Solarium harm and benefit for women: how to sunbathe and to whom it is contraindicated. The harm and benefits of a solarium: is there anything to be afraid of? Solarium harm and benefit of the opinion of doctors

20 . 03.2017

A tale about a topic that is acutely painful: solarium harm and benefit for women. You will learn what infrared rays are, how to sunbathe properly, who is contraindicated, what is the harmfulness of a tanning bed and what benefits it can have for your skin. All this - below ...

- Cute! I want to go to the solarium! Would you like it if I look like a chocolate bar?

- Dear Snow White! If I loved mulatto women, I would have saved the southern princess. I like your white skin and healthy glow better ...

Hello friends! My story today is mainly addressed to the beautiful half of humanity. I would like to raise an acutely painful topic: solarium harm and benefit for women. We all follow the lead of advertising and strive for some kind of perfection. The question is at what cost. And is perfection what we strive for with all our might?

A few words about tanning

The solarium was invented for the sake of sunbathing, but at the same time avoiding the sun damage caused by ozone holes, hot infrared rays and environmental problems. But what is a tan?

I will repeat after all: this is a protective reaction of the body to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. The key word is "protective". The more harmful radiation, the darker the skin. The Spaniards are darker than the Norwegians, the Arabs are darker than the Spaniards, and the Negroes are completely black.

By the way, the increased production of lymphocytes when injured is also a defensive reaction, but for some reason no one inflicts wounds on himself in order to cause this reaction. Then why are we sunbathing?

For the production of vitamin D3, which saves from rickets and other ailments! But you don't need tanning in a solarium for this. It is enough to spend 20 minutes outdoors on a sunny day. The myth that "there is nowhere else to get this vitamin" is complete nonsense. It contains:

  • in milk and;
  • in fish, especially red, and also in tuna, herring, mackerel, horse mackerel;
  • in cereals, especially oatmeal.

With food, we get most of the vitamin D3, and a small amount is synthesized in our skin.

What does tanning give?

So, the solarium itself is the correct way to sunbathe, avoiding direct sunlight, the harm of which is obvious. Any lady is happy to get an even skin tone that she can show off even in winter. So a solarium is useful in an aesthetic sense? Let's judge!

Any prosthesis is good when there is no leg. But no one wants to replace their own limb with an artificial one.

Healthy, pink and white skin color in a woman has become a rarity. Stress, poor ecology, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle (time spent in transport and at the stove does not count), hassle and exhaustion - all this makes a woman pale yellow, bluish-transparent, gray. Anything but attractive. So you have to hide behind a tan.

Photo of a woman with a healthy complexion:

Passion for them spread in the XX century, when emancipation bore fruit, and women began to work on an equal basis with men, multiply bad habits with them and urgently need additional funds to hide their shabbyness. Again, fashion is a great word to justify any quirk. It is not fashionable to be pale.

It is a pity that it has become "fashionable" to be unhealthy ...

He brings joy!

The second "obvious" benefit of tanning and tanning, judging by the reviews on the forums, is the production of endorphins - the hormones of joy that ultraviolet light stimulates.

Some scientists have proved that in the northern countries in the winter, cases of suicide become more frequent, because the absence of the sun also leads to a gloom of spirit.

Therefore, urgently run to the solarium, where they will shove you into a tin can with lamps, put on black glasses through which nothing can be seen at all, put impenetrable cones on the nipples, and you will spend twenty minutes, completely cut off from the whole world, frying under ultraviolet light, in which such a bunch of contraindications that 1 out of 100 modern people can use it without fear.

Of course, this should significantly improve your mood!

Healing properties

The third "benefit" of sunburn for the body - sometimes you can solve problems with psoriasis, and also with, neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, acne (take note of the word "sometimes"). So maybe you need to use a tanning bed, like pills and physiotherapy? Exclusively by prescription, in special cases. Why does a healthy person need a solarium?

By the way, acne can disappear, but then calmly come back, if you do not take other measures against this problem.

About the dangers of ultraviolet radiation

Why do lions, or African antelopes, need a thick, dense layer of fur, and an elephant - thick, horny skin? They hide from ultraviolet radiation. And a person, contrary to logic and reason, under the rays of a solarium, exposes his defenseless epidermis.

How does UV affect breast milk or the thyroid gland? Definitely bad.

To whom the solarium is contraindicated:

  • people with light, easily burning skin, freckles, blondes and redheads;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • ladies on critical days;
  • after 50 years;
  • those who have many moles;
  • people with gastritis, and others;
  • everyone who has problems with;
  • during hormonal changes;
  • prone to allergies;
  • suffering from diseases and;
  • after peeling, hair removal, laser skin resurfacing;
  • after any postponed operations;
  • those who have diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • and hypertensive patients;
  • people with artificial heart valves;
  • tuberculosis patients;
  • persons with claustrophobia;
  • ladies with mastopathy;
  • people with diabetes mellitus;
  • with exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • while taking antibiotics and some other medications;
  • for any disease.

The list can be continued, but for the picturesque and this is enough. What is the conclusion? A very small percentage of women (and men) can afford to use a solarium. Why are so many people visiting it? At your own peril and risk, putting on kilograms of protective cream and crossing your fingers "for good luck."

A tale about how not to deal with your protection

Tireless operatives - Langerhans cells - live in the thickness of our epidermis. Their job is not easy. They catch antigens - foreign agents on our skin, and urgently send them to the lymph nodes. Here skilful investigators - lymphocytes - take the antigen, examine the stranger face-to-face and in profile, and put them on the lists of potential threats.

So, in general terms, one of the ways of production looks like.

Langerhans cells have many enemies, but the most insidious is ultraviolet. It penetrates the skin and kills our assistants. That is why the first days of rest in exotic places can be overshadowed by allergic reactions: "operatives" have not yet managed to cope with enemy penetration, and they are already being killed, lying on the beach, or walking half-naked under the dazzling southern sun. How long can you sunbathe without risk? Not at all.

Other effects of sunburn

From exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin:

  • the risk of cancer increases;
  • melanoma develops;
  • premature aging of the facial skin occurs;
  • the skin loses its elasticity due to the destruction of collagen;
  • sunburn may occur;
  • chloasma appear - disfiguring spots;
  • provoke genetic mutations;
  • insufficient observance of sanitary conditions in the solarium provokes various.

Let me remind you about biorhythms that keep us in a vigorous state and help the body adapt to changes in the external environment. Summer is a sunny period, and in winter our body knows that there is little ultraviolet radiation. Deceiving him with a tan in a solarium, we upset the well-oiled mechanism. The result is new diseases that we provoked ourselves.

Afterword and good news!

- Well, my precious Snow White! Do you still want to go to the solarium? Or should we go for a walk? Your healthy complexion is a consequence. You walk, ski in winter, visit parks and gardens in summer. You go in for swimming, play tennis on a par with athletes, inhale the aromas of herbs in a meadow outside the city. You choose healthy food for yourself and your family, make a menu taking into account the need for vitamins and microelements, fight stress ...

