What are the dangers of household chemicals

Big and ardent hello to everyone! Household chemicals in the face of washing powders, cleaning and detergents firmly entered the life of every housewife. Today we cannot even imagine how to conduct household without these substances. Their use makes life much easier, you do not need to stand for a long time and rub things with soap, dirt and stains are instantly washed off from clothes, if we soak in special tool... Convenient isn't it?

For an ordinary consumer who has thoroughly forgotten the school chemistry course, the meaning of the tricky names of the components of washing powder remains a mystery behind seven seals. And, meanwhile, it is on them that the cleansing properties of the agent depend, and what effect it has on our body. Let's try to lift the veil of secrecy. So…

As an example, let's choose one of the most popular powders in the mid-priced Tide "Lemon and White Lily», Intended for automatic washing of white items. It includes:

5 - 15% anionic surfactants... The mysterious abbreviation stands for “superficially - active substances”. And the term "anionic" means that they decompose to form anions - negatively charged ions. Anionic surfactants, on which the foaming of detergents mainly depends, include various sulfates, in particular, sodium laureth sulfate - a component of many shampoos.

Anionic surfactants are cheap and at the same time perfectly clean the fabric, due to their structure. Each molecule of these substances has the ability to bind with one end to fats, which are present in abundance on dirty laundry, and the other with water. Further, acting as tiny ropes with a hook at the end, anionic surfactants tear the fat from the tissue and remove it along with the water.

Unfortunately, anionic surfactants have more disadvantages than advantages. They do not have a selective effect, therefore they dissolve not only fat on linen, but also the protective lipid layer on our hands, are poorly washed out of tissues, and then, falling from them onto our skin, are absorbed through the pores, accumulate in internal organs, disrupting their work and leading to various diseases.

In Europe, it is forbidden to use washing powders in which the amount of anionic surfactants exceeds 2%, but in our country, as you can see, their concentration can reach 15%.

Less than 5% - non-ionogenic surfactants- the second component of the powder. If anionic surfactants act on the surface, then non-ionic surfactants cleanse the tissue from the inside, deeply penetrating into its structure. Their main advantage is non-toxicity and the ability to completely disintegrate. In addition, they perfectly stabilize foam, but they themselves have low foaming, which is why they are used together with anionic surfactants. They are most effective at low temperatures.

Majority nonionic surfactants- These are liquid or pasty substances, therefore, they are mainly used in gel detergents, and their share in powders is small.

Oxygen based bleaching agents- the third component, the purpose of which is quite clear from the name - to remove the yellow plaque on the fabric, which inevitably appears as a result of processing it with surfactants. Most often, sodium percarbonate is used for this in modern powders, which performs several tasks at once, bleaching, cleaning, disinfecting and eliminating unpleasant odors.

Sodium percarbonate is non-toxic, decomposes into soda ash, which is completely flushed out, and oxygen, is environmentally friendly, safe and environment, and for a person a component, but, nevertheless, it copes with the mission entrusted to him.

Phosphonates. They are needed in order to soften the water during washing, since it will not give a good result in hard water. They are esters and salts of phosphonic acids, and are slightly less toxic substitutes for phosphates, the harm of which everyone has heard a lot about today.

Polycarboxylate- the fifth ingredient. Needed to protect your machine from corrosion, helps soften water. It is a biologically safe polymer, that is, a carbon-based compound, completely decomposes, without accumulating either in our body or in the environment.

Zeolites. A kind of molecular sieve that can absorb all the dirt that gets into the water during washing. Together with phosphanites, they replace phosphates and help them soften water.

Unfortunately, only natural zeolites are safe, which are unlikely to be used in budget washing powders. As for synthetic zeolites, they are capable of causing our body no less harm than phosphates.

Enzymes. No matter how well surfactants clean the fabric, they cannot cope with complex protein contamination. Therefore, enzymes are present in the powder - compounds that have the ability to destroy protein. In cheap powders, only one type of enzyme is usually used, in more expensive ones - several types, each for its own pollution.

It should be remembered that enzymes themselves are proteins, therefore they work only at temperatures up to 40 degrees, and at higher temperatures they are destroyed.

Enzymes are considered to be substances of moderate toxicity, they can cause contact dermatitis, cause redness and peeling of the skin, therefore, when hand wash it is desirable to use rubber gloves... It is also not recommended to wash clothes from natural wool powder with enzymes, as they gradually destroy the protein contained in the fibers, which leads to deterioration of the thing.

Optical brighteners. Our eyes are so arranged that things seem a little bluish to them with snow-white white, which is why laundresses in the past always used to blue their linen. Blue is the prototype of modern optical brighteners - organic compounds capable of absorbing UV rays and converting them into blue color... So, an optical brightener is, strictly speaking, not a whitener at all, but a dye.

Optical brighteners cannot be removed from the fabric, even with the most intense rinsing. When left on our clothes, they can irritate sensitive, allergy-prone skin.

Flavoring additives: citronellol and limonene. They are needed in order to mask the chemical aroma of the components of the detergent powder and give the washed laundry a pleasant smell. Citronellol is widely used in cosmetics, giving it a green apple scent with light shade citrus. Limonene, as the name suggests, provides the scent of lemon.

Flavors can be of both natural and artificial origin - the manufacturer does not indicate this, but it is unlikely that an expensive natural component will be used in a budget powder. In any case, these substances are allergens and can cause a burning sensation in the nose, irritation of the eyes, etc.

What else is there in powders?

The listed ingredient list is typical for powders designed for white items. Detergents for washing colored laundry, as a rule, are less aggressive, contain less anionic surfactants and do not contain optical brighteners.

And what other components are present in elegant packs that promise “sparkling whiteness” and “frosty freshness”? It can be:

Sodium tripolyphosphate- the same phosphate in all its splendor. It is needed to soften water, it is used in inexpensive powders, and in those that are more expensive, its functions are taken on by less toxic zeolites and phosphanites.

Sodium hypochlorite- chlorine-based bleach. Since chlorine and compounds based on it have an extremely negative effect on the body and, moreover, increase the toxicity of anionic surfactants and phosphates, today in powders intended for household use, this component is almost never used, replaced by oxygen bleach, but exceptions are possible.

Cationic surfactants s - substances (amines and amine salts) that decompose to form positively charged ions. They have almost no washing ability, but they neutralize harmful effect anionic surfactants. The second advantage is bactericidal, that is, the ability to destroy pathogenic bacteria. They are a component of expensive powders and fabric softeners.

