Laptop processor cooler revolutions. Program for overclocking coolers on a computer SpeedFan

This article describes a program for adjusting the speed of the processor cooler, video card and other PC elements. It doesn't matter if you need to change the fan speed due to excessive noise or overheating, SpeedFan will help you in any case. The main condition for the utility to function properly is the ability to adjust the coolers from the BIOS.


SpeedFan - absolutely free program for a cooler of a video card, central processor and any other equipment with active cooling. The fan can be controlled automatically or manual mode.

Before starting the utility, it is advisable to disable automatic speed change in the BIOS. If this condition is ignored, the correct functioning of the application is not guaranteed. After switching on the SpeedFan reads information about the fan speeds and takes these values ​​as maximum. Hence it follows that if BIOS settings do not allow to spin the cooler to the limit, the utility will not be able to do this either.

For example, the CPU cooler was spinning at 1000 rpm when SpeedFan was turned on. The application will accept this value as an upper limit and will not be able to increase the frequency when it reaches a critical level. If the computer does not automatically shut down, its central processing unit will be damaged.

First start

After starting the program for adjusting the cooler speed will draw a window with a brief help. After studying the text, you should put a tick in front of the only item and close the window. After that, it will no longer appear on the screen.

Now the program will determine on which equipment active cooling is installed with the ability to adjust and read the sensor readings. After that, the display will automatically show a list of fan speeds and the temperature of the main elements of the PC. In addition, information about the processor load and voltage can be observed in the application panel.

To switch the language to Russian, go to Configure> Options. Set the "Language" switch to the "Russian" position. Click on "OK".

Main window

The program for adjusting the speed of coolers in Russian displays all the information necessary for the user in separate blocks. In the middle of the window there is data describing all found fan controllers. Their names - and so on. Moreover, the list may include many more coolers than there are in a PC. Some of them will display the real speed of the fans. Others will either show values equal to zero, or "garbage" (less than 1000 rpm).

Opposite the data describing the operation of the screws, there is a block of information about the temperature of the main components of the PC:

    CPU - processor.

    GPU is the core of the video card.

    HD0 is a hard drive.

There may also be "garbage" here. To determine which values ​​are not real, you need to think logically. For example, the temperature of the appliances in a running car is unlikely to reach 5 or 120 degrees.

This is the only drawback that the program for adjusting the rotational speed of the cooler has not lost over all the years of development. It is worth saying that the official site offers a collection of necessary utility settings for popular PC configurations. However, it is often much faster to complete all the settings manually.

The main blocks of the utility

Utility block listing Speed01, 02, etc. contains propeller speed switches. It is indicated as a percentage. The main task is to determine which switches from this block are responsible for which fans.

Go to the first selector and change its value to 20-30%. Observe the speed opposite to which "Fan" line is changing. Now change the settings for the next switch. Memorize or write down each match you find.

If you cannot identify the sensors, it makes sense to use the AIDA64 utility. Run it and SpeedFan at the same time. Change the values ​​of the Speed ​​switches, and in AIDA, see which particular fans start spinning at a different speed.


Go to the "Configuration" menu. Here you can set clear names for all lines of blocks in the main window. For example, rename the CPU cooler rotation sensor to "TempCPU". To do this, click on any item in the settings, wait a second and click again. After that, the line will be highlighted, and the cursor will appear in it.

Highlight the name of the required sensor and note the lower part application windows. Here you should enter what temperature of each PC device the program for adjusting the cooler speed will consider normal. When the equipment has cooled down to this level, the fan speed will be at its minimum. The alarm temperature should also be specified. Heating up to this level will turn on the maximum speed of the cooler.

To find out which values ​​to use, refer to the official websites of your PC device manufacturers.

Now click on the "+" next to the sensor name. Uncheck all "Speed" checkboxes. Leave only the one that matches the regulator of this device.

Go to the "Fans" tab and, if necessary, rename them the same as the sensors. Disable unused by unchecking the boxes.


For the program for adjusting the cooler speed to perform automatic control, open the "Speeds" tab. Select the line of the required fan and rename it as you see fit. Now pay attention to the bottom block of the window. There are two points here:

Cooler - important element cooling systems system unit preventing overheating of the main components. However, sometimes the fan works too hard, making unnecessary noise. Let's take a look at how to change the rotational speed of the cooler using Speedfan programs and built-in BIOS tools to adjust the noise level.

Using SpeedFan

The software for adjusting the speed of the cooler SpeedFan is the most famous utility with which users control the operation of the fan. It is distributed under a free license, in addition, it has a Russian-language interface, which can be enabled in the "Options" section.

