Technical coarse-wooled felt GOST 6418 81. Technical coarse-wool felt and its parts for mechanical engineering

6. The limitation of the validity period has been removed by the Resolution of the State Standard of 03.24.92 N 240

7. REDISSION (August 1996) with Amendments N 1, 2, approved in November 1985, March 1992 (IUS 11-85, 6-92)

This standard applies to technical coarse-wooled felt and parts from it for mechanical engineering (gaskets, gaskets, filters), as well as felt used as an insulating material.


1.1. Technical coarse-wool felt, depending on the purpose, is divided into types:

ГС - felt for oil seals used to retain lubricating oils in places of friction and to protect places of friction from water and dust;

ГПр - felt for gaskets that protect machine parts from abrasion, pollution, shock, shock, and also used for sound absorption.

Felt for gaskets, depending on the degree of compaction, are produced in two grades:

A - with a density of (0.32 ± 0.02) g / cm;

B - with a density of (0.26 ± 0.02) g / cm (for soft gaskets);

ГФ - felt for filters used to filter oils;

GI - insulation felt, used as heat and sound insulation material.

1.2. The dimensions of the felt cavity are set by agreement with the consumer:

in length - from 1.0 to 5.0 m;

in width - from 0.7 to 2.0 m;

in thickness - from 8.0 to 20.0 mm.

1.3. The nominal dimensions and maximum deviations in thickness of all types of felt, manufactured in nominal value with an interval of 1 mm, must correspond to those indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

Prev off

8.0 to 10.0

St. 10.0 "15.0

" 15,0 " 20,0

Note. Nominal thickness of felt for insulation - from 6.0 mm.

1.4. V symbol felt includes the designation of the type of felt and brand, size by thickness and

Legend examples

Coarse felt, 10 mm thick:

for oil seals - felt GS10 GOST 6418-81

for grade A gaskets - felt GPrA10 GOST 6418-81

for brand B gaskets - felt GPrB10 GOST 6418-81

for filters - felt GF10 GOST 6418-81

for isolation - felt GI10 GOST 6418-81

1.5. Parts for mechanical engineering from coarse-wool felt, depending on the purpose and shape, are made of the following types, indicated in Table 2.

table 2

Part type

Part type designation

Ring-stuffing box coarse-haired

Ring SG

Gasket ring grade A coarse

Ring PrAG

Coarse filter ring

FG ring

Coarse-wooled tape-stuffing box

SG tape

Tape-laying brand A coarse-wooled

PRAG tape

Coarse-wool brand B strip

PrBG tape

Coarse filter belt

FG tape

Coarse-wooled gland plate

SG plate

Coarse grade A gasket plate

PRAG plate

Coarse grade B gasket plate

Plate PrBG

Coarse filter plate

FG plate

Disc-stuffing box, coarse-haired

Disk SG

Disc-spacer brand A coarse-haired

Drive PRAG

Coarse filter disc

FG disk

Shaped coarse-haired stuffing box

Oil seal FgG

Laying mark A curly coarse-haired

AFgG gasket

Gasket of brand B curly coarse-haired

Gasket BFgG

Curly coarse-haired filter

FgG filter

Note. A felt piece of rectangular shape with a width of up to 100 mm inclusive is called a tape, and over 100 mm - a plate.

1.6. Felt parts in shape and size must comply with the technical documentation of the consumer, agreed with the manufacturer.

1.7. The maximum deviations from the nominal sizes of felt rings and disks should correspond to those indicated in Table 3, and for felt tapes, plates and figured parts - in Table 4.

Table 3

Prev off

outside diameter for

inside diameter for

oil seals

brand A gaskets


oil seals

brand A gaskets


St. 10 to 25 incl.

" 25 " 100 "

" 100 " 200 "

" 200 " 300 "

Table 4

Prev off

in length for

in width for

oil seals



oil seals



grade A

grade B

grade A

grade B

St. 10 to 25 incl.

" 25 " 100 "

" 100 " 200 "



" 200 " 300 "







" 300 " 400 "

Note. Limit deviations for tapes and plates with a length and width of over 400 mm are set ± 1.0 mm for every 100 mm in addition over 400 mm of length and width.

1.8. Nominal dimensions and maximum deviations in thickness of felt parts manufactured in nominal value with an interval of 1.0 mm must correspond to those indicated in Table 5.

Table 5

Prev off

for oil seals

for gaskets

for filters

grade A

grade B

3.0 to 5.0

St. 5.0 "10.0

" 10,0 " 20,0

1.9. The symbol of felt parts includes the designation of the types of parts and their dimensions in millimeters in the following order:

on rings - outer and inner diameters, thickness;

on tapes and plates - length, width, thickness;

on disks - diameter, thickness;

for figured details - after the symbol is indicated "according to drawing N ____";

designation of this standard.

