Moral problems in Karamzin's story “Natalya, the boyar daughter.

/ / / Moral problems in Karamzin's story "Natalia, boyar daughter»

In the story "" Karamzin N.M. raises many moral issues that affected the then society. One of them was the problem of human honor.

The question of honor is most fully revealed on the example of the image of Alexei, who was a lover. The story of Alexei is not simple. So, his father, being slandered, was expelled from Moscow. He was forced to wander through many nations and eventually died into oblivion. Alexei was also forced to live away from his homeland. All his life he dreamed of restoring the honor of his family.

Fate gave him such a chance. After a secret wedding with Natalia, the young lived in a forest hut. And then one day the news came to them about the beginning of the war with the Lithuanians. Alexei, I do not think for a minute, goes to war. It is in battle that he dreams of proving his loyalty to the king and his native land.

Russian troops defeated the enemy, and Alexei brought the banner of the conquered Lithuanians to the feet of the king. At that moment, the Russian Tsar already knew that Father Alexei had been slandered. He forgives the guy and restores the honor of the Lyuboslavsky family. In addition, Alexei confessed to another crime. The fact that he, without the knowledge of his father, took Natalya away from her parents' house.

Seeing in Alexei an honest and worthy person, the tsar blessed their marriage. Yes, and Natalya's father was not opposed, accepting young man to your family.

At the end of the work, we learn that Natalia also lived a long and happy life. They proved their devotion to the king, for which they were awarded the royal favor.

In the story "Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter", the author concluded a very important thought for himself - faith and service to his king is the main guarantee happy life. In the main character, Karamzin showed us an "obedient" person who remembers and respects the traditions of his people, loves his family and the state. That is why such a person deserves happiness.

Exam: Russian literature of the 18th century

Karamzin's narrator in "Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter" not only reveals the history of the heroes for us, empathizing with what is being said, he is free in his conversation with the reader, often cheerful and ironic.

Correlation with the genre canon of the ode returns again in the first, and main, characteristic, which precedes the appearance of the virtuous boyar Matvey, Natalya's father. His main skills are the ability to be a "friend of mankind", to take the blows of fate and without fear to go towards death; how easy it is to imagine a portrait of such a person, reading the lines of philosophical odes of poets - Karamzin's predecessors: A.P. "Sumarokova, M.M." Kheraskov or V.I. "Maykov.

"Such was the boyar Matvey, a faithful servant of the tsar, true friend humanity. He had already passed sixty years, already the blood circulated more slowly in his veins.<...>but is it good to be afraid of this thick impenetrable darkness in which human days are lost?<...>He goes forward, fearlessly, enjoys the last rays of the setting star, turns a calm look at the past and with a joyful - although dark, but no less joyful foreboding, brings his foot into this unknown.

The originality of Karamzin's first historical story lies in the fact that in it the past is shown not from the front, official side, but in its homely appearance. The heroine of the story, Natalya, is the only daughter of an elderly widower boyar Matvey Andreev. The solitary terem life of a young girl is depicted, her modest amusements along with her neighbors-girlfriends. The main content of the story is the love experiences of the heroine, starting with the disturbing yearnings that she herself does not understand and ending with the all-consuming passion that took possession of her when she met the chosen one of her heart. Natalya was allowed to appear outside the house only in the church, and then under the supervision of her mother. It was here that she met Alexei Lyuboslavsky, the son of a disgraced boyar, who was forced to hide in the forests near Moscow. According to the convincing guess of A. Starchevsky, Starting point when creating the story, "the marriage of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina, a pupil of the boyar Matveev" served. But from this historical basis in the story, except for the names, nothing remains. The historicism of the work is still superficial and is limited to household items, clothing, weapons of the 17th century.

