Composition on the topic “The plot and problems of the story by N. Karamzin“ Natalya, boyar daughter. N.M

It should be said about this work by N. M. Karamzin that it is not as well known to readers as “ Poor Lisa". We will try to convey the essence of this small work.

The events of the work take place during pre-Petrine Russia. The heroine, after whom the story is named, is the daughter of a wealthy boyar Matvey. Her mother died, the girl was raised by a nanny. Natalia's life is subject to the rules of Domostroy.

As Karamzin, Natalia writes, boyar daughter, every morning, accompanied by a nanny, attends church, then distributes alms to needy people. At home, the girl is engaged in needlework: she embroiders, weaves lace, and sews.

The story "Natalia, the Boyar's Daughter" tells us that one of the girl's few entertainments is a walk with the nanny in the garden, after which she again does needlework.

In the evenings, she can chat with her friends, of course, under the supervision of a nanny.

The life of a girl is not rich in events, which, of course, makes Natalia dreamy. She is very kind, sincere, loves her loved ones. Considering the summary of "Natalya, the boyar's daughter", we note that the young noblewoman is able to perceive the beauty of nature. She admires Moscow.

The girl has all the feminine virtues: she is obedient, loves to work. In a word, Natalya absorbed all the rules of Domostroy.

However, as Karamzin notes, Natalya, the boyar daughter, of course, could not help dreaming about love. The meeting with the beloved took place in the church. The girl fell in love with a complete stranger young man. The next day, she again goes to God's temple, but does not meet Him there. Natalya is really upset, she is sad, she cannot eat or drink. A new meeting with her lover makes her happy. A kind nanny helps a girl meet a young man, as Karamzin continues his story ("Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter"). The main characters, a young noblewoman and Alexei, decide to run away and get married in secret.

Karamzin shows us the experiences of the girl. She experiences her first love and blindly trusts Alexei, but this bright feeling is overshadowed by a feeling of guilt before her father, she is ashamed of him. However, Natalya, following the rules of Domostroy, is ready to obey her husband in everything, like a true wife. The girl finds true happiness with Alexei, but prays that her father will forgive her. Natalya's immense happiness was suddenly overshadowed by the fact that her husband had to go to war. Fate forces the girl to do the impossible for many very strong women: she hides her hair, puts on the clothes of a warrior and fights the enemy, like a real man. Such a selfless act could not help but make her father forgive her.

The image of the boyar Matvey

So, the summary of "Natalia, the boyar's daughter" was quite able to convey the plot of the story. However, we did not say a word about the girl's father, Matvey Andreev. His image is by no means the personification of significant statesman, as it should be, according to the plot. Karamzin endows him with many virtues, but the image remains pale. This person is able to shed tears in sorrow and in joy. However, such a faded image was not created by Karamzin by chance; it helps to understand the ideological orientation of the work.

Picture of an "ideal" monarchy

Perhaps such a remark is unnecessary if our task is to convey a summary. "Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter" is a work in which the image of an "ideal" monarchy is created. In such a state, the only concern of the king is the well-being of his own environment. The monarch is indulgent towards his subjects. The simplicity of treatment described in the work is completely different from the loose morals that reigned under Catherine. An approximate king is a loyal adviser who never took advantage of his position. In his work, Karamzin denounces the vicious aspects of the reign of Catherine the Great.

The attitude of the people towards the tsar's associates

In his work, Karamzin points out that the boyar Matvey is a royal servant, who, like the sovereign, is endowed with many human virtues. He is smart, rich, hospitable. Matvey is an intercessor for his neighbors, their patron. However, the author does not say a word about how the boyar carries out his service. He only tells about the people's love for this statesman.

In reality, the people hated those close to the tsar, which is an absolute contrast to the picture created by Karamzin.

historical era

The historical events described in the work are most likely related to the second half of the seventeenth century. Presumably, this is the era of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. The sovereign in the work is depicted as very pious, sensitive. He consoles his associates, and only a violation of the principles of justice can anger him.

This work rather openly indicates what order should be in the state, how the monarch and his entourage should look.

The historical background helps to understand that such a love story could have a happy ending only in conditions of state harmony.

True portrait of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

The romantic plot of the story did not find a place to talk about other aspects of the reign and character traits of this sovereign.

