Magic breath for the fulfillment of desire. Meditation "Chakra Breathing"

Your bioenergy¹ is the mechanism by which you can do absolutely everything. If you learn to save your bioenergy, you can easily fulfill desires. To do this, there is an effective and simple technique.

A proven technique for fulfilling desires with the help of bioenergy

1. Get paper and pen ready. Sit in a chair and try to relax for 10 minutes. It is advisable to be alone so that no one distracts you.

Suspend the flow of your thoughts - do not stop at them, but simply skip them. Try not to move. This is necessary in order to concentrate your bioenergy for further action.

2. Open your eyes and write down your desire on paper. It is recommended to start with small desires, the fulfillment of which does not cause you doubt.

3. Return to a comfortable position. Take your note and look at it with the "central eye".

Bioenergy is your key to making your wish come true!

Focus on your desire, think only about it. Your bioenergy should be focused in this moment. Breathing should be slow, inhalations and exhalations should be deep. Sit like this for a while.

By practicing this daily, you will soon notice that your desires will begin to come true.

Moreover, you will learn to concentrate your bioenergy on the event or business you need, and this will significantly improve the speed and quality of its execution.

After that, you can move on to more “complex” dreams.

Why does it work?

Because with your gaze you concentrate your bioenergy on a certain event, you put your power and strength into desire, and where there is energy, there is action. How much bioenergy energy you spend, how much return you get.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Bioenergy is the energy generated as a result of vital activity organisms during respiration, glycolysis, photosynthesis, phosphorylation etc. d. (

we looked at the basic rules for forming intentions. How to make wishes? What should be avoided? Under what conditions do dreams come true?

Today we will move from theory to practice and show meditations that will prepare your mind for the fulfillment of desire. But first, a memo for dreamers

6 steps to your dream

  1. Know what you want
  2. Become aware of your fears and limiting beliefs
  3. Be able to formulate and visualize, filling the picture with emotions
  4. Become a magnet and be in the state you want to achieve
  5. Have patience (law of time)
  6. Thank

Practice to develop the ability to visualize

Meditation Sudarshan Chakra

HOW TO DO IT: Sit in any comfortable position with a straight back. Sudarshan Chakra is a powerful chakra between the heart and the crown of the head (nimbus), to start its work, visualize the movement of energy under the mantra.

Aap Sahai Hoa- move with attention from the heart behind the back in an arc to the top of the head.

Sacha Da Sacha Dhoa- imagine how the energy returns from the top of the head in an arc to the heart.

Har Har Har- imagine how for each "har" energy permeates your heart center. And continue by the effort of thought and attention to circulate the energy in a circle in this way.

This mantra frees from external and internal negativity. It gives protection, teaches to direct and control the mind.

MANTRA TRANSLATION: The Lord Himself became my protector. The true of the true took care of me. God, God, God.
LEAD TIME: 11 minutes.
TO FINISH: Breathe in, hold your breath, pray for strength, be aware of yourself.

Practice for clearing the subconscious

HOW TO DO IT: Sit in any comfortable position with a straight back. Interlace your fingers at the level of the diaphragm and press your palms to your chest.

Forearms remain parallel to the floor. Curl your lips and breathe through your mouth. Powerful and quick inhalation so that the cheeks are pulled inward. Short and powerful exhalation. Approximately 20 breaths per minute. Continue for 2 minutes, then inhale and hold your breath for a short while.

Concentrate on the point between the eyebrows and imagine yourself in the form of a candle flame that burns all the accumulated negativity, dirt, all past, present. Continue for 3 minutes. On your final breath, hold your breath and think of something pleasant.

The universe is always helping us make our dreams come true, no matter how stupid they may be.

For these are our dreams, and only we know what it cost to dream them.

Paulo Coelho

The main secret of the fulfillment of desire is the ability to be at the right time in right moment, a special energy state, a necessary set of circumstances. This is the ability to harmonize oneself and space in such a way that it ends up being such that they come necessary people, their help, the necessary opportunities and the fulfillment of the plan takes place.

There are several reasons for not fulfilling your desires:

1. Your desires are in conflict with the outside world. Then you are faced with adverse external circumstances that are impossible or very difficult to overcome.

2. There is an internal conflict. In this case, one part of your soul desires, and the other is equally afraid (does not desire, forbids, limits itself). Because of this, you cannot take advantage of favorable moments to fulfill your desire.

In both cases, a person has the same task: to realize his own unique destiny, to find a comfortable place on earth and in life. And then he is happy, satisfied with himself, his dreams naturally come true.

In order for wishes to come true, you need to learn to understand yourself and the world well!

This is what we will learn today on the pages of our site - how to harmonize ourselves and space so that goals materialize. And remember, your goals must be global, God is not asked for blessings on small things. This is key. Now more.

Let's start by looking at how a thought is born.We already teach this to students at the seminar. first stage , where the main thing is to learn how to form the correct thought forms and work with affirmations. And in order to learn this, you need to know the stages of the origin of thought.