Important! For you to be able to control the cooler, it must be connected to the motherboard via a 3-pin connector. If you have several fans, and they are powered directly from the power supply, then they must be switched, otherwise you will not be able to increase or decrease the cooler speed.

The utility provides many functions for controlling computer components, but we will focus specifically on working with the cooler:

  1. Pay attention to the item "CPU 0Fan" - it reflects the rotation speed of the processor cooler.
  2. At the bottom, you see several percentage fields. You need to find the field that is responsible for the cooler. It is done like this: you alternately change the value of each of the fields to 50-70% and watch when the number of revolutions starts to fall in the “CPU 0Fan” item.
  3. Using the found field, reduce the rotation speed so that the cooler starts to work quieter. Do not forget ; if the fan does not sufficiently cool the chip, it will overheat.

Similarly, you can adjust the speed of all coolers connected to the motherboard. You can use a more flexible setting and specify not a specific value, but a range of fan rotation intensity.

The rotation speed of the blades should decrease, the noise from the cooler should decrease. Do not forget to monitor the processor temperature in the "CPU" line. If it exceeds 70 degrees, run the cooler at full power.

Using BIOS tools

The fan rotation speed can be adjusted without using special utilities. All the tools necessary to perform this action are in the basic I / O system; to use them, you just need to know how to adjust the cooler speed in BIOS.

This method may seem difficult to novice users who have never worked with BIOS. Therefore, if you are not confident in your knowledge, it is better to opt for Speedfan.

The cooler speed is changed by activating certain functions in the BIOS and setting threshold temperature values, upon reaching which the fan starts or turns off (if possible).

The main disadvantage of this method is the need to activate several utilities, the name and number of which varies depending on the BIOS version, motherboard model and processor generation. For example, for an Intel Core chip, you need to activate the AI ​​Quiet and Intel SpeedStep utilities, which automatically reduce the fan speed when the processor temperature is low.

The difficulty is that all the parameters have to be adjusted manually, plus sometimes it is necessary to change them “on the fly” if the operating conditions of the computer change. You will have to re-adjust the settings every time, turning the utilities on / off, so to solve the question of how to adjust the cooler speed, it is better to choose the SpeedFan utility.

Temperature directly affects the quality and duration of the computer components. That is why it is important to control the literacy of the cooling system. Dust should not accumulate in it, all computer fans must work normally, increasing the speed if necessary during serious loads.

Most of the users work at the computer in standard mode, without loading components in productive games and applications. At the same time, the coolers on the computer may not be configured, and in such a situation they will work at maximum or close to maximum speed. To reduce the noise when the computer is running, you need to adjust the operation of the coolers by lowering the rotational speed of their fans.

How you can adjust the speed of computer coolers

The rotation speed of the computer cooling fans is initially set at the motherboard level. It is determined in the BIOS, and quite often the automatically set settings turn out to be incorrect. In most cases, the rotational speed of coolers is set to maximum, which is why the computer makes a lot of noise during operation, but does not need such serious cooling.

There are 3 main ways to adjust the rotation speed of computer coolers:

Within the framework of this article, we will consider the third option for software adjustment of the rotational speed of computer coolers.

How to adjust the rotation speed of computer coolers

There are hundreds of applications that allow you to adjust the rotational speed of your computer's coolers. However, some programs allow only the fan speed control of certain components.

Of the most convenient and simple programs to adjust the rotation speed of computer coolers, you can select SpeedFan. The app is free and can be downloaded from the developers website or other trusted sources on the internet. After downloading the program, you will need to install it, and then run it. When you start SpeedFan for the first time, an informational message may appear that needs to be closed.

Checking the rotational speed of coolers

This is followed by a block of indicators of the rotational speed of coolers (measured in RPM - the number of revolutions per minute) and the temperature of the computer components. Let's figure out what each of the indicators means:

It should be noted that all of the above designations are indicative and may vary. Not every motherboard gives information about the name of a particular connector for connecting a cooler on it. For example, on some motherboards ah in SpeedFan you can see the picture as in the image below, that is, all coolers will be connected to the Fan1 - Fan5 connectors, without precise definition the purpose of each of them.

It is also important to note that the SpeedFan program only allows you to control the coolers that are connected to the motherboard. The fact is that the 3-pin connector from the fan can be powered from the motherboard or from the power supply directly. If it is powered from a power supply, then it will not work to regulate its rotation speed. It is recommended to connect all coolers to the motherboard.

To the right of the designations of the rotational speed of coolers is a block with information about the temperature of computer components. It should be noted that SpeedFan is not the most accurate diagnostic tool in this regard, and it does not always accurately determine the temperature. If you have doubts about one or more indicators, it is recommended to download more professional temperature monitoring software, for example, AIDA64 or HWMonitor.