And, finally, the manufacturer does not consider it necessary to indicate some ingredients, but they are nevertheless present in washing powders. For instance:

  • Whitening activators (TAED). Oxygen bleach is good for everyone, but it only works at temperatures above 80 degrees. And in order to make it work at its lower rates and even at cold water, you need an activator.
  • Antiresorbents- this component eliminates the possibility of back adhesion of dirt on the laundry.
  • Phthalates act as a fixer for the scent of the fragrance and prevent its weathering. It is thanks to them that your linen retains its “scent of freshness” for a long time.
  • As well as ingredients that prevent clumping, reduce dust levels, etc.

The composition of washing powders, as you can see, is not at all harmless. The next time you buy another pack, take a few minutes to read the contents of its contents: after all, now you know what is hidden behind the difficult-to-pronounce names!

Composition of children's washing powders

An extremely erroneous opinion is that washing powders for children are environmentally friendly, less harmful, and their composition is gentle. I can say with confidence that most household chemical products should not be called children's products. Again, let's look at the example of the “Eared Nanny” powder, which is quite popular among mothers.

Here is its composition:

All the same phosphates, sulfates, enzymes and other substances that cannot be harmless, especially for small children. Most powders - pure water deception. It is all a lie that they do not harm delicate skin and are especially hypoallergenic. Allergists themselves claim that more than half of skin irritations arise from contact with household chemicals, and not from an eaten product, like honey and tomatoes.

In addition, the Gost for children's washing powder states that the phosphate content in it should not exceed 5%. And what are we seeing here? In general, there is something to think about!

Composition of fabric softeners

I cannot touch on this topic either, since it is directly related to washing. After all, everyone loves it when the linen is soft, fragrant, fresh and easy to iron. Very often we add conditioners to achieve this effect. But, unfortunately, they are no less harmful than powders. Here is the composition of one very famous product called Lenore.

The composition is not at all impressive and even terrifying. Chemical substances hurting the ear. So the rinses, just like washing powders, are no less safe.


In any case, it's up to you to either use well-known cheap brands, or spend time looking for more environmentally friendly washing powders. Yes, they are more expensive than ordinary ones, yes, they may not wash things so well from strong dirt, but they do not do as much harm as “chemical” ones.

There is a huge amount of various household chemicals on the market, and I am not saying that powders marked “Eco” or “Bio” are completely safe, but the risk of getting a lot of sores is much lower.

In the end, you can reduce the number of washes to a minimum with cheap powders and use them in extreme cases. But remember, after them it is better to rinse the laundry two times in order to wash off the residues of the substances from the laundry as best as possible.

For those who are interested in this topic, I advise you to read the post. There I give several recipes that can easily replace some household chemicals and make your home HEALTHY.

If the article "Composition of washing powders" became useful for you, share it with your friends! Until next time! Be healthy!

As it is sung in one well-known song: "Girls are different - black, white, red", and in all other respects a corresponding analogy can be drawn. Since today we have decided to discuss the topic of household cleaning products for cleaning the house, we undertake to warn you right away - not all of them want to "get confused about something."

Our home is our fortress, a cozy nest to which you want to return after a long, adventurous day, a place that gives us happiness and joy with every inch of it.

One well-known Japanese house cleaning specialist Mari Kondo advises that after we have opened the door and entered the corridor of our little castle, say hello to him and say: "Hi, I'm back!"

Even one such small exercise will help us to better feel the connection with the space in which we live, and to keep it clean not “through-don-want”, but because we love our home and we like to take care of it.

And for such a wonderful job and helpers, you need to select the appropriate ones - those who can ensure cleanliness, tidiness and safety in the whole house, as well as not harm our health and the "health" of the planet we live on - after all, it is also our home. Well, I want the dirt to disappear simply and quickly - few people are inspired by the hours of rubbing the bathroom or glass in the living room.

Unfortunately, many modern facilities household chemicals most often do not meet these simple criteria, which we do not even know.

We disassemble the composition

Let's turn to the composition of popular home care products to understand in detail what we deal with every day.

Choosing safe means

Let's face it: none of these products are safe for humans, especially small children, and nature. What now, completely do without household chemicals? But how, then, to clean up such a beloved house? How to protect your health and the health of your loved ones?

Calm, only calm, as he liked to say fairytale hero Carlson. Fortunately, there are many safer and more effective products on the market, all you need to do is read the label carefully.

What ingredients are not harmful?

  • Nonionic surfactants... Unlike their counterpart, nonionic surfactants are 100% biodegradable and environmentally friendly;
  • Anionic surfactants vegetable origin.
  • Soda... Soda does an excellent job with many types of contaminants and provides a powerful rebuff to harmful bacteria;
  • Vinegar... Vinegar is excellent at disinfecting the room and coping with many types of dirt. Suitable for floors, tiles, helps to remove scale;
  • Essential oils (especially citrus and oil tea tree). Essential oils are a natural antibacterial agent, which, moreover, will give a delicate unobtrusive aroma;
  • Lemon juice ... Lemon juice disinfects and helps remove stains from dishes, clothing, aluminum and silver.

Some eco-friendly manufacturers go even further and offer their own innovative solutions - for example, they send an army of beneficial bacteria "into battle", which colonize on the surface and fight off unfriendly bacteria.

You can find such products from the Probiotic brand - here you can find dishwashing liquids, stain removers, bathroom cleaners and much more.

More traditional and safe household “non-chemistry” is represented by such companies as:

  • Almawin;
  • BioMio;
  • Ecover;
  • Klar;
  • Organic People;
  • Sodasan;
  • Zero;
  • and many others.

Love your home, take care of it and use only the safest and most reliable means for this.

Leading Expert of Greens Ecobureau

In our work, we analyze detergents for business structures, for example, for fitness clubs or offices, in order to understand what they clean the premises and what, accordingly, their employees and clients breathe. As a rule, people begin to show a great interest in cleaning and laundry products when they become parents, but before they did not think about it. Moreover, it does not depend on the level of income. I know a lot of rich people in whose house the cheapest means are used, not because of economy, but simply because the housekeeper bought them. And it is difficult for an ordinary consumer to navigate in all this. You came to the store, for example, with a child, after work, you do not have the time and desire to look for the composition, which is often indicated on the packaging in a tiny font, to remember the names of these substances. Meanwhile, not everything is so bad: there are enough environmentally friendly products on the market, you can buy them even in a store near your home, and now they cost comparable to the usual ones. It is enough to understand the topic once, conduct an audit of home remedies, replace the dangerous ones with environmentally friendly ones - and then you will not have to spend a lot of time on this. If you still use your usual means, then do not neglect the safety requirements.


