Almonds: planting and care, types and varieties. Blooming almond (photo)

Material prepared by:

President of the Association of Gardeners of Russia (APYAPM), Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

Dorokhova E.V.,
specialist of the Association of Producers of Fruits, Berries and Planting Materials

Using site materials

The most common varieties of almonds

Despite its resistance to frost, due to the early flowering of almonds, in early spring at low temperatures flower buds, flowers and ovaries can freeze. For this reason, for planting in northern latitudes, it is recommended to select specimens with a long and stable dormant period of generative buds, late flowering periods and high taste qualities of the fruits. Below are winter-hardy almond varieties.

Nikitinsky 62

Nikitinsky 62

This is one of the most unpretentious and winter-hardy varieties. It is a shrub up to 5 m high. The bark on the trunk and branches is gray-brown, at the end of the shoots it is gray. The leaves are large and hanging. Flowers 4.5 cm in diameter, white and pink.

The fruits are large, flat, wide, with a wrinkled surface, dark brown in color. They taste sweet.

The variety is suitable for cultivation in all regions, since it has a stable winter rest period, high yield, and its flowering occurs in mid-April.

The variety is self-sterile. Dessertny and Languedoc are used as pollinators.



The variety is resistant to spring frosts. Reaches a height of 4-5 m. Its flowering occurs in late March - early April. The flowers are white, the edges of the petals are crimson, 3 cm in diameter.

The fruits are large, 4 cm long, with a paper shell. The kernels are light brown, rough, sweet.



The variety has a stable dormant period. It is a tree up to 3.5 m high. Its crown has a fan-shaped shape and a flattened top. The branches are thick, short, densely leafy. The bark of the trunk and shoots is gray-brown, the bark of annual branches is green. The leaves are large, lanceolate, green, shiny.

The flowers are medium-sized, with white-pink petals. Flowering in mid-April.

The best pollinators: “Dessertny”, “Alenik” and others. The fruits are elongated, pointed at the end, with a round base. They ripen in November. The productivity of the Primorsky variety is high.



The variety is characterized by increased resistance to frost of flower buds. Reaches 4.5 m in height. The crown is dense, spherical. The ends of the shoots are thin and hang down. The bark of the trunk and branches is gray. The leaves are lanceolate, with a wedge-shaped base, arranged horizontally. The flowers resemble roses in appearance. Flowering in early to mid-April.

The fruits are oval, slightly pointed, with a soft, rough shell that is easily separated from the kernel. The kernel is oval, yellowish-brown, with a thin skin, with a sweet, oily taste.

The fruits ripen in September.

Varieties - pollinators: “Primorsky”, “Spicy”. Productivity is high, annual.



The most frost-resistant types of almonds include pedunculated almonds.

It has small fruits of good taste and high yield. This type of almond is widespread in Russia.

It is a low-growing branched shrub with short shoots, reaching up to 2 m in height. It has medium-sized wedge-shaped leaves.

The fruits are pointed on top, slightly pubescent, and contain a stone with a rough surface.

Southern varieties are intended for growing in warm climates. As a rule, they do not tolerate low temperatures and spring frosts.

Almonds "Petunnikova"

Almonds "Petunnikova"

This is a low-growing shrub no more than 1 m high. The crown is spherical, compact, 0.8 m wide. The pink flowers of this plant bloom in May. Flowering lasts 12-14 days. Occurs from 3 years of age.

The fruits are orange or light brown, small, round, pubescent.

It begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting. The tree is thermophilic. In winter, the ends of annual shoots often freeze.



A medium-sized tree up to 4 m high. It produces annual, abundant harvests.

The nuts are large, oval, pointed at the end and round at the base. The shell is smooth and brown. The kernels are light brown, oily, sweet, with a pleasant aroma.

Late flowering variety. Flower buds are sensitive to low temperatures.



Shrub 3-4 m high. Nuts are large, weighing 3.5 g.

The shell is light brown, with an uneven surface.

The kernel is yellow-brown, oily, sweet, and fits tightly to the shell.

