Is it possible to wear someone else's cross found. The opinion of psychics and superstitious people

The cross is an indicator of belonging to the Christian faith. From this article you will learn whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross, and why it cannot be worn over clothes.

The cross, according to the clergy, should always be on a believer. But there are also prohibitions associated with it. Some of them are nothing more than superstitions, which a believer should not even think about. These include, for example, the darkening of the cross. But this is far from the only question that a believer may have about his cross.

Myths and superstitions about the cross


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Cannot be worn on a chain

There are absolutely no restrictions on the chain. Here, rather, the question of convenience and habit is more important. If a person wants to wear a pectoral cross on a chain, then he can do it, such actions are not forbidden by the church. Most important principle, which must be followed in this case - so that the cross is not lost and does not fly off the neck. Both lace and chain are acceptable. Superstitious people, however, assure that, according to all signs, the cross is not lost just like that.

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Cannot be worn over clothing

This is an absolutely true statement. The cross is a symbol of faith and protection. By not wearing a cross outside, a person shows the sincerity of faith, without making it ostentatious. Also, all the warmth and blessing that the priest gives to the pectoral cross during the consecration, in this case, is transferred only to you.

Can't give

You can always give a cross. Of course, it's great if parents or godparents take care of it, as one of the christening gifts. But this does not mean that the other person cannot give you a cross. There is also such a tradition when two people exchange pectoral crosses, becoming brothers or sisters in Christ. Usually this is done by close people.

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Cannot be picked up if found

A superstition that has absolutely no basis. We also recall that superstitions are completely not recognized by the church and are considered incompatible with the Christian faith. There are people who believe that by raising the found cross, one can take on the problems of the person who lost or left it. The cross, since it is a shrine, must at least be brought to the temple. Or keep it for yourself and store it in a red corner in the house.

You can not wear someone else's cross

If you got a cross from a parent or someone you know, you can wear it. The church does not establish any prohibition here. Especially if you don't have a cross. Many people believe that things are endowed with the energy of their owner, and it can be transferred to a new owner. They may also argue that by giving away a cross, a person gives away a piece of his Destiny. Only such beliefs have nothing to do with the Christian faith and belong to the occult worldview.

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You can not wear a cross with a crucifix


Another superstition that you should not pay attention to. There are people who say that a cross with a crucifix will bring upon a person hard life. This is not true at all, just people's speculation. Such a cross symbolizes the salvation and sacrifice of Christ, there is nothing wrong with it. But you need to wear it correctly: the crucifix should not be turned towards you, but outward.

You can not wear an unconsecrated cross

The cross is best to consecrate. But as such, there is no ban on wearing an unconsecrated pectoral cross. It is believed that evil spirits bypass even two crossed sticks. Nevertheless, a believer should still consecrate his creed.
You can choose any cross that you like: gold, silver, copper or wood. The material is not very important. It is important to consecrate it and not wear jewelry bought in a jewelry store as a cross. It must be understood that the church Orthodox cross, which symbolizes faith in God, differs from beautiful, but purely decorative crosses. They do not carry a spiritual load and are not related to faith.

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Why wear pectoral cross?


Why should I go to church if I have faith in my soul? Why wear a cross if I'm already a Christian? Is it written in the Gospel that everyone should walk with crosses? So to wear or not to wear? Approximately such questions are often asked by the unchurched.

Let's try to answer.

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Where did this tradition come from?

Wearing a cross without a real Christian life will look like some kind of fake. Attitude towards the cross beautiful decoration will also serve a person in condemnation. So what happens: you can’t wear it, otherwise you’ll hurt yourself?

Wearing a pectoral cross is not only possible, but necessary. Many believers can confirm: this is the most powerful protection for a person. Why? Because the cross is the instrument of Christ's death. The crucified Jesus washed away the sins of every person with His Blood.

Therefore, this reminds every Christian of what sacrifices God makes for the sake of man, for which Christ suffered. If Jesus had not suffered, there would have been no hope for people to be saved. The cross is rightly called the instrument of our salvation. But many people refuse to wear this item on their body.

The most popular arguments are:

  1. this does not confirm that I am a Christian;
  2. there is no indication in the Gospels of wearing a cross, the first Christians did not know this either ...

Yes, indeed, wearing a pectoral cross without practicing the Christian life resembles a person who tries to sail in a storm on a shipwreck.

Indeed, the gospel and the lives of the early Christians do not indicate that people supported modern practices.

But on the other hand, in the life of the early church it was customary to wear medallions with the image of the slain Lamb or the Crucifixion. Sources of the 2nd century indicate that some Christians already had crosses or drew them on their foreheads in order to “give themselves out” to the persecutors and suffer for the faith. When the "hunt" for believers subsided, the pious example of the early Christians spread widely.

An interesting historical fact is cited by Archpriest Igor Fomin.

There was one rather humiliating custom in the Roman Empire. As we now wear a collar for dogs, so their slaves wore the same straps around their necks with the name of their owner.

The first Christians, opposing themselves to such a society, wore pectoral crosses, as if to say: we do not belong to you. We have another Master who paid for us with his own life.

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spiritual protection

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Today it is customary to put a cross on a person after performing the Sacrament of Baptism. This is like a confirmation of belonging to the Church and understanding that the Son of God suffered for me.

Yes, it's all nonsense! Why wear a cross? the skeptic will say. Think two. wooden sticks or metal figurine. Can they protect a person?

The answer is very succinct: they can. There are many testimonies to be found.

For example, in difficult Soviet times It was forbidden to wear "metal figurines". If a girl is going to marry a non-Christian, usually she is required to take off ... a cross. It sounds something like this: renounce your faith, turn away from Christ.

And how many stories there are about how people were deprived of spiritual protection without a pectoral cross! Many became possessed - they were possessed by evil spirits. And when they were approached with a cross, they began to cowardly, shout, slander, beat their heads against the wall ...

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Symbol of victory over the devil


A familiar priest told a story from his own practice. He served in a village where everyone knew each other. There lived one man who had little contact with people, had no family. He never went to church.

One day the priest passed by this man. For some reason I decided to stop and talk. Then it turns:

Alexey, I want to give you a little gift.

The man was as happy as a child. The priest put a pectoral cross around his neck.

Some time has passed. The rector met Alexei again. The man, almost in tears, said:

Father, I could not accept your gift.

And he told a story. After they hung a cross around his neck, he did not understand what was happening to him. When I came to my senses, I realized that he was already far from home, on the local Bald Mountain. There was no longer a pectoral cross around the neck.

No matter how skeptical we are about this, he knows inexactly what power this symbol of Christianity has. Therefore, the evil one tries in various ways to hinder a person.