Adjusting the rotation speed of coolers

As you can see, in the upper window of the SpeedFan program there are blocks with information about the operation of coolers. Below are the tools for adjusting the intensity of rotation of the fans in the computer. They can be designated Pwm1 - Pwm3 or, for example, Speed01 - Speed06. There is no particular difference, since it is impossible to determine by such names which cooler a particular adjustment is responsible for.

To decrease or increase the rotation speed of the cooler, you need to press the corresponding buttons up and down in the columns with the fan rotation intensity. When pressed, observe the reaction of coolers in the diagnostic information above. Thus, it will be possible to determine which fan is responsible for this or that setting.

Important: When lowering the rotation speed of the fans to reduce the noise level during the operation of the computer, do not forget to control the temperature of the system unit components to avoid overheating.

SpeedFan 4.52 is a decent set of functions for monitoring and controlling some of the PC's metrics. In particular, this software product allows you to monitor the temperature indicators of the processor, power supply, system unit, hard disk etc., subject to the availability of appropriate tracking sensors on the computer components. However, the main function of the SpeedFan program is to regulate the rotational speed of coolers depending on the respective temperatures, which allows to reduce power consumption and background noise during low use of computer resources. In this case, the adjustment is possible both in automatic and manual modes. Another feature of SpeedFan is the ability to automatically regulate the frequencies (clock rates) of the internal processor bus and PCI bus (but this should be considered a bonus).

Key features of SpeedFan:

- Fan speed control.
- Implemented support for SMART technology.
- The user is given the opportunity, at his discretion, to specify the boundary values ​​of temperatures and voltage. In this case, you can set options for the program's action when these boundaries are reached: launching an external program, displaying a message, sound warning, sending a message by e-mail.
- Changing the system bus frequencies on motherboards equipped with frequency generators supported by the program.
- Statistics of the taken parameters and their recording in the log.
- Plotting of temperature, voltage and fan speed graphs.
- Support for working with HDD on EIDE, SATA and SCSI interfaces.
- Conducts a web-analysis of the state of hard drives according to data from S.M.A.R.T. using the online database.

Russification of the SpeedFan program:

1. Install SpeedFan program and run it.
2. In the main window (Readings) click on the Configure button, select the Options tab, enter the Language selection list and select Russian.
3. Now SpeedFan will be in Russian!


The speed of a modern computer is achieved at a fairly high price - a power supply, processor, video card often need intensive cooling. Specialized cooling systems are expensive, so a home computer usually has multiple case fans and coolers (heatsinks with fans attached to them).

The result is an efficient and inexpensive but often noisy cooling system. To reduce the noise level (provided that efficiency is maintained), a fan speed control system is needed. All kinds of exotic cooling systems will not be considered. The most common air cooling systems should be considered.

In order to reduce the noise during operation of the fans without reducing the cooling efficiency, it is advisable to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Large diameter fans work more efficiently than small ones.
  2. The maximum cooling efficiency is observed in coolers with heat pipes.
  3. Four-pin fans are preferred over three-pin fans.

There can be only two main reasons for excessive fan noise:

  1. Poor bearing lubrication. Eliminated by cleaning and new grease.
  2. The engine is turning too fast. If it is possible to reduce this speed while maintaining an acceptable level of cooling intensity, then this should be done. The following are the most affordable and cheapest ways to control the speed of rotation.

Fan speed control methods

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The first method: switching the function in the BIOS that regulates the operation of the fans

The functions Q-Fan control, Smart fan control, etc., supported by some of the motherboards, increase the fan speed when the load increases and decreases when it falls. It is necessary to pay attention to the way of such control of the fan speed using the example of Q-Fan control. You must follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Enter BIOS. Most often, for this you need to press the "Delete" key before booting the computer. If before loading at the bottom of the screen instead of the message "Press Del to enter Setup" there is a proposal to press another key, do it.
  2. Open the "Power" section.
  3. Go to the line "Hardware Monitor".
  4. Change the value of the CPU Q-Fan control and Chassis Q-Fan Control functions on the right side of the screen to “Enabled”.
  5. In the appeared lines CPU and Chassis Fan Profile, select one of three performance levels: enhanced (Perfomans), quiet (Silent) and optimal (Optimal).
  6. Press the F10 key to save the selected setting.

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Method two: fan speed control by switching method

Figure 1. Distribution of voltages across contacts.

For most fans, the nominal voltage is 12 V. When this voltage is reduced, the number of revolutions per unit of time decreases - the fan rotates more slowly and makes less noise. You can take advantage of this circumstance by switching the fan to several voltage ratings using an ordinary Molex connector.

