What a donkey was. The parable of the buridan donkey

It features a large head and disproportionately large and elongated ears. The color of these equid-hoofed animals, most often brown or gray, there are white and black individuals, as well as other colors, as seen in Photo. Animal donkeys there are up to several dozen breeds settled all over the world.

Domestic donkeys are called donkeys in another way. In the history of the development of human civilization and culture, they have played a significant role since ancient times, used in various spheres of economic life.

According to scientists, the domestication of wild donkeys took place even earlier than the domestication of horses. The annals mention pets donkeys of Nubian origin, who were in the service of humans as early as four millennia before the onset of our era.

The center of domestication of donkeys is considered to be the Egyptian civilization, as well as the African regions close to it. Then donkeys quickly spread across the countries of the East, ended up in southern Europe, and were also kept in America.

People managed to use only African breeds of animals, Asian donkeys, otherwise called kulans, turned out to be incapable of domestication.

Wild donkeys have a strong build and good looks. They live in countries with arid climates. They are not very fast, but in some cases they are able to develop average speed cars.

Their hooves are adapted to locomotion on uneven and rocky surfaces. And the dirty soil of countries with a humid climate contributes to various injuries, the occurrence of deep cracks and foci of inflammation on the hooves. Wild donkeys are herd animals. In Mongolia, they are found in herds, which average about a thousand heads.

Donkey character and lifestyle

Animal donkeys were widely used by people for riding and traveling, transporting goods on their backs and in carts. However, after the taming of the horses, donkey-related animals, those became preferable, due to the greater speed of movement and physical strength as well as opportunities long time do without food and water.

At good care, a hardworking donkey is able to work up to 10 hours a day and carry loads on its back, in some cases, much more than its own weight. There are known cases of keeping donkeys to obtain milk, meat and leather from them.

Donkey milk was drunk mainly in antiquity, and was consumed on a par with sheep's or camel's. Also, this product in ancient times was used as cosmetic product... In ancient times, donkey skin was used to make parchments, and drums were also wrapped around it.

Donkeys are sometimes considered stubborn and nondescript animals, but among the ancients they enjoyed well-deserved respect. And their owners were revered as wealthy people, receiving many advantages over others in movement and opportunities.

It is also curious that Christ, according to the Bible, entered Jerusalem on a donkey. The image of these animals was also used in many ancient mythologies.

Cows and sheep dutifully trudge to the slaughterhouse, dogs do not attack humans, although they are predatory, horses can be driven to death in extreme circumstances. But the donkey, in contrast to them, clearly feels the limit of its capabilities, and in case of a threat to health it will not overwork.

And in case of fatigue, he will not take a step until he rests. That is why donkeys are known to be stubborn. However, with good care and affectionate attitude, they serve their masters faithfully and with patience. They are friendly, calm and sociable animals, getting along with neighbors. Some argue that donkeys are much smarter than horses.

When resting, donkeys seem detached and immersed in themselves. They are silent. Animals donkeys sounds they rarely publish, but with discontent and a threat to life, they frenziedly roar in a loud and harsh voice.

Defending offspring and territory, they are aggressive and boldly rush into the attack, fighting dogs, coyotes and foxes. They are often used to guard livestock. Today, donkey keeping has become profitable again in big cities. Animals are not dangerous and do not require large area for life.

Donkey feeding

It is believed that keeping a donkey is comparable to caring for a horse. But there are also significant differences. The donkey is more undemanding to cleanliness, and does not require any special and special food, eating very little.

Donkeys can eat hay and straw, and their stomachs can even digest thorns. They can be fed with grains: barley, oats and other grains. Their content is not too expensive for the owners.

Donkeys in the wild eat plant foods. They eat grass, various plants and shrub leaves. Because they live in areas with an arid climate and sparse vegetation, they often have to wander for a long time in sandy and rocky areas in search of something edible. Donkeys can do without water for a long time.

