Arcadia babchenko magazine. Quotes from the Soviet film heart of a dog


Raunchy apartment! ..

You are in vain, gentlemen, go without galoshes: firstly, you will catch a cold, and secondly, you will inherit it on my carpets, and all my carpets are Persian.

First, we are not gentlemen

First, are you a man or a woman?

And you, my dear sir, I ask you to take off your headdress.

I am Shvonder!

Tell me, did they move you into Fyodor-Palych Sablin's apartment?


God, the house is gone ... what will happen to the steam heating? ..

We are here, professor, for the following reason! We, the management of our house, came to you after a general meeting of the tenants of our house, at which there was a question about the compaction of apartments in the house!

Who stood on whom ???

It is very possible that Isadora Duncan does just that. Maybe she’s eating lunch in her study, and she’s slaughtering rabbits in the bathroom. May be. But I'm not Isadora Duncan!

Now four came to me - among them one woman disguised as a man, two men armed with revolvers - and terrorized me! ..

-… I suggest you take some magazines - for the benefit of the children of Germany! A fifty-kopeck piece!

No, I won't.

But why do you refuse?

I do not want.

Don't you sympathize with the children of Germany?

I sympathize.

Is it a pity for fifty dollars ?!

So why is that?

I do not want.

Do you know, professor - if you were not a European luminary and would not have interceded for you in the most outrageous way, you should have been arrested!

For what?!..

And you do not like the proletariat!

O! And now, Ivan Arnoldych, instantly this little thing! If you tell me that this is bad, you are my blood enemy for life! .. Is it bad? Badly? Answer, dear doctor!

This is incomparable!

Note, Ivan Arnoldych: only landlords who have not been cut by the Bolsheviks eat cold snacks and soup. A person, a little self-respecting, operates with hot snacks.

“… And if you care about your digestion, my good advice is not to talk about Bolshevism and medicine at dinner. And - God forbid you - do not read Soviet newspapers until lunchtime.

Why was the carpet removed from the front staircase? M? What, Karl Marx forbids keeping carpets on the stairs? Somewhere in Karl Marx it is said that the second entrance of the house on Prechistenka must be filled with boards, and walk around, around, through the back entrance?

And why is it a proletarian who cannot take off his dirty galoshes below, but stains the marble!

Why, Philip Philipitch, he has no galoshes at all!

Nothing like that! He now has galoshes on - and these are mine! These are exactly the same galoshes that disappeared in the spring of 1917!

And what does this "ruin" of yours mean? An old woman with a stick? The witch who kicked out all the windows, put out all the lamps? It doesn't exist at all, Doctor. What do you mean by this word, huh? And this is what: when I, instead of operating every evening, start singing in chorus in the apartment, I will be in ruin. If I, entering the lavatory, begin, excuse the expression, to urinate past the toilet and Zina and Darya Petrovna will do the same, then in the lavatory I will begin to devastate. Consequently, the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads. So, when these baritones shout: "Down with the devastation!" - I am laughing. By God, it's funny to me! This means that each of them must pound themselves in the back of the head! And when he knocks out all these, you know, hallucinations and starts cleaning the sheds - his direct business - the devastation will disappear by itself. You cannot serve two gods, dear doctor.

We will not do anything today: firstly, the rabbit is dead, and secondly, in the Bolshoi - "Aida".

Anyone who is in no hurry succeeds everywhere.

The collar is like a briefcase ...

Stabbed in the heart ??! Fine!

Yes, I should give them names.

Well, I suggest such names: Barricade, Bebelina, Pistelina ...

No no no no no. No. No. Better to call them simply: Clara and Rosa. In honor of Clara Zetkina and Rosa Luxemburg, comrades!

Abyr-abyr…. abyrvalg!

Professor ... his tail fell off!

Primus! Recognition of America! Moscow seamstress! Primus! Beer! A couple more! Beer! A couple more! Beer! A couple more! Beer! A couple more! Moscow seamstress! Moscow seamstress! Beer! A couple more! Bourgeois! Bourgeois! Don't push, you scoundrel, get off the step! I'll show you your mother!

In line, you sons of bitches, in line!

Give me a cigarette, you have striped trousers!

Get off, nit!

Eh, talk, Moscow - talk, Russ!

What is this muck? I'm talking about a tie.

What is disgusting? Chic tie.