In Karamzin's story, the facts of the biography of A. S. Matveev (teacher of the mother of Peter I, boyar Artamon Sergeevich Matveev) are divided between two heroes. The first, prosperous part of his life served as material for the image of Natalya's father, the boyar Matvey Andreev. The history of the disgrace and exile of A. S. Matveev, together with his young son Andrei, was reflected in the fate of the boyar Lyuboslavsky and his son Alexei. Karamzin boyar Matvey is presented as a wise and impartial mentor of the tsar, a defender of all offended. He acts as an intermediary between the people and the supreme power. Not afraid of disgrace, he tells the king everything he thinks, fairly resolves litigation disputes, always stands only for the truth. A special place is given to the hospitality and poverty of Father Natalya; philanthropy has always been one of the cornerstones of Karamzin's public program. Family, domestic virtues serve Karamzin reliable support for public. Boyar Matvey is an ideal father and just as ideal. Alexey Lyuboslavsky is a gentle son, an exemplary husband and at the same time a brave warrior. Even in Natalya, love for her husband awakens military fervor, and together with Alexei she enters the battlefield. Of course, one should not see in this work a true reflection of social and family relations 17th century Before us is a typical utopia of a noble educator of the late 18th century, who transferred his idea of ​​an ideal estate-monarchical state to the past and contrasted this ideal with the social relations of his time.

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Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. A statement in the 90s is associated with his name. 18th century A new literary trend - sentimentalism. He was born into a poor noble family in the city of Simbirsk. Received a liberal arts education. Studied in Moscow Short military service in St. Petersburg. Acquaintance with Turgenev. In Moscow, T. introduced him to Novikov. Became a member of his circle. K. edits published by N. j-l. Despite his closeness to the Freemasons during this period, he remains a stranger to their mystical views. Optimistic looks at life. In this magazine, K. published his first sentimental story, Eugene and Julia. In the story, the “villagers” work “with joy” in the fields, they are satisfied with their work. The plot is based on a love idyll, unexpectedly ending tragically. (Evgeny from great joy and love falls ill with a fever and dies). Yulia and E.'s mother from that moment on live bleakly.

Engaged in translations of Shakespeare's works.

He took the plot of "Frol Skorobeev", altering it. Natalya is the daughter of the first boyar of the state, Alexei, the son of a nobleman.

"Natalia, boyar's daughter". As many researchers of Karamzin's work have noted, this story was the first attempt at artistic reproduction of the Russian historical past. As you know, the historical plot attracted the attention of Karamzin throughout his life, but the writer proved himself to be a true historian in the "History of the Russian State", while in works of art, historical events interested Karamzin primarily as a background against which a person, his actions, are most clearly manifested. the senses. And in the story "Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter" the central place is occupied by the love of the heroes, their inner world actors. Of course, Karamzin's main focus is on the depiction of the main characters, Natalya and Alexei Lyuboslavsky, of which the leading role belongs to the daughter of a Moscow boyar, Natalya. The writer begins his acquaintance with the heroine by describing her appearance. When creating a portrait of Natalia, Karamzin uses various artistic techniques: the means of an oral folk tale, visual epithets selected according to the principle of contrast: a white face and black fluffy eyelashes, etc. sensitive, sensitive soul, with an anxious heart.If the portrait of Natalia is painted by the writer himself, then the appearance of Alexei, the reader's acquaintance with him is given through the perception of the heroine.The dominant for Karamzin is psychological type representations, with the help of which the writer seeks to influence the reader, to create a certain mood in him. As already noted, all the characteristics of Natalya are given by the writer himself, and the image of Alexei Lyuboslavsky is given through the perception of the heroine; it is she who calls him: a ghost, a stranger, a lover, etc. In the story, one can distinguish traces of a literary tradition, a trend dating back to classicism: a didactic opposition of virtue and feeling. Karamzin very subtly depicts the struggle taking place in Natalia's soul between love for Alexei and duty (and also love) towards her father. Natalya realizes that she is committing a great sin by leaving home without her father's blessing, so guilt does not allow her to enjoy happiness in peace. In Karamzin's story there is another important character, or rather, an observer who helps to reveal the psychology of the characters' mental life - this is the author.

