Tale of Belkin Runschnya Short content. Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich Baryshnya-Peasantkaya

A.S. Pushkin
Complete essays with criticism
Paryshnya peasant
In all you, dumb, outfits are good.
In one of the distant our provinces was the estate of Ivan Petrovich Berestov. In his youth, he served in the guard, retired at the beginning of 1797, went to his village and since then he did not leave there. He was married to a poor nobility, who died in childbirth, while he was in the departure field. Economic exercises soon comforted him. He built a house on his own plan, started a closure factory, arranged income and began to read himself small person In all the eye, in which the neighbors did not stop him who came to him to visit him with their families and dogs. On weekdays he walked in a plight jacket, on the holidays she put sank from the cloth of homework; He himself recorded the flow, and did not read anything except the Senate statements. In general, he was loved, although they worshiped proud. One Gregory Ivanovich Muromsky, the nearest neighbor, did not go with him. This was a real Russian barin. Diving in Moscow most of the estate of His, and on that time of Ovdov, he left for his last village, where he kept leaning, but in a new way. Diva O. english gardenwhich was spent almost all other income. His stables were dressed in English jockey. The daughter had Madame English. His fields handled his English method.
But in someone else's manner, the bread is not born, and despite a significant reduction in costs, the incomes of Grigoria Ivanovich were not added; He and in the village found a way to enter new debts; With all those, he was not stupid man, for the first of the landowners of his province guessed to lay the estate in the guardian council: the turnover seemed extremely difficult and brave. Of the people who condemned him, Berestov responded to be stricter. Hatred for innovations was distinctive trait His character. He could not even indifferently talk about the Englishman of his neighbor, and it was remembered to criticize him. Whether the guest showed his possessions, in response to the praise of his economic regulations: "Yes, s!" He spoke with a lucova smile; "I don't have the fact that the neighbor Grigoria Ivanovich. Where to break into English! There would be Russians in Russian." These and similar jokes, by zealous neighbors, were brought to the attention of Grigoria Ivanovich with an addition and explanations. Angroman endured criticism as impatient as our journalists. He silent and nicknamed his bear the province. Such were the intercourse between the Simy two owners, as the son of Berestov came to him into the village. He was brought in *** the university and intended to join military service, but the father did not agree to this. To the Stat service, a young man felt completely unable. They were not inferior to each other, and young Alexei began to launch Barin, letting the mustache just in case. Alexey was, in fact, well done. The right would be sorry if his slender mill never touched the military uniform, and if he were, instead of drawing on a horse, he spent his youth bent over the stationery. It depends on how he hunting always the first, not sacrificing the roads, the neighbors said according to that he would never come out of a central partner. Baryshni looked at him, and others looked around; But Alexey did little by them, and they caused his insensitivity to be insensitive. In fact, he went to the hands of the list from the address of one of his letters: Akulin Petrovna Kurochkin, in Moscow, opposite the Alekseevsky monastery, in the house of Medica Savelyev, and you, I ask you to deliver a letter by A. N. R. Those of my readers who Did not live in the villages, they can not imagine that the beauty of these county ladies! Pupil in clean air, in the shade of their garden apple trees, they know the knowledge of light and life with the books. Privacy, freedom and reading early in them develop feelings and passions, unknown to scattered our beauties. For the young lady, the ringing of the bell is already an adventure, a trip to the Middle Town is relieved by epoch in life, and the visit to the guest leaves a long, sometimes eternal memory. Of course, all the way to laugh at some of their oddities; But the jokes of the surface observer cannot destroy their essential advantages, from which the main, feature of nature, identity (individuality), without which, according to Jean-field, there is no human greatness. In the capitals, women can be better education; But the skill of light soon smoothes character and makes the soul as monotonous as hats. This will not be said in court, and not in condemnation, however, Nota Nostra Manet, as one old commentator writes. It is easy to imagine what an impression of Alexey was to be made in the circle of our ladiesch. He was the first in front of them was gloomy and disappointed, the first spoke by him about the lost joys and faded his youth; Moreover, he wore a black ring with a depicting of a dead head. All this was extremely new in that province. The ladies went crazy about it. But all the more busy was the daughter of the Angloman of My, Lisa (or Betsy, as called Her usually Grigory Ivanovich). The fathers did not go to each other, she did not see Alexei yet, meanwhile, as all young neighbors only about him and said. She was seventeen years old. Black eyes revived her dark and very pleasant face. She was the only and investigators of the bald child. Her superstitiousness and commemorative leprosy admired her father and put in despair to her Madame Miss Jacqueson, a forth-year-old-minded girl, who was deprived and drowned his eyebrows, reread Pamela twice a year, received two thousand rubles for that two thousand rubles, and died from boredom in this barbaric Russia. For Lizo, Nastya went; She was older, but just as windy as her young lady. Lisa loved her very much, she opened her all his secrets, together with her thought his venture; In a word, Nastya was in the village of Prillucin, the face is much more significant than any arms in the French tragedy. "Let me go to visit today," said Nastya once, dressing the lady. "Established; and where?" "In Togilovo, to Birchov, the wife of their name is name, and yesterday came to dine us dare." "Here!" Lisa said "Lord in a quarrel, and the servants of each other are fought." "And we care about the Lord!" objected Nastya; "Besides, I'm yours, not Papinkina. You didn't scold with young Berestov; and the old men let them fight, if they are fun." "Try, Nastya, to see Alexey Berestov, but tell me well, what about him and what is he for man." Nastya promised, and Lisa was looking forward to the whole day of her return. In the evening Nastya appeared. "Well, Lizaveta Grigorievna," she said, entering the room, "I saw a young Berestov: I looked pretty; the whole day was together." - "How is it? Tell me, tell in order." "Issue-C, we went, I, Anusya Egorovna, not, Dunka ..." - "Well, I know. Well then? "" Let me tell everything in order. Here we came to dinner. The room is full of people. There were Colbinish, Zakharov, Clauses with daughters, Khupinsky ... "-" Well! And Beresov? "" Wait-s. Here we sat down at the table, the Claudsman in the first place, I'm sick of her ... And my daughters inflated, but I don't care about them ... "-" Ah Nastya, how are you boring with eternal details! "" Yes, how do you like Impatient! Well, we came out from the table ... And we sat three hours and lunch was nice; Blanc Cake Blancle Blue, Red and Striped ... We got out of the table, and went to the garden to play burners, and the young barin was here and appeared. "-" Well, what? Is it true that he is so good? "" Surprisingly good, handsome, you can say. Slender, high, blush to the whole cheek ... "-" right? And I thought so he had a pale face. What? What did he seem to you? Peacon, thoughtful? "" What are you? Yes, I did not specify my very mad and sorce. He decided to run in the burner. "-" To run with you in the burner! It is impossible! "" Very possible! Yes, what else was invented! Catch, and well, go! "-" Will Your, Nastya, You are lying. "" Will Your, not lying. I raged from him. The whole day was so slept with us. "-" Yes, how do you say, he is in love and does not look at anyone? "" I do not know, and I looked so too much and on Tanya, the order, too; Yes, and on Pasha Kolbinskaya, and sin to say, no one offended, such a balobnik! "-" It is amazing! And what in the house is heard about him? "" Barin, you say, beautiful: so kind, so cheerful. One is not good: the girls love too much to chase. Yes, for me, this is not a misfortune: it will rise in modern. "-" How would I like to see him! "Lisa said with a sigh." Yes, what's the wisdom here? Togilovo from us is not far away, just three versts: Fly to walk in the other side, or travel to the vehicle; You will find it right. He is all day, early in the morning, walks with a gun on the hunt. "-" Yes No, not good. He might think that I chase after him. In addition, our fathers are in a quarrel, so I still can not meet him ... Ah, Nastya! Do you know what? I dressed in the peasant! "" And in fact; put on a thick shirt, sundress, and step boldly in Togilovo; I pass to you that the Berestov does not make you up. "-" And in the local I can say perfectly. Ah, Nastya is nice Nastya! What a glorious fiction! "And Lisa went to sleep with the intention to certainly fulfill his own assumption. On the other day she began to fulfill his plan, sent to buy in the Bazaar of Tolstoy, Blue Mine, and Copper Buttons, with the help of Nastya hurt her shirt and sundress, I planted for sewing all the virgus, and in the evening everything was ready. Lisa tried to update, and confessed before the mirror, which never seemed to himself so Mila. She repeated his role, on the move lowered and then he dug his head several times, on the semblance of clay cats, spoke on the peasant adverb, laughed, closing the sleeve, and deserved the full approval of Nastya. One thing made it difficult: she tried to go around the courtyard Bosai, but the Dern colole her tender feet, and the sand and pebbles seemed unbearable to her. Nastya also helped her: she took out a measure with a lysine leg, ran in the field to Trofim shepherd and ordered him a couple of flashes for the measure. Another day, nor the light is dawn, Lisa has already woke up. The whole house also slept. Nastya expected the shepherd. Played the horn and the village flock stretched past the Bark yard. Trofim, passing in front of Nastya, gave her small motley lapties and received half a half from her award. Lisa quietly dressed up in the peasant, the shop gave Nastya his instructions regarding Miss Jacqueson, went to the rear porch and ran through the garden in the field. Dawn shine in the east, and the gold rows of clouds seemed to be awaited by the Sun, as the scenes expect a sovereign; Clear sky, morning freshness, dew, breeze and birds singing filled the heart of Lisa infant cheerfulness; Fearing some familiar meeting, she seemed not to go, and flew. Approaching the grove, standing at the turn of the father's ownership, Lisa went quiet. Here she had to expect Alexey. Her heart beat himself, not knowing why; But fear, accompanying young our leprosy, is the main charm of them. Lisa entered the dusk grove. Deaf, rolling noise greeted her girl. Greeting her sweat. She looked a little small dreaminess. She thought ... But is it possible to determine exactly what the seventeen-year-old young lady is thinking, alone, in a grove, in the sixth hour of spring in the morning? And so she walked, thinking, on the road, autonated on both sides with high trees, as suddenly the wonderful bloating dog lay on her. Lisa was frightened and screamed. At the same time, a voice rang out: Tout Beau, Sbogar, ICI ... and a young hunter appeared because of the shrub. "I suppose, honey," he said Lisa, "my dog \u200b\u200bdoes not bite." Lisa has already managed to recover from fright, and he knew how to use the circumstances immediately. "Yes No, Barin," she said, pretending to be semi-sugained, half-fertile, "I'm afraid: she, you wish, so angry; again it will throw." Alexey (the reader has already recognized him) Meanwhile, she stared at the young peasant. "I spend you if you are afraid," he said to her; "Will you let me go beside yourself? "-" And who interferes? "Answered Lisa;" Free Will, and the world of world. "-" Where are you from? "-" from Lyuchin; I am the daughter of Vasilla Kuznez, I go on mushrooms "(Lisa carried the body on the rope)." And you, Barin? Togilovsky, or what? "-" So accurately, "answered Alexey, - I am a chamener of a young barina." Alexey wanted the level of their relationship. But Lisa looked at him and laughed. "And you are lying," she said, "I didn't hit the fool. I see that you are a barin." - "Why do you think so?" - "Yes, all over." - "However?" "Yes, how did the Barina with a servant do not recognize? And it's not so dressed, and Baish is different, and you don't have a dog." Lyza An hour later I liked Alexey. Getting used to not ceremony with pretty settlements, he wanted to hug her; But Lisa donned from him and accepted suddenly such a strict and cold look that although it was laughing Alexey, but he kept him from further attempts. "If you want us to go ahead of friends," she said with importance, "then do not mind forget." - "Who taught you this wisdom?" Aleksey asked, breaking around: "Isn't Nastinka Lee, my friend, isn't your young young girl? This is how the enlightenment is distributed!" Lisa felt that it came out of his role, and immediately recovered. "What do you think?" she said; "Do I never come in the Barskom yard? I suppose: everything heard and gone. However," she continued, "you don't pick up with you, the mushrooms do not pick up. Go you, Barin, aside, and I am to another. Forgiveness, please ... "Lisa wanted to remove, Alexei retained her hand. "What is your name, my soul". - "Akulina", answered Lisa, trying to free his fingers from Alekseeva; "Yes, let me, Barin; I'm time home." "Well, my friend of Akulina, will certainly be a visit to your father, to Vasille Kuzchtsu." - "What are you?" Lease objected with the liveliness of Lisa, "For the sake of Christ, do not come. If at home will know that I chatted alone with Barine in a grove, then I will be a trouble; My father, Vasily Kuznets, will give me to death." "Yes, I certainly want to see again with you." "Well, I someday again come for mushrooms." - "When?" - "Yes, at least tomorrow." - "Cute Akulina, would distorted you, but I do not dare. So tomorrow, at this time, isn't it?" "Yes Yes". - "And you will not deceive me?" - "not deceive." - "Because". "Well, here are those holy Friday, I will come." Young people broke up. Lisa came out of the forest, moved through the field, scratched into the garden and cleared to the farm, where Nastya was waiting for her. There she changed out, absently answering questions impatient in the midst of, and appeared in the living room. The table was covered, the breakfast is ready, and Miss Jaccon, already pious and tightened in a glass, cut down thin tartns. Father praised her for an early walk. "There is nothing healthier," he said, "how to wake up at the dawn." Here he brought several examples of human longevity, hoped from English magazines, noting that all people who lived over a hundred years old did not use vodka and got up at the dawn in winter and in summer. Lisa did not listen to him. She in thoughts repeated all the circumstances of the morning date, the whole conversation of shark with a young hunter, and the conscience began to torment her. In vain objected to herself that the conversation did not come out of the borders of the decency that this prank could not have any consequence, the conscience had rushed her mind louder. The promise given by her for tomorrow, just more worried her: she was completely decided not to keep her solemn oath. But Alexey, waiting for it in vain, could go to find in the village of Daughter Vasilla Kuznez, a real acouhin, a thick, ripple girl, and thus guess her frivolous leprosy. This thought was horrified by Lisa, and she decided on another morning to appear in a sharul grove. For his part, Alexey was in admiration, he thought about his new acquaintance for a whole day; At night, the image of the dim beauty and in a dream pursued his imagination. Dawn barely practiced, as he was already dressed. Not leaving the time to charge a gun, he came out in the field with a faithful sabagar and ran to the place of the promised date. About half an hour has passed in a hopeless expectation for him; Finally, he saw a shrub flashed Blue Sarafan, and rushed to a meeting of a cute shark. She smiled at his gratitude to his delight; But Alexey immediately noticed traces of despondency and anxiety on her face. He wanted to know the reason. Lisa admitted that her act seemed to her frivolous that she repeatedly repent that this time she did not want to keep this word , but that this date will be the last, and that she asks him to stop acquaintance, which no good to bring them. All this, of course, was told on the peasant adverb; But thoughts and feelings, unusual in a simple girl, struck Alexey. He used all his eloquence in order to turn acouhin from her intent; I assured her in the innocence of my desires, promised to never submit her reason to repentance, to obey her in everything, the tricks did not deprive it alone: \u200b\u200bsee her alone, at least every other day, at least twice a week. He spoke to the tongue of true passion, and at that moment it was exactly in love. Lisa listened to him silently. "Give me a word," she said finally, "that you will never look for me in the village or ask for me. Give me a word not to look for others with me dates, except for those that I myself appoint." Alexey was swore to her holy Friday, but she stopped him with a smile. "I don't need an oath," Lisa said, "quite one of your promise." After that, they spoke friendly, walking together in the forest, until Lisa told him: it's time. They broke up, and Alexey, remaining alone, could not understand how a simple rustic girl in two dates