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Why wear a pectoral cross? To save yourself. The devil is afraid of losing access to a person, he is worried that he can take the path of piety and be saved. After all, the cross is a symbol of victory over the forces of darkness, a constant reminder of who we are, why we were created and how to be saved.

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How to choose a chain for a cross and other interesting facts

What to do with the found pectoral cross

The found pectoral cross must be raised. You can keep it at home, you can give it to the temple or to someone who needs it.

The superstitions that if we find a cross somewhere lost by someone, then we cannot take it, since by doing so we take other people's sorrows and temptations, they are not only unfounded, but also contradict the Truth, since the Lord is a person, and not a soulless machine...

The image of the Cross of Christ is not only its eight-pointed likeness, but also a simple crosshair of sticks. St. John Chrysostom writes: “If you are walking along the road and suddenly see two sticks folded in the form of a cross, then do not be lazy and shift it so that someone does not accidentally step on, trample on the symbol of God's love for people.”

pectoral cross- the visible consent of a person to crucifixion with Christ, evidence of belonging to the Orthodox Church, confession of the Christian faith, a means of grace-filled protection.

There is a superstition that when consecrated, the pectoral cross acquires magical protective properties. The Church teaches that the sanctification of matter allows us not only spiritually, but also bodily - through this sanctified matter - to partake of Divine Grace, which is necessary for us for spiritual growth and salvation.

Why should you wearpectoral cross

– The meaning of wearing a cross is revealed in the words of the Apostle Paul: "I crucified with Christ"(Gal. 2:19). The consecrated pectoral cross is a symbol of faith and a sign of belonging to the Church of Christ. The cross protects from evil spirits. He who does not want to bear the cross himself rejects the help of God.

The pectoral cross is given to a baptized person who becomes a Christian for constant wear in the most important place (near the heart) as an image of the Lord's Cross, an outward sign of an Orthodox Christian. This is also done as a reminder that the Cross of Christ is a weapon against fallen spirits, having the power to heal and give life. That is why the Cross of the Lord is called Life-Giving!

He is evidence that a person is a Christian (a follower of Christ and a member of His Church) and a sin for those who wear a cross for fashion, whether or not being a Christian; the conscious wearing of the pectoral cross is a wordless prayer.

Celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism, the priest puts a cross on the baby, which from that moment becomes the inseparable companion of the new member of the Church. It is not customary to remove the cross when bathing or changing clothes (in the old days there were even wooden crosses in the baths, which were put on in the steam room instead of their own). Unfortunately, there are also “knowledgeable” advisers: nurses, neighbors, friends who authoritatively convince the mother to remove the cross from the child: they say it’s still small, it will get tangled in the ribbon, rub the skin, etc.

Name at least one such case?

There are canonical forms of crosses - four-, six-, eight-pointed; with a semicircle below and others. Each line has a deep symbolic meaning. In Russia, eight-pointed pectoral crosses are more accepted, on the back of which, according to tradition, the inscription "Save and save" is made.

Saint Demetrius of Rostov wrote as early as the 18th century: “Not according to the number of trees, not according to the number of ends, the Cross of Christ is revered by us, but according to Christ himself, with whose Most Holy Blood he was stained. Manifesting miraculous power, any Cross does not act by itself, but by the power of Christ crucified on it and by the invocation of His Most Holy Name..

There are no special rules about the material for crosses, but making crosses from clay is not blessed. Precious metals are also acceptable here, because for a Christian there can be nothing more precious than a cross - hence the desire to decorate it.

Of course, simple wooden or metal crosses are closer in spirit to the Cross of the Lord.

There is also no fundamental difference between a chain and a braid: it is important that the cross is held firmly. The cross must not be removed, incl. during washing and sports activities. The laity wear underwear ( on the body) a cross under clothes, without deliberately exposing it for show.

In the first centuries of the adoption of Christianity by Russia, crosses were worn not on the body, but over clothing "as clear indicators of Christian baptism." Later, until the 18th century, only bishops had the right to wear a cross over their clothes, and even later, priests. A priestly pectoral cross is called a pectoral one (“Persi” in Church Slavonic means “chest”). Along with the pectoral, priests also wear a pectoral cross.

Russian people swore allegiance on crosses, and exchanging pectoral crosses, they became cross brothers.

During the construction of churches, houses, bridges, the cross was laid in the foundation.

There was a custom to cast many crosses from a broken church bell, which enjoyed special reverence.

To take off the cross or not to wear it is apostasy. During the 2000-year history of Christianity, many people have suffered for their faith, for refusing to renounce Christ and take off their pectoral cross. This feat has been repeated in our time.

Many are associated with the pectoral cross superstition: lost a cross - trouble will happen; a cross lost by someone cannot be raised; You can't give a cross, you can't wear it on a chain, and the like. All of them have no basis: you can buy a new cross, wear a donated or found one, consecrating it in the temple. Those crosses that are sold in the temple are consecrated with a special rank.

Is it necessary to bless the pectoral cross in the temple, or is it enough to sprinkle it with holy water at home?

Icons and images of the cross are subject to consecration by a priest. In the breviary there is a special small sequence, it includes a priestly prayer for the consecration of "this sign of the cross." (Trebnik is a liturgical book concerning private services performed on REQUEST (as opposed to public services - Vespers, Matins and Liturgy).

An incident with a parishioner. Before that, they recently got married to her husband. My husband has just come to faith. Bought a pectoral cross. The husband thought: "And why should I go to the Temple. There is baptismal water and a prayer for the consecration of every thing." I read it and sprinkled it three times. Put on and wear. We went to the Pafnutevo-Borovsky Monastery (for the first time). They enter the cell to Fr. Vlasiy. He calls him by name (seeing him for the first time) and says: "Your Cross is not consecrated, go to the prayer service and consecrate it." (Zakharin A.G.)

Priest Mikhail Vorobyov answers:

What does the loss of the pectoral cross mean?

Nothing but some inattention and carelessness of the lost.

Is it possible to give a pectoral cross

Of course you can.

How to choose a pectoral cross

The pectoral cross is not jewelry. No matter how handsome he may be, from whatever precious metal it would not have been made, it is primarily a visible symbol of the Christian faith.

Orthodox pectoral crosses are very ancient tradition and therefore they are very diverse in their appearance, depending on the time and place of manufacture. The traditional Orthodox pectoral cross has an eight-pointed shape.

The veneration of the cross, love for it is manifested in the richness and variety of its decorations. Pectoral crosses have always been distinguished by diversity both in the choice of material from which they were made - gold, silver, copper, bronze, wood, bone, amber - and in their shape. And therefore, when choosing a cross, one should pay attention not to the metal from which the cross is made, but to whether the shape of the cross corresponds to Orthodox traditions, which will be discussed below.

