "Bird Day"


  • check and deepen the knowledge gained by grade 3 students in the lessons of the surrounding world on the topic "Animal diversity" about the birds of their native land, their benefits; to identify the best connoisseurs of feathered friends;
  • continue to develop memory, thinking, broaden horizons, erudition;
  • foster love and respect for wildlife.

Equipment: plaques with numbers from 1 to 8, recordings with the voices of birds, prizes for participants, a diploma for the winner, certificates for participants, star tokens, images of birds, a board with tasks, an encrypted word, reproduction of a painting.

Preparation: children prepare messages about birds, poems.

Game progress

Introductory speech of the teacher. (the recording with the voices of birds turns on)

Dear Guys! Today we are holding a quiz dedicated to our feathered friends - birds. They are dear to us as part of the nature of our Motherland. Rich and varied animal world Krasnoyarsk Territory. Here, in the taiga and tundra, in the mountains and forests, there are about 342 species of birds. Their melodic, cheerful, sonorous songs, bright plumage inspire joy in us. Nature is dead without them.

What other benefits do birds have?

(They protect our forests, orchards, vegetable gardens from harmful insects, mice; carry seeds ...)

Many birds fly south
Many spend the winter with us.
Jackdaw, crow, bullfinch, sparrow.
Come on, guys, remember them soon!

(children call wintering and migratory birds)

Before starting the game, in which the winner - the best bird connoisseur - will be determined, we will conduct a qualifying round and select the participants in the game. I think that smart, curious guys have gathered here who will quickly and correctly answer all my questions.

Qualifying round.


Which bird is considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge? (owl)

Who is called a forest doctor? (woodpecker)

What do hunters call a capercaillie? (kapalukha)

What bird in our area can live 100 years? (Crow)

(forest ravens live in pairs for 200 years)

What birds spend the night burrowing in the snow? (black grouse, hazel grouses)

When is International Bird Day?

Terms of play "The Starry Hour".

8 participants of the game have been determined. They will fight to win. After each round, 2 players, having collected the least number of star tokens, automatically leave the game, become fans-spectators, having received the participant's prize. And only one participant with the most tokens will become the winner of the game.

So, the start of the 1st round is announced.

1st round.

Birds are depicted on the board.

Take a close look at these birds and remember everything you know about them.

Answering questions, at my command, you need to raise the plate with the desired number - the answer.

Round 1 questions.

1. What bird comes to us with the onset of winter, loves to eat mountain ash?

(2 - bullfinch)

1 student.

These red-breasted birds in summer live further north, in the taiga, and in the first half of winter, flying away from severe frosts appear in our forests. Some of them stay with us all winter. They can often be seen in the snow, like red apples scattered along the roads, under the trees.

2 student.

You know the North and Siberia,
You burned your chest, bullfinch.
What a cold winter day
Did you scorch her with fire?
And there was a red spot
In your family a long time ago ...

(A. A. Prokofiev)

2. The bird is a postman, a symbol of peace. (4 - pigeon)

In the distant past, these birds lived in the mountains, so they like to nest in attics and rooftops.

3. Which bird's tail helps not only in flight, but also in obtaining food? (3 - woodpecker)

3 student.

The feathers on the tail of the woodpecker are strong, they can rest against the protrusions of the bark. The beak is long and strong, sharp. The woodpecker hits them only where he hears that a caterpillar is sitting under the bark. The woodpecker will make a hole with its beak, pull out the caterpillar and eat it. Likes to peck spruce and pine cones.

4. An agile and agile bird with a greenish back and yellow belly. (6 - tit)

4 student.

Tits do not fly to warm countries for the winter. In a fierce cold, they fly to the huts.

In spring and summer, flying from tree to tree, tits find all cracks in search of insects and their larvae. Great tit kills 120 caterpillars per day. While feeding the chicks, a pair of tits flies to the nest up to 500 times, bringing 1000 different insects.

5. What bird does not build nests and hatch chicks? (5 - cuckoo)

5 student.

Over the summer, the cuckoo destroys 270 thousand large caterpillars and May beetles.

All birds build nests, hatch chicks, except for the cuckoo. She is waiting for some bird to fly away from the nest for food, and toss her egg into someone else's nest.