An ordinary servant, and the force is like a commissar's.

Who told the patient: “The dog knows him!”?

Something you are oppressing me painfully, dad!

What? What kind of dad I am to you ?!

As clean as a tram!

We didn't study at universities!

Catch fleas with your fingers, with your fingers! I don’t understand where you just get them?

Well, do I breed them, or what?

A person without documents is strictly forbidden to exist!

Your words are quite offensive - very offensive ... That I am a convict? How is it like "hanging around"?

Well, what does he say, this lovely little house of yours?

You scolded him in vain!

And what do you want to be called?

Polygraph Polygraphich!

Okay, don't play the fool.

Nothing like this can be in any calendar!

Quite surprising - when you hang in the lookout!

So where?

Yes indeed. Into his stove - now.

And let me know the surname?

Last name? I agree to accept hereditary.



Will you beat me, dad ?!

Ugh, idiot!

I wish everyone.

So what are you reading? Robinson Crusoe?

How is this her? Engels's correspondence with this ... how is he, the devil? With Kautsky!

What is there to offer? And then they write, write ... Congress, some Germans ... My head swells. Take everything and divide it!

Who killed Madame Polosukhina's cat ?!

You, Sharikov, bit the lady on the stairs the day before yesterday!

Yes, she slapped me in the face - I have no official muzzle!

By the way, what scoundrel provided you with this book?

All of you are rascals. Well - well, Shvonder gave it. So that I develop.

Zina! ... There in the reception ... Is she in the reception?

In the waiting room - green as vitriol.

Yes - green book!

Well, now fire. She's a government official, from the library!

Correspondence, as they say, of Engels ... with this ... with the devil ... Into her stove!

Elephants are useful animals.

Make a mysterious face, you fool!

I am not a master. All gentlemen are in Paris.

Where am I going to eat?

Maybe Zinka took it?

Filipych, tell him!

Yesterday cats were choked-choked, choked-choked, choked-choked, choked-choked ...

Listen, what are you doing with these dead cats?

They will go for polts! Squirrels will be made of them - for a working loan.

This is our typist, she will live with me. Bormental will have to be evicted from the waiting room. He has his own apartment.

But you can't do that - with the first comer ... only because of the official position ...

Why is this a scar on your forehead, take the trouble to explain to this lady.

I am wounded on the Kolchak fronts!

They themselves will have revolvers! ..

Do you know, Poligrafych, where they hide?

I feel it in my heart.

I am sitting here at sixteen arshins and will sit here!

But excuse me - how did he serve in the cleaning?

I did not assign him there. Mr. Shvonder gave him a recommendation, if I am not mistaken.

- "Atavism"? A-ah-ah!

Do not use indecent words!

And I will personally lower Shvonder down the stairs if he once again appears in Professor Preobrazhensky's apartment!

I ask you to put these words in the protocol !! ..

I'm handsome! It is very possible that my grandmother sinned with the diver.

They seized the animal, slashed the head with a knife, and now they disdain.

Theater is fooling around ... They talk, talk ... There is only one counter-revolution.

What a harmful animal! - I'm talking about the cat. Such a bastard ...

The wipers of all proletarians are the most vile scum.

The sleeping on the bunkers is canceled.

The fans now have a complete feeling that our sport has collapsed into the deepest Zhe. But I will tell you that our sport has simply caught up with the rest of our reality. And where is not Zhe? Therefore, the sport has held out quite well.

Every day dope, dope, dope. Everyone is already confused, what samples and what years are being rechecked, which of ours is blamed for what, which commissions, federations and gentlemen who were previously unknown to us are now deciding whether to close this Russian sport completely as unnecessary. There are a lot of abbreviations - IOC, IAAF, WADA, RUSADA, and the names of drugs that are detected every day from someone make it possible to train articulation no worse than "Sasha walked along the highway."

But if in short for the not very dedicated, then this time things are really bad. Because the charges aren't brought by some former doping officer middle hand by the name of Stepanov and his wife, the unlucky runner Stepanova, herself caught on pills. Grigory Rodchenkov, the former head of the Moscow anti-doping laboratory, took the floor - and this is the most senior and most knowledgeable person of all who have ever accused us of using illegal drugs and methods.