Flowering dates are late.



Medium or vigorous tree. Brings regular, good harvests. The fruits are oval or round, weighing 3 g. The shell is dense, rusty brown. The kernel is large, brown, oily, with high taste. The seeds of this variety ripen in mid-late October.

California almond - nut crop

California almonds are widely grown in California, where they are the most popular nut crop. There are 25 varieties in total, each of which has its own distinctive characteristics. Some of them are described below.



Early ripening variety.

The nuts are light yellow in color, with a smooth surface. The shell is soft, dark brown, and easily separated from the kernel.



Ripens a month later than the Nonpareil variety.

The nuts are medium-sized, narrow, smooth, with a soft, solid shell.



Medium ripening variety.

The nuts are small, round, with a rough surface. The shell is soft and easily separated from the kernel.



Medium ripening period.

The nuts are short, wide, dark brown, with a wrinkled surface. The shell is hard, there is no opening of the seam.



Late ripening variety.

The nuts are wide, short, wrinkled, with a strong aroma. The shell is hard, smooth, there is no opening of the seam.



The nuts are large, long, narrow, with a surface dotted with deep wrinkles. The shell is hard, smooth, with a small seam opening.



Medium ripening variety.

The nuts are large, long, smooth. The shell is papery, with a lumpy surface and good seam opening.

Central Asia and North Africa are considered to be the birthplace of almonds (Prunus subg. Amygdalus), one of the oldest nut-bearing plants. Today, its distribution area covers the territories of the Mediterranean, Afghanistan, Iran, the Kopet-Dag Mountains, Western Tien Shan, Transcaucasia, California - regions with hot summers and mild winters.

Central Asia and North Africa are considered to be the birthplace of almonds (Prunus subg. Amygdalus), one of the oldest nut-bearing plants.

This light-loving and drought-resistant plant grows in its natural environment, forming small groups of bushes or trees. Vertically it extends up to 800–1600 m above sea level.

Can it be grown in Russia?

In the Russian Federation, the distribution zone of the fruit-bearing variety of crop is narrower: this is the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, the southern foothills of the Stavropol region. In the middle zone, a decorative variety of almonds is successfully grown - steppe bean. Cultivated plantings of varietal and bitter almonds are found almost everywhere in Crimea. But the most comfortable natural and climatic conditions for the plant are the dry subtropics of the southern coast of the peninsula, where the average annual air temperature is +13° C, the annual precipitation is 550–700 mm. Employees of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden (National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences) are actively working to improve the characteristics of already known varieties and create new varieties of almonds. The result of the program was the inclusion in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation of almond varieties Alexander, Bospor, Vityaz, Dessertny, Milas, Nikitsky, Pribrezhny, which are distinguished by high yields.

Features of growth

The life cycle of a plant begins with the germination of a seed in the soil and, under favorable conditions, can last up to 90–100 years. Almond seedlings develop quite quickly: at the age of 3–5 years they are capable of flowering and bearing fruit. The tree produces a full harvest by 10–12 years. With proper cultivation, the crop can bear fruit for up to 50 years.

An adult plant is a tree or shrub from 5 to 10 m high, with a spreading cup-shaped or cylindrical crown, deflected branches without thorns, and a rhizome of five skeletal roots that can penetrate deep into the soil.

An adult plant is a tree or shrub with a height of 5 to 10 m

Almond blossoms begin in early spring. Quite large white-pink flowers are formed by five petals. With normal opening of buds and pollination of flowers, the process of fertilization occurs with the formation of fruit ovaries. Lanceolate leaves of bluish or dark green color appear after the end of flowering, at which time the active growth of young shoots begins. Intensive growth of fruits, when their volume and weight reach their maximum, occurs within 40–50 days after fertilization. At the beginning of July, generative buds are formed in the leaf axils of annual shoots - the basis for next year's harvest. While the fruits are filling, the buds are growing slowly. Their active development occurs after the ripening of almonds, when the processes of dry matter synthesis in the kernels, shell and pericarp end. By October, the generative buds are covered with dense scales. The annual development cycle of almonds ends with the shedding of leaves: the plant prepares for winter and enters a dormant period.

