Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt: A Biography. Interesting Facts

Cleopatra VII (69–30 BC) is one of the most famous women in world history. Nobody called her a beauty. On the contrary, they say that outwardly she was completely unattractive, overweight and very short. However, the Egyptian queen had an extraordinary mind, insight, gravitated towards sciences and perfectly mastered several foreign languages... All this, as well as fabulous love of love, made Cleopatra desirable for many men. “Inimitable,” so the queen called herself and she was right: in those days there was no woman who was more worthy, educated and wiser than her in anything.
After the death of the Egyptian king Ptolemy XII in the spring of 51 BC. his ten-year-old son, Dionysus, who became Ptolemy XIII, and his eighteen-year-old daughter, Cleopatra, came to the throne. Before that, according to Egyptian law, the brother and sister got married.
The young queen was disliked. It is believed that Cleopatra was too selfish and independent. In addition, intelligent and versatile, she gravitated towards European culture, which is why she was rather bored in Egypt. Three years later, the actual head of the country, the eunuch Potin, wished that the young Ptolemy would become the sole ruler of the state and, having persuaded other royal dignitaries, expelled Cleopatra to Syria. There, the girl had to spend long months until she got the opportunity to return to her homeland.
At that time, the powerful Roman conqueror Julius Caesar (100–44 BC) arrived in Egypt and demanded that the young rulers return the huge debts that their father left after his death. Neither Ptolemy XIII, nor Cleopatra were going to pay back the debts, and a clever idea immediately appeared in the girl's head. That same evening, putting on the most beautiful outfits, she ordered the servants to wrap her in a carpet and bring her as a gift to Caesar. In the evening, the queen presented herself to the Roman general, and in the morning she celebrated the victory. The Roman fell in love with the young Cleopatra and promised not only to forgive her debts, but also to force her brother to reconcile with his sister.
The war lasted eight months before Julius Caesar returned the throne to his mistress. During the war, the young king drowned, trying to escape from Egypt, while fleeing Caesar's troops. Since that time, Cleopatra has become the sole ruler of the state.
In gratitude, the queen arranged for her lover a magnificent journey along the Nile. For two months the lovers sailed on a huge ship, accompanied by another four hundred ships, until they returned back to Alexandria.
It was time for Caesar to continue his conquests. He was preparing to capture Dacia and Parthia and, expanding the eastern borders of the Roman Empire, create a huge state all the way to India. Caesar intended to stand at the head of this gigantic empire, and he identified the incomparable Cleopatra as his wife.
Caesar went to war, and the queen remained at home, as she had been expecting a child for several months. More than a year the omnipotent commander fought with the enemies and finally became the sovereign master of the Roman state. Now his soldiers were preparing to march east, and he summoned a mistress to Rome with a young son, whom Cleopatra named in honor of Julius - Ptolemy Caesarion.
The Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra VII, arrived in Rome accompanied by a whole cortege of golden chariots, thousands of slaves who led whole herds of tame gazelles and cheetahs. The Egyptian ruler herself sat on a gleaming golden throne carried by tall, muscular Nubian slaves. She wore embroidered precious stones dress, and a sacred golden snake wrapped around its head. For a long time the Romans could not recover from such a dazzling luxury of the Egyptian queen.
Satisfied Caesar settled his guest in a huge villa on the banks of the Tiber. The Egyptian woman spent more than a year there. Contrary to all the beliefs of the townspeople, Cleopatra did not interfere in the affairs of her lover. She spent all the time with her son and Caesar, almost never left the residence and only enjoyed her stay in Europe.
However, the Romans' hatred of the stranger grew. It was said that she tied Caesar to herself so much that he allegedly seriously decided to become a pharaoh and move the capital of the Roman Empire to Alexandria. Rumors spread, the dictator did not deny them, for which he paid with his own life. Julius Caesar was killed on March 15, 44 BC. close associates during a meeting of the Senate.
Caesar left no direct heirs. When his will was opened, they found that he had appointed his nephew Octavian as his successor, and not a word was said about Ptolemy's son Caesarion. The frightened Egyptian queen gathered in one night and sailed to her homeland.
It was restless in Egypt, and in order to somehow save the country from the advancing Roman troops, Cleopatra entered into a love affair with another Roman commander, Mark Antony, who competed with Octavian for dominion over the Roman state. Simple and rude, but passionate and malleable to female charms, handsome Anthony fell madly in love with a charming Egyptian woman and, forgetting about his legitimate wife, spent all the time with his new mistress. Anthony's wife fell ill with grief and died suddenly. The widower wished to conclude a new marriage with the Egyptian queen. Octavian was against it. He proposed his own sister to Antony's wife - an intelligent, educated and kind Octavia. Mark Antony soberly assessed his political interest and agreed. However, immediately after the wedding, the commander sailed to Syria, where the brilliant Cleopatra was at that time. The fact that her lover linked his life with another, she did not like. To comfort his beloved, Anthony in 37 BC. married her, effectively becoming a bigamist.
As wedding gift Anthony presented his beloved Cyprus, Phenicia and Cilicia. In 34 BC. Cleopatra was given the title of Queen of Kings. She gave birth to a son and a daughter from Anthony.
Three years passed, and Octavian decided to end the dual power in the country. He went to war against Antony. The rival's fleet and army were defeated, Antony himself committed suicide by throwing himself on the sword. Cleopatra was captured by Octavian and awaited the decision of her fate in the palace. The courtiers informed the queen that Octavian intended to arrange a triumph for himself in Rome and lead her in chains throughout the city.
The Egyptian ruler could not bear such shame and humiliation. She secretly made her way into her tomb, rebuilt several years ago, ordered a servant to bring a poisonous snake and wrapped it around her neck. A few hours later, Octavian received a message from Cleopatra. In it, the last queen of the Ptolemaic dynasty asked to be buried next to her last husband, Mark Anthony, not far from the royal palace.

Cleopatra is the last queen of Egypt from the Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty.

Cleopatra was born in 69 BC, presumably in Alexandria. Her father was Ptolemy XII Avlet. Her mother may have been a concubine. According to Strabo, Ptolemy Auletes had only one legitimate daughter, Berenice IV, a queen in 58-55 BC.