managed to take true power over him. His interwork with Akulin had the charm of novelty for him, and although the prescriptions of the strange peasant seemed to him with him, but the thought did not keep his word did not even come to his head. The fact is that Alexey, despite the fatal ring, on a mysterious correspondence and on gloomy disappointment, was kind and stranded small and had a pure heart, able to feel the pleasure of innocence. If I had listened to one of my hunt, it would certainly be and in all the details would describe the dating of young people, increasing mutual tendency and credulity, classes, conversations; But I know that most of my readers would not divide my pleasure with me. These details should seem to see them at all, so I miss them, saying briefly, which has not passed two months, and my Alexey was already in love with no memory, and Lisa was not indifferent, although his silent. Both were happy with the present and little thought about the future. The idea of \u200b\u200binseparable bings quite often flashed in their mind, but they never talked about each other. The reason is clear; Alexey, no matter how tied to his pretty aculine, everything remembered the distance existing between them and the poor peasant; And Lisa was bought, what hate existed between their fathers, and did not bother to hope for mutual reconciliation. In addition, her pride was secretly incited in the dark, the novelter's hope was finally the Togilovsky landowner at the feet of the daughter of the Priachinsky Blacksmith. Suddenly, an important occurrence almost changed their mutual relationship. In one clear, cold morning (of those as our Russian autumn) Ivan Petrovich Berezov left the ride, at any case, taking a couple of three greyhound, strive and several yard boys with cracks. At the same time, Gregory Ivanovich Muromsky, seduced by good weather, ordered to settle his kob's feller and drove around his English possessions. Handing to the forest, he saw his neighbor, proudly sitting by the vehicle, in a checkman, chopped to fox fur, and a waiting hare, whom the boys scream and rattles were expelled from the shrub. If B. Grigory Ivanovich could foresee this meeting, of course he turned to the side; But he hit Berstov at all unexpectedly, and suddenly it was from him in the distance of a pistol shot. There was nothing to do: Muromsky, as the educated European, drove up to his opponent and welcomed him. Berestov answered with the same diligence, with what a chain bear is bowed to the gentlemen for the orders of their warned. In this time, the hare jumped out of the forest and ran the field. Berestov and the striking shouted in all the throat, they launched dogs and jerked to the whole supports. The horse of Muromsky, who never happened on the hunt, was frightened and suffered. Muromsky, who proclaimed himself an excellent rider, gave her will and internally satisfied with the case that delighted him from an unpleasant interlocutor. But the horse, shooting up to the ravine, before it is not noticed, suddenly rushed to the side, and Muromsky did not come up. Falling pretty hard on the frozen land, he lay, sickly his kobya mare, which, as if silent, immediately stopped as soon as he felt without a saddle. Ivan Petrovich prompted him, thinking whether he was hurt. Meanwhile, the guilty horse led the striking, holding her under the elimination. He helped Muromsky to climb the saddle, and Berestov invited him to himself. Muromsky could not refuse, for he felt obligated, and thus the Berestov returned home with Glory, holding a hare and leading her opponent to the wounded and almost prisoners of war. Neighbors, breakfast, talked pretty friendly. Muromsky asked Berestov Yezhek, for he admitted that he was not able to get to the house of Luhich. Berestov spent it to the porch himself, and Muromsky left not before, as he taking a honest word from him on the other day (and with Alexey Ivanovich) to come to see more friendly in Prillucino. Thus, the ancient and deeply rooted, seemed to be ready to stop the kugliness of the kobyck. Lisa ran to meet Grigoryu Ivanovich. "What does that mean, dad?" She said in surprise; "Why are you lame? Where is your horse? Whose trees are trees?" "" I'm not guessing, My Dear, "Gregory Ivanovich answered her, and told everything that happened. Lisa did not believe his ears. Gregory Ivanovich, not allowing her to come to his senses, announced that tomorrow he would have a dinner of both Berestov. "What are you talking about!" She said, pale. "Berestov, father and son! Tomorrow we have lunch! No, dad, as you please: I will not show anything." - "What are you crazy?" He objected his father; "Have you become so shy long ago, or do you eat hereditary hatred, as a nomanic heroine? Fully, not fooling ..." - "No, dad, never in the world, for any kind of treasures I do not appear in front of Berestov . Grigori Ivanovich shrugged and did not argue with her, because he knew that he would not take anything contradiction with her, and went to rest from his attraction. Lizaveta Grigorievna went to his room and called on Nastya. Both have long argued about tomorrow. What will be thought of Alexey, if he finds out his sharku in the favor-recognition lady? What opinion will he have about her behavior and rules, about her prudence? On the other hand, Lisa really wanted to see what impression would make a date for him so unexpected ... suddenly the thought flashed her. She immediately handed her Nastya; Both were delighted with her as a find, and put it to fulfill it certainly. The next day, for breakfast, Grigory Ivanovich asked her daughter, whether she was intended to hide from Berestov. "Dad," answered Lisa, "I will take them, if it is pleased with you, only with a persuasion: no matter how I have come before them, what would I do, you will not scold me and do not give any sign of surprise or displeasure." - "Again some leprosy!" said laughing Grigory Ivanovich. "Well, well, well; I agree, do what you want, my chalunya's black eyed." With this word, he fell into her forehead and Lisa ran to be prepared. At two hours at exactly, the carriage of homework, harnessed by six horses, drove into the yard and rolled around a densely green circle. Old Berestov climbed the porch with the help of two Lakeeva Muromsky. Following him, his son arrived with a truck and with him entered the dining room, where the table was already covered. Muromsky accepted his neighbors as it is impossible gentle, he invited them to inspect the garden and the animal to the dinner, and led along the paths, carefully with and swept sand. Old barks internally regretted the lost work and time on such useless whims, but silent from politeness. His son did not share neither the displeasure of the calculating landowner, nor the admiration of a proud English; He was looking forward to the appearance of the master's daughter, which heard a lot, and although his heart, as we know, was already busy, but young beauty always had the right to his imagination. Returning to the living room, they sat down in threesome: the old men remembered the former time and the jokes of their service, and Alexey pondered what role to play him in the presence of Lisa. He decided that cold scattered in any case is a good and in the consequence of this prepared. The door opened, he turned his head with such an indifference, with that proudly negligent, that the heart of the most unfinished coquetki would certainly have to shudder. Unfortunately, instead of Lisa, the old Miss Jacqueson entered, lumpy, tightened, with overpressed eyes and with small Kneps, and the beautiful Martial movement Alekseevo was missing. He did not have time to gather again with the forces, as the door once again opened, and this time Lisa entered. Everyone got up; Father began to represent the guests, but suddenly he stopped and hastily bit his lips ... Lisa, his darkness Lisa, was afraid of her ears, Miss Jaconson himself was nurtsurmal; Fake curls, much brighter their own hair, were whipped like a wig of Louis XIV; Sleeves and L "ImbiCile stuck like Fijmas at Madame de Pompadour; The waist was pulled as the letter of X, and all the diamlians of her mother, who were not yet laid down in the pawnshop, shone on her fingers, neck and ears. Alexey could not recognize his acouhin in this Funny and brilliant lady. The father came up to her handle, and he followed him with his annoyance; when he touched her white fingers, it seemed to him that they were trembling. Meanwhile, he managed to notice the leg, with the intention of the exhibited and teaching with all sorts of coquetry. This aished him a few with her other outfit. As for Belil and to antimony, in the simplicity of his heart, admit, he did not notice them at first glance, and after he did not suspect. Grigory Ivanovich remembered his promise and tried not to show Surprise; but the prank of his daughter seemed so funny that he could hardly stay. Not to laugh was a famous Englishman. She guessed that antimony and Belly were abducted from her chest, and the crimson of the annoyance made his way through the sachets Your face is your face. She threw fiery views on a young lesson, which, deploying all sorts of explanations to another time, pretended to not notice them. We sat at the table. Alexey continued to play the role of scattered and thoughtful. Lisa flashed, spoke through the teeth, on the branches, and only in French. Father was overwhelmed at her, not understanding her goals, but finding all this very funny. The Englishwoman shared and was silent. One Ivan Petrovich was like at home: he ate for two, drank in his measure, laughed her laughter and spent an hour more friendly and laughed. Finally got out of the table; Guests left, and Grigori Ivanovich gave the will of laughter and questions: "What did you think of fooling them?" He asked Lisa. "Do you know what? Belila's right to you stuck; I don't enter the secrets of the lady toilet, but in your place I would have a sharing; not too, but slightly." Lisa was in admiration for the success of his fiction. She hugged her father, promised him to think about his advice, and ran to dismiss the annoyed Miss Jacqueson, who agreed to unlock her the door and listen to her excuses. Lisa was conscientious to seem to the strangers such a Chernovkoy; She did not bother to ask ... She was sure that the kind, sweet Miss Jacinson would forgive her ... and so on, and so on. Miss Jacqueson, making sure that Lisa did not think to raise her mobs, calmed down, he gave the Lisa and pledged to reconcile the jar of English Belil, which Lisa accepted with the expression of sincere thanks. The reader guess that on the other day in the morning of Lisa did not slow down to appear in the grove of dates. "You were, Barin, our Lords in the evening?" She said immediately Alexei; "What did the lady seemed to you?" Alexey answered that he did not notice her. "Sorry," Lease objected. - "And why?" asked Alexey. - "And because I would like to ask you, is it true, they say ..." - "What do you say?" - "Is it true, they say that I look like a young lady?" - "Which nonsense! She is in front of you freak freak." - "Ah, Barin, sin to tell you; the young lady is so white, such a scaber! Where to peel to me!" Alexey was good to her that she was better than all sorts of white ladies, and to calm her at all, began to describe her Mrs. with such funny features that Lisa laughed from the soul. "However," she said with a sigh, "at least a young lady, maybe, it's still funny, still I am illiterate in front of it." - "And!" He said to Alexey, "there is something to embrace!" Yes, if you want, I'll immediately learn you with a diploma. " - "And to the right," said Lisa, "Do not really try and really?" - "Estimibable, honey; let's start at least now." They sat down. Alexey took out a pencil and a notebook from his pocket, and Akulin learned the alphabet to be surprising soon. Alexey could not put her clearness. The next morning, she wanted to try and write; At first, the pencil did not obey her, but after a few minutes she had to pour out the letters rather decently. "What a miracle!" Spoke Alexey. "Yes, we have a doctrine goes rather than in the Lancaster system." In fact, at the third lesson, Akulin disassembled in the warehouses "Natalia boyar daughter. ", interrupting reading comments from which Alexey was truly in amazement, and the round leaf was emptied by aphorisms selected from the same story. Week passed, and a correspondence was started between them. The post office was established in the wrapper of an old oak. Nastya secretly fixed postalion post. Alexey brought with a large handwriting written writing letters, and there I also found the Karakulka's hand on the blue simple paper. Akulin apparently got used to the best walla of speeches, and his mind developed himself and formed. Meanwhile, the recent acquaintance between Ivan Petrovich Berestov and Grigoria Ivanovich Muromsky More And more strengthened and soon turned into friendship, for what circumstances: Muromsky often thought that by the death of Ivan Petrovich, all his estate will go into hand to Alexey Ivanovich; in that case, Alexey Ivanovich will be one of the richest landowners of that province, and that there is no reason for him not to marry Lisa. Old Berestov, on his part, though recognized In his neighbor, some madness (or, according to his expression, English is foolish), however, did not deny many excellent advantages in it, for example: rare overdity; Grigory Ivanovich was a close relative of the Count Privo, a person is significantly sound and strong; The graph could be very useful to Alexey, and Muromsky (Ivan Petrovich thought so) is likely to be inflamed of the occasion to issue his daughter favorable way. The old people were thinking about all this to themselves, that finally each other and they said, embraced, they were promised to process a matter, and they began to bother each of him for their part. Muromsky had difficulty: to persuade his Betsy to get acquainted shorter with Alexey, who did not see from the most memorable lunch. They seemed to do not really like each other; At least Alexey has not returned to Priuschino, and Lisa went to his room every time Ivan Petrovich honored them with his visit. But, Migory Ivanovich thought if Alexey would have any day with me, then Betsy should fall in love with him. It is in the order of things. Time is alone. Ivan Petrovich less worried about the success of his intentions. At the same evening, he called on his son to his office, lit up the phone, and packed a little, said: "What are you, Alyosha, do not talk about military service? Ile Gusar Mundir does not impark you!" "No, Batyushka," answered respectfully Alexey, "I see that you will not want, so that I walked to hussars; My duty to obey." "Well" answered Ivan Petrovich, "I see that you are a dormitory son; it is comforting for me; I don't want to catch you off; I do not seek you to join. .. immediately ... in the Stat service; And I intend to make you marry you. "" On whom is it, the father? "Asked Alexey's amazed. -" At Lizawa Murgievna Muromskaya, "answered Ivan Petrovich;" Bride at least where; Isn't it? "" Batyushka, I still don't think about marrying. "-" You don't think, so I thought for you and changed my mind. "" Will Your, I don't like Lisa Murom at all. "-" after you like it. Cryptures, winky. "" I do not feel capable of making her happiness. "-" Not your grief is her happiness. What? So you read the will of the parent? Good! "" As you please, I do not want to marry and do not marry. "-" You marry, or I curse you, and the estate, like God holy! I will sell and dive, and you will not leave the half. I give you three days on thinking, and I see no dare to see me on my eyes. "Alexey knew that if his father takes it to his head, he didn't beat the father to the expression of Taras, he didn't beat him; but Alexey was in the father And it was as difficult to redo it. He went to his room and began to reflect on the limits of the power of the parent, about Lizawn Grigorievna, about the solemn promise of his father to make him a poor, and finally about Aculin. For the first time he saw it clear that he was in her It is passionately in love; the nomanic thought to marry the peasant and live in his head with his works, and the more he thought he was a decisive act, especially he found in him prudence. From some time, a meeting was discontinued due to rainy weather. He wrote aculin A letter to the most clear handwriting and the most mad syllable, announced her to death threatening them, and immediately offered her his hand. Immediately he took a letter to the mail, in the hollow, and lay down very pleased with him. Another day Alexey, Tw High in his intention, early in the morning went to the Muromsky, in order to frankly explain to him. He hoped to raise his generosity and incline him to his side. "Does Grigory Ivanovich at home?" He asked, stopping his horse in front of the porch of the Prichinsky Castle. "No," the servant answered; "Grigory Ivanovich in the morning learned to leave." "How annoying!" Thought Alexey. "Does at least Lizaveta Grigorievna?" - "Houses-C". And Alexey jumped off the horse, gave the reins to the lacquer, and went without a report. "Everything will be solved," he thought, coming to the living room; "Let's explain with her Selfness." - He entered ... and dumbfounded! Lisa ... No Akulina, a nice dramatic sharina, not in Sundar, and in the White Morning Platice, sat in front of the window and read his letter; She was so busy, which did not hear how he entered. Alexey could not resist joyful exclamation. Lisa flinched, raised her head, shouted and wanted to escape. He rushed to hold it. "Akulin, Akulina! .." Lisa tried to free himself ... "Mais Laissez-Moi Donc, Monsieur; Mais Ktes-Vous Fou?" She repeated, turning away. "Akulina! My friend, Akulina!" He repeated, Zaluya her hands. Miss Jaccon, witness this scene, did not know what to think. At that moment the door turned away, and Grigory Ivanovich entered. "Yeah!" He said Muromsky, "Yes, you seem to be quite coordinated ..." Readers will get rid of me from excessive responsibilities to describe the junction.