When the fruits are harvested

The almond is a velvety or smooth drupe fruit. The leathery, rather dense green pericarp shell cracks along the ventral seam when the nut ripens (in June-July) and is easily separated by hand. Under it, the stone itself opens, 25–35 mm long, ovoid-lanceolate or oval in shape with a smooth, perforated surface of brownish-brown, light beige or white (depending on the variety). It protects the kernel of the nut, which has the same shape as the fruit, tastes sweet or bitter, and has a pleasant almond-like aroma. After removing the pericarp, the seeds are dried in the open sun. Unpeeled kernels are stored in linen or matting bags in dry, well-ventilated, dark rooms.

After removing the pericarp, the seeds are dried in the open sun.

Types of almonds based on amygdalin content

Some sources contain a classification of almonds depending on the content of the substance amygdalin in the kernels of the nuts. It is to this component that the fruits owe their characteristic taste. There are 3 types of plants:

  • inedible bitter (forma amara), with the highest concentration of amygdalin, from 2 to 8%;
  • edible sweet (forma dulcis), with extremely small, about 0.2%, amounts of glycoside;
  • fragile (forma fragilis), differing from sweet only in the thickness of the nut shell.

Germination of seedlings from seeds

Under natural conditions, almonds reproduce by seed. This is a rather lengthy process, but using this method you can obtain a rootstock for a varietal cutting if it is not available at your summer cottage. Fresh, unprocessed almond seeds are used for germination. It is important that they have no traces of rust, rot, or mold.

Under natural conditions, almonds reproduce by seed.

To plant in the spring, the seeds must first undergo a stratification process - soaking for 6–8 hours in a growth stimulator and subsequent storage for 3–4 months at a temperature of 2–5 ° C (for example, in the vegetable compartment of a household refrigerator).

Sow seeds as follows:

  • in the soil, furrows 8–10 cm deep are made at intervals of 50 cm;
  • With a distance of 10–12 cm, holes are made in the furrows, where 2–3 seeds are placed, deepening them into the soil by 3–5 cm (then a stronger seedling is selected for cultivation).

Sprouted seedlings need standard care - watering, weeding, loosening the soil. When the plant reaches a height of 30 - 50 cm, all its branches located at a distance of 10 cm from the root collar are cut off. After this, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place.

Autumn planting of seeds in open ground is not recommended, since the seeds can be destroyed by rodents.

Propagation of almonds from an adult tree

Cultivated almonds can be propagated vegetatively - by separating cuttings, shoots, offspring from the mother plant with their subsequent development into a whole organism.


For this method, planting material is prepared in the second half of June:

  • Semi-lignified cuttings with two nodes (15-20 cm long) are cut from the tops of the current year's shoots;
  • cuttings are immersed in a growth stimulator for 16 hours;
  • a soil mixture of equal parts sand and peat is poured into containers or boxes;
  • the cuttings are planted in planting containers and for further rooting they are placed under a film in a cold greenhouse for 20–30 days;
  • After this time, the cuttings are transplanted into open ground to grow.

Root growth

With the help of intensive pruning, the active appearance of young shoots around the almond tree or bush is achieved. In the second year of life, when the root system of the offspring is fully formed, they are separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a permanent place. Further care for them is carried out in the same way as for annual seedlings.

Cultivated almonds can be propagated vegetatively - by separating cuttings, shoots and offspring from the mother plant


For propagation by layering, the most flexible shoots of the lower tiers are selected. They are laid on the ground, fixed in several places with wooden or wire pins and covered with a layer of earth 15–20 cm thick. For better rooting, the shoots are watered throughout the season, the soil around them is loosened, and weeds are weeded. After the cuttings have developed a well-developed root system (usually after a year), they are removed from the main plant.


To preserve the characteristics of the variety, vegetative propagation is used - budding on the rootstock. For this, you can use any variety of almonds, including bitter seeds. The operation is carried out in mid-July - early August.

