The meaning of the proverb is honor the teacher as a parent. Wise thoughts about the teaching profession

Wise sayings about teacher, education

... I look through the treasures of ancient wise men,

who left us the last in their writings;

and if we meet anything good,

we borrow and consider it a great profit ...


Sowers of the reasonable, kind, eternal

The teacher himself must be brought up.

(K. Marx)

The teacher himself must be what he wants to make the pupil.

(V. Dahl)

(A. Disterweg)

You say children tire me out. You're right. You explain: you need to stoop to their concepts. Go down, bend over, bend over, shrink.

You are wrong.

We do not get tired of that, but of the fact that we need to rise to their feelings. Get up, stand on tiptoes, reach out.

In order not to offend. (Y. Korchak)

It takes more intelligence to teach another than it does to teach yourself.

(M. Montaigne)

To prove to a person the necessity of knowledge is the same as to convince him of the usefulness of sight.

(Maksim Gorky)

If you have a mind, learn something, for a mind without skill is a body without a dress, or a person without a face, after all, they said: education is the face of the mind. (Unsur Al-Maali (Kay Qaboos)

Whoever comprehends the new, cherishing the old, can be a teacher.


We must ourselves believe in what we teach our children.

(V. Wilson)

To teach is to learn doubly.

(J. Joubert)

(Y. Korchak)

A teacher is a person who knows better how to raise other people's children than his own.

(J. Falkenare)

Pedagogy is an ungrateful profession, all the successes of which can be attributed to nature, leaving the teacher to take the rap for all the failures of the wards. (V. Krotov).

A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches how to find it.

(A. Disterweg)

Teachers were given the floor not to lull their thoughts, but to wake someone else's.

(V. Klyuchevsky)

The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself.

(A. Disterweg)

Experts say that you cannot spank children in anger. When is it possible? When are you in a holiday mood?

(Rosina Barr)

The student is not a vessel to be filled with knowledge, but a torch to be lit.

(L. Artsimovich)

Those from whom we learn are correctly called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name.

(I. Goethe)

Those who want to learn are often harmed by the credibility of those who teach.


The ideal of perfection that teachers embody is too unattractive to strive for.

(K. Fröhlich)

Anyone who, turning to the old, is able to discover new things, deserves to be a teacher.


Anyone who flaunts erudition or scholarship has neither the one nor the other.

(E. Hemingway)

That teacher is good, whose words do not disagree with deeds.


There are as many good methods as there are good teachers.

(D. Poya)

The goal of teaching a child is to enable him to develop further without the help of a teacher.

(E. Hubbard)

The easier it is for a teacher to teach, the more difficult it is for students to learn.

(L. Tolstoy)

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach.

(V. Klyuchevsky)

School teachers wield power that prime ministers can only dream of.

(W. Churchill)

Twice two four - this is only in school, but in life - whoever succeeds. (V.F. Vlasov)

The teacher is not the one who teaches, but the one from whom they learn.

(A.M. Kashpirovsky)

I have six servants, agile, daring.

And everything that I see around - I know everything from them.

At my sign they are in need.

Their names are: How and Why, Who, What, When and Where. (Kipling)

One must be born as an educator and teacher; he is guided by innate tact.

We are all students - performers, teachers, learners.

You should never be ashamed to say, "I don't know, explain to me."

(J. Darrell)

The only path leading to knowledge is through activity. (B. Shaw)

In 1994, an event happened that touched Russian teachers as well: UNESCO introduced the celebration International Day teachers on October 5. Russia immediately added the celebration of "its" Day to this date, therefore, since 1994, Teachers' Day in Russia has been celebrated on October 5th.
Since Teacher's Day has become a worldwide holiday, let us listen to what they think about this profession all over the world. Of course, these will be half-joking statements, nevertheless, which have become aphorisms:

Norman Rockwell.

