How to learn to sing beautifully at home. Vocal lessons for beginners: free videos to practice at home

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They say that every person has hearing and voice, but some have developed this ability, while others do not. Is this true, and how can you fix it? In this article TeachIt will talk about exercises aimed at teaching singing and give a lot useful recommendations.

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First you need to understand that people who have a natural talent for singing learn faster. That is, the learning process is directly dependent on natural data. However, this does not mean that only such people can learn to sing, since vocal technique plays an important role, and everyone can learn to control the voice as an instrument.

Do not believe if you are told that it is impossible to learn to sing from scratch! Everyone can achieve what they want! Even those who were asked not to spoil the sound of a song and shut up. But get ready for difficulties. You will need a lot of time, patience and energy.

  • The first thing a novice vocalist needs to do is to stop being afraid to control his own voice and learn to “pitch” it.
  • Worth learning correct breathing belly! While singing, do not try to get a full chest of air. Imagine that you have a rod of light inside you from your belly to your throat, the base of which is in your belly. When you make a sound, the stomach should not be drawn in, it should grow. Remember to breathe correctly to learn to sing! In addition, developing your respiratory system will help strengthen your blood vessels, which will help you get less colds and your immunity will become stronger.
  • If you have speech therapy problems: incorrect pronunciation of sounds, stuttering or so on - vocals will be able to overcome this effectively and quickly. He copes well with congenital and acquired speech defects and develops diction. The main thing is your desire!
  • Reading texts and tongue twisters will help develop correct declaration. Golden Rule arts - consonants are spoken, vowels are sung.
  • In addition to notes, there is also a musical notation (musical signs, the duration of the notes, the size of the piece - bekar, sharp, grace notes, pauses, notes, tonality, etc.). It is quite difficult to master all this, but in order to easily read musical texts, it is necessary.
  • It's good if, in addition to the desire to sing, you will also have a desire to play a musical instrument. Thanks to this, the question “how to learn to sing beautifully” is solved twice as fast.


  • You don't have to go to singing schools or leave your home to sing beautifully. You will be able to learn this with the help of fairly common and popular distance training and online classes. Especially if you are not going to attend professional classes. Therefore, if you decide to dedicate a song to your beloved or beloved, but at the same time want to look decent, UchiIto picked up a few tips:
  • Stand in front of a mirror and do these exercises. Start singing the vowels: e, s, y, o, and, e, a. On "s" - imagine how you paint your lips - your mouth should be half-open so that you can see a noticeable smile. On "o", make a donut with your mouth. On the "and" - the corners of the lips begin to stretch to the ears, so that it looks like you are smiling. On "e" and "e" - remember the opera singers, open mouth with a noticeable smile. On "a" - the mouth must be opened wide so that the lower jaw conventionally reaches the chest. Now sing all the vowels in a row, considering singing on your belly and how you should open your mouth. Do this every day, and when it works out, you can move on to the works. But remember that there should be a golden mean in everything, do not overdo it.
  • Before learning how to sing beautifully, for yourself or professionally, you should learn a couple of chants. You probably remember them from school days. Popular "mi-me-ma-mo-mu" and others. This is necessary to warm up the ligaments and prepare them for prolonged singing. After all, if you do not prepare yourself, the voice may just wheeze, break down, and more.
  • When choosing a song to sing along with a backing track, you need to take into account that it is in your key - so that it is convenient to sing (not high and not low). Even if you learn to sing beautifully, but choose a piece not in your key, everything will be in vain.
  • Do not sing outside, especially when the weather is cool. Do not eat cookies, bread, chocolate or cold drinks before singing.

The human voice is a unique musical instrument given to us by nature itself. It has many advantages over musical instruments created by human hands. Namely - he is always with us, at any time and in any place, he also has the ability, in addition to music, to reproduce words. Agree, listening to a song is usually more interesting than just music. That is why there are so many people who, for some reason, cannot sing, but really want to learn.

But how do you learn to sing on your own at home? As much as possible? Let's consider these questions.

Is it given to everyone to sing?

Many people are firmly convinced that "a bear has stepped on their ear." In other words, they believe that they have no ear for music. Not really! Don't believe these statements! Absolutely everyone has hearing, it is just that some people have it in an embryonic state, that is, it is not developed at all.