6. This bird makes its nests in the cliffs above the river. (1 - swallow)

6 student.

A family of swallows over the summer destroys about a million pests.

Swallows come to us, like swifts, in the spring. They build their house out of clay and their own saliva in the cliffs above the river. In the summer, they breed their chicks, teach them to catch flies and midges, dragonflies and other insects.

(recording of A. Fet's poem "The Swallows Gone")

7. What bird likes to ride on the back of a cow, horse, sheep in order to find food there - insects, larvae? (8 - starling)

A family of starlings per day destroys 350 caterpillars, beetles, snails, saving fields, orchards and vegetable gardens.

8. What bird is called a nocturnal cat? (7 - owl)

7 student.

At night, an owl flies noiselessly over a forest glade. A mouse will dash, rustle the leaves, the owl will catch it and return to the hollow again. The owl has been under protection since 1964. One owl kills 1000 mice over the summer, which are capable of destroying 1 ton of grain. No cat can compete with an owl in this.

The results of the 1st round are summed up, the star tokens are counted, 2 participants leave the game, having received prizes.

2nd round.

Birds are depicted on the board.

1 2 3

Round 2 questions.

1. Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (2 - crossbill)

Crossbills live in coniferous forests, climb branches, clinging to their paws and beak. Even if it hangs downside down, or upside down, it doesn't matter to him. He is busy with one thing: hulling seeds from cones. And for this he has a special beak - the lower and upper halves intersect at the ends.

2. Which of the birds fly to us in the spring from the south first - rooks or starlings? (1 - rooks)

Rooks build nests from dry branches high on trees. On one tree, there are sometimes 15 - 20 nests.

Starlings follow the rooks. The starlings arrive first, followed by the birdworms a few days later. By their arrival, males look for a birdhouse, sing, waiting for their girlfriends - nestlings.

The results of the 2nd round are summed up, 4 participants remain in the game.

3rd round.

(reproduction of the painting by the famous artist "The Rooks Have Arrived")

(a quiet melody sounds)

Here is a reproduction of a painting by a famous artist, which was painted in 1871. Many years have passed since then. Before us is a lovely picture of Russian nature. The heralds of spring - the rooks - have returned to their old nests from the warm lands. There are no bright colors in the picture, but a quiet joy emanates from it, love for its edge.

Round 3 question.

Which of the following artists painted this picture? (2 - Savrasov)






The results of the 3rd round are being summed up.

Additional questions if the children have collected the same number of tokens

Who is the cuckoo - a male or a female cuckoo? (male - kukukh)

The smallest bird in the coniferous forest? (kinglet)

Which bird has the longest tongue - 8 - 10 cm? (woodpecker)

What are the birds of prey? (owl, eagle, hawk)

What birds do not land on the ground or on the water? (swifts)

Why was the bird called the nightjar? (have a large mouth, but fly up to the herd to hunt insects)

Which bird cries like a cat? (oriole)

What bird hisses like a snake? (wryneck)

The final of the game.

(2 participants will fight for the title of the best connoisseur of nature and birds)


It spins, chirps,

He's busy all day.

Final assignment.

From the word FORTY in 2 min. make up as many words as possible.


Summing up the results of the game, awarding the best player with a diploma, the floor to the winner.

Guys, our game has come to an end. I think that everyone has discovered something new for themselves today. And the main thing is that birds are our friends, part of nature, younger brothers. And we must protect and protect them, feed them in winter, build birdhouses in the spring.

Until next time, young nature lovers!

You can use questions about birds with answers to prepare an interesting quiz for children and adults.

