Food and refusal. Vegetarian food - avoiding animal products

There are people who cannot tolerate foods with gluten (or, as they say, gluten), and this disease is called celiac disease. There is a lot of gluten in wheat and therefore in bread. But it is also found in the mass of other products, and if you have an intolerance to it, it is necessary to exclude not only bread.

But often people give up on buns without being tested and not convinced that it is good for them. In such cases, giving up bread is hardly justified.

Refusal of sweets

One of the most popular failures. And the most justified: firstly, sugar, even in moderate quantities, is really harmful, and secondly, refusal from it does not threaten your health with anything bad. The official daily sugar requirement today is roughly 50-60 grams. That is, 10-12 teaspoons or pieces. And this is all sugar - both the one that you add to the dishes yourself, and the one that the manufacturers added to the products. The most harmful form of sugar is sugary drinks, including juices. Of these, sugar is absorbed the fastest, and this is the worst. The slower it is absorbed, the less harmful it is. That is why they are now actively studying the negative effects of soda - this is one of the main and massive sources of sugar for us.

Alexey Bueverov, gastroenterologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.I. Sechenov:

Celiac disease is indeed much more common than previously thought. In adults, it often proceeds atypically, without diarrhea and weight loss, and sometimes even with an increase in it, and is disguised as many diseases and even simply under feeling unwell. You should always think about it when the patient has some not very clear digestive problems. Unfortunately, primary care physicians are not familiar with this disease and are not in the mood to actively diagnose it. And today it is quite real. First you need to take a blood test for the content of special antibodies, and then you can do an endoscopic examination and see the state of the initial sections of the small intestine. It is possible to treat such a disease without medication, usually one diet is enough. Sitting on it, unlike many others, is easier. She is balanced and healthy.

Avoiding fat

Avoiding fats, oils and fatty foods is also one of the most popular. But unlike sugar, a complete lack of fat in your diet can be harmful. For example, fish oil contains essential omega-3 fatty acids, which must be obtained from food, just like vitamins. In addition, there are fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, which must be assimilated with fats. Without them, vitamins will pass through the digestive tract in transit, and this is fraught with a lack of vitamins or even vitamin deficiency. So it's better not to give up fat at all. Eat less animal fats, and stick to vegetable and oily fish.

Refusal from salty

There are people who do not add salt to their food and avoid especially salty foods. Are they doing the right thing or not? This is often said to be wrong, as the sodium in salt is essential. And then, as proof, they list the functions that it performs in our body. But this is only part of the truth: sodium really participates in many processes, but its real lack is practically not found. Sodium is naturally found in various foods (even unsalted ones), and it is quite sufficient. The only disadvantage can be in workers in hot workshops or in very hot climates, as well as with very intense physical exertion. If this is not about you, giving up salt and salty will only benefit. After all, salt increases blood pressure, retains water in the body and, as it turns out, even increases the risk of developing stomach cancer.

Avoiding meat

Not only vegetarians refuse meat, sausages, ham, brisket, pates and other meat products. Given the recent announcement by the World Health Organization that meat and meat products are included in the official list of carcinogens, there are likely to be even more such people.

If you easily tolerate such a refusal and replace meat products with poultry and fish, then there is nothing wrong with that. Another thing is that it would be even easier to give up not all meat, but only industrially made products from it. And the meat itself, cooked at home (optimally - not fried and not made on charcoal) is an excellent product containing very high-quality protein.

Anatoly Ignatiev, physician and leading specialist of the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov:

American scientists from Tufts University have calculated that 184 thousand people die in the world from diseases caused by the consumption of carbonated drinks every year. At the same time, according to their data, 133 thousand people died from type 2 diabetes mellitus, 45 thousand from cardiovascular diseases, 6450 from cancer. All these are diseases in the development of which sweet soda plays a significant role. Russia in this death rating is approximately the average position with 66 deaths per million of the population, in the United States, the death rate is twice as much - 125 people per million, they are in second place. And Mexico is in the lead with 405 deaths per million population.

I am writing this article at the request of one of my readers, because I think that the topic of switching to a diet of at least "refusing meat" is very important and burning!

This is the first part where I write about our most important the must. In the second part I will tell you about the transition itself and various useful tricks.

Why I find it obvious to give up meat?

In principle, on this topic, I have an excellent article from a series of what happens to you if you, but I want to add the following to it:

In fact, the list is not complete, but the main one, in my opinion, I wrote.