It is clear that if a child was born into a family of musicians and is surrounded by music every day, his ear for music will develop by itself. It's another matter if from birth he does not hear music, no one sings to him, then his musical abilities will not develop.

The same goes for singing. If a child from childhood is not interested in singing, does not burn with the desire to sing, then in adulthood, of course, he will not do this. That is why the question arises as to whether it is possible to learn to sing. Therefore, we can say with confidence: everyone can sing, if you just really want to.

What do we need for vocals?

Now that we have already decided whether it is possible to learn to sing with a desire, we need to understand what components we need for this purpose.

So, first of all, you need an appropriate room with good acoustic performance. The voice should not fly up or sound dull, as in a small confined space... The acoustics should be normal, without unnecessary overtones. Many teachers recommend singing indoors where there is big windows which reflect sound very well and are additional resonators. When you hear the glass clinking, it means that they are already vibrating!

You also need to have good health and not have any serious illnesses that could interfere with vocal lessons on the way to solving the question of how to learn how to sing beautifully.

The last factor, but probably the most important, is belief in yourself, in your own possibilities, which are actually endless. In other words, the development of musical and vocal technique is a matter of thoughtful work. Everything comes from the head, so the question of how to learn to sing beautifully is also from the field of psychology.

Help from nature

Nature has created all the conditions for a person so that he not only sings, but also does it very beautifully. For this purpose, we were given the so-called resonators.

What is it? Resonators are such places in our body, when hitting which the sound is amplified many times over, it becomes more powerful, fuller and more spacious. They will give the answer to the question of how to learn how to sing well. By themselves, the vocal cords are not capable of giving us such a strong sound. Knowing your resonators and owning them, you can understand how to learn how to sing beautifully. And it won't be such a difficult task, it's all about technique and desire!

We are looking for resonators

Once you master the science of resonance, it’s immediately clear how to learn to sing from scratch. The word "resonance" in translation from French means "echo". Resonanas is able to amplify sound, like a micorphone. It is he who is responsible for the lightness of the voice, its beauty and flight. If you just put pressure on the ligaments, nothing good will come of it, except for their breakdown. Many people who try themselves in vocal skills and do not know how to learn to sing on their own begin to do this, relying on the ligamentous apparatus. As a result, the larynx is pinched, an unpleasant feeling of pinching appears in the area of ​​the ligaments, which is very uncomfortable and threatens with hoarseness for the voice.

What to do? Search for resonators! There are a lot of resonators on our body, especially on the head. For the most part, they are located in the hard bones of the skull, jaws, maxillary sinuses. Even teeth reverberate! Therefore, first you need to understand well where these resonators are located.

Do you need talent?

When you start thinking about how to learn to sing on your own, a logical answer arises: you need talent. Yes, indeed, talent is a very useful thing, making life easier in many things, however, as many say famous people, success most often depends primarily on diligence. This is true. The ability to sing beautifully, so as to win the hearts of people, comes gradually. Namely, a person must first develop a sense of beauty in himself.

You need to hear in your head the voice you want to strive for. In order to hear it, you need to present it. But for this you already need to have a well-developed imagination. What if the imagination is not well developed? Everything is fixable! Imagination lends itself well to "training". Let's try?

  • Look at the clouds and try to see some kind of image in them. At first it may seem like a difficult task, but that's the whole secret to see the first thing that catches your eye. You don't need to try to squeeze something out of yourself, everything should be easy and natural.
  • Take any 3 words, preferably nouns, and try to come up with a coherent sentence with them. Even if such a proposal sounds ridiculous, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that it worked out.

Such simple techniques will help solve the problem of lack of imagination, since it is more contrived than existing. Every child has a well-developed imagination. The only trouble is that growing up we forget what it is like to be a child.

Search for a teacher

When people are wondering how they can learn to sing beautifully, many people get the idea to seek the help of professionals. This is very justified, because a talented teacher will help to avoid many mistakes that can be made while studying on their own. In this case, you will have to relearn, and as you know, it is easier to re-learn.