The distribution of voltages on the contacts of this connector is shown in Fig. 1a. It turns out that you can remove three different meanings voltages: 5 V, 7 V and 12 V.

To provide this method of changing the fan speed, you need:

  1. Opening the case of a de-energized computer, remove the fan connector from its socket. The wires leading to the fan of the power supply are easier to solder from the board or just have a snack.
  2. Using a needle or an awl, release the corresponding legs (most often the red wire is a plus, and the black one is a minus) from the connector.
  3. Connect the fan wires to the contacts of the Molex connector to the required voltage (see Fig. 1b).

An engine with a nominal rotation speed of 2000 rpm at a voltage of 7 V will give 1300 rpm, at a voltage of 5 V - 900 rpm. An engine rated at 3500 rpm - 2200 and 1600 rpm, respectively.

Figure 2. Diagram of daisy chain connection of two identical fans.

A special case of this method is the daisy chain connection of two identical fans with three-pin connectors. They each account for half the operating voltage, and both spin slower and produce less noise.

A diagram of such a connection is shown in Fig. 2. The left fan connector is connected to the motherboard as usual.

A jumper is installed on the right connector, which is fixed with electrical tape or tape.

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The third way: adjusting the fan speed by changing the supply current

To limit the fan speed, constant or variable resistors can be connected in series to its power supply circuit. The latter, moreover, allow you to smoothly change the rotation speed. Choosing such a design, one should not forget about its disadvantages:

  1. Resistors heat up, wasting electricity and contributing to the process of warming up the entire structure.
  2. The characteristics of the electric motor in different modes can be very different, each of them requires resistors with different parameters.
  3. The power dissipation of the resistors must be large enough.

Figure 3. Electronic circuit for speed control.

It is more rational to use an electronic speed control circuit. Its simple version is shown in Fig. 3. This circuit is a stabilizer with adjustable output voltage. A voltage of 12 V is supplied to the input of the DA1 microcircuit (KR142EN5A). A signal from its output is supplied to the 8-amplified output by the transistor VT1. The level of this signal can be regulated by the variable resistor R2. It is better to use a trimmer resistor as R1.

If the load current is not more than 0.2 A (one fan), the KR142EN5A microcircuit can be used without a heat sink. If it is present, the output current can reach 3 A. At the input of the circuit, it is desirable to include a ceramic capacitor of small capacity.

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The fourth way: adjusting the fan speed using the reobass

Reobass is an electronic device that allows you to smoothly change the voltage supplied to the fans.

As a result, the speed of their rotation changes smoothly. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made reobass. Usually fits into a 5.25 ”bay. There is, perhaps, only one drawback: the device is expensive.

The devices described in the previous section are actually reobases that only allow manual control... In addition, if a resistor is used as a regulator, the motor may not start, since the current is limited at the moment of starting. Ideally, a full-fledged reobass should provide:

  1. Uninterrupted engine start.
  2. Controlling the rotor speed not only manually, but also automatic mode... With an increase in the temperature of the cooled device, the rotation speed should increase and vice versa.

A relatively simple diagram corresponding to these conditions is shown in Fig. 4. Having the appropriate skills, it is possible to make it with your own hands.

Changing the supply voltage of the fans is carried out in a pulse mode. Switching is carried out using powerful field-effect transistors, the channel resistance of which in the open state is close to zero. Therefore, starting the engines is easy. The highest speed will also not be limited.

The proposed scheme works as follows: at the initial moment, the cooler that cools the processor operates at a minimum speed, and when heated to a certain maximum permissible temperature switches to maximum cooling mode. When the processor temperature drops, the reobass again switches the cooler to the minimum speed. The rest of the fans maintain the manually set mode.

Figure 4. Scheme of adjustment using the reobass.

The basis of the node that controls the operation of computer fans is an integral timer DA3 and a field-effect transistor VT3. On the basis of the timer, a pulse generator with a pulse repetition rate of 10-15 Hz is assembled. The duty cycle of these pulses can be changed using the trimmer R5, which is part of the timing RC-chain R5-C2. Thanks to this, it is possible to smoothly change the rotation speed of the fans while maintaining the required current value at the time of start.

Capacitor C6 smooths the impulses so that the rotors of the motors rotate smoother and without clicking. These fans are connected to the XP2 output.

The basis of a similar control unit for the processor cooler is the DA2 microcircuit and the VT2 field-effect transistor. The only difference is that when a voltage appears at the output of the operational amplifier DA1, thanks to the diodes VD5 and VD6, it is superimposed on the output voltage of the DA2 timer. As a result, VT2 opens completely and the cooler fan starts to rotate as quickly as possible.