Spelling of case endings of nouns. Outline of a lesson in the Russian language (grade 4) on the topic: Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns

Lesson topic: "Spelling case endings nouns ".

Methodical goal of the lesson: demonstration of work techniques to improve the skills of spelling the case endings of nouns using information and communication technologies.

Learning objectives:

· systematize and generalize the rules for spelling the case endings of nouns;

· improve spelling and spelling skills of unstressed noun endings in order to prepare for the exam.

Developmental goals:

· develop the ability to think logically, analyze, highlight the main thing, draw conclusions;

· develop different kinds attention;

· improve the skills to write accurately and competently in a notebook;

· to form the skills of independent activity of students.

Educational purposes:

· to educate the educational and cognitive activity of the Suvorovites;

· contribute to the formation of a responsible, interested attitude to the learning process;

· contribute to the military and patriotic education of the Suvorovites;

· foster a feeling of benevolence, mutual assistance, attention to each other.

Lesson type:a lesson in systematization and generalization of knowledge, abilities and skills.

Lesson type:combined.

Material support:

· didactic material;

· laptop, document camera, plasma panel.

Study questions:

1. Spelling of case endings of nouns.

2. Spelling of the endings of proper names.

3. Spelling of some plural forms of nouns.

I.Organizing time. Acquaintance with the topic, the objectives of the lesson.

II.Spelling of case endings of nouns. Systematization and generalization of knowledge, abilities and skills.

1. "Spelling of the endings E and I in the case forms of the singular." (Message from the slides of the Suvorovite).

Comments to slides.

1 slide. The spelling of the case endings of nouns depends on the declension of the noun:

1 declension includes masculine and feminine nouns with endings -A, - I (lamp, youth);

To the 2nd declension - neuter nouns with endings -О, - Е and masculine nouns with zero ending (window, sea, doctor);

The 3rd declension includes feminine nouns with a soft sign at the end and a zero ending (rye, daughter).

2 slide.The difficulty in writing unstressed endings of nouns arises if the noun is in the form of genitive, dative and prepositional cases. Nouns have 3 declensions in these cases, the ending -I, for nouns 1 declension in the genitive case - И, in all other cases - E.

3 slide.A separate group of words should be remembered:

- 10 different nouns in - МЯ (tribe, flame, banner, time, name, seed, crown, stirrup, udder, burden) and the noun PATH, which in the genitive, dative, prepositional cases have the ending - I. For nouns ending in - ИЙ, - ИЯ, - ИЕ, the rule is this: if at the end of nouns there is the penultimate letter –И, then the last letter is И (ie, ИИ). Exception: on the edge E.

4 slide.It is necessary to distinguish between parallel forms of proper names such as Maria - Marya, neuter nouns in fiction (battle - battle). They have different endings in the dative and prepositional cases (about Mary - about Mary, in battle - in battle). Exception: to forget

Output. In order not to be mistaken in choosing E or I in the case endings of singular nouns, it is necessary:

1) put the noun in its initial form (singular noun), highlight the ending;

2) determine the declension of a noun;

3) determine the case, remember the ending of the noun in the given case;

4) remember the declension of a separate group of nouns.

2... Explain graphically the spelling of vowels in the endings of nouns. Chain work.

To write in a notebook - to draw in a notebook (it is necessary to distinguish the endings of same-root nouns belonging to different declensions), talk about education (-IE), go from the village (1scl. R.p.) to the village (D. p.), About Russian landscape (2 slots), trees in hoarfrost (2 slots), in the flame (to –MYa) of a fire, we came to Lydia (to –MYa) Petrovna (1sl. D.p.) (pay attention to the fact that the names and patronymic, standing next to, may have different endings), they asked about MaryE (1scl. pp.) Dmitrievne (1scl. pp.).

3... Spelling of endings of Russian, foreign surnames and names of settlements in -IN, -YN, -OV, -EV in instrumental case.

font-size: 16.0pt "\u003e - Task. Put nouns in the instrumental case, explain the endings.

Anton Chekhov, Jack London, the city of Guryev, Yuri Gagarin, the city of Gagarin, the Kulikovo field, the village of Borodino.

4. Spelling of case endings of nouns in the plural. Shape selection plural a noun ending in -А (-Я) or in -Ы (-И), depending on the meaning (endings serve to differentiate lexical meaning words).

