How to make a home climbing wall with your own hands - detailed instructions and cost of materials. We build a home climbing wall for children Do-it-yourself children's climbing wall in the country

Home climbing wall is perfect option home simulator (after all, when exercising on a climbing wall, all muscle groups are involved). Moreover, this is a wonderful kind of family leisure and trusting interaction - one family member insures the other.

In apartments, as a rule, modular climbing walls are installed. They allow you to get the desired relief, but at the same time save a useful area of ​​​​space - the indentation from the wall at floor level around the entire perimeter of the modular climbing wall is no more than 10 cm.

Such a climbing wall can be installed even in narrow corridor or small room. Climbing walls in apartments are rarely high, therefore, safety systems are not required, but can be installed at the request of the customer. Usually, mats 20 cm thick around the entire perimeter of the climbing wall are used as insurance.

When choosing the configuration, as well as the color and type of the climbing wall panels, the design and style of the room in which the installation is supposed to be taken into account. Thanks to this, a home climbing wall becomes a beautiful and logical addition to your interior.

If space permits, a home climbing wall can become one of the elements of the whole complex -.

Climbing wall with your own hands.

Building Recipe home climbing wall fromSmileholds

The climbing wall at home is a fascinating sports equipment. It trains the muscles of the arms and legs, finger strength, endurance, and also develops the dexterity, flexibility and logic of the child. Unlike ordinary stairs, here the child has the opportunity to choose the path to the top himself.

Climbing wallsfastened in such a way that you can easily change their location on your own, thereby complicating or facilitating the trajectory of movement.

You can buy a climbing wall, or you can build it yourself.

For construction you will need:

15mm thick plywood sheets

Bar 4 * 7 (for vertical) or 5 * 10 (for overhanging) climbing wall

Furniture nut DIN 1624 M10

Bolts DIN 912 M10 in various lengths


Quantity required material not specified, because depending on the size of a particular climbing wall, it is individual.

There are people who do not want to build a children's climbing wall out of plywood, but want to attach the holds directly to the wall. If you are one of them, then, well, it is possible if your apartment has concrete walls.

I hope that none of you will attach the holds to plasterboard walls or similar decorative material.

However, my article is dedicated to more serious rock climbers.

So, you want to build your own climbing wall at home? Fine!

1) The first step is to determine the dimensions and geometry of the structure. .

As a rule, home children's climbing walls are limited by the height of the ceiling in the apartment and the width of the empty wall. You can make a simple vertical climbing wall by connecting 2 or 4 sheets of plywood with a beam.

You can make a wall with different angles of inclination.

by the most the best option, in our opinion, is a wall of 4 sheets of plywood (perhaps not whole) with a slight negative slope.

This option has three advantages.

First, how simpler design the easier it is to build.

Second, the vertical wall is quickly mastered by both adults and children. An overhanging wall is harder to start with, but good for perspective.

Third, it is safer - there is less risk that the child will touch the underlying holds with his face or body, and jump immediately to the mat lying below.

Just a slight slope is enough!

Do not overdo it. 40 degrees of overhang is for advanced climbers!

So, plywood sheets are a wall, so to speak, the climbing wall itself. Plywood is nailed to the beam, and the beam can be attached to the wall (and ceiling) anchor bolts or dowels.

Why isn't plywood attached directly to the wall? Because otherwise you will not be able to secure the holds on it properly.

In addition to plywood and timber, you will need furniture nuts.

They are driven into the back of the plywood. On the front side, you will screw a hold to the nut. It is not always possible to pick up the bolts so accurately that they do not stick out from the back of the plywood. Accordingly, this requires a gap between the wall and the plywood sheet.

The required number of nuts is equal to the number of holes in your climbing wall. Holes are applied with a grid on the wall at a distance of 20-25cm from each other. The more holes - the more choice for wrapping the hook you will have in the future. This is the advantage of a plywood climbing wall. Unlike glued hooks on the wall, you can change the location of the hooks at your own discretion! Complicate or simplify routes.

A sufficient number of holds is usually 5 pieces per m2. You can roll even more. Each hold needs a bolt with which you will fasten it. Our catalog always lists the appropriate bolt lengths for a particular set of hooks.

3) Installation of a climbing wall frame from a bar.

There doesn't seem to be any question here.

4) Drill holes in plywood sheets.