As for the childhood and adolescence of Cleopatra, nothing is known about them. Of course, she was impressed by the events of 58-55 BC, as a result of which her father was overthrown and expelled from Egypt. Cleopatra's sister Berenice became the queen. However, Ptolemy XII nevertheless returned to power not without the help of the Roman governor of Syria, Gabinius. He began a fierce struggle, in which his daughter Berenice also died. Ptolemy remained in power only thanks to the Romans. Having seen such a reign of her father, Cleopatra made many conclusions for herself, it became a lesson for her. Subsequently, she used all means to get rid of her opponents and everyone who stood in her way, including her younger brother Ptolemy XIV in 44 BC and later from her sister Arsinoe.

We do not have images of Cleopatra, we only have her verbal descriptions

Unfortunately, there are no reliable images that could convey her exact physical appearance. According to the profiles on the coins, Cleopatra was a woman with wavy hair, large eyes, a prominent chin, and a crooked nose. She was distinguished by powerful charm, attractiveness, which she used very well for seduction. On top of that, she had a charming voice and a brilliant, sharp mind. Cleopatra was a real polyglot queen: in addition to her own Greek she spoke Egyptian, Aramaic, Ethiopian, Persian, Hebrew and the language of the Troglodytes, a people living in southern Libya.

Ptolemy XII, dying, left a will. According to him, the throne passed to Cleopatra and her younger brother Ptolemy XIII, who at that time was 9 years old. Cleopatra was married to her brother by formal marriage, because according to Ptolemaic customs, a woman could not reign on her own. The title under which Cleopatra ascended the throne sounded like Thea Philopator, that is, the goddess who loves her father.

As soon as Cleopatra and her brother ascended the throne, the struggle began. First, the queen ruled alone, removing her brother, and then he won the victory. In this he was helped by the eunuch Potin, the commander Achilles and the educator Theodotus. However, Cleopatra, who hid in Syria, did not give up, she created an army there and set up camp on the Egyptian border. Her brother, who in every possible way barred her from entering the country, was stationed there with his army.

It was during this period that Rome intervened in the struggle. Pompey, who was defeated by Julius Caesar, asked the Egyptian king for help. However, the young Ptolemy III, or rather his advisers, hoped to receive favors from the winners. So they decided to kill Pompey. However, the king miscalculated. Caesar was not at all pleased with this, he was angry with this massacre and buried the head of Pompey at the walls of Alexandria, where he erected the sanctuary of Nemesis. Caesar announced that from now on he would be the judge in the dispute between the kings, and he, as a queen, was interested in Cleopatra, whom he hoped to make his puppet, owing him power.

When Caesar arrived in Egypt, he immediately summoned Cleopatra to him in Alexandria. However, it was very difficult for her to penetrate the capital, because she was guarded by her brother's people. Her admirer Apollodorus came to the aid of Cleopatra. He secretly took the queen in a fishing boat, and then carried her to Caesar's chambers, hiding her in a large bed bag. Caesar was captivated by Cleopatra, who began to complain bitterly about her oppressors. Caesar returned to the will of Ptolemy XII, according to which the throne belonged to both Cleopatra and her brother. Naturally, the 13-year-old king did not like it, he was furious.

A rebellion soon broke out, in which Caesar still managed to win. King Ptolemy drowned while fleeing in the Nile. Cleopatra became the undivided ruler of Egypt, while she was formally considered a marriage with her young brother Ptolemy XIV. After the departure of Caesar, Cleopatra had a son in 47 BC, who was named Caesar. In history, he is known as Caesarion.

Cleopatra was a charming and intelligent woman. She used her looks and her mind to fall in love with the people she wanted.

Soon, Caesar summoned Cleopatra to Rome to conclude an alliance between Rome and Egypt. The people were extremely angry that Caesar was protecting Cleopatra, which was one of the reasons that hastened his death.

After Caesar was killed, Cleopatra returned to Alexandria. Here, after some time, her brother Ptolemy XIV also dies, whom she allegedly poisoned.

At the age of 29, Cleopatra met the 40-year-old Roman commander, Mark Antony. It happened in 41 BC. The circumstances of the acquaintance were not very pleasant. Antony planned to organize a campaign against the Parthians, but he needed a lot of money for this. He sends officer Quintus Dellius to Alexandria to demand Cleopatra to come to Cilicia. Antony wanted to accuse the queen of allegedly helping Caesar's assassins. Apparently, under this pretext, he hoped to get from her as much as possible more money for a hike.

Cleopatra was also quite smart and cunning. She inquired in advance about Antony's predilections, about his amorousness, vanity and love for outward splendor. As a result, Cleopatra carefully prepared for the meeting with him. She arrived in a ship with a gilded stern, purple sails, and silvered oars. Cleopatra herself sat in the attire of Aphrodite, on either side of her stood boys with fans, the ship was driven by maids in the form of nymphs. The ship moved along the Kidn River to the sound of flutes and kifar, enveloped in the smoke of incense. Cleopatra invited Mark Antony to her place for a sumptuous feast. Of course, all this could not fail to charm him. He fell in love with the queen. Their romance lasted 10 years and became one of the most famous in history.

After the death of Cleopatra in 30 BC, Egypt became a Roman province.

The name of Cleopatra is known to everyone - she was not only an outstanding ruler of Egypt, but also an amazing woman. More than two millennia have passed since her death, but she is still remembered as one of the personalities who changed history.

Cleopatra was not beautiful by standards Ancient egypt nor by modern canons... However, she managed to fall in love with two powerful Roman generals and completely subordinate them to her influence. She was an unusual woman and possessed an extraordinary intellect.

What else did Cleopatra remember?

