What is Login and why is it needed ?! How to create a username and password.

To enter the site, we are often asked to enter a username and password. Thus, we get access to our profile in the system. We indicate such data when registering on the site.

What is login?

Login is a collective slang word for a name you come up with. It is used to identify a visitor as a user of a web resource. Regular guests of the sites do not always have access to all the possibilities (for example, creating new topics on forums, exchanging personal messages or adding a profile) that the administration provides to the participants of the system. To distinguish between guests and users of the site, the site login form is used, which consists of two input fields. Authentication data is required to enter not only when creating an account, but also when attributing a user to a specific computer system. The login is used in banks, in economic systems, in electronic systems to access registered cells. It plays the role of an "introductory key" when registering purchased programs. Everyone who registers on the site must come up with individual data. What is a login, it became clear. Now let's figure out where to get it.

How to choose a login? It can consist of any Latin letters, numbers, symbols, dashes (-), periods (.) Or underscores. For correct filling Forms must be entered between 6 and 20 characters. Otherwise, the information will not be accepted by the system. Remember, this data never changes! They are often displayed on websites as names, so you should not enter a meaningless set of letters. It is better if it is a clear name. You can come up with a pleasant and creative word that will reflect the personality of the user. If you want to write your name, then add numbers to it. The login must be different from the password, otherwise the account will be virtually unprotected. Sometimes, instead of a username in the input field, you need to specify an address mailbox, then you will be presented with a separate line to enter the name displayed on the site. After confirming the designation of himself with a password, the user will be admitted to the protected materials of the resource. This procedure is often referred to as "logging in". Along with the password, the username was created to restrict third-party access to the highly personal information of the system users.

What is login and nickname? What is the difference?

Users often confuse these concepts. We have already decided what a login is. The nickname is used to identify the user by other members of the site on forums, in chats. It happens that on some sites both of these designations are the same.

Login recovery

You can think of a very complicated login, but then you can accidentally forget it. Usually, sites offer in such situations a procedure for its recovery using email address or mobile phone number. This process takes extra time so don't go overboard with symbols. Do not forget about the convenience of entering information when entering the site. After confirming the data during registration, the system sends this data to an e-mail, and if you wish, you can look at it in your mail.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. It seems to be a simple question, but it still often arises for novice Internet users when they have a login and password.

It will be better if I immediately warn you and try to explain the importance of your usernames and passwords invented by you, because everything on the Internet is broken, and not just where something lies.

What is "my login" and is it different from a username?

So, login is your individual identifier (must be unique for the service where you register). Now, on many services, it is allowed to use names or nicknames written in Russian letters as their logins, but previously it was required to use exclusively Latin characters and numbers when writing it.

This is probably due to the fact that the data obtained during user registration (login and password) are stored in the database. Therefore, when entering my login, I use the same rule as it is permissible to use in - ,,, [_], [-]. This spelling is suitable when registering for any service.

You still need to figure it out what is login and what is username. Very often one thing is different from the other. This confusion is growing all from the same rule of use mentioned above when registering only Latin characters, while on the forum, website, blog and social network where you register, it would be appropriate to use usernames (real or nicknames) written in in Russian.

Therefore, it is often necessary to fill in two fields in the registration form: login (only in Latin) and name (in Russian). True, now on the Internet there is a general trend towards simplification, and there are fewer and fewer sites where you are confused with incomprehensible fields with two similar concepts.

Now often use as their login just the address of your mailbox or the number specified during registration of the mobile phone. Moreover, you can use any of these identifiers (login, phone or E-mail). It is clear that I'm not talking about forums, but about sites like or.

Thinking up your login is also worth it wisely, because your personal data (full name) indicated in it can help attackers in applying social engineering methods to you, if inadvertently you become the object of interest of such individuals (thus very often wallets are taken away in electronic payment systems, postal and social accounts, as well as much more).

In our digital age, you need to learn to be vigilant and overcome your innate gullibility. Don't think that nobody needs you. Needed, but not you specifically, but coupled with thousands more like you careless users. Accounts are taken away on the stream, and then they are sold in bulk to spammers and other bad personalities.

In addition, please note that on most services, the login cannot be changed later, unless only by registering a new account. Therefore, try to think in advance of all the awkward moments that may arise in this regard (for example, by registering in Miralinks under the nickname of one well-known character in the SEO world, I several times received questions from the administration about my ownership of certain sites added to this system).

A strong password is what will allow you to sleep peacefully

Well, now let's talk about the second part of personal data, which you will need so much when you log in to any service on the Internet. I'm talking about password (password)... What it is? Ideally, this is a very complex and difficult to predict set of characters that are not always letters or numbers.

The more complex my password is, the more difficult it will be for attackers to hack my mailbox, forum account, website or social network by simply searching through dictionaries. An example of bad choices is your name typed in the Latin keyboard, qwerty, 123456 and thousands of others, the lists of which are available to any lingering cracker.