However, it is not so easy to find someone who is both a good teacher and a good singer. Very often the best singers cannot explain well and competently to the student what and how to do for correct sound production, and vice versa. Nevertheless, if such a desire arose - to find a teacher for yourself, you should not neglect him. He who seeks will always find, and this is a fact.

High notes

High notes are considered to be the edge of the range and are therefore particularly difficult to sing. And the person begins to think about how to learn to sing high.

Everything is very simple. We connect the imagination again. Imagine that the high notes are not so high at all, and that there are notes that are even higher. In this case, singing high will no longer seem so difficult.

Let's not use our natural resonators, they should all vibrate and respond. The sound should fill all our sinuses and flow not only from our mouth, but literally from the whole body.

Improving singing technique

In addition to the aforementioned resonators, a person who wants to master the vocal technique must also correctly set the performing breath. It is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. We all breathe and it gives us life. A vocalist's breathing, however, requires work and training.

First of all, it is necessary that it be voluminous and that it suffices for long phrases and passages. It is also important that it is diaphragmatic, or, more simply, its support falls on the diaphragm.

All this is accomplished by practice and careful self-control. At first, of course, it is difficult to control so many things at the same time, namely: to monitor the correctness of your breathing, not to forget about the resonators, and also to monitor the progress of your singing. Everything comes with time and practice. Gradually, you will notice how it becomes easier and easier for you. You will already be picking up a more complex repertoire or songs that will suit you better. The extreme notes of the range will no longer seem somehow intimidating and will be taken easily and naturally.

Believe in yourself and be patient, and you will not notice how quickly you learn to sing beautifully and no longer wonder how to learn to sing on your own.

The modern world is full of unique talents capable of singing even the cult performers of their genres. Every season you can watch a talent show, where very young and unknown participants demonstrate a wonderful voice, perfectly performing famous songs, plunging professional singers into shock. Many people think that such people are just lucky to get a memorable and melodic timbre from birth, giving them such a significant advantage over the majority. And, although this factor also plays a role, you should not underestimate the importance of your own abilities, because the right training and exercises are often able to unleash the potential for vocals, even among those who considered themselves hopeless. In this material, we have selected a number of useful recommendations and tips that will give you the opportunity to learn how to sing on your own at home from scratch, spending no more than a few hours a day on this activity. Let's take a look at the main components of a successful vocals in order.

The importance of ear for music

This may be news to you, but people who have connected their main life activities with the musical sphere hear melodies on a slightly different level than many others. To the uninitiated person, it may seem as if any song consists solely of writing a suitable minus (read: musical accompaniment) and performing its lyrics. In fact, each cult piece can take months of long work to create a good composition that will delight the ear and match the song's lyrics. To do this, you need to be able to distinguish by ear the existing notes, as well as their combinations and transitions between them. For a beginner vocalist who wants to learn how to sing beautifully at home, this talent is no less important than for a composer.

Based on the above, you could already guess that listening to melodies and songs will play one of the main roles in the development of musical ear. Most people have a relative perception of the melody, when each note stands out only against the background of the others, which allows you to approximately catch the change in key in the composition. An absolute ear for music will give you the ability to feel all the notes and their combinations, put into the work by the author. To become the owner of such a talent, you will need:

  • Familiarization with the terminology and related materials, including literature, audio and video recordings, on the topic. Rare craftsmen are able to learn to sing, intuitively perceiving the music and not knowing at least 12 notes (we have not met such ones).
  • Find information on the Internet about creating famous songs and compositions, pay attention to the behavior of the vocalist during the performance at the recording sessions.
  • Listen to a variety of music regularly. Do not get hung up on one genre, because the ear for music does not tolerate frames. Discover new forms of performance, familiar and not so, songs.
  • It is good if there are people in your environment whose field of activity is related to music or vocals. You can ask them to train with you, or follow your practice. Their advice and guidance will help you avoid mistakes in the initial stages.

Respiratory system setting

Even a three-minute song with all the losses and a few verses of the chorus requires the performer to calculate his strength correctly. You do not need to have an excellent ear for music to feel if the vocalist is exhausted and out of the required tempo. You can avoid this by learning how to properly load the respiratory system. In addition, the development good breath has a positive effect on the vocal cords, protecting those from tears or colds. Fortunately, nothing bothers us in the process of learning to sing beautifully at home, and to monitor the pace of our breathing.

