Kirill of Radonezh name day. Name day and angel Cyril's day - church calendar and traditions

I wish you from the bottom of my heart, Kirill,
So that you swim in the ocean of happiness,
So that every moment gives you joy,
I wish you always smile!

Let dreams always come true
I wish you good health
Good luck, clear days and kindness,
So that your life is like paradise!

Happy birthday, Kirill,
May you be full of strength
So that there is a carriage of health
And a full house of coziness,
So that in the fall, in the winter,
In the summer red and in the spring,
Day or under the light of the stars
You were happy to tears.

Cyril, you are a great fellow, remember this always. I sincerely want to congratulate you and wish you To colorful days of life, and interesting hobbies, R the variety of your soul and the honesty of your feelings l Jubie your heart l imona in your immunity tea and in a Swiss jar for all your needs.

Today is Kirill's holiday.
How cute he is today
And he stretched out as he grew up -
Handsome man, words are not enough!
Grow courageous, strong,
Both fair and open,
A worthy, honest person.
And respect you for that
All your relatives are ready
As well as faithful friends!

I congratulate you, Kirill
And I wish you happiness
I wish the whole
The world was in your power.

Your name means -
Sovereign and sovereign,
I wish that by my fate
You drove dashingly.

So that you conditions
Life did not dictate
Good luck to you
So that she bowed her head.

I wish on my feet
I stand firm for you
The rank of the sovereign
Carry proudly through life.

Kiryusha dear, congratulations!
Let everything in life be 5!
I wish you victories on all fronts
And, of course, never get bored.

May fate be kind with you
And friends will be nearby
May everything be wonderful.
Happiness never recedes.

Who gave a lot of joy?
Of course, this is our Kirill.
In the company of friends - a soul
He walks through life slowly.

Confident and good-looking
For his lady - immediately into battle.
Smart, responsible and courageous
He knows how to solve a lot of cases.

May you have all the class.
Thank you for being with us.
And may dreams come true
Incredible beauty.

You are among all your acquaintances
Deserved respect.
You are honest, reliable guy,
You are a good friend, Kirill.

It will sound, albeit trite,
But I wish you happiness.
To be beautiful, interesting
Your life has always been.

Be healthy, do not be discouraged,
Set goals and win
Don't listen to envious people
Believe in yourself, love, dream.

May this bright holiday
Dreams come true.
Let in all companies
You will be the soul!

Cyril, I wish you
Goodness, health, happiness.
Let them retreat from you
All thunderstorms and misfortunes.

I wish charisma
I kept my mind and strength,
Was just as persistent, powerful,
My incomparable Cyril.

Let it be lucky in ideas
Let love lead forward
And a bad mood
Let him not take it, Kiryusha.

Believe in yourself and don't give up
Choose your right path
Loyal friend, nice guy
And be a great pro.

Happy holiday, Kirill!
Be lucky, cheerful.
I wish you were
Always strong and healthy
To save money
House so that it was your full cup
So that he loved his wife,
So that she is more beautiful than all,
So that happiness never
It didn't end in your house,
So that you are always the first
So that everything always works out.

Cyril is one of the most popular boy names these days. This name comes from the ancient Greek language and translates as "little lord", "lord". However, if you trust other information, the name comes from the Persian word and in this case it is translated as "sun".

The secret of the name.

Cyril is a boy, guy and man who throughout his life remains a mystery to his entire environment. A person continues to always remain unpredictable, so it is almost impossible to understand him completely. Most likely, twofold things will almost always exist. For example, Cyril can be open and welcoming, friendly, but at the same time a very strict distance is observed with unfamiliar people, so they have no right to count on knowing the true character.

Contradictions exist even in the working mood. On the one hand, one can note the dedication and desire to work, but at the same time, laziness sometimes manifests itself spontaneously. Unfortunately, laziness sometimes negates a significant amount of work done.

Cyril is ready to be more exacting towards other people. If he has any creative gift or other talent, he is ready for active development, but at the same time other people face significant criticism.

Name holders know how to present themselves. This is where inner confidence helps.

Kirill's weakness is beautiful and stylish women.

Character traits.

If you decide to watch Kirill, you will not immediately be able to understand him. In addition, the personality is usually very tense. Energy has amazing power, and people with more fame energy cannot withstand such pressure. Due to such an energetic discrepancy, one has to limit communication with Kirill. Even if you just listen to the name, you can immediately feel the amazing power. At the same time, a certain isolation is felt in the name Cyril.

Cyril has a strong will, a balanced and calm character, but he is ready to show love of life and developed feeling humor. This combination of completely different character traits allows Kirill to successfully find big number friends and even be of interest to many lovely ladies.