Legend examples

A coarse-wooled ring-gland, with an outer diameter of 75 mm, an inner diameter of 50 mm, a thickness of 7 mm:

Ring SG 75-50-7 GOST 6418-81

Gasket tape grade A, coarse, 80 mm long, 40 mm wide, 15 mm thick:

Tape PRAG 80-40-15 GOST 6418-81

Gasket tape grade B, coarse, 80 mm long, 40 mm wide, 15 mm thick:

Tape PrBG 80-40-15 GOST 6418-81

Coarse filter plate, 300 mm long, 200 mm wide, 5 mm thick:

Plate FG 300-200-5 GOST 6418-81

Disc-gasket, grade A; coarse, 120 mm in diameter, 10 mm thick:

Disc PrAG 120-10 GOST 6418-81

Curly coarse-haired stuffing box:

FgG oil seal according to drawing N ___ GOST 6418-81


2.1. Technical coarse-wooled felt and parts from it for mechanical engineering must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological modes approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Technical coarse-wool felt and parts from it for mechanical engineering in terms of the composition of fibers in the mixture must correspond to that indicated in Table 6.

Table 6

Fiber type

Mass fraction of fibers in the mixture,%, for

oil seals, gaskets and filters


Natural coarse sheep's wool in terms of washed

Factory sheep wool

Factory cow wool

Other factory wool

Reconstituted wool

Waste of its production in a purified form

Chemical fibers

Note. The mass fraction of non-woolen fibers in the mixture is allowed due to their presence in the reconstituted wool, waste products and in the combed coarse-wooled fleece.

The total mass fraction of non-wool fibers in the finished felt should not exceed that indicated in Table 7.

Table 7

Indicator name

The norm for types of felt for

oil seals




grade A

grade B

Normalized humidity,%

Density, g / cm

Tensile strength (with felt thickness 5 mm), Pa (kgf / cm), not less

117.6x10 (12)

Elongation at break,%, not more

Mass fraction of free sulfuric acid,%, no more

Mass fraction of vegetable impurities,%, no more

Mass fraction of non-wool fibers,%, no more

Mass fraction of mineral impurities (together with ash from vegetable impurities),%, no more

Capillarity (with a thickness of 10 mm or less), mm, not less during:


1. Actual moisture content of felt and parts made of it should not exceed the standardized one.

2. Norms for density indicators, mass fraction free sulfuric acid, vegetable and mineral impurities and non-woolen fibers belong to felt with a normalized moisture content of 13%.

2.3. Allowed in the absence of raw materials specified in table 6:

replacement of natural wool with cotton wool clippings no more than 3% of the weight of natural wool;

replacement of factory sheep's wool with semi-coarse and coarse sheepskin fur 1, 2 lengths or combed coarse-wool fleece;

replacement of factory cow wool with factory wool or semi-coarse and coarse sheepskin fur 1, 2, 3 lengths (3rd length no more than 30% of the weight of fur wool) and acid wool from fur and fur sheepskins (no more than 5% of the mixture weight) ;

replacement of sheep and cow factory wool with sheep natural wool, or natural goat hair no more than 5% by weight of the mixture;

Replacement of up to 8% of factory wool and up to 2% of natural coarse sheep wool with a blended hot wash clunker;

replacement of reconstituted wool with refined products or acid wool.

2.2, 2.3.

2.4. The color of the felt should be natural. Different shades are allowed when using dyed combed coarse-woolen fleece and regenerated wool.

2.5. Physicomechanical and chemical indicators technical coarse-wooled felt and parts from it for mechanical engineering must comply with the standards specified in table 7.

2.6. The density of the seals and gaskets of grade A, depending on their thickness and outer diameter or length, must correspond to that indicated in table 8.

Table 8

the name of detail

Thickness, mm

Density, g / cm, with the outer diameter or length of the part, mm

St. 10 to 25

St. 25 to 50

St. 50 to 100

Oil seals

3.0 to 5.0

St. 5.0 "10.0

" 10,0 " 20,0

Brand A gaskets

3.0 to 5.0

St. 5.0 "10.0

" 10,0 " 20,0


1. Minus permissible deviations should not exceed 0.02 g / cm.

2. The maximum density should not exceed that established in table 7 for this type of felt.

3. Density standards are established for rings with a width of at least 7 mm. For rings with a width of less than 7 mm, they are installed in agreement with the consumer.

2.7. By mechanical strength insulation felt must meet next requirement: when hanging by one edge without skewing the felt cavity 4 m long, there should be no rupture of the cavity from the action of its own mass.

2.8. Felt rings with an outer diameter of up to 60 mm inclusive are made whole-cut, over 60 mm - sewn from tape, except for those rings that cannot be sewn due to the large difference between the width and thickness of the ring. Such rings are made all-cut.

At the request of the consumer, it is allowed to make one-piece cut rings with an outer diameter of over 60 mm.

