How to fill a lighter with gas from a can. Product from the company "Cricket": gas lighter

In this article I will tell you how you can extend the life of a lighter that does not have a gas filling valve.
To do this, we need an empty disposable piezo lighter, gas spray with a set of adapters, two matches and tweezers.

We start by disassembling the lighter, remembering the location of the parts.

We take matches and sharpen their tips with a knife a little.

We put the bracket in place and slip matches under it.

This is how we raise gas valve. We select an adapter that fits tightly on the tip of the valve, and remove the lighter with matches for 10-15 minutes in the freezer of the refrigerator. By freezing the lighter, we will achieve a better flow of gas when refueling. We take out the lighter from the refrigerator and immediately proceed to refueling.

Attention! Refueling should be carried out away from sources of open fire. With one hand we put a can of gas on the valve and press it. We withstand 10-20 seconds and, without releasing the can, pull out the matches with the other hand. Next, remove the can and proceed to the assembly of the lighter.
We wrap the adjusting screw almost to the stop. We put all the details in place and check the height of the flame.

This method of filling the lighter can withstand about 6-8 times. Then the valve wears out and begins to "poison" the gas. Silicon lighters can also be filled in this way. But if you have to remove the flint and the wheel, then it is difficult to put them back in place after refueling.

When a combustible substance runs out in a lighter, questions immediately arise about replacing the item. Just do not rush, because first you should think about how to fill the lighter with gas or other combustible substance.

Security measures

Before direct work, you should think about your safety, as well as about the people and objects around you. To do this, you should pay attention to some nuances and rules.


Well ventilated area. When the lighter is filled with gas or other substance, it may leak. In this case, it is necessary to ventilate the room as soon as possible.

No fire or sources of ignition.

Skin and eye protection. It is better to wear closed clothes, and gloves on your hands.

Do not use the entire space of the lighter. The gas in it is under pressure, so overfilling can lead to an explosion.

Refueling with a gas bottle

When safe place prepared for work, skin and eyes are safe, you can start talking about how to fill a lighter with gas. Actually, there won't be big problems. It is also worth saying a few words about the convenience during work, as well as the absence of objects that can interfere with the process.

There is a special valve on the back of the lighter, which, in fact, is designed for this process. It is also worth noting the fact that it can be clogged with various garbage from the pocket. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned. It is advisable to use a sharp object. It is necessary to press this valve until a characteristic sound appears, indicating the release of gas.

Now it remains to pick up a can of gas and proceed to direct refueling. It is worth mentioning right away the fact that there are different valves, so you must first select the appropriate adapter. These items come with all cans.

Now a few words about how to properly fill lighters with gas from a technical point of view. During the process, the lighter must be in such a position that the valve is at the top. Accordingly, the gas cylinder - outlet down. After making sure of this, it is necessary to press on the lighter and hold for no more than 7-10 seconds. During this time, it will be filled. In no case should you check the item immediately after refueling. 3-4 minutes is enough for the pressure in it to normalize.

Refueling disposable lighters

Most people believe that disposable lighters cannot be refilled with canned gas. It's just that it's actually a little different. It is possible to do this, but with some difficulty. Therefore, it is worth touching on the topic of how to fill a lighter with gas through the outlet.

To begin with, the refillable item must be placed in the refrigerator for a short time. After that, put two matches into the outlet, where the front of the lever is located. Now you can start refueling, as with a lighter with a special valve.

Refueling a petrol lighter

This type of lighter is the most expensive and original, so many people often encounter direct refueling of these assistants in getting fire. Above there was a conversation about how to refuel a lighter with gas, and now it’s worth mentioning refueling with gasoline.

It is worth noting immediately that this moment there are many types gasoline lighters. Therefore, "reanimating" your assistant, you have to think a little. Now we will consider this process using the example of the most common mechanism - Zippo ("Zippo").

These lighters consist of a body and an inner part. To refuel Zippo, you need to get its insides. On this part there is a felt pad, bending which you can see the fleece. Actually, it needs to be soaked in gasoline. During work, care should be taken so that the substance does not spill.

reusable gas lighters are sold empty for safety reasons. The fueling procedures for a new product and a used product do not differ much from each other. How to fill a lighter with gas from a canister, if it already weakly supports combustion or does not ignite at all, is described below.

Do not attempt to fill the lighter with gas immediately after use. Make sure it is empty, let it rest enough time for all the mechanisms to cool down.

Set flame height control to minimum.. This is usually a brass adjustment screw at the base of the housing with a slot for a screwdriver. Some models are supplied with a wrench to turn the adjusting knob. Many are equipped with a wheel that does not require special tool for rotation. Do not apply much force when turning the adjusting devices. If there are difficulties in reducing the height of the fire, then most likely the adjusting screw is in the limit position + or -. Try his move the other way.

Release of residual gas

Press the fill valve using one of the appropriate tools:

  • screwdrivers;
  • ballpoint pen;
  • paperclips;
  • toothpicks;
  • suitable adapter supplied with the cylinder.

Hold it in open position until a hissing sound is heard. When depressurizing the reservoir, carry out all manipulations away from your face.