Working with a slide. The teacher suggests the form of the word with the ending -A, -Ya, the Suvorovites name the variant with the ending -Y, -I, give its lexical interpretation.

font-size: 16.0pt "\u003e - Work on the slide. Find errors in the formation of the plural form, write down sentences in the corrected form.

font-size: 16.0pt "\u003e 5 ... Work on the slide "Spelling of the genitive plural forms". The complexity of this topic lies in the fact that there are no definite rules that clearly regulate the presence of an ending or a zero ending in the genitive plural of some nouns.

Consideration of the cases most often encountered in the materials of the exam.

font-size: 16.0pt "\u003e font-size: 16.0pt"\u003e - Work on the slide. Verbally correct mistakes in the formation of the genitive plural forms of nouns.

font-size: 16.0pt "\u003e 6. Differentiated writing (see didactic material).

one). For those who have a "4" for a quarter - a creative task (option 3).

2). The rest of the options perform work on cards (the card number corresponds to the option number).


Spelling of case endings of nouns

Insert missing letters, graphically explain the choice of ending.

Option 1

I sat on the top step ..., came down from the bottom step ..., was at a meeting ..., walk along the alley ..., live near the town of Pushkin ... m, met at an exhibition ..., grew up at the edge ..., attend a performance ..., go to the nannies ... branch ... sirens ..., give Evdoki ... Petrovn ....

Option 2

Hide in a trench ..., an article about a hero ..., swim in an ice-hole ..., grow on land ..., live in luxury ..., turn to Natalie ... Evgenievn ..., read about singers ..., sit on a branch .., on the lower branch ..., the novel is written Stevenson ... m, arrange vertically ... be at a lecture ....

Option 3

Compose a coherent text (up to 10 sentences), including these words in sentences, using them either in the genitive, or in the dative, or in the prepositional case: army, greatcoat, shoulder straps, mission, oath, school, courage, path, name, area, banner.

3). The Suvorovites who worked most actively in the lesson receive an assessment based on the performance of tests of the "Phraza" training program.

Sh. Summing up the lesson.

1. Determination of prospects for further work.

2. Grading, commenting.

3. Briefing on the implementation of self-preparation.

Theory (spelling of case endings of nouns), exercise 166 (explain graphically).

List of used literature

1. , Rybchenkova language: Grammar. Text. Styles of speech: Textbook. allowance for 10-11 grades general education. institutions.- M .: Education, 1999.

2. , Shamnin's language. 10-11 grades. - M .: " Russian word - RS ", 2004.

3. Konovalov's language. Exercises and tests to prepare for the exam. - M .: Iris-press, 2007.

4. Kudinov for the final certification in the Russian language. Testing. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix Publishing House, 2005.

5. and other USE. Russian language. Intensive self-preparation to the exam. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2005.

6. Tekucheva language: a guide for preparing for exams. - M .: AST: Astrel: Profizdat, 2005

7. Khlebinskaya language. 10 cl. Spelling and morphology: Textbook. manual for general education. institutions. - M .: ONYX 21 century house "; Peace and Education ", 2003.

8. Tutor 2008 in Russian. Multimedia edition of the series "Tutors of Cyril and Methodius". - and Methodius ", 2008 with changes and additions.

9. We pass the exam 2008. Series "1c: Tutor". Control measuring materials of the exam (software and technical support).

Spelling endings of nouns

To correctly write unstressed endings of nouns, in most cases (except for words ending in -ИЯ, -ИЕ, -ИЙ), it is enough to determine which declension the word belongs to, and see how words with stressed endings from the same declension are spelled form.

When checking for the first declension, it is convenient to use the words GRASS, EARTH, for the second - WINDOW, ELEPHANT, for the third - STEPPE, CHAIN. In these words, all the endings are percussion.

For example, we doubt what to write at the end of the phrase "BLOTS IN THE NOTEBOOK_". The word NOTEBOOK of the third declension. We substitute the test word "IN STEPPE". Therefore it is necessary to write "BLOTS IN THE NOTEBOOK", with the letter AND at the end.