  • Inhaling and exhaling should be as quiet as possible. so as not to disturb the rhythm of the singing. Accordingly, oxygen starvation and shortness of breath should be avoided, accustoming oneself to short and vigorous inhalation and exhalation during execution.
  • The best advice to support the previous point would be belly breathing technique... Since today most people are used to breathing in and out through the chest and mouth (the reason for this is the fast pace of life, because of which there is not enough oxygen inhaled through the nose), you should learn to redistribute the load on the abdomen so that air consumption does not affect on the timbre of the voice.
  • Try it align posture y and watch your stomach while breathing. Practice singing and breathing at the same time in this way, using your chest and mouth as little as possible.

Developmental exercises

Finally, let's move on to training the voice itself, which, as it turned out, is just one of several basic components of beautiful vocals. It is at this stage that many readers may have a hitch, because a considerable number of people are ashamed of their voice on sound recording. We hasten to console you: the voice on the recording, although it is really real (if the recording device was of sufficient quality), is noticeably different from a trained and set timbre, which can adjust to the desired tone. Compare, for example, the voices of famous singers in their creations and during interviews. Notice a serious difference, since most of our life we ​​do not strain our throats much during a conversation, which means that the voice can often be harsh or harsh. Accordingly, even the owner of the lowest and roughest bass can learn to sing at home on their own, using all the techniques and tips correctly:

  • A very important part of good vocals is diction and pronunciation... Get out of the habit of "chewing sounds" and learn transcriptions (especially if you want to sing on foreign language). Is still one of the best practices the development of diction and articulation, tongue twisters remain, evenly loading the entire vocal and linguistic apparatus.
  • Learn to sing different notes and make smooth transitions between them. Experiment with your voice, change the tone of sounds. Audio training helps a lot, try to imitate the voice of the performer.
  • Consider also natural features of the vocal cords... There are few people in the world who could equally successfully perform works in any genre. Maybe your low bass is able to recreate the songs of Viktor Tsoi in the original or you got the voice of Chester Bennington? Try different genres to find your calling as each has its own specific requirements.
  • So, how to learn to sing on your own can only be through regular training, get used to practice both singing and breathing every day... It is even desirable to combine them, which is what skillful vocalists have to do.
  • Try sing without music, recording yourself on a voice recorder... Listen to your voice from the outside, because often this is the only way to notice mistakes that cannot be heard with your own ears. As mentioned above, you can seek professional criticism if possible.

Thus, adhering to the described rules, you will begin to notice changes in positive side... Of course, you should not give up if your successes come after a longer period, because for each person this process also depends on innate characteristics.

Professional vocalist services

If you are wondering if there is still an opportunity to develop your vocal skills, besides learning to sing at home, we can offer a useful alternative. ready to provide you with the services of a staff of professional vocal teachers with extensive experience in this field. Sign up for individual sessions or with a companion who will help you develop your voice potential, teach you how to breathe and give you the opportunity to practice in different genres, including rock and pop singing.

Not all people know that you can put your voice on your own and you don’t need to enroll in special circles.

But first you need to understand the most important and basic things.

You should feel all the vibrations of your body when you say something.

Why it matters - a fist bump analogy

Let's take an analogy with a fist bump from boxing.

  • When the right blow is struck, the whole body is invested in it. It's not just one fist waving.
    The body, with the right blow, is not static and is also embedded in it, and only then the blow becomes 10 times stronger and more dangerous for the enemy.
  • If you don't use the power of your body when you hit with a fist and you don’t invest in it, then it will not be a blow, but simply a movement with one hand.

You should apply the same in conversation.

You must include your whole body in the expression of yourself.

Take a deep breath and only then speak, otherwise no one will hear you.

2. Use the correct key

There are 3 types of tonalities in total:

  1. seeker / needy;
  2. normal;
  3. torn.

Seeking or needing tonality (1)

Also on the street, beggars come up to people on the street and ask for money. It's a seeker trying to please rapport.

For example:

  • Can you tell me the time?
  • Would you like to eat delicious pizza with me?
  • My computer is broken, please fix it.