Questions about birds with answers

1. What bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird.)

2. Which bird has the longest tongue? (The woodpecker has 15 cm.)

3. Which bird makes fishbone bedding in a nest? (Kingfisher.)

4. What bird does not sit on the ground, or on the water, or on a tree? (Swift.)

5. What bird runs for food along the river bed? (Dipper.)

6. Which bird has three different colors during the year? (White partridge.)

7. Which birds have wings covered with scales rather than feathers? (At the penguin.)

8. When is the sparrow's body temperature lower - in winter or summer? (Same.)

9. What nocturnal bird does not build its nests? (Nightjar.)

10. Which bird has green females and yellow males? (At the Oriole.)

11. A bird that feeds on carrion? (Sip.)

12. A bird that exterminates rodents? (Owl.)

13. A bird with absolutely black plumage? (Crow.)

14. Birds that breed in winter? (Crossbill.)

15. A waterfowl that destroys a large number of fish? (Cormorant.)

16. Predatory bird, not making nests? (Peregrine Falcon.)

17. What does the word "Archeopteryx" mean? (Ancient wing.)

18. What kind of birds are called albinos? (Birds that have no pigment.)

19. What bird can't fly? (Ostrich.)

20. What is the name of the bird that feeds on snakes? (Snake eater.)

21. Which bird has a floating nest? (At the chomga.)

22. Which bird has a nest like a mitten? (At the Remez tit.)

23. Who has the most amazing nose? (At the crossbill - a cross, at the flamingo - a boomerang.)

24. Give a name to the bird: long legs - stilts (stilt walker); bald spot on the head (coot); green from head to toe (greenfinch); shakes with a tail (wagtail); white eyebrows (white-browed); white legs (white-leg).

25. How many species of birds are there on earth? (8500.)

26. Most fast birds? (Falcons - 300 km / h; Swifts 170 km / h.)

27. Fishing bird? (Cormorant, pelican, gull, merganser, guillemot, eagle, loon, heron, kingfisher.)

28. What birds do not hatch eggs? (Cuckoos.)

29. What birds incubate an egg, holding it on their paws? (Penguins.)

30. What does “pelican” mean in Greek? (Bag.)

31. A bird that looks like a mouse can squeak? (Pika.)

32. What bird shouts “it's time to sleep, it's time to sleep”? (Quail.)

33. What birds - the only ones among chicken relatives - are migratory? (Quail.)

34. Which birds have the exact same name as mushrooms? (Toadstools.)

35. Birds crawling? (Nuthatch.)

36. Which bird sings with its tail? (Snipe.)

37. Name five songbirds? (For example, nightingale, lark, finch, titmouse, thrush.)

38. What bird likes to eat forget-me-nots? (Finch.)

39. About what bird do people say: "The beauty of an angel, the voice of the devil, the step of a villain"? (Peacock.)

40. What bird is very beautiful, but croaks like a raven? (Bird of paradise.)

41. How does the firebird cry? (Croaks like a frog.)

42. What bird turns white by winter? (White.)

43. How is a magpie's nest different from a crow's nest? (The magpie is flat, the crow is round with a lid.)

44. Which birds have red males and green females? (At the crossbills.)

45. What are the most birds in the world? (Domestic chickens, sparrows.) Or What are the most numerous birds on Earth? (Chickens.)

46. ​​What bird is used for hunting foxes, hares, wolves in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan? (Golden eagle.)

47. What bird has the ability to sleep in flight? (Stork.)

48. What is the largest bird in our country? (Pelican.)

49. Which bird lays the largest eggs? (Ostrich - egg length 15-17cm, and diameter 13-15cm.)

50. How many times is the sight of eagles, hawks, vultures sharper than human? (8 times.)

51. What bird can dive deeper than anyone else? (Emperor penguin, 200 meters deep.)

52. How many times per second does a hummingbird flap its wings during flight? (Up to 55 times.)

53. How fast can an ostrich run? (Up to 50 km / h.)

54. What is the body temperature of most birds? (About 41 degrees.)

55. Which bird has the largest wingspan? (Albatross, over 5.5 meters.)

56. How many breeds of pigeons have been bred by man? (More than 800.)

57. What is the name of the science that studies birds? (Ornithology.)

58. When is the sparrow's body temperature lower: in winter or summer? (Same.)

59. What is the stork's favorite treat? (Frogs.)

60. Where do titmice nest? (In the hollows of trees.)

1. Why in the spring the cuckoo promises more long life? (In the spring, birds have a mating season, so the male cuckoo for a longer time, calling on his girlfriend)

2. Among the inhabitants of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, the feathers of an eagle owl were considered a talisman that protects a person from misfortune. This is all because they mistook the graceful transverse pattern on the owl's feathers for the thinnest ligature with which the sayings were written ... From what? (From the Quran)