To preserve the characteristics of the variety, vegetative propagation is used - budding on the rootstock

  • A rootstock is selected - a one-year-old well-developed seedling with clearly formed eyes and a root collar thickness of at least 8 mm.
  • The vegetative bud (scion material) is cut from the desired tree along with the bark layer.
  • Stepping back from the base of the rootstock to a height of 10 cm, a T-shaped cut is made on the trunk into which the scion is inserted.
  • The budding site is tightly tied with film or tape, leaving the bud outside.
  • The bandage is removed no earlier than after 1.5 months.

The oculant, which has grown to a height of 10 cm, is hilled and this operation is periodically repeated. Emerging shoots on the rootstock and oculant must be removed.

Is it possible to grow almonds in your garden plot?

Almonds, both fruit-bearing and ornamental, are not an exotic plant. If the terms and rules of agrotechnical work are observed, growing almonds on a personal plot does not present any particular difficulties.

A mistake that novice gardeners often make is not checking with the manufacturer or seller whether the selected variety is adapted to a specific climate zone, what its dormancy and flowering periods are.

If the terms and rules of agrotechnical work are observed, growing almonds on a personal plot does not present any particular difficulties

It is not so much low temperatures that are dangerous for a plant as its sudden changes. Almonds have a short period of deep dormancy; the buds are able to emerge during winter thaws. The frosts that followed the warming destroy generative buds, flowers and ovaries, which leads to a sharp decrease in the current year's harvest. Even in the southern regions, for successful cultivation of almonds, it is better to choose varieties with a long dormant period, blooming in late March - early April.

Timely formative and health-improving pruning of the crown and shoots is important for good fruiting. This operation is carried out after the almonds have flowered: frozen, dried branches and shoots that thicken the crown are cut off.

Planting seedlings

The key to healthy plant development, abundant flowering and a good harvest is free access to air and sunlight combined with protection from gusty winds. The ideal place for almonds is southern or southwestern gentle slopes.

When are almond seedlings planted in a permanent place?

Like other deciduous crops, almonds can be planted in both autumn and spring. The most favorable period for planting is November, when the plant completely sheds its leaves. The seedlings planted at this time take root well.

Like other deciduous crops, almonds can be planted in both autumn and spring.

In spring, planting begins only after the threat of frost, which is destructive to flowers and buds, has passed. Soil layers to a depth of 0.6 m should warm up to 2°-4° C, and the air temperature should be kept at 10°-12° C for at least a week.

How to prepare the soil for planting almonds

When planting seedlings, the type of soil and its properties (acidity, moisture capacity, ability to aerate) are taken into account to a greater extent than the relief: under natural conditions, almonds are often found on rocky slopes, so if there are boulders and cobblestones on the site, they do not need to be removed. For placing planting material, well-drained, loose, dry, warm soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction are preferred. Cultivation of the plant on heavy clay soils and chernozems is not recommended. The area for planting almonds must be cleared of weeds and this technique must be performed periodically throughout the growing season.

When planting seedlings, the type of soil and its properties are taken into account to a greater extent.

How to plant almond seedlings

Almonds are a self-sterile plant, so cross-pollination is required to produce nuts. To ensure this, it is necessary to plant at least two plants with the same flowering time. To attract bees, the best pollinators of almonds, honey plants can be cultivated on the site. They start disembarking in the morning or in the afternoon (after 16:00).

Important! On slopes steeper than 10°, planting material is placed across the slope, covering the soil in rows, or terraces are made.

Caring for a planted plant

Good development of the plant in the future is ensured by standard agrotechnical measures: watering, loosening the soil, timely fertilizing, weed removal, pruning, pest and disease control.


Despite the fact that almonds are drought-resistant fruit species, they respond positively to irrigation. But watering must be balanced, in compliance with the regime and norm:

  • during the flowering period, in order to avoid the buds withering, drying out of the soil is unacceptable;
  • Excess moisture leads to rotting of the root collar and death of the plant.

The need for watering is indicated by a 1.5–2 cm dry top layer of soil in the tree trunk circle. In practice, it is necessary to supply the soil with water (on average 10–12 liters per tree) no more than once a week.