This is unattractive and disliked.

Normal key (2)

When you speak to a person in a completely neutral manner, without any particular emotion.

For example:

  • We are doing well today.
  • I had a good time in the park.
  • Dad bought a new car.

Torn Repeat (3)

From the side of presentation, this tonality looks as if you do not want anything from this person and as if you do not want to talk to him too much.

With this tonality, you do not try to impress the interlocutor, you try less and strain less.

This tonality will be useful for men to lead with women.

Examples of 3 tones:

  • In general, we had a great rest the day before yesterday.
  • You have a great T-shirt.
  • Let's go now to our favorite place by the river.

To be centered and permanent in communication, most people need to be spoken to in a ragged to normal tone. If the main amount of time your voice is between ragged and normal tonality, and you also diversify it with a sometimes seeking rapport, then your voice will be cocky and funny at the same time... It will be fun and varied at the same time.

Therefore, use all three types of key skillfully, and then you will know everything about how to deliver speech and voice. You will have a charming and unique tonality.

Remember that confidence plays a key role in communication. self confidence for girls you can read the link on our website.

3. Get rid of excess mucus in your mouth in the morning.

In the morning, everyone has this mucus and saliva in their mouths, which must be disposed of. They keep your voice from opening.

Because of the mucus in their mouths, people often speak with their noses, as if they were voicing pirate films. All voice and speech training exercises are much easier and more productive if there is no excess mucus in the oral cavity.

To get rid of mucus in your mouth as soon as you wake up clean your tongue with toothpaste and brush in the morning!

That is, when you go to brush your teeth, you also brush your tongue.

This way, all the excess mucus comes out of the mouth. Cough up. You yourself will understand when enough is enough.

The procedure is not so pleasant, but very useful. Takes about 3 to 4 minutes.

4. Warm up and draw vowel sounds from high notes to low

Otherwise, then there will be internal resistance and the voice will not be congruent. O congruence we tell you in detail.

If you don't warm up, then whatever you say and do will worsen and worsen your communication and expression.

So you don't have to worry about how to develop a beautiful timbre of your voice, use this useful exercise.

Pronounce these sounds in the same order in which they are indicated:

When you do a vocal voice exercise with these I to U sounds, you go on a scale from high notes to low notes.

Walk through these sounds 2 times... You start with a high "I" sound, end with a low "U".

It relaxes and opens your throat.

All our exercises will help those who will subsequently express themselves openly and will not be ashamed of their voices.

We have a full article on our site on how to stop being shy about people. It can be found.

5. Moo

To bellow is to pull the “M” sound. This is a well-known voice training exercise and must be done correctly.

Lips should itch with proper hum.

If your throat itches, then you need to lift your neck higher.


  1. Don't take too much air.
  2. You don't have to hum like a cow. This is not at all effective and will not help development in any way.
  3. Men or women may experience sore throats when humming and raising their voices. Stop immediately if these symptoms start.
  4. During this exercise, do not try to hit high, outrageous notes. That is, hum at a neutral volume that does not bother you in any way.
  5. There is no need to strain the muscles of the face or jaw. Everyone is in a calm, relaxed position, just like when pronouncing a short sound "M".

6.Relieve tension from throat and mouth

Execution order:

You begin to strain your mouth, throat and neck a little, and by doing so you exercise and empower your voice when communicating.

  • Let go of tension in and out of your neck, throat and mouth.
  • The voice and throat open.
  • You start to speak clearer and clearer.
  • You begin to breathe deeper.
  • The possibilities of the language are being used more in conversation.

You can watch this exercise visually in one of our video tutorials on how to put your voice on your own.

7. Good neck stretch

The exercise will be especially useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer and want to know everything about how to develop their voice on their own.

In people with sedentary work, the neck and head are often compressed into an uncomfortable position, the chin is kept too low.

How to do:

  1. Put your tongue on the upper teeth in the middle.
  2. Then raise your head and gently stretch your neck, tilting it slightly up, left, right, and forward.
  3. This is similar to stretching your muscles before starting to swing in the gym.

Pros of stretching neck so you start projecting your voice better, especially in noisy places.

For a demonstration of the exercise, see below in another series of free video tutorials for teaching your voice from scratch.