The famous orator Socrates said that there is no more difficult task on earth than raising a real person.
His devoted disciple - Plato - noticed that the education of personality begins from the very birth of a person and ends only after his death.
The most famous student of Plato, the sage Aristotle (who was the mentor of the formidable Alexander the Great), said that first it is necessary to give children knowledge, and then develop the necessary skills in them. Aristotle also asked his students to remember that it is important to remember three things in education: abilities or gifts, knowledge and constant exercise.

Henri Jules Jean Geoffroy (1853-1924)

No less well-known are the aphorisms about teachers belonging to the pen of Roman thinkers. For example, Cato loved to repeat that only a person whose deeds and words coincide can be called a true teacher, and Seneca, the famous sage of the era of the decline of the Roman Empire, added that the vocation of a teacher is very difficult, so if the gods want to punish you, they will make you a teacher. ...

Helen Allingham

The oriental sages also paid attention to the matter of upbringing and education.
Eastern aphorisms about teachers full of subtle humor and skillful mentoring. For example, the founder of Buddhism, Prince Gautama, who became the Enlightened Buddha, said that the teacher must give his students all his knowledge, leaving nothing for himself.

Efim Cheptsov Retraining of teachers (1925).

The Chinese sage, the great Confucius, whose name is still sacred to any representative of this nation, believed that the vocation of a teacher is the highest vocation on Earth.
At the same time, he noted that only fools or people who are overly burdened with knowledge do not lend themselves to learning.
There are Eastern aphorisms about teachers who view their work as a heavy duty. For example, there is a well-known Persian proverb that sounds something like this: "If God listened to all the prayers of children, all teachers on earth would perish", while in the same Persian folklore there is another proverb, according to which a strict teacher is better than a kind father.

Thomas Brooks - The New Pupil, 1854, oil on canvas

Aphorisms about studies and teachers belonged to the pen of the most famous thinkers and teachers. As Michel Montaigne believed, teachers need a lot of intelligence to teach children, even more than they would need if they were to learn on their own. Thomas Fuller, addressing the teachers, pathetically exclaimed: "Having knowledge, do not skimp on the fact that children light their candles from your torch!"
Jean-Jacques Rousseau became famous for his statements addressed to teachers. In particular, he urged teachers not to hammer certain knowledge into the heads of children, but to strive to ensure that children receive this knowledge on their own.

Francesco Bergamini A Present for Teacher

Immanuel Kant wrote about this, who, addressing teachers, urged them: "Teach your children not to memorize thoughts, but to think."
A similar statement belongs to the famous teacher Adolf Diesterweg, who wrote that a bad teacher can only teach to remember the truth, and a good one helps children find it themselves. The same Disterweg noted, not without irony, that one cannot become a true teacher after having mastered a certain number of sciences, one can only be born.

Richard Redgrave, 1844.

Among the European aphorisms of modern times about teachers, the following can be singled out especially vividly:
As Samuel Butler points out, there are two types of teachers: the former teach a lot, and the latter teach nothing at all.
Henry Adams says that every teacher in his work touches eternity.
Richard Aldington believes that the main task of a teacher is to show his student the right path in life and in the world of people.

According to Karl Kraus, the students eat what the teachers have digested for them.
Modern writer Paulo Coelho notes that the role of the teacher in the world is enormous. Only the one who has passed the test for spiritual path, has gained patience and courage to accept all events in his life without condemnation, can receive a real teacher as a gift from heaven.

Russian aphorisms about school and teachers are diverse.
We all know the words of A.S. Pushkin, who noticed that "we all learned a little ... something and somehow ....".
Among Russian philosophers and writers, Leo Tolstoy became famous for such aphoristic statements about pedagogy.

In particular, Tolstoy wrote that only a person with certain character traits and vocation for this area of ​​work can be a teacher.
Also, Tolstoy, with the help of aphorism, deduces the formula of a real teacher, he says that such a teacher loves his children as a parent, and he also loves his job.
At the same time, the philosopher notes that it can be easy for a teacher to teach his pupils, however, as a rule, this study is always difficult for them.