Washing powder Tide

The smell is felt immediately. The product can harm both human health and the environment, which is naturally associated. This detergent contains, for example, phosphates to soften water. These are substances that cause eutrophication of water bodies, that is, an increase in their biological productivity due to the saturation of water with phosphorus and nitrogen. This leads to the rapid reproduction of algae (water bloom), oxygen deficiency and, as a result, to the death of fish and other aquatic animals. In humans, phosphates and phosphonates can cause allergic skin reactions and respiratory tract damage.

In many countries, since the 1980s, phosphate powders have been banned, and phosphate-free powders are produced and used. The content of anionic surfactants (surfactants) in the composition of the product should not be more
5%, more here. Anionic surfactants are toxic and tend to accumulate in the body. They cause impaired immunity, allergies, damage nervous system, liver, kidneys, lungs. Therefore, laundry washed with such a powder must be rinsed longer in order to wash out hazardous substances. This can be done in automatic washing machine, and manually, which is also not very environmentally friendly, because we spend more water, more energy, more money for such a wash. Such a powder should not be used for children's clothes, because the toxicity index, which Roskontrol revealed in the course of its research, is quite high.

Even after carefully reading the label (which is difficult, because it is written in very small print), we cannot always find out the exact composition: the recipe for the same flavoring additives is protected by a trade secret. But the very presence of anionic surfactants and phosphates makes this powder hazardous to health and the environment.

Washing powder "Myth Freshness of the Valley of Roses"

Myth's composition is very similar to Tide's composition, although it is much cheaper. We have a "Myth of the Freshness of the Valley of Roses", the composition of other species may differ slightly. The manufacturer writes that here, too, up to 15% of anionic surfactants, as in Tide. If you look at the data of Roskontrol, you will see that the toxicity index of Myth is higher than that of Tide.

Washing powders must be kept hermetically sealed, which is not suggested by these carton boxes... When you have washing powders open in your bathroom, all this (including fragrance additives with an unknown composition) gets into the air and you constantly breathe it. Therefore, it is still better to use liquid detergents. There is also an eco-friendly alternative - soap nuts, but they can only freshen things up: the quality of washing with them is low. If you do use such a powder, be sure to press the "Extra Rinse" button on the washing machine - this is also effective. Roskontrol also did tests on this matter.

Concentrated liquid Amway SA8 Delicate

There are many alternatives to the usual washing powders, for example, liquid detergents. There are quite a few liquid products in different price categories on the Russian market. In particular, for example, there is the Amway SA8 Delicate. There are other brands such as Frosch or Ecover. Why are they better? First, most liquid products are concentrated. This means that they are consumed more economically, less packaging is spent, and less waste is created. Plus, liquid products dissolve faster and rinse out more easily - with them, additional rinsing is definitely not required.

In Amway SA8, if you look only at the composition, there are no anionic surfactants at all, no flavors are indicated. Here, the composition contains up to 15% soap, everything else is non-ionic surfactants, that is, surfactants that do not harm either health or the environment.

Concentrated are not only environmentally friendly liquid products, but also powders, for example, Pure Water produced by the small Kirov company MiKo. They are sold in the VkusVill network and in online stores. They include - baking soda and other components safe for humans and the environment, there are no artificial flavors at all, which can be somewhat confusing: the powder practically does not smell. And it looks unusual - it is, rather, shavings. But the packaging is made of recycled cardboard. The manufacturer plans to certify products in accordance with international environmental standards.


Tide: 5-15% anionic surfactants,<5 % неионогенные ПАВ, кислородосодержащие
bleaches, phosphates, polycarboxylates, zeolites, enzymes, optical
bleaches, aromatic additives, hexyl cinnamaldehyde.

"Myth": 5% or more, but less than 15%: anionic surfactants, phosphates; less than 5%: nonionic surfactants, oxygenated bleach, polycarboxylates; optical brighteners, enzymes, flavoring additives; alpha-isomethylionone, hexylcinnamal.

Amway: up to 15% soap, non-ionic surfactants.

Laundry soap "Sun"

This laundry soap contains sodium salts of fatty acids from animal fats. If ethics is important to you, you need to understand that this soap is made from animal-derived fats. It is not clear why they put titanium dioxide here - does it function as a bleach? Disodium EDTA is not readily biodegradable and can concentrate heavy metals in water bodies. Triethanolamine can cause contact dermatitis. Benzoic acid in its pure form causes allergic reactions and can interfere with kidney function.

That is, half of the substances in this soap can be harmful to the skin. Most of them tend to accumulate in the body, usually in the liver or kidneys.

These substances are present in soap in low concentrations and carry only a potential risk. From the fact that you once wash your laundry with this soap, nothing will happen to you. But we are talking about a system: house cleaning is a regular procedure, so it is important to consciously choose the products that you use for this.


"Sun": sodium salts of fatty acids of vegetable oils and animal fats, titanium dioxide, propylene glycol extract of chamomile flowers, triethanolamine, disodium EDTA, benzoic acid.

Universal cleaning agents

Cleaning cream CIF "Active Lemon"

Here again, we cannot find out the full composition, because the recipe is a trade secret. Frosch always gives a block of its environmental benefits, but we can only truly trust the European Flower ecolabel, which is placed on both sides of the package.

The fact is that some companies are engaged in “greenwashing” (a derivative of the English whitewash - “whitewash reputation”), that is, they position themselves as environmentally friendly, while not being so. For example, they stick green leaves or flowers on packages, use the words "eco" or "bio" without verification and certification by a third independent party.

The packaging of this product is made of polyethylene terephthalate, from the same, from which water bottles are made, for example. It has a marking - a triangle with the number 1. If possible, all packages from all cleaning and laundry products should be recycled. They are also taken in Moscow. For example, at the reception point of the "Sphere of Ecology" on the territory of "Artplay" they accept plastic packages marked 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.


CIF "Active Lemon": less than 5% anionic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, soap, perfume, limonene, benzisothiazolinone, geraniol.

Frosch "lemon":<5 % неионогенные ПАВ, ароматические добавки, консервант (феноксиэтанол). Прочие компоненты: мраморная мука и экстракт лимона.

Glass detergents

Means for washing glasses and surfaces Mr. Muscle

I have good eyesight, but people with poor eyesight will not be able to read what the composition is. Not only do you need to know what is written, but you also need to manage to make out these small letters.

On the packaging it is indicated that it is not necessary to mix with other compounds, additional contact with the skin should be avoided. Contains: organic solvents, fragrances, sodium hydroxide and acetic acid, dyes, isopropyl alcohol. Means for washing glasses must be tinted so as not to be confused with water, because many, after using the product, use this packaging with a spray.