Donkey reproduction and lifespan

The mating season for donkeys is associated with the onset of spring. Females bear their cubs for 12-14 months. The donkey gives birth, as a rule, to one donkey, feeding it with its own milk for about six months. Literally immediately after giving birth, the cub is already on its feet and is able to follow its mother. Usually, he needs less than a year to become completely independent.

Crossbreeding of domestic donkeys by their owners contributes to the emergence of new species. Males often produce animal mulesdonkeys crossed with mares. However, since hybrids are born incapable of procreation, their reproduction requires selection using a large number of thoroughbred donkeys.

The lifespan of domestic donkeys with good grooming is approximately 25 to 35 years. Cases of longevity up to 45 - 47 years have also been recorded. In nature, donkeys live much shorter, about 10 - 25 years.

Unfortunately, animal wild donkey, as a species, is in critical condition today. Scientists know that in the wild it is hardly possible to count more than two hundred individuals. This species of animals is protected and listed in the Red Book. Great efforts are being made to breed wild donkeys in nurseries and zoos.

Lesson literary reading on educational program"Harmony" in the 2nd grade
Completed by: primary school teacher

Theme: G. Tsyferov. Hail

Goals: 1. To acquaint with the author and the work.
2. To develop the ability to read without mistakes, expressively, to draw conclusions, to read by roles, selectively.
3. Foster a desire to learn, learn new things, analyze your work in the classroom and the work of your comrades.

Equipment: presentation; texts with a story about the city; emoticons, textbooks, notebooks on a printed basis.

Formation of UUD in the lesson:
- personal: to form moral and ethical guidelines, the ability to emotional and personal decentration, to develop the ability to reflect;
- Regulatory: develop a tendency to assess peers and self-esteem, to understand and accept the learning task;
- cognitive: to navigate the text of a work, in books, analyze a work in order to identify cause-and-effect relationships, analyze a work in order to determine the author's relationship to a character, analyze a work in order to determine a personal relationship to a character, analyze a work in order to characterize a character;
- communicative: engage in communication, express your point of view, listen to another, follow the rules of communication, argue statements.

During the classes:

1. Org. moment.

2. Verification homework:

3. Work on the topic of the lesson:

Message topic and purpose:
Guys, you have leaflets on your desks. Read the information contained in them and tell me what natural phenomenon are we talking about?
A type of rainfall that falls in the form of spherical or irregular shape ice particles having different size, from a millimeter to several centimeters. Their composition includes layers clear ice alternating with translucent layers. Usually, such precipitation falls in the warm summer season during thunderstorms and rainstorms from rather large and highly developed cumulonimbus clouds. Such precipitation is very harmful. agriculture, because they are capable of almost completely destroying crops.

(Yes it's hail)

Guys, guess the riddles:
They say I'm stubborn
That the character is absurd.
I'm not stubborn, friends,
Just rebellious!
I go when I want
And I stand when I want
I "ia-ia" shout
And I knock with hooves.

The beast is waddling
For raspberries and honey.
He loves sweets very much.
And when autumn comes
Climbs into the hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams.
(Answer: bear)

How do you think these answers can be connected with each other?
- And how can they be connected with the topic of our lesson? Guess.
- Today we will get acquainted with the work of G. Tsyferov "Grad".
-What goals will we set for ourselves in the lesson?

Children's writer. The most famous fairy tale G. Tsyferova - “The Locomotive from Romashkov”, based on which the cartoon of the same name was filmed in 1967 (based on the script by G. Tsyferov and G. Sapgir), which can rightfully be called a classic of Russian animation.

Other tales of Tsyferov: "There lived an elephant in the world", "About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub", "About an eccentric frog", "About a steamer", "A story about a pig" and others. Multicolored Giraffe "," The Engine from Romashkov "," How to Become Big and Other Stories "," The Diary of a Bear ". G. Tsyferov's books are still being published today.