2.9. Felt rings sewn from tape must meet the following requirements:

with an outer diameter of the ring up to 400 mm inclusive, one seam is allowed, more than 400 mm - two seams;

the joint line at the stitching point should be inclined, and the cut angle () should be 20-30 ° (see drawing);

stitching is carried out in at least two rows with linen threads 105 tex x5, 130 tex x4, 105 tex x6, 130 tex x5 according to GOST 14961 or extra strong cotton threads 27 tex x3x3, 27 tex x3x4, 18.5 tex x3x3, 16.5 tex х3х2 in accordance with GOST 6309.

The thickness of the threads is chosen depending on the width and thickness of the ring.

With a ring width of 10 mm or more, the line closest to the inner edge of the ring should be at a distance of at least 3 mm from it. With a ring width of less than 10 mm, it is allowed to sew rings in one row with the stitching at an equal distance from the edges of the ring;

when sewing rings from ribbons up to 10 mm thick, the line pitch should be no more than 6 mm, with ribbons thick more than 10 mm - no more than 10 mm;

the planes of the cut of the joint should fit snugly to one another and should not be displaced;

at the junction, the thickness of the ring should not exceed the norms and maximum deviations indicated in table 5;

at the junction, the elasticity of the ring should not differ noticeably from the elasticity of the ring in other areas;

the bulk of the fibers in the sewn ring should have a direction around the circumference of the ring.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 2).

2.10. Felt and parts made from it should not delaminate.

2.11. Gluing of felt and parts made of it is not allowed.

2.12. The surface of the parts must be clean, with evenly removed pile, without scars. Lint is allowed in the spacer parts.

2.13. Parts should not have tears, torn spots, bevels and other mechanical damage.

2.14. The edges of the felt cavity should not have deviations from straightness by 1 m of length more than ± 20 mm.


3.1. Acceptance rules and test methods - according to GOST 314.


4.1. Felt cavities are tightly rolled into a roll weighing no more than 70 kg and tied in two places with a rope in accordance with GOST 1868.

At the request of the consumer and during transportation by rail, the tied rolls of felt must be packed in an investment cloth made of chemical threads or an investment nonwoven cloth in accordance with GOST 14253 and other regulatory and technical documentation.

4.2. At the end of each cavity of the felt, a stamp must be affixed with the symbol of the felt.

4.3. Felt parts are packed in boxes in accordance with GOST 10350, bales or bags made of packing fabric in accordance with GOST 5530 * or from packing fabric made of chemical threads in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation. Bales or bags are sewn up manually with twine in accordance with GOST 17308. The stitch length should be no more than (40 ± 10) mm.
* Within the territory of Russian Federation GOST 5530-2004 is in effect. - Note "CODE".

The weight of each box, bale or bag with felt parts must not exceed 50 kg.

When packing in one box, bale or bag of felt parts different sizes parts of the same size should be tied with twine in bundles. Each pack must be attached with a label indicating the details in accordance with clause 4.4.

4.4. Transport markings should be applied to cardboard or plywood labels in accordance with GOST 14192, indicating additional data characterizing the product:

the name of the manufacturer and its trademark;

the thickness of the felt or the dimensions of the felt parts;

felt mass at normalized and actual moisture content or the number of felt parts;

OTK stamp;

date of manufacture;

batch numbers;

designations of this standard;

manipulation sign - "Keep away from moisture".

(Modified edition, Amendment N 2).

4.5. When transporting felt to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas, the tied rolls must be sheathed with two layers of an investment cloth made of chemical threads or an investment nonwoven cloth in accordance with GOST 14253 and tied with a rope in accordance with GOST 10350.

4.3-4.5. (Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.6. Each batch of felt and felt parts must be accompanied by a document certifying product compliance with the requirements of this standard and containing:

the name of the manufacturer and its trademark;

name of felt or felt parts;

laboratory test results with batch number and date;

OTK stamp;

designation of this standard.

4.7. Felt and felt parts are transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles according to the rules in force for the corresponding type of transport.

By railroad the specified products are transported in small consignments. The gross weight of the package should not exceed 500 kg.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 2).

4.8. Felt should be stored in a closed, ventilated area.

For air access, the base of the stack should be at least 0.2 m higher than the floor of the room, the height of the stack should not exceed 2 m.

Felt parts should be stored in boxes or on racks to prevent deformation.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.9. During storage, felt and felt parts should be treated with an anti-milling agent at least once every 6 months.

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
Moscow: IPK Standards Publishing House, 1996

  • Minimum order quantity -1 roll (in a roll from 30 to 35 kg).
  • You can get advice by calling the sales department: +7 (83159) 689-13 and +7 (83159) 689-42 Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Moscow time. Lunch break from 12:00 to 12:40.
  • Send written applications to e-mail: [email protected] .

Delivery conditions

  • No later than 20 days after receiving a written application and prepayment in the amount of 100% of the cost of the goods.
  • For systematic deliveries no later than 20 days after receiving a written request.