3. The name of which bird literally means “papal rooster” in Italian, because in the Middle Ages these birds were kept in large numbers in the Vatican? (Parrot)

4. The peculiarity of this bird is an unusually flexible tongue with jagged edges, like on a fishing hook. It is long (in some species up to twenty centimeters), covered with sticky saliva - perfect fit for catching insects hiding under the bark and in anthills. In the "inoperative" state, the tongue is laid in the head like an accordion, and when feeding it protrudes from the beak by ten centimeters. What is this bird? (Woodpecker)

5. The ancient Incas sacrificed not only people but also birds to the gods. Which ones? (Parrots, if they knew how to speak)

6. Now it is difficult to imagine our life without mobile phones... They have filled the whole world, and in the Scandinavian countries every second has them. This has led to very unexpected consequences for the environment. Danish bird watchers report that local birds, with their cries, began to imitate ... mobile phone calls. What birds rank first among parodists? (Starlings)

7. This bird knows how to cheat and pretend. If there is a danger for her chicks in the nest, she begins to run back and forth, pretending to be wounded, dragging a wing behind her. A fox or an ermine fall for this bait, and it takes them further and further from the nest. What is this bird? (Woodcock - translated from German "forest sandpiper")

8. What is the smallest bird on earth that is slightly larger than a bumblebee and weighs no more than two grams. (Hummingbird)

9. What birds do not sit on the ground or on the branches; eat, drink, mate and even sleep on the fly, but on the ground they are completely helpless: can they barely crawl? (Black Swifts)

10. Is the raven the husband of the raven? (No. This is a completely different bird. The raven is much larger than a raven, with black plumage and a wedge-shaped tail)

11. The family of pigeons has about three hundred species. And what are the city pigeons called, which wander the streets and squares and have no respect for monuments to great people? (Sisari)

12. This bird got its name because at the moment of danger it stretches its neck, starts shaking its head from side to side, making a kind of hissing sound. Might even dash head first and snort menacingly. What is this bird? (Wryneck)

13. In Russia, killing two birds was considered a sin. One of them is a crane. Name the second bird. (Swan)

14. According to legend, a woman who killed her husband turned into a cuckoo. The unhappy woman was doomed to eternal loneliness. Her monotonous "cuckoo", which we all heard in spring or early summer, reminded people of bitter crying. In fact, the sounds that this bird makes are not inconsolable crying at all. What is this? (This is a jubilant marriage song. And, naturally, the male sings it)

15. By popular belief, the tears that the cuckoo sheds turn into flowers. What are their names? (Kukushka's tears)

16. What does a cuckoo do if someone else's nest, which she looked after in order to lay her egg there, is closed (in a crack or in a hollow)? (She will lay an egg on the ground, and then, taking it in her paws, she will put it in the nest)

17. Which bird has a flat frontal head forming a “face” like a human? (At the owl)

18. What bird did the ancient Greeks consider a symbol of wisdom, and in Ancient egypt, India, Japan and China was it considered a bird of death? (Owl)

19. What birds do not incubate their chicks, but survive? (Penguins. The penguin-dad stands in the cold, holds an egg with the future cub on his paws and does not move. He does not even eat anything until the baby hatches)

20. What bird is a companion of the crocodile: it feeds on the remnants of food in its terrible mouth and at the same time brushes the reptiles' teeth? (Sandpiper)

21. Russian people first saw a parrot in 1490. It was brought to Moscow as a gift to Ivan III by the ambassador of the Roman emperor. The word "parrot" itself appeared in Russian much earlier. What did this word mean in Russian? (The word "parrot" meant a big whip among Russians, with which they frightened domestic animals if they wandered into other people's crops)

22. It is known that birds can make sounds - from simple chirps to complex and beautiful trills. But there is a bird in Australia that can laugh demonically. And she does it at a certain time of the day. Even people use it to check their watches. What is this bird? (Kookaburra is one of the symbols of Australia)

23. Medical scientists have noticed that each Living being in nature, in its own way, heals and prevents their diseases. The lapwing bird went, perhaps, the farthest. She knows how to do a medical procedure for herself. Which one? (Lapwing, typing water in a long beak, knows how to do an enema for himself)