Cyril seeks to experience existing problems inside yourself. Any difficulties remain in it. Only occasionally can people around them find out what really worries a man. Internal problems usually show only minor irritability. Thus, most often experiences remain in the soul and unknown to the people around them, and sometimes even to those closest to them. Guys and adolescents are especially reticent. Adult men are ready to defend their own interests, regardless of the complexity and specifics of the situation. Protection of interests begins to take place even before the corresponding need arises. Cyril is ready to fight back immediately if such a need arises.

Cyril does not strive for loneliness. He prefers spending time in large and good companies, but at the same time keeps apart and even remains invisible, after which he quietly leaves.

Cyril's poise can interfere with family life... The fact is that calmness in such situations only leads to constant resentment and discontent in the wife, who dreams of talking to her husband, hearing a couple affectionate words... In order for the marriage to be happy and strong, Cyril must try to find a woman who will be able to understand him and will strive to create a comfortable environment.

Endurance, manifested throughout life, leads to the acquisition useful qualities character. So, a man can be independent, selfless in work, purposeful. He wants to earn an ideal reputation and become a good authority in the team. Thanks to the improvement of his existing character, Kirill has a chance for active and successful career advancement.

The biggest snag in the character is the inability to show a gentle attitude to many things and to seek compromises, to be loyal to the mistakes and mistakes made by other people. This disadvantage turns out to be dangerous, first of all, for Cyril himself, because he must learn to experience his discontent and often participate in various conflicts. Such events are not the best way are reflected in Cyril's pride. This feature character allows us to believe that Cyril is a vindictive person. Internal experiences that are unsolved for strangers lead to the fact that a man is considered a real cynic. Of course, a sober approach and an objective assessment of reality are always preserved, but the constant struggle does not lead to the development of cynicism and rancor. Cyril knows how and is ready to laugh at his mistakes, but he should feel joy in life.

Cyril is curious and always strives for something new. He is driven by ambition, which increases the chances of achieving the desired success. An inferiority complex is almost never known. People around him should consider that Cyril is happy with life and that everything is always good with him ...

It is extremely difficult to describe the character, because Cyril seeks to dwell in two elements at the same time.

What can Kirill be like in childhood?

IN childhood curiosity is already beginning to manifest itself, which allows you to subsequently become educated and interesting person... The boy asks a variety of questions on any topic.

Intellectual development is successful and fast. Cyril likes to read, write and count, therefore school program assimilated quickly and in the shortest possible time. Good memory is equally important.

The boy turns out to be obedient, so his upbringing pleases with ease. Unfortunately, relationships with classmates are not always easy to develop. Children begin to consider Cyril selfish and greedy, because he does not allow cheating correct decisions and dictations ... Kirill is sure that he should not share his knowledge.

Ambition manifests itself from childhood, so the boy strives for the first successes and receiving valuable awards.

Such a character lays the foundation for all future life, which promises to be correct and interesting, but at the same time, most likely, it will not be as easy as we would like.


Cyril lives in two dimensions in an unknown way. With positive events and good luck, arrogance and selfishness often manifest.


Cyril can commit unexpected and incomprehensible actions that are difficult to predict. Objectivity and self-confidence are manifested in his actions. At first, even a mature man may seem timid and uncertain, but this turns out to be just an illusion.


Cyril has a developed intuition.


Cyril has a synthetic and analytical mind, good memory, curiosity.


Cyril has pronounced moral principles, and it seems that he does not even have a personal opinion. It is important to note the amazing desire to always comply moral principles.

Sex and love.

The first intimacy occurs early, but the pleasure is immediately appreciated to the full. Cyril is a tactful and loyal man. He is capable of strong and devoted love.

Marriage ties.

Cyril seeks to find a strong woman who is able to take the first role in a relationship and exercise a certain power.

Hobbies and hobbies.

Cyril shows a special craving for argument and excitement. You need to prepare for the fact that it is almost impossible to convince him. He is used to living on adventures that give a special color to life.

Realization in society.

Success can only be achieved if you set a specific goal and successfully go towards it. Cyril can work as a judge, physician or industrialist.

Career and business.

Kirill is confident in himself and knows how to act. He has certain claims to himself, although he has rich potential and is ready to work. Laziness can manifest itself. For career advancement, it is extremely important to improve character, eliminating certain of its shortcomings.


The zodiac sign is Capricorn, and the patron planet is Saturn. It is Capricorn and Saturn that explain the complex, and sometimes not entirely clear character.