  • Transfer of an advance payment of 100% of the cost of the goods to the current account of the supplier.
  • In case of systematic deliveries, transfer of 100% of the value of the goods to the current account of the supplier after the transfer of the goods to the buyer.
  • Letter of credit.
  • Cash.


  • By car.
  • By rail.
  • Receiving from the supplier (selection of goods).
  • Russian Post.


  • On terms of self-pickup from warehouses finished products Bor felt factory.
  • Luggage from the Gorky-Moskovsky station to the destination station.
  • Through a transport company at the buyer's choice (Attenta, Avtotrading, PEK, Zheldorexpeditsiya, Delovye Linii, Ratek, RAIL-continent, etc.).
    By the Supplier's motor transport to Moscow.
  • 5-ton container with st. Mokhovye Gory GZhD to the destination station. The loading rate of felt in a 5-ton container is 1500 kg.
  • 20-ton container with st. Costariha GZD to the destination station. The loading rate of felt in a 20-ton container is 5000 kg.





GOST 6418-81

Official edition


UDC 677.076.24: 006.354 Group Ml 5



Technical coarse wool felt and machinery parts from it.

OKP 81 6131 81 6330

GOST 6418-67

By the decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated May 21, 1981 No. 2546, the introduction period was established

Checked in 1985 by the Resolution of the State Standard of 08.21.85 No. 2708

validity period extended until 01/01/92

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to technical coarse-wooled felt and parts from it for mechanical engineering (gaskets, gaskets, filters), as well as felt used as an insulating material.


1.1. Technical coarse-wool felt, depending on the purpose, is divided into types:

ГС - felt for oil seals used to retain lubricating oils in places of friction and to protect places of friction from water and dust;

ГПр - felt for gaskets that protect machine parts from abrasion, pollution, shock, shock, and also used for sound absorption.

Felt for gaskets, depending on the degree of compaction, are produced in two grades:

A - with a density of (0.32 ± 0.02) g / cm 3;

B - with a density of (0.26 ± 0.02) g / cm 3 (for soft gaskets);

ГФ - felt for filters used to filter oils;

Official edition Reprinting prohibited

* Reprinted (October 1986) with Amendment No. /, approved in August 1985 (IUS I-85).

© Standards Publishing House 1987

GI - insulation felt, used as heat and sound insulation material.

1.2. The dimensions of the felt cavity are set by agreement with the consumer:

in length - from 1.0 to 5.0 m;

in width - from 0.7 to 2.0 m;

in thickness - from 8.0 to 20.0 mm.

1.3. Nominal dimensions and maximum deviations in thickness * of not all types of felt, manufactured in nominal with an interval of 1 mm, must correspond to those indicated in table. 1.

Note. Nominal thickness of felt for insulation - from 6.0 mm.

1.4. The conventional designation of felt includes designation of the type of felt and brand, size in thickness and designation of this standard.

Examples of symbols Felt coarse, 10 mm thick: for oil seals - felt GS10 GOST 6418-81 for gaskets of grade A - felt GLrAYU GOST 6418-81 for gaskets of grade B - felt GPrBYu GOST 6418-81 for filters - felt GF10 GOST 6418-81 for insulation - felt GII GOST 6418-81

1.5. Parts for mechanical engineering from coarse felt, depending on the purpose and shape, are made of the following types indicated in table. 2.

table 2

Continuation of table. 2

Part type

Part type designation

Coarse-wooled gland plate A coarse-wooled gasket plate

Coarse grade B gasket plate

Coarse-wooled filter plate Coarse-wooled oil seal disc Coarse-wooled brand A gasket disc Coarse-wooled filter disc Coarse-haired curly gland Gasket A coarse-haired

Gasket of brand B curly coarse-haired

Curly coarse-haired filter

SG plate

PRAG plate

Plate PrBG Plate FG Disc SG Disc PrAG Disc FG Oil seal FgG

AFgG gasket

Gasket BFgG Filter FgG

Note. A felt piece of rectangular shape with a width of up to 100 mm inclusive is called a tape, and over 100 mm - a plate.

1.6. Felt parts in shape and size must comply with the technical documentation of the consumer, agreed with the manufacturer.

1.7. Maximum deviations from the nominal sizes of felt rings and discs must correspond to those indicated in table. 3, and felt ribbons, plates and figured details - in table. 4.

Table 3

1.8. Nominal dimensions and maximum deviations in thickness of felt parts manufactured in nominal with an interval of 1.0 mm must correspond to those indicated in table. 5.

Prev off

in width for



Sv, 10 to 25 incl.

"100" 200 "

"200" 300 "

> 300 "40 * 0"

Note. Limit deviations for tapes and plates with a length and width of over 400 mm are set ± 1.0 mm for every 100 mm in addition over 400 mm of length and width.