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Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich
Paryshnya peasant

A.S. Pushkin

Complete essays with criticism

Paryshnya peasant

In all you, dumb, outfits are good.


In one of the distant our provinces was the estate of Ivan Petrovich Berestov. In his youth, he served in the guard, retired at the beginning of 1797, went to his village and since then he did not leave there. He was married to a poor nobility, who died in childbirth, while he was in the departure field. Economic exercises soon comforted him. He built a house on his own plan, started a cloth factory, made revenues and began to honor himself to honor himself in the whole nearby, and the neighbors did not stop him who came to him to visit him with his families and dogs. On weekdays he walked in a plight jacket, on the holidays she put sank from the cloth of homework; He himself recorded the flow, and did not read anything except the Senate statements. In general, he was loved, although they worshiped proud. One Gregory Ivanovich Muromsky, the nearest neighbor, did not go with him. This was a real Russian barin. Diving in Moscow most of the estate of His, and on that time of Ovdov, he left for his last village, where he kept leaning, but in a new way. He spread the English garden, which was spent almost all other incomes. His stables were dressed in English jockey. The daughter had Madame English. His fields handled his English method.

But in someone else's manner, the bread is not born, and despite a significant reduction in costs, the incomes of Grigoria Ivanovich were not added; He and in the village found a way to enter new debts; With all those, he was not stupid man, for the first of the landowners of his province guessed to lay the estate in the guardian council: the turnover seemed extremely difficult and brave. Of the people who condemned him, Berestov responded to be stricter. Hate for innovations was a distinctive feature of his character. He could not even indifferently talk about the Englishman of his neighbor, and it was remembered to criticize him. Whether the guest showed his possessions, in response to the praise of his economic regulations: "Yes, s!" He spoke with a lucova smile; "I don't have the fact that the neighbor Grigoria Ivanovich. Where to break into English! There would be Russians in Russian." These and similar jokes, by zealous neighbors, were brought to the attention of Grigoria Ivanovich with an addition and explanations. Angroman endured criticism as impatient as our journalists. He silent and nicknamed his bear the province. Such were the intercourse between the Simy two owners, as the son of Berestov came to him into the village. He was brought in *** the university and intended to join military service, but the father did not agree to this. To the Stat service, a young man felt completely unable. They were not inferior to each other, and young Alexei began to launch Barin, letting the mustache just in case. Alexey was, in fact, well done. The right would be sorry if his slender mill never touched the military uniform, and if he were, instead of drawing on a horse, he spent his youth bent over the stationery. It depends on how he hunting always the first, not sacrificing the roads, the neighbors said according to that he would never come out of a central partner. Baryshni looked at him, and others looked around; But Alexey did little by them, and they caused his insensitivity to be insensitive. In fact, he went to the hands of the list from the address of one of his letters: Akulin Petrovna Kurochkin, in Moscow, opposite the Alekseevsky monastery, in the house of Medica Savelyev, and you, I ask you to deliver a letter by A. N. R. Those of my readers who Did not live in the villages, they can not imagine that the beauty of these county ladies! Pupil in clean air, in the shade of their garden apple trees, they know the knowledge of light and life with the books. Privacy, freedom and reading early in them develop feelings and passions, unknown to scattered our beauties. For the young lady, the ringing of the bell is already an adventure, a trip to the Middle Town is relieved by epoch in life, and the visit to the guest leaves a long, sometimes eternal memory. Of course, all the way to laugh at some of their oddities; But the jokes of the surface observer cannot destroy their essential advantages, from which the main, feature of nature, identity (individuality), without which, according to Jean-field, there is no human greatness. In the capitals, women can be better education; But the skill of light soon smoothes character and makes the soul as monotonous as hats. This will not be said in court, and not in condemnation, however, Nota Nostra Manet, as one old commentator writes. It is easy to imagine what an impression of Alexey was to be made in the circle of our ladiesch. He was the first in front of them was gloomy and disappointed, the first spoke by him about the lost joys and faded his youth; Moreover, he wore a black ring with a depicting of a dead head. All this was extremely new in that province. The ladies went crazy about it. But all the more busy was the daughter of the Angloman of My, Lisa (or Betsy, as called Her usually Grigory Ivanovich). The fathers did not go to each other, she did not see Alexei yet, meanwhile, as all young neighbors only about him and said. She was seventeen years old. Black eyes revived her dark and very pleasant face. She was the only and investigators of the bald child. Her superstitiousness and commemorative leprosy admired her father and put in despair to her Madame Miss Jacqueson, a forth-year-old-minded girl, who was deprived and drowned his eyebrows, reread Pamela twice a year, received two thousand rubles for that two thousand rubles, and died from boredom in this barbaric Russia. For Lizo, Nastya went; She was older, but just as windy as her young lady. Lisa loved her very much, she opened her all his secrets, together with her thought his venture; In a word, Nastya was in the village of Prillucin, the face is much more significant than any arms in the French tragedy. "Let me go to visit today," said Nastya once, dressing the lady. "Established; and where?" "In Togilovo, to Birchov, the wife of their name is name, and yesterday came to dine us dare." "Here!" Lisa said "Lord in a quarrel, and the servants of each other are fought." "And we care about the Lord!" objected Nastya; "Besides, I'm yours, not Papinkina. You didn't scold with young Berestov; and the old men let them fight, if they are fun." "Try, Nastya, to see Alexey Berestov, but tell me well, what about him and what is he for man." Nastya promised, and Lisa was looking forward to the whole day of her return. In the evening Nastya appeared. "Well, Lizaveta Grigorievna," she said, entering the room, "I saw a young Berestov: I looked pretty; the whole day was together." - "How is it? Tell me, tell in order." "Issue-C, we went, I, Anusya Egorovna, not, Dunka ..." - "Well, I know. Well then?" "Let me tell everything in order. Here we came to dint himself. The room was full of people. There were Colban, Zakharovsky, Claudscher with daughters, Khlupinsky ..." - "Well! And Berestov?" "Wait-s. Here we sat down at the table, the Claudsman in the first place, I'm sick of her ... And I inflated her daughters, and I don't care about them ..." - "Ah Nastya, how are you boring with eternal details!" "Yes, how are you impatient! Well, we got out of the table ... And we sat three hours and dinner was nice; Blanc Cantup Blue, Red and Striped ... Here we got from the table, and went to the garden to play in the garden Burners, and a young barin here and appeared. " - "Well, what? Is it true that he is so good?" "Surprisingly good, handsome man, can be said. Slender, tall, blush to the whole cheek ..." - "right? And I thought it was a pale face. What? What did he see for you? Peacon, thoughtful?" "What are you? Yes, I didn't have some kind of fleshy, I didn't see it. He decided to run with us in the burner." - "To run with you in the burner! Impossible!" "It's very possible! Yes, what else was invented! Catch, and well, go!" - "Will Your, Nastya, you are lying." "Will Your, not lying." I accidentally got off from him. The whole day was so slept with us. " - "Yes, how do you say, he is in love and does not look at anyone?" "I don't know, with, and I looked so too much and on Tanya, the order of my daughter, too; Yes, and on Pasha Kolbinskaya, and there was a sin to say, no one offended, such a baloba!" - "This is amazing! And what is heard in the house?" "Barin, affect, beautiful: so kind, so cheerful. One is not good: the girls love too much. Yes, for me, it's not a misfortune: it is still cooled." - "How would I like to see him!" She said Lisa with a sigh. "Yes, what's the wisdom here? Togilovo is not far from us, just three versts: Fly to walk in the other side, or travel to a vehicle; you will surely meet him. He's the same day, early in the morning, walks with a rifle to hunt." - "No, no, not good. He might think that I chase after him. In addition, our fathers are in a quarrel, so I still can not meet him ... Ah, Nastya! Do you know what? I don't know what? I don't know what? I know the peasant ! " "And in fact; put on a thick shirt, sundress, and step boldly in Togilovo; I turn to you that the Berestov doesn't make you nose." - "And in this place, I can speak perfectly. Ah, Nastya is nice Nastya! What a glorious fiction!" And Lisa lay down to sleep with the intention to certainly fulfill his fun assumption. On the other day, she began to fulfill his plan, sent to buy in the bazaar of the thick web, blue of Chinese and copper buttons, with the help of Nastya hurt her shirt and Sarafan, planted for sewing all his maiden, and in the evening everything was ready. Lisa tried to update, and confessed before the mirror, which never seemed to himself so Mila. She repeated his role, on the move lowered and then he dug his head several times, on the semblance of clay cats, spoke on the peasant adverb, laughed, closing the sleeve, and deserved the full approval of Nastya. One thing made it difficult: she tried to go around the courtyard Bosai, but the Dern colole her tender feet, and the sand and pebbles seemed unbearable to her. Nastya also helped her: she took out a measure with a lysine leg, ran in the field to Trofim shepherd and ordered him a couple of flashes for the measure. Another day, nor the light is dawn, Lisa has already woke up. The whole house also slept. Nastya expected the shepherd. Played the horn and the village flock stretched past the Bark yard. Trofim, passing in front of Nastya, gave her small motley lapties and received half a half from her award. Lisa quietly dressed up in the peasant, the shop gave Nastya his instructions regarding Miss Jacqueson, went to the rear porch and ran through the garden in the field. Dawn shine in the east, and the gold rows of clouds seemed to be awaited by the Sun, as the scenes expect a sovereign; Clear sky, morning freshness, dew, breeze and birds singing filled the heart of Lisa infant cheerfulness; Fearing some familiar meeting, she seemed not to go, and flew. Approaching the grove, standing at the turn of the father's ownership, Lisa went quiet. Here she had to expect Alexey. Her heart beat himself, not knowing why; But fear, accompanying young our leprosy, is the main charm of them. Lisa entered the dusk grove. Deaf, rolling noise greeted her girl. Greeting her sweat. She looked a little small dreaminess. She thought ... But is it possible to determine exactly what the seventeen-year-old young lady is thinking, alone, in a grove, in the sixth hour of spring in the morning? And so she walked, thinking, on the road, autonated on both sides with high trees, as suddenly the wonderful bloating dog lay on her. Lisa was frightened and screamed. At the same time, a voice rang out: Tout Beau, Sbogar, ICI ... and a young hunter appeared because of the shrub. "I suppose, honey," he said Lisa, "my dog \u200b\u200bdoes not bite." Lisa has already managed to recover from fright, and he knew how to use the circumstances immediately. "Yes No, Barin," she said, pretending to be semi-sugained, half-fertile, "I'm afraid: she, you wish, so angry; again it will throw." Alexey (the reader has already recognized him) Meanwhile, she stared at the young peasant. "I spend you if you are afraid," he said to her; "Will you let me go beside yourself?" - "And who interferes?" answered Lisa; "Free Will, and the road is worldly." - "Where are you from?" "" From the lump; I am the daughter of Vasilla Kuznez, I go on the mushrooms "(Lisa carried the body on the rope). "And you, Barin? Togilovsky, or what?" "So exactly," Alexey replied, "I am a chamener of a young Barin." Alexey wanted the level of their relationship. But Lisa looked at him and laughed. "And you lie down," she said, "she said," did not hit the fool. I see that you are the Barin himself. "-" Why do you think so? "-" Yes, "-" however? "-" Yes, how did the Barin with the servant do not recognize? And it's not so dressed, and Baish is different, and the dog is not at our dog. "Lisa An hour from one liked Alexey more. Accustomed to not ceremony with pretty settlements, he wanted to hug her; but Lisa donounced him and accepted At itself, such a strict and cold form that although it was laughing Alexey, but he kept him from further attempts. "If you want us to go ahead of friends," she said with importance, "then do not mind forget." - "Whoever you will be forgotten He taught this wisdom? "Alexey asked, breaking around:" Isn't Nastinka Lee, my friend, isn't your young lady? What ways the enlightenment is applied! "Lisa felt that it came out of his role, and immediately recovered." What do you think? "She said;" Do I never happen in the Barskom yard? I suppose: everything was heard and gone. However, "she continued," dangling with you, mushrooms do not get. Go you, Barin, to the side, and I am to another. Forgiveness, please ... "Lisa wanted to remove, Alexei retained her hand." What is your name, my soul ". -" Akulina, "answered Lisa, trying to free his fingers from Alekseeva;" Yes, let them, Barin; It's time for me home. "" Well, my friend of Akulina, I will certainly be on a visit to your father, to Vasyl Kuzchnytsu. "-" What are you? "" What did you objected with the liveliness of Lisa, "for the sake of Christ, do not come. If the houses learn that I chatted alone with Barin in the grove, it will be a trouble; My father, Vasily Kuznets, will give me to death. "-" Yes, I certainly want to see you again. "-" Well, I ever come here again for the fungi. " - "When?" - "Yes, at least tomorrow." - "Cute Akulina, would distorted you, but I do not dare. So tomorrow, at this time, isn't it?" "Yes Yes". - "And you will not deceive me?" - "not deceive." - "Because". "Well, here are those holy Friday, I will come." Young people broke up. Lisa came out of the forest, moved through the field, scratched into the garden and cleared to the farm, where Nastya was waiting for her. There she changed out, absently answering questions impatient in the midst of, and appeared in the living room. The table was covered, the breakfast is ready, and Miss Jaccon, already pious and tightened in a glass, cut down thin tartns. Father praised her for an early walk. "There is nothing healthier," he said, "how to wake up at the dawn." Here he brought several examples of human longevity, hoped from English magazines, noting that all people who lived over a hundred years old did not use vodka and got up at the dawn in winter and in summer. Lisa did not listen to him. She in thoughts repeated all the circumstances of the morning date, the whole conversation of shark with a young hunter, and the conscience began to torment her. In vain objected to herself that the conversation did not come out of the borders of the decency that this prank could not have any consequence, the conscience had rushed her mind louder. The promise given by her for tomorrow, just more worried her: she was completely decided not to keep her solemn oath. But Alexey, waiting for it in vain, could go to find in the village of Daughter Vasilla Kuznez, a real acouhin, a thick, ripple girl, and thus guess her frivolous leprosy. This thought was horrified by Lisa, and she decided on another morning to appear in a sharul grove. For his part, Alexey was in admiration, he thought about his new acquaintance for a whole day; At night, the image of the dim beauty and in a dream pursued his imagination. Dawn barely practiced, as he was already dressed. Not leaving the time to charge a gun, he came out in the field with a faithful sabagar and ran to the place of the promised date. About half an hour has passed in a hopeless expectation for him; Finally, he saw a shrub flashed Blue Sarafan, and rushed to a meeting of a cute shark. She smiled at his gratitude to his delight; But Alexey immediately noticed traces of despondency and anxiety on her face. He wanted to know the reason. Lisa admitted that the act seemed to her frivolous that she repeatedly repented that this time she did not want to keep this word, but that this date will be the last, and that she asks him to stop acquaintance that no good May bring them. All this, of course, was told on the peasant adverb; But thoughts and feelings, unusual in a simple girl, struck Alexey. He used all his eloquence in order to turn acouhin from her intent; I assured her in the innocence of my desires, promised to never submit her reason to repentance, to obey her in everything, the tricks did not deprive it alone: \u200b\u200bsee her alone, at least every other day, at least twice a week. He spoke to the tongue of true passion, and at that moment it was exactly in love. Lisa listened to him silently. "Give me a word," she said finally, "that you will never look for me in the village or ask for me. Give me a word not to look for others with me dates, except for those that I myself appoint." Alexey was swore to her holy Friday, but she stopped him with a smile. "I don't need an oath," Lisa said, "quite one of your promise." After that, they spoke friendly, walking together in the forest, until Lisa told him: it's time. They broke up, and Alexey, remaining