Under him, denunciations were accepted, and the "peaceful" tsar was in fact quite quick-tempered, allowed himself to scold, and sometimes resorted to assault. In particular, the fact is known that at a meeting of the Boyar Duma, the sovereign beat and drove out the boyar Miloslavsky, who was his father-in-law.

Prototype of the boyar Matvey

There are suggestions that the image of Natalia's father is "copied" from a real historical character. Most likely, he was the boyar A.S. Matveev, who during the palace coup of 1682 was subjected to violent death.

We have completed the summary of the work “Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter”, the main idea of ​​​​which is that with proper and fair government, all people can be happy. In conclusion, I would like to add that Karamzin turned to the history of the Russian state in order to show how different the past of our land is from modern worship of everything foreign. Such a condemnation of "foreignness" is also intended to appeal to the patriotic feelings of compatriots.

The story "Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter" by N.M. Karamzin became the first artistic reproduction of the Russian historical past. Later, the critic Rezanov will describe the “Karamzin trend” as “a tendency to process a plot taken from the same Russian antiquity in a much less intricate way, simply and with the observance of fidelity or at least historical probability possible for that time.”
The action of the story “Natalya, the boyar daughter” takes place in the past, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. At that time, according to the author, "Russians were Russians." People of that time lived in an idyllic time of sensitivity, not yet lost by people. The main storyline is the development love relationships the daughters of the virtuous Matvey Andreev, Natalya and Andrey, the son of the disgraced boyar Lyuboslavsky.
Karamzin introduces the reader to his lyrical heroine Natalya, starting with detailed description appearance. To create a more complete and realistic portrait, the writer uses various artistic techniques. So, for example, in the description, the means of an oral folk tale are used: “there are many flowers in the field, in groves, in green meadows, but there is no one like a rose ...”. Contrasting visual epithets also attract attention: a white face and black fluffy eyelashes, “hair like dark coffee velvet”, etc.

The hitherto calm girlish life of Natalya is alarmed by the fact that the heroine felt "some languor, some sadness in her soul." Soon, in winter, at mass, Natalya meets her love - Alexei Lyuboslovskiy. After the first meeting, Natalia is tempted to see the stranger again. And soon they meet again, and then, Alexey, having bribed the nanny, comes to the beautiful Natalya's house. The idyllic calmness of the beginning of the story is broken, further events develop rapidly. Natalya and her lover secretly leave parental home and get married. Karamzin pays great attention to Natalya's internal struggle between love for Alexei and filial duty. Realizing that she will commit a great sin, the heroine runs away from her father's house without a blessing. But the feeling of guilt that has appeared does not allow Natalya to enjoy happiness. In order to emphasize the confusion in the heart of the heroine, the writer uses such words as sin, church, image, blessing.
For a long time, Natalya and her lover hide in the forest, then the disgraced Alexei and Natalya, dressed in a man's dress, fight in the war, earning their forgiveness. At the end of the story, calm reigns again: the heroes return to the arms of Natalya's father, boyar Matvey.
Such novels were very popular with Russian readers in the middle and in the second half of the 18th century. What distinguishes Karamzin's story from works of this kind is the presence of a deep moral meaning, the author's desire to awaken the reader's sympathy for the depicted heroes, empathy for their disasters, joy for the virtuous and regret for erroneous deeds.

It is impossible to overestimate the influence on literature and history of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. An outstanding scientist and literary critic forever erected a “monument not made by hands” for himself with his outstanding work “History of the Russian State”. Recall that it was thanks to this person that words entered into our speech, about which you, dear readers, probably think that they are primordially Russian: “love”, “impression”, “touching”, “aesthetic”, “moral”, “future ”, “scene”.

Nothing more than an announcement, we will present a brief summary for this story by Karamzin. "Natalya, the boyar's daughter", however, deserves to be read.

The characters in the story

At the same time, the writer Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin is distinguished by his documentary and vivid perception of the history of the Fatherland. "Natalya, boyar daughter" - short and capacious fictional storytelling, documenting the era. Being a deep connoisseur of folklore, the author did not write his works in the language of the Old Russian epic, as was traditionally done. Although he always clearly indicated the historical roots of the work. Characterized by documentary: history reference about the era always complements the summary.

"Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter" has an epistemological source associated with the biography of the boyar Artamon Sergeevich Matveev, tutor of Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina (mother of Peter I). His biography is really dramatic, at first - a brilliant career (the boyar became right hand Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich). After the death of suzerain Artamon Sergeevich, rival boyars slandered him, and he fell into disgrace (under the tsarevich, Karamzin divided this vivid and tragic biography into two parts: before and after disgrace. boyar Alexei Luboslavsky.

The plot of the story

Objectivity for a real scientist is above all, therefore history itself determines Karamzin's short stories. Natalya, a boyar daughter, lives with her father, boyar Matvey Andreev. (He is the owner of the “prosperous” part of the biography of the prototype.) Boyar Matvey is in favor with the tsar and respected by people, rich, active, fair. Widower. The delight of his soul is the only daughter, the beautiful Natalya.

She's already out. She was raised by a nanny. The life of a girl proceeds in a rather narrow channel, regulated by a set of rules for conducting household- "Domostroy". However, a grown-up girl with all her being feels the need to love, she already narrowly lives within the framework of the “Domostroy”, which combines Christian norms and household recommendations of the 16th century.

In the temple at mass, she sees a young man, whose gaze awakens passion in her. After a second meeting with him, the nanny arranges a date for the young. At the meeting, Alexey convinces Natalya of the need to follow him and marry without her father's blessing. And so it happened.

When the nanny and the girl saw armed people near the forest dwelling of Alexei, they were frightened, considering them to be robbers. But Alexei reassured them by telling the story of the disgrace of his family. Secretly married, they lived happily ever after.

Further - that the vassals by military deeds proved their loyalty to the kings, and a brief summary testifies. "Natalia, the Boyar's Daughter" introduces the theme of war and service into the outline of her story. The young man learned about the beginning of the war with the Lithuanians. Alexei made a firm decision: to earn the mercy of the tsar and the forgiveness of the family with his valor. He offered his wife Natalya to return to his father for a while. But the girl, dressed in a military dress, said that she would be with him in the war, calling herself his younger brother.

The war ended in victory. In battles, Alexei's military merit was undeniable. The tsar himself rewarded the hero, but the highest reward for Alexei was the end of disgrace. Having learned that Natalya, like a simple soldier, fought shoulder to shoulder with her beloved, the king was touched, and his father blessed their marriage. Boyarin lived to a ripe old age together with the friendly family of Alexei and Natalia, rich in children. On behalf of the author of the story, who heard this story from his great-grandmother, Karamzin testifies at the end of the story that he himself saw a huge stone over the grave of Alexei and Natalya.


According to his convictions, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin is a conservative. But he is a kind of conservative, in opposition to everything that came to Russia from outside. He sincerely considered the path of development of the Fatherland to be special, not Western. The historian idealized the pre-Petrine era. It is this train of thought, dear readers, that you can catch by reading the story "Natalia, the boyar's daughter." Summary his - surprisingly harmonious, the author is witty, interesting to read, there is a lot of subtle irony in the story.

Unfortunately, in real life Not everything always ends with a happy ending. When Peter I, who had ascended the throne, by his grace admitted the innocence of the boyar Artamon Sergeevich Matveev, exalted and summoned him to himself, just then the streltsy rebellion began. The boyar, who was trying to appease the impending uprising, was literally torn to pieces by the troublemakers right in front of the windows of the royal palace. This cruel scene deeply impressed the man who subsequently "cut a window to Europe."

Exam: Russian literature of the 18th century

Karamzin's narrator in "Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter" not only reveals the history of the heroes for us, empathizing with what is being said, he is free in his conversation with the reader, often cheerful and ironic.

Correlation with the genre canon of the ode returns again in the first, and main, characteristic, which precedes the appearance of the virtuous boyar Matvey, Natalya's father. His main skills are the ability to be a "friend of mankind", to take the blows of fate and without fear to go towards death; how easy it is to imagine a portrait of such a person, reading the lines of philosophical odes of poets - Karamzin's predecessors: A.P. "Sumarokova, M.M." Kheraskov or V.I. "Maykov.

"Such was the boyar Matvey, a faithful servant of the tsar, true friend humanity. He had already passed sixty years, already the blood circulated more slowly in his veins.<...>but is it good to be afraid of this thick impenetrable darkness in which human days are lost?<...>He goes forward, fearlessly, enjoys the last rays of the setting star, turns a calm look at the past and with a joyful - although dark, but no less joyful foreboding, brings his foot into this unknown.