Of course, Rodchenkov's confessions sound somewhat, shall we say, extravagant. Steroid cocktails washed down with whiskey and vermouth, passing test tubes through a hole in the wall behind a wooden cabinet under cover of night. FSB agents who have learned to open unopened sample jars. And then Rodchenkov's former colleagues began to present him as a schizo-egocentric wholesale and retail.

The guy is really freaky. With some overtures. But guys! "How did he work for you in cleaning?" For ten years, the man held the most important, strategic position in the sports system and no one was embarrassed by his oddities and overshoots. And now it turns out that no one should believe a single word of him, because he is an eccentric?

Is there politics in this case? There is! But how! But this policy did not come from here for nothing. All our boomerangs are returning to us. We ourselves have forged such a reputation in the world that they do not believe us. That paranoid and sexually preoccupied former boss doping will be believed, but not all of us. Alas, treachery, deceit, deceit, fraud - it's all about us. If a country is capable of nasty deeds in the international political genre, then why should it cheat with some test tubes?

And the most annoying thing is that they really won't understand thoroughly. And one size fits all will be cut. And innocent athletes, who are still the majority, will fall under the distribution, but it seems they will not get to the Olympics. The world sports system has a presumption of guilt. Punishments based on indirect indications are carried out all the time. But all sports world I somehow put up with this and lives by these rules. And we have to make excuses and beat off blow after blow. But while we have somehow recaptured one, a new one is already flying - from the other, unexpected side.

But still it was with us state system doping in the country? You cannot answer unequivocally. Logically, if there is deception in all spheres, why should sport be clean? Moreover, sports and rockets are all that we can still show at the world level. We need victories in sports no less than spectacular strikes against Syria.

On the other hand, deceptions of this magnitude and of this level of pharmacological support for victories require appropriate technologies. To deceive everyone like that for so many years! Who is not only trying to cheat anti-doping services, but only the Russians succeeded? Something I doubt such an advancement of our pharmacists and the power of the secret laboratories of the FSB.

I think that here, just like Rodchenkov's, is a cocktail. Which you can't shake without half a liter. Someone was definitely on the pills purposefully. Someone was just gouging - and there are, oh, how many of them, as in any other area of ​​our disorderly life. Someone took a "risk" for the sake of victories and prizes - precisely because sports are supported by the state and they do not spare money for it.

In general, there are more than enough prerequisites for the massive use of prohibited substances in Russia.

Well, and then boomerangs came to us ... And it all came together.

Photo: Medicinal preparation meldonium, sold under the trade mark "Mildronate". In the CIS countries, the drug is used to prevent heart disease. Detection of this substance in an athlete's sample during the competitive and out-of-competition period is an anti-doping rule violation since January 1, 2016. The substance belongs to the S4 class of the prohibited list of the World Anti-Doping Agency (hormones and metabolic modulators).

Everyone clings to Putin's idiotic clause about whores today: “As you know, espionage, like prostitution, is one of the most the most important professions in the world ... "Well, the fact that they actually made the admission that they tried to poison Skripal not by chance, but rightly so, because he is a" scumbag "and a" traitor to the homeland ", that is, there is nothing to worry about now, - also very much carried away everyone.

But in fact, the most terrible and disgusting thing he said today are these three phrases about the “homeless”: “Some men came and started to persecute the homeless people there. What is this nonsense? Do they work in cleaning? .. "

That is, in his head there is an idea of ​​some kind of "cleansing" that can (and perhaps even should?) Cleanse the country of living homeless people, like stray lousy cats. And now the "men" who "came and started to persecute" - they do not work in this unpleasant "cleaning", no, but are engaged in "one of the most important professions in the world." So, they say, do not be confused. Do not offend respected people with your suspicions.

A window opened to him directly into the brain: you can look, see what kind of sticky goo gurgles inside him.

And by the way, it turned out that he once heard some kind of ringing about “working in cleaning”, remembered this fragment, but completely forgot in what context and for what reason the question - “How did he work in cleaning? " - was asked. Well, yes, he now reads more and more Pushkin. Bulgakov will not pass soon.

Today I corresponded with a distant and wonderful friend, and there he asks me - “You explain to me, why did Putin call Skripal today? It looks like the way he needs it. And rightly so. It's very stupid, isn't it? "

And indeed ... Very stupid.

But it seems to me that this can be explained quite simply: Putin is greatly let down by the fact that he constantly communicates with scared assholes to death. And there are no living people around him for a long time.