Is it possible to wear crosses with a Catholic Crucifix

The iconography of the Orthodox Crucifixion received its final dogmatic justification in 692 in the 82nd canon of the Trula Cathedral, which approved the canon of the iconographic image of the Crucifixion. The main condition of the canon is the combination of historical realism with the realism of Divine Revelation. The figure of the Savior expresses Divine peace and greatness. It is, as it were, laid on the cross, and the Lord opens His arms to all who turn to Him.

In this iconography, the complex dogmatic task of depicting the two natures of Christ - Human and Divine - is artistically solved, showing both death and the victory of the Savior. Catholics, abandoning their early views, did not understand and did not accept the rules of the Troulsky Cathedral and, accordingly, the symbolic spiritual image of Jesus Christ.

Naturally, Orthodox piety requires the wearing of an Orthodox cross, not a Catholic one, which violates the dogmatic foundations of the Christian faith.

How to consecrate a pectoral cross

Traditionally, in the Orthodox Church, the consecration of the pectoral cross is performed by a clergyman in the temple. The rite of blessing the cross to be worn on persekh, i.e. on the chest, contained in the liturgical book - Trebnik.

The cross is consecrated only once. You need to re-consecrate it only in exceptional conditions (if it was badly damaged and rebuilt, or fell into the hands, but you don’t know if it was consecrated before).

Which cross to choose - gold or silver

- Irrelevant; the main thing is that the cross is worn without taking it off, and it would be Orthodox and consecrated.

Is it possible to wear a cross on a chain

- There is no fundamental difference between a chain and a braid. It is important that the cross is firmly held. Better on a strong cord, because. chain links are frayed.

Is it possible to wear a cross and a zodiac sign on the same chain

- The pectoral cross is a sign of belonging to the Church of Christ, and the signs of the zodiac, amulets, amulets are evidence of adherence to paganism and various superstitions, therefore they cannot be worn at all: “What does light have in common with darkness? What agreement is there between Christ and Belial? Or what is the partnership of the faithful with the unbelievers? What is the compatibility of the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God, as God said, I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."(2 Corinthians 6:14-16).

Is it possible to wear the cross that my sister wore if she bought a new one

- Need. There is a tradition of fraternization in Christ and the mutual exchange of pectoral crosses. The cross is a sacred thing, a symbol of salvation, no matter who wore it.

How to distinguish an Orthodox cross from a Catholic one?

Orthodox Church confesses that Christ was crucified not with three, but with four nails. Therefore, on the Orthodox cross, the Savior is depicted crucified with four nails, and on the Catholic one - with three (both legs - with one nail). On the back of Orthodox crosses, according to tradition, the inscription "Save and save" is made.

Is it possible to raise a cross found on the street and what to do with it

- A cross found on the street must definitely be raised, since it is a shrine, and it should not be trampled underfoot. The found cross can be taken to the Church or consecrated and worn (if one is not available), or given to the one who will wear it.

Pectoral cross - why is it worn on the body and is it possible to remove the cross from oneself?


Of all world religions, Christianity occupies a special position in Russia. According to statistics, at least two-thirds of Russians received the Sacrament of Baptism. In this Sacrament, among other actions, a pectoral cross is placed on the neck of a person. About where the tradition of wearing pectoral crosses came from, why they wear it on the body and whether it is possible to remove the cross from oneself - this and other things will be discussed in our article.

A bit of history

The custom, along with Baptism, to put on a pectoral cross around the neck of the newly baptized did not appear immediately. However, the cross as an instrument of salvation has been the subject of the greatest honor among Christians since the very foundation of the Church. For example, the church thinker Tertullian (II-III centuries) in his "Apology" testifies that the veneration of the cross existed from the earliest times of Christianity. Even before Queen Helena and Emperor Constantine found the life-giving cross on which Christ was crucified in the 4th century, it was already common among the first followers of Christ to always have an image of the cross with them - both as a reminder of the sufferings of the Lord, and to confess their faith to others. . From the acts of the 7th Ecumenical Council (act 4) we know that the holy martyrs Orestes (suffered c. 304) and Procopius (martyred in 303) wore a cross on their chests. This custom is also written by Pontius, the life writer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian of Carthage (d. 258.), other. Christians wore the image of the cross on the body, most often on the forehead and on the chest. If some Christians wore a cross under their clothes because of fear of persecution or out of a reverent desire to avoid ridicule of the shrine by the pagans, then there were others who wanted to confess Christ, their faith. Such a bold and resolute confession prompted to make the image of the cross on the forehead as in the most conspicuous place on the human body. Today, very few external sources have survived that would report on this pious tradition of wearing the cross, because in the first three centuries it belonged to the area of ​​disciplinae arcanae, that is, to the circle of those Christian beliefs and rituals that were kept secret from the pagans. After the weakening and subsequent cessation of the persecution of Christians, the wearing of the cross became a widespread custom. At the same time, crosses began to be installed on all Christian churches. In Russia, this custom was adopted precisely with the baptism of the Slavs in 988. On Russian soil, crosses were worn not on the body, but over clothing, "as clear indicators of Christian baptism." They were called encolpions - from the Greek word "chest". Encolpions at first had the form of a four-sided box, empty inside; on their outer side, an image of the monogram of the name of Jesus Christ was placed, and later - a cross of various shapes. This box contained relics.

The meaning of the cross

What does the pectoral cross symbolize and why is it necessary to wear it? The cross, as an instrument of a terrible and painful execution, thanks to the sacrificial feat of Christ the Savior, became a symbol of redemption and an instrument for the salvation of all mankind from sin and death. It is on the Cross, through pain and suffering, death and Resurrection, that the Son of God accomplishes the salvation or healing of human nature from mortality, passion and corruption brought into it by the fall of Adam and Eve. Thus, a person who wears the Crucifixion of Christ testifies to his participation in the suffering and feat of his Savior, followed by the hope of salvation, and hence the resurrection of man for eternal life with God. This complicity consists not so much in theoretically recognizing that Christ once, more than two thousand years ago, in Jerusalem suffered physically and morally, but in accepting: I, just like the Lord, am ready daily to bring sacrifice yourself - through the struggle with your passions, through the forgiveness and non-judgment of your neighbors, through building your life according to the Gospel commandments of the Savior - as a sign of love and gratitude to Him.

