A very powerful self-confidence meditation. Powerful affirmations for self-confidence

Not every one of us considers himself a successful person.

If you feel that your self-esteem is lowered, meditation on self-confidence will help you. These simple and affordable techniques will help you deal with psychological problems and believe in your own strength.

Basic self-confidence meditation

To perform this meditation, you need to sit or lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes and completely relax your body. Just breathe at a calm pace for a few minutes, letting go of all the questions and problems that torment you. Imagine how tension slowly and gradually leaves your body, how a pleasant wave of relaxation rises from your very feet to the top of your head.

Visually feel that the waves of the ocean of life are pouring around you, and you are just a small grain of sand in the middle of them. So, against the backdrop of an infinite universe, your problems and fears mean nothing. Your peace and confidence will return. You are filled with the waters of this ocean, you are part of the whole, and therefore you do not need to be afraid of anything.

Stay in this wonderful state for ten to fifteen minutes, after which you can come out of meditation. You will immediately feel much better and more confident.

Connecting affirmations

Now that you've learned how to do the basic self-confidence meditation, it's time to work on your affirmations. For those who do not know, these are such inspiring short phrases that allow a person to tune his mind to a positive wave.

Affirmations to include in meditation you must choose yourself, because only you understand your weaknesses and know your own negative beliefs.

Once you have found a few phrases that work for you, start working with one of them. Repeat the basic meditation, and while visualizing the ocean of life and yourself in it, say the chosen affirmation many times in a row for ten minutes. So, gradually, day by day, work through one phrase, feeling how they work for your benefit.

Visualization connection

In meditation, to increase self-esteem, not only the sound range, but also visualization is of great importance. Try every day for ten minutes (it is better to do this before going to bed) to imagine yourself the way (or the way) you dream of seeing yourself. Mentally create an image of a self-confident person and work it out in detail.

Imagine how you will look when you gain self-confidence, how you will communicate with people, how others will react to you. Try to use all the senses: see yourself, hear your confident voice, feel how your consciousness obeys you, feel the taste of your victory over your weaknesses.

Leave this image in front of your eyes for 10-15 minutes, then release. Regular repetition of this meditation will allow you to replace your current real image with a newly created one.

Meditation "Confidence and good self-esteem"

This technique was developed specifically for insecure people by the authors Ed and Deb Shapiro. Their method has already helped many people get rid of their own complexes and fears.

  1. To perform the meditation, sit comfortably, inhale and exhale deeply several times, mentally focusing on the breathing process, and then visually transfer to your heart.
  2. Imagine how it beats as you inhale and exhale, feel its rhythm, and then imagine how the divine light passes through it, filling it with its radiance.
  3. With each new exhalation, imagine how all the bad things go away and dissolve, and positive and calmness come in its place.
  4. Then mentally place your own image in your heart and repeat your name. Feel how the warmth, light and love of your heart wraps and warms you.
  5. Repeat phrases to yourself that you are freeing yourself from all your insecurities and doubts. Stay in this state for 5-10 minutes.

You can repeat meditation daily, best of all in the morning with a fresh head and thoughts.

The Self-Confidence Meditation by Ed and Deb Shapiro will increase your self-esteem, increase your kindness and respect for yourself, and gradually destroy all your fears and self-doubt.

If you suffer from self-doubt, you can help self confidence meditation. There are many resources on the Internet on how to meditate. For me, meditation is a relaxed body and a calm contemplative mind.

When you meditate, you completely relax, you are calm, all problems and fears fade into the background. As you go deeper and deeper into meditation, you drop the ego and reconnect with the part of you that is harmonious, happy and free.

You may not believe that a part of you is always happy and at peace, but it is. It's just that you may not have been able to push back enough of your restless mind full of fears and experience the happiness and harmony that is inside each of us. Practice meditation and you will definitely feel this happy and free part of yourself. When you reach this amazing state of peace, you begin to see yourself and everything in your life from a different angle.