Stages of the origin of thought:

· premonition, impulse. For example, "What do I want?" or “What is bothering me?” Everything seems to be fine, but inside unpleasant feeling anxiety for no reason. This is a premonition, until we gather to the point and ask: What is bothering me. And this is where the first thought comes in.

· 1st thought (3 to 5 seconds) - the most faithful. It is important to isolate it and have time to catch it, otherwise it can run away. After 5 seconds, the mind already turns on and mindfulness begins. And this is already from the evil one - empty chatter. When the first thought appears, it is necessary to start thinking about it. Here, the main thing is to believe in yourself. That is, we are already dressing the thought in a form. And we are born:

thoughtform- a thought, dressed in a form. We create and develop. And when you come up with a thought-form, you have to repeat it three times. This is going to be an affirmation.

Affirmation(short statement) - a thought-form repeated three times. This is what we use in our practice.

· materialization .

But this is how we work at the first stage. Who is ready to go further and expand their goals for the clan and people, we work further and gain new knowledge and skills.

1. So, we formulate our global goals in a notebook. This is important - it is global and it is to write. This is how the structuring and emergence of ideas from chaos takes place, which is what we essentially do as creators on a small scale (we structure our space), and Gods on a large scale (cosmic scale). Then we sit down and close our eyes. We ask the blessings of the Gods (according to your religion, faith, worldview) for the realization of our goals, we experience a feeling of happiness (these are the colors of gold, purple), we tell the Gods with inspiration that this will give, that this is your destiny, so that they believe you. We fill with images, emotions. If the desire is consistent with the plan of the Gods, the flow will go to realization. This is the Spring level.

2. Now, at the level of the Eye chakra, we clearly see how everything is being implemented, the image is a picture like that of an architect when he conceived a building. And fill it with blue. We introduce this image into space, expand it to the whole circle of creation, so that everyone around, familiar and unfamiliar, will be hooked, so that everyone wants to play this game (though those who will be in tune and who really need it will respond). And all this in a state of happiness. Gods bless.

3. We descend into the blue chakra, to the level of creation and see how we paint this picture with joy, fill it with blue. You are addicted to this game. Remember this state in childhood, when you played, ran and did not want to go home, this is the state that should be here, at this level. Children's joy, love, happiness. See how you play along with those who are also interested in playing this game. Feel the energy of this chakra and fill your space of creation with it. I see the image clearly.

4. We descend to the level of the green chakra. Soul level. We thank the whole world for giving us the opportunity to create, achieve our goals, that we are loved and we love those people who help and create conditions for the realization of our goals. We feel how people themselves are happy that the circumstances have developed and they have the opportunity to play this game with you. I'm glad!

5. Level yellow chakra. This is strength, power, this feeling: “I can do it, I have everything for this!” you are the most important in this game: the whole world helps you in this, you are the ruler, you have the primacy, you are happy, you have a lot of strength, a lot of things! I can do everything! I can do it, it's very easy for you to do it! Enough will to do so.

6. orange level. Energy is pouring in, you want it, and it is simply impossible to stop you. There is only you and your desire. We fill orange. Once, when I was working on my projects, at this level I saw myself dancing with glee and kicking my feet in puddles, in the rain! Yaro! This is what this state is. Energy - the sea. I want to!

7. We fill with red color, strength and energy of life, activity, movement. It's like magma breaks through and rushes, and it never occurs to anyone to stop the volcano, because it is unrealistic to stop it. Feel this flow, enjoy it. Feeling: I have enough strength!

8. The root chakra that grounds us. Rooting your goals in the place where you will implement all this. It's like a place of power. All this is mine!

Again we go to the three upper chakras and feel how our thoughts are changing, captured by our idea. We program our thoughts on affirming images. Now we think in a new way - I can, I will succeed. All thoughts are filled with the realization of the goal. We keep the flow of happiness while you are simply bursting with energy and desire for creation.

Now we let in the downward flow and go up the same way as we went down. Ascending - structures, programs, descending raises emotions and energy.

And here are two streams, one up, the other down. We enjoy, we smile, we experience happiness.

Inhale-exhale. Let's go. We open our eyes. You can repeat this practice 2 more times. After we release. In one book, I read "we let go" - comparable to the way, as if pressing the "enter" key - on the implementation. Yes, you can say that.

Now opportunities will come to you, do not miss them!

When performing the practice, emotions of intention and happiness are needed. After all, it is easier to suffer than to be happy. And you try to be happy! It's time to create and be happy!

Isn't it true, dear friends?

"Chakra Breathing" is meditative techniques to unlock the energy potential inherent in the chakras.

Practicing energy breathing with chakras cleanses the subtle bodies and eliminates any diseases. physical body. Purified chakras begin to attract new light events into life, help to become a more productive, healthy, RICH, and full of strength and energy Person. These are unique practices of self-disclosure and self-healing, this is the most serious help to oneself on the path of life. This fast way climb up the path to happiness and spiritual prosperity.

Chakra breathing is the science of inner energy transformation. In the process of work, we become harmonious, magnetic, expressed, realized, calm, and whole. Our desires are calmly embodied and realized.