Most of the substances are not fully named. It is written "surfactant" or "organic solvents" - this does not mean anything to us. From what is more or less clear, there is isopropyl alcohol here. It can even be allergic to adults, let alone children. It can, firstly, cause allergic reactions when it gets into the eyes, and secondly, it can cause contact dermatitis. In an amicable way, there must be an inscription in large letters "use only with gloves." Alcohol vapors that you inhale can also cause an allergic reaction of the mucous membrane. Some doctors recommend using a respirator to wash windows. Isopropyl alcohol is added to many cleaners for glass, tile, glass or shiny surfaces.

Frosch glass cleaner

Here on the package it is written that the product is "with natural ingredients of plant origin." This claim can be trusted because it is backed up by the eco-label.

Eco-labels guarantee not only a safe composition, but also an environmentally responsible production. This means that less water, energy, resources are consumed, all the rights of employees are respected. It is also not tested on animals. There is also packaging with marking 1, that is, we can hand over it for recycling.

The composition of Frosch for glass contains less than 5% surfactants, fragrance additives (citral, limonene), water-soluble solvents, cosmetic dyes in small amounts. It is not specified what kind of dye, because it is probably a trade secret. This bottle is also made of PET, which means it can be recycled.


Mr. Muscle: water, organic solvents, isopropyl alcohol, ammonium hydroxide, a-surfactant less than 5%, preservative, perfume, emulsifier, dye.

FROSCH: less than 5% ampholytic surfactants, aromatizing additives (citral, limonene), water-soluble solvents, cosmetic dye in small amounts.

Floor cleaning products

Washing liquid for floors and walls Mr. Proper "Invigorating Lime and Mint"

There are more letters on this package. Limonene and linalool are added for the scent. But many manufacturers, childcare centers and environmental organizations do not recommend using them, because limonene and linalool in high concentrations cause severe irritation, especially in people with sensitive skin. Citronellol is also an allergen. But note that these substances are found in cleaning products in small concentrations and, in principle, do not pose a danger (we also said earlier that limonene is also in the Frosch glass cleaner). However, it is not clear why all three of these substances are included in the detergent liquid.


MR. proper: less than 5% nonionic surfactants; preservatives, flavoring agents, citral, citronellol, geraniol, hexyl cinnamaldehyde, limonene, linalool.

Toilet bowl cleaners

Toilet cleaner Comet "Ocean"

Anionic surfactants here are less than 5% - this is permissible. They honestly write to us that the composition contains flavoring additives, but which ones, we again do not know. Disinfectants include formic and sulfuric acids. Sulfuric acid, indeed, kills all living things, because it is a very strong oxidizing agent. If it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membrane, there will be a chemical burn. Here it must be clearly written in large letters that it is possible to work only with gloves of a sufficient degree of protection.

We do not know what the concentration of sulfuric acid is - the manufacturer may not indicate this - that is, it is not known how dangerous this agent is. Although we, as consumers, have the right to know what we are cleaning our home with.

In general, sterility is not worth breeding. An excessive level of disinfection has not led anyone to good, because we live in an infectious environment. Going outside, you will find yourself surrounded by a wide variety of living organisms, and we ourselves contain a large number of bacteria. Of course, when you come home, you need to wash your hands. How much, for example, dirt on the same mobile phones that are everywhere. But if you constantly sterilize everything, your children, for example, will not develop a normal flora in the intestines, because they must receive certain bacteria in order to form a reaction to them.

Everything that you use to wash the floor evaporates and remains in a confined space, even if you ventilate it. I read reviews on the Internet about one floor cleaner. The person writes: "Yes, that was the smell - I aired it for a day, but it killed all the microbes." But what do people think if their product smells like a day? In general, this is a headache for all manufacturers of environmentally friendly cosmetics and cleaning products: our person believes that if he does not foam and does not smell, then it does not work.

Toilet Duck Toilet Cleaner 5 in 1

Dressing Duck's composition is similar to Comet. Here they indicate the concentration of hydrochloric acid: not less than 5% and not more than 15%. Hydrochloric acid is always toxic; in contact with oxidizing agents, it forms an extremely toxic gaseous chlorine. 15% hydrochloric acid will burn your skin. Propionaldehyde can cause allergic reactions, coughing, shortness of breath, and sore throat. It must be understood that with age, the skin loses its protective function and becomes more sensitive.

There are a lot of precautions on the packaging. They honestly write to us that we must be careful, there are exclamation marks, "if it gets into the eyes, it causes irreversible consequences" - this is honestly written by the manufacturer himself. How can the remedy we use at home be so poisonous? "Apply the product, leave it on for 60 minutes" - can you imagine what a nightmare? But the manufacturer is not guilty of anything, he honestly explained to us everything about how his product is dangerous. The contact of strong acids on the skin is irreparable harm. Is it worth keeping containers with such substances in the house for the dubious pleasure of having a sterile toilet bowl? Especially in a house where there are children.

Unfortunately, in Russia the use of these substances is legal; there are no grounds on which it would be possible to prohibit products containing potentially hazardous components for sale. There are no specialized media outlets, nowhere are they taught to understand the composition of substances, and people do not have time for this.

Domestos universal remedy "Lemon freshness"

The composition does not indicate the proportion of anionic surfactants, and this is wrong. (" On the label of the universal product Domestos "Lemon Freshness", the composition, including the proportion of anionic surfactants, is indicated in the following form:<5%: гипохлорит натрия, анионные ПАВ, неионогенные ПАВ, мыло, отдушки, что полностью соответствует требованиям законодательства Евразийского экономического союза (Единые санитарные требования) к маркировке товаров бытовой химии "- Andrey Vasilevsky, manager of the research and development (R&D) department of the category of household chemicals of the Unilever company, corrects us, - editor's note).

Sodium hypochlorite has significant antibacterial activity and really quickly kills microorganisms on your plumbing. However, it is important to understand that when you clean something, you bend over the surface and breathe it in. Due to the possible release of chlorine vapors, an irritating effect on the mucous membrane can occur. Eye contact with hypochlorite can cause chemical burns.

When working with such substances, it is imperative to observe safety measures, at least to work with gloves. Do not store the product in rooms with high temperatures. It must be guaranteed inaccessible to children.


comet: less than 5% anionic surfactants, disinfectants (formic and sulfuric acids), flavoring additives.