Close your eyes. Breathe calmly for a few minutes. Allow yourself to be completely focused on your feelings. Pass your attention through your body. Release tension from your body, starting at your feet, working your way up your legs, hips, spine, shoulders. Take Special attention relaxation of the neck and facial muscles. If any thoughts arise in your head, do not focus on them, let them calmly float by like clouds in the sky. You are calm and relaxed. Your breathing is calm and even.

There is an ocean of life around you, and you are a grain of sand in this ocean of awareness, in this vast universe. All your fears and problems are not so important against the backdrop of this vast universe. You relax more and more.

You are not a separate isolated particle in the ocean of life, but you are one with this ocean. Breathe along with the ocean of awareness: inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale... Everything around is One Whole, and you are a part of this One Whole. You have nothing to fear.

Stay in this state of oneness with everything around for a while and you can come out of meditation.

Or you can continue by directly addressing your fears and insecurities.

Incorporating Affirmations into Your Self-Confidence Meditation

Choose one or two that you would like to work with. You know your weaknesses best of all, so only you yourself can make the most effective affirmations to correct your shortcomings, your negative beliefs. Start saying your chosen affirmation out loud for 10 minutes.

If you suffer from depression or very low self-esteem, you may want to cry or otherwise express your emotions while saying the affirmation. This is normal, do not hold back, allow yourself to release these emotions. Continue to meditate regularly.

Incorporating Visualization into Self-Confidence Meditation

Imagine yourself confident and calm, the way you want to be. Create a bright, detailed 'picture' that inspires you, where you are the way you want to see yourself. How will you look and speak? How will people react to a confident you? Turn on all the senses (not only sight, but also hearing, touch, smell, taste). The more detailed you are, the better. Visualize for 10 minutes. It is advisable to do this every day in order to replace the old image of yourself - an insecure person, with a new image of yourself - confident and successful.

Meditation on Self-Confidence and Self-Love (authors: Ed and Deb Shapiro)

Sit comfortably. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Focus on your breath as it enters and exits your body.

Bring your attention to your heart. Breathe with your heart: inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale. As you breathe in, imagine that your heart is filled with Divine Light, opening and softening. As you exhale, imagine all tension and resistance leaving your heart.

Add an image of yourself to your heart, or repeat your name while remaining attention in your heart. You feel how the love and tenderness of your heart envelop your image. Continue to breathe with your heart and repeat to yourself: “I am freeing myself from doubts and insecurities. I am happy, everything is going in the most favorable way for me. Meditate for 5-10 minutes. This exercise is a great start to the day.

This meditation develops love, kindness and self-respect. Over time, self-love will dispel your insecurities and doubts about your own abilities.

The key to success is regular self-confidence meditation.

We will reveal simple secrets existing problem. We will also learn how to apply them in life in order to transform and become a different person. I know that many of you who have read this article will change their thinking and, following these recommendations, will gain the confidence that they lacked so much.


If we delve into this problem, which has the name "uncertainty", we can come to the conclusion that we are all not as confident in ourselves as we would like. Here everyone can provide different variants their complexes. They make it difficult for us to reach our goals in life.

And to get rid of them you need to work very carefully on yourself. Some people need more time for this work, and others less. But you know that the most important thing is that everyone who wants it, if they can get it.

At the beginning of my article, I promised that today we will talk about women's problems of self-doubt. So, I suggest you reveal these secrets. My methods may seem very simple to you, but putting them into practice, they give excellent results. I was convinced of this myself, from my own experience, since sometimes I also encounter various doubts and indecision.

There is an opinion that being a woman is a real art, and self-confident - even more so. Any, even minor problems, can negatively affect the nervous state and unbalance. But you need to learn how to carefully deal with such phenomena and not let them into your life. And how to do it, read on. How to become a confident woman? Let's try to uncover these secrets!


First secret which every woman should know is that she constantly needs to be in harmony with her inner world. Then she will be able to overcome any obstacles in her path.

Second secret! My opinion is this: you need to study yourself well, understand your purpose in this life. Try asking yourself, “Why did I come into this world? For what purpose? What is required of me? What should I do to be proud of myself? Listen to your intuition. She will definitely tell you the right answer. This method helps a lot

“You do not stop looking for strength and confidence outside, but you should look inside yourself. They've always been there."