A huge honor

For an Orthodox Christian, wearing a cross is a great honor and responsibility. Conscious neglect and blasphemous attitude to the cross in the Russian people has always been understood as an act of apostasy. Russian people swore allegiance on crosses, and exchanging pectoral crosses, they became cross brothers. During the construction of churches, houses, bridges, the cross was laid in the foundation. The Orthodox Church believes that according to the faith of a person, through the cross of Christ, the power of God is manifested (acts) in an invisible way. The cross is a weapon against the devil. The Church can reliably speak about the miraculous, saving and healing power of the cross and the sign of the cross, referring to the experience from the life of her saints, as well as to the numerous testimonies of ordinary believers. Resurrection of the dead, healing from ailments, protection from evil forces - all these and other good deeds to this day through the cross show man the love of God.

worthless superstitions

But, despite the life-giving power of the cross, many people trust (follow) various superstitions associated with the cross. Here is an example of one of them: “To see a pectoral cross in a dream is an alarming sign, and if you dreamed that you lost your cross, be prepared for troubles that will not slow down to fall on you,” dream interpreters say unanimously. But the most common superstition associated with the Crucifixion tells us that if we find a cross somewhere lost by someone, then we cannot take it, because by doing so we take on other people's sins. However, when it comes to finding lost money, no one remembers the sins of others, especially the pain of others. And to the “serious question” that worries many about what it means when a cross is lost, I want to just as seriously answer what it means that the chain or rope on which this cross hung broke. The presence in a person of a superstitious, that is, a vain, empty attitude towards the cross testifies to little faith and even distrust of Christ, and, therefore, of His redemptive sacrificial feat performed on the Cross. In this case, hope and love for God and trust in God's Providence are replaced by distrust and fear of the unknown.

Questionable Targets

For what purpose are pectoral crosses worn today and are they worn at all? Here are the answers to this question that were posted on one of the Internet forums:. I wear it as a talisman; . because it's beautiful and probably just helps; . I wear a cross, but not as a symbol of faith, but as a gift from a person close to me; . I wear it because, they say, it brings happiness; . I don’t wear it, because I consider it idolatry, there is no indication of this custom in the Bible; . I don’t wear a cross for two reasons: my neck itches terribly from all these chains, and the second is that, of course, I’m a believer, but not to the same extent ... This is precisely the unchurched people with a pagan, and even consumerist attitude to faith and religion . But among this type of people there is a part that does not accept the wearing of a cross at all, motivating it as follows: “God is in my soul anyway”; “In the Bible, God does not command to wear a cross”; “The cross is a symbol of death, a shameful instrument of execution,” etc. What can a person not come up with as an excuse for his elementary ignorance in the field of Christian culture! Thus, most unchurched people do not have a Christian understanding of what a cross is and why it should be worn on the body. The Church says that the cross is a shrine on which the salvation of people was accomplished, testifying to God's love for us. Upon receiving the Sacrament of Baptism, a person begins to be called a Christian, which means that one who is ready to testify to God's fidelity through carrying his life's cross and following His commandments with his whole life. This is what the image of the cross on our chest constantly reminds us of. Orthodox Christians are called, looking at the cross, to treat it with great reverence and responsibility. Such a reverent attitude towards the cross and remembering it as a shrine often keeps a person from committing a bad deed. No wonder in Russia a person who committed a crime was told: "There is no cross on you." This phrase carries a non-literal, physical meaning the absence of a cross on the body, but speaks of a lack of remembrance, a serious Christian attitude towards the cross and the Christian faith. In itself, the presence of a cross on the chest does not save and has no meaning for a person if he does not consciously confess what the Cross of Christ symbolizes. A reverent attitude towards the pectoral cross encourages the believer not to remove the cross from the body without serious need. The fact that in Russia they made special bathing crosses made of wood, so as not to burn yourself with a metal cross, suggests that people did not want to remove crosses even on a short time(during washing). No wonder the Russian people said: "He who has a cross is with Christ." But there are situations when certain circumstances require it - for example, operations on the body. In such cases, one should not neglect the doctor's demand, it is enough to make the sign of the cross over oneself and rely on the will of God. The question of whether or not to wear crosses to infants causes fear in many people, because the child can allegedly suffocate with a rope or chain on which the Crucifix is ​​located. But there is not yet a single such accident known when a child would strangle himself with his own hands or inflict wounds on himself with a cross. These are just vain fears or superstitious prejudices of adults. The only advice to parents is that children should not be put on too long a rope or chain around their neck. Conclusion The cross is not just a memory of the day of baptism and not a relic that should be kept, not a talisman and not a gift, but a shrine through which God gives a believing person who leads a correct spiritual life His grace, comfort and support. It is no coincidence that the Russian people put together a wise proverb: "We do not wear the cross, but it wears us." Being a visible shrine, the pectoral cross is called upon to testify to our faith in Christ, our readiness to sacrificially love and forgive people and live according to the Gospel commandments. And God grant us, looking at our cross, to remember the words of the Lord more often and act according to His call: “If anyone wants to follow Me, deny yourself and take up your cross, and follow Me” (Mt 16:24).

Deacon Konstantin Kiosev Source: Orthodox website

Is it possible to wear someone else's cross:

If someone else’s pectoral cross fell into your hands, and it doesn’t matter how it happened - whether someone gave it to you, inherited it, or even just found it, then naturally the question arises about the possibility of wearing it. About, is it possible to wear someone else's cross, people often ask on forums and other sites. There is no unequivocal answer to this question, but we will try to highlight the two most common opinions on this matter: the opinion of the Church and the opinion of psychics and superstitious people.

What the Church Thinks

When clergymen are asked the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross, their answer is most often unambiguous - yes, it is possible. Indeed, for Orthodox Christians, a cross around the neck is not some kind of magical attribute or anything else of that kind. The cross around the neck of an Orthodox is a symbol of his faith.

Their opinion is somewhat different from the opinion of the clergy. Many people believe that by wearing someone else's cross, you can take on other people's ailments or troubles. Sometimes among the people you can find stories about how a person, putting on someone else's cross, almost repeated the fate of its former owner. Even more often you can find stories about how, with the help of a cross, some kind of damage was inflicted on a person. To believe in it or not is a personal matter for each person.

Often in many families, some valuable things or jewelry are passed from generation to generation. If you inherited a pectoral cross then you can wear it. However, again, it is better to first consecrate it in the church. If you don't go to church, you can just hold the cross under for a while. running water to wash off someone else's energy.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross or not, everyone has already found for himself. In any case, if any doubts or fear gnaw at you, just consecrate this item in the church or donate it and nothing bad will happen, because the pectoral cross is a symbol of faith in God and a symbol that you accept His protection.

How to speak a pectoral cross so that life is long and happy?

For long and happy life, one of the newlyweds, on any day after the wedding, should go to the temple and buy an ordinary wooden pectoral cross, consecrate it there and immediately go home without looking back.

Upon returning, you need to light a wax candle and fill a small container with holy water. Take the cross by the cord (chain) right hand, place it above the water surface and read the plot 7 times:

My house has four corners, and the cross has four ends. This cross lies in the house, drive away misfortune, protect the goodness of God and peace. Let it be so!

Spray water in all corners of each room. The candle must burn out completely. Take the rest of the wax to the crossroads. Hide the cross near the icon.