  1. Cleopatra has remained in history as the most famous ruler of Egypt. But it is worth noting that she came from the Ptolemaic dynasty, who migrated from Greece during the reign of Alexander the Great. Thus, Cleopatra, although born in Egypt, was not an Egyptian at all, but a representative of an ancient Greek dynasty.
  2. Who knows about the other Cleopatras? No one! But the famous Egyptian queen was the seventh in a dynasty named after Cleopatra. Much is known about her father - he was the ruler of Egypt, Ptolemy XII. But the identity of the mother is still a mystery. There is a version that she was the half-sister of the king himself, since relations and marriages between brothers and sisters in this dynasty were the norm. It is absolutely certain that Cleopatra was not the legitimate child of Ptolemy XII, since he officially recognized only one daughter - Berenice IV.
  3. The name of Cleopatra, when she ascended the throne, sounded like this - Thea Philopator (Θέα Φιλοπάτωρ), which means "the goddess who loves her father." Then she added to the title also "loving the fatherland" and became known as Fea Neotera Philopator Philopatris.
  1. Cleopatra had an extraordinary intellect and was (spoke nine languages, at least). She is the only one of all the kings of her dynasty to learn the Egyptian language for 300 years. Prior to this, the Ptolemies spoke only Greek and did not bother learning the language of the country in which they ruled and lived. In addition to Greek and Egyptian, she knew Hebrew, Ethiopian, Aramaic, Persian and even Latin.
  2. In addition to linguistics, she also studied mathematics, astronomy, oratory and philosophy. The queen, again the only one of all her predecessors, adopted the religion and culture of Egypt. Before her reign, the Ptolemies were not interested in the gods and customs of their people.
  3. She married her brothers, that was the law in those days. Despite her originality, Cleopatra could not rule alone, without a male co-ruler. Therefore, she had, like many of her predecessors, to marry first with one brother and then with another. But she did not feel safe, since the brothers all the time wanted to take the throne from her. After their death, she gave birth to a son and secured a carefree future for herself, as she made the boy her co-ruler.
  4. The younger brother of Cleopatra and her first legal husband did not want to put up with the power of his sister. Therefore, a war broke out between them, which forced the queen to flee to Syria. Ptolemy XIII made an alliance with Caesar, but took the wrong step and killed the noble Roman Pompey. This turned the Roman general away from his brother, and Caesar turned his attention to Cleopatra. He helped the queen to overthrow her brother and regain her throne.

  1. According to legend, Cleopatra made her way to Caesar's chambers, wrapped in a carpet. The losing queen understood that she could change the balance of power only by meeting Caesar in person. And she did not miscalculate - Caesar was immediately carried away by her, although she was then 21 years old, and he was already 52.
  2. According to rumors, Cleopatra was involved in the deaths of her brothers and sister. The first brother, Ptolemy XIII, drowned in the river while fleeing, very fortunate for Cleopatra. Sister Arsinoe was executed by order of the queen on the steps of a Roman temple. And the younger brother died after poisoning at the age of 14. This was in the hands of Cleopatra, who at that time gave birth to a son and could make him co-ruler. She didn’t need a maturing brother who could encroach on her power.
  3. Her arrival in Rome as Caesar's mistress was triumphant. They hated her, but they imitated her, the Romans began to style their hair like hers and weave pearl jewelry. She was in Rome at the time of the murder of her lover and was forced to flee home to Egypt.
  4. Cleopatra never got lost in the crowd. Her contemporaries noted the amazing charm and charm that the queen exuded. She took very good care of herself - she took milk baths, had a scrub, masks and shampoos from egg yolks and honey in her arsenal. Cleopatra loved incense and selected oils for different purposes.

  1. Both of her novels were scandalous, because the men were already married and had heirs in Rome. However, after Caesar, Cleopatra easily fell in love with his successor, Mark Antony. For a first impression, she dressed as Aphrodite and arrived on a ship that looks more like the abode of the gods. She became his mistress and faithful companion, hunted with him, drank wine and organized feasts.
  2. Mark Antony and Cleopatra had three children. The first were twins, a girl and a boy, named Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selena. In translation, their middle names mean "Sun" and "Moon".
  3. The love between Mark Antony and Cleopatra led to the fact that in Rome the commander was considered a traitor. Octavian defeated the forces of lovers in sea ​​battle leading to their flight and fall. None of Cleopatra's children survived, and Caesar's son Caesarion was executed by his half-brother Octavian.
  4. Mark Antony and Cleopatra, as agreed, committed suicide after the defeat. He threw himself on the sword, and she is believed to have died of snake venom. Historians still argue how she managed to die in a locked room guarded by Octavian's warriors. It is worth noting that this is not the only secret of her death. The grave of Cleopatra and Mark Antony has not yet been found.

Cleopatra became the last queen of Egypt and the representative of the Ptolemaic dynasty. After her death, Egypt, which was ruled by Greek kings but had freedom, became a Roman province. This amazing woman, who died at the age of 39, became a symbol of the fall of Egypt as the greatest civilization of the ancient world.

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Cleopatra lived more than 2000 years ago, but still remains in history as a very influential and powerful woman. She was the last ruler of the independent and became famous not only for her life, but also for her death.

As the last representative of the Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty, she ruled the country for almost three decades, first with her brothers, then with her son. She entered into alliances not thanks to strength and army, but cunning and female charm. There were legends about Cleopatra, because she had short life(38 years old) had two novels with influential Romans - Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.

What is Cleopatra's secret? This article contains the most fascinating facts from her biography!

Childhood and adolescence of Cleopatra

There are few reliable sources about the life of this woman, since after her death her image was greatly distorted by the Romans. It is known that she was born in 69 BC. NS. and was one of the three daughters of Ptolemy XII, whose names have remained in history. Her childhood was darkened by a rebellion against her father, as a result of which his only legitimate daughter, Berenice, died. He bequeathed his throne to Cleopatra and her younger brother, since a woman could not rule alone.

She came to the throne at age 18 as a co-ruler of her 10-year-old brother Ptolemy XIII. Cleopatra VII faced crop failure problems and soon fled Egypt due to disagreements with her brother. In Syria, she gathered a huge army and returned to claim her throne. Meanwhile, in Rome, there was a war between Caesar and Pompey, who hid in Egypt, but was killed by order of Ptolemy XIII.

Ptolemy wanted to win the favor of the Romans, but Caesar, who arrived in Egypt and learned about the murder of the enemy, was enraged by such treachery. This was taken advantage of by Cleopatra, in which Caesar was interested as a Roman puppet that can be controlled. He summoned the girl to Alexandria, and she conquered the mighty commander at first sight.

Cleopatra and Caesar

Despite the fact that Ptolemy was recognized as king of Egypt, Caesar decided to side with Cleopatra and return to her father's will, where she was recognized as ruler along with her brother. According to legend, an acquaintance took her to guarded Alexandria sleeping bag(carpet is often mentioned in films). The outraged Ptolemy XIII did not calm down and raised an uprising, which was hardly suppressed in 47 BC. NS. The young man himself drowned in the river, and Cleopatra married her other younger brother, Ptolemy XIV. After that, she went to Rome after Caesar.