Filling the tank

Fill upside down only. The lighter should be taken in hand so that it can be easily held, preferably with an emphasis on some hard surface. First, shake the can of gas several times.

Insert the nozzle of a can with a suitable size nozzle tightly into the filling valve and press it on the filling rod. If liquid gas begins to fill the tank, the body of the lighter will quickly cool. Do not fill for more than five seconds. If this is not enough, repeat the procedure after a while. The release of excess gas to the outside will let you know about the complete filling of the tank.

Checking the lighter

Do not try to put out the fire immediately after refueling.. Allow the cooled body to warm up to room temperature. This will take a few minutes. Rub your hands to evaporate the remnants of the gas mixture from them. Set the flame control to a quarter of the maximum and try to light the lighter. Be sure to do this away from your face. Do not be surprised if the fire immediately breaks out unexpectedly strong. If everything works properly, adjust the required height of the torch.

Some actions seem so intuitively simple that no one thinks about how to perform them. Start the car, toast the toast, button up the jacket - what could be easier? In fact, these simple things can be more difficult than at first glance. The quick guides below will help you not only how to properly fuel your lighter to prolong its life, but also how to do it safely for yourself and others.

  1. Do not refuel the lighter in closed, unventilated spaces, in a car interior, in cramped spaces.
  2. Never do this near sources of sparks or open flames, near smokers. The tank and can contain butane under high pressure. He is exceptionally hot.
  3. Protect your eyes while refueling and try not to inhale gas fumes.
  4. Use only high-quality butane at least triple purification. The cleaner the fuel, the lower the risk of clogged valves. Poor quality gas can cause the lighter to malfunction during operation and problems during refueling.
  5. To quickly fill the reservoir to capacity, try pre-chilling it in the freezer for 5-10 minutes. gas cylinder no need to refrigerate. If there is a fuel level window on the case, you will notice a difference with the procedure for refilling a warm lighter.
  6. Lighters do not like long pauses in work. Try to use them periodically. This will prolong their life. If long-term storage is necessary, release the gas from the tank. How to do this is described in the relevant section above.
  7. It is not necessary to set up a large flame and dip a cigarette into it. greatest warmth is located at the very tip of the torch and spreads higher in the invisible zone. This knowledge will help preserve the smoker's mustache and eyebrows, and correct use flame protects the mechanisms of the lighter from clogging with ash.
  8. Buy a can of compressed air. This right tool to take care of the lighter. Valve purging and debris removal hard-to-reach places will become much easier.

There is another easy way to fill up with gas. If it seems difficult to repeat the instructions you read on your own, entrust this matter to specialists.

Lighters from the Cricket company are in great demand among buyers. They are easy to use and easy to care for. It also attracts attention that it is easy to fill with gas these Cricket products. The lighter can therefore serve enough long time and do not require replacement. Read more about the above products.

Lighter "Cricket": description

The above product is manufactured by Swedish Match in Manila (Philippines) and Assen (Holland). It was in 1961, one might say, that this Cricket lighter was born. White color is the most popular among buyers. To date, the manufacturer has already produced and successfully sold more than 500 million of the above products.

In the production of the Cricket lighter, about 40 stages of quality control are used.

Products are made of nylon. This material, unlike plastic, is more durable and does not burn in the sun. This makes it possible to make the walls of the product thinner and fill it big amount gas.

The lighter of the above manufacturer can have the following types of ignition:

  • piezo;
  • silicon.

The product is reliably protected from gas leakage, so in the burning sun it will by no means turn into a small bomb.

Advantages of the above product

The lighter from the company "Cricket" has the following features:

  • has an automatic, without regulator, combustion valve;
  • the lever is spring-loaded, does not contain backlash;
  • this product is elegant and thin, so it fits easily into a pack of cigarettes;
  • a fully metal combustion valve, 3 mm in size, has a Cricket lighter;
  • features a safe constant flame height.

How to refuel a Cricket lighter?

Experts advise placing the above product in the freezer before refueling. So it will fill up more densely. For this work, you can use a gas canister. In most cases, it is enough for several gas stations.

There is a special valve on the back of the product. Through it, refueling of the lighter is carried out. Sometimes it requires cleaning, as over time it often becomes clogged with dust or debris. With a sharp object, you need to press the valve, gas residues with impurities will come out of the lighter.

In the kit, adapters for different valves are necessarily attached to the can. It is important to choose the right size product. And also remember that the adapter must fit tightly on the above valve.

During refueling, the lighter should be with the valve up, and the device should be located with the stem down. The process of filling with gas the above product "Cricket" lasts no more than 10 seconds. In no case is the lighter checked immediately for performance. You should still wait about three minutes. This is necessary in order to equalize the pressure inside the product.

It is necessary to follow some simple recommendations before carrying out the above actions with the Cricket gas product. The lighter must be in good working order. Also, for refueling, you will need a small can of gas.

It is important to remember your safety. You need to make sure that there are no sources of ignition near you. In addition, the room must be well ventilated.

It is advisable to wear gloves on your hands. Avoid contact of gas with eyes.

In no case should a product such as Cricket be filled to the end. The lighter can explode, because remember that the gas enters it under pressure. Be careful!