Razdrogin Igor Alexandrovich "Rural teacher" 1957

A characteristic feature of Russian pedagogical thought is the appeal to the importance of the personality of the teacher in the matter of education. This is indicated by Dmitry Pisarev, noting that everything in raising children depends on the personality of the educator himself.
Vasily Klyuchevsky echoes him, noting that in order to become a good teacher, it is important to love your students and love your science.

Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky

Now we can summarize the above about teachers:

Albert Anker (* 1831 * 1910)

R. Emerson's words are known that a teacher is a person who knows how to turn difficult things into easy ones.
Konstantin Kushner ironically and beautifully notes that the pedagogical load on the teacher is so heavy that it can only be compared with the cosmic overload.

V. Wilson believes that before educating, a teacher must remember that in every truth that he reveals to children, he must believe himself.

There is a saying attributed to Otto von Bismarck that all wars are won not by generals or their armies, but by teachers.

And, finally, W. Churchill once allowed himself to remark that the school teacher always has more power than the prime minister. This is paradoxical and beautiful saying liked his voters and became an aphorism.

Aphorisms about teachers are offered in a variety of ways. Humorous, realistic, rhetorical - but the most important thing in these statements is the understanding of the greatest role that the teacher plays in the world of people.

Morgan weistling

Teacher work- one of those professions with which a child becomes especially familiar, and therefore it is not surprising that it occupies a large place in his games, and then often becomes the subject of a young man's dreams. But not every schoolchild, even an older one, who admires pedagogical skill, understands well what qualities a person should possess who wants to devote himself to the great cause of teaching and educating the younger generation.

Great value for success pedagogical work has the right attitude towards children. Anyone who does not have a keen interest in children, gets annoyed by their slightest offenses, can hardly become a good teacher. The best educators always get the greatest satisfaction from working with children. And the children, in turn, feel well whether an employee comes to their class, performing his duties, or whether a friend, an enthusiast of his business, whom he is passionate about, in which he puts his whole soul, is engaged.

Love for children gives birth to love for pedagogical work. And this love gives skill in work. It is clear to everyone: you can only teach what you yourself know well and what you have a great interest in studying. The subject taught should be the teacher's favorite science. However, it does not at all follow from this that the teacher limits the range of his knowledge and interests to the narrow framework of one of his subjects. The child's mind is inquisitive and inquisitive. Quite often children ask the teacher questions that are far from his specialty. And you need to be always ready to satisfy the needs of children. Therefore, the teacher must constantly acquire new and new information about the world around him, and not only on the subject that he teaches.

In terms of determining the professional qualities of a teacher, the characteristics of pedagogical work are interesting quotes from great people about teachers, educators... They introduce us to the intricacies of the profession, make us respect the teacher's profession, reveal its essence, convey personal experience the author.

WITH quotes about teachers it will be useful to get to know future teachers or schoolchildren who are still on the verge of choosing a profession.

You learn the fastest and best when you teach others. Rosa Luxemburg

Education is studying proccess, at the beginning of which the child is taught to speak, and at the end - to be silent. Leonard Louis Levinson

Asking homework, teachers target pupils, but fall into parents. Georges Simenon

The teacher is not the one who teaches anything, but the one who helps to reveal to his student what he already knows. Paulo Coelho

Sitting in classrooms, rummaging through encyclopedias and history books will not make us wiser. O.Henry

Anyone who flaunts erudition or scholarship has neither the one nor the other. (E. Hemingway)

The easier it is for a teacher to teach, the more difficult it is for students to learn. (L. Tolstoy)

A teacher, if he is honest, should always be an attentive student. Gorky M.

A teacher who can endow his pupils with the ability to find joy in work should be crowned with laurels. Hubbard Elbert Green.