It is clear that you are insured in case you forget the password you invented or lose the piece of paper on which it was written. But anything that will help you recover it will help the cracker to figure it out. The good old adage is still valid: if you put it further, you will take it closer.

Personally, I realized the need using a trusted manager to store my passwords and logins only after the theft of funds from my wallet in WebMoney and after virus infection of almost all of my sites. In both cases, there was a banal theft of passwords (in the first case, it looks like they hacked my mailbox with a password equal to qwertyqwerty using a brute-force method, and in the second, they pulled out those stored in open form in the filezile my passwords to access sites via FTP).

Carelessness is always punishable, especially on the Internet, where the situation is similar to the dashing nineties in Russia. When choosing a password manager, I was guided by reviews on the Internet, and also by the fact that it was free and open source(any understanding programmer will be able to identify developer loopholes, if any).

The latter is important, because trusting all your data to one single program is quite fraught. But if there are no “bookmarks” in the code, then it will be practically impossible to open the database without entering a master password or specifying a key file, because cracking a complex encryption key of a database with passwords using a brute-force method can even take years on a supercomputer.

The program is again free and open source - time-tested reliability. In general, be vigilant and do not even trust yourself in matters of security.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Quite often, among people who rarely visit Internet resources, many questions arise, such as what is a login, and how to register mail on the Internet. In fact, there are a huge number of different interpretations of the concept of Login. So, of course, it is impossible to answer the question of what a login is. Many experts believe that there are a huge number of concepts for the word "login", but all of them express its general essence.

On the Internet, there are 2 basic concepts of the word login.

1. Login is any combination of letters and numbers that are necessary for your identification on Internet resources, and for authorization on many sites. In addition, it is necessary to choose a Login so that it consists of or numbers.

2. Login is also considered a unique word that suddenly appears in a person's head. In addition, a login is necessary not only to enter the site, but also so that other users can easily find and share their opinions on this resource.

Most often, the login is intended so that you can go to the site by entering this very word. Quite often, a situation occurs when your future login is already taken. Then you need to come up with a unique combination of letters and numbers, while showing your imagination. Thus, the sites allow you to make your login the most original, unique and attractive when registering.

For many site visitors, it is the Login that is the key point when registering. After all, as you call yourself in the chat, then they will dignify you. So try to make your nickname as bright and creative as possible. Also, before choosing a login, you need to come up with exactly the word that would characterize you well. This is primarily necessary in order not to simply forget it. Along with the question of what a login is, users often have questions about registering on one of the mailboxes.

In fact, registering a free mailbox is a fairly simple procedure, and does not cause any particular difficulties for most Internet users. The only difficulty lies in choosing a provider who will provide you with such services. Some sites do not work with certain mailboxes, so try to find the one that works best for you.

The particular importance of the mailbox lies in the fact that if you suddenly forgot your username or password to the site, then the recovery of the username occurs through the email. Moreover, you enter your mailbox number in the corresponding menu on the site, and an email with your Login and password is automatically sent to you. So if you choose a good mailbox, you don't have to worry about losing your own account.

First of all, before starting a mailbox, try to choose one of the Russian mailboxes for registration, since, being in our country, you go to resources registered on Russian domains. Also, quite often there are cases when letters with your username and password, after a quick registration on a huge number of sites, forums and other Internet resources, do not immediately arrive at foreign mailboxes. So, try to choose a Russian provider, letters to which will always come in any situation. Although many users use proven free mailboxes, the most popular of which are Yahoo and Google. These boxes provide a huge number of additional services, as well as for obtaining various registration data and other Internet letters.

So I hope that with the help of my article you were able to understand what a login is and how to perform all the actions associated with it.

The computer and the Internet have become part of our life and have greatly facilitated the solution of many tasks. One of the signs of a person keeping up with the times is the active use of the World Wide Web: e-mail, various thematic forums, blogs, news sites and much more. Most of the services on the Internet require the creation of a username and password. Let's take a closer look at how to create a username and password, and what rules must be followed in order to successfully register. All this is discussed later in the article.

How to create a username and password correctly?

The registration process on any website or service begins with creating a login. This is a unique name by which the system will recognize you. Login requirements are indicated next to the field in which you must register it. If the name that you have chosen is already taken by another user, the system will not allow you to register under it. On some sites, the login may consist of letters only english alphabet and numbers, somewhere the use of Cyrillic and special characters is allowed.

After successfully choosing a name, you need to come up with a password. The rules for choosing it may also differ, however, almost all services today recommend specifying a complex, and therefore more reliable password. Often on services and sites there is an automatic security check, and if your password is too simple, the system will ask you to choose another or complicate the code you entered.

What kind of email services are there?

Today, there are many sites that provide email services for free. Let's list the most famous and popular among network users:

  • Mail.ru (Mail.ru);
  • Rambler.Mail (Mail.rambler.ru);
  • an email service from Google (Mail.google.com);
  • Yandex.Mail (mail.yandex.ru).