How?! Are you not doing any of this? Well, it's understandable why you were drawn to the solarium ...

My "Active Weight Loss Course" is already available anywhere in our vast homeland, and our blue planet Earth. Everywhere, as far as the Internet can reach! I will share how you can lose weight without hungry diets, without the oppressive feeling that "nothing will work out, and the kilograms will return." Guaranteed, safe and enjoyable.

Yes, of two evils, it is better to choose the one that is smaller. How to sunbathe? The opinion of doctors: than in the open sun, it is better in artificial ultraviolet radiation. But why should one necessarily choose some kind of evil? Better not to sunbathe at all.

That's all for today.
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And they drove on!

The principle of the solarium on the body is simple. Sunburn is a protective reaction of the skin to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. The task of the solarium is to simulate such radiation. The only difference is the lack of infrared radiation. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, an excess amount of melanin is produced in the upper layer of the skin, and as a result, darkening of the cover occurs. It is necessary to consider in more detail whether a solarium is harmful and what changes occur in the body during a visit?

The benefits and harms of visiting a solarium

The benefits of a solarium

  • The benefit for women is the production of vitamin D. Its deficiency leads to early aging of the skin. Numerous wrinkles appear and menopause occurs prematurely. Also, the vitamin helps to absorb calcium, get rid of pain in the teeth and muscles.
  • Cosmetologists advise people who have a capillary network on their hands or feet to visit a solarium. The rays improve blood circulation in cells, help normalize blood vessels and stop the growth of bacteria. Sunburn also reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

In the solarium, the percentage of types of radiation is strictly monitored in order to minimize the negative effect on the skin. The resulting tan creates a kind of protection from the negative influence of the ruthless sun rays.

For men, going to a tanning bed is beneficial because ultraviolet light stimulates the production of testosterone, which is responsible for libido.

Solarium harm

  • Abuse of "sun" baths can cause mastopathy, the formation of benign and malignant formations, the growth of moles is activated.
  • With prolonged and excessive exposure, the skin is depleted, dry and dull. Collagen fibers are destroyed, which visually adds several years.

Benefits and harms of sun tanning for skin

Sun tanning is available to everyone. Its benefits are undeniable. Inflammations and wounds on the skin dry out and heal faster, vitamin D and serotonin are produced, which help fight blues and strengthen the body's defenses. And of course, the even bronze skin tone adds confidence in your own beauty.

The sun both gives pleasant moments and harms our body. With an overabundance of exposure to its rays, there is a risk of age spots, dry skin, its rapid aging, and sometimes skin cancer.

Pros and cons of tanning in a solarium

Solarium lovers put forward weighty arguments in the direction of benefits:

  • gentle effect on the skin;
  • preparing the skin for summer;
  • treatment of skin diseases. It is often prescribed for psoriasis. After several sessions, the skin is significantly cleared and the patient's well-being is returned to normal;
  • mood improves. For example, in the Scandinavian countries, therapy in a solarium is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of depression, because the hormone of happiness is released under ultraviolet rays.

The disadvantages of tanning in the solarium were not without:

  • the formation of addiction. In particular, people under 30 are exposed to it;
  • photoaging of the skin;
  • possible genetic mutations;
  • dry skin and hair;
  • high risk of developing melanoma. About 75% of solarium lovers are susceptible to this ailment;
  • the appearance of acne. First, the inflammations dry up, and after a while they appear with renewed vigor, because when visiting a tanning bed, you sweat over and over again, the skin becomes clogged with sebaceous glands and acne forms.

Contraindications to visiting the solarium

A solarium can be both beneficial and harmful to the body. His visit is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • taking antidepressants and hormonal drugs. Quite often, their composition includes components that increase photosensitivity. When getting a tan, there is a high risk of getting an allergic rash, and sometimes a burn;
  • the presence of a large number of moles, age spots and freckles;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin -;
  • gynecological disorders;
  • children and adolescents up to 15 years old inclusive;
  • fear of enclosed space;
  • the presence of fresh scars and scars on the skin;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • tuberculosis.

An alternative solarium can be.

The opinion of doctors indicates that people with disorders in the work of the endocrine system, the presence of any neoplasm, diabetes mellitus will have to abandon the cosmetic procedure. It is also necessary to postpone tanning after cleaning, chemical peeling, sanding, epilation and surgery.

Rules for visiting a solarium for competent tanning

A solarium can bring incredible benefits to the body. It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the place of visit and observe simple precautions:

  1. Consult a doctor beforehand.
  2. Choose a salon with good reviews, hygiene standards and lamps with a service life of up to 5 years. The latter, in turn, must be of low pressure. This type of lamp is suitable for people with different skin types. Make sure that I wipe the solarium before your visit.
  3. Before the session, seal the moles and wounds with a plaster, remove the piercing and close the nipples with special pads. It is also recommended to wash off makeup and perfume residues.
  4. While in the booth, hair should be covered with a cap, eyes with special glasses. To minimize dry lips, you can lubricate them with balm.
  5. You cannot visit the solarium for several days in a row. The skin needs rest. After the procedure, light creams or gels for moisturizing will not be superfluous.
  6. One session cannot exceed 30 minutes. It is best to start with 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing the time. You can go sunbathing no more than once a week. Doctors recommend alternating beauty treatments with self-tanning to avoid stressing your skin.
  7. Specialized cosmetics allow you to get a beautiful and even tan in a short time. Do not neglect it.
  8. If you feel unwell, interrupt the session immediately.

Is a tanning bed harmful during menstruation

Every woman's period is different. Menstruation and solarium are two mutually exclusive things. There are several reasons for this:

  • a significant increase in the number of secretions. In hot and hot air, blood begins to flow faster through the vessels. A solarium against a background of low hormone levels for a physiological reason and high temperature causes severe bleeding;
  • the risk of vasospasm of the uterus;
  • the production of melanin is minimized and sunburn can become spots;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • possible dizziness, weakness and general unwell.

Also, when visiting the salon, you will have to use a tampon. High temperature and an increase in the amount of secretions contribute to the development of inflammatory infections, followed by exacerbation of chronic diseases or new ones along the gynecological line.

If it is not possible to wait for the end of menstruation, then you can visit the solarium if certain rules are followed. Be sure to use, drink a large amount of pure water (not soda and tea), immediately after the procedure, physical activity is minimized. You should not abuse a visit to the salon during menstruation.

Is solarium harmful during pregnancy?

In a special period for their lives, expectant mothers want to look beautiful and well-groomed no less than other girls. There are no categorical prohibitions on visiting the solarium while carrying a fetus. But it's not worth running at breakneck speed. First of all, you need to consult with a leading pregnancy specialist.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the female body that affect the production of melanin. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, there is a high risk of age spots, increased production of thyroid and adrenal hormones, which can lead to complications and even miscarriage.