So, what should we do to ensure that the transition to plant and whole-grain foods goes smoothly, and we do not lose our hair, nails and acquire a wonderful earthy complexion along the way :(:

      1. Make this decision only with all your heart! If you feel good during Orthodox or any other fasts, you feel incredible lightness in your body, your intestines start to work like a clock, and life takes on colors, then try to fast for a few more months and watch your body carefully. And if you feel good, then this is yours.
      2. Vegetarian food, of course, is the food of the future and food for people with more "subtle" vibrations, frequencies, etc., which will soon be characteristic of very many, simply by virtue of progress and historical development. That is, as soon as you start to meditate more, pray, be in nature and immerse yourself in Unity, do yoga or any other types of energy practices, then, believe me, the transition and rejection of meat will be completely painless and obvious. When you are doing energy practices *, then you do not want meat, it is true.
      3. Your rule N1: Vegetable protein + vegetable protein + vegetable protein :))). I want to say that this is the most important thing, remember by heart all the sources of vegetable protein and how many of them to eat per day in grams: lentils, mung beans, chickpeas, tofu, black beans, quinoa, amaranth, soy milk (!), Green peas, artichokes , hemp seeds, oatmeal and pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, edamame beans, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, green beans (green beans), etc. I will make a separate article and tell you "how much to hang in grams" :). I just make myself daily bean soups, cutlets, salads.
      4. Your rule N2: ZINC. It is found in meat and is a very important nutrient for blood sugar, skin, digestion and the immune system. Balances hormones, promotes lean body mass and healthy hormone levels in general. However, not all herbal options will provide you with high doses. But some nuts, seeds and grains, specifically almonds, hemp, chia, pumpkin seeds, cocoa beans, oats, and quinoa, contain adequate amounts of zinc. Eat some (or all) of them daily, just toss them in salads, desserts, or snack on them (!) During all your meals. Of course, you can try supplements with zinc as well.
      5. Rule N3: IRON. This mineral is found in the same place :))): in chia, hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds, along with spinach, cabbage and spirulina. Iron contributes to the formation of red blood cells in the body, energy, healthy metabolism, and ha-a-a-rosh mood. Although meat is the main source of heme iron (a form that is easier to absorb), there are plant sources that are not inferior to it: oats and pseudo-grains such as quinoa, teff and amaranth, as well as pumpkin and cocoa beans (15-30% in 2 tbsp. l.). Beans and legumes are also good sources of iron: my favorite lentils, black beans, soybeans, tofu, and tempeh are some of the best!
      6. Rule # 4: GROUP B VITAMINS. I call them antistress vitamins (about this). By the way, read about how to properly take supplements or eat foods with vitamins. Meat also contains a large amount of B vitamins, but there are also plant foods that are not inferior to it. Nutritional yeast, spirulina and other blue-green algae contain vitamin B12 (although supplementation is still advisable, even if you eat meat to provide your body with this magical vitamin, in Bali every vegetarian is injected periodically :)). Vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 are found in abundance in plant foods and promote healthy skin, hair, energy levels, stress management, and brain health. Top Sources: Again chia, spinach, bananas, almonds, beans, beans, oats, nutritional yeast, algae, raisins, figs, and hemp seeds.

These are the basic rules, the rest of the tips and useful tricks I will describe in the next article!

All Beauty, Radiance and Love!

The schoolchild is not obliged to eat in the cafeteria, but in this case, parents must provide the child with other nutritional conditions, the Ministry of Education said.

- Such that hot food is obligatory and you want it, you don’t want it, but eat what you were given, it should not be, - says Alexandra Alekseeva, Chief Specialist of the Department of General Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education. “However, the administration of the educational institution and parents should be interested in ensuring that children receive quality food. The child needs to eat every 3.5-4 hours. This is the law. And if the student does not go to the cafeteria, he needs to provide him with other food conditions.

According to the specialist, moms and dads should remember that if they save money on food for their children, this can lead to disruptions in the development of the child.

- The sanitary rules stipulate that the child is obliged to receive a compulsory one-time meal at school, - adds a colleague Alla Malakhova, Head of the Department of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents of the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health. - It's either lunch or dinner. The fact that a child does not eat in the cafeteria should be an exception. After all, this is not a substitute for any fuss. Indeed, there are children who categorically do not eat, and there are parents who do not give money for food.