Conspiracy-amulet from damage (on a pectoral cross)

The pectoral cross is spoken, and it becomes a very strong amulet.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The cross is the baptist, the cross is the saint, the cross is the beauty of the church, the cross is the guardian of the whole universe, the cross is the expulsion of demons, the cross is the plague of demons. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field, to the blue Ocean Sea. On that blue Ocean Sea, in an open field, there is a white, curly birch - Mother herself Holy Mother of God. I, the servant of God (name), will submit to her and pray, bow on all sides: Most Holy Mother, Most Holy Mother of God Virgin, help me, help me, the servant of God (name), dissuade parables and prizes, wind negotiations, internal fractures, from the bone, from a brain, from a white vein, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart, from a violent head, from thirty bones, from far away veins, from a single camp vein, from all the human body of a servant of God. Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Key to words, lock to thoughts. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Charm on a pectoral cross

Read this amulet on the pectoral cross 12 times.
This amulet is very strong, it is difficult to kill and remove it,
if such a cross is lowered into water,
then it becomes purifying.

"In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, our God,
Save us with your honest cross,
The cross is on me as a servant of God (name).
Cross and my enemy will be afraid,
the cross and the thief will be pumped out,
the cross and the murderer will turn into stone,
the cross and all demonic power flees,
cross and sorcerers barrier.
Cross the cross and defeat all enemies.
Cross church beauty,
Praise to the martyrs,
glory to the angels,
the cross to demons is an ulcer.
I will close myself with a cross, I will affirm myself with a cross,
cross on me God's servant (name).
cross consecration,
cross healing,
the cross deliverance from all troubles.
Glory to the Lord's Cross
I have a strong guard.
Spasova hand, Christ's seal.
Bless the Lord.
In the name of father and son and holy spirit.

Protection on the pectoral cross.

Rite - protection on the pectoral cross of a child from 1 year to 16 years.

The ceremony is performed on the growing moon on Wednesday from 12 to 15 noon.
On a table covered with a white tablecloth, set icons in a semicircle:
1. ik. "Is.Chr. Almighty"
2. ik. Etc. Mother of God "Semistrelnaya" (it is also called - Softening of evil hearts ")
3. ik. "Archangels Michael and Gabriel"
4. Each icon has a church candle.
5. To our right, we put a small cup of holy water.
6. In the center of the table we put a silver cross consecrated in the church and previously smeared in holy water. (dip three zazas into a bowl of holy water and put the wet one in the middle of the table)
7. Light candles from left to right and read prayers:

"Our Father..." - 3 times (I hope everyone knows)

"Semistrelnaya" - 3 times.

" O, Holy Virgin Mary, queen of angels, heaven and earth, my consolation. Blessed Lady, Zealous intercessor of the whole human race! I pray to Your miraculous icon. You are the sick, healing, the erring correction and admonition. Be my intercessor and intercessor before the throne of the Most High. To whom shall I turn, if not to Thee, the Most Gracious Wife of our God. Help me weak. Satisfy my grief and sorrow, heal and save me. Cleanse my mind from sinful thoughts, accept my prayer, from the soul and heart, save and enlighten and give me the grace of the Holy Spirit. Cover me with your robe from all evil. Soothe the storm of evil enemy attacks and save me from slander, slander of evil people. Hear my voice, do not turn away Your clear face from me, a sinner mired in the sea of ​​my sins. Have mercy on me, who repents of my evil deeds, turn my erring, cursed soul to the right path. Ask the Most High God and the Son of our Savior Jesus Christ with your most holy prayers for forgiveness of my grave sins. I place all my hopes on You, Lady. Give me a helping hand. Protect me from enemies visible and invisible, from vain death, and grant me repentance before death. Deliver from demons at the hour of death. You will rest in death. Deliver me from all misfortune and misfortune. Be my cover and comfort from all circumstances, from hunger, a coward, a flood, fire, a sword, a deadly virus and an ulcer. Ask the Lady of our Omnipresent God for me bodily health and spiritual salvation, a pious and peaceful life, the fruitfulness of the Earth and blessings from above on all good deeds and new beginnings, so that I can glorify You. Do not look down on my tears, asking You. Protect me from thieves and human persecution, damage, evil eye, curses. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, return the evil back to the one who brought this attack on me in a triple size. Protect and protect my family from all hostile encroachments and intrigues of the devil, from fights and scandals. Turn away all anger against me that comes from relatives. Reconcile all my relatives and loved ones among themselves. Give them time to repent. Bless my family for peace, happiness and peace. Strengthen and establish my home. Deliver my unfortunate soul from imprisonment in prison, be my Merciful Intercessor in the earthly court. Lift up my wretched prayers to the throne of the Most High, implore Him. All-merciful Lady, do not reject my tears and sighs, do not forget me all the days of my life, always be with me. Your intercession and intercession with the Lord will give me joy and comfort, protection and help. May I praise and magnify Your most blessed and all-singing name. Amen"

"Archangels" - 3 times

"Holy angels of God: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Igudiel, Barahail!
Defeat from the servant of God (name) with your lightning-fast swords the spirit of the evil one, tempting the servant of God (name).
Oh, the Great Archangels of God, Michael and Gabriel - the conquerors of demons! Defeat and crush all the enemies of the servant of God (name) visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and save the servant of God (name) from sorrows and from any disease, from all troubles, from a deadly ulcer and vain death. Heal many diseases of the body and soul of God's servant (name). Bless the servant of God (name) to lay a good start, to correct her unborn life. Pray the Lord God to save her from the hell of the underworld, from damage to the evil eye, curses, accidents, from all enemies visible and invisible and premature death. Now and forever and forever and ever Main"

After you have read the prayers, drop one drop from each candle on the cross and read the Conspiracy on the cross - 3 times.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The cross is the baptist, the cross is the saint, the cross is the beauty of the church, the cross is the guardian of the whole universe, the cross is the expulsion of demons, the cross is the plague of demons. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
I will get up, the servant of God (name), having been blessed, I will go crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field, to the blue Ocean-Sea. On that blue Ocean - the sea, in an open field there is a white, curly birch, and under it is the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos of Seven Arrows herself. I, the servant of God (name), will submit to her and pray, and ask: - Most Pure Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos Virgin, help me, help me, the servant of God (name), dissuade parables and prizes, windy negotiations, internal fractures, from the bone, from the brain, from the white veins from clear eyes, from a zealous heart, from a violent head, from thirty bones, from far away veins, from a single camp vein, I will become a human servant of God (name). The Mother of God blesses this amulet - the cross, for the servant of God (name). Key to my words, lock to my thoughts. Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After reading the plot, we put the icons with candles near the cross in the form of a triangle, until the candles are completely burned. When all the candles burn out, the amulet is ready.