The diameter of the nuts is -10mm, therefore, the holes should be slightly larger - 11mm. It is better to drill from the front side of the sheet, because. "burrs" will remain on the reverse.

5) Fasten the nuts on each hole.

This is done by simply driving the nut into the plywood with a hammer, as mentioned above, from the back, until the “whiskers” are properly stuck into the tree.

If the nut is of poor quality, then you will often find that the “mustache” will bend from blows rather than pierce. This can be circumvented by a more time-consuming process - screwing a nut to a tree with a bolt. That is, first you lightly bait the nut in the right place with a hammer blow, and then, as it were, screw the hook and thereby pull the nut all the way. It is better to use for such purposes not a hook, but a piece of timber with a hole, because. the hold from such strong pressure can break.

Why do I pay so much attention to nuts?

Because after you install the sheet in place and start to wind the holds, poorly fastened nuts will start to scroll. AT best case- the nut will fly off, and you simply will not be able to fix the hold in this hole. At worst, a bolt with a hold will remain hanging on this nut. And in order to remove them, you will need access to back side. If you have a vertical climbing wall, you will have to remove the entire plywood sheet.

So my advice is to be careful not to bend the whiskers of the nuts.

6) Install plywood sheets in the right place.

You can paint your climbing wall in your favorite color, you can cover it with photo wallpaper, which is popular among children's climbing walls, or you can just leave it as it is. Everything to your taste.

7) Wind the holds on your climbing wall.

So, the optimal number of hooks is from 5 pieces per m2. There are no exact rules for how to place the hooks on the wall. Place it however you like. To begin with, more or less evenly over the entire wall, alternating large holds and minuscule. Then you can fasten some holds further to make them harder to reach, etc.

Not only the location of the holds is important, but also at what angle they are located!

Usually for children and beginners, they take holds in the form of "handles" or "shelves" and twist them with the comfortable side up.

However, after a while, try turning a few holds upside down. It won't be so easy anymore. We'll have to take such hooks "in the pickup."

You can turn 90 degrees and take these hooks “in recoil”. Etc.

You can limit holds, thereby creating short routes that will consist of a limited number of pre-selected holds. Thus, it will be possible to work out some complex this moment movements, increasing the level of climbing.

If you are very keen, you can search for information on the types of grips and climbing techniques on the Internet.

8) Take care of safety! Place something soft, ideally sports mats, over the entire potential fall surface.

9) Enjoy! Home climbing wall is ready.

It is quite possible to make a climbing wall with your own hands. A fascinating sports simulator will provide an opportunity to work out endurance, muscles of the fingers, hands and flexibility. As for the child, the indicated device will allow him to reach the cherished peak on his own. Changing the placement of the holds is a great motivation for developing various skills, up to the maximum complexity.

General description of the simulator

A do-it-yourself climbing wall is a vertical platform with ledges that are placed in such a way as to determine the final difficulty of the ascent or descent route. Extreme versions of the simulator provide for the presence of additional planes located at an angle.

The main advantage of this device is that it does not take up much usable space. Such an aggregate allows the child to throw out energy, and also keeps him in good physical shape, along with improved coordination and plasticity. Climbing also develops logic, perseverance and visual memory.

The overall dimensions and configuration of a do-it-yourself climbing wall for children depend on the availability of free space allocated for the placement of the simulator. The best and easiest option is to install a sports unit tied to one of the walls of the room. If possible, you can organize a corner version on two adjacent wall ceilings. In a standard dwelling, it is appropriate to build a model right up to the ceiling (height - 2.5-2.8 meters). An improved version is a climbing wall, made with your own hands, with negative indicator slope.

Mounting Features

Homemade simulator for climbing - this is a plywood shield, which is reinforced around the perimeter wooden blocks or steel bars. Additional structural rigidity is provided by additional timber or similar material.

Prepared climbing wall hooks are mounted on a fixed shield with their own hands or with the help of specialists. These can be hooks, artificial or natural stones various shapes and sizes. You can buy fixtures in sports stores or through interactive marketplaces. The toes should be of a normal size so that the child's legs and arms do not experience undue stress. Good modifications to the climbing device are made from a mixture of quartz sand and polymers. Such a surface of the parts allows you to provide the necessary softness and roughness, which guarantees no slipping during ascent or descent. At the initial stage of training, smaller ledges are used as a support for the legs. With the growth of the skill of the athlete, they can be moved higher, using them as handholds.