For all these years it began to seem to him that people in general are always like that. First, they are very dark and limited. And secondly, they are very afraid of him. And they can talk all sorts of garbage with an important triumphant air, and they will enthusiastically agree with it. It all looks very familiar and, in essence, human.

This is called - the coast is lost.

To put it simply, he became insolent.

Therefore, with great pressure and a triumphant smile, he says what reasonable people do not allow themselves to say. And I'm terribly pleased with myself. This is how I cut them! He called him a traitor and a bastard - and the question was immediately closed. Nobody will contradict. Everyone just claps. And obediently cackle in the right places.

There are no depths there, no subtle calculations. Over the years, this man just went crazy. Accustomed to take on a sip, pressure, impudently. I got used to the fact that everyone scattered from him in horror or turned away with disgusting amazement. But do not contradict, do not stop.

That's why such a shame.

I am reading FB Gleb Olegovich Pe. As usual, she chases and instructs. Well, for example:

the one who arranges the pickets, and those who go should know that the murderers will follow them, and not the tramples as before. Now another game (From here)

with all due respect to forecasts based on faith in reason in Russia, I will not invest in them. And you?

I didn’t say that we should stay at home (by the way, this didn’t help anyone). I'm talking about street gear

sometimes people fall from the 16th floor on time under unclear circumstances (the word "on time" can be placed in front of almost every word.) (from here)

Well, etc. Etc.

the version of inhumans is dictated - here it is; people better prepare:
"Tolokonnikova's husband Pyotr Verzilov, of course, said that this was a provocation, but he will not be able to avoid the fact that Pussy Riot now has not only sawed-down crosses and stolen relics, but also blood on his hands."

People and non-people, as usual. "The infantry, fighters and trash dancers are all already here", as he put it (in which category, I wonder, will I also fall after this entry)?

Nothing new. A person works, tries. What are the questions for him?

A question to the authorities: how did this thing stick out there in high positions for so many years? And how many of them do you have there? Half? More than a half?

Let's not forget. It is about a man who largely determined the inescapable darkness of our political life today. He sowed everything with his seeds, pollinated with rotten pollen. Raised little imitators. Both above and below. Fertile. There are pupils everywhere. Ober-Kantians, suction and suction.

Well, and the cherry on the cake: a panegyric to dear Gleb from a poet and a citizen (2001): A Story about Olegovich's things To the fiftieth anniversary with love.

Saved by

I am reading FB Gleb Olegovich Pe. As usual, she chases and instructs. Well, for example: the one who arranges the pickets, and those who go should know that the murderers will follow them, and not the tramples as before. Now another game (From here) And then he, in ...


dog's heart


How did you, Philip Philipovich, manage to lure such a nervous dog?
- Caress, caress. The only way that is possible in dealing with a living being.

Nothing can be done about terror. This I have argued, I affirm and I will affirm.
They think terror will help them. No, no, it won't help.
Whatever it is - white, red, even brown.

The years are not shown correctly. Probably 54-55. Heart sounds are muffled.
- I ask you to.
- Hello, professor.
- How old are you, madam?
- Oh, professor ... If you knew, professor, I swear what a drama I have.
- Years, I tell you how many?
- Honestly ... Well, 45.
- Madam, they are waiting for me. Do not delay, please, you are not alone.
- I am to you as one, as the luminary of science.
- How old are you, madam?
- That's just terrible. 51.

Raunchy apartment. But what a good thing. Why the hell did he want me?
Will he really leave to live? Here is a weirdo. Why, he could only blink an eye, he would have acquired such a dog that he could gasp.

And we will explain this owl.

We are here, professor, and here's why.
- You are in vain, gentlemen, go without galoshes. First, you will catch a cold.
And secondly, you will inherit me on the carpets. And all my carpets are Persian.

First, we are not gentlemen.
- First, are you a man or a woman?
- What's the difference, comrade?
- I am a woman.

We are the new house management of our house. I am Shvonder, she is Vyazemskaya.
Comrade Pestrukhin and Comrade Zharovkin.
- Tell me, did they move you into Fyodor Pavlovich Sablin's apartment?
- US.
- God, the house is gone. What will happen to steam heating?
- Are you kidding me, professor?
- Yes, which one is there ...