Alla Malakhova says that the task of the classroom is to track down why the child is not receiving hot meals. Find out if he goes to the buffet or takes a party. The main thing is that for 6-7 hours, while the student is in the classroom, he does not starve.

- It happens that the school is near the house and the child can run off to eat, but all this should be monitored, - the specialist continues. - In cases where the classmate sees that the child is not eating at school, you need to call the parents and talk to them harshly. Because according to the law on the rights of the child, parents must be responsible for the health of their child.

Of course, the interlocutors do not deny, everyone has different tastes. In this case, in institutions of general secondary education, as a rule, they offer 2-3 sets of meals. And if a student, for example, does not eat a bird, he can choose a fish.

- And if the child still does not want to eat at school, do parents need to write a refusal statement?

“You don’t need to write anything,” Aleksandra Alekseeva clarifies. - It is enough to explain to the classroom how your child will eat at school. What for? Because according to the Education Code, while the child is in the classroom, the school is responsible for his health.

In that case, the specialist emphasizes, if the class teacher says that issues with nutrition are not in his competence, then the parents should explain their decision to the head of the educational institution.

How to correctly write a refusal to eat school meals in the cafeteria

Answer “You have the right to refuse” is not worth it!

Tell me how to correctly write a refusal, if the child simply cannot stand dining halls from the kindergarten.
Well, a child cannot eat in public catering. There is no medical certificate and will never be! (because I'm not going to ask)
Do I have to pay for what my child does not use?

School officials report about 100% coverage of children with food, in fact, this is a purely Sovdep's scolding. many children do not eat disgusting school meals. I have two students.

Tell me referring to what laws of the Russian Federation I can refuse to eat.

Today I talked with the school principal, she does not even want to take a statement without a doctor's certificate. I think this is not legal, but what laws will I have to refer to in the application that I am going to officially hand over against signature and registration at the reception (or send it by mail with a list of attachments)

We live in Krasnodar.

Yes, meals at school are FORCED!

THERE IS NO AGGRESSION, THERE IS AN AGAINST that I can’t just take and refuse food because they get a lot of money for it and I’ll spoil their reporting (they told me so - in our school 100% of schoolchildren are covered with meals, and how many really eat this mule no one will ever say! - CONSIDERATION in its purest form! the main thing - they reported that all are 100% provided with food.)

MOU SOSH № ___
Surname IO

from the parents of the student (s) N A class

Surname (parents)
living at:
Krasnodar city
st. __________________

I ask you to issue the amount of the subsidy for food intended for our child in the form of a meal voucher in the school cafeteria.

Surname of Pope IO
IO's mom's surname

IT IS NECESSARY TO TAKE A DOCTOR'S REFERENCE, especially since there is nothing special about it.


If the actions do not affect the quality of the food, then remember that you can always refuse the paid school meals. The fact is that not a single normative legal act, including the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", contains norms that provide for the obligatory paid school meals for students of municipal educational institutions. Neither the teacher nor the school administration, represented by its principal, can force your child to eat in the school cafeteria.

Often, class teachers or school administrators request a certificate from a medical institution stating that the child is not recommended to eat in the school cafeteria due to the presence of a gastrointestinal tract disease and, as a result, a special diet. This is wrong. To refuse paid meals, it is enough to write a free-form statement addressed to the school principal stating that you are ready to provide the child with food on your own and ask him not to force him to eat in the school cafeteria.

School meals: can you refuse and not pay?

Every parent wants his child to be provided with high-quality balanced school meals that would take into account the needs of a growing organism associated with growth, development, changes in environmental conditions, and increased physical and emotional stress that children experience at school. In this regard, the main question that arises for parents is the quality of school meals and their cost. What determines the prices for paid meals in the school cafeteria? Who is responsible for the quality of fresh and finished products? Is it possible to refuse paid food if its quality is not satisfactory? Is it legal on the part of the school administration to force the child to eat in the school cafeteria? Lawyer answers these and other questions to "Letidoru" Ksenia Pechenik:

  • The issues of the quality and cost of children's nutrition have always been acute, since the life, health and efficiency of mental and physical activity of a growing organism directly depend on this. This explains the numerous nature of regulations governing nutrition issues at both the federal and regional levels. At the federal level, these issues are regulated by the Law "On Education", the Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population", the Law "On the Quality and Safety of Food Products", Federal Law of 12.06.2008 No. 88-FZ "Technical Regulations for Milk and Dairy Products" , Federal Law of October 27, 2008 No. 178-FZ "Technical Regulations for Juice Products from Fruit and Vegetables", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05.05.1992 No. 431 "On Measures for Social Support of Large Families", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 1995 No. 221 "On measures to streamline state regulation of prices (tariffs)".