For the manufacture of the simulator will require the following materials and toolkit:

  • plywood sheet 15 mm thick;
  • a bar made of wood with a section of 70/40 mm;
  • together with dowels for fixing the bar on the wall;
  • self-tapping screws for fastening the base and frame;
  • hooks with fasteners;
  • hex key;
  • drill with a 10-12 mm drill;
  • emery;
  • decorative details and paint if possible.

At the first stage, a project is developed children's climbing wall, which is not as difficult to make with your own hands as it seems. They determine the location of the device, calculate the number of required parts. The dimensions of plywood directly depend on the total area of ​​​​the future simulator. Hooks can be sold with or without fasteners, the calculation of the number of stops is 6-7 pieces per one square meter.

Frame formation

At this stage, the frame of the climbing wall is made. Holes are drilled along the perimeter of the base through 500-550 mm, into which special plastic dowels are placed. To strengthen the structure, stiffeners are added by screwing several wooden planks into the inner part of the perimeter.

The overall dimensions of the dowels are selected depending on wall material. The length and diameter of the bolts are calculated as follows: plus the thickness of the sheet, timber and the length of the dowel. Since a plywood sheet will be attached on top of the frame, the bolts should be selected with countersunk heads. It is not allowed to fix the simulator or hooks on drywall sheets.

Making the base

First you need to cut plywood sheets, according to the design of the climbing wall, created by yourself. Do this operation you can do it yourself using a milling tool or order cutting to specialists. Many hardware stores offer this service. On the finished base, marks are marked for future holes.

It is recommended to maintain the grid in increments of 200-250 mm vertically and horizontally. This will allow you to rearrange the holds in other positions, displaying several options for climbing routes. If the diameter of the nut is 10, use an 11 mm drill and a drill to make the holes themselves. The operation is performed on the front side, which will allow you to bring possible chips to the back of the sheet. Special clamps (“bulldogs”) are driven into each nest. The finished base is screwed onto the frame using suitable self-tapping screws. Then the surface is treated with emery and painted, if desired.

Installation of hooks

At the final stage of the assembly of the simulator, hooks are installed. They are fixed in pre-made holes with bolts tightened with a hex wrench. The specified design of the device makes it possible to vary the placement of stops, complicating or simplifying the route.

Some users recommend mounting plywood directly to the wall. However, it is not always possible to calculate the required fastener length, which complicates the assembly process. Climbing wall holds can be bought in specialized stores or over the Internet, they differ in shape, size and color. by the most affordable option The arrangement of the simulator in question is the installation of hooks directly on the wall, without even using plywood sheets. There is one significant disadvantage here - the child will quickly get tired of the monotonous route, and the creation of new routes will require drilling additional holes. In addition, such a design wears out quickly, loses its presentation and gets dirty.

One of the most optimal versions of creating a climbing wall in the country with their own hands, according to users, is a wall of four plywood sheets located at a slight negative angle. The advantages of this design:

  1. Ease of assembly and installation.
  2. Vertical adaptation is perfectly mastered not only by adults, but also by children. The overhanging stand is difficult at the first stages of training, but it is perfect for the future development of an athlete.
  3. Safety, expressed in the fact that when falling, the child will not hit the lower stops, but will fall directly onto the mat, which must be placed under the simulator.
  4. The slope should not be too large, a small deviation is sufficient.


No matter how perfect the climbing wall is (made by yourself or purchased in a store), it is necessary to ensure the safety of use sports equipment. To do this, a special mat or mattress is placed below to reduce the force of impact in case of an accidental fall. So that the hands of a small conqueror of peaks do not slip on the holds, they are coated with magnesia. At the first lessons, an experienced mentor or one of the parents must be present next to the child.

Children are passionate computer games and are not eager to play sports. Therefore, it is important that parents set the right example and direct the child's energy in the right direction from the very beginning. early years. Climbing will help to temper the character and strengthen the muscular corset of your child, and will also teach you how to win not only in sports, but also in life.

DIY climbing wall

Action plan:

  • Order holds
  • Decide on the wall
  • Installation of wooden slats and plywood panels
  • Surface cleaning
  • Design of routes of varying complexity

Home climbing wall, will be an excellent simulator for kids from 4 years old and above. First you need to understand the purpose of the climbing wall, it is clear that we are building it for a child, which means that the dimensions should be small, and the hooks should be comfortable.