We are here, professor, for the following reason. We, the management of our house, came to you after a general meeting of the tenants of our house, at which there was a question about the compaction of the apartments in the house.
- Who stood on whom? Take the trouble to express your thoughts more clearly.

And where should I take my food?
- In the bedroom.

This is some kind of shame ...

If there was a discussion now, I would prove to Pyotr Alexandrovich ...
- I'm sorry, do you want to open a discussion right now?

I suggest you take some magazines for the benefit of the children of Germany.
- A fifty-kopeck piece.
- No, I won't.
- But why do you refuse?
- I do not want.
- Do you sympathize with the children of Germany?
- I sympathize.
- Oh, sorry for fifty dollars?
- No.
- So why?
- I do not want.

Do you know, professor, if you were not a European luminary and would not have interceded for you in the most outrageous way, you should have been arrested.
- For what?
- And you do not like the proletariat.

Don't tell me, Philip Philipovich, everyone claims that the new one is very decent, 30 degrees.
- And vodka should be 40 degrees, not 30, this is the first thing.
- And secondly, God knows what they threw in there.
- Can you tell them what comes to their mind?
- Anything.

Note, Ivan Arnoldovich, only landlords who have not been cut by the Bolsheviks eat cold snacks and soup.
A person, a little self-respecting, operates with hot snacks.

Food, Ivan Arnoldovich, is a tricky thing. You have to be able to eat.
And imagine that most people do not know how to eat at all.
It is necessary not only to know what is, but also when, how, and what to say at the same time.
And if you care about your digestion, my advice is:
... don't talk about Bolshevism and medicine at dinner.

And, God forbid, do not read Soviet newspapers before dinner.
- Why, there are no others.
- Don't read any. I made 30 observations in my clinic.
What do you think?
Those of my patients whom I forced to read Pravda lost weight.
Not only that, lowered knee reflexes, poor appetite and a depressed state of mind. Yes.

The general meeting was held again.
- Again? Well, now it’s gone. The house is gone. Everything will be like clockwork.
First, there is singing every evening, then the pipes will freeze in the toilets, then the steam heating will burst, and so on.

And what does this ruin of yours mean? An old woman with a stick?
The witch who kicked out all the windows, put out all the lamps?
It doesn't exist at all, Doctor. What do you mean by this word?
And this is what. When I, instead of operating, every night
I'll start singing in chorus in the apartment - I will be in ruin.

If I go into the restroom and start, excuse the expression, to pee past the toilet
and Zina and Darya Petrovna will do the same - devastation will begin in the restroom. Consequently, the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads.

Say counter-revolutionary things, Philip Philipovich.
- Oh, nothing dangerous. No counter-revolution.
By the way, here's another word that I absolutely can't stand.
It is absolutely unknown - what is hidden under it? God knows what.

Mercy. Don't you need me tonight, Philip Philipovich?
- No, thank you. We will not do anything today.
First, the rabbit is dead. And, secondly, in the Big "Aida".
And I haven't heard for a long time, remember the duet? I'll go to the second act.

How do you manage to do this, Philip Philipovich?
- The one who is in no hurry is successful everywhere.
I am for the division of labor, doctor. Let them sing at the Bolshoi, I will operate.
And very good. And no devastation.

I'm handsome. Perhaps the unknown prince of the dogs. Incognita.
It is very possible that my grandmother sinned with the diver.
That's what I'm looking at, on my face White spot... Where, one wonders?

A collar is like a briefcase. I pulled out the most important dog ticket.

Profession - playing the balalaika in taverns.
Cause of death - stabbed in the heart at the Stop Signal pub.

So, Timofeevna, you want to star your twins?
- Yes, I should give them names.
- Well, I suggest such names: ... Barricade, Bebelina, Pestelina ...
- No no no. No. Better to call them simply: Clara and Rosa.
In honor of Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, comrades.

Professor, a miracle is happening before our eyes.
- Do you know what "abyrvalg" is? This is ... GLAVRYBA, colleague, just the opposite.
This is the HEADER.

In line, you sons of bitches, in line!

Primus. Recognition of America. MOSCOW. Primus.
Beer house. A couple more. Beer house. A couple more.

Daria Petrovna gave you an abomination, like these boots. What is this shining nonsense?
- What am I, worse than people? Go to Kuznetsky - all in lacquer.