"Toilet duck": water, hydrochloric acid> 5% but<15 %, н-ПАВ <5 %, отдушка, амфотерные ПАВ <5 %, краситель, 2-(4-третбутилбензил), пропиональдегид.

Domestos: <5 % гипохлорид натрия, анионные ПАВ, неионогенные ПАВ, мыло, отдушка.

Dishwashing detergents

Fairy "Gentle Hands"

Here the content of anionic surfactants exceeds the level of environmental safety. For humans, the main danger lies in the release of bound toxic elements (for example, heavy metals) and their entry into the body. Such a high level of surfactant also reduces the rinse off of the product: it takes a lot of water to rinse the Fairy off the plate. That is, you washed the plate and think that it is clean. But when you put food in there, for example soup is poured, the rest of the product is mixed with your soup. It is clear that these are not 15 grams, these are trace concentrations. But if every time you wash the dishes with this agent, every time a little of the agent remains on your plate, it turns out that you are slowly poisoning yourself.

Limonene - we have already said - can cause asthma, breathing problems, and linalool can cause allergies. Citronellol is on the list of ingredients restricted for use in the European Union based on their probable allergenicity.

Alternatively, you can use baking soda and mustard powder for washing dishes. They are not expensive at all. Mustard powder perfectly cleans fat even in cold water.


Fairy: Anionic surfactants 5-15%, nonionic surfactants less than 5%, perfume, preservatives, citronellol, limonene, linalool.

Air freshener

Glade air freshener "Flower perfection"

Air fresheners are inexpensive, many of them are produced in Russia. Perhaps that is why they are in almost every toilet. Manufacturers expect that you will spray it over an area of ​​20-25 square meters. meters - they write about this on separate cylinders. Which of us has a toilet of this size?

All air fresheners have a similar composition. Isobutane, propane, and butane are gases that capture odors. They can also cause contact dermatitis, including on the mucous membrane. As you understand, everything that is sprayed into the air automatically settles on the skin, hair, can get into the eyes or end up on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (and then you swallow it).

There are the same phosphonates that we talked about: when they get into the water, they cause blooming of reservoirs. And they will still get into the water through the sewer drains.

Aerosols also contain solvents. Here it is an aqueous solution of ammonia (or ammonia). Probably most of us know that it is used to restore breathing in case of fainting.

It is better to refrain from using air fresheners with such a composition altogether. Unlike laundry detergent or dishwashing detergent, you can do without it. In public areas, there is an alternative - stationary automatic dispensers that inject air freshener, among them there are a number with a safer composition. At home, you can use eco-certified liquid air fresheners in which sticks are inserted.


Glade: demineralized water, butane / propane / isobutane less than 15% but not more than 30%, n-surfactant<5 %, фосфонаты <5 %, отдушка, растворитель, водный
ammonia solution, preservative, linalool, d-limonene.

Tatiana Bykovskaya

Chief Physician of the Premium Aesthetics Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine, dermatocosmetologist

The main function of the skin is barrier. It protects our internal organs from the physical and chemical influences of the environment. Many substances can damage the DNA of cells and cause cancer or trigger a cascade of immune reactions in the wrong way and cause immune cells to attack their own tissues - that is, allergic reactions. And the main barriers are the hydrolipid mantle of the skin and the special structure of the upper layer in the form of bricks that do not allow fat or water-soluble substances to pass through. But this protection is adapted for substances found in nature, and is powerless against aggressive chemistry, which is part of many modern household chemicals. The products that people used before were mainly of natural and plant origin, but time dictates its conditions. Demands on the effect of household chemicals are growing - we all want the product we use to clean quickly and completely. We pay for this with contact and allergic dermatitis and bronchial asthma. I myself use Sonett detergents, which do not cause allergic reactions.

Presented on the Russian market, they fully comply with the mandatory requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the Russian Federation, including compliance with the "Unified Sanitary and Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements for Goods Subject to Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (Control)". Products put on the market undergo strict control in the form of a conformity assessment (confirmation) procedure in the form of state registration with subsequent declaration of conformity. Tests of goods are carried out in the laboratories of Rospotrebnadzor. Therefore, any statements that the products of companies - members of APPIK BH do not comply with the current standards are unfounded and unreliable.

Ekaterina Pushkova


medical center "Atlas"

Allergy is the body's hypersensitivity to something. If we talk about household chemicals, then both skin and mucous membranes can react negatively: swelling, itching, rashes, nasal congestion, redness of the eyes, sneezing, coughing and shortness of breath. Of course, the likelihood of a problem depends primarily on the state of the body and its allergic background. It can be determined using laboratory research methods. Any substance can act as a provocateur, especially if it has a pungent smell. Repeated exposure increases the likelihood of allergies. In order to avoid trouble, you can give the following advice: ventilate the room well during cleaning, use gloves, do not allow chemicals to get on the mucous membranes. People with a high allergic background, so-called allergy sufferers, should, if possible, minimize the use of detergents or choose products labeled "hypoallergenic".

material preparation: Kira Palchikova

.:: 24.09.2013

The question worries mothers from the moment a newborn appears. Too often we are frightened by allergies to detergents and harmful surfactants that remain on clothes. Just as often the question arises, is it worth boiling the laundry, should it be ironed two or four times?

Some mothers prefer to wash their newborn's things with their hands and only with baby soap.

In fact, there is no need to wash diapers and undershirts by hand, unless you have a washing machine yet. The washing machine cannot wash with bar soap, but most machines have a double rinse function. Boiling is also not necessary; boiling is not necessary for disinfection, but in order to remove yellow or green stains that remain from the toilet of babies. However, the washing machine copes with such stains at a wash temperature of 700 ° C, in extreme cases, you can set the temperature to 900 ° C.

Mothers are offered a large selection of washing powders, mainly for colored baby clothes. Children with allergies who really suffer from the slightest microscopic traces of powders on their clothes are actually not as many as they seem. The emerging ecological boom, which affected all spheres of human life: natural cosmetics, clean air, clean water, eco-products, eco-fashion, and even eco-design, sowed a real panic among mothers.

Indeed, in clinics there are long queues to see an allergist, but not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. If you are a real ECO mom, then, most likely, you are skeptical about such common washing powders as Eared nanny, Aistenok, Denis, etc.

The disadvantage of these powders is the high content of harmful substances.