Important! For sandy soil, the one-time rate is slightly increased, for loam - reduced.

After moistening, loosening the soil is necessary. For young plantings, shallow (about 5–7 cm) tillage is required; for adult plants, more intensive penetration into the soil is required - 8–10 cm.

Top dressing

For good almond growth, proper formation and development of fruits, additional feeding is needed. At the beginning of spring, the tree trunk circle surrounding the plant is mulched with mullein or manure. After one to two weeks, add a nutrient solution of 20 g of ammonium nitrate and 10 g of urea per 10 liters of water. Fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers later than the second half of June is not recommended, as this can cause the buds to freeze in winter. In autumn, when the soil is well moistened by rain, 20 g of potassium sulfate and double superphosphate are added per 1 m² of almond planting.

Shelter from cold and wind

Damage to the trees themselves and the future harvest is caused by dry winds and frosty winds. This must be taken into account when choosing a place to plant almonds. Protection from drafts can be the southern or southwestern wall of a building on the site or a solid fence (provided that in summer it will not shade the almond trees). Frost-resistant almond varieties usually tolerate winter well. It is advisable to provide protection from low temperatures to other types of plants, as well as ornamental varieties grown in the middle zone, using the covering material lutrasil.

Frost shelter option

A preventative measure against freezing of shoots is the removal of apical buds in early autumn. This procedure leads to the cessation of the growth of green mass of the shoots and their rapid lignification, after which the almonds will not be damaged by frost.

Protection from pests and diseases

  • Almonds are most often affected by fungal diseases - monilial blight (caused by Monilinia laxa) and clasterosporium blight (caused by Clasterosporium carpohilum). They cope with pathogenic organisms that cause damage to the plant by spraying with Bordeaux mixture. As a preventative measure, the product is used in the form of a 3% solution after the leaves fall off, and a 1% solution during the growing season.
  • In case of gray rot disease caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea, cut off all affected branches and treat the tree with a fungicide.
  • The most dangerous pest of almonds is the pollinated plum aphid, which begins its destructive activity immediately after the buds open. Insects form colonies that cover the lower surface of the leaves with a dense layer. Deformed and damaged leaves fall off rapidly. The consequence of this will be a stop in shoot growth, a sharp decrease in the current year’s harvest, a deterioration in the development of generative buds and the prospects for next year’s harvest. Special pesticides are used to control aphids. If the almond trees are small, they can be treated with a decoction of wormwood or a solution of laundry soap.
  • The foliage is damaged by the larvae of almond leaf sawfly caterpillars. Control measures include spraying with insecticides (for example, a solution of thiophenite or intrathion) during the period when the larvae emerge, and in the fall - deep digging of the soil in the upper layers of which these pests overwinter.
  • Plum worm causes worms in almond nuts. Female adult insects lay eggs in the core of an unhardened stone. The larvae that then emerge feed on the nut kernel. Fruits damaged by pests fall off without ripening. To combat insects, spray with a solution of thiophenite or fosthiol twice: first when individuals emerge from the pupa, then during the period of mass flight of adult insects. In autumn, all fallen fruits are collected and destroyed.

To reduce the risk of almonds being exposed to pathogens and pests, planting material should be purchased from bona fide producers with a good reputation. It is also necessary to follow sanitary rules when working in the garden:

  • all removed parts of plants during pruning and mechanical collection must be burned immediately after these operations;
  • It is unacceptable to leave weeds and organs of cultivated plants affected by diseases under trees or put them in compost.

Video: how almonds grow

The experience of many gardeners shows that with careful care and compliance with the rules of agrotechnical work, almonds will certainly please the gardener with abundant flowering and an excellent harvest.

The blossoming of almond trees is simply an inimitable sight! White and pink “caps” cover the trees, and the delicate smell of almonds envelops areas within a radius of several kilometers. Beautiful flowering lasts from two to five weeks, depending on the type of almond. Almond cultivation is carried out in vineyards. Wild almonds can still be found in Caucasian and African forests.