8. Repetition of the word "Glap"

The essence of the exercise is that:

  • The voice becomes louder, clearer.
  • It becomes easier to control and project it.

How to visually perform the exercise, see the next video in the series on how to set up your voice for singing at home.

9. Trill with lips is very useful for setting the voice.

This exercise is a bit like simulating a car motor. With it, you can put your voice correctly, especially when there is an illustrative video lesson below.

It doesn't matter how it looks from the outside. The main thing is that it is effective.

The meaning of this is that:

  1. You relax your lips and simulate that trill sound.
  2. Vibration of the lips due to exhalation of air makes them more mobile.
  3. In parallel, you can make smooth movements of the neck, thanks to which it is more liberated. But this is optional.

This is similar to how little boys played with toy cars in a sandbox as a child.

For more details on how the exercise is performed, see the next video on how to develop a beautiful voice.

10. Exercise for diction

We say any text with a closed mouth

How to perform in detail:

  1. Take any text or newspaper and start reading it with your closed mouth.
  2. You close your lips, but your teeth should be open.
  3. Breathe in more air first and start.

Maybe it won't turn out so well at first.

But, gradually, even with your mouth closed, your speech will be better perceived by people by ear and becomes more understandable.

Know that the result will come, do not lose motivation and.

What are the advantages:

  • Opening your mouth then will make your speech even more intelligible. So, little by little you will be able to put your beautiful voice.
  • Your speech will become pleasant, harmonious and clear.

How the exercise is visually performed, see the next special video on how to put your voice at home, pronouncing the text with your mouth closed.

11. Repetition of tongue twisters 10 times

The bottom line is that the muscles in the mouth expand and it becomes easier to communicate.

The effect of the exercise will be twice as large if you repeat the tongue twister with your mouth closed. We talked about this above in the 10th method.

There are a lot of different tongue twisters. For example:

  • “Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket”;
  • "Mother Romashe gave her yogurt serum."

Choose 2 - 3 you like and start repeating 10 times each. This last method will close all your questions about how to improve your voice and diction.


After exercising, you will want to get rid of the excess mucus in your mouth.

This is a very good sign and that's okay.

Performing these exercises in the morning, you will notice how in a month your voice will noticeably improve. Take some time.

Don't forget about confidence

Confidence is the main parameter for a good voice.

Speak confidently and without hesitation.

Now you know all about how to set your own voice for singing.

Invest time in developing yourself, and the result will not be long in coming.

Almost everyone loves to sing. Despite the fact that many study at a music school for voice production, you can even develop your own singing style and confidence in your own performing skills on your own. For general practice, start with regular daily chanting. This could be playing your favorite song, or just chanting scales. Feel free to get creative with your voice work. Plus, taking care of your voice will help you get the best sounding voice. own health and maintaining water balance, as well as quitting smoking.


Determine your vocal range

    Record your voice using a microphone. Launch the recording application on your computer or smartphone. Then check the settings so that the recording is pure and without any voice changes. Try singing different songs and recording your own voice.

    • For a more comfortable experience, connect a real music microphone to your computer or smartphone. This will give you a better understanding of how the way you hold and sing into the mic will affect the final sound.
    • Perfect Piano and Pocket Pitch are considered good apps for singers.
    • You can also use a digital tuner or download an app like Vanido that will show you your level of proficiency in the voice range.
  1. Sing the song you know over and over. Print out the lyrics for the song you like. Take the time to study all the nuances of the text. Then work on the details of the song by modulating your own voice, thereby changing the song itself.

    • It's important to pick a song that you really like, as you will have to work on it over and over for a while.
    • When you first start practicing, try to use a song that is within your vocal range so as not to overextend your vocal cords.
  2. Work on audio extraction various parts voice apparatus. Singing is not limited to sounds coming from the throat through an open mouth. Concentrate on performing the same song, but with different approaches to controlling the position of the tongue, mouth, diaphragm, throat, and even nose. Recording the results and listening to them will allow you to better understand your own body and the sounds that it can make.