Initial acquaintance with the work.
Prepared children read.
Exchange of views on the work read. Like what, what genre?

Go to page 13, h.1, choose the answer you want. Who was attentive.
-Read aloud piece by piece.
We read aloud, we learn to read without mistakes, expressively, we try to remember the course of events in history.

Tpo page 14 h. № 3. How do events take place in a fairy tale?

Examination. What happened first, what happened then, what did the donkey decide to do next, how did it end?
- Selective reading. Characteristics of the character.
Find the words about the donkey in the text, read it.
How does the donkey make you feel and why?
What did the bear cub call the donkey? Explain your opinion.

Tpo page 13 h. # 2.

What was the donkey, draw a conclusion. Display of a picture of a donkey. Did your look match the picture?
What a teddy bear. How do you imagine it? Compare with the picture.
- Reading by roles, work on expressiveness.
So what was the donkey like? With what voice are we going to read the words of the donkey?
(quiet calm, cheerful when he is happy)
(for a bear cub, confident, instructive, grumpy)

Working in pairs, reading roles.

Practice reading the words of the donkey and the teddy bear in turn, then we will read aloud. Reading aloud by roles. Analysis of those children who read.
Well done boys. It turned out well for ……
What does a donkey call itself? Is he right? Why not? Who is called pathetic?
What can you call a donkey? What is the name of those who feel sorry for others and help them?
(pathetic - arousing pity, unhappy)
(compassionate - inclined to pity, compassion)

What can you call a donkey?
Do you think the author likes his character?
Explain your opinion.

4. Reflection.
Did you enjoy the lesson? How?
Rate your work in the lesson with an emoticon.
Which comrade did a good job today? Why do you think?

5. Lesson summary.
What work have you read?
Who is author? What have you learned about the author?
With which natural phenomenon did you meet?
What did you find out about him? What harm does hail cause to people?
You guys worked well today. Thank you for the lesson.

Was this development useful to you? Write "Thank you" to the teacher:

In one forest there lived a donkey with animal friends. They loved to walk, play, have fun. Autumn has come. All the animals went to school, only the donkey did not want to study. He decided that while everyone was studying, it would be better to walk and have fun. The animals, returning from school, told the donkey with what great desire they go to study, because at school they learn a lot of interesting, useful, necessary for themselves. And the donkey laughed at his friends and told how he sleeps until lunchtime, watches cartoons, sunbathes in the meadow, jumps along the paths. The animals were indignant, sighed: they felt sorry for the stubborn donkey.

And, behold, one day a postman came from a nearby forest and brought a letter from his grandmother to a donkey. But since the donkey did not go to school and did not learn the letters, he could not read the letter. He went to his animal friends and asked them to read the letter. But the animals answered the donkey: “You yourself must learn to read, it will always come in handy in your life. Just imagine, you go to a store and read the names of stores and streets yourself. When buying toys or candy, you also read their name. It's so interesting to be able to read, therefore, learn to read yourself! "
The donkey got upset and cried. A bunny ran by, he felt sorry for the stubborn donkey, and the bunny read a letter from his grandmother. She wrote:
My dear donkey!

Remember, the path to knowledge lies through rocky mountains, which you will have to climb with all your might.

The first mountain is called “Difficult”. It is difficult to write letters, learn to read, solve problems, but you remember my hint:
“If it’s difficult, be bold and try harder.” And then you will overcome the mountain, you will learn to cope with difficulties.

The second mountain is called Boring. It's boring to write letters, numbers on a line neatly. I want to run, play, I want to quit everything, but don't quit, but learn a hint:
"Finish your work as soon as possible, so that you can cope with boredom faster." And then you will learn to cope with boredom and come to the steepest mountain - "Failure". It seems that everything works out, but mistakes along the way constantly creep in and the wrong paths are chosen by themselves. But you learn my tip:

"If a mistake happens, I will learn from it, do not get upset." And then you will overcome this mountain and become a learned donkey - a five-man.
Success in your studies! Your grandmother.