What does an almond tree look like? This species can be called a shrub, since the tree is quite small in size. Almonds are the most popular nut in the world, as they are included in many dishes and are also an ingredient in seasonings. Almond trees began to be grown long before our era. Residents of Asia and the Mediterranean discovered the impeccable taste of almonds to the whole world.

Even in ancient times, almonds were used as a medicinal plant. Alchemists and ancient doctors added almonds to ointments and powders. The name of the plant is associated with the name of the goddess Amygdalina from Phoenician mythology. Almonds are an iconic plant. During the holidays, houses were decorated with branches of fragrant almonds, and in places of worship of the gods there were always almond “bouquets”. It was believed that almonds drove away evil spirits and healed sick children.

In Ancient Greece, almonds are associated with legend. The beautiful Felida did not survive the separation from her beloved Demophon, and turned into a withered almond tree. The young man mourned his beloved for a long time. Then the gods of Olympus took pity on him and revived the tree. After the almonds were cultivated, oil was extracted from the plant. Ordinary almonds are used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetology, and cooking.

Many peoples believe that almonds bring love and prosperity, so at weddings guests are generously treated to this delicacy. The almond fruit is a seed in a pubescent pericarp, the structure of which resembles a peach. The seed is in the green pulp, and as it ripens it dries out. The shape of almonds is oval, oblong, and the shell has a brownish or gray-white tint. Almond seeds have a sweetish taste and a special aroma.

Beneficial properties of almonds

Almonds are real champions in terms of vitamin E and calcium content. Nuts are best consumed with sugar: this way the product is absorbed by the body quite quickly. Almonds are known to cleanse the kidneys and improve blood composition. Also, delicious almonds help remove blockages in the spleen, liver, crush stones and expel bile.

Almonds are a product that is rich in beneficial components. If you need to find a source of microelements and vitamins, then buy almonds. Due to the medicinal properties of almonds, they are used in the production of herbal medicines. It should be noted that almonds are particularly beneficial for the brain: iodine and calcium in the composition help concentrate attention and replenish energy reserves. Therefore, intellectual workers should definitely include almonds in their diet.

Almonds contain essential oils, the content of which in sweet varieties can reach sixty percent. The many vitamins in the product help strengthen the immune system and protect against colds. By regularly eating almonds, you can strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. A significant improvement in blood composition due to the inclusion of almonds in the diet reduces the risk of many diseases.

To relieve a sore throat, eat almonds. For women who suffer from painful menstruation, doctors also recommend eating healthy almonds. It is worth noting that delicious almonds are a good remedy for worms.

Almonds contain iron, phosphorus, protein and B vitamins, which keep teeth, hair and skin in good condition. Sweet almonds improve vision, heal intestinal ulcers, and are recommended for asthmatics. It will be useful for men to enjoy delicious nuts with honey in order to always “be in good shape”: almonds enhance potency, so it can be considered one of the aphrodisiacs.

Almond varieties

The almond tree comes in two varieties - with sweet tasty fruits and inedible bitter ones. By grafting sweet almond nuts onto a tree with bitter fruits, bitter almond oil is obtained from the kernel. Sweet varieties come in hard-shell varieties, which cannot be opened without using tongs, and soft-shell varieties, which can be easily opened by hand.

Terry almonds

Another name for this beautiful shrub is Louiseania triloba. Plant height up to three meters, spreading crown and dark gray shoots. Double almond blossoms with beautiful dark pink and crimson flowers. The diameter of the flower can be from one and a half to three centimeters.

The fruits are drupes that fall off. The flowering of the bush lasts almost a month. This type of almond is grown only in botanical gardens. The fruits of such an almond tree have a round, flattened shape and are dark cherry in color. The fruits fall off whole and have a pericarp with a sweet and sour taste.

Almonds white

White ground almonds are grown in many countries. There are other names for white almonds: rosemary, tuberous grass, rush nut. The perennial plant produces tubers no more than three centimeters in length.

