What does the conjugation of the verb depend on. How to determine the conjugation of a verb in Russian? Learn the rule easily

What is conjugation? The answer is simple - this is a change in verb forms according to non-permanent features, which are person (1-3) and number (singular or plural). The face tells who is doing the action. There are three categories of person.

Example: drawing, you need to choose a suitable pronoun for it, here it fits - you. From here it is clear that drawing costs in units. h., has signs of the second person. It can be concluded that the conjugation of verbs in the Russian language is their change according to non-permanent signs.

Features of conjugation of verbs in Russian. Tables.

Inflections that appear during conjugation are called personal.

Attention! The table above is important to remember very well.

Some subtleties

So that each Verification work in morphology, it did not cause panic attacks, and when passing the exam, you could feel confident, you need to master the basic principles and rules of Russian spelling well.

For example: Laughter is heard. We write I (2 questions). The beds are watered. Verb of the first conjugation. gives the letter Yu. The process of changing verbs affects spelling, it is it that decides what suffix the participle will have.


If inflection is under stress, then there can be no doubt about the correct spelling. What are the endings of the verbs of both conjugations in Russian you will learn from the table:

If another morpheme is stressed, except for inflection, then the infinitive, or rather, the letter combination located at the end of the word, will help in correlating the lexeme and the group.

The verbs of the second conjugation, according to the established language rules, end in -it, except for the verbs to shave, lay, build. Complement the group of exceptions from 1 ref. (look, see, offend, depend, breathe, hate, hear, drive, hold, twirl, endure).

All verbs that do not fall into the second group belong to the first, including shave, lay, build.

Verbs of the 2nd conjugation include similar examples: ready it, hurry it.

Important! Clearly learn the exceptions for the 1st and 2nd conjugations.

An example of using the basic rule in practice

  1. The people are fighting.. N.f. fight. Postfix - we discard. The letter combination -ot is an indicator of 1 sp. The table gives us the letter E in place of the gap. Bor people e tsya.
  2. She's ready..t. N.f. Cook. This is a verb of the second conjugation. Non-permanent signs: 3 l., single. number. According to the table, we determine that the letter I should be in place of the pass. It is ready and t.
  3. Bre..t beard. We put in . Shave - determine what conjugation it is. We refer it to group 1. Bre e t beard.
  4. We kind of..m. We put in n. f. To see - we determine what conjugation it is. 2 group. We are kind and m.

Conjugation of verbs

In the fourth quarter, grades 4-5 traditionally study the section on the verb.

Towards the end of the school year, it is difficult to cope with the two most difficult topics in spelling - "Vowels in personal endings and in verb suffixes."

It is even more difficult for sixth graders studying the spelling of participle suffixes. The guys have to determine the conjugation of verbs, and it can be very difficult to do this. And what is it like for high school students who have an exam in the Russian language ahead, and it’s impossible to imagine! ..

Scattered information, not completed in time by careful processing, leads to serious gaps. We will systematize everything you need to know about verb conjugation.

It would seem that it is a textbook known that the II conjugation has verbs ending in an indefinite form, or infinitive, in -It, as well as seven verbs in -Et and four verbs in -At. All other verbs in -Et, -At, -NUt, -Ot, -Yt and two exception words known from school textbooks in -It (shave, lay) belong to the I conjugation.

Rare words to be based (with the meaning: to build, to be based), to sway (with the meaning: to vacillate, to swing) are used only in the 3rd person: discipline is based on the mind of the student, decisions are based on the law, the reed is shaking, the leaves are shaking.

Remember that the infinitive conjugation is determined only for those verbs that have percussive personal endings: worth - stand (II question), fly - fly (II question).

If the personal endings of the verb are stressed, then there is no need to look for the infinitive, you need to look at this ending: you take, you take, you take, you take, you take (EAT/YOSH, ET/YOT, EAT/YOM, ETE/YOTE, UT/UT) - I conjugation; make noise, make noise, make noise, make noise, make noise (ISH, IT, IM, ITE, AT / YAT) - II conjugation.

Indeed, there is nothing new! However, the problem remains unresolved so far. Why?

First, we do not know the word-exception. Fixing this is easy, you just need to learn a useful rhyme:

Drive, hold, endure, offend,

Hear, see, hate.

And one more thing: breathe, twirl,

And depend and watch.