The main characters of the story are the boyar daughter Natalya and Alexei Lyuboslavsky.

Alexey and Natalya decided on a desperate act, and then proved their honesty and true courage by fighting enemies. Both the boyar Matvey and the tsar did not remember evil when Natalya and Alexei revealed themselves to them, but recognized their merits and the right to live together for love.

Alexey entrusted Natalya with the secret that he was the son of the slandered and unjustly convicted boyar Lyuboslavsky, who fled the Fatherland. Alexei was not sure that the tsar would treat him condescendingly, and therefore he lived as a hermit and did not tell anyone who he was.

The lovers were helped by Natalya's nanny, who was tempted by gifts from Alexei, and also by the old priest, who agreed, without asking anything, to secretly marry them. Without their help, young people would not have succeeded.

Natalya was a very beautiful eighteen-year-old girl, the daughter of the boyar Matvey. She was honest, kind and simple-minded. She loved nature, with great respect for her father. The upbringing of the girls at that time was such that she could not even read and write. Of course, for Alexei, she could not become a person with whom one could discuss issues of politics or the development of the state (and it is clear that Alexei needed this, being a victim of political struggle and being alone). But she could appease him, give him a sense of her own worth, accept him with all his doubts, as if to smooth out sharp corners. Her devotion was manifested in the fact that she even went to war with him. This, and also the fact that she ran away from home, speaks of great determination and strength of character. Probably, participation in hostilities made her harder and wiser. material from the site

Alexei was the son of a repressed boyar, who at one time fled the country and, after the death of his father, secretly returned back at his own peril and risk. This speaks of great love for the motherland and courage. He immediately felt the originality of Natalia and showed great perseverance in order to achieve his goal. He was looking for an opportunity to distinguish himself so that he could rightfully appear before the eyes of the king, and his participation in the war contributed to this. He must have been a very impulsive and energetic person, did not like to be idle and sincerely fulfilled his duty as he understood it. In addition, he was a talented draftsman, which was completely atypical for a person of his rank.

Both Alexey and Natalya were very emotional, and they performed many actions under the influence of emotions. But their emotions were noble.

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"Natalya the Boyar's Daughter", a work by Karamzin, is a vivid example of a new trend that was used by writers of the late nineteenth century, including Karamzin. Sentimentalism is a new trend, and if before that classicism was used, where a worthy citizen of his Motherland, his duty, honor was depicted, now the inner world of a person, his feelings, experiences are depicted, and an example of this is Karamzin’s work “Natalya, boyar daughter.

Karamzin's work natalia boyar daughter

What is this piece about? Of course, about love, the most real. About that feeling that everyone wants to experience, that everyone dreams of, and Natalia, the main character, learned what love is, what love is. This work will tell us the love story of the daughter of Matvey Andreev Natalia and the son of the boyar Lyuboslavsky Alexei.

Natalya fell in love with Alexei so much that she even decided to run away from home. She leaves her father to be with her husband. But she never forgot about her father, so their man always brought news about Natalya's father. We see the power of great love not only when Natalya leaves home for her husband, but also when the heroine goes on a military campaign with Alexei, because without him her life was unthinkable.

The work ends with a good ending, because the sovereign forgives Alexei, just as Natalya's father forgives. The couple go to Moscow and live happily there.

There are several main characters in Karamzin's work "Natalia, the Boyar's Daughter". One can also single out Matvey, Natalya's father, who was honest and noble. One can also single out the nanny who replaced Natalya's mother, and Alexei, Natalya's lover, but still, the main character is Natalya, it was not for nothing that the author named his work after her. Natalia is an example of a real Russian woman who knows how to love and take care of her neighbors. Her world, both internal and external, is beautiful. She is humble, yet strong in spirit. Natalia is a model of devotion and fidelity, the ideal image of a wife, lover and daughter.