  • Eared nanny. Washing powder. Ingredients: Sulfates (15-30%), phosphates (15-30%), oxygenated bleaching agents (5-15%), anionic surfactants (5-15%), carbonates (5-15%), silicates (5-15 %), nonionic surfactants (<5%), пеногаситель (<5%), энзимы, оптические отбеливатели, отдушка.
  • Stork Extra-soft with Aloe Vera. Ingredients: 5% -15% natural fat-based soap, oxygenated bleach, phosphates,<5% неионогенные ПАВ, силикат натрия, поликарбоксилаты, активатор отбеливания. Дополнительно: экстракт Алое Вера, активнее добавки для удаления пятен (энзимы), оптический отбеливатель, пенорегулятор, фосфонаты, ароматические добавки.
  • MYTH Children's (Procter & Gamble). Composition: 5-30% phosphates, 5-15% anionic surfactants,<5% неионогенные ПАВ, кислородсодержащий отбеливатель, поликарбоксилаты, мыло, энзимы, оптический отбеливаетль, отдушка.
  • Tide children's plus (Procter & Gamble). Ingredients: 15-30% phosphates, 5-15% anionic surfactants, oxygenated bleach,<5% ЭДТА, неионогенные ПАВ, поликарбоксилаты, оптические отбеливатели, энзимы, отдушка, экстракт ромашки.

Most mothers wash with these products and do not think about it. The main advantage of these powders is their availability in stores and their low price. Some have contact allergies - the skin of the hands turns red when hand washed. However, these cases are rare, they appear clearly immediately after washing. The rest of the damage caused by the remains of washing powder is almost invisible immediately.

Anionic (anionic) surfactants or anionic surfactants are compounds that dissociate in aqueous solutions to form anions that cause surface activity. It is surfactants that provide powders and detergents with “soapiness” and foam.

In general, surfactants are divided into those that are rapidly destroyed in the environment and those that are not destroyed, and can accumulate in organisms in unacceptable concentrations - such dangerous are anionic surfactants. By the way, they are found not only in laundry detergents, but also in shampoos and cosmetics. The most common ingredient, SLS, is sodium lauryl sulfate. Unfortunately, anionic surfactants are able to penetrate the skin, causing localized redness, flaking and cracking.

In addition, all of the above laundry detergents (both Eared Nanny, Aistenok, and MYTH, and Tide) contain phosphates.

Phosphates (phosphorus compounds) are the second category of harmful substances, which enhances the penetration of anionic surfactants through the skin, but in addition, they are harmful in themselves. They are added to washing powders to soften water and better wash the laundry. They also enter the body through the skin and can influence the composition and quality of blood. Unfortunately, very often the content of phosphates stated in the composition of washing powder is greatly underestimated.

Other components of washing powders

Antiresorbents - used to prevent dirt particles from settling on the fabric again (these include silicates, CMC, sodium tripolyphosphate).

Chemical and optical brighteners - responsible for the whiteness of the fabric. When washed without bleach, the laundry will gradually take on a grayish tint. Preference should be given to powders containing oxygen bleaching agents (sodium perborate, or sodium percaronate).

Enzymes are responsible for removing specific contaminants (for example, blood stains, coffee, tea, sauces).

Sodium silicates- I increase the activity of surfactants, prevent re-sedimentation of contaminants (i.e., it helps to keep dirt particles in suspension in solution), stabilize pH, and reduce dust formation of powders.

Sodium carbonate(soda) softens the water and transfers the grease to the solution.

Sodium sulfate promotes the manifestation of the maximum effect of surfactants, which is important when their content is low.

Sodium polyacrylate- an emulsifying, stabilizing and thickening polymer with toxic properties. Unfortunately, it is widely used in cosmetics and medicines (ointments and gels).

Phosphonates- added as a water softener are a milder alternative to phosphates, they are also phosphorus compounds.

By the way, a number of imported washing powders reduce the toxicity of their product by excluding only phosphates from the composition. The famous Ecover company positions its products as environmentally friendly, non-allergenic, etc. etc. They do not have special washing powders for baby clothes, but many mothers buy universal washing powders, believing that they are more suitable for washing children's clothes than special children's clothes from other manufacturers.

Ecover Non-Bio Concentrated Washing Powder - Ingredients: 15-30%: Anionic surfactants, Zeolite, Oxygen-based bleaching agent, 5-15%: Non-ionic surfactants, Sodium silicate<5%: Soap, TAED, Polypeptides, Carboxy Methyl Cellulose, Parfum, Sodium sulphate, Sodium Gluconate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Aluminium Silicate.

Compound: 15-30% anionic bio-surfactants, zeolites, oxygen bleach, 5-15% non-ionic bio-surfactants, sodium silicate,<5% мыло, активатор отбеливателя, полипептид, цитрат натрия, натриевая соль карбоксиметилцеллюлозы, сульфат натрия, глюконат натрия, бикарбонат натрия.

Please note that the bio-surfactant mark is only in Russian translation. In addition, there is no perfume (Parfum) in the Russian composition. So, should we trust domestic marketers? By the way, only in Russian online stores there is a postscript: "Suitable for children and adults prone to allergies."

Also popular is Ecover ZERO Ecover ZERO Non-Bio Washing Powder. Ingredients: 15-30% Anionic surfactants, Zeolite, Oxygen-based bleaching agent, 5-15% Nonionic surfactants, Sodium silicate.

Compound: 15-30% anionic surfactants, zeolites, sodium carbonate, 5-15% nonionic eco-surfactants, sodium silicate, sodium bicarbonate.

Please note that this is not an advertisement for Ecover powder, unfortunately, it was found that the composition of this product very often differs from the manufacturer from the Russian translation on the label! Moreover, “our” suppliers skillfully put their labels on the “right” places on the packaging. On the official website of the German company Ecover, all full declarations of the compositions of the funds were removed, after numerous complaints from consumers about the environmental friendliness of raw materials. By the way, the prefix Non-Bio means that there are no biological enzymes and enzymes in this powder. The reason for the appearance of such powders is that Ecover was accused of using GMO enzymes.

It is almost impossible to avoid surfactants in washing powders, but Ecover manufacturers have replaced surfactants obtained from petroleum products and containing harmful impurities with the same surfactants, but obtained from plant materials. As a result, the detergent qualities of the washing powder have not lost, and the environmental ones have significantly increased.

Noteworthy washing powders

  • Baby Speci (Spain). Composition: Zeolites 15-30%, anionic surfactants 5-15%, less than 5%: nonionic surfactants, polycarboxylates, soap, fragrances (hexyl cinnamal, linalool, limonene, butylphenyl methylpropional), optical brightener.
  • Domal Baby Fashion - Liquid detergent (Germany). Composition: 5-15% anionic surfactants, non-ionic surfactants, soaps, less than 5% phosphonates, enzymes (protease, amylase), preservative (benzisothiozolinone, methylisothiazolinone), chamomile extract.
  • Dally Sensitive. Gel for washing baby clothes (Germany). Composition: 5-15% anionic surfactants (anionic surfactants), soap, less than 5% nianionic surfactants, contains optical brightener, perfume.
  • Regent baby powder for white linen (Denmark). Composition: 5-15% - zeolite and anionic surfactants,<5 % - кислородосодержащие отбеливатели, неиногенные ПАВ, мыло, поликарбоксилаты, энзимы, фосфонаты.