If someone else’s pectoral cross fell into your hands, and it doesn’t matter how it happened - whether someone gave it to you, inherited it, or even just found it, then naturally the question arises about the possibility of wearing it. About whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross, people often ask on forums and other sites. There is no definite answer to this question, but we will try to highlight the two most common opinions on this matter: the opinion of the Church and the opinion of psychics and superstitious people.

What the Church Thinks

When clergymen are asked the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross, their answer is most often unequivocal - yes, you can. Indeed, for Orthodox Christians, a cross around the neck is not some kind of magical attribute or anything else of that kind. The cross on the neck of an Orthodox is a symbol of his faith.

The belief of many that, along with someone else's cross, you take over all the worries, troubles, and even the fate of the former owner, is most often based on a misinterpretation of the words of the Bible. The Bible says that Jesus called everyone to take up their cross and follow Him. The cross in this context refers to the trials that have befallen the believer. The pectoral cross worn at baptism has nothing to do with it.

Also, the clergy urge not to pay attention to various superstitions and signs, because everyone knows that the Church completely denies them. As many priests say: a believer should not be superstitious and be afraid of anything.

What psychics and superstitious people say

Their opinion is somewhat different from the opinion of the clergy. Many people believe that by wearing someone else's cross, you can take on other people's ailments or troubles. Sometimes among the people you can find stories about how a person, putting on someone else's cross, almost repeated the fate of its former owner. Even more often you can find stories about how, with the help of a cross, some kind of damage was inflicted on a person. To believe in it or not is a personal matter for each person.

Psychics recommend not picking up other people's crosses on the road, and especially at intersections, as damage can be reduced to them. They also advise not to accept crosses as a gift from people who are hostile towards you and do not wish well. If, nevertheless, you raised the found cross or you were presented with this thing, then there are two options for solving the problem: take the cross to the church and give it away, or again take it to the church, but not give it away, but simply consecrate it. In no case should you throw out a cross, especially if you are a baptized person.

If the cross was inherited

Often in many families, some valuable things or jewelry are passed from generation to generation. If you inherited a pectoral cross, you can wear it. However, again, it is better to first consecrate it in the church. If you do not go to church, you can simply hold the cross under running water for a while to wash off other people's energy from it.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross or not, everyone has already found for himself. In any case, if any doubts or fear gnaw at you, just consecrate this item in the church or donate it and nothing bad will happen, because the pectoral cross is a symbol of faith in God and a symbol that you accept His protection.

The cross connects a person with God's sanctuary human soul. This is what a person sacredly believes in and sacredly keeps "in the heart of his body."

What to do? If you find a cross, then you should first take it to the nearest church and light it up. If you are afraid to keep it for yourself, give it to the priest. Let him decide what to do with such a find.

If you were presented with a found cross, then be sure to wear it! Take pictures only in exceptional cases. For example, when you need to clean or wipe a gold (silver) chain. If you notice that the cross given to you has turned black, take it off and forget about it. It is possible that the person who gave it does not like you or feels a strong feeling of anger, hatred and envy towards you.

Someone else's donated cross

You can accept. Light it up in church and wear it with blessing.

Alien silver cross

You can wear someone else's cross made of silver. Consider how silver “feels” you, because it doesn’t love all people.

Silver suits emotional, young, purposeful, optimistic, patient, strong-willed, resourceful and enterprising women born under the zodiac signs of Pisces and Cancer. Why we are talking just about women? Because this metal at all times was considered purely feminine.

Silver does not like people who have the following qualities:

  1. Ruthlessness.
  2. Stiffness.
  3. Pedantry.
  4. Closure.
  5. Greed (stinginess).
  6. Swagger.
  7. Duplicity.
  8. Pragmatism.

Someone else's cross, bought at a pawnshop

In ancient occult literature, there are tips that say if you want to clear any thing, pass it through a pawnshop, they say even things with strong curses are cleared in this way. But this is not confirmed data. There is no evidence to indicate that this is exactly what is happening. The Church is for each person to carry only his own cross, do not try on and do not accept someone else's, it can be a hundred times heavier.

Cross of a deceased person

Priests see absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a cross that belongs to a deceased person. However, they strongly recommend burying the deceased with a cross.

You can wear the cross of a person who went to another world, if you do not believe in any signs and do not live in superstition.

The cross of the deceased cannot be worn if for some reason you stole it and did not confess what you did.

To wear or not to wear a cross without a crucifix

The Orthodox cross, on which there is no crucifix, is considered the oldest. Indeed, at the very beginning of the Christian era, only the geometric outlines of the cross were depicted. And the crucifix on it appeared relatively recently. In this regard, many priests are of the opinion that crosses with crucifixes in no way correspond to Christian canons: they have an image of Christ and therefore they automatically turn into an icon. Any icon is intended for the perception and reading of prayer.

It is said that it is undesirable for the Orthodox to wear a cross without a crucifix. And if there is a great desire to wear such a cross, then it is necessary to hide it under clothes and not show it to anyone.

The consecrated cross on the hand can be worn or not

All liturgical books mention a cross for wearing on a persekh (on the chest). This means that you should not wear it in a place that is not intended for it, if you have it alone.

You can wear an illuminated cross on your hand if you have had one copy near your heart for a long time.

Is it possible to wear a cross to unbaptized people

There are two completely opposite answers to this question. Now we will deal with each of them.

Unbaptized people are allowed to wear a cross if:

  1. They have decided to be baptized in the near future and are carefully preparing for this important ceremony.
  2. They truly believed in God, and there was not the slightest doubt about their faith.

Some priests say that a cross should not be worn by someone who has never thought about baptism. The person who acquires it for the sake of decoration or creating an image has no right to wear a cross.

Why is someone else's cross dreaming?

If he dreams alone, then this means caring for a neighbor. If you dream of a lot of other people's crosses, then there are many good deeds that you will begin to do in the near future.

If in a dream you see just a beautiful, shining cross, it means that you are an all-forgiving and noble person. Soon you can expect joy and prosperity.

If this is a golden cross - a huge positive and joy.

If the cross is silver - the embodiment of hope.

If you baptize wooden - success and good luck.

Believing myself Orthodox Christian, it is important to have elementary basic knowledge in the field of Christian culture, and not be led by popular superstitions. And, unfortunately, there are a great many of them, even if we are talking about the main shrine - the cross. They begin with the interpretation of dreams, during which any manipulations with the pectoral cross take place, end with indecision and fear if a cross was found lost by someone. Let's try to deal with the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross and how the church recommends dealing with such an unexpected "foundling".