By that time, she and Caesar already lived together, and Cleopatra had a son, Caesarion (little Caesar). It is worth noting that, despite all the negative descriptions of Cleopatra, her intellect and natural charm were noted by all contemporaries. She was not beautiful in the usual sense, but she possessed a powerful energy and skillfully used her art of seduction. In addition, she was educated and intelligent, and even had a reputation as a polyglot - Cleopatra knew about 7 languages, given that at that time people could hardly speak their native language perfectly.

Upon arrival in 46 BC. NS. In Rome, Cleopatra and her son settled in Caesar's villa, and her arrival precipitated a conspiracy against the great pontiff. It was rumored that he planned to make her a second wife and locate the capital of the Roman Empire in Alexandria. In 44 BC. NS. Caesar was brutally killed right in the Senate. Cleopatra with her son and brother immediately left Rome for Egypt. It is curious that her younger brother died soon after, and, according to rumors, not without the participation of Cleopatra. Now she had a son who could become her co-ruler, and she did not need a rival brother.

Cleopatra and Mark Antony

The queen was safe with her son-co-ruler, but in Egypt there was another crop failure, and the country was on the verge of rebellion. In addition, after the death of Caesar in the Roman Empire, a conflict raged between his assassins and heirs - his nephew Octavian and associate Mark Antony. They soon shared power in Rome and turned their attention to Egypt. Mark Antony showed interest in Cleopatra and summoned her to find out her attitude to the murder of Caesar. The queen prepared for the trip and arrived on a gilded ship in the guise of Aphrodite, which immediately conquered Mark Antony.

At the time of their meeting, she was 28 years old, and he immediately promised her protection and the crown of Egypt. She returned to Egypt, and he followed her, leaving behind a third wife and children. In 41-40, he stayed in Alexandria all winter, and after his return home Cleopatra gave birth to twins. His wife Fulvia caused clashes with Octavian's men, and he was forced to return to restore order. However, Fulvia soon died, and Mark Antony married Octavian's sister Octavia.

For several years they did not see each other, in 37 BC. NS. met again, and a year later the queen gave birth to a son. The Roman Empire began to perceive the alliance of the Egyptian queen and the Roman consul as a threat to Octavian, and Mark Antony himself was the initiator of the rumors. He named Caesarion as Caesar's official heir and recognized all of his children by Cleopatra. Also, the Roman ceased to be interested in his army and country, spending most of his time in amusement with his beloved. Octavian became convinced that his comrade-in-arms was under the rule of the Egyptian queen and was a direct threat to his power.

Death of the queen

Mark Antony remained in Alexandria, and in 32 BC. NS. the Senate stripped him of his titles and declared war on Cleopatra. Already in 31 BC. NS. a civil war broke out between Mark Antony and Octavian, which ended in the Battle of Aktsinum, when the fleet of the Egyptian queen was defeated. The lovers returned to Alexandria and began to feast, simultaneously swearing an oath to die in case of defeat. They tested poisons on those close to them, looking for the most painless and fastest. Meanwhile, the troops of Octavian reached Alexandria, and all his companions turned away from Mark Antony.

In 30 BC. NS. Cleopatra closed herself with her maids in her tomb. The news of her death was passed on to Mark Antony, and he committed suicide by throwing himself on his sword. Meanwhile, the queen met with Octavian, but her spell did not work on him. She buried her lover and a few days later she was found dead in her own bedroom. By different versions, she died from a snakebite or stored poison in a hairpin.

She, according to the will, was buried along with the body of Mark Antony, but on this moment their tombs have not been found. In 2008, a bust of Mark Antony was found in the Temple of Osiris in Alexandria, but research did not progress further. As before, this mystery of 2000 years ago remains unsolved.

Cleopatra VII Philopator (ancient Greek Κλεοπάτρα Φιλοπάτωρ). Born November 2, 69 BC. - died on August 12, 30 BC The last queen Hellenistic Egypt from the Macedonian dynasty of the Ptolemies (Lagids).

Cleopatra was born on November 2, 69 BC. NS. (officially 12th year of the reign of Ptolemy XII), apparently in Alexandria. She is one of the three (known) daughters of King Ptolemy XII Auletes, possibly from a concubine, since, according to Strabo, this king had only one legitimate daughter, Berenice IV, a queen in 58-55 BC. NS.

Nothing is known about Cleopatra's childhood and adolescence. Undoubtedly, she was deeply impressed by the troubles of 58-55, when her father was overthrown and expelled from Egypt, and his daughter (Cleopatra's sister) Berenice became queen.

Restored to the throne by the forces of the Roman governor of Syria Gabinius, Ptolemy XII threw himself into massacre, repression and murder (the victim of which, including Berenice, fell).

As a result, he turns into a puppet, retaining power only thanks to the Roman presence, which burdens the country's finances. The troubles of her father's reign taught a lesson to the future queen, who used all means to get rid of opponents and from everyone standing in her way - such as, for example, from her younger brother Ptolemy XIV in 44 BC. NS. and later from the sister of Arsinoe IV.

Cleopatra VII ruled Egypt for 21 consecutive years in co-government with her brothers(they are also formal husbands by tradition) by Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV, then in actual marriage with the Roman commander Mark Antony. She was the last independent ruler of Egypt before the Roman conquest and is often, although not entirely correct, considered the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. She gained wide popularity thanks to her love affair with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. From Caesar she had a son, from Anthony two sons and a daughter.

Sources for Cleopatra - Plutarch, Suetonius, Appian, Dion Cassius, Josephus Flavius.

For the most part, ancient historiography is unfavorable to her. There is an opinion that the denigration of Cleopatra was carried out by the conqueror of Egypt, Octavian and his entourage, who strove with all their might to denigrate the queen, presenting her as not just a dangerous enemy of Rome and the evil genius of Mark Antony. An example is the judgment of Cleopatra by the Roman historian of the 4th century. Aurelius Victor: "She was so depraved that she often prostituted, and possessed such beauty that many men paid with their death for possession of her for one night."