Oddly enough, this group of washing powders could not be found in English. It seems that they are supplied only to Russia.

The big disadvantage of ECO powders is that they contain, though less, but still harmful substances. For example, zeolites are synthetic sodium aluminosilicates. They do not dissolve in water, and if the laundry is poorly rinsed out, the smallest particles remain between the fibers of the fabric. Zeolites soften the water during the washing process, therefore they replace phosphates in the formula of washing powders. However, zeolites are abrasive and non-biodegradable, which leads to serious problems in drinking water treatment. Therefore, in many countries (Canada, Japan, etc.), washing powders with both phosphates and zeolites are prohibited.

All of the aforementioned washing powders have a rather high price and are not available to everyone. They are sold most often in online stores. Price is the main obstacle for moms to switch to environmentally friendly, completely biodegradable laundry detergents en masse. Many people simply cannot afford them.

Many skeptics, not without reason, believe that manufacturers of ECO powders are silent about the true composition of their detergents. I would also like to add that you should not rush to buy any products labeled "for children". Very often the phrases: "designed specifically for children's underwear" are nothing more than a publicity stunt. Be sure to read the composition of the purchased product.

Therefore, the only way to get rid of chemical residues of detergents on clothes is to rinse them repeatedly. Unfortunately, research has shown that even two rinses are not enough. Ideally, there should be 4-6 rinses of laundry, which is almost unrealistic.

Our Russian ones could become an alternative to expensive imported products, some manufacturers tried to minimize harmful substances in the composition of children's powders.

For example, Kurnosiki washing powder. Ingredients: surfactants, complexing agents, carbonates, silicates, sulfates, optical brightener, defoamer.

However, the reviews about this powder are simply disgusting: “It has no smell and does not foam well. The linen is like a broom, tough! It could have been better washed. Then you have to reach the stain with your hands and soap. Does not wash purees and juices at all. After washing, there are some powder particles adhering to the clothes. "

Indeed, the detergent properties of washing powders drop sharply as soon as some harmful components are removed from them. Phosphate-free Kurnosiki wash worse than phosphate-eared Nanny. The quality of the washed laundry without such allergenic fragrances and softeners is very low. Who wants to put on sackcloth. Therefore, it becomes necessary to use conditioners, which also contain harmful impurities and, by the way, cannot be washed off!

Another safer alternative to the Ushasty Nanny is Dosia Dosenka Children's Laundry Detergent. Ingredients: less than 5% anionic surfactants, non-anionic surfactants, polycarboxylates, 5% or more, but not more than 15% oxygenated bleach, zeolites, antifoam, enzymes, optical brightener, perfume. GOST R 52488-2005.

As well as Laundry Detergent Nanny for washing baby clothes and diapers. Compound< 5 % - энзимы, перкарбонат натрия, функциональные полимеры, цитрат натрия, больше или равно >5% but< 15 % - биоразлагаемые неионогенные тензиды (ПАВ), карбонат натрия; >(greater or equal) 15%, but< 30 % - натрия сульфат, не содержит ароматизаторов.

How to properly wash baby clothes

If you are using very gentle powders, phosphate-free, bleach-free, and low surfactant, wash fresh stains by hand before machine washing. With regular laundry soap, or for example using Frau Schmidt Stain Remover. Soap composition: soap (over 30%), bile soap (up to 5%), soap root extract, perfume. He does not wash old stains from purees or juices, but he copes with fresh ones perfectly.

If you already have a detergent containing phosphates, anionic surfactants or zeolites, you can try to reduce their effect by:

  1. Do not load the washing machine to capacity. If the washing machine is designed for 5 kg of linen, try to load no more than 3-4 kg, and do not set the washing mode to “half of the tank”, but wash it in full: this way the linen rinses out better.
  2. Do not add more powder than necessary, i.e. up to min, or slightly higher. If your clothes are stained, it is better to soak the laundry beforehand and wash the stains with laundry soap. Third, set the spin at full drum speed.
  3. Use the double rinse mode. You will use up more water, but less powder will remain.
  4. Do not use a short wash program. Laundry on such programs is washed well, but rinses poorly.
  5. Enzymes in the composition of powders are effective at temperatures no higher than 38-40 ° C, therefore, very often, after washing, traces of stains remain on clothes. To reduce contamination, before washing, rub a small gruel of detergent (if it contains enzymes, of course) into the fabric where the stains are. Leave for half an hour, and then, without rinsing, throw it into the machine.
  6. On the other hand, oxygen bleaches, which are part of eco-powders or washing gels, are effective only at temperatures above 60 ° C. Therefore, washing at a lower temperature is not effective for white laundry.
  7. If you have an allergic child, use baby soap powder for washing, for example, from Our Mom or Mir Detstva. Their composition: sodium salts of fatty acids of edible fats, palm and coconut oils. It can be in powder or gel form. Of course, the laundry after washing will not smell of alpine herbs, just the smell of clean cloth. And don't count on extra softness, especially if you have hard water. However, you can always rinse your child's linen in filtered or boiled water, and ironing will give softness. Soap powders are by far the safest remedies. However, they have a technical drawback - poor washout (these are just shavings), so soap powder is poured directly into the drum of the washing machine, and not into the powder compartment.

SPAV represent an extensive group of compounds, different in their structure, belonging to different classes. These substances are able to adsorb at the interface and consequently lower the surface energy (surface tension). Depending on the properties exhibited by surfactants when dissolved in water, they are divided into anionic substances (the active part is the anion), cationic (the active part of the molecules is a cation), ampholytic and nonionic, which do not ionize at all.

Anionic surfactants in an aqueous solution, they ionize with the formation of negatively charged organic ions. Of the anionic surfactants, salts of sulfuric esters (sulfates) and salts of sulfonic acids (sulfonates) have found wide application. The radical R can be alkyl, alkylaryl, alkylnaphthyl, double bonds and functional groups.

Cationic surfactants- substances that ionize in an aqueous solution with the formation of positively charged organic ions. These include quaternary ammonium salts consisting of: a straight chain hydrocarbon radical containing 12-18 carbon atoms; methyl, ethyl or benzyl radical; chlorine, bromine, iodine or the residue of methyl or ethyl sulfate.