The meaning of the cross in Orthodoxy

Jesus was martyred on the cross for the salvation of every living being. Wearing around the neck the crucifixion of Christ, received at baptism, a believer declares his involvement in the sufferings of the Lord, his selfless feat, which gives hope for resurrection. The pectoral cross is a silent prayer with which we turn to the Almighty for the salvation of our souls. A believer should wear a cross all his life, because it is a clear proof of self-sacrifice in the name of love. Russians have reached our days folk proverbs, symbolizing the attitude to this shrine: "Whoever has a cross, that one is with Christ", "We do not wear the cross, but he wears us." The crucifix tells about faith in the Lord, is a promise to live according to his commandments. The Almighty hears everyone who addresses him, and opens his arms to him.

Wearing rules

The figure of the Savior, superimposed on the cross, shows the human and divine incarnations, the triumph of victory over death. The symbol received its dogmatic validity in the 690s in Constantinople. Since then, the pectoral cross has been a sign of belonging to the Orthodox Christian faith, a silent witness to the "ineffable". There are several principles for wearing it:

  • The crucifix is ​​a cross, on one side of which is the image of Jesus Christ, on the other - the words "Save and Save."
  • The cross can be made of any material: gold or silver, wood or stone, amber or pearls.
  • The protective effect of the power of the cross comes from the correct cross consecrated in the church. It can be 4-, 6- and 8-pointed.
  • The crucifix is ​​worn constantly, under clothing, with the prayer side to the body.
  • Treating the cross as an adornment or a fetish is unacceptable.

Priests about other people's crosses

People are often interested in whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross. The answers of the priests fit into a few words: "The cross is the cross." They treat the cross as a shrine, reverently. The prayer “Let God rise again” conveys the attitude of a believer to crucifixion as a living, spiritualized being. The clergy do not approve of all kinds of superstitions, predictions, fortune-telling. When asked if the bad energy and sins of the former owner will be transferred with someone else's cross, they remark: “What about virtue? Will she pass too?" The priest will advise you to treat the found cross with respect, carefully pick it up and take it for yourself, give it to someone who needs it or take it to the temple. But in no case should you step over it and leave it to be trampled underfoot.

Is it possible to wear someone else's cross

Despite the fact that it is easier to believe in folk signs, it is worth understanding the nuances. Is it possible to wear the found cross, consciously and churchily? On the one hand, if the "foundling" is to your liking, you should not be afraid to wear it yourself. On the other hand, is there a good reason for this and is there some secret mystical goal being pursued? The cross is not a talisman, so there is no strong or weak amulet among them. It is at least naive to pin your hopes or, on the contrary, fears on him. You can simply take the crucifix to the church as a donation. But it should be remembered that there is no trouble in finding a cross, and wearing it does not bode any trouble.

Cross as a gift

The best gift for a believer is a pectoral cross. Therefore, it can be safely given: for christening, name day, birthday. Both new and found. The main thing is that he be consecrated in the church and gain his power of the cross. If there is no lighting information, it's best to do it anyway. What if one of the relatives offers to wear his crucifix - is it possible to wear the cross of a relative or close friend? Oh sure. After all, such gifts are not made to people whose fate is indifferent.

Cross of the deceased

There is an interesting fact: in Ancient Russia the dead people were betrayed to the earth, having previously removed the cross from them. Russians reasoned like this: "Why a shrine in the ground?". In our time, on the contrary, they put on a cross, because grieving relatives want their loved one to appear before the Creator with a reverent shrine around his neck. Times change and traditions change with them. It happens that the family has sacred relic, an ancient cross, passed down from generation to generation through the female or male line after the death of its owner. Sometimes there are fears and concerns about whether it is possible to wear the cross of the deceased, even if it is so valuable. Just as in the case of a cross found or donated, these worries are groundless. Believers are not inclined to trust prejudices and beliefs. Therefore, when asked whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross, they do not need a priest's answer. In their bright God's world there is no place for dark superstitions.

Loss of a cross

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the unpleasant situation of losing an expensive thing. When it comes to wearing a crucifix or a wedding ring, the experience is exacerbated by superstitious fears. But there is no supernatural in such a loss, just as there is no omen. AT popular belief it is said that at such a moment a person is, as it were, at a crossroads, and the Lord will give him a second chance. You can believe in such a "miracle of rebirth." But it is better to think about the soul and its immortality, about how to bring it closer to God. Since the cross itself, without faith, means nothing, it is more important to take care not of external manifestations, but of carrying Christ in your heart. If you analyze the situation, it becomes clear that the chain or ribbon may be to blame for the loss, and they do not carry any symbolic load. Therefore, if such a loss occurs, then you should go to the temple or visit the church shop and get yourself a new cross. And to the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross, if one of your friends offers it to you in return for the lost one, the answer is definitely positive. You can save and protect your soul with any life-giving cross, no matter who it previously belonged to.

The cross is not a witch's amulet or a dead symbol, not a talisman or jewelry trinket. It is important to worry not about whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross and whether someone else's "cross" will have to be carried along with it. It is much more essential to treat it as a living weapon of grace given by the Lord. Wear a cross around your neck, and faith in your heart.

The pectoral cross is a reliable amulet for every believer. This holy thing is imbued with the energy of its owner and becomes literally one with him, and even when lost, it retains this connection for some time. But if you happen to find a cross, signs strongly advise against putting it on, and there is an explanation for this.

The pectoral cross is a reliable amulet for every believer

Where is the cross usually found and what does it mean?

If you suddenly found a cross, then, according to a common sign, it is better to bypass it. The item may carry the negative that was left from the previous owner.

At the same time, the opinion of the clergy on this matter is completely different. They say that if you happen to find a cross, you should not worry, since this thing is not capable of accumulating bad energy. The Orthodox cross is a shrine that is not capable of causing harm.

In general, there are several superstitions that can interpret this situation. And their interpretation directly depends on exactly where you found the find.

  1. We saw a cross gathering dust at the crossroads - bad sign. Usually there it is thrown not by chance. The holy cross could be spoken to get rid of any illness or in order to avert trouble. Thus, by raising it, a person takes all the thrown-out misfortunes upon himself.
  2. I happened to find a pectoral cross in my house - a sign advises you to think about how exactly he ended up there. If it previously belonged to one of your relatives and was simply forgotten, this thing will not bring problems. However, there may be another situation when this item is deliberately thrown into the house in order to attract trouble.
  3. Found on the grass - changes await you. The sign does not explain whether they will be good or bad, and what area of ​​\u200b\u200blife they will concern, but that they will happen is for sure.
  4. If the holy thing lay on the road, get ready for the trip. And it can be not only a business trip, but also a visit to distant relatives.
  5. Found in a puddle, it promises a person trouble. You will find yourself under the gun of envious and ill-wishers who will start to weave intrigues. It is quite possible that these events will entail experiences and tears.

If you find a cross on the street, then in order to neutralize bad omen, you need to do the following: take the find to the temple, consecrate it and leave it there.