The Cricket lighter has gained popularity among buyers due to its excellent quality and extended service life. Use wisely and enjoy!

It's not just a fashion accessory. This is a high-quality and durable lighter that will serve its owner for many years.

But, like any good accessory, a lighter needs care. First of all, the lighter must be regularly refueled. But how do you fill a Zippo lighter?

Start by purchasing lighter fluid. Some mistakenly believe that filling a branded lighter with any flammable liquid is beneficial. However, only genuine Zippo fuel will give you an accurate guarantee of lighter durability and bad smell. If you already have liquid, then read our instructions on how to refuel a Zippo lighter.

  1. Remove the lighter from the case. This can be done as follows: firmly holding the flint wheel with two fingers with one hand, gently, with a little effort, remove the metal part of the case. If you are refilling the lighter for the first time, disassembling it in this way will not be difficult for you.
  2. Raise the bottom corner of the valve. It has the inscription “Lift to fuel”, which translates as “raise for refueling”. It's important to be careful here.
  3. Start filling the cotton wool with gasoline. Fill slowly, never overfill. If the purchased liquid comes in a large bottle, pour it into a smaller container for convenience.
  4. Avoid dripping gasoline on your hands as this can cause skin damage. If you spill gasoline on your hands, wash them with soap and water.
  5. After assembly, set the lighter aside for a few minutes so that it is sufficiently soaked.

Refilling a Zippo lighter: how to check the effect?

In order to find out if the lighter has been filled correctly, it is necessary to check it (preferably in indoors). Open the lid of the lighter, hold it on the weight, slightly lifting it up, gently turn the wheel until the fire appears. In the event that the Zippo refueling was successful, no failures should occur.

If there are any problems, try to determine what you did wrong, read again how to properly refill Zippo (Zippo), and if necessary, repeat the procedure again, or replace the flint or Zippo wick.

Features when refueling Zippo

It must be taken into account that Zippo gas station has its own characteristics, the knowledge of which will help you avoid mistakes that can lead to breakage of the lighter.

  1. It is recommended to use only Zippo branded materials (wicks, fuel, flint) when refilling, as they are guaranteed to fit a quality branded lighter. You can easily buy these products in our store. We are sure you will like our pricing policy.
  2. It is very important that after filling the Zippo, wipe the lighter thoroughly with a dry cloth in case you accidentally drop gasoline on the Zippo. The cost of a mistake can be high! For your own safety, do not fill the lighter alone and have fire-fighting items ready, such as a clean and damp handkerchief.
  3. Make sure your lighter fuel container is at a safe distance before checking fuel quality.
  4. When refueling, do not rush, it is very important to accurately calculate the amount of fuel needed so that you do not accidentally overfill the Zippo fuel chamber. And in this case, it's not just about saving. Lighters of this class are very gentle and require special treatment. Having overfilled the chamber, it is likely that this accessory will become completely unusable.

By the way, since you have dismantled your lighter for refueling, you can clean it from dirt at the same time. This will affect not only her appearance but also on performance.

Even though the rules for how to fill a Zippo lighter may seem overwhelming, the whole process won't take you more than five minutes. So that you can verify this and see clearly the process of refueling such a popular accessory, we suggest you watch a short video.

Detailed instructions on how to fill a Zippo lighter (Zippo)

If your favorite Zippo lighter runs out of gas, don't rush to throw it away. She will continue to be able to please the owner with her bright fire, if she is refueled. Below is step-by-step instruction, which will make it clear how to properly refuel a zippo lighter.

Be sure to inspect the lighter from all sides and the place where the refueling process took place. Check if you have spilled gasoline anywhere - otherwise it may catch fire, because Zippo fuel liquid is highly flammable.

If you have already inadvertently splashed yourself with fuel, immediately wash with soap and water the parts of the body that have come into contact with the liquid. Avoid contact with eyes. To do this, try not to touch them and do not wipe them while refueling the lighter. It is recommended to use closed clothing and gloves during the process of refueling the lighter. Safety is paramount.

At first glance, refilling Zippo lighters seems pretty simple process, however, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and perform each stage of refueling in the indicated sequence. You are dealing with fire, so be extremely careful and follow the safety rules.

Zippo fuel fluid is completely natural, and therefore tends to evaporate relatively quickly, which continues even when the lighter is not in use. When going on a long trip, it is recommended to refuel the product before departure just in case.

To feel absolutely safe, you can purchase cases from the new collection from Zippo. The main material used in their manufacture is Genuine Leather. Cases not only guarantee the safety of the owner, protect the product from scratches, but also look great, giving the lighters even more solidity.

How to properly refuel a Zippo lighter: gasoline

For refueling, you can use special gasoline. Automotive gasoline is not recommended because its combustion temperature is too high, which means you will need to change the filter frequently.
Refueling zippo lighters has one trick. The gas cylinder can be used several times, but after each refueling, the pressure inside it will decrease. Therefore, before proceeding directly to this process, the lighter must be held in the freezer for some time, which will make it possible to fill it in a larger volume.

If you still don't understand how to fill a Zippo lighter or just want to see how the process is done in practice before you start it yourself, you can watch the video below.