Secondly, the indefinite form itself sometimes puzzles us. Well, if the suffix before -TH is stressed (stand, be silent, fly, threaten), but if the sound is unstressed, then we doubt how it is correct: glue or glue, depend or depend, sow or sow (the underlined words are spelled correctly!). Verbs need to be memorized and learned again.

However, there little advice: pronounce the desired word slowly to hear the sound yot, in all words on -Yat there is a letter I, it is an iotized vowel (measure, clean, BUT melt, start).

Do not confuse the meanings of the words melt (disappear, become liquid, experience a state of tenderness) and conceal (hide in yourself, be silent, not reveal). But learn the words GLUE, BUILD firmly, firmly!

Thirdly, there is a group of verbs that conjugate, violating all conditions: some form forms like the first conjugation, others like the second. There are few of them: run - run - run; want - want - want; eat - eat - eat; give - give - give.

They are called heterogeneous. They are adjoined by the words glimmer - glimmer - glimmer; honor - honor - honor (the form honor is rarely used).

Fourthly, prefixes are often attached to words and disguise verbs so well that they mislead us, and the prefix you even pulls the stress on itself: hold, look after, get bored, create, run, fly out, pronounce. Simple advice: discard the prefix!

Fifth, if the verb has a prefix obez- (obes-), then when determining the conjugation, be sure to take into account the transitivity of the verb. The transitive verb is to weaken someone (II ref.), and the intransitive verb to weaken oneself (I ref.): we weaken the enemy, you will immediately become exhausted. Tip: find the subject and object, identify the transitive verb.

Sixthly, some verbs have two forms: torment (torment - torment - torment); measures (measure - measure - measure); recover (recover - recover). These variants refer to different conjugations. One of these forms may have an alternation of sounds: drip - drip - caplet; rinse - rinse - rinse; waving - waving - waving (underlined words are colloquial).

Which one is correct? Both exist, but in different ways, differ either in their lexical meaning or a stylistic touch. Compare: caplet, that is, it flows spontaneously; dripping denotes an action performed by someone; the colloquial form is waving and the neutral is waving. Use only literary forms in writing.

Seventh, you can not mix verbs in the indicative and imperative moods. Compare the two forms: Will you knock on my window when you go for a walk? - Knock on my window, please, when you go for a walk.

Both sentences are almost the same (by ear!), but they differ in the purpose of the statement: the first is interrogative, and the second is declarative. In the first, the indicative verb has the ending of the I conjugation -ETE, in the second, the imperative verb has the suffix -I- and the ending -TE. Know firmly that only in the form of the indicative mood it is necessary to determine the conjugation of the verb.

And, finally, there is a group of such verbs that express states or actions, do not depend on the subject and do not change by person. They are called impersonal and do not belong to any conjugation: it is evening, I am unwell. Some personal verbs only in the text can have the meaning of impersonal ones: it smells like bird cherry, it smells of hay, it is not readable, it tends to sleep, it is easy to breathe. Pay attention to the sentence in which the verb is used.

You can breathe! But still, don't rush. Now let's learn to reason. Do it right.


I saw..l shooting star, and you will see..sh.

This sentence has three verb forms: 2 verbs and 1 participle. There are two words with the same root, and the letters must be written differently: a vowel in the suffix and a vowel in the ending. The first verb is used in the past tense, it denotes an action that has already taken place, this is signaled by the suffix -L-. In the indefinite form, the verb to see before -Т has the suffix E, which means we write this letter.

Another verb is in the future tense, its ending is unstressed, it is an exception (we discard the prefix Y-) and belongs to the II conjugation, in the singular you need to write And, in the plural A / Ya.

The participle is formed from the verb fall (I sp.) and has the vowel Yu, and the suffix -A- remains unchanged.


The mouse goes to sleep, the bug falls asleep, but the cricket laughs above them.

Although the verb sleep has the vowel A, it cannot be attributed to the I conjugation without self-checking. He sleeps, they sleep, therefore, this is the II conjugation. The verb lays down has a stressed ending -IT, by the letter AND it is clear that this is also the II conjugation. The verb falls asleep with an unstressed ending, put it in an indefinite form - fall asleep, this is the I conjugation. The verb also laughs with an unstressed ending, we act by analogy: laugh, this is also the I conjugation.


As they bed..t, so people sleep..tsya. Yesterday you won’t catch up .. you, tomorrow you won’t meet .. you.