At the regional level in relation to Moscow and the Moscow region, these issues are regulated by the Law of the City of Moscow "On the quality and safety of food products" dated 05.24.00 No. 13, the Comprehensive program of measures for social protection of Moscow residents, annually approved by the Government of Moscow, the Law of the City of Moscow "On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow "dated November 23, 2005 No. 60, the Production Control Program, the purpose of which is to create conditions at the school for the organization and implementation of high-quality and balanced nutrition for students, etc.

However, the abundance of regulatory legal acts has little effect on the quality of food in most Russian schools. The fact is that the price of school meals consists of the cost of food, rent, utility bills, staff salaries and taxes, as well as overhead costs, equipment repair, purchase of inventory, etc. In this regard, the menu of a modern student in the school cafeteria has reached the minimum permissible threshold of sanitary and epidemiological standards. Organizations that conclude municipal contracts with schools for the provision of catering services are forced to simplify the children's diet, saving on fruits, dairy, and meat products. As a result, there is an increase in parental dissatisfaction with the quality of baby food and complaints about high prices.

- What to do if parents are not satisfied with the quality of the child's food at school? Can I refuse to eat in the paid school cafeteria?

    Food quality issues are regulated by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the organization of meals for students in educational institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education SanPiN, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on 23.07. 2008, Sanitary rules "Organization and implementation of industrial control over compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures" SP 1.1.1058-01, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on July 10, 2001, Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Organization of children's food "SanPiN, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on January 17, 2005, Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Trade Organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them SP, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation 06.09. 2001, as well as numerous GOSTs, including: GOST R 50647-94 “Public catering. Terms and definitions ", GOST R 51074-2003" Food products. Information for the consumer ", GOST R 51740-2001" Specifications for food products. General requirements for development and design ", GOST R 50763-2007" Catering services. Public catering products sold to the population. General technical conditions ", GOST R 53105-2008" Catering services. Technological documents for public catering products ".

For the purpose of quality control of raw and finished products, a rejection commission should be established in each school, which includes doctors and representatives of the school administration and the supplier. They are responsible for what product your child gets. In addition, in schools, commissions are often created to control the organization of meals, which include high school students, teachers and parents.

If you are faced with obvious violations of sanitary standards in the school cafeteria, you have the right to file a complaint with the Rospotrebnazdor body of your region. The complaint must indicate the time, place, exact address of the school in which the violation of sanitary standards was discovered, what they were, as well as the requirement to conduct an inspection and bring the perpetrators to justice as provided for by law. The grounds for appeal may be the recorded facts of the presence of insects, rodents, animals both in food and in places where food is prepared, dirt in the catering unit or service room, food poisoning resulting from eating in the school cafeteria and other violations of sanitary standards. For violation of sanitary and anti-epidemic requirements for catering for the population, the school administration will incur administrative responsibility, provided for in clause 6.6. Administrative Code.

Often, class teachers or school administrators request a certificate from a medical institution stating that the child is not recommended to eat in the school cafeteria due to the presence of a gastrointestinal tract disease and, as a result, a special diet. This is wrong. So what is the correct way to write a letter of refusal to eat at school? It's enough just to write a statement in free form to the school principal that you are ready to provide your child with food yourself and ask him not to force him to eat in the school cafeteria.

Information for parents

on catering at MBOU "School number 112"

We draw your attention to the fact that in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Rostov Region dated July 28, 2017 No. 520 "On establishing the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population in the Rostov Region for the II quarter of 2017. In accordance with the Regional Law of 12/07/1998 No. 17-ЗС "On the subsistence level in the Rostov region" The Government of the Rostov region decides: 9997 rubles, for the able-bodied population - 10623 rubles, pensioners - 8099 rubles, children - 10501 rubles to assess the standard of living of the population of the Rostov region in the development and implementation of regional social programs, to determine the amount of social benefits, payments and other types of social support to the poor established at the regional level residents of the Rostov region.