Testament of Ptolemy XII, who died in March 51 BC. e., transferred the throne to Cleopatra and her younger brother Ptolemy XIII, who was then about 9 years old, and with whom she was combined in a formal marriage, since according to the Ptolemaic custom, a woman could not reign on her own.

She ascended the throne under the official title Θέα Φιλοπάτωρ (Tea Filopator), that is, a goddess who loves her father (from the inscription on the stele from 51 BC). The first three years of his reign were not easy due to a 2-year crop failure caused by insufficient flooding of the Nile.

With the accession of the co-rulers, a latent struggle between parties immediately began. Cleopatra first ruled alone, removing her young brother, but then the latter took revenge, relying on the eunuch Potin (who was something like the head of government), the commander Achilles and his tutor Theodotus (rhetorician from Chios).

In a document dated October 27, 50 BC. BC, the name of Ptolemy appears underlined in the first place.

In the summer of 48 BC. NS. Cleopatra, who fled to Syria and recruited an army there, set up a camp at the head of this army on the Egyptian border, not far from the fortress of Pelusius. Her brother also settled there with the army, blocking her path to the country.

The turning point was the flight of the Roman senator Pompey to Egypt and his assassination by Ptolemy's supporters.

Cleopatra and Caesar

At this moment, Rome intervenes in the struggle.

Pompey, defeated at Pharsalus, in early June 48 BC. NS. appears at the Egyptian coast and asks the Egyptian king for help.

Young Ptolemy XIII, or rather his advisers, hoping to get generous favors from the victors, give the order to kill the Roman. This was done, as soon as Pompey set foot on Egyptian land, in front of his entire entourage (July 28, 48). But the king miscalculated: Caesar, who in pursuit of Pompey landed in Egypt two days later, was angry with this massacre and buried Pompey's head at the walls of Alexandria, where he erected the sanctuary of Nemesis.

Once in Egypt, Caesar tried to replenish his treasury with the help of debts that Ptolemy XII had made to the Roman banker Rabirius during his efforts to restore the throne, and which Caesar now chalked up to his own account.

He writes that Caesar "did not dare" to turn Egypt into a Roman province, "so that some enterprising governor would not be able to rely on a province with enormous resources for new troubles."

However, Caesar announced his intention to act as an arbiter in the dispute between the kings. Ptolemy XIII and without him was the de facto ruler, moreover, recognized by Pompey. Therefore, Caesar was interested in Cleopatra, who could become a puppet owed to him by power.

Soon after his arrival, he summons Cleopatra to his place in Alexandria. Penetrate into the capital, guarded by Ptolemy's people, was tricky business- Cleopatra was helped to do this by her admirer, the Sicilian Apollodorus, who secretly took the queen in a fishing boat, and then carried her to Caesar's chambers, hiding in a large bed bag (and not in the carpet, as it is embellished in the films, see Cleopatra's Carpet) ... From this fact, we can conclude about the fragile physique of the queen. Throwing herself at the feet of the Roman dictator, Cleopatra began to bitterly complain about her oppressors, demanding the execution of Potin.

The 52-year-old Caesar was captured by the young queen, especially since the return to the will of Ptolemy XII was in line with his own political interests. When the next morning Caesar announced this to the 13-year-old king, he ran out of the palace in a rage and, tearing off his tiara, began to shout to the assembled people that he had been betrayed. The crowd was outraged, but Caesar at that moment managed to calm her down by reading the will of the king.

However, the situation became more complicated for Caesar. The detachment that accompanied him numbered only 7 thousand soldiers; supporters of the murdered Pompey gathered in Africa, and these circumstances aroused in Ptolemy's party the hope of getting rid of Caesar.

Potin and Achilles summoned troops to Alexandria. The execution of Potin by Caesar could no longer stop the uprising. The troops, supported by the townspeople, outraged by the extortion and willfulness of the Romans, received a leader when Ptolemy XIII and his sister Arsinoe fled to them. As a result, Caesar in September 48 BC. NS. was besieged and cut off from reinforcements in the royal quarter of Alexandria. Saved Caesar and Cleopatra only the approach of reinforcements led by Mithridates of Pergamon.

The rebels were defeated on January 15, 47 BC. NS. at the Mareotian lake, while fleeing, King Ptolemy drowned in the Nile. Arsinoe was captured and was then carried out in the triumph of Caesar.

This was followed by a joint journey of Caesar and Cleopatra along the Nile on 400 ships, accompanied by noisy festivities. Cleopatra, formally combined with her other young brother Ptolemy XIV, actually became the undivided ruler of Egypt under the Roman protectorate, the guarantee of which was the three legions left in Egypt. Shortly after Caesar's departure Cleopatra has a son on June 23, 47, who was named Ptolemy Caesar, but which went down in history under the nickname given to him by the Alexandrians Caesarion... It has been claimed that he looked a lot like Caesar and face and posture.

Caesar fought with the king of Pontus Pharnac, then with the last supporters of Pompey in Africa; immediately after the end of the wars, he summons Cleopatra and her brother to Rome (summer 46 BC), formally - to conclude an alliance between Rome and Egypt. Cleopatra was allocated Caesar's villa in his gardens on the banks of the Tiber, where she received noble Romans who were in a hurry to pay their respects to the favorite. This caused extreme irritation among the Republicans and became one of the reasons that precipitated the death of Caesar.

There was even a rumor (transmitted by Suetonius and indicative of the general mood) that Caesar was going to take Cleopatra as his second wife and move the capital to Alexandria. Caesar himself ordered to place a gilded statue of Cleopatra at the altar of Venus the Ancestor (Venus as the mythical ancestor of the Julian family, to which he belonged). Nevertheless, Caesar's official will did not contain any mention of Caesarion, whom he thus did not dare to recognize as his son.

Sovereign rule of Cleopatra

Caesar was killed in a conspiracy on March 15, 44 BC. NS. A month later, in mid-April, Cleopatra left Rome and arrived in Alexandria in July.

Ptolemy XIV, 14, died shortly thereafter. According to Josephus Flavius, he was poisoned by his sister: the birth of a son gave Cleopatra a formal co-ruler. In this situation, the growing up brother was completely redundant to her.

In 43 BC. NS. famine struck Egypt and the Nile did not flood for two years in a row. The queen was primarily concerned with the supply of her capital, which was prone to rebellion. The three Roman legions left behind by the late Caesar rampaged until their withdrawal.