Words with missing letters have unstressed personal endings. Consider the sentence: As they bed..t, so people sleep..tsya. We put the first verb in an indefinite form to lay, discard the prefix PO-, find out the exception to lay, this is the I conjugation, we write Yu. The second verb (infinitive sleep) even without shock attachment YOU - without self-examination, it will not be possible to determine the conjugation correctly: they are sleeping, he is sleeping. This is the II conjugation.

Let's move on to the sentence: Yesterday, don't catch up..sh, tomorrow you won't meet..sh. We put the verb catch up .. sh in an indefinite form, we get catch up, discard the prefix DO- and find out the exception verb, II conjugation, we write catch up. At the word meet .. you meet the infinitive, this is the II conjugation, it means you will meet.


Where stro..t, there and ro..t. Where cle..t, it breaks.

Build on It, II conjugation, build. Dig on Yt, I conjugation, dig. Glue on It, II conjugation, glue. The last verb has a stressed personal ending -ЁТ, this is the I conjugation.


Wolves roar through the forest ..t, looking for someone else's good ..t.

From the infinitive to roam, I conjugation, roar. From the infinitive to seek, I conjugation, seek. Here you can miss the letter, but we remember that in combinations of chu-schu you need to write the letter U.


In winter, the seashore is deserted..t. Troops depopulated ..t the whole area of ​​the city.

In the first sentence, the coast itself will remain deserted due to winter, the verb is intransitive, I conjugation, so we write the vowel E (desolate). In the second there is a direct object, a transitive verb, II conjugation, you must choose I (depopulate).


He will not be able to enter the budget department. You run out into the street and don't want to go home.

The verb to act belongs to the II conjugation. In both sentences there are verbs with different conjugations: it will be possible (give an infinitive), it is difficult to recognize it because of the prefix U- and the postfix -СЯ; you run out and you want to, too, hid behind the prefixes YOU- and FOR-.


Fill the vase with water. When you fill the vase, put flowers in it.

In the first sentence, a request is expressed, here the imperative mood with the suffix -И- (fill), in the second - the indicative mood belongs to the II conjugation and has the ending -ITE (fill).


He often goes to his grandmother in the village. Be careful, the geese will pinch you..t.

In the so-called dual forms, we use the literary variant: ezd..t from the infinitive ezdit, II conjugation, ezdit; pinch ..t from the infinitive pinch, I conjugation, pinch (in colloquial speech, the forms pinch and pinch are allowed).


It smells of milk and hay. How strongly wormwood smells!

In the first sentence, the personal verb is used in an impersonal sense; it cannot formally determine the conjugation. In the second sentence smells from the infinitive smell, I conjugation.


1. Borisova N.M. Experience of a systematic approach to the repetition of the verb / Russian language at school. - 2001. - No. 6.

2. Borisova N.M. From the verb - to the sacrament / Russian language at school. - 2003. - No. 6.

3. Kalamova N.A. On the conjugation of the verb / Russian speech. - 1990. - No. 4.

4. Kramarenko G.M., Malyushkin A.B. We repeat the spelling of the endings of verbs / Russian language at school. - 2007. - No. 8.

5. Pakhomov V.M. Verb conjugation / Russian language at school. - 2015. - No. 5.

6. Polkovnikova S.A. Exception verbs / Russian language at school and at home. - 2010. - No. 8-9.

shock. If the stress falls on the end of the verb, then the conjugation is determined by the vowel in a strong position. Verbs of the 1st conjugation will have the endings -et, -em, -et, -ut (-yut), -y (-u) or -eat, for example, “call”, “lead”. Verbs of the 2nd conjugation will have the endings -esh, -im, -it, -ite, -at, -yat, for example, “burn”, “sleep”.

If it does not have an accent in a personal ending, then its conjugation should be determined by the infinitive, that is, by the impersonal form. If the impersonal form ends in -it, then you have a verb of the 2nd conjugation. The exceptions are the following:, lay, sway and build.

To the second conjugation there is also a row ending in -et and -at: look, see, depend, endure, hate, twirl, offend, hear, breathe, hold, drive. This must be remembered in order to avoid mistakes. All other verbs without stress in the personal ending are verbs of the 1st conjugation.