Is tanning in a solarium harmful for women in later stages? Definitely yes. The session is able to provoke overheating of the baby, who still has sweating, and dehydration of the mother's body.

  • diabetes;
  • disorders of the hormonal system and the work of the thyroid gland;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light;
  • hypertension.

If it is possible not to visit the solarium during pregnancy, it is not a shame to use it. The baby's own health and health is more important than fashion for skin tone.

The harm from tanning in a tanning bed and its benefits is a controversial issue. With a competent approach to visiting a salon, you can minimize the risk of negative consequences. Everything is good in moderation.

The opinion of doctors about the benefits and dangers of a solarium.

A beautiful tan is every woman's dream. Chocolate skin tone lends seduction, sexuality and unrivaled charm. In addition, tanning masks the imperfections of the epidermis and allows you to get rid of the already "lush" cosmetics from the foundation.

Is the UV laser as useful as the colorful advertisements of beauty salons tell about it? Is it worth it to systematically spend money on it, and perhaps health? The benefits and dangers of a tanning bed for women will be discussed further.

Meet His Majesty the Solarium

The specially configured platform, positioned vertically or horizontally, creates powerful illumination thanks to integrated light bulbs. The emitted alpha and beta rays contribute to the active synthesis of melanin by skin cells. The specified ratio of rays will determine the intensity of the tan and the degree of its durability. To avoid burns, the level of ultraviolet radiation is strictly controlled. By standards, the percentage of beta rays does not exceed 1.7%.

Varieties of tanning salons

Judging by the reviews about the benefits and dangers of a tanning bed for women, it makes no difference which one to use. Vertical models have become more widespread In the spacious cockpit, you can move to the music from the player, so the tan will lie faster and smoother. The lamps are more powerful here than in the horizontal analogue, since they are located at a distance from the skin. Failure to observe safety precautions may result in burns.

As mentioned earlier, a horizontal solarium has lamps located in close proximity to the skin, but their power is insignificant, so you can not be afraid of burning. For hygienic purposes, a special light-transmitting film is changed after each client. After visiting such a unit, in places of the highest glass pressure on the body (buttocks, shoulder blades, etc.), white spots will remain on the skin.

Solarium: the pros

Talking about the dangers and benefits of tanning beds for women, you should start with the benefits. What is the reason for the high popularity of this type of beauty services? Today, not only long-legged models, women from the covers of glossy magazines visit tanning salons, but also the average accountant, teacher and nurse. Moreover, men also strive to get a chocolate tan in the summer!

The main advantage of equipment emitting ultraviolet light is to promote the active production of vitamin D. An irreplaceable component is responsible for the absorption of calcium, regulates the balance of phosphorus. It can be concluded that a solarium makes an invaluable contribution to the health of bones, joints, teeth and the nervous system, especially in winter.

The consequence of the previous point is the effective prevention of arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis.

Most women notice that the number of pimples on the face and body increases in winter. Ultraviolet rays dry out minor inflammations and kill pathogenic bacteria that cause acne. A systematic visit to the solarium relieves the course of eczema and psoriasis, increases the effectiveness of the treatment of certain forms of dermatitis and neurodermatitis.

Therapeutic properties

According to doctors, the benefits and harms of a tanning bed for women are in a 50/50 ratio. Useful characteristics include assistance in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diseases of the respiratory tract, such as rhinitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, colds.

In winter, a solarium is an excellent therapy for seasonal depressions. Ultraviolet rays relieve feelings of apathy, dullness and drowsiness, giving energy and courage.

In addition to an even chocolate skin tone, a visit to a light-emitting chamber strengthens the immune system, allows you to fight against fungal diseases, and increases potency and libido in men.

To avoid burns

Preparing for trips to a hot tropical climate, for example, to the islands, where there is eternal summer in cold January, cannot do without a couple of tanning sessions. The benefits and harms for women are obvious here: you will have to spend extra money on preparing for the rest - this is a minus, but upon arrival in an exotic country, the girls will not be sunburned on the first day, risking spending the rest of the tour in the shade, hiding the skin from the sun under a T-shirt.

For the same reason, the regular customers of tanning salons are athletes, singers, artists and the military who have to be outdoors for a long time.

Solarium: arguments against

The overuse of "portions of light" dramatically transforms a delicate golden tan into a dirty one, with a shade a la slums of India. It's all about the pigment melanin, the production of which under the influence of ultraviolet rays increases several times and the skin simply does not have time to recover from it. Age spots, freckles and even moles appear on the body.

Talking about the dangers and benefits of a tanning bed for women after 50 years, experts focus on the problem of melanomas. Even 50-70 years ago, malignant formations appeared in one of 90-100 women, and today, in the age of popularity of tanning salons, the figure is frighteningly approaching 20.

Owners of tattoos need to be prepared for fading, pallor and the disappearance of parts of the picture. If you are determined to artificially tan in winter, the tattoo area should be generously lubricated with sunscreen with a maximum SPF value.

On the effects of ultraviolet radiation on organ systems

For women in the photo, the solarium is equally beneficial and harmful. Unfortunately, the owners of beauty salons do not tell their clients about the risks of visiting a solarium for the skin, eyes and glands.

In high doses, ultraviolet light penetrates into all layers of the skin. This leads to a rapid loss of elasticity, dryness, and flabbiness. In medicine, this process is called photoaging. Therefore, signs of aging in residents of hot countries appear several years earlier than in peers from the northern regions.

When it gets on the eyes (even through the eyelids), UV rays can provoke the development of cataracts and impair vision.

Artificial light destroys the structure of the thyroid and mammary glands, makes irreparable changes in the work of the adrenal glands. This is fraught with hormonal surges and tumors.

Going to the solarium during your period

The opinions of gynecologists about the dangers and benefits of a solarium for women are unambiguous - during menstruation, it is forbidden to visit it unless absolutely necessary.

Hot hot air inside the chamber helps to thin the blood, which flows faster through the vessels. Heavy bleeding with cramping may result.

Due to the need to completely bare in the solarium, the sanitary napkin will have to be replaced with a tampon. Under the influence of the same high temperature - an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria, inflammatory processes can develop, exacerbating the course of chronic diseases.

If there is no way to wait for the end of critical days, you can reduce the negative impact of the tanning bed in the following ways:

  • after the procedure, drink plenty of clean water;
  • for 3-4 hours after sunbathing, exclude any physical activity;
  • use a protective cream.

Solarium during pregnancy

Expectant mothers are sure that carrying a baby is not a reason to give up golden skin color. Arguing about the dangers and benefits of a solarium for women in position, obstetricians-gynecologists do not put forward categorical prohibitions. In any case, you should consult your doctor before visiting a tanning salon.

Cardinal changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, multiplied by the action of ultraviolet rays, enhance the work of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland, which in some cases leads to complications and miscarriage.