The donkey was delighted with the letter and the next day with his animal friends hurried to school. At first, the donkey found it difficult to study at school. I didn’t want to listen to the teacher’s explanations, I didn’t manage to compose and solve it, crooked letters fell from the line. And then the donkey remembered the "tips" of the grandmother, and diligently applied them in the classroom. I deduced approximately every letter, number, learned to read, solve and memorize the teacher's explanations. And the donkey began to turn out great!

Now the donkey is quite an adult, he studied and became a professor of medical sciences. His grandmother and animal friends come to visit him. The grandmother is proud of her grandson's achievement. All together they drink tea, remember their childhood. And also the donkey-professor heals the grandmother and friends from all diseases.

1. Pregnancy in donkeys lasts 12-14 months. As a rule, a donkey mother gives birth to 1 colt. Feeds milk for up to a year. Within a couple of weeks after birth, the foal begins to eat roughage.

2. The height of an adult animal is 90-163 cm. The donkey reaches this height at the age of two.

3. Animals become sexually mature at the age of 2-2.5 years. Life expectancy is 25-35 years. But it can live up to 45 years.

4. Features of the content - a few words about hooves

Most of all afraid of moisture. A dry climate is best for donkeys. Humidity is categorically contraindicated, hooves are very vulnerable. They are more resistant to rocky soils, not as vulnerable as a horse. But they do not tolerate it at all wet conditions... If you keep a donkey at home in northern regions- then it is worth considering this moment, not frosts are terrible, but humidity.

5. How to feed?

A donkey eats like an average goat: hay, heads of corn ...

For the stall period, 300 kg of feed per animal is required

For a long time, hardy and strong animals can do without food and water.

6. Benefit

In addition to the fact that donkeys can be used as a labor force, they also provide super healthy milk. As much milk as a goat.

In France, donkeys are kept specifically for milk - they use it as a cosmetic product. The fat content of donkey milk is 11.8%, it has high bactericidal properties.

7. Character

Absolutely harmless animals, they understand the boundaries of their lands well and never try to wander into someone else's territory.

8. Donkeys are not horses; they differ from them both in the structure of the body (the number of vertebrae) and in the number of chromosomes. That is why the offspring obtained from crossing horses and donkeys are not fertile.

a mule is when mom is a horse, father is a donkey

mule is when dad is a horse and mom is a donkey

9. The tail of a donkey is similar in structure not to a horse's, but to a cow's: with a tassel.

10. We are accustomed to the fact that donkeys are gray, in fact, they are black, brown, and even white.

Once upon a time there was a Buridan donkey.
They say that he (the poor man dying between two haystacks) was invented by the medieval philosopher Jean Buridan. There are some doubts here, but maybe by the end of the parable something will be cleared up. You just have to endure a little while all the letters are on the paper.

Well, this donkey had a very serious problem, and not even one, but a whole chain. This is exactly what we are talking about.

But first, let's give him a name, otherwise it's somehow inconvenient - everything is a donkey and a donkey, and even Buridan. And this donkey liked to think (just like a man), but all the time he was afraid of something. (Maybe he really was a man? - well, maybe not now, but sometime before?) But enough questions, otherwise we'll never get to the name - and we'll die between the name and the donkey.

Let's call him Clever - he is, after all, a little silly little donkey, with all his problems, well, he will be very pleased to have such a name.

The donkey, by the name of Clever Man, was very hungry, and this was his main problem (at that time). He wandered, wandered through a deserted field, and was already completely exhausted from hunger, when suddenly he saw hay in the distance.

- This is luck, - he thought, and went in that direction. (He did not yet know that happiness and unhappiness always go together.)

Approaching the goal, the Clever Man saw that on the other side there was also a hay shock - as beautiful (for a donkey) as the first one. He stopped and began to look closely - it turned out that the kopecks were exactly the same in size, and the distances to them were also the same. And then he wondered which one to choose? I want something more, more comfortable and tastier (well, just like a person).