Table 5

1.9. The conventional designation of felt parts includes the designation of the types of parts and their dimensions in millimeters in the following order:

on rings 1 - outer and inner diameters, thickness; on tapes and plates - length, width, thickness; on disks - diameter, thickness;

for figured details - after the symbol is indicated "according to drawing No._";

Examples of symbols Coarse-wooled ring-gland, with an outer diameter of 75 mm, an inner diameter of 50 mm, and a thickness of 7 mm:

Ring SG 75-50-7 GOST 6418-81 Tape-gasket grade A, coarse, 80 mm long, 40 mm wide, 15 mm thick:

Tape PRAG 80-40-15 GOST 6418-81

Gasket tape grade B, coarse, 80 mm long, 40 mm wide, 15 mm thick:

Tape PrBG 80-40-15 GOST 6418-81 Coarse-wooled filter plate, 300 mm long, 200 mm wide, 5 mm thick:

Plate FG 300-200-5 GOST 6418-81 Grade A gasket disc, coarse, 120 mm in diameter, 10 mm thick:

Disc PRAG 120-10 GOST 6418-81 Shaped coarse gland:

FgG oil seal according to drawing No._GOST 6418-81


2.1. Technical coarse-wooled felt and parts from it for mechanical engineering must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological modes approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Technical coarse-wool felt and parts from it for mechanical engineering in terms of the composition of the fibers in the mixture must correspond to that indicated in table. 6.

Table b

Note The content of non-woolen fibers in the mixture is allowed due to their presence in reconstituted wool, waste products and in coarse-wooled combed fleece.

The total mass fraction of non-wool fibers in the finished felt should not be more than indicated in table. 7.

2.3. Replacement is allowed:

factory sheep wool with fur wool of I, II and III length, fleece and acid wool from fur sheepskins;

up to 8% of factory wool and up to 2% of sheep's natural coarse wool with a hot wash clunker;

up to 4% sheep natural coarse wool natural goat wool.

Table 7

by type of felt for




filters "

oil seals


Normalized humidity, ° / o

Density, g / cm 3

Tensile strength ia rupture (with felt thickness 5 mm),

Pa (kgf / cm 2), not less

Elongation at break, ° / o, no more

Mass fraction of free sulfuric acid,%, no more

Mass fraction of vegetable impurities,%, no more

Mass fraction of non-wool fibers,%, no more

Mass fraction of mineral impurities (£ six with ash from vegetable impurities),%, no more

Capillarity (with a thickness of 10 mm or less), mm, not less during:


L The actual moisture content of the felt and parts made of it should not exceed the normalized one.

2. Norms in terms of density, mass fraction of free sulfuric acid, vegetable and mineral impurities and non-woolen fibers refer to felt with a normalized moisture content of 13% ~

2.4. The color of the felt should be natural. Different shades are allowed when using dyed combed coarse-wooled feathers and regenerated wool.

2.5. In terms of physical, mechanical and chemical indicators, technical coarse-wooled felt and parts from it for mechanical engineering must comply with the standards specified in table. 7.

2.6. The density of the seals and gaskets of grade A, depending on their thickness and outer diameter or length, must correspond to that indicated in table. eight.

Table 8

1. Minus permissible deviations should not exceed 0.02 g / cm 3.

2. The maximum density should not exceed that specified in the table. 7 for felts of this type.

3. Density standards are established for rings with a width of at least 7 mm. For rings with a width of less than 7 mm, they are installed in agreement with the consumer.

2.7. In terms of mechanical strength, the felt for insulation must meet the following requirement: when suspended by one edge without skewing the cavity of the felt 4 m long, there should be no rupture of the cavity from the action of its own mass.

2.8. Felt rings with an outer diameter of up to 60 mm inclusive are made whole-cut, over 60 mm - sewn from tape, except for those rings that cannot be sewn due to the large difference between the width and thickness of the ring. Such rings are made all-cut.

At the request of the consumer, it is allowed to make one-piece cut rings with an outer diameter of over 60 mm.

2.9. Felt rings sewn from tape must meet the following requirements:

with an outer diameter of the ring up to 400 mm inclusive, one seam is allowed, more than 400 mm - two seams;

the joint line at the stitching point should be inclined, and the cut angle (a) should be 20-30 ° (see drawing);

stitching is performed in at least two rows with linen threads 105 texHb, 130 texX4, 105 texHb, 130 texHb according to GOST 2350-73 or with extra strong cotton threads 27 texHZHZ, 27 texHZH4, 18.5 texHZHZ, 16.5 texHZH2 according to GOST 6309- 80.

The thickness of the threads is chosen depending on the width and thickness of the ring.

With a ring width of 10 mm or more, the line closest to the inner edge of the ring should be at a distance of at least 3 mm from it. With a ring width of less than 10 mm, it is allowed to sew rings in one row with the stitching at an equal distance from the edges of the ring;

when sewing rings from ribbons up to 10 mm thick, the line pitch should be no more than 6 mm, with ribbons thick more than 10 mm - no more than 10 mm;

the planes of the cut of the joint should fit snugly to one another and should not be displaced;

at the junction, the thickness of the ring should not exceed the norms and maximum deviations indicated in table. 5;

at the junction, the elasticity of the ring should not differ noticeably from the elasticity of the ring in other areas;

the bulk of the fibers in the sewn ring should have the direction n of the ring circumference.