When, according to the church calendar, Kirill's name day:

January 31, October 1 - Cyril of Radonezh, schema-monk, father of St. Sergius of Radonezh; January 31 - Cyril of Alexandria, patriarch; February 17, May 24 - Cyril the Philosopher, Moravian, Equal to the Apostles, Slovenian teacher.

It is said that a person's name has a huge impact on how his destiny will turn out. Of course, each of us scrupulously forges his own happiness and believes only in our own strengths, but the wisdom of our ancestors should not be discounted. History knows many cases when people changed the names given to them at birth for others, and their lives changed dramatically. Isn't it proof that the name is inextricably linked with fortune? That is why its choice should be treated not just as a set of sounds, but as a symbol of good luck, happiness and harmony. In this article, we will tell you about when to celebrate Angel Day for people named Cyril.

Between two calendars

Many people celebrate Christmas time without knowing what kind of holiday it is. In fact, this is the day on which the memory of the saint is honored, after whom the person is named at baptism.

Kirill's birthday is celebrated more than once a year. The day of the angel for people with this name occurs almost in each of the 12 months, and moreover, several times. This is due to the fact that all Orthodox believers in the Lord and Savior use two calendars at once - the Julian (old) and the Gregorian (the one that is now used everywhere).

The Julian calendar was used in Russia until 1918 and the day when the Bolsheviks, overthrowing the old government and rejecting the church, introduced a new one.In our time, the difference in dates for these two calendars is 13 days. Thus, Kirill's name day Orthodox calendar in accordance with new system time reckoning is noted:

  • January 31;
  • February 8, 17 and 27;
  • March 22 and 31;
  • April 3 and 11;
  • May 11, 17 and 24;
  • 22nd of June;
  • July 22;
  • 20 November;
  • 21 December.

Before the introduction of the Gregorian (that is, modern) calendar, the name day of Cyril according to the church calendar was celebrated:

  • January 18 and 26;
  • February 4 and 14;
  • March 9, 18, 21 and 29;
  • April 28;
  • May 4 and 11;
  • the 9th of June;
  • July 9;
  • November 7;
  • December 8.

If you compare all of the above dates, you can see that now the name days of Cyril according to the Orthodox calendar come 13 days later than it was almost 100 years ago.

Winter Christmastide

Do you know in honor of which saint the name Cyril is now used? Name days are not just a reason for congratulations, but also a time to honor the memory of your guardian angel.

Day of Remembrance of the Monk Cyril of Chelmogorsk, famous for having converted many pagans to Christianity. He also built a temple and a monastery in honor of the Epiphany of the Lord.

On January 31, we honor Saint Cyril of Alexandria - one of the most influential figures in church history, a gifted theologian, an extraordinary and energetic person. It was he who fought with all his might against the heresy of Nestorius - the Syrian, who taught that God is a spirit that took possession of Jesus Christ, and Mary gave birth not from the Lord, but from an ordinary person, therefore she should be called the Mother of Christ.

The birthday of Cyril, which falls on February 8, is the memory of the Holy Martyr Cyril, Metropolitan of Kazan and Sviyazhsk. He was a very charismatic person and attracted people like a magnet. He was listened to and revered for his love and unshakable faith in the Lord, as well as for direct statements and inner light. Kirill Kievsky was one of the first to introduce popular singing on church services to more fully involve people in the church.

February 17 is commemorated in memory of the Monk Cyril of Novoyezersk, who built two churches: in the name of Holy Mother of God and in the name of the Resurrection of Christ.

The birthday of Cyril, celebrated on February 27, is the day of remembrance of St. Cyril, the Slovenian teacher, who, together with his brother Methodius, invented our alphabet.

Spring Christmastide

March 22 is the day on which we pay tribute to one of the forty warrior-martyrs Cyril of Sebastia, who died cruelly in the name of Christ. Together with 39 soldiers, he was stripped naked and driven into an ice-bound lake by the pagan Romans. Nearby, a bathhouse was warmed up, in which one can warm up only by renouncing Christ. After a while, the Romans saw that the soldiers did not freeze, and in anger they broke their legs and burned them alive.

March 31 - name day of Cyril of Jerusalem, saint and archbishop, who devoted his life to the struggle against the Arian and Macedonian heresy.

On May 11, the saint is venerated - a wonderful preacher and an outstanding writer who accomplished many feats for the glory of the church.

May 17 - the name day of Kirill Alfanov, who, together with his brothers, founded the Sokolnitsk monastery in Novgorod.

Summer and autumn Christmastide

June 22 - Memorial Day of St. Cyril of Belozersky, one of the most significant ancient Russian saints. Kirill Belozersky is not only the creator of one of the most authoritarian statutes, but also the founder of the Belozersky Monastery.