alone, could not understand how a simple rustic girl in two dates managed to take true power over him. His interwork with Akulin had the charm of novelty for him, and although the prescriptions of the strange peasant seemed to him with him, but the thought did not keep his word did not even come to his head. The fact is that Alexey, despite the fatal ring, on a mysterious correspondence and on gloomy disappointment, was kind and stranded small and had a pure heart, able to feel the pleasure of innocence. If I had listened to one of my hunt, it would certainly be and in all the details would describe the dating of young people, increasing mutual tendency and credulity, classes, conversations; But I know that most of my readers would not divide my pleasure with me. These details should seem to see them at all, so I miss them, saying briefly, which has not passed two months, and my Alexey was already in love with no memory, and Lisa was not indifferent, although his silent. Both were happy with the present and little thought about the future. The idea of \u200b\u200binseparable bings quite often flashed in their mind, but they never talked about each other. The reason is clear; Alexey, no matter how tied to his pretty aculine, everything remembered the distance existing between them and the poor peasant; And Lisa was bought, what hate existed between their fathers, and did not bother to hope for mutual reconciliation. In addition, her pride was secretly incited in the dark, the novelter's hope was finally the Togilovsky landowner at the feet of the daughter of the Priachinsky Blacksmith. Suddenly, an important occurrence almost changed their mutual relationship. In one clear, cold morning (of those as our Russian autumn) Ivan Petrovich Berezov left the ride, at any case, taking a couple of three greyhound, strive and several yard boys with cracks. At the same time, Gregory Ivanovich Muromsky, seduced by good weather, ordered to settle his kob's feller and drove around his English possessions. Handing to the forest, he saw his neighbor, proudly sitting by the vehicle, in a checkman, chopped to fox fur, and a waiting hare, whom the boys scream and rattles were expelled from the shrub. If B. Grigory Ivanovich could foresee this meeting, of course he turned to the side; But he hit Berstov at all unexpectedly, and suddenly it was from him in the distance of a pistol shot. There was nothing to do: Muromsky, as the educated European, drove up to his opponent and welcomed him. Berestov answered with the same diligence, with what a chain bear is bowed to the gentlemen for the orders of their warned. In this time, the hare jumped out of the forest and ran the field. Berestov and the striking shouted in all the throat, they launched dogs and jerked to the whole supports. The horse of Muromsky, who never happened on the hunt, was frightened and suffered. Muromsky, who proclaimed himself an excellent rider, gave her will and internally satisfied with the case that delighted him from an unpleasant interlocutor. But the horse, shooting up to the ravine, before it is not noticed, suddenly rushed to the side, and Muromsky did not come up. Falling pretty hard on the frozen land, he lay, sickly his kobya mare, which, as if silent, immediately stopped as soon as he felt without a saddle. Ivan Petrovich prompted him, thinking whether he was hurt. Meanwhile, the guilty horse led the striking, holding her under the elimination. He helped Muromsky to climb the saddle, and Berestov invited him to himself. Muromsky could not refuse, for he felt obligated, and thus the Berestov returned home with Glory, holding a hare and leading her opponent to the wounded and almost prisoners of war. Neighbors, breakfast, talked pretty friendly. Muromsky asked Berestov Yezhek, for he admitted that he was not able to get to the house of Luhich. Berestov spent it to the porch himself, and Muromsky left not before, as he taking a honest word from him on the other day (and with Alexey Ivanovich) to come to see more friendly in Prillucino. Thus, the ancient and deeply rooted, seemed to be ready to stop the kugliness of the kobyck. Lisa ran to meet Grigoryu Ivanovich. "What does that mean, dad?" She said in surprise; "Why are you lame? Where is your horse? Whose trees are trees?" "" I'm not guessing, My Dear, "Gregory Ivanovich answered her, and told everything that happened. Lisa did not believe his ears. Gregory Ivanovich, not allowing her to come to his senses, announced that tomorrow he would have a dinner of both Berestov. "What are you talking about!" She said, pale. "Berestov, father and son! Tomorrow we have lunch! No, dad, as you please: I will not show anything." - "What are you crazy?" He objected his father; "Have you become so shy long ago, or do you eat hereditary hatred, as a nomanic heroine? Fully, not fooling ..." - "No, dad, never in the world, for any kind of treasures I do not appear in front of Berestov . Grigori Ivanovich shrugged and did not argue with her, because he knew that he would not take anything contradiction with her, and went to rest from his attraction. Lizaveta Grigorievna went to his room and called on Nastya. Both have long argued about tomorrow. What will be thought of Alexey, if he finds out his sharku in the favor-recognition lady? What opinion will he have about her behavior and rules, about her prudence? On the other hand, Lisa really wanted to see what impression would make a date for him so unexpected ... suddenly the thought flashed her. She immediately handed her Nastya; Both were delighted with her as a find, and put it to fulfill it certainly. The next day, for breakfast, Grigory Ivanovich asked her daughter, whether she was intended to hide from Berestov. "Dad," answered Lisa, "I will take them, if it is pleased with you, only with a persuasion: no matter how I have come before them, what would I do, you will not scold me and do not give any sign of surprise or displeasure." - "Again some leprosy!" said laughing Grigory Ivanovich. "Well, well, well; I agree, do what you want, my chalunya's black eyed." With this word, he fell into her forehead and Lisa ran to be prepared. At two hours at exactly, the carriage of homework, harnessed by six horses, drove into the yard and rolled around a densely green circle. Old Berestov climbed the porch with the help of two Lakeeva Muromsky. Following him, his son arrived with a truck and with him entered the dining room, where the table was already covered. Muromsky accepted his neighbors as it is impossible gentle, he invited them to inspect the garden and the animal to the dinner, and led along the paths, carefully with and swept sand. Old barks internally regretted the lost work and time on such useless whims, but silent from politeness. His son did not share neither the displeasure of the calculating landowner, nor the admiration of a proud English; He was looking forward to the appearance of the master's daughter, which heard a lot, and although his heart, as we know, was already busy, but young beauty always had the right to his imagination. Returning to the living room, they sat down in threesome: the old men remembered the former time and the jokes of their service, and Alexey pondered what role to play him in the presence of Lisa. He decided that cold scattered in any case is a good and in the consequence of this prepared. The door opened, he turned his head with such an indifference, with that proudly negligent, that the heart of the most unfinished coquetki would certainly have to shudder. Unfortunately, instead of Lisa, the old Miss Jacqueson entered, lumpy, tightened, with overpressed eyes and with small Kneps, and the beautiful Martial movement Alekseevo was missing. He did not have time to gather again with the forces, as the door once again opened, and this time Lisa entered. Everyone got up; Father began to represent the guests, but suddenly he stopped and hastily bit his lips ... Lisa, his darkness Lisa, was afraid of her ears, Miss Jaconson himself was nurtsurmal; Fake curls, much brighter their own hair, were whipped like a wig of Louis XIV; Sleeves and L "ImbiCile stuck like Fijmas at Madame de Pompadour; The waist was pulled as the letter of X, and all the diamlians of her mother, who were not yet laid down in the pawnshop, shone on her fingers, neck and ears. Alexey could not recognize his acouhin in this Funny and brilliant lady. The father came up to her handle, and he followed him with his annoyance; when he touched her white fingers, it seemed to him that they were trembling. Meanwhile, he managed to notice the leg, with the intention of the exhibited and teaching with all sorts of coquetry. This aished him a few with her other outfit. As for Belil and to antimony, in the simplicity of his heart, admit, he did not notice them at first glance, and after he did not suspect. Grigory Ivanovich remembered his promise and tried not to show Surprise; but the prank of his daughter seemed so funny that he could hardly stay. Not to laugh was a famous Englishman. She guessed that antimony and Belly were abducted from her chest, and the crimson of the annoyance made his way through the sachets Your face is your face. She threw fiery views on a young lesson, which, deploying all sorts of explanations to another time, pretended to not notice them. We sat at the table. Alexey continued to play the role of scattered and thoughtful. Lisa flashed, spoke through the teeth, on the branches, and only in French. Father was overwhelmed at her, not understanding her goals, but finding all this very funny. The Englishwoman shared and was silent. One Ivan Petrovich was like at home: he ate for two, drank in his measure, laughed her laughter and spent an hour more friendly and laughed. Finally got out of the table; Guests left, and Grigori Ivanovich gave the will of laughter and questions: "What did you think of fooling them?" He asked Lisa. "Do you know what? Belila's right to you stuck; I don't enter the secrets of the lady toilet, but in your place I would have a sharing; not too, but slightly." Lisa was in admiration for the success of his fiction. She hugged her father, promised him to think about his advice, and ran to dismiss the annoyed Miss Jacqueson, who agreed to unlock her the door and listen to her excuses. Lisa was conscientious to seem to the strangers such a Chernovkoy; She did not bother to ask ... She was sure that the kind, sweet Miss Jacinson would forgive her ... and so on, and so on. Miss Jacqueson, making sure that Lisa did not think to raise her mobs, calmed down, he gave the Lisa and pledged to reconcile the jar of English Belil, which Lisa accepted with the expression of sincere thanks. The reader guess that on the other day in the morning of Lisa did not slow down to appear in the grove of dates. "You were, Barin, our Lords in the evening?" She said immediately Alexei; "What did the lady seemed to you?" Alexey answered that he did not notice her. "Sorry," Lease objected. - "And why?" asked Alexey. - "And because I would like to ask you, is it true, they say ..." - "What do you say?" - "Is it true, they say that I look like a young lady?" - "Which nonsense! She is in front of you freak freak." - "Ah, Barin, sin to tell you; the young lady is so white, such a scaber! Where to peel to me!" Alexey was good to her that she was better than all sorts of white ladies, and to calm her at all, began to describe her Mrs. with such funny features that Lisa laughed from the soul. "However," she said with a sigh, "at least a young lady, maybe, it's still funny, still I am illiterate in front of it." - "And!" He said to Alexey, "there is something to embrace!" Yes, if you want, I'll immediately learn you with a diploma. " - "And to the right," said Lisa, "Do not really try and really?" - "Estimibable, honey; let's start at least now." They sat down. Alexey took out a pencil and a notebook from his pocket, and Akulin learned the alphabet to be surprising soon. Alexey could not put her clearness. The next morning, she wanted to try and write; At first, the pencil did not obey her, but after a few minutes she had to pour out the letters rather decently. "What a miracle!" Spoke Alexey. "Yes, we have a doctrine goes rather than in the Lancaster system." In fact, at the third lesson, Akulina already disassembled in the warehouses "Natalia Boyarskaya Daughter", interrupting reading comments from which Alexey was truly in amazement, and the round sheet was emasculated with aphorisms chosen from the same story. Week passed, and correspondence was started between them. Post office was established in the heap of an old oak. Nastya secretly fixed postalion post. Alexei brought against the written letters with a large handwriting, and there he found the Karakulka's blue hand on blue simple paper. Akulina apparently got used to the best warehouse of speeches, and the mind of her noticeably developed and formed. Meanwhile, the recent acquaintance between Ivan Petrovich Berersov and Grigoria Ivanovich Muromsky more and more strengthened and soon turned into friendship, this is for what circumstances: Muromsky often thought that by the death of Ivan Petrovich, all his estate will go into hands Alexey Ivanovich; What, in this case, Alexey Ivanovich will be one of the richest landowners of that province, and that there is no reason for him not to marry Lisa. The old Berestov, on his part, although he recognized some crazy in his neighbor (or, according to his expression, English Durge), however, he did not deny many excellent advantages in it, for example: a rare turning; Grigory Ivanovich was a close relative of the Count Privo, a person is significantly sound and strong; The graph could be very useful to Alexey, and Muromsky (Ivan Petrovich thought so) is likely to be inflamed of the occasion to issue his daughter favorable way. The old people were thinking about all this to themselves, that finally each other and they said, embraced, they were promised to process a matter, and they began to bother each of him for their part. Muromsky had difficulty: to persuade his Betsy to get acquainted shorter with Alexey, who did not see from the most memorable lunch. They seemed to do not really like each other; At least Alexey has not returned to Priuschino, and Lisa went to his room every time Ivan Petrovich honored them with his visit. But, Migory Ivanovich thought if Alexey would have any day with me, then Betsy should fall in love with him. It is in the order of things. Time is alone. Ivan Petrovich less worried about the success of his intentions. In the same evening, he called on his son to his office, lit the tube, and having packed a little, said: "What are you, Alyosha, haven't been talking about military service? Ile Gusar Mundir does not impark you! "-" No, Batyushka ", answered respectfully Alexey," I see that you can not want, so that I walked to Gusara; My duty is to obey. "-" Good "answered Ivan Petrovich," I see that you are a dowrial son; This is comforting to me; I do not want to catch you; I do not seek you to join ... Immediately ... in the Stat Service; And I intend to make you marry you. "" On whom is it, the father? "Asked Alexey's amazed. -" At Lizawa Murgievna Muromskaya, "answered Ivan Petrovich;" Bride at least where; Isn't it? "" Batyushka, I still don't think about marrying. "-" You don't think, so I thought for you and changed my mind. "" Will Your, I don't like Lisa Murom at all. "-" after you like it. Cryptures, winky. "" I do not feel capable of making her happiness. "-" Not your grief is her happiness. What? So you read the will of the parent? Good! "" As you please, I do not want to marry and do not marry. "-" You marry, or I curse you, and the estate, like God holy! I will sell and dive, and you will not leave the half. I give you three days on thinking, and I see no dare to see me on my eyes. "Alexey knew that if his father takes it to his head, he didn't beat the father to the expression of Taras, he didn't beat him; but Alexey was in the father And it was as difficult to redo it. He went to his room and began to reflect on the limits of the power of the parent, about Lizawn Grigorievna, about the solemn promise of his father to make him a poor, and finally about Aculin. For the first time he saw it clear that he was in her It is passionately in love; the nomanic thought to marry the peasant and live in his head with his works, and the more he thought he was a decisive act, especially he found in him prudence. From some time, a meeting was discontinued due to rainy weather. He wrote aculin A letter to the most clear handwriting and the most mad syllable, announced her to death threatening them, and immediately offered her his hand. Immediately he took a letter to the mail, in the hollow, and lay down very pleased with him. Another day Alexey, Tw High in his intention, early in the morning went to the Muromsky, in order to frankly explain to him. He hoped to raise his generosity and incline him to his side. "Does Grigory Ivanovich at home?" He asked, stopping his horse in front of the porch of the Prichinsky Castle. "No," the servant answered; "Grigory Ivanovich in the morning learned to leave." "How annoying!" Thought Alexey. "Does at least Lizaveta Grigorievna?" - "Houses-C". And Alexey jumped off the horse, gave the reins to the lacquer, and went without a report. "Everything will be solved," he thought, coming to the living room; "Let's explain with her Selfness." - He entered ... and dumbfounded! Lisa ... No Akulina, a nice dramatic sharina, not in Sundar, and in the White Morning Platice, sat in front of the window and read his letter; She was so busy, which did not hear how he entered. Alexey could not resist joyful exclamation. Lisa flinched, raised her head, shouted and wanted to escape. He rushed to hold it. "Akulin, Akulina! .." Lisa tried to free himself ... "Mais Laissez-Moi Donc, Monsieur; Mais Ktes-Vous Fou?" She repeated, turning away. "Akulina! My friend, Akulina!" He repeated, Zaluya her hands. Miss Jaccon, witness this scene, did not know what to think. At that moment the door turned away, and Grigory Ivanovich entered. "Yeah!" He said Muromsky, "Yes, you seem to be quite coordinated ..." Readers will get rid of me from excessive responsibilities to describe the junction.