Solarium for women - does it harm or benefit in the third trimester? Definitely harm. One session is enough to provoke overheating of the fetus with an unformed excretory system and dehydration of the maternal body.

It is strictly forbidden to sunbathe in a UV chamber, regardless of the gestational age, for women:

  • with gestational diabetes mellitus;
  • with a confirmed dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • with hypertension.

Contraindications and precautions

According to the reviews of women after 50 years, the solarium is harmful and beneficial in unequal quantities. For aging skin, the effect of ultraviolet radiation is as destructive as possible. In addition to uneven tanning, older women are at risk of cancer patients.

It is not recommended to visit artificial tanning salons for persons under 15 years of age. Claustrophobia, diseases of the blood, cardiovascular system, tuberculosis, mastopathy, a tendency to allergic reactions, a large number of moles are arguments to cancel the trip to the solarium.

Tanning is contraindicated when taking antibiotics and prescription drugs. Most of the components of antibiotics are destroyed under the influence of powerful ultraviolet rays, while others will have a radically opposite effect.

It is not worth sunbathing in the solarium and on the beach in the same day. High light loads are damaging to the skin.

Regardless of the state of health and well-being, the decision to visit a solarium should be discussed with a dermatologist. This is especially true for women with pale, fair skin types.

How to sunbathe with benefit?

In order not to bother yourself with thoughts, whether a solarium is beneficial or harmful, it is enough just to follow the rules of proper tanning. It would seem that difficult? I climbed into the booth, received a portion of ultraviolet radiation - it's done! For those who want a healthy and healthy tan, there are a number of conditions:

  • The duration of the first two or three sessions should not exceed 10 minutes. The skin should gradually get used to it.
  • One hour before the procedure, you can take a shower, it is advisable not to use soaps and gels in order to exclude the degreasing of the skin. Contact with water after tanning is not recommended.
  • Before the session, it is recommended to wash off the cosmetics and refuse to use perfume.

It is forbidden to use any creams, except for those specialized for the solarium.

Sensitive areas must be securely covered. Hide your hair under a kerchief, put on sunglasses, glue large moles with a piece of plaster.

Immediately after leaving the booth, you must drink clean water to restore the fluid supply. On this day, the diet should be filled with foods high in carotene (carrots), this will strengthen the tan. Don't forget about antioxidants (berries, fruits, vegetables, milk, green tea).

A large number of modern women want to have a beautiful, even and lasting tan that masks skin imperfections and eliminates the need to use a foundation. The only way for women to get such a tan at any time of the year is to visit the solarium, a special machine that produces radiation identical to the sun.

  • Tanning history
  • Solarium types
  • Solarium harm and benefit
  • Solarium reviews

She is famous all over the modern world. But not everyone knows what a solarium is harm or benefit?

Tanning history

In the early 1920s, Coco Chanel introduced the fashion for tanning. Sunbathing is becoming a prestigious occupation. Prior to this, tanning was carried out by ordinary people who worked or spent a lot of time under the sun. Naturally, their skin took on a characteristic color. But, after the Second World War, the first lamps with ultraviolet radiation began to appear. Industrial production of tanning salons began in 1976. Modern women actively use the services of a solarium, leaving photos and videos of their tanned body on social networks.

Solarium types

There are such types:

  • vertical: the more common type of tanning bed. In the cockpit, while standing, you can move to the music, while the tan will go down more evenly and faster. However, in this solarium, more powerful lamps are used, since their location is farther from the body, there is a greater possibility of skin burning.
  • horizontal: in this tanning bed, the lamps are close to the body, but their power is not great, and there is little risk of burning the skin. For hygienic purposes, a special film is used here, which is replaced for each client. However, after visiting such a solarium, white spots remain on the skin in the places of the greatest pressure of the glass on the body.

Solarium harm and benefit

Not everyone knows that a solarium helps to improve your appearance, to solve some health problems. Consider the pros of using a tanning bed:

  1. Ultraviolet light acts more gently on the skin than sunlight, causing the skin to produce vitamin D, which is responsible for the exchange of calcium in the body. This improves the condition of the joints and bone tissue. In modern lamps, the ratio of useful rays can be adjusted. They do not emit harmful rays.
  2. Under ultraviolet light, the pleasure hormone serotonin is produced, which improves mood and increases stress resistance. He also takes part in the regulation of the menstrual cycle.
  3. With the help of ultraviolet light, the number of protective cells in the body increases and they become more active. When exposed to light on the brain, immunity is enhanced as the brain's regulatory systems work more harmoniously.
  4. With a light tan, the skin is browned, the fine hairs on the legs fade and become invisible. Ultraviolet rays have a positive effect on the epidermis, improve cell nutrition in all skin layers and blood circulation. Also, by stopping the multiplication of bacteria, they relieve skin inflammation, relieving it of small pimples.
  5. Such a tan reduces the content of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, lowers blood pressure.
  6. A great way to sunbathe in winter.
  7. This tan is more even than in the sun.

Usually, a solarium is advised for people who often suffer from colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, people in depression, stress, lack of vitamin D, bone fractures, as well as those suffering from pustular skin diseases, poorly healing wounds.

Harm or benefit of a tanning bed for women

But besides the positive effects, such a machine can also harm the body. Consider the cons of a solarium. Contraindications:

  1. The solarium is contraindicated while taking biseptol, sulfadimethoxine, doxycycline, tetracycline, for colds or intestinal upset. These drugs alter the sensitivity to rays. Also, do not visit the solarium while taking hormonal pills and contraceptives.
  2. With increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays, a visit to the solarium is contraindicated, since an allergic reaction may develop.
  3. Some skin conditions can get worse when exposed to ultraviolet light.
  4. Solarium is prohibited for people with any thyroid problems.
  5. Ultraviolet light absorbed by the body can lead to precancerous conditions. Therefore, it is not recommended for pain and a feeling of heaviness in the chest, with mastopathy.
  6. By destroying elastin and collagen in the skin cells, ultraviolet light dries it out, causes the formation of wrinkles and premature aging. Hair becomes brittle.
  7. A tanning bed can cause burns by dehydrating the skin.

In the solarium, people with mastopathy, breast problems, skin diseases, breastfeeding mothers, with a tendency to cancer, taking medications and during menstruation should not sunbathe. A solarium is also contraindicated for pregnant women and children. The opinion of doctors also indicates that a solarium is contraindicated in disorders of the endocrine and nervous systems, in bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis, ischemic and hypertensive diseases. Also, with severe forms of tuberculosis, with any tumors, both benign and malignant, with diabetes mellitus and after operations. If you have gone through the procedure of laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, epilation, you should postpone a visit to the solarium.

So, a solarium can bring both benefits and harm to the human body.