24. What is the largest feathered predator on earth? (This is a condor from the family of American vultures. Its body length is more than a meter, its wingspan is up to three meters, and its weight is up to twelve kilograms. The strength of a huge bird is amazing: it often pushes bulls into the abyss in order to later dine on crashed animals)

25. Miners often take this bird with them into the mine. She feels well even low concentrations of poisonous firedamp that are not noticeable for a person's sense of smell. However, having warned the miners about the danger, she herself dies. What bird in question? (About the canary)

26. The popular imagination attributed to this bird a special relationship with evil spirits... They called him an eagle-owl, Grand Duke, owl-god, scarecrow. What bird are we talking about? (About the owl)

27. If the sparrow took bird home, then what do the swallows do with the invader? (If the swallows fail to drive the sparrow out, they brick the hole in the nest and lock the offender there)

Birds quiz

1. Bird, a symbol of purity and nobility. (Swan.)

2. Fidget bird. (Wagtail.)

3. Silly handsome men. (Pheasants.)

4. Who has the bag under the beak? (At the pelican.)

5. What bird breeds chicks in the rain? (Swan.)

6. Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle.)

7. Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift.)

8. What is the stork's favorite treat? (Frogs.)

9. What bird can fly with its tail forward? (Hummingbird.)

10. What is the smallest bird in our country? (Kinglet.)

11. What bird is called the forest doctor? (Woodpecker.)

12. What bird on a summer evening reminds people that it's time to sleep? (Quail.)

13. What bird is called a gossip? (Forty.)

14. What birds are said to be “messengers of the young spring”? (About larks.)

15. Who sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by (Owl.)

16. Who flies to us earlier - swifts or swallows (Swallows.)

17. Why shouldn't you touch the eggs in the nests with your hands? (Because the birds then throw their nests.)

18. What is more terrible for birds - cold or hunger of winter? (Hunger.)

19. With the arrival of what birds does spring begin? (With the arrival of rooks.)

20. What birds spend the night buried in the snow? (Black grouse, partridges, hazel grouses.)

21. What bird, returning from the south, walks part of the way (Crake, or dergach.)

Game "Birds are our friends".

Target: 1. to expand the knowledge of students about the diversity of birds;

2. to systematize knowledge about the life of birds, their relationship with environment, about their role in human life;

3. to teach schoolchildren to realize the need for a sensitive and careful attitude towards nature.

Equipment: riddles, puzzles, drawings, bird cry, recorded on tape.

Game progress:

One of the great songs encourages us to stop and look around. Yes, the world is really beautiful, it is full of wonders and mysteries. Every day we meet with its secrets. But we often hurry and pass by without noticing them. Sometimes, trying to guess some of the mysteries of nature, we are surprised at the discovery made suddenly. Such discoveries include wonderful world feathered. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with their singing, varied plumage. Without bird chirping, the world would be dull. That is why we dedicate this meeting to them, our feathered friends.

1 competition. The people have always noticed signs of certain phenomena, objects of animate and inanimate nature and aptly reflected them in riddles, many of which are devoted to birds. Guess some of them.

1. Bela, as snow, black as coal,

Turns around, sings like a demon and the road to the forest. (magpie)

2. Who has never taken a step. (Sparrow)

3. Black, agile, shouts "crack",

Enemy to worms. (rook)

4. Coloring - grayish,

By her habits - thieving,

Hoarse screamer,

Famous person. (Crow)

5. Cries in the swamp, does not come from the swamp. (sandpiper)

6. Silence during the day, screams at night. (owl)

7. A neat house for children

The branches were built from dry ones.

Since then, over our hut

"Ta-ta-ta" flies winged. (stork)

8. Mother, I don’t know my father, but I often mention it.

I will not know the children, I will come true to strangers. (cuckoo)

2nd competition. Draw up a radial diagram of bird concepts.

Birds: chordates, oviparous, vertebrates, light skeleton, feathers, keel, warm-blooded, beak, 2 stomachs, 4 chambered heart, lungs, air sac.