A week before the start of construction, order the holds for the climbing wall in the online store, it is better to have them arrive earlier than to wait later. If in the nursery bearing wall, then choose wooden slats from 40x40 mm. Then we prepare plywood panels with a thickness of 13–16 mm (individual sizes). Be sure to monitor the rigidity of the structure so that it does not collapse when the baby climbs. Iron corners can be used to strengthen the base.

After choosing a wall, attach wooden battens to it with 8x65 mm dowels and 6x90 mm self-tapping screws, four for each batten, more if you live in brick house and one self-tapping screw went between the bricks, and now it does not hold well.

Further, we attach plywood shields from 13–16 mm thick to the rails. But first we make the base where we will insert the hooks. Before mounting the shields, we make holes in them with a diameter of 11.5 mm, and then we drive a drive nut with a thread diameter of 10 mm into these holes. Such a nut is called a "bulldog" and we will attach the hooks to it at the end.

When the nuts are installed, we begin the installation of the shields, here we just take 5x50 mm self-tapping screws and fasten them to the rails. Then we remove any irregularities, using sandpaper so that there are no streaks left. The construction of the climbing wall with our own hands took only one day, but the final stage remained - this is to make several variants of tracks for the child from the holds.

Bindings and selection of holds

A climbing wall for children should be equipped with hooks in the form of a pocket, which is convenient to grab. We place them at a distance of 40 cm from each other. When fastening the holds, we make several routes so that the child himself can choose which one to climb. Do not hook the hooks tightly, it is best to drill holes in each sheet of plywood to make 4-5 rows of holes, and then form a track, light at first, later complicate it for the development of the child.

Do not screw the holds directly to the wall - this will damage the wall and you will no longer be able to change the difficulty of the route.

For safety, lay a mat at the bottom so that the baby does not hurt when falling.

When the work is finished, you will get an excellent simulator that will bring a lot of joy to your child. A do-it-yourself climbing wall is made in just one day, it has a small price, but it will bring a lot of positive things, and it will also help to comprehensively develop the baby’s body at an early age.

Children love to climb walls. So why not let them do it? Making a climbing wall with your own hands is easy, it will delight children. Playing on the climbing wall, children will develop physically.

Safety at home climbing wall

You can foresee that the vast majority of comments will support this homemade, and will definitely make something similar for themselves, it's damn cool and reassuring.

However, there is a contingent of people who think that my goal is to send their children to the hospital. Obviously, as in any project: crafts, toys of the baby should be considered and analyzed.

I have had this wall for almost a year. Neither my children nor others have ever fallen off the wall. And I assure you, everything is safe, I take care of the children and try to ensure that they have a joyful time. If you are too lazy to read to the end of the article, I will explain everything now. Mats lie below them enough to protect the child from falling, in the case when adults are not at home or children are unattended, mats are placed to the climbing wall and fixed with a special lock. Children without the supervision of their parents do not climb the walls themselves.

And finally, if you feel that the climbing wall is dangerous, suggest not to build! But if you, like my husband and I, have been climbing trees, steep slopes, pipes at breakneck speeds since childhood, then this might just be for you.

- Plywood 10 mm thick;
- Items for climbing for children with mounting material (link);
- Mats.
- Level, square;
- Roulette
- Pencil or pen
- table saw, a circular saw or a jigsaw (either will do)
- Drill;
- Spanners.

The sketch was made by Google sketchup. SketchUp is a program for modeling relatively simple three-dimensional objects - buildings, furniture, interiors. She helped to calculate everything on a scale and get the real dimensions. I also saw the ideas for decorating the wall that I saw from some of the pictures that were on Google.

Using the dimensions, I drew each piece on a sheet of plywood, which ended up looking like a big jigsaw puzzle.
Sawed along the marked lines hand saw who has a jigsaw, it will be even faster to do this.

To attach pieces of plywood to the wall, you need to start by marking the holes on the plywood and on the wall. I circled all the pieces of plywood with light pencil lines so that the holes on the wall and plywood would then be guaranteed to match.

I did this while my husband was at work, and I have to tell you that you can do it yourself, but it would be easier if you had someone help you.
Then my husband came home from work, double-checked everything, tightened it where necessary. I fixed the hooks imitating the ledges of the rocks.

Soft mats were purchased for the floor, which can be fixed to the wall using locks.

Children love to climb the wall, developing their physical abilities, dexterity, this is their favorite place in the game room.