    • For example, letting more air flow through the nose can create higher nasal sounds, which is not surprising. If you gently close one nostril while singing, your voice will also change.
    • Move your tongue closer to the roof of the palate as you sing to see how much the voice changes. You can also try moving your tongue to your cheek. Moving the jaw to the side will also allow other sounds to vocalize.
    • To experiment with the diaphragm, try releasing all the air from your lungs while singing. Alternatively, see what happens if you sing with minimal air consumption.
    • The most important thing is to catch the right emotional mood, but not to be at the mercy of the emotions. In addition, the quality of your singing will not improve if you cry while singing any sad song.
    • For example, if you are singing about a disagreement, try to remember the negative aspects of your past personal relationships.
    • In order not to get bogged down in emotions, thinking about a specific event, immediately return the focus of your attention to the text and notes being played.
  3. Sing before singing so as not to strain your vocal cords. Begin by chanting an "I" softly on one note (for example, first octave F for females and minor octave F for males) and hold the note for as long as possible. Repeat the exercise two times. You can also chant on one note with the phrase "Mi-me-ma-mo-mu", and then move on to chant from low to high notes. Repeat the exercise two times. Then go to chant in a different direction from high notes to low notes, repeat the exercise three times.

    • In the middle of your range, chant "Ouch!" five notes up the scale (do-re-mi-fa-sol). Repeat the exercise two times.
  4. Sing the sound "A" over the notes "Do, re, mi... "up and down a scale within your vocal range. This is another great way to warm up your vocal cords and practice holding the notes you want. Start with a C major scale in the first octave, then work up to a higher octave, another scale, and so on. Take your time, sing each note clearly, instead of smoothly shifting the tone of the previous note towards the next.

    • Concentrate on working in the basic scale in C major on the notes: “C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C”. To complicate things, you can try chanting two notes in a row and then jumping over one or using a different order.
    • Then complicate the exercise further by singing two notes up, one down, and so on along the scale.
    • Gamma is a set of sounds that rise in succession at specific intervals (tones and semitones). As you move up and down the scale, you play both low and high notes. For example, between C and C sharp, the interval is equal to a semitone, and between C sharp and D sharp, the interval is equal to a tone.
  5. Try to sing for at least 30 minutes a day. This will be enough to stretch the vocal cords, but not too long to strain them. It is better to practice when no one bothers you. However, if you do singing for a living, doing this will allow you to develop your singing skills in public.

    • Brief daily performances in front of the audience can teach you to read the mood of the audience and adjust your work with them accordingly.
    • Singing can be done on small stages of entertainment venues, cafes and restaurants. If you do not like this option, you can try to offer your volunteer participation in a local music group.
  6. Work on maintaining proper posture while singing. Stand up, keep your back straight and look forward. Make sure that your shoulders are pulled back and your neck does not bend too much. Place your tongue in the lower part of the mouth so that it barely touches the lower row of teeth. Move your jaw gently from side to side to loosen the muscles.

  7. Do breathing exercises to strengthen your diaphragm. Try ribbing, which involves expanding your chest as you inhale. As you inhale, straighten your ribcage and allow your abdominal muscles to relax. On the other hand, to exhale, use your abdominal muscles. Also try the following exercise while breathing with your diaphragm:

    • on the count of 1, inhale and fill your lungs 1/4;
    • for a count of 2, inhale and fill your lungs 2/4 of the volume;
    • for the count of 3, inhale and fill your lungs 3/4;
    • for a count of 4, inhale and fill your lungs to the end;
    • on the count of 5-12, exhale slowly and gradually;
    • then repeat everything from the beginning.

Take care of your own health and preservation of your voice

  1. Consume at least 6-8 glasses of liquid a day. Keeping the throat hydrated allows it to make deeper and richer sounds. The best choice ordinary warm (but not hot) water will become for you. Cold water straining the throat. You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey or a slice of lemon to the water to taste and soften the throat.

    • If you decide to add honey to your water, try to use as much natural product... If possible, try to avoid the use of foods with chemical additives.
  2. Get yourself at least 8 hours of sleep a night. If you feel tired, your voice will also suffer from this. This recommendation is especially important if you have to sing for a long time. When you can't get yourself 8 hours of sleep a night, try to get some sleep during the day.

    • Try lying in bed just before chanting and performing - this rest will help improve the sound quality of your voice.