Solarium reviews

There are different points of view about the benefits or harms of a tanning bed. And this is no coincidence. What says Elena Malysheva, the most famous TV doctor, who knows everything about health and modern methods of treatment. In her opinion, a solarium can cause cancer, blindness and does not advise anyone to use it. Since the rays of a tanning bed have a negative effect on the skin. Many women, having visited the solarium, leave positive reviews, saying that the skin has acquired a beautiful appearance.

Some women, on the contrary, do not approve of visiting a solarium. Because after it, they found allergic reactions on their skin, or dark spots - chloasma. You can get rid of them with the help of a whitening cream, or alternative methods for whitening the skin. If chloasma increases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When visiting a solarium, it is necessary to weigh all the risks and advantages of this tanning method. And also follow the rules for visiting the solarium.

The principle of the solarium

The principle of the solarium on the body is simple. Sunburn is a protective reaction of the skin to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. The task of the solarium is to simulate such radiation. The only difference is the lack of infrared radiation. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, an excess amount of melanin is produced in the upper layer of the skin, and as a result, darkening of the cover occurs. It is necessary to consider in more detail whether a solarium is harmful and what changes occur in the body during a visit?

The benefits and harms of visiting a solarium

The benefits of a solarium

  • The benefit for women is the production of vitamin D. Its deficiency leads to early aging of the skin. Numerous wrinkles appear and menopause occurs prematurely. Also, the vitamin helps to absorb calcium, get rid of pain in the teeth and muscles.
  • Cosmetologists advise people who have a capillary network on their hands or feet to visit a solarium. The rays improve blood circulation in cells, help normalize blood vessels and stop the growth of bacteria. Sunburn also reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

In the solarium, the percentage of types of radiation is strictly monitored in order to minimize the negative effect on the skin. The resulting tan creates a kind of protection from the negative influence of the ruthless sun rays.

For men, going to a tanning bed is beneficial because ultraviolet light stimulates the production of testosterone, which is responsible for libido.

Solarium harm

  • Abuse of "sun" baths can cause mastopathy, the formation of benign and malignant formations, the growth of moles is activated.
  • With prolonged and excessive exposure, the skin is depleted, dry and dull. Collagen fibers are destroyed, which visually adds several years.

Benefits and harms of sun tanning for skin

Sun tanning is available to everyone. Its benefits are undeniable. Inflammations and wounds on the skin dry out and heal faster, vitamin D and serotonin are produced, which help fight blues and strengthen the body's defenses. And of course, the even bronze skin tone adds confidence in your own beauty.

The sun both gives pleasant moments and harms our body. With an overabundance of exposure to its rays, there is a risk of age spots, dry skin, its rapid aging, and sometimes skin cancer.

Pros and cons of tanning in a solarium

Solarium lovers put forward weighty arguments in the direction of benefits:

  • gentle effect on the skin;
  • preparing the skin for summer;
  • treatment of skin diseases. It is often prescribed for psoriasis. After several sessions, the skin is significantly cleared and the patient's well-being is returned to normal;
  • mood improves. For example, in the Scandinavian countries, therapy in a solarium is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of depression, because the hormone of happiness is released under ultraviolet rays.

The disadvantages of tanning in the solarium were not without:

  • the formation of addiction. In particular, people under 30 are exposed to it;
  • photoaging of the skin;
  • possible genetic mutations;
  • dry skin and hair;
  • high risk of developing melanoma. About 75% of solarium lovers are susceptible to this ailment;
  • the appearance of acne. First, the inflammations dry up, and after a while they appear with renewed vigor, because when visiting a tanning bed, you sweat over and over again, the skin becomes clogged with sebaceous glands and acne forms.

Contraindications to visiting the solarium

A solarium can be both beneficial and harmful to the body. His visit is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • taking antidepressants and hormonal drugs. Quite often, their composition includes components that increase photosensitivity. When getting a tan, there is a high risk of getting an allergic rash, and sometimes a burn;
  • the presence of a large number of moles, age spots and freckles;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin - photosensitivity or photodermatitis;
  • gynecological disorders;
  • children and adolescents up to 15 years old inclusive;
  • fear of enclosed space;
  • the presence of fresh scars and scars on the skin;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • tuberculosis.

Collarium and collagenarium can be an alternative solarium.

The opinion of doctors indicates that people with disorders in the work of the endocrine system, the presence of any neoplasm, diabetes mellitus will have to abandon the cosmetic procedure. It is also necessary to postpone tanning after cleaning, chemical peeling, sanding, epilation and surgery.

Rules for visiting a solarium for competent tanning

A solarium can bring incredible benefits to the body. It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the place of visit and observe simple precautions:

  1. Consult a doctor beforehand.
  2. Choose a salon with good reviews, hygiene standards and lamps with a service life of up to 5 years. The latter, in turn, must be of low pressure. This type of lamp is suitable for people with different skin types. Make sure that I wipe the solarium before your visit.
  3. Before the session, seal the moles and wounds with a plaster, remove the piercing and close the nipples with special pads. It is also recommended to wash off makeup and perfume residues.
  4. While in the booth, hair should be covered with a cap, eyes with special glasses. To minimize dry lips, you can lubricate them with balm.
  5. You cannot visit the solarium for several days in a row. The skin needs rest. After the procedure, light creams or gels for moisturizing will not be superfluous.
  6. One session cannot exceed 30 minutes. It is best to start with 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing the time. You can go sunbathing no more than once a week. Doctors recommend alternating beauty treatments with self-tanning to avoid stressing your skin.
  7. Specialized cosmetics allow you to get a beautiful and even tan in a short time. Do not neglect it.
  8. If you feel unwell, interrupt the session immediately.

Is a tanning bed harmful during menstruation

Every woman's period is different. Menstruation and solarium are two mutually exclusive things. There are several reasons for this:

  • a significant increase in the number of secretions. In hot and hot air, blood begins to flow faster through the vessels. A solarium against a background of low hormone levels for a physiological reason and high temperature causes severe bleeding;
  • the risk of vasospasm of the uterus;
  • the production of melanin is minimized and sunburn can become spots;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • possible dizziness, weakness and general unwell.

Also, when visiting the salon, you will have to use a tampon. High temperature and an increase in the amount of secretions contribute to the development of inflammatory infections, followed by exacerbation of chronic diseases or new ones along the gynecological line.

If it is not possible to wait for the end of menstruation, then you can visit the solarium if certain rules are followed. Be sure to use a protective cream, drink a large amount of pure water (not soda and tea), immediately after the procedure, physical activity is minimized. You should not abuse a visit to the salon during menstruation.

Is solarium harmful during pregnancy?

In a special period for their lives, expectant mothers want to look beautiful and well-groomed no less than other girls. There are no categorical prohibitions on visiting the solarium while carrying a fetus. But it's not worth running at breakneck speed. First of all, you need to consult with a leading pregnancy specialist.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the female body that affect the production of melanin. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, there is a high risk of age spots, increased production of thyroid and adrenal hormones, which can lead to complications and even miscarriage.