Sigmund Freud

Third secret. Get rid of this bad habit criticize yourself. This negatively affects your self-confidence. Instead of doubts, you should always tell yourself: “I am beautiful!”, “I am successful!”, “I look great!”, “I am self-confident!”, “I am loved!” Thus, you will very soon see those wonderful changes that will happen to you.

Fourth secret. Dear women! Always smile! You must constantly glow like the sun, radiating your positive energy to everyone around you. This is a great way to show everyone how confident you are. Namely, a sincere smile is a perfect confirmation of this. Even if you are in a bad mood and everything goes upside down, a smile will very quickly set you on a wave of positive. You will give the impression of a happy, open, calm and self-confident woman.

Fifth place On my list, I would give love to myself. This must be present for you. by all different ways convince yourself that you are irresistible, special, smart, unique and worthy of an excellent attitude towards yourself as perfection.


Are you still interested how to become a confident woman? Then I offer the following hint.

Sixth secret. You should always dress elegantly and watch your posture. Never slouch while walking. Stand up straight, lift your chin, straighten your shoulders and move like a model on the runway. Your walk should captivate those around you. Walk smoothly, calmly, beautifully. Let everyone around you admire you and your self-confidence. Remember the words of the famous song: “Oh, what a woman, what a woman ...!” This is how passers-by should look after you and these words will certainly be addressed to you.

Seventh secret. To gain self-confidence, you must learn to deal with stressful situations and keep them out of your life. Try to quickly get rid of any negativity, switch your attention, remember Beautiful moments that happened to you or people close to you. And in just a few minutes, a huge surge of positive energy will fill your body. And she, in turn, will give you even more courage and confidence in yourself and your strength.


Eighth secret. What do you think, my dear friends, should look like a confident woman? The most important thing that should be present in it is the external and inner peace. If you adjust your clothes and hair all the time, then this is one of the signs of indecision and discomfort. Try to just relax, take a relaxed pose and convince yourself that you are the best, charming, smart and successful person, incomparable to anyone. And these words should become your permanent self every day.

Ninth secret. Want to leave an impression a determined and self-confident woman? Then always look your interlocutor in the eyes. He must understand that you are listening to him carefully. But if you have a downcast look, you look around all the time, as if you are afraid of meeting eyes, then this is the first sign of your anxiety. Try to get rid of this complex immediately. Remember! A confident woman will never take her eyes off the person she is talking to.

Tenth secret. There are so many meditations. They will clear the mind and provide an excellent opportunity to control your internal state. The key to your rapid success is regularity. I offer you a simple meditation that will tell you how to become self-confident and the forces to each woman.


Find a quiet place, sit comfortably, close your eyes and start breathing calmly for a few minutes. Focus on your breath and how you feel. Release tension in your body, starting at your feet and working your way up your legs, hips, spine, and shoulders.

Especially focus your attention to relax the muscles of the neck and face. Feel the pleasant warmth that spreads throughout your body, filling every organ, every cell. If at the same time you have any thoughts in your head, then just do not pay attention to them. You are completely relaxed and calm.

Imagine that the river of life flows around you, and you are a small grain of sand in this river, and especially in the vast Universe. All fears and problems are small things, let them go. You are more and more relaxed and you get the feeling that you are floating in the clouds.

In these moments of bliss, you come to the realization that you are not only a separate particle in this river of life. You are one and breathe together. Try again: inhale-exhale. Be calm, feel truly happy. You have realized how to become confident in yourself and your strengths like never before. Meditate in this way for 10-15 minutes. It is especially helpful to gain self-confidence and strength by doing meditation with the visualization method.


Start your meditation with the steps I described earlier. When you are completely calm and relaxed, then imagine yourself the way you want to become: strong, confident, independent, calm. Mentally create such a vivid, detailed picture of how beautifully, tastefully dressed, how you will behave and speak. Imagine with what admiration others will look at you and your self-confidence. All gestures, smile, gait, elegant clothes - will be irrefutable evidence of this.