The war between the assassins of Caesar, Cassius and Brutus on the one hand, and on the other hand, his heirs Antony and Octavian, demanded resourcefulness from the queen.

The East was in the hands of Caesar's assassins: Brutus controlled Greece and Asia Minor, and Cassius settled in Syria. The viceroy of Cleopatra in Cyprus, Serapion, helped Cassius with money and the fleet with the undoubted consent of the queen, no matter what feelings she had for the murderers of her Roman patron. She later formally renounced Serapion's actions. On the other hand, Cleopatra equipped the fleet, ostensibly, as she later assured, to help the Caesarians.

In 42 BC. NS. the republicans were defeated at Philippi. The situation immediately changed for Cleopatra.

Cleopatra and Mark Antony

Cleopatra was 28 years old when she was 41 BC. NS. met a 40-year-old Roman general. It is known that Antony, as commander of the cavalry, participated in the restoration of Ptolemy XII to the throne in 55, but it is unlikely that they met at that time, although Appian cites a rumor that Antony was carried away by 14-year-old Cleopatra at that time. They could have met during the queen's stay in Rome, but before meeting in 41, they apparently did not know each other well.

With the division of the Roman world, carried out after the defeat of the republicans, Antony got the East. Antony decides to implement Caesar's project - a great campaign against the Parthians. Preparing for the campaign, he sends the officer Quintus Dellius to Alexandria to demand Cleopatra to him in Cilicia. He was going to accuse her of helping Caesar's assassins, apparently hoping under this pretext to get as much money from her as possible for the campaign.

Cleopatra, having inquired through Dellius about Antony's character and above all about his amorousness, vanity and love for outward splendor, arrives on a ship with a gilded stern, purple sails and silvered oars; She herself was seated in the attire of Aphrodite, on either side of her stood boys in the form of eroths with fans, and maids in the robes of nymphs steered the ship.

The ship moved along the Kidn River to the sound of flutes and kifar, enveloped in the smoke of incense. Then she invites Antony to her place for a sumptuous feast. Antony was completely fascinated. The queen easily dismissed the prepared accusations, stating that Serapion acted without her knowledge, and she herself equipped a fleet to help the Caesarians, but this fleet, unfortunately, was delayed by opposite winds. As the first show of courtesy to Cleopatra, Antony, at her request, ordered the immediate execution of her sister Arsinoe, who had sought refuge in the temple of Aphrodite in Ephesus.

Thus began a ten-year romance, one of the most famous in history - even though we cannot judge how much of a political calculation Cleopatra needed in her relationship with Antony to carry out her plans. For his part, Antony only with the help of Egyptian money could maintain his huge army.

Anthony, leaving the army, followed Cleopatra to Alexandria, where he spent the winter of 41-40. BC e., indulging in drinking and entertainment. For her part, Cleopatra tried to bind him as tightly as possible.

Plutarch says: “with him she played dice, drank together, hunted together, was among the spectators when he practiced with weapons, and at night, when he, in the dress of a slave, wandered and wandered around the city, stopping at the door and windows of houses and showering with her usual jokes the owners - people of simple rank, Cleopatra was here next to Antony, dressed to match him. "

Once Anthony, having conceived to amaze Cleopatra with his fishing abilities, sent divers, who constantly put a new "catch" on his hook. Cleopatra, having quickly figured out this trick, sent a diver on her part, who planted dried fish on Antony.

While they were having fun in this way, the Parthian prince Pacorus went on the offensive, as a result of which Rome lost Syria and the south of Asia Minor with Cilicia. Antigonus Mattathius, a prince hostile to the Romans from the Hasmonean (Maccabean) dynasty, was confirmed by the Parthians on the throne of Jerusalem. Mark Antony launched a short counterattack from Tire, but was then forced to return to Rome, where, after a clash between his wife Fulvia and Octavian's supporters, a peace agreement was concluded in Brundisium. The clashes were caused by Fulvia, who, according to Plutarch, hoped in this way to tear Antony away from Cleopatra.

At this time Fulvia died, and Antony was married to Octavian's sister, Octavia. At the same time in 40 BC. NS. Cleopatra in Alexandria gave birth to twins from Antony: a boy Alexander Helios ("The Sun") and a girl Cleopatra Selena ("Moon").

For 3 years until the fall of 37 BC. NS. there is no information about the queen. When Anthony returns from Italy, the lovers meet in Antioch in the fall of 37, and from that moment begins new stage in their politics and their love. Anthony's legate Ventidius expelled the Parthians.

Antony replaces the Parthian henchmen with his own vassals or direct Roman rule. Thus, the famous Herod, with his support, becomes the king of Judea. Something similar is happening in Galatia, Pontus and Cappadocia. Cleopatra directly benefits from all this, since her rights to Cyprus, which she actually owned, as well as to the cities of the Syrian and Cilician coasts are confirmed. Mediterranean Sea, the kingdom of Halkidiki in present-day Lebanon.

Thus, Cleopatra was able to partially restore the state of the first Ptolemies.

Cleopatra commanded to count from this moment new era his reign in the documents. She herself took the official title Θεα Νεωτερα Φιλοπατωρ Φιλοπατρις (Thea Neotera Philopator Philopatris), that is, "the younger goddess who loves her father and fatherland." The title was intended for the annexed Syrians who already had a queen (senior goddess) of Ptolemaic blood, Cleopatra Thea, in the 2nd century BC. BC, the title also indicated, according to historians, the Macedonian roots of Cleopatra, which was a powerful argument for the Greco-Macedonian ruling class of Syria.

Children of Cleopatra and Mark Antony

In 37-36 BC. NS. Antony launched a disastrous campaign against the Parthians, mainly due to the harsh winter in the mountains of Armenia and Media. Antony himself narrowly escaped death.

Cleopatra remained in Alexandria, where in September 36 BC. NS. gave birth to her third child from Antony - Ptolemy Philadelphus. In Rome, they began to view the alliance of Antony and Cleopatra as a threat to the empire and personally to Octavian. The latter, in the early spring of 35, sent his sister Octavia, the lawful wife of Antony and the mother of his two daughters - Antonia the Elder (future grandmother of Emperor Nero) and Antonia the Younger (future mother of Germanicus and Emperor Claudius) - to join her husband.