In all you, dumb, outfits are good.


In one of the distant our provinces was the estate of Ivan Petrovich Berestov. In his youth, he served in the guard, retired at the beginning of 1797, went to his village and since then he did not leave there. He was married to a poor nobleman, who died in childbirth, while he was in the departure field. Economic exercises soon comforted him. He built a house on his own plan, started a cloth factory, tripled revenues and began to honor himself to honor himself in the smartest man in the whole window, which did not stop him the neighbors who came to him to visit his families and dogs. On weekdays he walked in a plight jacket, on the holidays she put sank from the cloth of homework; He himself recorded the flow and did not read anything other than the "Senate Vedomosti". In general, he was loved, although they worshiped proud. One Gregory Ivanovich Muromsky, the nearest neighbor, did not go with him. This was a real Russian barin. Diving in Moscow most of the estate and at that time of Ovdov, he went to the last village, where he kept leaning, but in a new way. He spread the English garden, which was spent almost all other incomes. His gangs were dressed in English

jockey. The daughter had Madame English. His fields processed in the English method:

and despite a significant reduction in costs, the incomes of Grigoria Ivanovich were not added; He and in the village found a way to enter new debts; With all of those, he was not stupid man, because the first of the landowners of his province guessed to lay the estate in the guardian council: the turnover seemed extremely difficult and bold. Of the people who condemned him, Berestov responded to be stricter. Hate for innovations was a distinctive feature of his character. He could not even indifferently talk about the Englishman of his neighbor and remembered the case to criticize him. Whether the guest showed his possessions, in response to the praise of his economic orders: "Yes - s! "He spoke with a smile smile," I don't have something that neighbor Grigoria Ivanovich. " Where to break English in English! We would be Russian in Russian. " These and similar jokes, by zealous neighbors, were brought to the attention of Grigoria Ivanovich with an addition and explanations. Angroman endured criticism as impatient as our journalists. He silent and nicknamed his brother and the provincial.

Such were the intercourse between the Simy two owners, as the son of Berestov came to him into the village. He was brought in *** the university and intended to join military service, but the father did not agree to this. To the Stat service, a young man felt completely unable. They did not give up each other, and young Alexei began to live by Barin, letting the mustache just in case.

Alexey was in fact well done. The right would be sorry if his slender mill never tightened the military uniform, and if he were, instead of drawing on a horse, he spent his youth, bent over the stationery. It depends on how he was always the first on the hunt, not the viewing of the roads, the neighbors said according to that he would never come out of a central partner. Baryshni looked at him, and

other and looked around; But Alexey did little by them, and they caused his insensitivity to be insensitive. In fact, he walked the list from the address of one of his letters: Akulina Petrovna Kurochny, in Moscow, opposite the Alekseevsky monastery, in the house of Mednis Savelyev, and you, I ask you to deliver a letter to Yie A. H. R.

Those of my readers who have not lived in the villages can not imagine that the beauty of these county ladies! Pupil in clean air, in the shade of their garden apple trees, they know the knowledge of light and life with the books. Privacy, freedom and reading early in them develop feelings and passions, unknown to scattered our beauties. For the young lady, the ringing of the bell is already an adventure, a trip to the Middle Town is relieved by epoch in life, and the visit to the guest leaves a long, sometimes eternal memory. Of course, all the way to laugh at some of them, but the jokes of the surface observer cannot destroy their essential advantages, from which the main thing: character characteristics, originality(Individualité) 1), without which, according to the Jean-field, there is no human greatness. In the capitals, women get, maybe better education; But the skill of light soon smoothes character and makes the soul as monotonous as hats. This will not be said in court, and not in condemnation, however, nota Nostra Manet 2), as one old commentator writes.

It is easy to imagine what an impression of Alexey was supposed to make our ladies in the circle. He was the first in front of them to be gloomy and disappointed, the first spoke by him about the lost joys, and herself of his youth; Moreover, he wore a black ring with a depicting of a dead head. All this was extremely new in that province. The ladies went crazy about it.

1) Individuality (Franz.).

2) our remark remains in force (Lat.).

But all the more busy was the daughter of the Angloman of My, Lisa (or Betsy, as called Her usually Grigory Ivanovich). The fathers did not go to each other, she had not yet seen Alexei, meanwhile, as all young neighbors only about him, they said. She was seventeen years old. Black eyes revived her dark and very pleasant face. She was the only and investigators of the bald child. Her superstitiousness and commemorative leprosy admired her father and put in despair to her Madam Miss Jaccon, a forty-year-old, a tiny girl who was deprived and anticipated her eyebrows, reread "Pamela" twice a year, received two thousand rubles and died from boredom in this barbaric Russia.

For Lizo, Nastya went; She was older, but just as windy as her young lady. Lisa loved her very much, she opened her all his secrets, together with her thought his venture; In a word, Nastya was in the village of Prillucin, the face is much more significant than any arms in the French tragedy.

Let me go to visit today, "said Nastya once, dressing the lady.

Expert; And where to?

In Togilovo, to Berestov. My wife's wife has a birthday man and yesterday came to call us daring.

Here! - said Lisa, - gentlemen in a quarrel, and the servants of each other treat.

And we care about the Lord! - objected Nastya, besides, I am yours, and not Paprenkina. You did not scold with young Berestov; And old people let yourself fight, if they are fun.

Try, Nastya, see Alexei Berestov, yes, tell me good things, what is he himself and what is he for a person.

Nastya promised, and Lisa was looking forward to the whole day of her return. In the evening Nastya appeared.

Well, Lizaveta Grigorievna, "she said, entering the room," I saw a young Berestov: I looked pretty; The whole day was together.

Like this? Tell me, tell me in order.

Issue-C; We went, I, Anisya Egorovna, Nenina, Dunka ...

Well, I know. Well then?

Let me, with, I will tell everything in order. Here we came to dinner. The room is full of people. There were Colbinish, Zharkiv, Clauses with daughters, Khlupinsky ...

Well! and Berestov?

Wait-s. Here we sat down at the table, the Claudsman in the first place, I'm sick of her ... And my daughters inflated, but I don't care about them ...

Ah, Nastya, how are you boring with eternal details!

Yes, how are you impatient! Well, we got out of the table ... And we were sitting three hours, and dinner was nice; Blanmange's cupcake blue, red and striped ... Here we came out of the table and went to the garden to play the burner, and the young barin appeared here.

Well? Is it true that he is so good?

Surprisingly good, handsome, can be said. Slender, tall, blush to the whole cheek ...

Right? And I thought so he had a pale face. What? What did he seem to you? Peacon, thoughtful?

What do you? Yes, I did not specify my very mad and sorce. He decided to run with us in the burner.

You run with you in the burner! Impossible!

Very possible! Yes, what else was invented! Catch, and well kiss!

Will Your, Nastya, you are lying.

Will Your, not lying. I raged from him. A whole day with us was shifted.

How, how do they say, he is in love and does not look at anyone?

I do not know, s, and I looked so too much, and on Tanya, the order of the daughter, too; Yes, and on Pasha Kolbinskaya, yes, sin to say, no one offended, such a balobnik!

It's amazing! And what in the house about him heard?

Barin, affect, beautiful: so kind, so cheerful. One is not good: the girls too love to chase. Yes, for me, this is not a misfortune: over time it is cooled.

How would I like to see him! - Lisa said with a sigh.

What is the wisdom here? Togilovo from us near, just three versts: Fly to walk in the other side or ride; You, right, meet him. He is all day, early in the morning, walks with a rifle to hunt.

No, not good. He might think that I chase after him. In addition, our fathers are in a quarrel, so I still can not meet him ... Ah, Nastya! Do you know what? I dressed in the peasant!

And in fact; put on a thick shirt, sundress, and step boldly in Togilovo; I turn to you that the Berestov does not do you.

And in this place, I can know how beautiful. Ah, Nastya, Cute Nastya! What a glorious fiction! - And Lisa lay down to sleep with the intention to certainly fulfill the merry assumption.

On the other day, she began to fulfill his plan, sent to buy in the bazaar of the thick web, blue of Chinese and copper buttons, with the help of Nastya hurt her shirt and Sarafan, planted for sewing all his maiden, and in the evening everything was ready. Lisa tried to update and admitted before the mirror, which never seemed to himself so Mila. She repeated his role, on the move lowered and several times later heed his head, like the clay cats, spoke on the peasant adverb, laughed, closing the sleeve, and deserved the full approval of Nastya. One thing made it difficult: she tried to go around the courtyard Bosai, but the Dern colole her tender feet, and the sand and pebbles seemed unbearable to her. Nastya also helped her: she took out a measure with a lysine leg, ran in the field to Trofim shepherd and ordered him a couple of flashes for the measure. Another day, nor the light is dawn, Lisa has already woke up. The whole house also slept. Nastya expected the shepherd. Played the horn, and the village flock stretched past the Bark yard. Trofim, passing in front of Nastya, gave her small motley lapties and received half a half from her award. Lisa quietly dressed up with a peasant, whisper gave Nastya

miss Jaccon's instructions, came to the rear porch and ran through the garden in the field.

Dawn shine in the east, and the gold rows of clouds seemed to be awaited by the Sun, as the scenes expect a sovereign; Clear sky, morning freshness, dew, breeze and birds singing filled the heart of Lisa infant cheerfulness; Fearing some familiar meeting, she seemed not to go, and flew. Approaching the grove, standing at the turn of the father's ownership, Lisa went quiet. Here she had to expect Alexey. Her heart beat himself, not knowing why; But fear, accompanying young our leprosy, is the main charm of them. Lisa entered the dusk grove. Deaf, rolling noise greeted her girl. Greeting her sweat. She looked a little with a sweet dreaminess. She thought ... But is it possible to determine exactly what the seventeen-year-old young lady is thinking, alone, in a grove, in the sixth hour of spring in the morning? So, she

she walked, thinking, on the road, autonated on both sides of high trees, as suddenly the wonderful laying dog lay on her. Lisa was frightened and screamed. At the same time, a voice rang out: "Tout Beau, Sbogar, Ici ..." 1) - and a young hunter appeared because of the shrub. "I suppose, honey," he said Lisa, my dog \u200b\u200bdoes not bite. " Lisa has already managed to recover from fright and skillfully take advantage of the circumstances. "Yes No, Barin," she said, pretending to be a half-visual, half-fearing, - I'm afraid: she, you wish, so evil; It will throw again. " Alexey (the reader has already recognized him) Meanwhile, she stared at the young peasant. "I spend you if you are afraid," he said to her, "you let me go beside yourself?" - "And who interferes? - answered Lisa, - free will, and the road is worldly. " - "Where are you from?" - "From Lyuchin; I am daughter Vasilla Kuznez, I go on mushrooms "(Lisa carried the body on the rope). - "And you, Barin? Togilovsky, or what? " "So accurately," Alexey replied, "I am a valet young barina." Alexey wanted to equalize their relationship. But Lisa looked at him and laughed. "And you are lying," she said, "did not hit the fool. I see that you are Barin himself. " - "Why do you think so?" - "Yes throughout." - "However?" - "How like a barrina with a servant is not recognizing? And dressed is not so, and Baish is different, and I don't have a dog. " Lyza An hour later I liked Alexey. Getting used to not ceremony with pretty settlements, he wanted to hug her; But Lisa donned him from him and accepted such a strict and cold look suddenly, which although Alexey launched, but he kept him from further attempts. "If you want us to go ahead of friends," she said with importance, "then do not mind forget." - "Who taught you this wisdom? - Alexey asked, breaking around. - Isn't Nastya Lee, my friend, isn't your young lady? This is what ways the enlightenment is distributed! " Lisa felt that it came out of his role, and immediately recovered. "What do you think? - she said, -

1) Tube, Svatar, here ... (Franz.).

do I never be in the boric yard? I suppose: everything was heard and gone. However, she continued, "the mushrooms do not gain mushrooms. Go you, Barin, to the side, and I am to another. Forgiveness, please ... "Lisa wanted to remove, Alexei retained her hand. "What is your name, my soul?" - "Akulina, - answered Lisa, trying to free his fingers from Alekseeva's hand, - yes let me, Barin; I'm time home. " "Well, my friend of Akulina, will certainly be a visit to your father, to Vasillia Kuzchtsu." - "What are you? - objected with the liveliness of Lisa - for the sake of Christ, do not come. If the houses learn that I chatted alone with Barin in a grove, then I will be the trouble: My father, Vasily Kuznets, will give me to death. " "Yes, I certainly want to see again with you." "Well, I've ever come for mushrooms again." - "When?" - "Yes, even tomorrow." - "Cute Akulin, would have kissed you, but I do not dare. So tomorrow, at this time, isn't it? " - "Yes, yes. "-" And you will not deceive me? " - "not deceive." - "Because". - "Well, those holy Friday, come."

Young people broke up. Lisa came out of the forest, moved through the field, scratched into the garden and cleared to the farm, where Nastya was waiting for her. There she changed out, absently answering questions impatient in the midst of, and appeared in the living room. The table was covered, breakfast is ready, and Miss Jaccon, already buried and tightened in a glass, cut down thin tartns. Father praised her for an early walk. "There is nothing healthier," he said, "how to wake up at the dawn." Here he brought several examples of human longevity, hoped from English magazines, noting that all people who lived over a hundred years old did not use vodka and got up at the dawn in winter and in summer. Lisa did not listen to him. She in thoughts repeated all the circumstances of the morning date, the whole conversation of shark with a young hunter, and the conscience began to torment her. In vain objected to herself that the conversation did not come out of the borders of the decency that this prank could not have any consequence, the conscience had rushed her mind louder. The promise given to tomorrow,

all more worried her: she completely decided not to keep her solemn oath. But Alexey, waiting for it in vain, could go to find in the village of Daughter Vasilla Kuznez, a real acouhin, a thick, ripple girl, and thus guess her frivolous leprosy. This thought was horrified by Lisa, and she decided on another morning to appear in a sharul grove.

On his part, Alexey was in admiration, he thought about his new acquaintance all day; At night, the image of the dim beauty and in a dream pursued his imagination. Dawn barely practiced, as he was already dressed. Not leaving the time to charge a gun, he came out in the field with a faithful sabagar and ran to the place of the promised date. About half an hour has passed in a hopeless expectation for him; Finally, he saw a shrub flashed Blue Sarafan and rushed towards a cute shark. She smiled at his gratitude to his delight; But Alexey immediately noticed traces of despondency and anxiety on her face. He wanted to know the reason. Lisa admitted that her act seemed frivolous to her that she repeatedly repented that this time she did not want to keep this word, but that this date would be the last and that she asks him to stop acquaintance that could not know him bring them. All this, of course, was told on the peasant adverb; But thoughts and feelings, unusual in a simple girl, struck Alexey. He used all his eloquence in order to turn acouhin from her intent; I assured her in the innocence of my desires, promised to never submit her reason to repentance, to obey her in everything, the tricks did not deprive it alone: \u200b\u200bsee her alone, at least every other day, at least twice a week. He spoke to the tongue of true passion and at that moment was exactly in love. Lisa listened to him silently. "Give me the word," she finally said, "that you will never look for me in the village or ask me about me." Give me a word not to look for others with me dates, except for those that I myself appoint. " Alexey was swore to her holy Friday, but she stopped him with a smile. "I do not

we need an oath, "Lisa said," rather one of your promise. " After that, they spoke friendly, walking together in the forest, until Lisa told him: it's time. They broke up, and Alexey, remaining alone, could not understand how a simple rustic girl in two dates managed to take true power over him. His interwork with Akulin had the charm of novelty for him, and although the prescriptions of the strange peasant seemed to him with him, but the thought did not keep his word did not even come to his head. The fact is that Alexey, despite the fatal ring, on a mysterious correspondence and on gloomy disappointment, was kind and ardent small and had a pure heart, able to feel the pleasure of innocence.

If I had listened to one of my hunt, it would certainly be and in all the details would describe the dating of young people, increasing mutual tendency and credulity, classes, conversations; But I know that most of my readers would not divide my pleasure with me. These details should seem to see them at all, so I miss them, saying briefly, which has not passed two months, and my Alexey was already in love with no memory, and Lisa was not indifferent, although his silent. Both were happy with the present and little thought about the future.

The idea of \u200b\u200binseparable bings quite often flashed in their mind, but they never talked about each other. The reason is clear: Alexey, no matter how tied to the pretty acouhin, everything remembered the distance existing between them and the poor peasant; And Lisa was bred, what hate existed between their fathers, and did not dare to hope for mutual reconciliation. In addition, her pride was secretly incited in the dark, the novelter's hope was finally the Togilovsky landowner at the feet of the daughter of the Priachinsky Blacksmith. Suddenly an important incident has not changed their mutual relationship.