2.10. Felt and parts made from it should not delaminate.

2L1. Gluing of felt and parts made of it is not allowed.

2.12. The surface of the parts must be clean, with evenly removed pile, without scars. Lint is allowed in the spacer parts.

2.13. Parts should not have tears, torn spots, bevels and other mechanical damage.

2.14. The edges of the felt cavity should not have deviations from straightness by 1 m of length more than ± 20 mm. 3


3.1. Acceptance rules and test methods - according to GOST 314-72.


4.1. Felt cavities are tightly rolled into a roll weighing no more than 70 kg and tied in two places with a rope in accordance with GOST 1868-72.

At the request of the consumer and during transportation by rail, the tied rolls of felt must be packed in an investment cloth made of chemical threads or an investment nonwoven cloth in accordance with GOST 14253-83 and other regulatory and technical documentation.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.2. At the end of each cavity of the felt, a stamp must be affixed with the symbol of the felt.

4.3. Felt parts are packed in boxes in accordance with GOST 10350-81, bales or bags made of packing fabric in accordance with GOST 5530-81 or from packing fabric made of chemical threads in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation. Bales or bags are sewn up manually with twine in accordance with GOST 17308-85. The stitch length should be no more than (40 ± 10) mm.

The weight of each box, bale or bag with felt parts must not exceed 50 kg.

When packing in one box, bale or bag of felt parts of different sizes, parts of the same size must be tied with twine in bundles. Each pack must be attached with a label indicating the details in accordance with clause 4.4.

4.4. Transport markings should be applied to cardboard or plywood labels in accordance with GOST 14192-77, indicating additional data characterizing the product:

the name of the manufacturer and its trademark;

names of felt or felt parts;

the thickness of the felt or the dimensions of the felt parts;

felt mass at normalized and actual moisture content or the number of felt parts;

OTK stamp;

date of manufacture;

batch numbers;

designations of this standard;

manipulation sign - "Afraid of dampness."

Before the manipulation sign "Afraid of moisture", a hazard sign is applied for class 9, subclass 9.2 in accordance with GOST 19433-81.

4.5. When transporting felt to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas, the tied rolls should be sheathed with two layers of packing fabric made of chemical threads or

non-woven investment fabric in accordance with GOST 14253-83 and tied with a rope in accordance with GOST 10350-81.

4.3-4.5. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.6. Each batch of felt and felt parts must be accompanied by a document certifying product compliance with the requirements of this standard and containing:

the name of the manufacturer and its trademark;

name of felt or felt parts;

laboratory test results with batch number and date;

OTK stamp;

designation of this standard.

4.7. Felt and felt parts are transported by all types of transport, except for air, in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules in force for the corresponding mode of transport.

These products are transported by rail in small shipments.

When transporting felt and felt parts by transport packages, they must be formed in accordance with GOST 21929-76.

The sizes of the bags are in accordance with GOST 24597-81. For packing, flat pallets are used in accordance with GOST 9078-84. Fastening of bags - in accordance with GOST 21650-76.

The gross weight of the package should not exceed 500 kg.

4.8. Felt should be stored in a closed, ventilated area.

For air access, the base of the stack should be at least 0.2 m higher than the floor of the room, the height of the stack should not exceed 2 m.

Felt parts should be stored in boxes or on racks to prevent deformation.

4.7, 4.8. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 2).

4.9. During storage, felt and felt parts should be treated with an anti-milling agent at least once every 6 months.

Editor T. P. Shashina Technical editor 3. V. Mityai Proofreader L V. Snitsarchuk

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Group Ml5

Amendment No. 2 GOST 6418-81 Technical coarse-wool felt and its parts for mechanical engineering. Technical conditions

Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the Gosstandart of Russia dated 03.24.92 No. 240

Date of introduction 09/01/92

Clause 2.2. Table 6. Column "Type of fiber". The sixth paragraph shall be supplemented with the words: "in a purified form";

note. Replace the words “Content of non-wool fibers in the mixture” with “Mass fraction of non-wool fibers in the mixture”.