Include all your senses in this process. Try to make the most of your efforts and imagine this picture as vividly as possible. Visualize like this for 10 minutes. This must be done every day in order to say goodbye to a woman who is not confident in herself forever, but to herself and her strength. At the conclusion of the meditation, mentally repeat these “magic words” to yourself.

“I am forever free from fear, doubt and insecurity! I am happy and everything is great!”

Finishing this article, I would like to summarize and say the following. When we talk about women who succeed in all areas of their activities, we immediately imagine a strong and self-confident person. She knows what she wants from life, and there are no obstacles for her. With her confidence, she proves that she is worth a lot.


Seeing self-confidence in a person, people around them pay less attention to shortcomings.

  1. Self-confidence gives a woman hope to achieve everything that she needs, relying only on herself and on her own abilities.
  2. Self-confidence is a great character trait. It helps a person to set certain important goals and achieve them.

You may still be wondering, “What other steps need to be taken and how to become a confident woman? Dear friends! My opinion is this: for this you need a special faith. Sincerely believe that you are a strong personality and are able to independently fear, indecision, doubt.

“Doubt and uncertainty are bad companions in life. They make you jostle in one place, and then regret the missed opportunities.”

Alexey Pekhov

You see, my dear women, it is not so difficult to become self-confident. You just need to work on yourself a little and all your complexes will disappear like snow in the spring. I wish you always believe in yourself and your strength! Goodbye! With love to you Irina!

Self-confidence is a property and state of a person, the main criterion of which is a positive assessment by the person of himself, his skills and abilities. Experience builds self-confidence successful solution tasks and getting out of difficult situations.

Self-confidence is a psychology

Self-esteem and self-confidence play a key role in the success and self-realization of people. Psychologists for gaining confidence and increasing self-esteem give the following tips:

  • do not complicate your life, it is easier than it seems, a person creates many difficulties in his head - this reduces confidence;
  • remember yourself as a unique person carrying his mission, and endowed with certain talents - they need to be developed;
  • raise the bar of success in the chosen area;
  • constantly grow;
  • adequately perceive the criticism of others - a person and what he does cannot please everyone around him, but there will always be those who will admire.

The power of self-confidence

The feeling of confidence is inner strength and others feel it, confidence literally radiates from a person, such people are admired by the majority. Why it happens? A person has learned to respect and appreciate himself, others, avoids manipulative influence. The power of confidence is enormous - it helps to overcome life's difficulties and stay true to yourself and your dream, to be open to new achievements.

How to increase self-esteem and self-confidence?

People who have embarked on the path of self-development or those who get jobs where qualities are valued: communication skills, the ability to command the attention of others, to convince, or are they girls, women who dream of overcoming their shyness - they ask themselves: how to increase self-confidence? There are several ways of development, but all of them involve deep work with yourself, with your feelings. Someone goes to training, someone is helped by meditation or watching inspiring films - everyone has their own way.

Self-confidence training

How to gain self-confidence? Self-confidence and strength need to be constantly developed and improved, to stop there - this means to stop growing as a person. Today, such a skill as confidence can be pumped through personal development trainings. Self-confidence coaching helps you:

  • accept yourself;
  • see new facets in yourself;
  • work on self esteem.

Affirmations for self confidence

Affirmations are a powerful connection with the subconscious, positive affirmations repeated many times change destructive patterns and programs for those that lead to success. Affirmations for self-confidence for a woman:

  • I deserve the best;
  • I am a successful woman;
  • I get everything I want;
  • I am brave, determined and beautiful;
  • people like me;
  • I have success and luck in everything.

Self-confidence meditation

How to develop self-confidence - people involved in yoga and various practices of self-development have found the answer to this question - this is meditation. It is important to allocate some free time for yourself (10 - 15) minutes and the effect will not keep you waiting:

  1. Lie down in a comfortable position, breathe at a calm pace for several minutes, fixing on your breath. All problems go away, dissolve, individual thoughts appear, but the mind does not fix on them, they float by like a cloud.
  2. Call up the image of an overflowing huge ocean of life, and imagine yourself in it as a grain of sand and all problems mean nothing, they dissolve in the ocean. There is a feeling of confidence and the ocean fills with its strength and grandeur. Stay in this state for as long as you feel comfortable. Open your eyes and smile at yourself, new day and adventure.