School teachers wield power that prime ministers can only dream of. (W. Churchill)

In any science, in any art, experience is the best teacher. Miguel de Cervantes

Experience is the best teacher. We remember his lessons well. James Fenimore Cooper

A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it. Adolph Disterweg

The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. Adolph Disterweg

Everything that needs to be known cannot be taught, the teacher can do only one thing - to show the way. Richard Aldington

A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Experience is a teacher of everything. Guy Julius Caesar

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it is killing its students. Hector Berlioz

Whom the gods want to punish, they make a teacher. Lucius Anney Seneca (the younger)

They demand a miracle from doctors and teachers, and if a miracle happens, no one is surprised. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

If a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for a student, like a father, a mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either work or students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher. Tolstoy L. N.

Those from whom we learn are correctly called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The student will never surpass the teacher if he sees in him a model and not a rival. Belinsky V.G.

Whoever comprehends the new, cherishing the old, can be a teacher. Confucius

It takes more intelligence to teach another than it does to teach yourself. Michel de Montaigne

A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy. Ralph Emerson

The task of the educator and teacher is to involve every child in universal human development and to make him a person before civil relations take over him. Adolph Disterweg

Teachers work too hard and receive too little. Indeed, it is a difficult and tedious task to bring down the level of human ability to the very bottom. George B. Leonard

Teachers were given the floor not to lull their thoughts, but to wake someone else's. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

All the pride of the teacher is in the students, in the growth of the seeds sown by him. Dmitriy Mendeleev

There are only two types of teachers: those who teach too much and those who do not teach at all. Samuel Butler

Pity is the student who does not surpass his teacher. Leonardo da Vinci

A teacher who can endow his pupils with the ability to find joy in work should be crowned with laurels. Hubbard E.

The quality of a teacher is not to hesitate in what he himself says. John Chrysostom

That teacher is good, whose words do not disagree with deeds. Mark Porcius Cato the Elder

To repeat the teacher's words does not mean to be his successor. Dmitry Pisarev

To teach is to learn doubly. Joseph Joubert

What the teachers digest, the pupils eat. Karl Kraus

A teacher is a person who knows better how to raise other people's children than his own. Julien de Falkenare

One must be born as an educator and teacher; he is guided by innate tact. Adolph Disterweg

School teachers wield power that prime ministers can only dream of. Winston Churchill

Put a hundred teachers over yourself - they will be powerless if you cannot force yourself and demand from yourself. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches how to find it. Adolph Disterweg

He who is a teacher to the marrow of his bones takes all things seriously, only taking into account his students - even himself. Friedrich Nietzsche

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, should and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices one makes to his calling. Tolstoy L. N.

Be nice to your teachers. Even if they don't deserve your respect, they deserve your pity. Ashley Diamond

A good teacher can teach others even what he himself cannot. Tadeusz Kotarbinski

Why do we study the resistance of metals in technical universities, while in pedagogical universities we do not study the resistance of the individual when they begin to educate him? But it's not a secret for everyone that such resistance takes place. Anton Semenovich Makarenko

The good in a person has to be designed, and the teacher is obliged to do this. Anton Semenovich Makarenko

From the lessons of some educators, we learn only the ability to sit upright. Vladislav Katazhinsky

If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first get to know him in all respects. K. D. Ushinsky

Teachers to whom children owe their upbringing are more respectable than parents: some give us only life, while others - good life... Aristotle

Teaching is an art not lost, but respect for teaching is a lost tradition. Jacques Martin Barzen

He who has never been a student will not be a teacher. Boethius of Dacian

The greatest joy for a teacher is when his student is praised. Charlotte Bronte

We must ourselves believe in what we teach our children. Woodrow Wilson

A student who does not surpass the teacher is bad. Leonardo da Vinci

A person always learns only from those he loves. Those from whom we learn are correctly called teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

To educate another, we must educate ourselves first of all. N.V. Gogol

The teacher himself must be what he wants to make the pupil. V. I. Dal

The teacher works on the most responsible task - he shapes a person. An educator is an engineer human souls... M. I. Kalinin