3rd competition. Question answer:

1. The best singers. (in the grove - a nightingale, in the field - a lark, in the forest - a thrush).

2. The most skillful nest builders. (titmouse, oriole, swallow).

3. The best flyers. (swallows, falcon, eagles, vultures).

4. The best swimmers and divers. (loon, guillemot, salmon)

5. The best runners and runners. (jerk, runner, jay, quail)

6. The most friendly. (seagulls, swallows, shorebirds, starlings)

7. The bird is a symbol of peace and purity. (pigeon)

8. Is there bird's milk? (in pigeons, penguins)

4th competition."Fieldword".

Given are pictures of birds. Each team is given filewords on which they need to find the name of the birds, the image of which is in the picture. This is a task for speed, for the correct identification of the names of birds and finding them on the "filword".

5th competition. "Bird Concert".

Everyone knows that birds are great singers and musicians. Listening to songbirds can write an opera. The Russian composer N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov used the voices of birds in music more often than others. In the opera "Snow Maiden" in the chorus and dance of birds there are the voices of a cuckoo and a thrush, in the recitative of Spring - the whistling of a bullfinch. Now you will listen to the recordings of the voices of birds, determine which of the birds belongs to these songs.

6th competition. We play hide and seek.

If you correctly arrange the letters in these combinations, then you will get the names of all known birds.

7th competition."Warm-up".

1. What birds fly to us from the south first? (rooks)

2. What birds hatch chicks in winter? (crossbills)

3. What birds spend the night burrowing in the snow? (black grouse, hazel grouse)

4. What is the smallest bird in our sultry forests? (kinglet)

5. What bird makes reserves, pricking prey on the thorns of bushes? (shrike)

6. Which birds have red males and green females? (at the crossbills)

7. Which bird turns white by winter? (partridge)

8. How is a magpie's nest different from a crow's nest? (the magpie's nest is flat, and the crow's nest is round with a lid)

9. What birds nest in earthen burrows? (shore swallow, kingfisher)

10. What birds of ours do not sit on the ground or on the water? (swifts)

11. What is the largest bird in the world? (African ostrich)

12. Which of our birds flies the fastest? (swift)

13. What is the smallest bird in the world? (hummingbird)

14. Why is the capercaillie called so: capercaillie? (the bird hears nothing during the twitching)

15. What bird makes a nest from fish bones? (kingfisher)

8th competition. "Mailbox".

Guys, three letters have come to our address. Guess who wrote them.

“I have a black hat on my head, the back, wings and tail are dark, and my breast is bright yellow, as if I was wearing a yellow vest. In the summer I eat bugs, worms, and in the winter, without food, I eat everything: various grains, and bread crumbs, and boiled vegetables. But I especially love unsalted lard. Guess who I am? " (tit)

“They call me 'the caretaker of the forest'. I wake up very early and start whistling, as if waking everyone from sleep. I live in a tree, in a hollow. All my life I have been on my feet, running back and forth, up and down a tree, and I only need wings to fly from one tree to another. I love nuts, lime nuts, maple lionfish. In the fall, I hide the food under the bark, so as not to starve in winter. And my color is not very noticeable. Who am I? " (nuthatch)

“I am an unusually elegant bird. There are colors in my paint: red, black, brown, yellow, white. Most often you can see me on the bushes of burdock and thistle, where I feed. I sing amazingly. My sonorous trills transform the forest. Who am I? " (goldfinch)

9th competition. "Bird Talk".

Geese quack

The nightingales cry

The cranes are giggling

Ducks whistle

Crows hoot

Swallows coo

Doves croak

Tits chirp

Owls squeak

Students use arrows to show who is talking how. (for speed)

10 competition. "Bird Professions".

Can you recognize the birds by characteristic feature, for their business?

The bird is a fisherman. Nightingale

The bird is a carpenter. Martin

Forest cat. Nuthatch

The bird is a builder. Cormorant

The bird is an acrobat. Oriole

Feathered soloist. Cuckoo

Night predator. Woodpecker

Frivolous mother. Owl

People have long been accustomed to the neighborhood of birds, accustomed to seeing and hearing them near them. How boring and uninteresting the world would be without our feathered friends. And today's game is a confirmation of these words. Interesting and unforgettable encounters with the world of birds.

(Performance of the song "How beautiful this world is").