Is tanning in a solarium harmful for women in later stages? Definitely yes. The session is able to provoke overheating of the baby, who still has sweating, and dehydration of the mother's body.

  • diabetes;
  • disorders of the hormonal system and the work of the thyroid gland;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light;
  • hypertension.

If it is possible not to visit the solarium during pregnancy, it is not a shame to use it. The baby's own health and health is more important than fashion for skin tone.

The harm from tanning in a tanning bed and its benefits is a controversial issue. With a competent approach to visiting a salon, you can minimize the risk of negative consequences. Everything is good in moderation.

The opinion of doctors about the benefits and dangers of a solarium.

Useful articles:

What is SPF sun protection factor

How to determine the skin phototype for an even tan

A tanned woman is a beautiful woman. This idea, like a mantra, is repeated by all glossy publications. At the same time, doctors are constantly proving the harm from concentrated doses of ultraviolet radiation that solariums supply people with. For every ardent admirer of these salon procedures, there is probably an equally fierce opponent. But they both agree on one thing - before deciding on a procedure, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons visits to the solarium.

What is the use of a solarium for women


It should be remembered that only staying under high-quality lamps for a solarium in a strictly allotted time and in the absence of contraindications brings benefits.

From an aesthetic point of view

It should be remembered that the solarium

useful for acquiring golden skin tones, which is typical for your color type. Therefore, heed the advice of professionals regarding how

how to sunbathe in a solarium

Solarium harm

Solarium harm maybe even subject to the schedule of visits and all precautions... And if you are from a light-skinned blonde of the "Celtic" color type set out to turn into a sultry inhabitant of the Mediterranean, then the harm to the body will be colossal.

Medical harm

  • Photoaging- destruction of skin collagen and damage to fibroblasts (connective tissue cells). The functions of the skin are impaired, local immunity falls, a combination of deep and mimic wrinkles is observed.
  • Excessively dry skin and small age spots that can grow.
  • Mutation processes can begin in cells, which provoke skin cancers.
  • To visit the solarium there are a number of contraindications for health reasons, ignoring which you expose yourself to rash risks.

Is it possible to visit a solarium with psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disease that externally manifested by the formation of scales on the head, elbows or knees, and drying the skin when visiting a tanning bed can be both beneficial and harmful.

From a medical point of view, there can be indications for visiting a solarium only in cases where the irradiation process takes place under the supervision of a doctor. Then, individual problem areas of the skin are exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which are irradiated locally and dosed. Control the power of the lamps in the solarium, which means send there for treatment, the doctor cannot... But in this case, there are no special contraindications to visiting the solarium.

In the early stages of the disease UV rays can reduce the number of breakouts and slightly delay the formation of new ones... This reduces itching and redness. But it is impossible to cure the skin with ultraviolet light, as well as to say unequivocally whether a solarium is harmful or useful for people with psoriasis.

The opinion of doctors about the benefits or dangers of a tanning bed for the body

Unfortunately, the salons are often staffed by untrained girls-administrators who cannot provide you with professional advice. Therefore, in addition to independently studying the arguments for and against, you should listen to the opinion of doctors.

Irina, 35 years old

Until recently, I regularly visited the solarium, but now I have stopped doing it. The debate about tanning salons and ultraviolet radiation has not stopped for many years, as have attempts to ban them. So is it true that a tanning bed is so bad for women's health, or is it, to some extent, good for a woman's body?

Doctor-oncologist. The beauty industry calls tanning a synonym for attractiveness and health and benefits from it. In some countries, tanning salon customers sign a document that lists the potential negative health effects. Remember that UV lamps are not the sun's rays. This is the use of a certain spectrum of solar radiation, the most aggressive and much more active than sunbathing.

Nastya, 24 years old

I am planning a pregnancy and try to strengthen my body in all available ways. And just recently I read that visiting a solarium has a beneficial effect on the reproductive organs. Moreover, it is so useful that girls do not stop sessions even during pregnancy. Tell us in more detail, is it still harmful or beneficial to go to the solarium and is it possible to attend sessions during pregnancy?

Gynecologist: Pregnancy planning and its course are so individual that one should not be guided by other people's stories. Only your doctor can advise you whether or not to visit the solarium. If a small tan will cheer you up, then why not. Sunbathe in your underwear and take all safety precautions. During pregnancy, a visit to the solarium is allowed only in the first days; during the rest of the period, this is not recommended.

Svetlana, 46 years old

I know that a solarium at my age is already contraindicated. But I heard that adolescents who suffer from acne, it is recommended for medical reasons. My daughter, just at the age when the problems of appearance are of the most concern. Tell me, is it possible to treat acne in a solarium?

Dermatologist-cosmetologist: In this case, a solarium is practically a medical procedure. Sometimes I recommend UV baths to my patients with oily skin and rashes. In some cases, such sessions are extremely effective, especially for the back. But I send clients only to proven salons, where they worry about disposable linen and timely replacement of lamps in the apparatus.

Veronica, 26 years old

Today, not just a tan is in fashion, but an even shade without a hint of traces from a swimsuit. The girls write that they do well without cosmetics for the solarium, they even sunbathe without underwear and without glasses, so as not to get traces of the gum. To be honest, I really like this idea, but I am a little afraid of the possible consequences. Tell me how to provide a tan in a solarium with benefit and minimize the harm of ultraviolet radiation for women?

Dermatologist: Ignoring the general rules for visiting a tanning salon, you thereby endanger your health. There is an opinion that without a protective cream, tanning lays down smoother, but at the same time, the likelihood of getting skin cancer increases. The same can be said for tanning without nipple pads or underwear. As for the glasses, they must be mandatory, since even with your eyes closed, you receive a huge dose of radiation, which can provoke cataracts or visual impairment.

  • Check with your doctor how often you can go to the solarium.
  • Take care of special protection from ultraviolet radiation and disposable underwear.
  • Ask a beautician draw up your individual schedule of visits to the solarium and the time of the session according to your color type. The period between sessions cannot be less than 24 hours.
  • If you want to know how to tan quickly in a solarium, pay attention to creams with bronzers, but do not lengthen the exposure time.
  • Approach the procedure wisely and rely on common sense rather than rave reviews from salon customers.

What is your opinion about visiting a tanning salon and the beauty of a tanned body? Write your comments, we will be grateful.

Is a solarium harmful to human health or is it a myth? How does the radiation of this device affect the human body and body? Similar questions are asked by many salon visitors. Let's try to figure it out.

Long gone are the days when a milky-white body and pallor of the face were considered an indisputable standard of beauty, a kind of sign of nobility and aristocracy.

Today, an even bronze skin tone is a real decoration of the body. And if earlier it was possible to acquire a beautiful color only in summer or in hot countries, now the long-awaited golden tan is available to everyone at any time of the year at a very reasonable price.

What is this device?