Raising a child is not a cute game, but a task that requires capital investment - hard feelings, efforts of sleepless nights and many, many thoughts - Janusz Korczak

The mediocre teacher expounds. A good teacher explains. Outstanding teacher shows. Great teacher inspires. William Ward

If you have knowledge, let others light their lamps from it. Thomas Fuller

The teacher must be an artist, an artist, ardently in love with his work Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The role of the educator is to open doors, not to push the student through them. Arthur Schnabel

Anyone who does not remember completely their own childhood is a bad educator. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

People are not born, but brought up. Erasmus of Rotterdam

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A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy. - R. Emerson

To teach is to learn doubly. - J. Joubert

Teachers were given the floor not to lull their thoughts, but to wake someone else's. - V. Klyuchevsky

The teacher himself must be what he wants to make the pupil. - V. Dahl

It takes more intelligence to teach another than it does to teach yourself. - M. Montaigne

The teacher's task is not to give students maximum knowledge, but to instill in them an interest in the independent search for knowledge, to teach them how to acquire knowledge and use it. - Konstantin Kushner

A different pedagogical load can be compared only with space overloads. - Konstantin Kushner

Good teachers create good students... - Ostrogradsky M.V.

A teacher who can endow his pupils with the ability to find joy in work should be crowned with laurels. - Hubbard E.

The teacher, the way of his thoughts - this is what is most important in any teaching and upbringing. - Disterweg A.

A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches how to find it. - A. Disterweg

Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, should and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices one makes to his calling. - L. Tolstoy

One must be born as an educator and teacher; he is guided by innate tact. - A. Disterweg

The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. - A. Disterweg

The teacher himself must be brought up. - K. Marx

Whoever comprehends the new, cherishing the old, can be a teacher. - Confucius

If a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for a student, like a father, a mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love either for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher. - L. Tolstoy

Those from whom we learn are correctly called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name. - I. Goethe

We must ourselves believe in what we teach our children. - V. Wilson

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach. - V. Klyuchevsky

School teachers wield power that prime ministers can only dream of. - W. Churchill

It takes more intelligence to teach another than to teach yourself. - M. Montaigne

That teacher is good, whose words do not disagree with deeds. - Cato

Quotes about education and work of the teacher

There are gaps in my knowledge, because I was embarrassed to ask questions to people below me. Therefore, I want my students not to consider it shameful for themselves to address all questions and to those who are below them. Then their knowledge will be more complete and perfect.
Abu-l-Faraj (Gregory John Bar-Ebrey, 1226 - 1286, Syrian scholar, writer and physician)

More trust should be given to those who teach, rather than those who give orders.
Aurelius Augustine (Augustine the Blessed, 354 - 430, Bishop of Hippo, philosopher and politician)

The teacher touches eternity: no one can say where his influence ends.
Henry Adams (1838 - 1918, American writer and historian)

Until the student reaches the level of knowledge of the teacher, he does not really know his teacher.
Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali (1058 - 1111, Islamic theologian and philosopher)

Nobody is your friend, nobody is your enemy! But each person is a Great Teacher for you!
Kora Antarova (1886 - 1959, Russian singer, writer and theologian)

To teach is to inspire hope
Louis Aragon (1897 - 1982, French writer and politician)

Teachers, to whom children owe their upbringing, are more respectable than parents: some give us only life, while others - a good life.
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC, ancient Greek philosopher and scientist)

Teaching is an art not lost, but respect for teaching is a lost tradition.
Jacques Martin Barzen (b. 1907, American cultural historian and educator)

How important, great and sacred the dignity of the educator is: in his hands is the fate of a person's whole life.
The student will never surpass the teacher if he sees in him a model and not a rival.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky (1811 - 1848, writer and literary critic)

If anything is unclear, ask your arithmetic teacher.
Alan Bennett (b. 1934, English writer and actor)