However, as soon as she reached Athens, Antony ordered her to return immediately. This happened with the participation of Cleopatra, who threatened Antony with suicide if he accepted his wife.

Antony wanted to take revenge for the defeat in the war with the Parthians: in 35 BC. NS. he captured the king of Armenia Artavazd II, entered into an alliance with another Artavazd - the king of Media Atropatena and celebrated a triumph, but not in Rome, but in Alexandria with the participation of Cleopatra and their common children.

A little later, Caesarion received the title of king of kings. Alexander Helios was proclaimed king of Armenia and the lands beyond the Euphrates, Ptolemy Philadelphus received (nominally, since he was about 2 years old) - Syria and Asia Minor, and, finally, Cleopatra Selena II - Cyrenaica.

Not all of the territories granted were under the real control of Anthony. Flavius ​​Josephus claims that Cleopatra also demanded Judea from Antony, but was refused.

The news of the distribution of land caused the strongest indignation in Rome, Anthony clearly broke with all Roman traditions and began to play himself a Hellenistic monarch.

Battle of Actium

Anthony still enjoyed considerable popularity in the Senate and the army, but with his antics in the Eastern Hellenistic spirit, which defied Roman norms and traditional views, himself gave Octavian a weapon against himself.

By 32 BC. NS. it came to civil war... At the same time, Octavian proclaimed it a war of "the Roman people against the Egyptian queen." The Egyptian, who enslaved the Roman commander with her charms, was portrayed as the focus of everything Eastern, Hellenistic-royal, alien to Rome and "Roman virtues."

From the side of Antony and Cleopatra, a fleet of 500 ships was prepared for the war, of which 200 were Egyptian. Antony waged the war sluggishly, indulging, together with Cleopatra, feasts and festivities in all the Greek cities along the way and giving Octavian time to organize the army and navy.

While Antony was pulling troops to the western coast of Greece, intending to cross over to Italy, Octavian himself swiftly crossed over to Epirus and imposed a war on Antony on its territory.

Cleopatra's stay in Antony's camp, her constant intrigues against everyone in whom she saw her ill-wishers, did Antony a disservice, prompting many of his supporters to defect to the enemy. Characteristic is the story of an ardent supporter of Anthony Quintus Dellius, who was nevertheless forced to run over to Octavian, because he was warned that Cleopatra was going to poison him for a joke, which she considered offensive to herself.

The defectors informed Octavian of the content of Anthony's will, it was immediately removed from the temple of Vesta and published. Antony officially recognized Cleopatra as his wife, her sons as his legitimate children, and bequeathed to bury himself not in Rome, but in Alexandria next to Cleopatra. Anthony's will completely discredited him.

Octavian, who was not a major military leader, found in Mark Vipsanius Agrippa a competent commander who successfully waged the war. Agrippa managed to drive the fleet of Antony and Cleopatra into the Ambracian Gulf and blockaded it. Their troops began to feel a lack of food.

Cleopatra insisted on a sea breakthrough. At the council of war, this opinion prevailed.

The result was the naval battle of Actium on September 2, 31 BC. NS. When Cleopatra feared victory was slipping away, she decided to flee with her entire fleet, trying to save something else. Antony ran after her. His defeated fleet surrendered to Octavian, and after that the demoralized land army surrendered without a fight.

Death of Cleopatra and Mark Antony

Antony returned to Egypt and did nothing to continue the fight against Octavian. However, he did not have any real resources for this. He wasted his energies in drinking and lavish festivities, and announced, with Cleopatra, the creation of a "Death Row Alliance" whose members vowed to die together. Their confidants had to join this union. Cleopatra tested poisons on prisoners, trying to find out which poison brings a faster and more painless death.

Cleopatra was concerned about saving Caesarion. She sent him to India, but he then returned back to Egypt. She herself at one time pondered a plan of flight to India, but when trying to transport ships across the Isthmus of Suez, they were burned by the Arabs. These plans had to be abandoned.

In the spring of 30 BC. NS. Octavian moved to Egypt. Cleopatra tried to protect herself from treason with cruel measures: when the commandant of Pelusia Seleucus surrendered the fortress, she executed his wife and children. By the end of July, Octavian's troops appeared near Alexandria. The last parts that remained with Anthony, one after another, went over to the side of the winner.

It was all over on 1 August. Cleopatra, with her trusted maids Irada and Charmion, locked herself in the building of her own tomb. Antony was given the false news of her suicide. Antony threw himself on his sword. Soon he, dying, was dragged into the tomb by the women, and he died in the arms of Cleopatra, who was sobbing over him.

Cleopatra herself, holding a dagger in her hand, showed readiness for death, but entered into negotiations with the messenger of Octavian, allowed him to enter the tomb building and disarm her. Apparently, Cleopatra still retained a faint hope of seducing Octavian, or at least agreeing with him, and keeping the kingdom. Octavian showed less malleability to female charms than Caesar and Antony, and the charms of a woman in her thirties and mother of four may have weakened somewhat.

The last days Cleopatra is described in detail by Plutarch according to the memoirs of Olympus, her physician. Octavian allowed Cleopatra to bury her beloved; her own fate remained unclear. She said she was sick and made it clear that she would starve herself - but Octavian's threats to deal with the children forced her to accept treatment.

A few days later, Caesar (Octavian) himself visited Cleopatra in order to somehow console her. She lay on the bed, depressed and dejected, and when Caesar appeared at the door, jumped up in one tunic and threw herself at his feet. Her hair, which had not been tidied up for a long time, hung in tufts, her face went wild, her voice trembled, her eyes went out.

Octavian admonished Cleopatra with encouraging words and departed.

Soon, the Roman officer Cornelius Dolabella, who was in love with Cleopatra, informed her that in three days she would be sent to Rome for the triumph of Octavian. Cleopatra ordered a letter written in advance to be handed over to him and locked herself in with the maids. Octavian received a letter in which he found complaints and a request to bury her with Antony, and immediately sent people. The messengers found Cleopatra dead, in a royal dress, on a golden bed. Since before that a peasant with a pot of figs went to Cleopatra, who did not arouse suspicion among the guards, it was decided that a snake was carried in the pot to Cleopatra.