The originality of Karamzin's first historical story lies in the fact that in it the past is shown not from the front, official side, but in its homely appearance. The heroine of the story, Natalya, is the only daughter of an elderly widower boyar Matvey Andreev. The solitary terem life of a young girl is depicted, her modest amusements along with her neighbors-girlfriends. The main content of the story is the love experiences of the heroine, starting with the disturbing yearnings that she herself does not understand and ending with the all-consuming passion that took possession of her when she met the chosen one of her heart. Natalya was allowed to appear outside the house only in the church, and then under the supervision of her mother. It was here that she met Alexei Lyuboslavsky, the son of a disgraced boyar, who was forced to hide in the forests near Moscow. According to the convincing guess of A. Starchevsky, Starting point when creating the story, "the marriage of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina, a pupil of the boyar Matveev" served. But from this historical basis in the story, except for the names, nothing remains. The historicism of the work is still superficial and is limited to household items, clothing, weapons of the 17th century.

In Karamzin's story, the facts of the biography of A. S. Matveev (teacher of the mother of Peter I, boyar Artamon Sergeevich Matveev) are divided between two heroes. The first, prosperous part of his life served as material for the image of Natalya's father, the boyar Matvey Andreev. The history of the disgrace and exile of A. S. Matveev, together with his young son Andrei, was reflected in the fate of the boyar Lyuboslavsky and his son Alexei. Karamzin boyar Matvey is presented as a wise and impartial mentor of the tsar, a defender of all offended. He acts as an intermediary between the people and the supreme power. Not afraid of disgrace, he tells the king everything he thinks, fairly resolves litigation disputes, always stands only for the truth. A special place is given to the hospitality and poverty of Father Natalya; philanthropy has always been one of the cornerstones of Karamzin's public program. Family, domestic virtues serve Karamzin reliable support for public. Boyar Matvey is an ideal father and just as ideal. Alexey Lyuboslavsky is a gentle son, an exemplary husband and at the same time a brave warrior. Even in Natalya, love for her husband awakens military fervor, and together with Alexei she enters the battlefield. Of course, one should not see in this work a true reflection of social and family relations 17th century Before us is a typical utopia of a noble educator of the late 18th century, who transferred his idea of ​​an ideal estate-monarchical state to the past and contrasted this ideal with the social relations of his time.

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The main characters of the story are the boyar daughter Natalya and Alexei Lyuboslavsky.

Alexey and Natalya decided on a desperate act, and then proved their honesty and true courage by fighting enemies. Both the boyar Matvey and the tsar did not remember evil when Natalya and Alexei revealed themselves to them, but recognized their merits and the right to live together for love.

Alexey entrusted Natalya with the secret that he was the son of the slandered and unjustly convicted boyar Lyuboslavsky, who fled outside the Fatherland. Alexei was not sure that the tsar would treat him condescendingly, and therefore he lived as a hermit and did not tell anyone who he was.

The lovers were helped by Natalya's nanny, who was tempted by gifts from Alexei, and also by the old priest, who agreed, without asking anything, to secretly marry them. Without their help, young people would not have succeeded.

Natalya was a very beautiful eighteen-year-old girl, the daughter of the boyar Matvey. She was honest, kind and simple-minded. She loved nature, with great respect for her father. The upbringing of the girls at that time was such that she could not even read and write. Of course, for Alexei, she could not become a person with whom one could discuss issues of politics or the development of the state (and it is clear that Alexei needed this, being a victim of political struggle and being alone). But she could appease him, give him a sense of her own worth, accept him with all his doubts, as if to smooth out sharp corners. Her devotion was manifested in the fact that she even went to war with him. This, and also the fact that she ran away from home, speaks of great determination and strength of character. Probably, participation in hostilities made her harder and wiser. material from the site

Alexei was the son of a repressed boyar, who at one time fled the country and, after the death of his father, secretly returned back at his own peril and risk. This speaks of great love for the motherland and courage. He immediately felt the originality of Natalia and showed great perseverance in order to achieve his goal. He was looking for an opportunity to distinguish himself so that he could rightfully appear before the eyes of the king, and his participation in the war contributed to this. He must have been a very impulsive and energetic person, did not like to be idle and sincerely fulfilled his duty as he understood it. In addition, he was a talented draftsman, which was completely atypical for a person of his rank.

Both Alexey and Natalya were very emotional, and they performed many actions under the influence of emotions. But their emotions were noble.

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