Ampholytic surfactants they ionize in an aqueous solution in different ways depending on the environmental conditions: in an acidic solution they exhibit cationic properties, and in an alkaline solution they exhibit anionic properties.

Nonionic surfactants are high molecular weight compounds that do not form ions in aqueous solution.

In water bodies, synthetic surfactants are supplied in significant quantities with household (use of synthetic detergents in everyday life) and industrial wastewater (textile, oil, chemical industry, production of synthetic rubbers), as well as with runoff from agricultural land (they are included in composition of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and defoliants).

The main factors in reducing their concentration are the processes of biochemical oxidation, sorption by suspended solids and bottom sediments. The degree of biochemical oxidation of surfactants depends on their chemical structure and environmental conditions.

According to biochemical stability, determined by the structure of molecules, surfactants are divided into soft, intermediate and hard with rate constants of biochemical oxidation, respectively, not less than 0.3 day -1; 0.3-0.05 day -1; less than 0.05 day -1. Primary and secondary alkyl sulfates of normal structure are among the most easily oxidized surfactants. With an increase in chain branching, the oxidation rate decreases, and alkylbenzenesulfonates prepared on the basis of propylene tetramers are most difficult to destroy.

With a decrease in temperature, the rate of oxidation of surfactants decreases and at 0-5 ° C it proceeds very slowly. The neutral or slightly alkaline environment ( pH 7-9).

With an increase in the content of suspended solids and a significant contact of the water mass with bottom sediments, the rate of decrease in the concentration of surfactants in water usually increases due to sorption and coprecipitation. With a significant accumulation of synthetic surfactants in bottom sediments under aerobic conditions, the microflora of bottom silt is oxidized. In the case of anaerobic conditions, synthetic surfactants can accumulate in bottom sediments and become a source of secondary pollution of the reservoir.

The maximum amount of oxygen (BOD) consumed by 1 mg / dm 3 of various surfactants ranges from 0 to 1.6 mg / dm 3. During the biochemical oxidation of surfactants, various intermediate decomposition products are formed: alcohols, aldehydes, organic acids, etc. As a result of the decomposition of surfactants containing a benzene ring, phenols are formed.

In surface waters, synthetic surfactants are in a dissolved and sorbed state, as well as in the surface film of water in a water body.

In slightly polluted surface waters, the concentration of synthetic surfactants usually fluctuates between thousandths and hundredths of a milligram per 1 dm 3. In zones of water pollution, the concentration rises to tenths of a milligram, near pollution sources it can reach several milligrams per 1 dm 3.

Getting into water bodies and streams, synthetic surfactants have a significant effect on their physical and biological state, deteriorating the oxygen regime and organoleptic properties, and remain there for a long time, as they decompose very slowly. From a hygienic point of view, the negative property of surfactants is their high foaming ability. Although synthetic surfactants are not highly toxic substances, there is evidence of their indirect effect on aquatic organisms. At concentrations of 5-15 mg / dm 3 fish lose their mucous membrane, at higher concentrations bleeding of the gills can be observed.

MPC in synthetic surfactants is 0.5 mg / dm 3, MPC br - 0.1 mg / dm 3.
Nonionic surfactants (nonionic surfactants)

The toxic effect of nonionic surfactants is determined mainly by the non-polar part of the molecule, while it is more pronounced in the presence of an aromatic ring in the latter.

MPC in the majority of nonionic surfactants (preparations OP-7, OP-10, OS-20, oxanol KSh-9, oxanol L-7, proxamine 385, proxanol 186, syntamide, syntanols, VN-7, etc.) 0.1 mg / dm 3, the limiting hazard indicator is organoleptic (foaming). Since these compounds have one standard with the same hazard indicator, during sanitary and chemical control, one can limit themselves to determining their total content.

Polyacrylamide is a solid amorphous white or partially transparent odorless substance, soluble in water. The molecular weight is up to 5,500,000.

Polyacrylamide is used as a flocculant in wastewater clarification, coagulant in metallurgy, flotation reagent, dispersant, thickener. It is found in wastewater from sulphate pulp mills and concentrators.

In water, polyacrylamide is gradually hydrolyzed to the ammonium salt of polyacrylic acid.

MPC в - 2 mg / dm 3 (limiting hazard indicator - sanitary and toxicological), MPC br - 0.01 mg / dm 3 (limiting hazard indicator - toxicological).

Surfactants are divided into those that are rapidly destroyed in the environment and those that are not destroyed and can accumulate in organisms in unacceptable concentrations. One of the main negative effects of surfactants in the environment is a decrease in surface tension. For example, in the ocean, a change in surface tension leads to a decrease in the retention of CO 2 and oxygen in the body of water. Only a few surfactants are considered safe (alkyl polyglucosides), since carbohydrates are the products of their degradation. However, when surfactants are adsorbed on the surface of earth / sand particles, the degree / rate of their degradation decreases many times. Since almost all surfactants used in industry and households have positive adsorption on particles of earth, sand, clay, under normal conditions they can release (desorb) heavy metal ions retained by these particles, and thereby increase the risk of these substances getting into human organism.

Synthetic surfactants that are part of municipal and industrial wastewater are currently one of the most priority pollutants in the aquatic environment. There is information about the toxicometric characteristics of these compounds and their effect on physiological and biochemical processes in the organisms of aquatic organisms, including in a number of generations.

So during experiments with washing powder "Lotos" and mollusks, it was revealed:

at a concentration of synthetic surfactants "Lotos" of 140 mg / l, the reproductive function was suppressed, the mollusks did not reproduce. The concentration of 56 mg / L promoted the rapid laying of egg capsules, but their number was less than in the control. The number of hatched juveniles was 51% of the number of laid eggs. The average size of shells and their daily increase in growth of hatched young mollusks were at the control level. At a concentration of 28 mg / L, mollusks began to lay egg cocoons later than at a concentration of 56 mg / L and control, the size of clutches was at the level of control. The number of hatched juveniles was 57% of the number of eggs laid. The daily gain in growth and shell size 30 days after hatching were also at the control level.

Thus, high concentrations of synthetic surfactants, "Lotos" washing powder, inhibit the reproductive function of lymnaeastagnalis (l). Lower concentrations of "Lotos" synthetic surfactants are most toxic to mollusks at the egg stage. the survival rate of embryos is 40% lower than in pure water. Environmental pollution with synthetic surfactants leads to a decrease in the number of molluscs due to the low survival rate of embryos.