In one clear, cold morning (from those as our Russian autumn) Ivan Petrovich Berezov left to take a stroll at riding, just in case taking with him

couples are three greyhounds, steady and several yard boys with cracks. At the same time, Gregory Ivanovich Muromsky, seduced by good weather, ordered to settle his kob's feller and drove around his English possessions. Handing to the forest, he saw his neighbor, proudly sitting riding, in a checkman, chopped up with a fox, and a waiting hare, whom the boys were crying and rattled from the shrub. If B. Grigory Ivanovich could foresee this meeting, of course he turned to the side; But he hit Berstova at all unexpectedly and suddenly found himself from him in the distance of the pistol shot. There was nothing to do. Muromsky, as an educated European, drove up to his opponent and adopted it. Berestov answered with the same diligence, with what a chain bear is bowed lord According to the orders of their charged. In this time, the hare jumped out of the forest and ran the field. Berestov and the striking shouted in all the throat, they launched dogs and jerked to the whole supports. The horse of Muromsky, who never happened on the hunt, was frightened and suffered. Muromsky, who proclaimed himself an excellent rider, gave her will and internally satisfied with the case that delighted him from an unpleasant interlocutor. But the horse, shooting up to the ravine, before it is not noticed, suddenly rushed to the side, and Muromsky did not come up. Falling pretty hard on the frozen land, he lay, sickly his kobya mare, which, as if silent, immediately stopped as soon as he felt without a saddle. Ivan Petrovich prompted him, thinking whether he was hurt. Meanwhile, the striking horse led the guilty horse, holding her under the coziness. He helped Muromsky to climb the saddle, and Berestov invited him to himself. Muromsky could not refuse, for he felt obligated, and thus the Berestov returned home with Glory, holding a hare and leading her opponent to the wounded and almost prisoners of war.

Neighbors, breakfast, talked pretty friendly. Muromsky asked Berestov yeast, for he admitted that he was not able to get to the house with riding. Berestov spent it to the very

the porch, and the Muromsky left before, when taking a honest word from him on the other day (and with Alexey Ivanovich), come to see more friendly in Prillucino. Thus, the ancient and deeply rooted, seemed to be ready to stop the kugliness of the kobyck.

Lisa ran to meet Grigorus Ivanovich. "What does it mean, dad? - She said with surprise, - Why are you lame? Where is your horse? Whose trees are yeast? " "" I'm not guessed, my dear "1)," Gregory Ivanovich answered her and told everything that happened. Lisa did not believe his ears. Gregory Ivanovich, not allowing her to come to his senses, announced that tomorrow he would have a dinner of both Berestov. "What are you talking about! She said, pale. - Berestov, Father and Son! Tomorrow we have lunch! No, dad, as you please: I will not show anything. " - "What are you crazy? - said his father, - have you been so shy long ago, or do you eat hereditary hatred as a nomanic heroine? Full, not fooling ... "-" No, Dad, never in the world, for no treasure, I do not appear in front of Berestov. " Grigori Ivanovich shrugged and did not argue with her, because he knew that he would not take anything contradiction with her, and went to rest from his attraction.

Lizaveta Grigorievna went to his room and called on Nastya. Both have long argued about tomorrow. What will be thought of Alexey, if he finds out his sharku in the favor-recognition lady? What opinion will he have about her behavior and rules, about her prudence? On the other hand, Lisa really wanted to see what an impression would make a date for him so unexpected ... suddenly the thought flashed her. She immediately handed her Nastya; Both were delighted to her as a find and put it to fulfill it certainly.

The next day, for breakfast, Grigory Ivanovich asked her daughter, whether she was intended to hide from Berestov. "Dad, - answered Lisa, - I will take them, if it is pleased with you, only with a persuasion: how would I be in front of

1) my dear (eng.).

they neither appeared that I would do it, you will not scold me and do not give any sign of surprise or displeasure. " - "Again some leprosy! - said, laughing, Grigory Ivanovich. - Well, good, good; I agree, do what you want, my chalunya's black-eyed. " With this word, he kissed her in his forehead, and Lisa ran to be prepared.

At two hours exactly, the carriage of homework, harnessed by six horses, drove into the yard and rolled around a dense-green turf. Old Berestov climbed the porch with the help of two Lakeeva Muromsky. Following him, his son arrived riding and with him entered the dining room, where the table was already covered. Muromsky accepted his neighbors as it was impossible gentle, offered them to inspect the garden and the Garden and the Wisther and led along the paths, carefully with and swept sand. Old barks internally regretted the lost work and time on such useless whims, but silent from politeness. His son did not share neither the displeasure of the calculating landowner, nor the admiration of a proud English; He was looking forward to the appearance of the master's daughter, which heard a lot, and although his heart, as we know, was already busy, but young beauty always had the right to his imagination.

Returning to the living room, they sat down in threesome: the old men remembered the former time and the jokes of their service, and Alexey pondered what role to play him in the presence of Lisa. He decided that the cold scatlet was in any case, and because of this prepared. The door opened, he turned his head with such an indifference, with that proudly negligent, that the heart of the most unfinished coquetki would certainly have to shudder. Unfortunately, instead of Lisa, the old Miss Jacqueson entered, buried, tightened, with overpressed eyes and with little Kniks, and the beautiful Martial movement Alekseevo was missing. He did not have time to gather again with the forces, as the door once again opened, and this time Lisa entered. Everyone got up; Father began to represent guests, but suddenly he stopped and hastily bitten himself

lips ... Lisa, his dim dims of Lisa, was afraid of her ears, the Miss Jaconson himself was departed; Fake curls, much brighter their own hair, were whipped like a wig of Louis XIV; sleeves à l'imbécile 1) sticking out like Fizma at Madame de Pompadour; 2) The waist was pulled as the letter of X, and all the diamonds of her mother, who have not yet embedded in the pawnshop, shone on her fingers, neck and ears. Alexey could not recognize his sharul in this funny and brilliant lady. His father came up to her handle, and he followed him with an annoyance; When he touched her white fingers, it seemed to him that they were trembling. Meanwhile, he managed to notice the leg, with the intention of the exhibited and teaching with all sorts of coquets. This aished him a few with her other outfit. As for Belil and to antimony, then in the simplicity of his heart, to admit, he did not notice them at first glance, and after he did not suspect. Grigory Ivanovich remembered his promise and tried not to show and show the kind of surprise; But his daughter's prank seemed so funny that he could hardly resist. Not to laugh was a reference Englishman. She guessed that antimony and Belil was abducted from her chest, and the crimson blush of the annoyance pierced through the artificial whiteness of her face. She threw fiery views on a young lesson, which, deploying all sorts of explanations to another time, pretended to not notice them.

We sat at the table. Alexey continued to play the role of scattered and thoughtful. Lisa flashed, spoke through his teeth, charts, and only in French. Father was overwhelmed at her, not understanding her goals, but finding all this very funny. The Englishwoman shared and was silent. One Ivan Petrovich was like at home: he ate for two, drank in his measure, laughed her laughter and spent an hour more friendly and laughed.

Finally got up because of the table; Guests left, and Grigory Ivanovich gave the will of laughter and questions. "What do you want

1) "Fools" (tight sleeves with puffs at the shoulder) (Franz.).

2) Madame de Pompadour (Franz.).

did you fool them? He asked Lisa. - Do you know what? Belly, right, you stuck; I do not enter the secrets of the lady's toilet, but in your place I would have a sharing; Of course, not too, but slightly. " Lisa was in admiration for the success of his fiction. She hugged her father, promised him to think about his advice and ran to conquer the annoyed Miss Jacqueson, which by Nasil agreed to unlock her the door and listen to her excuses. Lisa was conscientious to seem to the strangers such a Chernovkoy; She did not bother to ask ... She was sure that the kind, sweet Miss Jacinson would forgive her ... and so on, and so on. Miss Jaccon, making sure that Lisa did not think to raise her mines, calmed down, kissed Lisa and pledged to reconcile the jar of English Belil, which Lisa accepted with the expansion of sincere thanks.

The reader guess that on the other day in the morning of Lisa did not slow down to appear in the grove of dates. "You were, Barin, our Lords from our Lord? - She said immediately Alexey, - What did the lady seemed to you? " Alexey answered that he did not notice her. "Sorry," Lisa objected. "Why?" Alexey asked. "And because I would like to ask you, is it true, they say ..." - "What do you say?" - "Is it true, they say that I look like a young lady?" - "What nonsense! She is in front of you freak freak. " - "Ah, Barin, sin to talk to you; The young lady is so white, such a squirrel! Where should I be equal to me! " Alexey was good to her that she was better than all sorts of white ladies and, to calm her at all, began to describe her Mrs. with such funny features that Lisa laughed from the soul. "However," she said with a sigh, "even though the lady, maybe, and it's still funny, still I am an illiterable fool." - "And! - said Alexey, - there is something to crush! Yes, if you want, I'll immediately learn you by literacy. " "And the fact," Lisa said, "don't you try to try?" - "Established, honey; Let's start at least now. " They sat down. Alexey took out a pencil and a notebook from his pocket, and Akulin learned the alphabet to be surprising soon. Alexey could not put her

cancer. The next morning, she wanted to try and write; At first, the pencil did not obey her, but after a few minutes she had to pour out the letters rather decently. "What a miracle! - said Alexey. - Yes, we have a doctrine goes rather than in the Lancaster system. " In fact, at the third lesson, Akulin disassembled already on the warehouses "Natalia, Boyar's daughter", interrupting reading comments, from which Alexey was truly amazed, and the round sheet was emasculated with aphorisms chosen from the same story.

Week passed, and correspondence was started between them. Post office was established in the heap of an old oak. Nastya secretly fixed the postman's post. There I brought Alexei to a large handwriting written letters and there I found on blue simple paper Karakulka my kind. Akulin, apparently, got used to the best warehouse of speeches, and her mind was not safely developed and formed.

Meanwhile, the recent acquaintance between Ivan Petrovich Berestov and Grigoria Ivanovich Muromsky was more and more strengthened and soon turned into friendship, for what circumstances: Muromsky often thought that by the death of Ivan Petrovich, all his estate will go into hand to Alexey Ivanovich; What, in this case, Alexey Ivanovich will be one of the richest landowners of that province, and that there is no reason for him not to marry Lisa. The old Berestov, on his part, although he recognized some crazy in his neighbor (or, according to his expression, English Durge), however, he did not deny many excellent advantages in it, for example: a rare turning; Grigory Ivanovich was close relative Count to Proter, man is aware and strong; The graph could be very useful to Alexei, and Muromsky (Ivan Petrovich thought so), it is likely that it will be likely to give his daughter favorable way. The old people were thinking about all this. Everyone about themselves, that finally with each other and talked, embraced, they promised to treat the matter and began to bother each of him for them. Muromsky had difficulty: to persuade his Betsy to get acquainted shorter

with Alexey, whom she did not see from the most memorable lunch. It seemed that they did not really like each other; At least Alexey has not returned to Priuschino, and Lisa went to his room whenever Ivan Petrovich honored them with his visit. But, Migory Ivanovich thought if Alexey would have every day, Betsey would have to fall in love with him. It is in the order of things. Time is alone.

Ivan Petrovich less worried about the success of his intentions. On the same evening, he called on his son to his office, lit the phone and packed up, said: "What are you, Alyosha, do not talk about military service for a long time? Il Gusar Mundir already does not impark you! .. "-" No, father, - answered respectfully Alexey, - I see that you are not pleased, so that I walked in Gusara; My duty to obey. " - "Good, - Ivan Petrovich answered, - I see that you are the obedient son; This is comforting to me; I do not want to catch you; I do not seek you to join ... Immediately ... in the Stat Service; And I'm going to make you marry you. "

On whom is it, the father? - asked the amazed Alexei.

On Lizawa Murgievna Muromskoy, - Ivan Petrovich answered; - Bride at least where; is not it?

Batyushka, I still do not think about marrying.

You do not think, so I thought for you and changed my mind.

Will Your, Lisa Muromskaya I do not like it at all.

After will like it. Cuts, wipe.

I do not feel capable of making her happiness.

Not your grief is her happiness. What? So you read the will of the parent? Good!

As you please, I do not want to marry and do not marry.

You marry, or I curse you, and the estate, like God holy! I will sell and dive, and you will not leave the half! I give you three days to think about, and I will show no dare to seem on my eyes.

Alexey knew that if his father picks up that he had in his head, then, according to the expression of Taras Skodinin, he did not kick him a nail; But Alexey was in the father, and it was as difficult to worry. He went to his room and began to reflect on the limits of the power of the parent, about Lizawn Grigorievna, about the solemn promise of the father to make him a poor and finally about Aculin. For the first time he saw it clear that he was passionately in love with her; The novelty thought to marry the peasant and live with his works came to his head, and the more he thought he was about the decisive act, especially in him I found in him prudence. From some time, a meeting in the grove was discontinued due to rainy weather. He wrote a letter to Akulin's most clear handwriting and the most mad syllable, announced her to death threatening them, and immediately offered her his hand. Immediately, he took a letter to the post office, in the hollow, and lay down very satisfying him.

Another day Alexey, solid in his intention, went early in the morning to Muromsky, in order to explain to him to frankly. He hoped to raise his generosity and incline him to his side. "Does Gregory Ivanovich at home?" He asked, stopping his horse in front of the porch of the Priachiansky castle. "There is no way," the servant answered, "Grigory Ivanovich, he learned to leave in the morning." - "How annoying!" - Thought Alexey. "Does at least Lizaveta Grigorievna?" - "Houses-C". And Alexey jumped off the horse, gave the reins in the hands of Lacey and went without a report.

"Everything will be decided," he thought, coming to the living room, "I will explain with Him myself." - He entered ... and dumbfounded! Lisa ... No Akulina, a pretty dark shark, not in Sundar, and in a white morning dress, sat in front of the window and read his letter; She was so busy, which did not hear how he entered. Alexey could not resist joyful exclamation. Lisa flinched, raised her head, shouted and wanted to escape. He rushed to hold it. "Akulin, Akulin! .." Lisa tried to free himself from him ... "Mais Laissez-Moi Donc,

Reproduced by publication: A. S. Pushkin. Collected Works in 10 volumes. M.: Gichl, 1959-1962. Volume 5. Novels, Tale.

Poet, Lirik, playwright, chasing freedom and brotherhood, implanting evil, injustice and false, - just that Pushkin contemporaries perceived. And therefore, from under his feather, "the story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin," it caused bewilderment and disappointment in society. Even Belinsky considered "to lead neither talent, nor name Pushkin." Offer short retelling Tale of the "Lady of the Peasantka" - the pearls of the cycle.

In contact with

The appearance of the story and its meaning

The history of the creation of a cycle is. The year of writing - 1830. The author, on behalf of which the story is conducted, Ivan Petrovich Belkin - the face of the fictional, allegedly, is a young landowner, one of whose hobby is writing.

All five leads are created by Pushkin in different styles, for example, the "young lady" is set out In the direction "Sentimentalism".

The good-natured and simple manner of the presentation of the fictional character attaches convincing reliability of the narrative. At the same time, the elements of intrigue, unexpected turns and adventures brought by the author to the plot makes "Tale" interesting, but leaves clear and understandable.

Important! The story of the "Baryshnya-Peasantka" takes a special place in the cycle. This is an elegant comedy of the provisions, a kind of vignette with masquerade dressing, occurring in the noble estate.

According to the plot of the "Baryshnya-peasant woman" is similar to Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet", but with Russian realities and a happy ending.

The main characters of the story

  • Ivan Petrovich Berezov;
  • Alexey Beresov, Son Ivan Petrovich;
  • "Real Russian Barin" Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky;
  • Elizabeth Muromskaya, daughter Gregory Ivanovich.