Clause 2.3 shall be reworded: “2.3. Allowed in the absence of raw materials specified in table. 6

replacement of natural wool with cotton wool clippings no more than 3% of the weight of natural wool,

replacement of factory sheep's wool with semi-coarse and coarse sheepskin fur wool 1, 2 lengths or combed coarse-wooled fleece;

replacement of factory cow wool with factory sheep wool or semi-coarse and coarse sheepskin fur 1, 2, 3 lengths (3rd length no more than 30% of the weight of fur wool) and acid wool from fur and fur sheepskins (no more than 5% of the mixture weight );

(To be continued, see p. 150)

replacement of sheep and cow factory wool with natural sheep wool, or natural goat wool not 6oiee 5% by weight of the mixture;

replacement of up to 8% of factory wool and up to 2% of sheep's wool rov-

wool diAOnkergpl "nshmdltttggg hot washing,

replacement of reconstituted wool with refined products of its own production or acidic wool "

Clause 4.4. Tenth paragraph. Replace words. "Afraid of dampness" to "Keep away from moisture";

delete the eleventh paragraph

Clause 4.7 shall be reworded “4 7. Felt and felt parts are transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules in force for the corresponding type of transport.

By rail, the specified products are transported in small shipments

When transporting felt and felt parts in transport packages, they must be formed in accordance with GOST 26663-86. The dimensions of the bags are in accordance with GOST 24597-81. For packing, flat pallets are used in accordance with GOST 9078-84. Sealing bags - according to GOST 21650-76 Means of fastening bags are steel packing wire according to GOST 3560-73, GOST 503-81, GOST 6009-74

The gross weight of the package must be no more than 500 kg. "


* Reprinted (October 1989) with Amendment No. 1, approved in August 1985 (IUS 11-85).

By the decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated May 21, 1981 No. 2546, the introduction period was established

Checked in 1985 by the Resolution of the State Standard of 08.21.85 No. 2708, the validity period was extended until 01.01.92

The time limit has been lifted. Establishment of ICS No. 6 1992

Group M15

Amendment No. 2 GOST 6418-81 Technical coarse-wool felt and its parts for mechanical engineering. Technical conditions

Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the Gosstandart of Russia dated 03.24.92 No. 240

Date of introduction 09/01/92

Clause 2.2. Table 6. Column "Type of fiber". The sixth paragraph shall be supplemented with the words: "in a purified form";

note. Replace the words: “Content of non-wool fibers in the mixture” with “Mass fraction of non-wool fibers in the mixture”.

Clause 2.3 shall be reworded: “2.3. Allowed in the absence of raw materials specified in table. 6:

replacement of natural wool with cotton wool clippings no more than 3% of the weight of natural wool;

replacement of factory sheep's wool with semi-coarse and coarse sheepskin fur wool 1, 2 lengths or combed coarse-wooled fleece;

replacement of factory cow wool with factory sheep wool or semi-coarse and coarse sheepskin fur 1, 2, 3 lengths (3rd length no more than 30% of the weight of fur wool) and acid wool from fur and fur sheepskins (no more than 5% of the mixture weight );

replacement of sheep and cow factory wool with natural sheep wool, or natural goat wool, no more than 5% by weight of the mixture;

Replacement of up to 8% of factory wool and up to 2% of natural coarse sheep wool with a blended hot wash clunker;

replacement of the reconstituted wool with the products of its own production in a refined "form or acidic wool".

Clause 4.4. Tenth paragraph. Replace the words: "Afraid of moisture" with "Protect from moisture";

the eleventh paragraph shall be deleted.

Clause 4.7 shall be reworded: “4.7. Felt and felt parts are transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles according to the rules in force for the corresponding type of transport.

These products are transported by rail in small shipments.

When transporting felt and felt parts in transport packages, they must be formed in accordance with GOST 26663-85 · Package sizes - in accordance with GOST 24597-81. For packing, flat pallets are used in accordance with GOST 9078-84. Sealing of bags - in accordance with GOST 21650-76. Means for fastening the packages are steel packing wire in accordance with GOST 3560-73, GOST 503-81, GOST 6009-74.

The gross weight of the package must be no more than 500 kg. "

(Foundation of IMS 1992 No. 6 p.149)

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to technical coarse-wooled felt and parts from it for mechanical engineering (gaskets, gaskets, filters), as well as felt used as an insulating material.


1.1. Technical coarse-wool felt, depending on the purpose, is divided into types:

ГС - felt for oil seals used to retain lubricating oils in places of friction and to protect places of friction from water and dust;

ГПр - felt for gaskets that protect machine parts from abrasion, pollution, shock, shock, and also used for sound absorption.

Felt for gaskets, depending on the degree of compaction, are produced in two grades:

A - with a density of (0.32 ± 0.02) g / cm3;

B - with a density of (0.26 ± 0.02) g / cm3 (for soft gaskets);

ГФ - felt for filters used to filter oils;

GI - insulation felt, used as heat and sound insulation material.

1.2. The dimensions of the felt cavity are set by agreement with the consumer:

in length - from 1.0 to 5.0 m; in width - from 0.7 to 2.0 m; in thickness - from 8.0 to 20.0 mm.

1.3. The nominal dimensions and maximum deviations in thickness of all types of felt, manufactured in nominal with an interval of 1 mm, must correspond to those indicated in table. 1.

Table 1

Note. Nominal thickness of felt for insulation - from 6.0 mm.