We saw a cross gathering dust at the crossroads - a bad sign

Interpretation depending on the material

It is considered great luck to find a cross made of gold or silver. However, the omen categorically does not recommend such a thing to be sold or exchanged for anything. This is a kind of test, and if a person still decides to take the cross, for example, to a pawnshop, he will show an excessive love for money in this way, which will turn into big trouble for him. According to legend, his soul will be destroyed.

On the other hand, it is believed that Orthodox crosses made of simple materials, such as wood, iron, copper, etc. However, this does not affect the interpretation of signs, and if you happen to find such a cross, its meaning remains the same.

No matter what material the shrine is made of, it is undesirable to bring it into your home - people say that in this case a person will have to atone for the sins of the owner of the cross for the rest of his life.

What should you do if you find someone else's cross?

On the one hand, signs do not advise raising the found cross, especially if it was found at a crossroads. It is better to leave such a thing where it lay. However, the clergy say that it is not good when the shrine is lying in the dust.

If you sincerely believe in signs and are afraid to bring trouble on yourself, before picking up this item, you should cross it and read a short prayer.

The ministers of the church are sure that the found cross is a symbol of the manifestation of God's mercy. And if you leave the amulet on the road, then thereby defile it.

  • Hang on a branch of the nearest tree - perhaps the person who lost the amulet will return to find it.
  • If you are a deeply religious person, the found amulet should be taken to the church and donated to some icon.
    According to superstition, it is only destined to accidentally find a cross good man. The sign says that a sinner will never find a shrine under his feet.

If you are a deeply religious person, the found amulet should be taken to the church and donated to some icon

Is it possible to wear the found cross?

Signs do not advise wearing the found cross. Superstitious people argue that it is impossible to put on such a find, otherwise you will have to take on other people's sins.

However, there is an exception to this rule. Priests say that unbaptized people who are just about to convert to Christianity can keep the find. And here it is very important that the decision of the person who has found the cross is not influenced by a sign, but by a sincere desire.

As you can see, opinions about the found cross differ greatly, and the interpretation of signs can have both positive and negative meanings. However, remember that you should always set yourself up only for the good. Found a cross - act like an Orthodox person and take it to the temple.

Leaving a cross on the road to be walked on is a great sin, say the clergy. After all, this is a shrine, and it should not be trampled underfoot.

“In our time of troubles, unfortunately, elements of the occult consciousness - superstition - are widespread among people,” says priest Father Dionysius Tolstov. - Of course, people who do not have sufficient faith and spiritual knowledge are afraid of everything. He who does not know God is afraid of his own shadow.

It should be clearly understood what a cross is. The cross is the center of all Christian confessions. The cross is the sign of the Son of God, the instrument of our salvation, the cross is the beauty of the Church. When we see the cross, we rejoice in the Resurrected Savior, which means that the pectoral cross of each of us is a constant reminder to us of Christ. The cross is the road to Heaven. Every Christian should have this understanding of the cross. Then there will be no fear of finding the cross.”

If you do not want to take such a cross home, then you can hang it on a branch of a nearby tree or on a fence. But it is best to take the cross to the temple and consecrate it, the priest advises. After that, you can wear it or give it to someone. You can donate a cross to some icon. By the way, when you are in the church, pay attention: on many icons there are gold and silver crosses donated by parishioners.

“The soul is by nature a Christian,” Tertullian once said, to which, after many centuries, V.V. Rozanov said: “Nothing like that. The soul is by nature a heathen." And so the pagan struggles with the Christian in our man, and this struggle sometimes gives rise to numerous dilemmas. So, many are wondering whether it is possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross. Does not pass along with someone else's cross and someone else's fate or someone else's sins?

Is it possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev believes that being afraid of a found pectoral cross due to the fact that the sins of a person who has lost the creed will be passed on to another is nonsense, which is easier to invent than to comment on.

To the question: “Is it possible to wear another person’s cross?”, It’s also enough to ask yourself: “How can one’s own passions, which belong exclusively to a specific person and give only her the exclusive right to fight her sins, can pass to an innocent person , which, of course, has enough of its own mistakes.

Orthodox crosses

In addition, everyone receives their own life hardships, which must be carried with patience and gratitude, because the Lord sends trials to heal the soul. Everyone asks in prayers: "Lord, have mercy," which in Greek sounds like "Kyrie elaison." Elayson is translated as "oil", and olive oil is the first human medicine in the world.

It is impossible that the pectoral cross, which was found and put on, influenced by itself on the character of a person, on the addition of sins or on getting rid of them, and also in some magical way draws a line of life's path.

Important. Orthodoxy is, first of all, sanity, and no actions that are not related to personal, conscious actions of a person, good or evil, can change a person or affect life events that happen to a person.

You should not be afraid of the found cross, since the cross is a shrine, and not a pagan amulet. Ever since Christ was crucified for our salvation, the pectoral cross protects a person from evil spirits in the same way as the sign of the cross. Another person who wore it and lost it is unable to change its purpose as a protective force against evil.

Therefore, all signs associated with it are superstition.

About superstitions:

Which cross is considered to be Orthodox

For a Christian, the main key aspects are important. The cross must be:

  • four-, six-, eight-pointed form;
  • with the inscription "Save and save" on both sides, and not with decorative stones (preferably, as a recommendation from the priests), children are recommended simple, not encrusted with precious stones;
  • purchased in a church, then it is already consecrated, if bought in a jewelry store or found, it must be consecrated by any Orthodox priest;
  • the material of manufacture does not matter. And also, the size is not important, except that it is better for kids to wear small crosses without sharp corners.
Advice! A person receives a cross during the Sacrament of Baptism, however, it happens that the creed may be lost. You should not be dramatic about this and superstitiously wait for some kind of trouble, you need to go to the temple and buy a new one.

What to do with the found cross. Priests Answers

If a person himself found an Orthodox cross on the street, the priests recommend that it be consecrated without fail, since it is not known whether it was previously consecrated.

Read about the pectoral cross:

If, nevertheless, there are doubts about the found cross, the priests advise, first of all, to consecrate it, and then:

  • to give to a godson or a poor Christian who does not have the material opportunity to buy it;
  • wear yourself;
  • donate to the temple.

Thus, Orthodoxy is unambiguous in the question of a found or lost cross, as well as in the question “where to read the Gospel”, “which hand to put a candle in the temple.”

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev proposes to reduce to absurdity the superstitions associated with the found crosses. If sins can be transmitted through things, then why shouldn't virtues be transmitted in the same way? Then it would only be worth acquiring a thing belonging to a righteous person, as a person would involuntarily have a halo above his head. Then it would be possible to deliberately lose crosses, so that one's own sins could be thrown off, like an unnecessary burden, onto others.

Important! The fear of other people's crosses is a completely absurd thing, contrary to common sense and having nothing to do with the Orthodox faith.

Watch the video about the found cross