Montextures and cabins from noble estate

In the story of Belkin "Baryshnya-peasant woman" we are talking About two noble families, at the head of which there are widowed landowners. It is difficult to find two such dissimilarities: Togilovsky Barin Ivan Petrovich Beresov and the Prilucian neighbor of His Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky. Hostility, akin to enmity, divides these two surnames On the manner of Shakespeare's heroes.

Berersov Ivan Petrovich - once a brilliant Guards officer, who now retired and became a respectable wealthy landlord, lives in his childbirth in Togilovo. He wonders for a long time, his wife died in childbirth, leaving her husband's husband on the hands little Son. Berestov is a strong and indigrant owner who does not recognize new-fashioned foreign reorganizations. Having in the circulation, in addition to landlord, a cloth factory, he has a stable income and is in sufficient.

Full antipode Berestova Grigory Ivanovich Muromskiy lives next door to the village of Prillucino.

He absorbed all the features of the true Russian Barin - wondered his state, made a debt, and, Ovdov, went to the last unfinished village, where he continued frivolously and carelessly to madly, but already on another way.

His new whim was in Englantic: he broke the English garden, cried his stables in Jockey livers, the crop turnover and Pakhtot carried out on the "aglitskaya" method and even in the governess to his daughter, from the shores of a foggy Albion, Miss Jaccon's true Englishwoman.

However, among the rest of the neighbors he heard a man with a slightly, and even the first made bold and unusual move, having laid his estate in the guardian council.

Both Mr. with contempt and condemnation belonged to each other. Berestov poured Muromskyfor English fanfaroneism and a tendency to waste, and His Vizabi in response called a neighbor to a non-smile provincial and Russian bear.

But this story of the opposition of two nobles would not be so interesting to the reader, if it were not for intrigue between his young representatives. It's time to get acquainted with them.

Junior tribe of Berestovoy and Murom

Losing in infancy Mother, Alexey Berestov sysmanship was raised by Oticm. After graduating from the university, the young trap was conceived to devote himself to military service. Yes, and, it must be admitted, a military uniform, as anyone, would go to his slim mill. For this need, he even let go of the mustache.

But a strict father categorically opposed his desire: he saw his son only in the state service. However, a young man, baiting dyes, hunting and other entertainment, did not at all presented himself at the stationery table.

Young Barin was unusually fit: High, ruddy, wide in the shoulders and proud in the posture - all the surrounding young ladies went crazy.

He, by showering the mask of sullen disappointment, the meaning of the lost ideals and oddities of love, no one honored his attention.

Rumors went as if the reason for the insensitivity of Barchuk lies in a romantic connection with some young lady living in Moscow.

Lisa Muromskaya, or Betsy, as her father called the English manner, is a neighbor of the young Hortal of seventeen years old. The only thing and therefore a bald child, Lisa possessed a frisky temper, gleamed the eyes with alive coals on a pleasant face. Her endless leprosy admired her father and led the governess in despair, which died from boredom in this barbaric country.

His idea about Alexey, a girl could only be a girlfriend - young ladies, because the older Berestov and Murom were in a quarrel. Moreover, the interest of a young girl to the imaginary girl was heated in the image. Elizabeth dreams of meeting Alexey, but does not know how to do it.

Story with dressing or infancy of love

His majesty is case It comes to the aid of the young lady. She had a servant Nastya, a few years older than the mistress, but the same chalunya and attorney in all her heart secrets. In other words, the Maid was assigned the role of Dueni. It was her that he had the opportunity to first see the young Barin, hitting the named after the Cook Wife in Togilovo. The lady, waiting for the servant from the guests, was made everything from impatience.

Characteristic Alexey, issued by the maid, read the lady in shock. No hint of an interesting pallor, boredom and disappointment. "Slender, handsome, a blush to the whole cheek ..., and what a balobist, so not to describe." He played in the burner with a courtyard, so "I still invented something - how I caught what girl, and well kiss," in one word, "mad".

Desire to see with funny small Grew with every minute. Liza with Nastya ripened excellent, in their opinion, plan

The first meeting

The girl decides to dress up the peasant, and since the local speech is well known, then the girl expose the girl did not threaten. The shirt made of thick canvas and the sundress from the blue china were tailored and sewn the same day, and on the gentle legs, who are not accustomed to the grass, the sleeves were splured. Miracle as good was Lisa Muromskaya in this outfite.

Early in the morning in the very cheerful and playful arrangement of the spirit, the ledgear approached the grove on the border of generic possessions.

Here, according to her reason, Alexey Berestov had to appear. And indeed, the dog Lai was heard away, the hound flew to the path and scared Lisa. Following this, the owner of the dog appeared and in French withdrawal Psa.

Elizabeth did not premium Take advantage of circumstancesand. Alexey Beresov, captured by the young peasant, decided to spend it.

On the way, he, to equalize them at the social stage, introduced himself as a servant of the Togilovsky Barin, but the girl immediately denied his words. She herself was called the daughter of the local blacksmith sharul.

Attention! Based on the story of Pushkin, the director Alexei Sakharov shot the eponymous comedy (1995), built on a hoax with the subsequent exposure of the heroine. There is also a theatrical formulation and even the musical.

With every minute, Akulin liked the young man more and more, and he took the honest word with her that the next day, their meeting will repeat. The lady, afraid that in the case of her absence of Berriests will be in the forge, promised to come on a date.

Merry adventure turns into a big feeling

Already a few hours later, the lady, full Raskinaya, decides to stop meetings with a young man, but only fear of searching for a real sharka keeps it from this step. How further events are developing:

  1. Alexey, full of dream about the Black-eyed settlement, with impressive waiting for the next morning.
  2. The next day, at the meeting, Lisa expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bthe futility of their acquaintance and about the frivolity of her act (of course, on the peasant dialect).
  3. Alexey, fascinated by the girl, assures her in the innocence of his thoughts and promises to continue not to look for meetings with her without her knowledge.
  4. Two months flew unnoticed. Young people realized that they were in love with each other, they were good together.
  5. Elizabeth and Alexey were little thought about the future and lived hereby.


Meanwhile, an incident happened, almost destroyed the idyll of young. The autumn cold in the morning, Lisa's father drove to a walk and unexpectedly stumbled upon the fucking Ivan Petrovich Berestov.

Meetings were no longer avoided, but here the horse Muromsky suffered and then dropped the saddle. A leg was damaged, and barks, observing the rules of hospitality, invited Muromsky to himself.

During breakfast, the neighbors talk and surprised noticed many common topics and similarity of tastes. All the seizures were forgotten, Grigory Ivanovich was carefully seated in a shivering, and, taking a word for goodbye, to be in Priuschino Nastra to dinner, left the ravis.

Lisa, having learned about the upcoming Randevo, fell into despair. The fear of exposure, on the one hand, and the desire to see how her beloved will behave in other circumstances, bizarrely intertwined each other. The tried method came to the rescue.

The next day of Berestov, drove up to dinner. Alexey, whose heart, though it was inconspicuous, still wanted to look at the beauty, which was heard. And who he saw? A climbing and gritty chemmeter poured into the room, dressed in a ridiculous outfit A la Pompadour. Where to recognize Alexey in this coquetka his simple acouhin.

The junction of young ledgered succeeded. Father only dormantly laughed another fun daughterand. Miss Jacconus took this anticipation like a mock on himself, because Belil and Antimony were taken without demand from her room. But the lady, who assured the governess in the innocence of the joke, was forgiven.

Promotional resolution of the confusing situation

The next day, the young man painted aculin the details of the meeting with a beauty in such funny expressions that Lisa laughed from the soul.

But she still subsid for her illiteracy, and Alexey Beresov immediately caught fire to teach her letters.

What was the surprise of a young man when his cute shepherd later a short time diligently removed the whole words and read in the syllables. They began to correspond.

But here new clouds thickened over in love. The parents of our young by that time became friends and penetrated to each other such a sympathy that they decided to marry their children. Ivan Petrovich called for his son and announced him about decision taken. Alexey meets this sentence with mental shudder and resolutely refuses himWhat makes the rage of his father, who promises to deprive the son of inheritance.

In confusion, a young man writes a letter to his beloved, in which it describes all the hopelessness of the situation and calls on the supask Akulin to run with him and live righteous works.

Calling all his courage, young Berestov rides in Priuschino for a decisive explanation. But Muromsky does not find himself at home, and Berestov intends to swim with his daughter. He enters the room - and what sees: Akulina, the beloved Akulina, sat in a white morning dress and read his letter.

Important! Tradition with changing in simple peasant clothes alive and to this day. In 1992, a young woman from Yekaterinburg, together with her friend, opened the store of Orthodox clothing under the name "Baryshnya-peasant woman". Now three project stores are open in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.

Pushkin's Pushkin Pushkin - Analysis of the Roman

Analyze more than clear

So what does the light, with the elements of humor, the story of Liza and Alexey from the "young peasant women"? The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is that the main values \u200b\u200bof a person are not the status and estate, but the mind, honor, kindness, sincerity and simplicity.