How does a bronze tint appear on the skin? Why does a person need it? The sun's rays contain harmful ultraviolet light. Under its influence, the human body produces melanin, which forms a kind of protective layer on the skin surface, which protects the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. The essence of artificial radiation is that it imitates such an action.

This device is a booth specially equipped with ultraviolet lamps. Unlike the sun's rays, these lamps do not produce ultraviolet light. Otherwise, staying under the artificial light of such a booth is practically no different from sunbathing.

Cabins (or capsules) are of two types: horizontal and vertical.

In the horizontal capsule, the client obtains a golden skin tone while lying down. The lamps of such a device do not differ in power, therefore, it is impossible to get a burn in a session lasting twenty minutes.

The disadvantage of a horizontal capsule is that the skin tone is not entirely uniform: those areas that are farther from the lamps and closer to the surface of the bed do not tan so intensely. Therefore, from time to time you need to change your position.

The vertical capsule, designed for tanning in a standing position, has a higher lamp power, which means that the stay in the booth cannot exceed twelve minutes. The bronze color of the skin in such conditions is perfectly uniform. The cost is slightly higher.

The vertical capsule is also more hygienic, as its visitors do not need to touch the booth. And one more plus in this case is the freedom of body movements. But at the same time, in a horizontal booth, you can completely relax and, feeling the warmth of the lamps, imagine that you are lying on the beach in the sun, while the air conditioning system creates the illusion of a light breeze.

Perhaps, we should also recall the third type of device - a device intended for use at home. However, using this device will take much longer to achieve a beautiful skin color than in salon booths.

Let's try to understand in detail what the solarium gives us, what its benefits are and what the harm is.

Benefits of the procedure

It would seem that the only plus from visiting a solarium is aesthetics, namely an even, beautiful tan, available at any time of the year without a significant investment of time and money. Bronze body looks more attractive, toned.

In addition, after getting a piece tan, there are no traces of a swimsuit, as on the beach, and also due to the fact that each session of radiation is strictly dosed, it is impossible to get a burn. What other benefits can there be from artificial "sun" baths? Let's take a look at all their advantages:

  1. The state of health improves, the metabolic process in the body is normalized. After relaxing under warm lamps, many feel refreshed and energized.
  2. This is a wonderful preparation for the beach season. With the onset of hot summer, you will not only look much more spectacular than the pale others, but also prevent sunburn, since the skin will already be protected by a layer of melanin, and therefore not so vulnerable to the merciless scorching rays of the sun.
  3. A sufficient amount of the most valuable vitamin D, which is produced by ultraviolet irradiation, prevents a number of possible diseases, such as rickets, psoriasis, colds, skin and joint problems; the benefits of vitamin D for women are colossal, because from its lack the skin ages faster, wrinkles appear, and menopause may occur earlier.
  4. Calcium, obtained through ultraviolet irradiation, is 70% more useful and effective for the body than the same element used in capsules. This is the result of research by American scientists. And calcium is known to be extremely important for the health of teeth and muscles.
  5. According to medical experts, artificial "sun" baths are beneficial for the immune system. After a series of sessions, the body's ability to fight viruses and infections will increase.
  6. During the session, the body produces the hormone endorphin, which is responsible for pleasure and happiness. Therefore, a good mood is attached to beautiful skin as a bonus. Scientists have found that not only from a lack of vitamins in the body, but also from a lack of sun, apathy, chronic fatigue, lethargy appear. Therefore, in the autumn-winter period, to improve your well-being, it is very useful to sunbathe under the artificial "sun".
  7. Those who suffer from the appearance of capillary networks on the limbs need a tan. Thanks to the action of ultraviolet radiation, blood circulation improves, the state of the vessels is normalized.
  8. It is known that after sunbathing, blood sugar and cholesterol levels decrease.
  9. The benefits of a tanning bed for men have also been proven, since under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in the male body, the hormone testosterone is produced, which is responsible for erection and libido.

It should be borne in mind that all of the above advantages are relevant only with the "correct" procedure, which implies strict control over the moderation of the frequency and duration of stay in the "solar capsule", timely replacement of lamps, disinfection of the booth and other compliance with the conditions necessary for safe tanning.


Is a tanning bed harmful, and if so, how much? Of course, tanning beds are not the only benefits. The harm from exposure to ultraviolet light is also possible. Experts in the field of cosmetology and dermatology argue that if the procedure is not abused, then it is incapable of causing any tangible harm to health. However, consider the negative aspects:

  • The very first on the list and the main harm of a tanning bed is that it is capable of provoking oncology. Swedish scientists claim that frequent visitors (who perform the procedure more than ten times a year) are seven times more likely to develop skin cancer!
  • Although getting a piece bronze shade is considered safer, in modern realities some lamps can be so radioactive that one procedure in a booth is equal to a whole day spent under the hot summer sun.
  • Another harm - often after the procedure, the skin and hair dry out. Undesirable age spots and freckles appear on the body.
  • The harm from a tanning bed for women is manifested in the fact that with frequent visits to the capsule, the skin ages much faster. It becomes dry, lethargic, loses its firmness and elasticity. Wrinkles appear early.
  • It has been proven that abuse of artificial "sun" baths can cause problems with the mammary glands, thyroid gland, there is a likelihood of visual impairment, up to cataracts.
  • If you visit the tanning salon too often, you may experience skin problems. At first, the production of melanin, on the contrary, eliminates rashes, heals small wounds. But over time, if sunburn is abused, skin diseases will only worsen.

Sometimes (not very often, but still) people get addicted to tanning - tanorexia. This psychological addiction is akin to alcohol or tobacco. A person all the time feels the need to have a very tanned body, all the time to get a piece bronze shade.

If it is not possible to go through the procedure for a long time, the tanorexic is nervous and angry. It is noteworthy that this kind of addiction is more common in young people under the age of 30.


In what cases is it worth abandoning the procedure for obtaining a piece bronze shade altogether?

  1. You should not sunbathe for people with diseases such as bronchial asthma, disorders of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis patients.
  2. You should also refrain if you have recently undergone surgery.
  3. You have an abundance of tattoos on your skin.
  4. There are a lot of age spots, moles.
  5. You should not go there while taking medication.
  6. Allergy sufferers.
  7. It is not recommended to use artificial "sunbathing" services for children and adolescents under the age of fifteen.

There are additional contraindications for the fair sex. Sunbathing is prohibited:

  • Women with mastopathy.
  • With menstruation.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • Immediately after any cosmetic procedure, such as epilation or peeling.

Video: Malysheva on solariums - harm or benefit?

What do solarium lovers need to know?