For feminine nouns ending in -ИЯ, the ending -И is written in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases (ARMY - from ARMY, to ARMY, about ARMY; NATALIA - from NATALIA, to NATALIA, about NATALIA), in masculine nouns on -II and neuter in -II in the prepositional case write the ending -И (SANATORIUM - about SANATORIUM, CONSTELLATION - about CONSTELLATION).


1. After the suffixes -УШК-, -УШК-, -УШК-, -ИШК- in feminine nouns and animate nouns the masculine gender is written with the ending -A, for example: ZIMUSHKA, PASSIONATE, KUPCHISHCHKA, TROUSISHKA. For neuter nouns and inanimate masculine nouns, after these suffixes, the ending -О is written, for example: GORIUSHKO, GOLOSISHKO, MOOLOCHO, RUBLISHKO.

2. After the suffix-SEARCH- for masculine and neuter nouns, the ending -E is written in the singular, and for feminine nouns the ending -A. For example: GREAT, CITY, BOLT, BREAST, BORING, STRONG. In the plural, after the suffix -SHCH- for masculine and feminine nouns, the ending -I is written, and for nouns of the neuter gender - the ending -A. For example: ZABORISHCHI, ZAPOZHISHCHI, HALF, BOLOTISHCHA, WINDOW.

3. Monosyllabic nouns VIY and KIY have the form prepositional case ending -E.

4. In personal names and surnames of eastern origin, ending in -ИЯ and having an emphasis on the last syllable, the ending E is written in the dative and prepositional case: letter Zulfiya, dream of Aliyah (named after Zulfiya, Aliya).

An exercise

Have you heard beyond the grove the voice of the night singer of love, the singer of your sorrow_? (A. Pushkin)

"Hey, shepherds, run here, beat me, beat me!" Shepherds with a cudgel for a wolf, a wolf from them. The shepherds are running, they are amazed. The wolves are mad, he runs and he shouts: "Catch up!" (Chingiz Aitmatov, White Steamer)

Again I am on the high road_, the verses_ of a free - citizen, again in a nomadic den_ I think I think alone. (P. Vyazemsky)

There is no pity_ for my deep melancholy. (E. Baratynsky).

In my memory there were no friends of the old days. (E. Baratynsky)

He slowly climbed the stairs_, slowly entered the room among the respectfully parted audience_ and, greeting his acquaintances, looked around the room inquiringly. (I. Bunin)

“The servant of God Victor is betrothed to the servant of God Natalie_,” Father Vasily proclaimed even louder, almost singing, and removing the rings from their hands and crossing them, put on each his own. (Sergey Babayan, Gentlemen officers)

Happy is the one in whom the color of life will not destroy the cold of life. (I. Klyushnikov)

The sight of the earth is still sad, but the air is already breathing in the spring, and the dead stem sways in the floor, and the oil moves the branches. (F. Tyutchev)

It's impossible, sir, - little by little we pick, we collect pennies, maybe we will embroider the kids for milk, - said Filat Nikitich. (F. Reshetnikov, Between People)

Temperament, curiosity, strength_ - everything in his mighty nature prevents him from settling on the lands open to him, he gives them to others, and he hurries on. (Daniil Granin, Bison)

A golden cloud slept on the chest of a giant cliff; in the morning on the way she rushed off early, playing along azure_ cheerfully. (M. Lermontov).

Sofya Ivanovna really wanted to go, and we decided to entrust our fate to the nervous coachman. (N. Teffi, Mountains)

Vasily Dimitrievich was married to Vitovt's daughter Sophie_: throughout his reign he had to observe family relations and at the same time was on his guard against the attempts of his father-in-law. (N. Kostomarov, Russian history in the biographies of its main figures)

Be you in stormy verses, then gloomy, then light. (F. Tyutchev).

In this excitement_, in this radiance_, all, as in a dream, I stand lost; oh, how gladly I would drown my soul in their charm. (F. Tyutchev).

And Vinisch_ the tax farmer Mamontov was selling the same filthy thing as it was ten years ago, under Vasily Aleksandrovich Kokorev. (N. Leskov, The Life of a Woman)

I got bored, girls_, alone in the bright rooms_, sewing patterns in silver. (K. Aksakov)

In the house and in the neighborhoods_, everything, from the courtyard girls to the courtyard dogs_, ran away, seeing him (N. Gogol)

A fire flashed, dented bushes, black, still smoking ruins. (Y. Dombrovsky, Monkey comes for his skull)

And the weary traveler murmured against God: he languished with thirst and hungry, wandering in the desert for three days and three nights ... (A. Pushkin).