It was claimed that two light bites were barely visible on Cleopatra's hand. The snake itself was not found in the room, as if it had immediately crawled out of the palace.

According to another version, Cleopatra kept the poison in a hollow head hairpin. This version is supported by the fact that both of Cleopatra's maids died with her. It is doubtful that one snake would kill at once three people... According to Dion Cassius, Octavian tried to revive Cleopatra with the help of psillas, an exotic tribe who could suck poison harmlessly to themselves.

The death of Cleopatra on August 12, 30, deprived Octavian of the brilliant captive at his triumph in Rome. In the triumphal procession, only her statue was carried.

Caesar's adopted son Octavian executed Caesar's own son by Cleopatra Ptolemy XV Caesarion in the same year. Children from Anthony walked in chains at the triumphant parade, then were brought up by Octavian's sister Octavia, Anthony's wife, "in memory of her husband."

Subsequently, Cleopatra's daughter Cleopatra Selena II was married to the Moorish king Yuba II, due to which a bust of Cleopatra from Sherchell appeared.

The fate of Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphus remained unknown. It is assumed that they died early.

Egypt became one of the Roman provinces.

Cleopatra's appearance

The true appearance of Cleopatra is not easy to discern because of the romantic flair and numerous films that surround her; but there is no doubt that she was of a manly and firm enough character to trouble the Romans.

There are no reliable images that accurately, without idealization, would convey its physical appearance.

A damaged bust from Shershell in Algeria (the ancient city of Caesarea of ​​the Moor), created after the death of Cleopatra on the occasion of the marriage of Cleopatra Selena II, her daughter from Mark Antony, to the king of Mauretania Juba II, conveys the appearance of Cleopatra in her last years... Although sometimes this bust is attributed to Cleopatra Selene II, daughter of Cleopatra VII.

Cleopatra VII is credited with Hellenistic busts depicting young attractive women with typically Greek faces, but the persons from whom the bust was made are not precisely identified.

It is believed that the busts depicting Cleopatra VII are kept in the Berlin Museum and the Vatican Museum, but the classic appearance makes one suspect the idealization of the image.

The profiles on the coins show a woman with wavy hair, large eyes, a prominent chin, and a humped nose (inherited from the Ptolemies).

On the other hand, it is known that Cleopatra was distinguished by powerful charm, attractiveness, she perfectly used this for seduction and, in addition, had a charming voice and a brilliant, sharp mind. As he writes, having seen the portraits of Cleopatra: "For the beauty of this woman was not what is called incomparable and strikes at first glance, but her appeal was distinguished by irresistible charm, and therefore her appearance, combined with rarely convincing speeches, with a huge charm shining through in each word, in every movement, firmly cut into the soul. The very sounds of her voice caressed and delighted the ear, and the language was like a multi-stringed instrument, easily tuned to any mood - to any dialect. "

While the Greeks generally neglected the upbringing of daughters, even in royal families, Cleopatra clearly had a good education, which, superimposed on her natural intelligence, gave excellent results.

Cleopatra became a real polyglot queen, speaking, in addition to her native Greek, Egyptian (the first of her dynasty made efforts to master it, maybe only with the exception of Ptolemy VIII Fiscon), Aramaic, Ethiopian, Persian, Hebrew and the language of the Berbers (the people who lived in southern Libya).

Her linguistic abilities did not bypass Latin, although the enlightened Romans, such as Caesar, themselves were fluent in Greek.

Name Cleopatra - symbols, hieroglyphic spelling, transliteration

Cleopatra in the movies:

♦ Cleopatra (Cléopâtre, France, 1899) - silent black and white film, directed by Georges Méliès, as Cleopatra Jeanne D'alsi;
♦ Cleopatra (Cléopâtre, France, 1910) - a silent black-and-white film based on the play by William Shakespeare "Antony and Cleopatra", directors: Henry Andreani and Ferdinand Zekka, as Cleopatra Madeleine Roche;
♦ Cleopatra (USA, 1912) - silent black and white film, directed by Charles L. Gaskill, as Cleopatra Helen Gardner;
♦ Cleopatra (Cleopatra, USA, 1917) - silent black and white film, directed by J. Gordon Edwards, as Cleopatra Ted Bara, the film is considered lost;
♦ Cleopatra (film, 1934) - Oscar nominee, as Claudette Colbert;
♦ Caesar and Cleopatra (film, 1945) - in the role;
♦ Antony and Cleopatra (film, 1951) - as Pauline Letts;
♦ Two Nights with Cleopatra (film) (1953) - in the role;
♦ Cleopatra (film, 1963) - Oscar nominee, as Cleopatra Elizabeth Taylor;
♦ Me, Cleopatra and Antony (film) (1966) - in the role of Stavras Paravas;
♦ Legions of Cleopatra (1959) - as Linda Crystal;
♦ Asterix and Cleopatra (cartoon, 1968) - voiced Cleopatra Micheline Dax;
♦ Antony and Cleopatra (film, 1974) - as Janet Sazman;
♦ Caesar and Cleopatra (1979) - in the role;
♦ Cleopatra's Crazy Nights (film) (1996) - in the role of Marcella Petrelli;
♦ Cleopatra (film, 1999) - in the role of Leonor Varela;
♦ Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (film, 2002) - performed the role of Cleopatra;
♦ Julius Caesar (film, 2002) - the role of Cleopatra was performed by Samuel Sardo;
♦ Roman Empire. August (film) (2003) - as Anna Vallee;
♦ Rome (2005-2007) - HBO / BBC television drama as Cleopatra Lindsay Marshal

Cleopatra in art:

Poems "Cleopatra" (Pushkin, Bryusov, Blok, Akhmatova);
Alexander Pushkin "Egyptian Nights";
William Shakespeare Antony and Cleopatra;
Bernard Shaw "Caesar and Cleopatra";
Georg Ebers "Cleopatra";
Henry Ryder Haggard "Cleopatra";
Margaret George "Cleopatra Diaries" (1997);
Davtyan Larisa. "Cleopatra" (poetry cycle);
A. Vladimirov "Cleopatra's Rule" (musical drama);
Maria Hadley. "The Queen of Queens";
N. Pavlishcheva. Cleopatra;
Théophile Gaultier "The Night Given by Cleopatra"