In addition to verbs 1 and 2, conjugations also distinguish different conjugated verbs. Some forms are formed according to the first conjugation, while others are formed according to the second. Among them are such verbs as want, run, honor, glimpse. For example, the verb "want" in the singular is formed according to the rules of conjugation 1, and in - according to the model of the second.

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1) Verbs conjugate only in two tenses: present and future. 2) All exceptions must be remembered. 3) In compound verbs, the verb “to be” is conjugated, while the semantic verb remains in an impersonal form. 4) The verbs "eat" and "give" are conjugated in an archaic pattern


  • 1 conjugation examples
  • Lesson #5

There are two understandings of conjugation, broad and narrow. In a broad sense, conjugation is the change of the verb in tenses, persons, numbers and moods. And in the narrow sense, conjugation is the change of the verb in numbers and persons. Let's see how to define conjugation.


In there are two conjugations that differ in personal endings. Verbs with the endings -em, -et, -et, -eat, -ut, -yut belong to the first conjugation. Verbs ending in -ish, -ite, -at, -yat, -im, -it belong to the second conjugation.

There is an algorithm that helps to easily determine the conjugation of the verb. First, you must first determine whether the end of the verb is . If it falls, it turns out that the vowel at the end of this verb automatically becomes in a strong position. If the stress on the ending does not fall, then the conjugation is determined by the verb topic or by the suffix. If we take verbs with an unstressed ending -it, then they all belong to the second conjugation. Exceptions to the rules also apply to it: drive, hold, see, look, twirl, offend, breathe, hate, hear, depend, endure.

Without exception, all other verbs that have an unstressed ending belong to the first conjugation. Some verbs with the ending -it also belong to the same conjugation. Only in these verbs is the sound “and” included, and it alternates with the sounds “e” and “th”. Among these verbs are: drink, sew, shave, beat, pour, and others.

But the verb "to lay" in the same form is used only in the infinitive, and its personal forms are formed from the verb "to lay", which refers to the first conjugation.

There are also different conjugated verbs. These include the verbs "want", "run", as well as their derivatives. So the verb "want" in the singular person is inclined according to the pattern of the first conjugation, but in the second one.

The verb "to run" in the singular in the form of the 1st and 2nd person is declined according to the image of the first conjugation, in all other cases - according to the image of the second conjugation.

Grammatical category - a person serves to express the attitude of the subject of the action to the speaker. Changing verbs in persons and numbers is called conjugation. These are the main characteristics of the verb, which must be able to identify and reflect in morphological analysis.


Persons depend on the subject of the action. It can be the speaker himself (“I am writing”), then the verb is used in the form of the 1st person singular. numbers. The action performed by a group of persons, among whom the speaker is, is then expressed in the form of the 1st person plural. numbers ("we write"). If the action is performed by one interlocutor, then the verb appears in the form of the 2nd person singular. number (“you”), and if by several interlocutors or a group of people - then the 2nd person plural. numbers ("you write"). An action that is performed by someone who is neither the speaker nor the interlocutor is expressed in the 3rd person singular. number ("he/she writes"), if the producers of the action act in an amount of more than one, the form of the 3rd person plural is used. numbers ("they write").

The definition of the conjugation of the verb puts many in a stupor. Although when writing business letter or posting on a forum, the very word "conjugation" may not even come to mind. However, in order not to be considered illiterate, the endings of verbs should be written correctly.

What is verb conjugation?

Conjugation is just that grammatical category verb, which, determining its change by persons and numbers, dictates which letter to write in its dubious ending.

There are two known conjugations of the verb: the first and the second, respectively. Depending on which of them the verb belongs to, the choice of the letter that must be written at its end occurs.

It is worth remembering that past tense verbs do not have conjugation, since there is simply nothing to doubt.

How to determine the conjugation of a verb?

How to determine the conjugation of a verb in Russian, grade 5 will probably answer you in chorus. Unless, of course, the children themselves figured out the complex algorithm presented in the textbooks.

So, let's figure it out.