Behind the church, across the aisle, lay a concrete building, all covered in glass and aluminum_. (Yuri Druzhnikov, Visa the day before yesterday)

I noticed, I braced myself, and then suddenly, to my misfortune (or maybe fortunately!), The repairman jumped on our town_. (F. Dostoevsky, Polzunkov)

In thoughtfulness and in some senseless reasoning about the strangeness of his situation, he began to pour tea (N. Gogol).

In fact, it was Skvorushk_, very young, yellow-mouthed: he did not even know that such caterpillars were not eaten, and was very proud of his prey. (Boris Zakhoder, Fairy Tales for People)

Spelling of case endings of nouns

The spelling of the endings of nouns depends on what type of declension they belong to. Mistakes in choosing endings -e or - and usually arise not in all case forms, but only in the forms of three cases: genitive, dative and prepositional.

Nouns I declensions (country, land, alley) in the genitive forms have the ending -s (s), and in the dative and prepositional forms -e:

Rod. n. (who? what?) countries land alleys

Dat. n. (to whom? what?) across the earth alley

Proposal n. (about whom? about what?) (about) country (about) land (about) alley

Nouns II declension in the prepositional form have an ending -e: (in) a house, (on) a horse, (on) a window, (o) heat, (in) frost. They usually don't make mistakes here.

Nouns III declension (steppe, night, quiet) in the genitive, dative and prepositional forms have the ending -and:

Rod. n. (who? what?) steppe quiet nights

Dat. n. (to whom? why?) steppes quiet nights

Proposal n. (about whom? about what?) (o) steppes (o) nights (in) silence

Recommendation. To check the spelling of the unstressed ending in a noun, just remember keyword with a stressed ending in the same form (according to the morphological principle of Russian spelling). For I declension, this can be a word earth, for the II th - window, for III - steppe.

Divergent nouns

Word way, as well as ten nouns on -my (banner, flame, tribe, stirrup, etc.) are diverse and in the genitive, dative and prepositional forms have the ending -and:

Rod. n. (who? what?) ways of the flame

Dat. n. (to whom? what?) ways of the flame

Proposal n. (about whom? about what?) (in) the path (on) the banner (in) the tribe

Case forms of nouns in -iy, -ie, -ya

1. Nouns with a non-syllable stem of masculine and neuter on th and -th in the prepositional case of the feminine gender on -and I in the dative and prepositional singular, the ending is in an unstressed position -and (but not -eby general rule), eg:
genius - about genius, sodium - about sodium, radium - about radium, Vasily - about Vasily, Yuri - about Yuri;
branch - in the branch, return - upon return, assistance - with assistance;
army - to the army, about the army, line - along the line, on the line, station - to the station, at the station; Bulgaria - in Bulgaria, in Bulgaria; Mary - to Mary, about Mary

Note. If there are options for -th and -th, -and I and -th these case forms have different endings. Nouns in –Ya and -th declined according to the general rule and have an ending in the dative and prepositional forms -e:
about skill - about skill, in bloom - in bloom, about verbosity - about verbosity, about Natalia - about Natalya, to Maria - to Marya.

2. Few nouns on -th, -th with a monosyllabic stem in the indicated cases in an unstressed position, as a general rule, the ending –E: serpent - about the serpent, cue - about kiy, Kiy (the legendary founder of Kiev) - about Kiy, chiy (plant) - about chie, “Viy” - in “Bue”, Piy - about Piy, under Pope Pius; Biya (river) - along Biya, to Biya; Oia, Leah, Via ( female names) - to Ie, about Lie, about Vie; Gia ( man's name) - to Guy, about Guy. (§ 40 of the 1956 Code of Practice)

3. Few nouns ending in - not, -and Iwith an emphasis on the ending, the indicated case forms end in - and on either - ee.g .: judge - to the judge, about the judge, lithium - in lithium-, litany - in litany, being - about being, living - about living, in living, but: a point - on a point, on a point, Aliya, Zulfiya (personal names) - about Aliya, to Zulfiya.