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to remember a few useful tips. If you stick to them, going to the solarium will do without harm to your health:

  1. Choose your salon carefully. Try to find out how professional the staff is, in what condition the device itself is, how often the lamps in the solarium are changed.
  2. Do not hesitate to consult with the salon staff about the specifics of the session, let them select an individual visit program for you.
  3. Choose the right sun cream or milk, and a product to apply after the procedure. It should be smeared with cream immediately before entering the booth.
  4. To prevent your hair from drying out, wear a protective cap over your head. Use special stickers for nipples, moles, and birthmarks.
  5. Before visiting the "solar capsule", you must remove absolutely all jewelry from yourself, and also completely wash off makeup from your face.
  6. If the capsule is horizontal, make sure that the salon personnel disinfect it with a special solution.
  7. To avoid damaging your eyes, you can wear sunglasses. Although not necessary. If you do not want pale spots around the eyes, it is enough to simply close them and in no case open them throughout the entire procedure.
  8. Better to break off for a couple of days after the first time. During this time, observe the body's reaction to the procedure.
  9. To restore the skin, the break between sessions of receiving artificial "sun" baths should be at least forty-eight hours.
  10. The maximum recommended number of visits per year is two courses of ten sessions each. More is already dangerous.

Adhering to these simple rules for visiting a solarium, you will only get pleasure in the form of a beautiful tanned body and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

The article contains detailed and reliable information about the dangers and benefits of obtaining an artificial bronze shade. What is a solarium in the first place - benefit or harm, each person decides for himself. This is a matter of personal choice, as well as what kind of tanning is preferable - the sun or a solarium.

Tanning is in vogue today. And lovers of tanned skin do not have to wait for summer or go to hot countries in winter - you can sunbathe in a solarium all year round. But how safe is such a tan? In recent decades, heated debates about the benefits and dangers of tanning beds for women have not subsided. Come on and we will weigh the pros and cons, and also consider the most common misconceptions on this score.

Arguments against"

Consider the main disadvantages of visiting a solarium.

Cancer risk

According to doctors, a solarium can become a catalyst for the oncology, primarily skin cancer. At risk are people with a congenital genetic predisposition, as well as those who have many moles and birthmarks on their bodies. In general, according to research results, people who visit tanning salons more than 10 times a year have a 7-fold increased risk of developing skin cancer.

Accelerated skin aging

Alas, solarium has been scientifically proven to cause accelerated skin aging. With frequent visits to the solarium, the skin loses its elasticity and smoothness, wrinkles and cracks appear. The fact is that under the influence of rays of type A, the upper layers of the skin become thin and dry, and rays of type B, acting on the deeper layers of the epidermis, destroy collagen fibers. And as a result - old and loose skin.

Decreased hair quality

It may seem to you that after visiting the tanning salon, the hair fade and takes on the appearance, as after highlighting in the salon. However, this can hardly be attributed to the advantages of visiting a solarium, since in fact ultraviolet rays have a very harmful effect on the hair structure - they become thinner, split, lose shine and fall out. Without special protection and care, even luxurious hair runs the risk of very quickly turning into "straw".

Important! Always wear a special headgear during the procedure!

Harmful effect on eyes

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in a solarium, you can get a burn of the cornea, retina or accelerate age-related changes in the lens. Therefore, during the procedure, the eyes must be protected with special glasses that do not allow ultraviolet rays to pass through.

Important! Always wear special glasses during the procedure!

The onset of tanorexia

With frequent visits to the solarium, the risk of psychological dependence on ultraviolet rays - the so-called tanorexia - increases. It manifests itself in a constant desire to have tanned skin at any time of the year. And the lack of the ability to receive ultraviolet radiation can cause depression.

Arguments for"

Of course, the solarium would not be so popular all over the world if it did not have certain advantages. Here are the most basic ones.

Attractive appearance at any time of the year

Today, a tanned skin tone is an indispensable attribute of a successful, fashionable, sexually attractive woman. Tanning gives the face a healthy, refreshed look, masks traces of fatigue and skin imperfections, makes the body visually slimmer. And all this - at any time of the year. That is, you can be fully armed both in summer and in winter.

Fast effect and minimal time spent

On average, tanning in a solarium takes only 10-20 minutes. After several procedures, the skin takes on a tanned look and people around you think that you have just returned from a good beach holiday. You no longer need to lie on the beach for hours to get this effect.

Convenient visit time

You do not need to be guided by the sun and the weather, you can drop into the solarium at any time convenient for you - after work or even at lunchtime.

Preparing for a beach holiday

Already on the first day of your holiday, you can boast of a beautiful tanned figure, and not give other vacationers a reason to immediately identify "newcomers" by the dazzling white skin.

Source of vitamin D

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the body, vitamin D is produced. Although a solarium cannot replace the benefits of natural sunlight, nevertheless, during a session of such a tanning, vitamin D is synthesized, which is especially useful in the cold season.

Good mood

In the period of the autumn-winter blues, an attractive appearance can cheer you up and give confidence in your own irresistibility.

Common misconceptions

Quite often you can hear statements in favor of the solarium, which in fact do not correspond to reality. Let's consider the main ones.

Myth 1. Solarium relieves acne and acne

Myth 2. Solarium stimulates the production of serotonin

It is no coincidence that serotonin is called the "hormone of happiness", because it is its lack in the brain that causes a depressive state. It is believed that ultraviolet rays stimulate the production of serotonin, the so-called "happiness hormone" responsible for a good mood. However, the studies conducted did not reveal any regularities between visiting a tanning bed and changes in serotonin levels. Thus, the improvement in mood can only be explained by the psychotherapeutic effect of the procedure.

Myth 3. A visit to a solarium before a trip to hot countries will prepare the skin and reduce the risk of burns

The World Health Organization (WHO) does not agree with this fact. According to them, preparing the skin in a solarium is tantamount to applying a sunscreen to the skin with only a minimal degree of protection, which is clearly not enough.

There are a number of contraindications for visiting a solarium, which you are unlikely to be told in a beauty salon or fitness center. However, such a seemingly harmless procedure under certain circumstances can do more harm than good - cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases and other unpleasant consequences. Remember that tanning is an additional burden on the entire body. Therefore, in any case, do not visit the solarium during an exacerbation of chronic diseases. And even without an exacerbation, it is better to completely refuse to visit the solarium or do it only after consulting your doctor in the presence of the following chronic diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • high blood pressure;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • mastopathy;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • allergy.

Also contraindications to visiting the solarium are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • recent surgery;
  • age up to 15 years;
  • very light skin;
  • a large number of freckles and moles on the body;
  • claustrophobia.

Unpredictable and undesirable tanning results in tanning beds can be obtained under the following circumstances:

    Recent laser hair removal, resurfacing or chemical peeling of the skin is a high risk of burns and pigmentation.

    Period of menstruation - these days melanin will be unevenly distributed and dark spots may appear on the skin - chloasma.

    Taking medications, including antidepressants - they may contain light-sensitive components.

    Tattoos and permanent makeup - Some colors can react.

Well, we have weighed all the pros and cons. Now you know that visiting a solarium is not such a harmless procedure, which, if abused or violated certain rules, can cause significant harm. Beauty requires sacrifice, but this sacrifice should not be your health!