So he would have died of hunger, like that Buridan donkey that people talk about (only is it true?), But he was still a Clever Man, and that saved him. He suffered, suffered from an insoluble problem (at that time), and fell asleep. And the Clever Man woke up from the charming aroma of meadow hay. He looks, and while he was sleeping, the rising wind tossed into the air several shreds of hay from one haystack, and they scattered in his direction - one, so very close to lying. The donkey went to the nearest one, grabbed him, then to the next - so he got to that kopeck. And such a life has now begun for him - sheer happiness.

But we know that happiness is never eternal - somewhere nearby, its opposite always wanders (or is it just one and the same phenomenon, only from different sides?).

Over time, he made friends - neighbors living somewhere nearby. They came, told all sorts of news, discussed them; sometimes argued about this and that. Quite intelligent neighbors - just to match the Clever Man. Well, now he has a very interesting life. (And this means that somewhere not far away, troubles are already hatching.)

And then one morning, after crunching the hay, Clever Man saw something very strange in the distance. He squinted, squinted, and realized that on one side (sort of like on the very horizon) there was a candle emitting a joyful golden light; and on the other hand (also in the distance) a poker glimmering seductively, promising a lot of pleasures. He discussed this news with his neighbors, and, in the end, they came to the conclusion that, sooner or later, they would have to choose where to go.

- Or maybe it's better not to go anywhere? - thought the Clever Man.
His friends slowly dispersed - some to the candle, some to the poker, and he does not live well at the kopeck. It seems that everything is fine with him - there is plenty of hay, even the young grass has begun to grow in the field, but something does not give him peace, something gnaws at his soul. Well, of course, you have to make a choice, you have to move on, but what to choose? Everything seems to look beautiful, and everything looms somewhere far away ...

So time goes on, goes on - and the Clever Man got really bad.

- What to decide, where to go? - and he cannot make a choice.

(Well, absolutely "not a candle for God, not a damn poker".)
The Clever Man was completely worn out, and he was not at all glad that he once found this hay.

- Eh, there would be no hay, there would be no present problem, - he thinks.

But one day he sees - from the side of the candle someone is walking towards him. All so joyfully calm, light-faced. Easily touching the ground, it goes - and the ground, too, becomes some kind of light where it passed. The blades of grass have turned green brighter, the starlings are scurrying busily across the field, and the stream is ringing its bells over the pebbles ... Everyone is happy with him.

The donkey turns its head - and from the poker, too, cheerfully, someone is walking. Business-like, smart, well-dressed, clean-shaven, and a fragrant cigar in his teeth. And so quick-eyed - nothing escapes his attention.

And so they simultaneously approached the donkey, each from his side, and stopped at the same distance to him.

- Hello, Clever, - they also said at the same time.
The clever man looked at them in bewilderment.
“We have come to talk to you about the need to make a choice,” the quick-eyed said.

The light-faced man nodded his head and smiled.
- Why should I choose something? - Asked the Clever Man. - And what is it that I have to choose? -

- Sooner or later, but inevitably, a time comes in the life of conscious beings when it is necessary to make a choice between useful or unuseful; beautiful or ugly; kind or unkind; honest or dishonest; big or small, - said the light-faced man in a low, but very clearly audible voice. -

- You, in fact, know how to think? He asked the donkey.
- Of course, - said the Clever Man, - I have a name - you see what it is. -

- Well, what do you like to think more about? About food or the meaning of life? -

- First, hay, of course - without food, after all, nothing. And to talk about the meaning of life, it is even pleasant to pass the time on a full stomach. -

- Well, to what then are you shuffling him, this is the time - do you want to live to the death as soon as possible? So, what? -

The donkey flapped his beautiful eyes in confusion.
- Why are you silent? The light-faced man asked.
The quick-eyed chuckle softly.
The clever man moved his ears and looked at the flying starling.