The above services are giants and veterans of postal services. However, in addition to them, there are also other sites where you can create "soap" and services that provide services for disposable and anonymous mailboxes. These are very convenient to use if for some reason you do not want to indicate your main e-mail. There is no point in describing how to create a username, password and e-mail on such services - the registration process here is no different from standard free email sites.

Choosing where to create an email

When choosing a service on which you plan to create an e-mail or "soap", as many Internet users call it, you need to be guided by the following preferences:

  • usability or ease of use;
  • a high-quality spam filter that will filter out advertising mailings;
  • mailbox size;
  • hacking protection, access recovery functionality;
  • virus protection.

Almost all services today provide the ability to link a mobile phone number to an email account. This allows you to track all actions performed with your mailbox. So, for example, when you enter Google mail on another device, a notification will appear on your phone, and when you change your password on a soap from Mail.ru, the system will send a notification to your phone.

Email registration

To create an e-mail box, select a mail service. It is better to choose from the most popular ones - they have higher protection, high-quality spam filters and convenient access recovery mechanisms.

By clicking the "Register" button, start filling in the fields. As a rule, you need to enter your first and last name, come up with a username and password. How to create your username and password, for example, on Mail.ru, is described directly on the registration page. There, the correctness of the data you entered is instantly checked. If your chosen username is busy, you will have to come up with another one. Often the system itself suggests login options based on your first and last name.

When choosing a password, do not give preference to too simple combinations - they are easy to guess and hack.

After filling in all the fields and successfully completing the registration process, the postal service will automatically open a page with your mailbox. To enter it, for example, after closing the browser window, enter the mail service in the address bar, in the window that opens, select the "login" button and enter your password and login.

How to come up with a beautiful login?

Before thinking about how to create a username and password for mail, decide how you plan to use this mailbox. For a work login, it is customary to use the first and last name. In some cases, the mailing address also uses the name of the organization you work for. And for a mailbox intended only for personal use, you can use both your first and last name, and, for example, your phone number - here you can show your imagination.

To make your login nice and easy to remember, follow these guidelines:

  • Do not use letters that can be confused when dictating your login. These letters include, for example, S and C - not all Internet users know English and correct pronunciation letters. You may be misunderstood and the letter will not reach the addressee.
  • It makes no sense to indicate the current age in the login, because next year the name of the mail will become obsolete.
  • If you plan to use mail for work, do not indicate the year of birth - potential customers and partners may refuse you, citing an insufficient or too venerable age.

How do I come up with a strong password?

To keep your password strong, it is enough to take into account a few simple notes:

  • Do not use the same passwords on different resources - if an attacker gets hold of it on one resource, he will automatically gain access to all other sites under your name.
  • Use both uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Add special characters (punctuation marks, dollar signs, quotation marks, and others).
  • Change your keyboard layout. For example, you selected the word "hammer" as your password. if you change the layout to English, the password will seem difficult to remember: vjkjnjr.
  • Do not use publicly available information in your password. This refers to your first and last name, names of relatives, nicknames of pets, important dates from life, which can be found out, for example, through social networks.

Where to store the login and password for mail?

In addition to creating a username and password for mail, you will probably have to register on other services, you may also need a username and password when logging into your account on a work computer. In this situation, the question of how and where to store such information becomes very relevant, since it is quite difficult to keep it in your head. So, in order not to forget your registration data, you should:

  • Write down the password and login on paper. True, in this case, you will have to always carry the data with you, and if you lose it, you will have to work hard to restore access to the services.
  • Create on computer Text Document, which will contain passwords and logins for various services. To prevent them from becoming known to everyone who has access to your PC, change the extension. For example, .txt can be changed to .jpg. In this case, the file will be displayed as a picture, and in order to access the information in it, you must first change the extension.
  • To avoid storing usernames and passwords on your computer, you can copy the file to a flash card and use it as needed.
  • You can use a special software for storing passwords. This will put all the data in one place, and in order to access it, you only have to remember one cipher.

Restoring access to email

For one reason or another, access to e-mail may be lost. To restore it, you can use the tools specially provided for such situations. This can be the answer to the code question, which is filled in during registration, or password recovery via mobile phone(but this requires you to link the number to your account in the mail).

If you cannot restore access yourself, you can contact technical support or create a new username and password for mail. However, in this case, all contacts and correspondence stored in the old mailbox will be lost.

Greetings, my visitor. I am very glad to meet you again. Today I want to talk about interesting topic, without which it is simply impossible to wander the vastness of the Internet.

Everyone who opens a site is offered to register in order to have free access to their account in the future. When registering, you need to enter your username and password. Let's see what a password and login are?

To register, no matter what site it is, you need to come up with a login. In fact, this is an elementary set of letters that can be called a passport, for entering, for example, in.

In some cases, the login is the same as a nickname, however, in most cases these are completely different sets of letters and symbols.

The more complex the password, the more difficult it will be for cybercriminals to open your mail or accounts in social networks... Always take this matter with the utmost responsibility. ...

- Hello? Animal welfare service?

- Rather, come, a local postman sits on a birch tree in our yard and obscenely insults my shepherd!