The attitude of the state to the teacher is public policy, which indicates either the strength of the state or its weakness.
Wars are not won by generals; wars are won by school teachers and parish priests.
Otto von Bismarck (1815 - 1898, German statesman)

He who has never been a student will not be a teacher.
Boethius of Dacian (1230 - 1284, French philosopher)

The greatest joy for a teacher is when his student is praised.
Charlotte Brontë (1816 - 1855, English writer)

We must ourselves believe in what we teach our children.
Woodrow Wilson (1856 - 1924, 28th President of the United States and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate)

A student who does not surpass the teacher is bad.
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519, Italian painter, architect and scientist)

A person always learns only from those he loves.
Those from whom we learn are correctly called teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749 - 1832, German poet)

To educate another, we must educate ourselves first of all.
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (1809 - 1852, Russian writer)

To educate people means to make them better; to educate the people means to raise their morality; to make him literate is to civilize him.
Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885, French writer)

The teacher himself must be what he wants to make the pupil.
Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801 - 1872, Russian ethnographer, writer and physician)

One must be born as an educator and teacher; he is guided by innate tact.
A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches how to find it.
The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself.
Adolf Disterweg (1790 - 1866, German teacher)

To teach is to learn doubly.
Children do not need teachings, but examples.
Joseph Joubert (1754 - 1824, French writer)

The teacher works on the most responsible task - he shapes a person.
The educator is the engineer of human souls.
Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin (1875 - 1946, Soviet statesman)

What is the difference between a good teacher and a great teacher? A good teacher develops the student's abilities to the limit, a great teacher immediately sees this limit.
Maria Callas (1923 - 1977, Greek singer)

That teacher is good, whose words do not disagree with deeds.
Cato the Elder (Mark Porcius Cato the Censor, 234-149 BC, Roman politician)

The teacher is not the one who teaches, but the one from whom they learn.
Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky (b. 1939, Ukrainian hypnotist)

What could be more honest and noble, how to teach others what you yourself know best?
Marcus Fabius Quintilian (c. 35 - c. 96, ancient Roman orator)

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach.
Teachers were given the floor not to lull their thoughts, but to wake someone else's.
Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky (1841 - 1911, Russian historian)

Without examples, it is impossible to teach correctly or to learn successfully.
Lucius Junius Moderate Columella (4 - c. 70, ancient Roman writer and agronomist)

They have been entrusted with an excellent position, higher than which nothing can be under this sun.
Let it be an eternal law: teach and learn everything through examples, instruction and practical application.
Jan Amos Comenius (1592 - 1670, Czech teacher)

Whoever comprehends the new, cherishing the old, can be a teacher.
Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge when they discover their ignorance. Provide help only to those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts. Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of the square, to imagine the other three.
Master said, “My case seems to be hopeless. I have not yet met a person who, knowing about his mistakes, would admit his guilt to himself. "
If your plan is for a year, plant rice. If your plan is a decade, plant trees. If your plan is for life, teach children.
Confucius (c. 551 - 479 BC, ancient Chinese thinker)

Raising a child is not cute fun, but a task that requires capital investment - difficult experiences, the efforts of sleepless nights and many, many thoughts -
Janusz Korczak (1878 - 1942, Polish teacher and writer)

A good teacher can teach others even what he himself cannot.
Tadeusz Kotarbinski (1886 - 1981, Polish philosopher)

What the teachers digest, the pupils eat.
Karl Kraus (1874 - 1936, Austrian writer)

“Some people think that the teacher is robbing his students. Others say that the students are robbing the teacher. I believe that both are right, and participation in this mutual robbery is wonderful "
Lev Davidovich Landau (1908 - 1968, Soviet physicist, Nobel Prize winner)

The goal of upbringing is to teach our children to do without us.
Ernst Legouve (1807 - 1903, French writer)