To find out the conjugation of a verb and determine which vowel to write in its ending, we first look at where the stress falls in the word. If the ending is stressed, then everything is immediately clear with the vowel. She stands in a strong position, and there should be no doubt. Conjugation is determined by the vowel itself. So, if the vowels e, y, u are under stress, then the verb of the first conjugation, and if in a strong position and, a or i, then the verb of the second conjugation. For example: sleep - ch. 2 questions; bear - ch. 1 ref.
All cards can be confused by the prefix you- in the verb. Usually, the emphasis always falls on it (for example, burn out). In this case, you need to discard the hindrance and consider the word without the prefix.
For example: burn out - burn out - burn out - Ch. 2 ref.
If the stress does not fall on the end of the verb, its conjugation is determined by the infinitive. For those who have forgotten: this is an indefinite form of the verb that answers the questions what to do? / what to do?.
For example: the verb (what does it do?) draws - the infinitive (what to do?) to draw.
the verb (what will it do?) will say - the infinitive (what will it do?) to say.
Verbs of the second conjugation are those whose infinitive ends in -it. Then in personal endings the verbs will have vowels and, a, i.
For example: spend_t - spend - spend, go_te - walk - walk.
All other verbs can be safely attributed to the verbs of the first conjugation.
For example: get up - get up - get up; pobor_t - overcome - will overcome.
There are exceptions to every rule. From this too. So, the verbs of the second conjugation include 4 verbs in -at: drive, hold, hear, breathe - and 7 verbs in -et: look, see, depend, endure, twirl, offend, hate.
For example: look - look, drive - drive.
And the verbs of the first conjugation include verbs in -it: shave, lay, build up (i.e., build on), sway (i.e., swing, oscillate).
For example: shave - shave, build - build.

Memorization methods

Verb conjugation is one of the most complicated rules"great and mighty". And to date, a huge number of variants of its memorization algorithms have been invented, comic rhymes and songs, tables. But the essence is the same: it is important to trace the dependence of the letter in the unstressed personal ending of the verb on the letter in the infinitive, as well as keep in mind 15 exception verbs, and you will determine the conjugation even before you start writing the verb.

How to determine the conjugation of verbs in Russian, the table will best show. Visualization also helps to connect visual memory.

And here is a rhyme that helps with the answer to the question of how to determine the conjugation of a verb in Russian:

To the second harness

We'll take it without a doubt

All verbs that -it,

Excluding shaving, laying.

And also look, offend,

Hear, see, hate,

Drive, hold, breathe, endure,

And depend, and twirl.

One verb - two conjugations

Known in Russian and the so-called heterogeneous verbs. These are those in which the letters of the first conjugation are used in some forms, and the letters of the second in others. Among them are the verbs to eat, want, give, run, honor, glimpse.

For example: honor - honor (2 ref.) - honor (1 ref.), want - wants (1 ref.) - want (2 ref.).

Information about the grammatical features of the Russian language is useful not only for schoolchildren, but for all people whose literacy has not been brought to the level of automatism. Even adults do not always remember what verb conjugation is, how and why this concept is used. It's time to brush up on those fifth and sixth grade rules.

What is conjugation

Verb conjugation is a constant grammatical property of this part of speech, which is a system of changing the form of the verb in the present tense, depending on numbers and persons.

In Russian, there are two types of conjugations, which are called so - the first and second (usually denoted by Roman numerals I and II).

By general rule, the conjugation is determined by the end of the verb. If the ending is unstressed, the conjugation is established by the suffix indefinite form the words.

Verbs in the past tense have no conjugation.

Rules for defining conjugations

The definition of this verbal property is important in order to correctly write vowels in the endings of verbs. To do this, pay attention to the stress in the word being checked. If the ending contains a stressed vowel, there is no doubt which letter should be there.

Conjugation of verbs by personal endings.

Verbs of the first conjugation:

Face Examples
1 -u or -u -eat draw, sew, grow
2 -eat -et draw, sew, grow
3 -et -ut or -ut draw, sew, grow

Second conjugation:

Face Singular ending Plural ending Examples
1 -u or -u -them buy, hold, cook
2 -ish -ite buy, hold, cook
3 -it -at or -yat buy, hold, prepare

Verbs with the prefix "you-"

In this case, you can determine the conjugation by discarding the prefix, according to the remaining word in the usual way, for example, from the word “stand” it turns out “stand” - “stand”. The verbs "stand" and "stand" are the second conjugation.

If the prefix cannot be dropped, for example, in the word “turn off”, it is replaced with another prefix - “turn off”, “conclude”, and the conjugation is determined by the personal ending. “Enclose” is the second conjugation, so the verb “turn off” is also.

Intransitive verbs with the prefix you- change according to the rule of the first conjugation (to recover - to recover).