Vowels in some unaccented case endings

Nouns with a suffix -isch-, if they are masculine or neuter, they end in it. pad. units hours on -e , eg: house, camel, rod, swamp... If they are feminine, they end in it. pad. units hours on -and , eg: cows, arms, dirt.

Masculine nouns with suffixes -yshk-, -yushk-, ishk-, yshk- , denoting animate objects, as well as all feminine nouns with the same suffixes end in them. pad. units hours on -and , eg: grandfather, father, boy, old man, little man, nightingale, nanny, little hand.

Masculine nouns denoting inanimate objects, as well as all neuter nouns have in them. pad. units h after these suffixes the ending -about , eg: bread, yard, feather, coat.

At the end of them. pad. units including animate masculine nouns after suffixes -to- and -l- written and , eg: reveler, sang, brute, ate; colloquial proper names like Gavrila, Kirila, Mikhaila (used along with Gabriel, Cyril, Michael).

The exception is Old Russian and Ukrainian names and surnames on -ko , eg: Mikhalko, Shevchenko, as well as old and regional proper names in -lo , eg: Yarilo, Mikhailo Lomonosov.

In the genus. pad. pl. hours from nouns ending in singular hours for non-loadable -th and -th , written th , and from nouns ending in -th and -th under stress, spelled -to her , eg: shalu nya - shalu niy, uche lee - uche liybut: bench - bench th, gun - gun.

Declination of proper names

In surnames on -in (-yn) and on -ov (-ev) is written in the creative. pad. units h. th (according to the declension of adjectives), for example: Pavel Lisitsyn - Pavel Lisitsyn, Ivan Turgenev - Ivan Turgenev.

Note. In foreign surnames on -in and -ov is written in the creative. pad. units h. -ohm (according to the declension of nouns), for example: Green - Green, Darwin - Darwin, Bülow - Bülow.

In the names of settlements on -in (-yn), -ov (-ev), -ino (-yno), -ovo (-evo) is written in the creative. pad. units h. th , eg:

the city of Pskov - the city of Pskov
Lviv city - Lviv city
the city of Saratov - the city of Saratov
the city of Kanev - the city of Kanev
the city of Kalinin - the city of Kalinin
the city of Kirov - the city of Kirov
the village of Maryino - the village of Maryino
the village of Lisitsyno - the village of Lisitsyn
the village of Kryukovo - by the village of Kryukovo

Location: class

Interdisciplinary connections: the world.

Lesson type: consolidation of the studied material

Educational complex "Harmony"

Equipment: computer, projector, tables - supports, memos, handouts (table with the task, text), illustrations, pictures.


educational: to teach how to independently acquire knowledge, draw conclusions on the topic, apply the knowledge gained at the reproductive level, consolidate the knowledge gained on this topic;

developing: to develop speech, attention, spelling vigilance, thinking (highlight the main thing, generalize and systematize);

educational: to form moral qualities, responsibility, to foster interest in the lessons of the Russian language;

wellness: promote health through methods and techniques that implement the principle of comfort.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

I wish you well today

You wish me well today

We wish each other success today

If you find it difficult

I will help.

Take a look at these pictures and choose the one that suits your mood. I hope that you will have this mood at the end of the lesson.

Let's smile at each other, give our smile to those around us and wish each other a successful and interesting lesson. After all, a good working mood will help us cope with any tasks on our way. And to light our way and help in hard time we will have this kind and gentle sun. (drawing of the sun on the board)

Let's sit down more comfortably, straighten the back and start the lesson.

Homework check.

Do you have questions while doing your homework? Was everything clear in the assignment? Okay, I'll check your work and rate it.

II. Calligraphy.

Where do we start our lesson? (A minute of calligraphy)

Open notebooks, guys, and write down the number.

Before we get started, please check the boxes you would like to receive.

https://pandia.ru/text/80/287/images/image002_145.jpg "width \u003d" 80 "height \u003d" 87 src \u003d "\u003e. jpg" width \u003d "93" height \u003d "136"\u003e

m _ tel in _ ter

Look at the words and tell me which letter is missing. (letter e)

Today we will write this letter.

And what is this letter? (vowel, iotated, gives two sounds)

When does this vowel make two sounds?