July 22 - name day of Hieromartyr Cyril, who was bishop in Gortinia for 50 years. He was beheaded at a very old age for his Christian faith.

When, according to the church calendar, the name day of Cyril: January 31, October 1 - Cyril of Radonezh, schema-monk, father of St. Sergius of Radonezh; January 31 - Cyril of Alexandria, patriarch; February 17, May 24 - Cyril the Philosopher, Moravian, Equal to the Apostles, Slovenian teacher.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Kirill:

According to one of the versions (from the ancient Greek language) - a gentleman, a barchonok. A diminutive to the name Cyrus Kyrios - sovereign, lord. Another version (from the Persian root) is the sun. Cyril is a person with increased self-esteem. Inferiority complexes are almost unknown to him, but if he has them, then those around him will never guess about it. Cyril loves to show off, he is constantly ready and expects to be praised for his intelligence, demeanor, beautiful clothes, delicate taste. That is, Cyril considers himself "the most, most", the one without which the water will not be consecrated - the most intelligent, the most courageous ... Kirill's birthday in winter and spring.

His life partner should be the same. Therefore, in choosing a wife, Cyril is guided by the impression she will make on people. He will also love her - through the eyes of others. Cyril is a great debater, it is almost impossible to convince him of something. Likes to speculate on abstract topics Jealous, does not cheat on his wife.

Congratulations on Kirill's birthday:

Do not forget to celebrate Kirill's name day and congratulate Kirill on the day of the angel.

Happy angel day to you, Kirill,

I wish you to live in abundance

To live well with your beloved -

Wonderful, paddle and sweet!

May you always be lucky

Let you succeed

May your life go easy

As bright as the sun!

Happy birthday, Kirill!

You have already conquered us all with your enthusiasm!

You are the soul of any company, no doubt

You have mastered the art of charm quickly!

You have light and creation,

Goodness and faith, harmony and peace,

Let your wishes come true

Wonderful ones, my friend Kirill!

Today at the zenith is your Guardian Angel,

Cyril, our sun and our master!

So the Greeks believed, arguing with the East:

From Olympus, you can see better with a divine eye.

But we, thank God, are not Greeks. Nam Kir -

An excellent comrade and not a commander.

Kirill, we respect you as a friend

And happy birthday from the bottom of our hearts!

Cyril is quite common man's name... It has Greek roots and, according to one version, means "little lord". Almost from the very birth, the boy is distinguished by irrepressible optimism and shows leadership qualities.

Even Cyril's name days fall on many days a year. In order to decide when to celebrate the name day, you need to choose the date that is closest to the birthday.

From childhood, little Kiryusha shows signs of a leader, fully justifying the meaning of their name. He is curious, optimistic and moderately vain. She always tries to look good, regardless of the level of income.

The desire for leadership is evident even in games. The boy does not like to lose and has high self-esteem. At the same time, he is purposeful and stubborn, and therefore completes all the work he has begun.

She studies well at school, and thanks to her leadership qualities and stubbornness, she can become a ringleader in the class. He strives to gain recognition and wealth, which, however, he often succeeds.

At the same time, Kirill is not inclined to offend others. He quickly joins any team. finds mutual language with everyone and gets a certain amount of respect. His vanity does not coexist with arrogance.

A man is very fond of praise and compliments and sometimes he may not notice flattery. Even in love, he tends to choose not the most beautiful girl, but the one that will suit him in status and level of intelligence.

A man with this name becomes a faithful spouse. But although he does not cheat on his wife, he can cause her empty jealousy. And he himself is very jealous, because of this there may be periodic scandals. On the one hand, it is very important for him to see next to him a worthy girl who is admired by those around him. On the other hand, Cyril, because of his jealousy, does not like to introduce friends to his wife.

Orthodox calendar

This name is believed to have three main patrons.: Radonezh, Novoyezersky and Belozersky. But the day of the angel Cyril according to the church calendar can be celebrated several times a year:

Usually, parents decide for themselves when to celebrate Cyril's name day according to the church calendar. For this, the date closest to the birthday is selected from the list.

Patron saints

It so happens that parents do not focus on birthday when choosing an angel's day or Kirill's name day. The day in this case is chosen based on the fact which patron is closer to the family or to the boy himself:

Like many other holidays, St. Cyril's day has its own signs... One of the most famous is associated with the winter holiday. If the weather is fine and clear on this day, the rest of the winter will be cold, even frosty.

It will be good if relatives of Kirill congratulate him not only on his birthday, but also on his name day. After all, the "little master" really appreciates the attention and, of course, will be very happy pleasant words on your angel day.

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