If you know the means to strengthen the body, temper the will, refine the heart, refine the mind and balance the mind, then you are an educator.
Charles Jean Marie Letourneau (1831 - 1902, French sociologist, ethnographer and psychologist)

It is pointless on the part of the educator to talk about curbing passions if he gives vent to any of his own passions; and his efforts will be fruitless to eradicate in his pupil the vice or obscene trait that he admits in himself.
Nine-tenths of the people we meet are who they are — good or evil, helpful or useless — through upbringing.
John Locke (1632 - 1704, English philosopher)

It seems to us insufficient to leave the body and soul of children in such a state in which they are given by nature - we take care of their upbringing and teaching, so that the good becomes much better, and the bad changes and becomes good.
Lucian (c. 125 - c. 192, Greek satirist)

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases.
Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky (1875 - 1933, Soviet statesman)

You learn the fastest and best when you teach others.
Rosa Luxemburg (1870 - 1919, German revolutionary)

Brings up everything: people, things, phenomena, but above all, people. Of these, in the first place are parents and teachers.
The teacher must behave in such a way that every movement brought him up, and he must always know what he wants in this moment and what he doesn't want. If the educator does not know this, whom can he educate?
You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can educate him so that he is happy.
Anton Makarenko (1888 - 1939, Soviet teacher and writer)

I touch the future. I teach.
Christa McAuliffe (1948 - 1986, American teacher and astronaut)

The teacher himself must be brought up.
Karl Marx (1818 - 1883, German economist)

To educate a person means to determine the fate of a nation.
Schema-Archimandrite John (1932-1991)

All the pride of the teacher is in the students, in the growth of the seeds sown by him
Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834 - 1907, Russian chemist)

It takes more intelligence to teach another than it does to teach yourself.
The most important thing is to instill a taste and love for science; otherwise we will educate simply donkeys laden with bookish wisdom.
Michel Montaigne (1533 - 1592, French philosopher)

Everything that needs to be known cannot be taught, the teacher can do only one thing - to show the way.
Richard Aldington (1892 - 1962)

In upbringing, the whole point is who the educator is.
Dmitry Pisarev (1840 - 1868, Russian philosopher and literary critic)

For a teacher, perhaps the most important thing is not to take himself seriously, to understand that he can teach very little. ("French lessons")
It's strange: why do we feel the same guilt before our parents as we do before our parents? And not for what happened at school - no, but for what happened to us after.
Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin (b.1937, Russian writer)

The greatest mistake one can make in parenting is taking too much haste.
True parenting is less about rules than exercise.
If you want to educate your student's mind, educate the powers that he must control. Exercise his body constantly; make him healthy and strong; let him work, act, run, shout; let it always be in motion; let him be a man in strength, and soon he will become in reason ... old children.
Jacques Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778, French philosopher and writer)

The teacher is a person with humor. Imagine a teacher without humor and you will understand that he will not last long, and if he does, then, unfortunately, his legs. Thank God that the Creator of a real teacher took into account this important quality, which does not translate into quantity, but remains quality!
Alexander Ryzhikov (b. 1976, mathematics teacher, laureate of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year 2009")

A real teacher is not the one who constantly educates you, but the one who helps you to become yourself
Mikhail Arkadievich Svetlov (1903 - 1964, Soviet poet)

Learning, learning. (another translation - Learning I learn.)
Whom the gods want to punish, they make a teacher.
He teaches well to speak who teaches to do well.
Lucius Anney Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD, Roman philosopher, poet and statesman)

People learn what you teach them, not what you want to teach them.
Burres Frederick Skinner (1904 - 1990, American psychologist)

Study for a long time if you want to teach others. In all sciences and arts, the fruit is correct practice.
Grigory Savvich Skovoroda (1722 - 1794, Ukrainian philosopher and poet)

Upbringing is a difficult matter, and improving its conditions is one of the sacred duties of every person, for there is nothing more important than the education of oneself and one's neighbors.
Socrates (469 - 399 BC, ancient Greek philosopher)

Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, should and cannot be otherwise.
If a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for a student, like a father, a mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love either for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and for students, he is a perfect teacher.
The easier it is for a teacher to teach, the more difficult it is for students to learn.
The vocation of a teacher is a high and noble vocation.
In order for the upbringing of children to be successful, it is necessary that the upbringing people, without ceasing, educate themselves.
Both upbringing and education are inseparable. It is impossible to educate without passing on knowledge, all knowledge acts upbringing.
The educator needs to know life deeply in order to prepare for it.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828 - 1910, Russian writer)

The mediocre teacher expounds. A good teacher explains. Outstanding teacher shows. Great teacher inspires.
William Ward

The educator feels like a living link between the past and the future, a mighty warrior of truth and goodness and realizes that his work, modest in appearance, is one of the greatest deeds of history.
The educator is an artist; school - a workshop where a semblance of a deity emerges from a piece of marble.
Education should not only develop a person's mind and give him a certain amount of information, but should ignite in him a thirst for serious work, without which his life can be neither worthy nor happy.
The main path of human education is conviction.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824 - 1870, Russian teacher)

A teacher is a person who knows better how to raise other people's children than his own.
Julien de Falkenaret (1898-1958, Flemish writer)

Discoveries are born where the teacher's knowledge ends and the student's new knowledge begins
Konstantin Fedin (1892 - 1977, Soviet writer)

If you have knowledge, let others light their lamps from it.
Thomas Fuller (1608 - 1661, English philosopher and writer)

The strengths and weaknesses are rooted in the school, and teachers hold the keys to well-being.
Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini (1900? - 1989, Ayatollah, Iranian religious and statesman)

Knowledge - like heaven - belongs to everyone. No teacher has the right to hide them from anyone who asks for them. Teaching is the art of giving.
Abraham Joshua Geshel (1907 - 1972, Jewish philosopher)

Teaching is a matter of duty, while entertaining is a matter of respect (for the listeners).
Mark Tullius Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC, ancient Roman politician and philosopher)

School teachers have powers that prime ministers can only dream of
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874 - 1965, English statesman)

The teacher must be an artist, an artist passionately in love with his work
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860 - 1904, Russian writer)

The role of the educator is to open doors, not to push the student through them.
Arthur Schnabel (1882 - 1951, Austrian teacher, pianist and composer)

Anyone who does not remember completely their own childhood is a bad educator.
They usually demand a miracle from doctors and teachers, but if a miracle happens, no one is surprised.
Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830 - 1916, Austrian writer)

Most teachers spend time asking questions to establish what the student does not know, and the real art of asking a question is to find out what the student knows or is able to learn.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955, German physicist)

A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy.
Each person is superior to me in some way; and in this sense I have a lot to learn from him.
Ralph Emerson (1803 - 1882, American philosopher)

People are not born, but brought up.
Erasmus of Rotterdam (1465-1536, Dutch scholar and writer)

Anyone who thinks one thing and instructs his disciples in another, it seems to me, is as alien to teaching as he is to the concept of an honest man.
Flavius ​​Claudius Julian (331 - 363, Roman emperor)

The teacher should appeal not so much to the memory of students as to their mind, to achieve understanding, not just memorization
Fedor Ivanovich Jankovic de Marievo (1741-1814, Serbian teacher)

Vice is not taught by school teachers. Danish proverb
A strict teacher cannot see students. Bengali proverb
Your neighbor is your teacher. Egyptian proverb
If the prayers of the children were fulfilled, not a single teacher would have survived. Persian proverb
The severity of the teacher better caress father. Persian proverb
For one who teaches himself, the teacher is a fool. English proverb
The teacher is dumb and the student is deaf. Bengali proverb
The teachers open the door. You enter yourself. Chinese proverb
Teachers are also wrong. Sinhala proverb
Teachers die, but their books live on. Dutch proverb