Well done.

Let's write this letter with an element in the air. Now write it down in a notebook.

Guys, listen to the poem.

Fuzzies fell from the sky

To the frozen fields.

The spruce was wrapped in a kerchief,

Poplar in a hot fur coat.

And hid the house and the square

An unusual blanket.

What are their names? - you ask.

I wrote the name here.

(Irina Semenova)

Who is the most attentive?

What is a word that can be formed from the first letters of each line. (snowflakes)

Well done. Write down this word, select the root in it and pick up the same root words.

What is the root of these words? What's going on at the roots of these words? (alternating consonant g - g)

III. Determination of the topic of the lesson.

Listen to the poem. Finish it.

Powdered the tracks

Decorated with earrings.

Finally you came

The sorceress is here ... (winter)

(on the blackboard pictures with a winter landscape)

Look at the words that I have written.

by the winter

to the winter

for the winter

over the winter

about the winter

How are these words different? (endings) Why do endings change?

Formulate the topic of our lesson yourself (spelling of the case endings of singular nouns)

Today we will repeat everything we know about cases. Exercise in identifying unstressed endings of nouns. This is the problem of our lesson.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Let's remember with you the names of all cases and questions.

Well done, you did a great job. Have you been attentive and noticed anything? (cases were out of order)

Arrange them in the right order... (The student completes the task at the blackboard)

Well done. You did a good job. Now let's remember the pretexts. Some cases are used only with certain prepositions.

Let's remember, D. p. - to, by; P. p. - about; R. p. - without; Etc. - between.

Look at the words, what is their common theme? (Blizzard, December, blizzard, powder, frost, snowflake) (winter)

Write the noun in the correct case form. Highlight endings in nouns, indicate case.

To write the unstressed case ending correctly, what should be done?

How else can you check the unstressed ending? (the stressed ending of a noun of the same declension type).

(students fill out their own table)

walk in the frost

look at the snowflake

will come in December

hid from the blizzard

powder fell out

told about the blizzard

Do you understand the meaning of all the words?

Let's use an explanatory dictionary and see what this word means. (one of the students looks at the word porosha in the explanatory dictionary)

What have you noticed? Have all nouns been used with a preposition? Output. (nouns in I. p. are used without prepositions)

Well done.

V. Physical minutes. (for eyes)

(there are snowflakes in the classroom, the teacher points to them laser pointer, children follow their eyes; music sounds)

Vi. Knowledge update.

Guess riddles.

We will recognize the animal

For two such signs:

He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,

And in a red fur coat - in the summer (squirrel)

What a forest beast

Got up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass -

Are the ears bigger than the head? (hare)

Wakes up in spring

And in winter, under the snow howl

Sleeps in a snow hut. (bear)

Impatient, all in needles,

I live in a hole under the tree.

Though the doors are wide open

But animals do not enter me. (Hedgehog)

Do you guys know how these animals spend the winter?

Listen, I’ll read you about these animals, and you’ll help me. (the teacher reads about animals without naming them; students say out loud the name of the animal)

Listen to the task you have to complete.

Determine the case and highlight the endings of the selected words.

Let's remember what needs to be done to correctly spell the unstressed case ending of a noun?

Well done.

First I'll read about ...? (the teacher shows a picture of an animal). I will not name the word bear, you have to name it yourself and put it in the right case. Determine the declension and insert the desired ending. (in the process of reading, pictures with images of animals are hung on the board).

In winter, the bear climbs into its den and hibernates there. Under the skin of the bear ... - fat, it protects the bear ... from the winter cold. Oh bear ... there are many fairy tales.

In winter, the hedgehog sleeps in its burrow. A mink has a hedgehog ... in a hollow of a fallen tree or in the ground. You can learn a lot of interesting things from books about hedgehog….

The squirrel is not scary ... cold winter... In the fall, she changed her red-haired coat for a fur coat. Prepared squirrel ... reserves for the winter. She dried the mushrooms, dragged nuts and acorns into the hollow. Then the squirrel ... insulates his house. Arranges a soft feather bed of moss and dry leaves in the hollow. In winter, the squirrel ... will curl up there in a ball and cover with its tail. The tail warms the squirrel ... like a blanket.