In the process of chakra breathing, a person pumps and cleanses his chakras, saturates them with vital energy, and thereby solves any of his tasks: from material ones to the ability to enjoy relationships and life itself.

Chakra breathing:

  • Appeases.
  • Removes unconstructive thoughts and states.
  • Gives peace and integrity.
  • Saturates with vital energy.
  • Increases personal energy level.
  • Restores aura.
  • Helps to heal from any diseases (with constant practice).
  • Helps to solve various life problems!

And most importantly, it is the state of the chakras that affects the realization of our desires!

Each chakra is responsible for a specific area in our life:

  1. Accumulation of energy and wealth.
  2. pleasure and sexuality.
  3. Willpower and society.
  4. Love and relationships.
  5. Communication and creative self-expression.
  6. Reason and intuitive vision.
  7. Spirituality.

Accordingly, if one of the chakras is polluted, then the person experiences problems in the area for which the chakra is responsible. Cleansing the energy of the body automatically solves the necessary issues in all areas. Many women who do not have joy during intimacy with a man, after 2 months of practicing chakra breathing, can find freedom from the joy of intimate relationships. On the other hand, men who did not have the opportunity to enjoy their masculinity, financial stability and inner strength, acquire these feelings after pumping the first and third chakras.

All keys lie within ourselves. You just have to learn how to open them!

In a programme:

  • Cleansing the body of old energies with ancient, sacred energy practices.
  • Opening and balancing of each chakra, maximum energy activation of the entire chakra system.
  • Filling the body with prana, merging with your Highest Potential.
  • Changing the state of your aura and gaining powerful energy protection.
  • The embodiment of innermost desires and the choice of a further life path.

We are waiting for you at the meeting! Let's breathe in! And let's fulfill our cherished desires!

Dress code: light sports trousers or long skirt for a comfortable seat.

Copied from the site ""

Good holiday evening, our dear readers! I have already dressed up a Christmas tree at home, hung shiny stars on the walls, pasted over the windows with snowflakes! The whole city is full of lights, everything is beautifully illuminated. Europe has already celebrated Christmas, but our main holiday is just around the corner.

So, today we continue the rubric and talk about another method of fulfilling a dream, such as meditation. For women Or for men, it doesn't matter. I'm sure this one is interesting. the way is fine to any person. It will not only develop your imagination, fill you with joy, but also help you fulfill your desire! After all, this meditation method, detailed below, will help you fulfill your desire using joyful emotions and feelings. So, read and enlighten, how to meditate properly for the fulfillment of a wish.

Meditation “Message of Joyful Desire”

Before meditation, you should be good and. I think if this meditation before bed- then it will be most effective. But first you need to accumulate joy in yourself, to be filled with it. To do this, remember all the most fun and happy moments own life. Then imagine the kind of happiness you would like to experience in the future. Work until you smile out loud and laugh.

How to start meditating on the fulfillment of a desire

Sit down and relax. Attention goes to the point between the eyebrows and a little higher. An image of your desire appears on your mental screen. As in time. See. You examine it and in your thoughts say a word several times, or maybe a sentence not in an interrogative but in affirmative form, loading it with emotions. How . And now: while inhaling, raise the energy from the bottom up (you can help yourself with your hand, leading it near the surface of the body from the abdomen to the crown). Breathe in and breathe in again. The column of this energy captures the formed image and drives it up through your crown. Help yourself with your hand. You pick up this image and send it up to the higher mental plane. Stretch after him. Your ethereal hand lengthens, holds this image. You pull him up.

A clot of thought energy goes even higher and overcomes the border of levels of the subtle plane. Your desire enters into a higher plan and you infiltrate it. Say the desire a few more times and back it up with a picture so that it is exactly in the astral plane. Fill it up so that it is imprinted in the layer of the higher astral. One more mental and respiratory effort, and here it is already in the mental plane.

You lower your hands, and all your attention is at the top, you look with your mental eyes, trying to find where is the same impulse of mental energy, similar to the one you sent. And then he begins to move in the mental plane and tries to find something similar to him. Now, a little more, he will find a similar one and reunite with him. If you haven't felt it, imagine that this is how it is, because it really is. Right now, at this moment, he approaches the object and connects to it. And once again clarify your intention, and once again imagine it, create an energy impulse of desire and fill this thought form with joy and love.

Set the date and time of the wish

Well, the next stage is to describe the program for this thought-desire, set a time and place for it. If you need a specific date, you say it and visualize it in your mind. If only the season, then imagine a picture of this season in the form of pictures of nature.

In your thoughts you are at this particular date or at this time of the year, in your thoughts, logically, you are already present here on earth, and in your thoughts you imagine the path to the shortest road to the place you need, where your desire should come true. Get to the place you need, outline what you want to get there. Say your wish a few more times. Listen, imagine and, most importantly, remember what you say. Do not invent anything, do not deceive yourself or your subconscious.

Extra sounds should not bother you. Relax. Now you are building up a state of Joy in yourself. Remember any feelings of joy and be filled with them. And even more joy, connect emotions. Feel how joy fills you more and more. As you inhale, drive up your energy with joy. And even higher.