The subsistence minimum is set quarterly. These indicators are used to assess the standard of living of the population of the Rostov region in the development and implementation of regional social programs. Based on the amount of the living wage, the amount of social benefits, payments and other types of social support to residents of the region is determined.

by the 15th day of each month.

According to the administrative regulation No. AR-087-14-T of the municipal service "Organization of meals for students from low-income families in educational institutions", approved by the resolution of the Administration of the city of Rostov-on-Don dated 19.08.2013 No. 900 (as amended on 11.12.2013) free hot meals for students of municipal educational institutions of the city of Rostov-on-Don, living in families with an average per capita income, the size of which is lower than the subsistence level established in the Rostov region, as well as students living in families in a socially dangerous situation.

In order to optimize the process of determining the composition of students who have the right to receive free hot meals, to exclude cases of repeated submission by citizens of documents for the provision of free hot meals, information from the social protection authorities at the place of registration of the student (MKU MUSZN of city districts), obtained at the request of MKU LLC Sovetskiy district of the city of Rostov-on-Don at the place of education of the minor.

List of documents required to receive free meals

1.An application addressed to the school principal from the parents (legal representatives) and present for review a document proving the identity of the applicant: a passport of a Russian citizen, a temporary ID card F-2P, a foreign passport of a Russian citizen, an officer's ID, a military ID, a sailor's passport. In the event that the student is under guardianship, guardianship, the applicant additionally provides an administrative document on the appointment of a citizen as a guardian or guardian of a minor.

Free hot meals are provided to the student on the basis of the decision of the district interdepartmental commission for monitoring the organization of baby food, drawn up in a protocol, and the order for the school from the date of issue of this order until the end of the current academic year.

Free Hot Meals Mechanism

- accepts, during the current academic year, applications from parents (legal representatives) of students for the provision of free hot meals;

- during the current academic year, sends a petition from the Council of a municipal educational institution for the provision of free hot meals to students living in families in a socially dangerous situation to the district interdepartmental commission for monitoring the organization of baby food (as families of this category are identified);

- sends the lists of students in need of free hot meals to the regional interdepartmental commission for monitoring the organization of baby food for a decision within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the application from the parent (legal representative);

- issues an order on the provision of free hot meals to students from the moment of receipt of the decision of the regional interdepartmental commission for monitoring the organization of baby food on this issue;

Parents need to submit an application in the prescribed form for the provision of free hot meals for their child by the 5th day of each month.

Can parents refuse school meals?

It's no secret that parents very often have to deal with the problem of school meals. Many children refuse to eat meals served in school canteens. At the same time, the amount that has to be withdrawn from the family budget on a weekly basis is quite tangible. When asked whether it is possible to refuse food at school and not pay for it, since the child still does not eat, the teachers give a negative answer.

Our journalist asked the experts for clarification during an online conference held on the BELTA website.

Head of the Department of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents of the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health Alla MALAKHOVA:

“Some leaders even require a certificate confirming that the child cannot eat in the school cafeteria. At the same time, parents do not have to provide any certificates. And doctors, in turn, do not have the right to give such a certificate, since at school food is sparing, almost dietary. Even if a child has diabetes, he must be provided with the opportunity to eat at school, the specialist explains. - If a student for some reason categorically refuses to eat in the cafeteria, parents have the right to write a statement in which they need to indicate where the student will eat. Either he goes home at a big break, since he lives nearby, or he will take a party. If the child does not eat at school, and the school is legally responsible for preserving the health of the student, then the management of the educational institution should seriously talk to the parents about this. "

“In the normative legal documents on catering, there is no norm obliging one hundred percent to provide meals at school. Therefore, parents whose child refuses to eat in the school cafeteria come to the school principal and leave a statement in which they clearly indicate those options that are acceptable for a particular student. ", - added Galina ROMANOVETS, specialist of the general secondary education department of the Ministry of Education.

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I will consider giving up the habit of eating unhealthy foods in detail. Currently, there are food products among the provisions that are definitely harmful to consume, if not at all, then in large quantities. Each person should understand that by absorbing such food, it is possible to provoke the development of various pathological processes in the body. As a result, performance will decrease, weight will increase, life expectancy will decrease, and so on.

It is known that a habit is second nature; therefore, eating habits can tell a lot about a person. How to give up unhealthy diets and addictions in the food sector and accustom yourself to the right diet?