1.4. The conventional designation of felt includes designation of the type of felt and brand, size in thickness and designation of this standard.

Legend examples

Coarse felt, 10 mm thick:

for oil seals - felt GS10 GOST 6418-81

for grade A gaskets - felt GPrA10 GOST 6418-81

for gaskets of grade B - felt GPrB10 GOST 6418-81

for filters - felt GF10 GOST 6418-81

for insulation - felt GI10 GOST 6418-81

1.5. Parts for mechanical engineering from coarse felt, depending on the purpose and shape, are made of the following types indicated in table. 2.

Table 2

hot sink;

up to 4% sheep natural coarse wool natural goat wool.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. I).

Table 7

Indicator name

The norm for types of felt for

oil seals




Normalized humidity,%

Density, g / cm3

Tensile strength (with felt thickness 5 mm), Pa (kgf / cm2), not less

Elongation at break,%, not more

Mass fraction of free sulfuric

acid,%, not

Mass fraction of vegetable impurities,%, no more

Mass fraction of non-wool fibers,%, no more

Mass fraction of mineral impurities (together with ash from vegetable impurities),%, no more

Capillarity (with a thickness of 10 mm or less), mm, not less during:


1. Actual moisture content of felt and parts made of it should not exceed the standardized one.

2. Norms in terms of density, mass fraction of free sulfuric acid, vegetable and mineral impurities and non-woolen fibers refer to felt with a normalized moisture content of 13%.

2.4. The color of the felt should be natural. Different shades are allowed when using dyed combed coarse wool fleece and regenerated wool.

2.5. In terms of physical, mechanical and chemical indicators, technical coarse-wooled felt and parts from it for mechanical engineering must comply with the standards specified in table. 7.

2.6. The density of the seals and gaskets of grade A, depending on their thickness and outer diameter or length, must correspond to that indicated in table. eight.

Table 8


1. Minus permissible deviations should not exceed 0.02 g / cm3.

2. The maximum density should not exceed that specified in the table. 7 for felt of this type.

3. Density standards are established for rings with a width of at least 7 mm. For rings with a width of less than 7 mm, they are installed in agreement with the consumer.

2.7. In terms of mechanical strength, the felt for insulation must meet the following requirement: when suspended by one edge without skewing the cavity of the felt 4 m long, there should be no rupture of the cavity from the action of its own mass.

2.8. Felt rings with an outer diameter of up to 60 mm inclusive are made whole-cut, over 60 mm - sewn from tape, except for those rings that cannot be sewn due to the large difference between the width and thickness of the ring. Such rings are made all-cut.

At the request of the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture one-piece punching rings with an outer diameter of over 60 mm.

2.9. Felt rings sewn from tape must meet the following requirements:

with an outer diameter of the ring up to 400 mm inclusive, one seam is allowed, more than 400 mm - two seams;

the joint line at the stitching point should be inclined, and the cut angle (a) should be 20-30 ° (see drawing);

stitching is carried out in at least two rows with linen threads 105 tex × 5, 130 tex × 4, 105 tex × b, 130 tex × 5 according to GOST 2350-73 or with extra strong cotton threads

27 tex × 3 × 3, 27 tex × 3 × 4, 18.5 tex × 3 × 3, 16.5 tex × 3 × 2 in accordance with GOST 6309-80.

The thickness of the threads is chosen depending on the width and thickness of the ring.

With a ring width of 10 mm or more, the line closest to the inner edge of the ring should be at a distance of at least 3 mm from it. With a ring width of less than 10 mm, it is allowed to sew rings in one row with the stitching at an equal distance from the edges of the ring;

when sewing rings from ribbons up to 10 mm thick, the stitch pitch should be no more than 6 mm, with ribbons more than 10 mm thick - no more than 10 mm;

the planes of the cut of the joint should fit snugly to one another and should not be displaced;

at the junction, the thickness of the ring should not exceed the norms and maximum deviations indicated in table. 5;

at the junction, the elasticity of the ring should not differ noticeably from the elasticity of the ring in other areas;

the bulk of the fibers in the sewn ring should have a direction around the circumference of the ring.

2.10. Felt and parts made from it should not delaminate.

2.11. Gluing of felt and parts made of it is not allowed.

2.12. The surface of the parts must be clean, with evenly removed pile, without scars. Lint is allowed in the spacer parts.

2.13. Parts should not have tears, torn spots, bevels and other mechanical damage.

2.14. The edges of the felt cavity should not have deviations from straightness by 1 m of length more than ± 20 mm.


3.1. Acceptance rules and test methods - according to GOST 314-72.


4.1. Felt cavities are tightly rolled into a roll weighing no more than 70 kg and tied in two places with a rope in accordance with GOST 1868-88.

At the request of the consumer and during transportation by rail, the tied rolls of felt must be packed in an investment cloth made of chemical threads or an investment nonwoven cloth in accordance with GOST 14253-83 and other regulatory and technical documentation.