For winter, a hare in a new fur coat. Summer wool from hares ... crawls out, grows light, fluffy. It's hard to spot a hare ... in the snow in winter. He has no burrow, no supplies. The buds and bark of the trees feed the hare ... all winter. The hare is scary ... not frost, but hunters, wolves, foxes and owls. A hare rescues ... a light fur coat and quick legs. (The work is done on pieces of paper individually, children write about a hare in their notebook on their own; music sounds).


For each of these animals, the forest is a home. And when we come to the forest, we must not disturb the peace of animals and birds. Because we are guests there.

Vii. Physical minute.

Snowball game".

(the teacher throws a pompom, the student determines the gender of the noun that the teacher calls; children can throw a "snowball" to each other and name any words themselves)

(Tree, road, forest, ice-hole, thicket, village, bird, beast, top, wolf, feeder, coat, edge, lilac).

VIII. Working with the tutorial.

Control. No. 000.

137. Make and write down a proposal with homogeneous members.

Traces were visible in the snow (- a; 1st; singular) ..., (n.o .; 2nd; singular. H.) ..., and (n.o; 3rd; singular h .)….

Reference words: lynx, partridge, black grouse.

Indicate the case and declension of nouns. Highlight the endings in them.

Please note that you need to write down the words for references exactly in the order in which the authors of the textbook suggest. Checking.

Let's remember the algorithm for writing the unstressed case ending of a noun.

IX. Consolidation of knowledge.

Mountaineer game.

Guys, do you know who climbers are?

Now you will be mountain climbers, you must conquer your peak of knowledge. - Listen to the assignment. You need to add the ending correctly.

What should you do in order not to be mistaken in choosing an ending?

Now let's fill in the table.

(there is a table on the board with empty columns, the children take turns filling it in, writing down, the correct ending)

R. p and - s a - I and

D. p. E y - y and

P. p. E e and

We remembered the case endings, you filled out the table without errors and now, without fear, we will conquer the top without any difficulties.

Without cones ..., on ate ..., on a tree ..., in an ice hole ..., oh bear ...,

without brooms ..., about a hare ..., near the roads ..., in the thicket ..., on a branch ..., about a snowflake ..., about a blizzard ..., along the path ..., in the frost ..., to the birds ..., at the feeder ..., from the branches ..., about the icicle ..., from the tops ..., about a wolf ..., without a lynx ..., about a winter ..., without branches ..., at a squirrel ... about a forest ..., near the edge ....

(all words are written on cards and attached to the image of a snowy peak, children go to the board and write down the ending; not all words can be taken)

Well done, you have coped with this task. We will attach this flag to our top, you have conquered it. Let's pat ourselves.

Well done.

You are standing at the very top. Beneath you is our huge, beautiful Earth. How beautiful she is! How many forests, fields, rivers, lakes, seas! And how many animals and birds live on this earth. We must protect and preserve the nature of our Earth.

For squirrels, foxes, lynxes, martens, the forest is home.

The bird and the beast want to believe in peace and quiet. (F. Lisichkina)

X. Reflection.

So our lesson has come to an end? Was it interesting to you in the lesson today?

What did we work on in class today? What new things have you discovered for yourself?

Were we able to solve the problem of the lesson? What is your mood at the end of the lesson? Rate your active participation in the lesson. (each student has three circles different color, the child evaluates his own work0.

XI. Lesson summary.

Assessment of work.


Thanks everyone for the lesson.

The task.

(The homework assignment is printed on a piece of paper. The child completes it by writing in a notebook)

Open the brackets, write down the nouns in the required case. Determine the declension and case. Write down 2 - 3 sentences about what it means to protect nature.

(Fish) is needed pure water, (bird) needs air, and (beast) - forest, steppe, mountains.

Protecting nature (country) means protecting (Motherland), which is needed by everyone (person).