According to the rule, to determine the conjugation, you need to take the infinitive of the same kind of verb in which the personal form is:

  • meet - meet (complete view);
  • meet - meet (incomplete view).

Verb conjugation by unstressed endings

The general rule for determining conjugation is shown in the table below.


Exception verbs are the above eleven words that belong to the second conjugation, although they have the endings of the first. When conjugating these verbs for persons and numbers, attention should be paid to their personal endings. Similarly, the verbs "shave" and "lay" are exceptions in the first conjugation, because they have the ending of the second. You just need to remember these words in order to use the correct vowels in the endings.

In addition, there are two more groups of atypical verbs in Russian - heterogeneous and verbs of special conjugation.

Differently conjugated have endings of both the first and second conjugations: these are the words “run”, “honor”, ​​“want”, “give, glimpse”. "Honor" in the third form has two kinds: "honor" and "revere". In some forms, these verbs give the ending of the first conjugation (usually in the singular), and in others - the second conjugation (usually in plural).

For example, the word "give" has two conjugation endings in different faces and numbers: he gives, you give, I give, they give, you give, we give.

The special conjugation has unusual endings in the singular, and in the plural the verb changes either according to the rule of the second conjugation, or according to the rules of the first and second. Examples: eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat; give, give, give, give, give, give.

Verbs in the past tense, subjunctive and indicative do not have personal endings: I read - I read, I would read - I would read. The imperative mood gives personal endings only to verbs in the second person: read, read. There are also insufficient verbs that are not put in the singular in the first person: convince, win, bass, hang. They are used with additional verbs or in general in conjunction “an additional verb + a noun that is close in meaning”, for example, I will win, I have to hang, I will win.

To easily learn, remember and use the rule of conjugations, you first need to understand the basic principle - there are two common conjugations, because there are two types of endings for verbs (not to mention exceptions).

First of all, you need to check if the stress falls on the end of the verb. It is very easy to determine the conjugation by the stressed ending - you just need to remember that the first conjugation in the plural of the third person ends in -ut or -yut, and the second - in -at and -yat.

If the ending is unstressed, the second conjugation includes all verbs in -it, except for “lay” and “shave”, which you just need to remember. To make it easier to learn 11 exception verbs in the second conjugation, you can memorize rhymes compiled specifically for this, for example:

Drive, hold

look and see

breathe, hear,


And depend, and twirl,

and offend and endure.

You remember, friends,

they cannot be conjugated “on –e-”.

Other verbs with unstressed endings, according to the elimination method, mainly refer to the first conjugation.

Examples and exercises

Task 1. Choose from the list the verbs of the second conjugation: you drive, drive, clean, pull, cook, set, run, conjugate.


  • you go - food, go, go (1 ref.);
  • chasing - chasing, chasing, chasing (2 sp.);
  • you clean - I clean, we clean, we clean (2 sp.);
  • pull - pull, pull, pull (1 ref.);
  • cook - cook, cook, cook (2 ref.);
  • we put - I put, we put, we put (2 ref.);
  • run - run, run, run (1 ref.);
  • conjure - conjure, conjugate, conjugate (1 ref.).

The correct answer is: drives, cleans, cooks, sets.

Task 2. Insert the vowels missing in the endings: swim - bathe, clap - clap_sh, glue - glue, remember - remember, fry - fry, lay - stel_sh, get scared - frighten_sh.

Answers: bathe, clap, glue, remember, fry, lay, get scared.

Task 3. Select only the first conjugation from the list: swim, bark, prick, carry, walk, build, weed, fly, breathe, walk.


  • swim - swim, swim, swim (1 ref.);
  • barking - barking, barking, barking (1 sp.);
  • prick - prick, prick, prick (1 sp.);
  • wear - wear, wear, wear (2 ref.);
  • walk - walk, walk, walk (1 ref.);
  • build - build, build, build (2 ref.);
  • weed - field, fly, fly, fly (1 sp.);
  • fly - I'm flying, flying, flying (2 ref.);
  • breathe - breathe, breathe, breathe (2 sp.);
  • walk - walk, walk, walk (2 sp.).

Answers: swim, bark, prick, walk, weed.

All verbs have been divided into two main conjugation groups for convenience. Having identified the common endings for each type, people differentiated them into the first and second conjugations. Having memorized the easy conjugation rules, having learned the exception words, it will be easier for adults and children not to make mistakes in the endings of verbs in written or oral speech.