Say what you like, but sugary foods are the best antidepressant, literally leading to euphoria. But the payback is severe. Those with a sweet tooth should look for so-called alternative sources that can replace glucose, for example, it can be berries and fruits, dried fruits, you can replace cakes with marshmallows. Instead of sugar, it is advisable to use honey, but in small quantities.

Fizzy carbonated drinks contain a huge amount of calories, and if sugar is replaced by sweeteners, for example, aspartame, this is also not good, since such a liquid does not quench your thirst, you want to drink such a drink, therefore, you need to give them up. Instead, you can give preference to berry fruit drinks, cook dried fruit compote, as they are healthy and tasty.

It is also important to give up chips, fatty croutons, as they contain the so-called trans fats, which are harmful to the body. They should be discarded, and instead of them you can cook homemade crackers without oil, which are slightly dried in a skillet.

For many people, the real problem is greasy food cravings. To begin with, you should replace heavy foods with lighter ones, for example, instead of fried pork, you can bake a turkey, and instead of pasta, cook green beans. Give preference to those dishes that will be cooked in the oven, as well as in a slow cooker. Minimize your consumption of mayonnaise.

Another unhealthy eating habit is excessive salt intake. It is impossible to live completely without salt, but its moderate use will be the best indicator. First, remove the salt shaker from the table. Buy sea salt. Soy sauce can be added to food instead, which will give the food a more sophisticated flavor. Use more spices: lemon juice, aromatic herbs, garlic, horseradish, and mustard.


The sooner a person gives up bad eating habits, the more chances he has for a healthy, fulfilling life. Refusal to eat anything harmful is a guarantee of health. You need to understand this. It is important to follow a competent balanced diet, which will be helped by a nutritionist.

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It seems that the debate about the benefits and dangers of vegetarianism will never subside.

site does not want to get involved in this showdown and take sides. So we threw away the moral aspect and looked at avoiding meat scientifically.

Present to your attention 10 changes that will happen to your body with the complete exclusion of meat from the diet.

1. You will lose a couple of kilograms

People who give up meat, on average, can lose about 4.5 kg per month. And for this they do not need to count calories or increase physical activity, a plant diet will take over everything.

2. More protective bacteria will appear in your gut

The intestinal microflora of omnivores and vegetarians is very different. Various studies show that people who eat only plant-based foods have more protective bacteria. However, it will take time for the intestinal microflora to rebuild and improve its health. At first, bloating and gas formation are possible, because the intestines and pancreas will begin to reorganize to plant foods and there will be a lack of enzymes.

3. Your skin can get better

Many vegetarians note that when they switch to a plant-based diet, their skin has significantly improved: acne, blackheads and blackheads have disappeared. Scientists explain this by the fact that if meat is completely replaced with vegetables and fruits, then toxins and toxins can be removed from the body. This detox has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

4. You will have more energy

Perhaps the most important change that all meat-dying people feel is the reduction in fatigue throughout the day. “If earlier in the evening I fell off my feet, even if I sat all day at the table, now for such a state I need to properly load myself up in training,” says one of the vegetarians. And no wonder, because such a diet helps not only to lose weight and remove toxins, but to feel lightness.

5. Reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease

The connection between the love of red meat and the development of cardiovascular disease has long been identified by scientists. In addition to this, recently American researchers found that carnitine from meat triggers chemical reactions in the intestines that negatively affect the heart muscle. It is worth noting that adherents of vegetarianism also suffer less from hypertension, diabetes, rectal cancer and intestinal cancer in general.

6. The cholesterol level will decrease by a third

When switching to a plant-based diet, blood cholesterol levels are significantly reduced. This effect is comparable to that of cholesterol drugs. True, in this case, you do not get any side effects, but only health and great well-being. For people with a predisposition to atherosclerosis, a plant-based diet is ideal.

7. You will turn on "good" genes

Recently, scientists have discovered that environmental conditions have a large impact on how genes work. So, there are “bad” and “good” genes. If you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, then "bad" genes are turned on, which will contribute to the development of chronic diseases and obesity. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, then there is a switch of genes. The transition from meat to plant foods just includes the "good" genes, which allows you to radically improve the body.

8. Nutrient Deficiencies May Occur

If you refuse meat, there may be a deficiency of certain substances, in particular iodine, iron, vitamins D and B12. But at the same time,