2. Yurieva N. A., "350 developing exercises in the Russian language", Minsk, Publishing house "Unipress", 2005

3. Karyagina N. N., Perepelitsina E. N. "Development of spelling literacy junior schoolchildren", Volgograd, Publishing house" Teacher ", 2008

4. Foroschuk A. A., Foroschuk N. E. “Russian language. Tutorial for primary grades", Donetsk, Publishing house" Stalker ", 2007

5. Kasatkina N. A., "Entertaining materials for the lessons of teaching literacy and the Russian language (poems, riddles, crosswords, charades)", Volgograd, Publishing house "Teacher", 2003

6. Lazareva L. A. www. pdps. lv

Table 1 - Case endings of nouns in the singular

CasesI declensionII declensionIII declension
I. p.-and I

wives and, land i

, -o, -e

horse sat down about, gender e

night, horse

R. p.-y, -and

wives s, land and

-and I

con i, sat down and, gender i


nights and, horses and

D. p.-e

wives e, land e

-y, -y

con yu, sat down at, gender yu


nights and, horses and

V. p.-y, -y

wives at, land yu

, -a, -i, -o, -e

con i, sat down about, gender e

night, horse

T. p.th (th), th (th)

wives oh, land to her

-om, -em

con eat, sat down ohm, gender eat


nights eu, horses eu

P. p. -e

wives e, land e

-e, -and

con e, sat down e, gender e


nights and, horses and

In the case endings, the singular is written:

  1. letter e : in the dative and prepositional cases of I declension nouns and in the prepositional case of the II declension (except for words on -and I , th , -th ), eg: to factories e, to factories e, to the ground e, about battery e, to become e; to factory e, on the machine e; oh mor e; all L e;
  2. letter and :
    • in the genitive case of nouns I declension, for example: at factories and, near the ground and, near the battery and, from become and;
    • in the prepositional case of nouns II declension on -th , th , eg: in the lecture hall and, in excitement and, about the worldview and ;
    • in genitive, dative and prepositional cases of I declension nouns -and I , nouns of the III declension and different declined nouns of the neuter gender on -my , eg: from the collection and, to the collection and, in collection and; from overcoats and, to the overcoat and, in an overcoat and; at the banners and, to the banners and, about banners and.

It is necessary to distinguish between the prepositional forms of neuter nouns on -th and -th , eg: be in thought and, be fully armed and (the ending -and ); be in thought e, be on the coast e (the ending -e ).

Case endings in surnames and titles

In Russian surnames on -in (-yn) and on -ov (-ev) in the instrumental case, the singular is written th (like adjectives), for example: with Vyacheslav Demin th, with Rostislav Sinitsyn th, with Kirill Kolosov th ... The ending is written in foreign surnames th , eg: Darwin ohm, Chaplin ohm .

In the names of settlements on -in (-yn) , -ov (-ev) , -ino (-yno) , -vo (-evo) in the instrumental singular, the ending is written th (like nouns), for example: near the city of Kashin ohm, village Borodin ohm, the city of Dmitrov ohm .

Case endings of plural nouns

Table 2 - Case endings of nouns in the plural

CasesI declensionII declensionIII declension
I. p.-y, -and

wives s, land and

a, -i, -y, -i

con and, villages and, gender i


nights and, horses and

R. p.

wives, lands

-ov, -ey,

con to her, sat down, floor to her

-to her

nights to her, horses to her

D. p.-am, -yam

wives am, land yam

-am, -yam

con yam, villages am, gender yam

-am, -yam

nights am, horses yam

V. p.-y, -and,

wives, land and

-a, -i, -y, -and, her, -ov

con to her, villages and, gender i


nights and, horses to her

T. p.-s, -s

wives ami, land yami

-s, -s

con yami, villages ami, gender yami

-s, -s

nights ami, horses yami

P. p.-ah, -ah

wives oh, land yah

-ah, -ah

con yah, villages oh, gender yah

-ah, -ah

nights oh, horses yah

  1. In genitive plural after sibilants b not written, for example: decision tasks, repair dwellings.
  2. In genitive plural nouns on -th and -th in an unstressed position is written th , under stress - -to her , eg: liar ui (liar), thinking ui (meditation),but stat to her (article), scam to her (bench)... Exceptions: gun to her (gun) dress ev (dress), ust ev (mouth), upper ev (upstream), downstream ev (lower reaches).
    For nouns with -and I , -th the genitive is always written th , eg: lin ui (line), built ui (building).
  3. If the genitive plural nouns end in -en then soft sign not written, for example: songs, cherries (wed apple trees, kitchens)... After -en in the genitive case b written in words villages b, ladies b .