And, of course, how are we, what kind of comrades we are to you! Where is it. We understand, sir!
We did not study at universities. They did not live in apartments with 15 rooms with bathrooms.
Only now is the time to leave it. Nowadays, everyone has their own right.

Catch fleas with your fingers! With your fingers! I don’t understand: where do you only get them from?
- Well, do I breed them, or what? Apparently fleas love me.

Document, Philip Filippovich, I need it.
- Document? Damn ... maybe ... somehow ...
- This is, I apologize. You yourself know that a person without documents is strictly forbidden to exist. First, the house committee ...
- But what does the house have to do with it?
- How does it have to do with it? They meet, they ask - when, they say, dear, will you register?

Your words are quite offensive.

So what does he say, this lovely little house of yours?
- You scold him in vain for the adorable. He defends interests.
- Whose interests, may I ask?
- It is known whose. Labor element.
- What are you, a toiler?
- Yes, you know - not a Nepman.

Well, what does he need to defend your revolutionary interests?
- It is known that - register me.
They say where it has been seen that a person lived unregistered in Moscow.

But let me know, how am I going to register you? You have no first name or surname.
- You are unfair. I can quite easily choose a name for myself.
- Printed in the newspaper and sabbath.
- And what do you want to be called?
- Polygraph Polygraphovich.

And the last name, may I know?
- Last name? I agree to accept hereditary.
- Namely?
- Sharikov.

Will you beat me, dad?
- Moron.

What are you, devil, you are driving her all over the apartment! Pick up in a bowl.
- What's in the bowl, it will crawl out into the front door.
- Oh, you fool. Fool.

What a harmful animal.
- Who do you mean, may I ask you?
- I mean the cat. Such a bastard.

I'll drink vodka.
- Will not you?

That's all you have, like a parade. A napkin over there, a tie over here.
Yes "sorry", yes "please merci". And so that for real. - it is not.
You torture yourself, as under the tsarist regime.
- And how is this "real", may I ask?
- I wish everyone.

This, like hers, Engels' correspondence with this, like his, the devil ... with Kautsky.
- Let me know, what can you say about what you read?
- Yes, I do not agree.
- What, with Engels or with Kautsky?
- With both.

Yes, and what can you suggest from your side?
- What is there to offer? And then they write, write ... Congress, some Germans.
The head is swollen! Take everything and divide it.

Who killed Madame Polasuher's cat, who?
- You, Sharikov, bit the lady on the stairs the third day.
- Yes, she slapped me in the face! I don't have a breech face!
- Because you pinched her breasts!

Doctor, for God's sake, take him to the circus. Just look in the program - there are no cats?
- And how is such a bastard allowed into the circus?

Ivan Arnoldovich, I humbly ask you not to offer beer to Sharikov.

However, one should not think that there is some kind of witchcraft or miracle here.
Nothing like this! For there are no miracles. As our professor Preobrazhensky proved.
Everything is built on the forces of nature with the permission of the local committee and the cultural enlightenment committee.

I am not a master. All gentlemen are in Paris.

Moreover, I will not go for it.
- But why?
- But you are not a global value.
- Well, where really.
- So. And to leave a colleague in the event of a disaster,
but to go out on a global scale, I'm sorry.
I am a Moscow student, not Sharikov.

I have been picking out appendages from the brain for 5 years.
You know what a tremendous job you have done. Boggles the mind!
And the question is, why? So that one day cutest dog turn into such scum that your hair stands on end?
- Exceptional something.
- I completely agree with you.

Mind you, Yegorovna, if you burn the parquet in the stove, I will evict everyone. Everything.

Moreover, your Sharikov is a scoundrel. Yesterday he took 7 rubles from the house committee to buy textbooks. Dog!

Let me ask you: why do you smell so disgusting?
- Well, it smells. It is known by specialty.
Yesterday cats were choked-choked, choked-choked, choked-choked ...

But excuse me, how did he serve in the cleaning?
- I did not appoint him there. Mr. Shvonder gave him a recommendation.
If I'm not mistaken.

- Atavism? A...
- Do not use indecent words!

So lucky for me, so lucky - just indescribably lucky. I have established myself in this apartment. I am finally convinced that there is uncleanness in my origin.
It's not without a diver. The whore was my grandmother, the kingdom of heaven to her, the old woman.