- Does the starling make any choice? Or is he just passing the time until his death? - he asked.

- The starling simply does the work entrusted to him, because he has no mind - he does not think. And you have been given a mind, so you can think and choose what you like or dislike, replied the quick-eyed.

“Well, if the mind is such a burden, then I’d better get rid of it,” muttered Clever Man, looking at the growing grass.

- Yeah, now you have already made a choice, - said the bright-faced man cheerfully. - You chose his "kingdom" - and he pointed to the quick-eyed.

- And what are these your kingdoms? Are some of you good and some of you bad? - asked the Clever Man with interest.

The quick-eyed looked slyly at the bright face.
- My kingdom is the world of convenience, the world of material benefits and benefits. And his kingdom, - and he nodded at the bright-faced, - is the world of spiritual aspirations, the world of convenience for the soul.

- Aren't you the devil, by any chance? - Clever guy narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

The quick-eyed laughed, and the light-faced smiled thoughtfully. Then the quick-eyed pulled two boxes out of his pocket and quickly laid them out, turning each into a comfortable chair. He put these chairs in an even place, and now he and the light-faced man sat close to each other.

- You understand, Clever man, - began the bright-faced, - in the world, actually, there is nothing absolutely bad or good. Creatures with intelligence (man, for example) give their assessment to everything, because this is a property of the mind. What someone likes is called good, and what does not like is called bad. For example, if you are hungry, then hay, oats, grass, field food is good for you, but for a person this food is bad, for he tastes food prepared in a special way. Or - now, while the grass has not yet grown, hay is very tasty for you, but when the grass and other delights of nature grow up, you won't even look at the hay.

But, for example, about "our kingdoms." Yes, his "kingdom" - and he glanced at the quick-eyed - is a world of convenience and benefit. There, people take care of personal benefit and convenience for themselves. And in mine they strive for the divine, good, light; taking care of the purity of the soul.

But someone can run into my “kingdom” for the sake of his own profit, thinking like this: “Look, I’ll settle well with God, and he forgives all his sins. And I will be hired everywhere. It is profitable to go to church. " You yourself can already see what kind of "kingdom" he actually chose.

And someone will choose the “kingdom” of earthly comforts, but never in anything, without doing anything that can hinder or harm other people. And he chose this "kingdom" itself in order to, having money and opportunities, help those in need. You have already guessed that his affairs lead to my "kingdom".

This is exactly the way it is in ordinary earthly life. There are no visible "kingdoms" in it, but there is the concept of good and evil, light and darkness, divine and evil. And all conscious beings every moment make a choice - how to act (or say, or think) - honestly and sincerely; or petty, thinking only about their own benefit.

What do you think about it? -
The clever man looked thoughtfully at the horizon, then shifted his gaze to the light-faced man, thought again, and looked at the quick-eyed. He smiled encouragingly at the donkey. The clever fellow turned to the bright face.

- You said everything very well and clearly, thank you. But, nevertheless, he did not answer my question to him, and nodded at the quick-eyed one. - And why is he silent? I asked him. -

The light-faced one smiled, and the quick-eyed one chuckled softly. The donkey carefully examined both of them and moved his ears easily. And at that moment he realized that he was not at all nervous, as it happened before.

- I wonder, - he thought, - when did I manage to change so much? Really in these few minutes? -

- Yes, yes, Clever man, - the bright-faced man answered his thoughts, - it was during these "few minutes". When you understood what I said, some of your fears dissipated, for fears come either from ignorance or from accumulated evil. There is no evil in you. And the experience of understanding life will help to get rid of other fears. Now let Monobit answer your question. And by the way, your question was good, although you don't know about it yet. -

The donkey politely waved its tail and, looking sideways at the quick-eyed, asked, - What is this name he has? -

The light-faced man looked at Monobyt with a smile.