A.S. Pushkin
Complete essays with criticism
Paryshnya peasant
In all you, dumb, outfits are good.
In one of the distant our provinces was the estate of Ivan Petrovich Berestov. In his youth, he served in the guard, retired at the beginning of 1797, went to his village and since then he did not leave there. He was married to a poor nobility, who died in childbirth, while he was in the departure field. Economic exercises soon comforted him. He built a house on his own plan, started a cloth factory, made revenues and began to honor himself to honor himself in the whole nearby, and the neighbors did not stop him who came to him to visit him with his families and dogs. On weekdays he walked in a plight jacket, on the holidays she put sank from the cloth of homework; He himself recorded the flow, and did not read anything except the Senate statements. In general, he was loved, although they worshiped proud. One Gregory Ivanovich Muromsky, the nearest neighbor, did not go with him. This was a real Russian barin. Diving in Moscow most of the estate of His, and on that time of Ovdov, he left for his last village, where he kept leaning, but in a new way. He spread the English garden, which was spent almost all other incomes. His stables were dressed in English jockey. The daughter had Madame English. His fields handled his English method.
But in someone else's manner, the bread is not born, and despite a significant reduction in costs, the incomes of Grigoria Ivanovich were not added; He and in the village found a way to enter new debts; With all those, he was not stupid man, for the first of the landowners of his province guessed to lay the estate in the guardian council: the turnover seemed extremely difficult and brave. Of the people who condemned him, Berestov responded to be stricter. Hate for innovations was a distinctive feature of his character. He could not even indifferently talk about the Englishman of his neighbor, and it was remembered to criticize him. Whether the guest showed his possessions, in response to the praise of his economic regulations: "Yes, s!" He spoke with a lucova smile; "I don't have the fact that the neighbor Grigoria Ivanovich. Where to break into English! There would be Russians in Russian." These and similar jokes, by zealous neighbors, were brought to the attention of Grigoria Ivanovich with an addition and explanations. Angroman endured criticism as impatient as our journalists. He silent and nicknamed his bear the province. Such were the intercourse between the Simy two owners, as the son of Berestov came to him into the village. He was brought in *** the university and intended to join military service, but the father did not agree to this. To the Stat service, a young man felt completely unable. They were not inferior to each other, and young Alexei began to launch Barin, letting the mustache just in case. Alexey was, in fact, well done. The right would be sorry if his slender mill never touched the military uniform, and if he were, instead of drawing on a horse, he spent his youth bent over the stationery. It depends on how he hunting always the first, not sacrificing the roads, the neighbors said according to that he would never come out of a central partner. Baryshni looked at him, and others looked around; But Alexey did little by them, and they caused his insensitivity to be insensitive. In fact, he went to the hands of the list from the address of one of his letters: Akulin Petrovna Kurochkin, in Moscow, opposite the Alekseevsky monastery, in the house of Medica Savelyev, and you, I ask you to deliver a letter by A. N. R. Those of my readers who Did not live in the villages, they can not imagine that the beauty of these county ladies! Pupil in clean air, in the shade of their garden apple trees, they know the knowledge of light and life with the books. Privacy, freedom and reading early in them develop feelings and passions, unknown to scattered our beauties. For the young lady, the ringing of the bell is already an adventure, a trip to the Middle Town is relieved by epoch in life, and the visit to the guest leaves a long, sometimes eternal memory. Of course, all the way to laugh at some of their oddities; But the jokes of the surface observer cannot destroy their essential advantages, from which the main, feature of nature, identity (individuality), without which, according to Jean-field, there is no human greatness. In the capitals, women can be better education; But the skill of light soon smoothes character and makes the soul as monotonous as hats. This will not be said in court, and not in condemnation, however, Nota Nostra Manet, as one old commentator writes. It is easy to imagine what an impression of Alexey was to be made in the circle of our ladiesch. He was the first in front of them was gloomy and disappointed, the first spoke by him about the lost joys and faded his youth; Moreover, he wore a black ring with a depicting of a dead head. All this was extremely new in that province. The ladies went crazy about it. But all the more busy was the daughter of the Angloman of My, Lisa (or Betsy, as called Her usually Grigory Ivanovich). The fathers did not go to each other, she did not see Alexei yet, meanwhile, as all young neighbors only about him and said. She was seventeen years old. Black eyes revived her dark and very pleasant face. She was the only and investigators of the bald child. Her superstitiousness and commemorative leprosy admired her father and put in despair to her Madame Miss Jacqueson, a forth-year-old-minded girl, who was deprived and drowned his eyebrows, reread Pamela twice a year, received two thousand rubles for that two thousand rubles, and died from boredom in this barbaric Russia. For Lizo, Nastya went; She was older, but just as windy as her young lady. Lisa loved her very much, she opened her all his secrets, together with her thought his venture; In a word, Nastya was in the village of Prillucin, the face is much more significant than any arms in the French tragedy. "Let me go to visit today," said Nastya once, dressing the lady. "Established; and where?" "In Togilovo, to Birchov, the wife of their name is name, and yesterday came to dine us dare." "Here!" Lisa said "Lord in a quarrel, and the servants of each other are fought." "And we care about the Lord!" objected Nastya; "Besides, I'm yours, not Papinkina. You didn't scold with young Berestov; and the old men let them fight, if they are fun." "Try, Nastya, to see Alexey Berestov, but tell me well, what about him and what is he for man." Nastya promised, and Lisa was looking forward to the whole day of her return. In the evening Nastya appeared. "Well, Lizaveta Grigorievna," she said, entering the room, "I saw a young Berestov: I looked pretty; the whole day was together." - "How is it? Tell me, tell in order." "Issue-C, we went, I, Anusya Egorovna, not, Dunka ..." - "Well, I know. Well then?" "Let me tell everything in order. Here we came to dint himself. The room was full of people. There were Colban, Zakharovsky, Claudscher with daughters, Khlupinsky ..." - "Well! And Berestov?" "Wait-s. Here we sat down at the table, the Claudsman in the first place, I'm sick of her ... And I inflated her daughters, and I don't care about them ..." - "Ah Nastya, how are you boring with eternal details!" "Yes, how are you impatient! Well, we got out of the table ... And we sat three hours and dinner was nice; Blanc Cantup Blue, Red and Striped ... Here we got from the table, and went to the garden to play in the garden Burners, and a young barin here and appeared. " - "Well, what? Is it true that he is so good?" "Surprisingly good, handsome man, can be said. Slender, tall, blush to the whole cheek ..." - "right? And I thought it was a pale face. What? What did he see for you? Peacon, thoughtful?" "What are you? Yes, I didn't have some kind of fleshy, I didn't see it. He decided to run with us in the burner." - "To run with you in the burner! Impossible!" "It's very possible! Yes, what else was invented! Catch, and well, go!" - "Will Your, Nastya, you are lying." "Will Your, not lying." I accidentally got off from him. The whole day was so slept with us. " - "Yes, how do you say, he is in love and does not look at anyone?" "I don't know, with, and I looked so too much and on Tanya, the order of my daughter, too; Yes, and on Pasha Kolbinskaya, and there was a sin to say, no one offended, such a baloba!" - "This is amazing! And what is heard in the house?" "Barin, affect, beautiful: so kind, so cheerful. One is not good: the girls love too much. Yes, for me, it's not a misfortune: it is still cooled." - "How would I like to see him!" She said Lisa with a sigh. "Yes, what's the wisdom here? Togilovo is not far from us, just three versts: Fly to walk in the other side, or travel to a vehicle; you will surely meet him. He's the same day, early in the morning, walks with a rifle to hunt." - "No, no, not good. He might think that I chase after him. In addition, our fathers are in a quarrel, so I still can not meet him ... Ah, Nastya! Do you know what? I don't know what? I don't know what? I know the peasant ! " "And in fact; put on a thick shirt, sundress, and step boldly in Togilovo; I turn to you that the Berestov doesn't make you nose." - "And in this place, I can speak perfectly. Ah, Nastya is nice Nastya! What a glorious fiction!" And Lisa lay down to sleep with the intention to certainly fulfill his fun assumption. On the other day, she began to fulfill his plan, sent to buy in the bazaar of the thick web, blue of Chinese and copper buttons, with the help of Nastya hurt her shirt and Sarafan, planted for sewing all his maiden, and in the evening everything was ready. Lisa tried to update, and confessed before the mirror, which never seemed to himself so Mila. She repeated his role, on the move lowered and then he dug his head several times, on the semblance of clay cats, spoke on the peasant adverb, laughed, closing the sleeve, and deserved the full approval of Nastya. One thing made it difficult: she tried to go around the courtyard Bosai, but the Dern colole her tender feet, and the sand and pebbles seemed unbearable to her. Nastya also helped her: she took out a measure with a lysine leg, ran in the field to Trofim shepherd and ordered him a couple of flashes for the measure. Another day, nor the light is dawn, Lisa has already woke up. The whole house also slept. Nastya expected the shepherd. Played the horn and the village flock stretched past the Bark yard. Trofim, passing in front of Nastya, gave her small motley lapties and received half a half from her award. Lisa quietly dressed up in the peasant, the shop gave Nastya his instructions regarding Miss Jacqueson, went to the rear porch and ran through the garden in the field. Dawn shine in the east, and the gold rows of clouds seemed to be awaited by the Sun, as the scenes expect a sovereign; Clear sky, morning freshness, dew, breeze and birds singing filled the heart of Lisa infant cheerfulness; Fearing some familiar meeting, she seemed not to go, and flew. Approaching the grove, standing at the turn of the father's ownership, Lisa went quiet. Here she had to expect Alexey. Her heart beat himself, not knowing why; But fear, accompanying young our leprosy, is the main charm of them. Lisa entered the dusk grove. Deaf, rolling noise greeted her girl. Greeting her sweat. She looked a little small dreaminess. She thought ... But is it possible to determine exactly what the seventeen-year-old young lady is thinking, alone, in a grove, in the sixth hour of spring in the morning? And so she walked, thinking, on the road, autonated on both sides with high trees, as suddenly the wonderful bloating dog lay on her. Lisa was frightened and screamed. At the same time, a voice rang out: Tout Beau, Sbogar, ICI ... and a young hunter appeared because of the shrub. "I suppose, honey," he said Lisa, "my dog \u200b\u200bdoes not bite." Lisa has already managed to recover from fright, and he knew how to use the circumstances immediately. "Yes No, Barin," she said, pretending to be semi-sugained, half-fertile, "I'm afraid: she, you wish, so angry; again it will throw." Alexey (the reader has already recognized him) Meanwhile, she stared at the young peasant. "I spend you if you are afraid," he said to her; "Will you let me go beside yourself?" - "And who interferes?" answered Lisa; "Free Will, and the road is worldly." - "Where are you from?" "" From the lump; I am the daughter of Vasilla Kuznez, I go on the mushrooms "(Lisa carried the body on the rope). "And you, Barin? Togilovsky, or what?" "So exactly," Alexey replied, "I am a chamener of a young Barin." Alexey wanted the level of their relationship. But Lisa looked at him and laughed. "And you lie down," she said, "she said," did not hit the fool. I see that you are the Barin himself. "-" Why do you think so? "-" Yes, "-" however? "-" Yes, how did the Barin with the servant do not recognize? And it's not so dressed, and Baish is different, and the dog is not at our dog. "Lisa An hour from one liked Alexey more. Accustomed to not ceremony with pretty settlements, he wanted to hug her; but Lisa donounced him and accepted At itself, such a strict and cold form that although it was laughing Alexey, but he kept him from further attempts. "If you want us to go ahead of friends," she said with importance, "then do not mind forget." - "Whoever you will be forgotten He taught this wisdom? "Alexey asked, breaking around:" Isn't Nastinka Lee, my friend, isn't your young lady? What ways the enlightenment is applied! "Lisa felt that it came out of his role, and immediately recovered." What do you think? "She said;" Do I never happen in the Barskom yard? I suppose: everything was heard and gone. However, "she continued," dangling with you, mushrooms do not get. Go you, Barin, to the side, and I am to another. Forgiveness, please ... "Lisa wanted to remove, Alexei retained her hand." What is your name, my soul ". -" Akulina, "answered Lisa, trying to free his fingers from Alekseeva;" Yes, let them, Barin; It's time for me home. "" Well, my friend of Akulina, I will certainly be on a visit to your father, to Vasyl Kuzchnytsu. "-" What are you? "" What did you objected with the liveliness of Lisa, "for the sake of Christ, do not come. If the houses learn that I chatted alone with Barin in the grove, it will be a trouble; My father, Vasily Kuznets, will give me to death. "-" Yes, I certainly want to see you again. "-" Well, I ever come here again for the fungi. " - "When?" - "Yes, at least tomorrow." - "Cute Akulina, would distorted you, but I do not dare. So tomorrow, at this time, isn't it?" "Yes Yes". - "And you will not deceive me?" - "not deceive." - "Because". "Well, here are those holy Friday, I will come." Young people broke up. Lisa came out of the forest, moved through the field, scratched into the garden and cleared to the farm, where Nastya was waiting for her. There she changed out, absently answering questions impatient in the midst of, and appeared in the living room. The table was covered, the breakfast is ready, and Miss Jaccon, already pious and tightened in a glass, cut down thin tartns. Father praised her for an early walk. "There is nothing healthier," he said, "how to wake up at the dawn." Here he brought several examples of human longevity, hoped from English magazines, noting that all people who lived over a hundred years old did not use vodka and got up at the dawn in winter and in summer. Lisa did not listen to him. She in thoughts repeated all the circumstances of the morning date, the whole conversation of shark with a young hunter, and the conscience began to torment her. In vain objected to herself that the conversation did not come out of the borders of the decency that this prank could not have any consequence, the conscience had rushed her mind louder. The promise given by her for tomorrow, just more worried her: she was completely decided not to keep her solemn oath. But Alexey, waiting for it in vain, could go to find in the village of Daughter Vasilla Kuznez, a real acouhin, a thick, ripple girl, and thus guess her frivolous leprosy. This thought was horrified by Lisa, and she decided on another morning to appear in a sharul grove. For his part, Alexey was in admiration, he thought about his new acquaintance for a whole day; At night, the image of the dim beauty and in a dream pursued his imagination. Dawn barely practiced, as he was already dressed. Not leaving the time to charge a gun, he came out in the field with a faithful sabagar and ran to the place of the promised date. About half an hour has passed in a hopeless expectation for him; Finally, he saw a shrub flashed Blue Sarafan, and rushed to a meeting of a cute shark. She smiled at his gratitude to his delight; But Alexey immediately noticed traces of despondency and anxiety on her face. He wanted to know the reason. Lisa admitted that the act seemed to her frivolous that she repeatedly repented that this time she did not want to keep this word, but that this date will be the last, and that she asks him to stop acquaintance that no good May bring them. All this, of course, was told on the peasant adverb; But thoughts and feelings, unusual in a simple girl, struck Alexey. He used all his eloquence in order to turn acouhin from her intent; I assured her in the innocence of my desires, promised to never submit her reason to repentance, to obey her in everything, the tricks did not deprive it alone: \u200b\u200bsee her alone, at least every other day, at least twice a week. He spoke to the tongue of true passion, and at that moment it was exactly in love. Lisa listened to him silently. "Give me a word," she said finally, "that you will never look for me in the village or ask for me. Give me a word not to look for others with me dates, except for those that I myself appoint." Alexey was swore to her holy Friday, but she stopped him with a smile. "I don't need an oath," Lisa said, "quite one of your promise." After that, they spoke friendly, walking together in the forest, until Lisa told him: it's time. They broke up, and Alexey, remaining alone, could not understand how a simple rustic girl in two dates managed to take true power over him. His interwork with Akulin had the charm of novelty for him, and although the prescriptions of the strange peasant seemed to him with him, but the thought did not keep his word did not even come to his head. The fact is that Alexey, despite the fatal ring, on a mysterious correspondence and on gloomy disappointment, was kind and stranded small and had a pure heart, able to feel the pleasure of innocence. If I had listened to one of my hunt, it would certainly be and in all the details would describe the dating of young people, increasing mutual tendency and credulity, classes, conversations; But I know that most of my readers would not divide my pleasure with me. These details should seem to see them at all, so I miss them, saying briefly, which has not passed two months, and my Alexey was already in love with no memory, and Lisa was not indifferent, although his silent. Both were happy with the present and little thought about the future. The idea of \u200b\u200binseparable bings quite often flashed in their mind, but they never talked about each other. The reason is clear; Alexey, no matter how tied to his pretty aculine, everything remembered the distance existing between them and the poor peasant; And Lisa was bought, what hate existed between their fathers, and did not bother to hope for mutual reconciliation. In addition, her pride was secretly incited in the dark, the novelter's hope was finally the Togilovsky landowner at the feet of the daughter of the Priachinsky Blacksmith. Suddenly, an important occurrence almost changed their mutual relationship. In one clear, cold morning (of those as our Russian autumn) Ivan Petrovich Berezov left the ride, at any case, taking a couple of three greyhound, strive and several yard boys with cracks. At the same time, Gregory Ivanovich Muromsky, seduced by good weather, ordered to settle his kob's feller and drove around his English possessions. Handing to the forest, he saw his neighbor, proudly sitting by the vehicle, in a checkman, chopped to fox fur, and a waiting hare, whom the boys scream and rattles were expelled from the shrub. If B. Grigory Ivanovich could foresee this meeting, of course he turned to the side; But he hit Berstov at all unexpectedly, and suddenly it was from him in the distance of a pistol shot. There was nothing to do: Muromsky, as the educated European, drove up to his opponent and welcomed him. Berestov answered with the same diligence, with what a chain bear is bowed to the gentlemen for the orders of their warned. In this time, the hare jumped out of the forest and ran the field. Berestov and the striking shouted in all the throat, they launched dogs and jerked to the whole supports. The horse of Muromsky, who never happened on the hunt, was frightened and suffered. Muromsky, who proclaimed himself an excellent rider, gave her will and internally satisfied with the case that delighted him from an unpleasant interlocutor. But the horse, shooting up to the ravine, before it is not noticed, suddenly rushed to the side, and Muromsky did not come up. Falling pretty hard on the frozen land, he lay, sickly his kobya mare, which, as if silent, immediately stopped as soon as he felt without a saddle. Ivan Petrovich prompted him, thinking whether he was hurt. Meanwhile, the guilty horse led the striking, holding her under the elimination. He helped Muromsky to climb the saddle, and Berestov invited him to himself. Muromsky could not refuse, for he felt obligated, and thus the Berestov returned home with Glory, holding a hare and leading her opponent to the wounded and almost prisoners of war. Neighbors, breakfast, talked pretty friendly. Muromsky asked Berestov Yezhek, for he admitted that he was not able to get to the house of Luhich. Berestov spent it to the porch himself, and Muromsky left not before, as he taking a honest word from him on the other day (and with Alexey Ivanovich) to come to see more friendly in Prillucino. Thus, the ancient and deeply rooted, seemed to be ready to stop the kugliness of the kobyck. Lisa ran to meet Grigoryu Ivanovich. "What does that mean, dad?" She said in surprise; "Why are you lame? Where is your horse? Whose trees are trees?" "" I'm not guessing, My Dear, "Gregory Ivanovich answered her, and told everything that happened. Lisa did not believe his ears. Gregory Ivanovich, not allowing her to come to his senses, announced that tomorrow he would have a dinner of both Berestov. "What are you talking about!" She said, pale. "Berestov, father and son! Tomorrow we have lunch! No, dad, as you please: I will not show anything." - "What are you crazy?" He objected his father; "Have you become so shy long ago, or do you eat hereditary hatred, as a nomanic heroine? Fully, not fooling ..." - "No, dad, never in the world, for any kind of treasures I do not appear in front of Berestov . Grigori Ivanovich shrugged and did not argue with her, because he knew that he would not take anything contradiction with her, and went to rest from his attraction. Lizaveta Grigorievna went to his room and called on Nastya. Both have long argued about tomorrow. What will be thought of Alexey, if he finds out his sharku in the favor-recognition lady? What opinion will he have about her behavior and rules, about her prudence? On the other hand, Lisa really wanted to see what impression would make a date for him so unexpected ... suddenly the thought flashed her. She immediately handed her Nastya; Both were delighted with her as a find, and put it to fulfill it certainly. The next day, for breakfast, Grigory Ivanovich asked her daughter, whether she was intended to hide from Berestov. "Dad," answered Lisa, "I will take them, if it is pleased with you, only with a persuasion: no matter how I have come before them, what would I do, you will not scold me and do not give any sign of surprise or displeasure." - "Again some leprosy!" said laughing Grigory Ivanovich. "Well, well, well; I agree, do what you want, my chalunya's black eyed." With this word, he fell into her forehead and Lisa ran to be prepared. At two hours at exactly, the carriage of homework, harnessed by six horses, drove into the yard and rolled around a densely green circle. Old Berestov climbed the porch with the help of two Lakeeva Muromsky. Following him, his son arrived with a truck and with him entered the dining room, where the table was already covered. Muromsky accepted his neighbors as it is impossible gentle, he invited them to inspect the garden and the animal to the dinner, and led along the paths, carefully with and swept sand. Old barks internally regretted the lost work and time on such useless whims, but silent from politeness. His son did not share neither the displeasure of the calculating landowner, nor the admiration of a proud English; He was looking forward to the appearance of the master's daughter, which heard a lot, and although his heart, as we know, was already busy, but young beauty always had the right to his imagination. Returning to the living room, they sat down in threesome: the old men remembered the former time and the jokes of their service, and Alexey pondered what role to play him in the presence of Lisa. He decided that cold scattered in any case is a good and in the consequence of this prepared. The door opened, he turned his head with such an indifference, with that proudly negligent, that the heart of the most unfinished coquetki would certainly have to shudder. Unfortunately, instead of Lisa, the old Miss Jacqueson entered, lumpy, tightened, with overpressed eyes and with small Kneps, and the beautiful Martial movement Alekseevo was missing. He did not have time to gather again with the forces, as the door once again opened, and this time Lisa entered. Everyone got up; Father began to represent the guests, but suddenly he stopped and hastily bit his lips ... Lisa, his darkness Lisa, was afraid of her ears, Miss Jaconson himself was nurtsurmal; Fake curls, much brighter their own hair, were whipped like a wig of Louis XIV; Sleeves and L "ImbiCile sticking out like Fijma at Madame de Pompadour; The waist was pulled as the letter of X, and all the diamlians of her mother, who were not yet laid down in the pawnshop, shone on her fingers, neck and ears.