Hypnosis for self confidence

Building self-confidence is a daily practice. Can hypnosis help with this? Yes. Self-hypnosis can do wonders for the human psyche. Self hypnosis session for confidence:

  1. Lie down or sit in a comfortable position, relax.
  2. Let go of all thoughts and imagine yourself as the confident person you want to be. What feelings, images, emotions arise?
  3. It is important to imagine 2 options for events and live them, when self-confidence suddenly disappears and go to good option when the confidence is what you need, to consolidate this state, to anchor, you can fold the index and thumb at the same time and pronounce the word "strength". This will help in a real situation not to get confused and, having folded your fingers in this way, evoke an image of strength and find ground under your feet.
  4. Exit the trance state, count from 10 to one.

Prayer for self confidence

Since ancient times, conspiracies and prayers for self-confidence have helped people become more confident. When turning to God, a person enlisted support. For self-confidence, they turned to St. Luke: "St. Luka, I ask you to give me enough intelligence to make right decisions and wise deeds. I ask for self-confidence and strength so much that none of the people could shake me. May my strength multiply day by day and my confidence strengthen. St. Luke walk with me through life and in times of doubt do not leave me, and I will not forget about you. Amen".

Films that boost self-esteem and self-confidence

Life presents different situations for self-development. Overcoming self-doubt, a person can achieve a harmonious relationship with himself and others. Movies about self-confidence:

  1. « The Pursuit of Happyness". A film that will make you believe that anything can be achieved with big faith into yourself. Unsuccessful attempts and despair did not break Chris Gardner, and through trials he achieves everything he wanted.
  2. « The Legend of Bagger Vance". The war has turned Ranulph into a man who no longer believes in himself, he is lost, broken, and does not know how to move on. At one time he was the best golfer, after the war he has no desire to continue his career in sports. Bager Vance - a mysterious person appears unexpectedly and on time. The film is about the fact that in every person there is a true scope.
  3. « 10 Steps to Success / 10 Items or Less". In the life of every person there are people-teachers who inspire for something more, which no person can decide on because of doubts and self-doubt.
  4. « Erin Brokovich / Erin Brokovich". She is an ordinary woman, a single mother with three children in her arms and she cares about the world in which she lives. She is sympathetic to other people and fights against the violation of rights, because people's lives are at stake. She is just a small, defenseless woman, but her enthusiasm and desire to help unites people around her in solidarity with her. Such personalities change the world, and anyone can become such a person.
  5. « Forrest Gump / Forest Gump". By the standards of society, he is weak-minded and narrow-minded, but this does not prevent him from being kind to people and growing as a person, in this he will give odds to many normal people. Forest is who he is and this is his strength.

Books for self-confidence

Sometimes a person reads books on personal development and psychology for the sake of a single phrase that can turn his whole life upside down. There are many such works useful information, the secrets of self-confidence are revealed, but some paragraph or phrase becomes the trigger that launches a wave of confidence that everything will work out, for this it is worth reading such things. Self-confidence books:

  1. « Know how to stand up for yourself. The key to self-assertion» R.E. Alberti, M.L. Emmons. The book will be useful to those who want to develop the skills of effective and confident behavior. Self-confidence is the key that opens many doors.
  2. « Personal Correction Guide". R. Bandler. An insecure person is a weak person. Self-confidence is about working on your weaknesses and recognizing your strengths. positive thinking It helps to set yourself up for success and become a self-confident person.
  3. « Gain self-confidence» S. Hadfield. The author gives amazing techniques for working with your fears, overcoming which the confidence in success and yourself increases many times over.
  4. « Biography» S. Jobs. A unique man, he took off and fell, and his self-confidence only grew and he shared the secrets of success and confidence with others.
  5. « How to develop self-confidence and increase self-esteem. Express training» R. Poletti and other authors. The book teaches deep respect for oneself and attitude towards one's personality as a storehouse of unique abilities and talents.