The height of the plant is no more than seventy centimeters. The color of the tubers is pinkish or yellowish. The white, sweet pulp has an almond flavor. The tubers are eaten and also added to confectionery products. In addition, chufa becomes the basis for fizz and milk: such an exotic drink is useful for improving the gastrointestinal tract.

Pink almond

Ledobur and Petunnikov almonds are pink varieties. The Ledobur almond comes from Altai, and the Petunnikov plant comes from the Tien Shan. The pink Ledobura almond grows up to two meters in height and has fragrant flowers up to four centimeters in diameter.

The fruits ripen in early September, and flowering begins in early May. Petunnikov's almond has a height of one meter. Flowering duration is only twelve days. The fruits have a reddish tint and dense pubescence.

Pink almonds tolerate winters well and love light. Caring for almonds is unpretentious, and propagation is carried out by cuttings, suckers and layering. Flower growers often use almonds for single planting in the center of a stone hill.

Bitter almonds

There are about forty types of bitter almonds; this variety is grown in Eurasia and North America. Due to the hydrogen cyanide content [of bitter almonds], they should not be consumed without processing. Children are not recommended to eat bitter almonds at all. The lethal dose of the product for a child is ten nuts, and for an adult – fifty tonsils. During heat treatment, hydrogen cyanide disappears from the almonds, so the fruits are fried, boiled or roasted.

Bitter almond is a rather tall bush with openwork crowns. Lives for a long time - more than a century. Already at the end of winter, flowering begins, which lasts several weeks until the leaves appear. Large white-pink flowers, the pericarp subsequently dries out, and the stone is large.

Bitter almonds have a narcotic effect, causing hallucinations, drowsiness, and toxic poisoning. Often, the bitter fruit is purified from amygdalin and used in soap making. In addition, syrups, extracts, and aromatic water are prepared from bitter almonds.

Steppe almond

Steppe almonds are also called bean almonds. A winter-hardy and low-demanding plant, it is the first to open the flowering season. It is distinguished by abundant flowering and excellent harvest. You can find the steppe variety of almonds even in the steppe part of Siberia.

The shrub has a small height of up to one and a half meters and has a spherical crown. The bright pink flowers bloom at the same time as the leaves, presenting a beautiful sight. Flowering lasts no more than ten days. In autumn, drupe fruits decorate the bushes like fluffy balls.

Blooming steppe almonds look like sakura. Therefore, he is often compared to a beauty from Japan. The fruits ripen in September, but they cannot be eaten. But it can be used for propagation of steppe almond bush.

Eating almonds

Today, California is the main supplier of almonds. The nut is simply a storehouse of monounsaturated fats, which help remove cholesterol from the body, so it is useful for everyone to consume it. A powerful antioxidant effect is achieved due to the vitamin E content. As a result, almonds can be called one of the cancer fighting agents. The special qualities and excellent taste of almonds made it an expensive delicacy.

People who ate about forty grams of salted and roasted almonds daily for a month received more healthy fats. Including almonds in diets in the form of snacks increased the nutritional value of the diet, but had no effect on caloric intake.

Almond kernels improve the human condition with anemia and diabetes. Problems such as ulcers, gastritis, and diseases of the duodenum can be “cured” with almonds. Eating almonds normalizes the acidity of gastric juice. Sweet almonds even save you from cramps and numbness of the limbs.

Almonds for men

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity are often nervous and stressed, so you should restore your level of calm with the help of almonds. Almonds for men are a real source of strength. No emotional stress or depression. In addition, almonds improve vision and control blood pressure.

If you need to restore strength during the post-rehabilitation period or after heavy blood loss, do not forget about delicious almonds. It is worth drawing the attention of smokers to a product that is indispensable for their diet. High potassium content improves oxygen supply to the brain. To at least compensate for the harm from smoking, eat fifty grams of almonds daily.

Almonds are a means of preventing senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease. By regularly consuming almonds, men can expect improved sexual function. If you're going to an alcoholic party, try to relieve your hangover with healing almonds. On the eve of the holiday, eat five nuts, and your condition for tomorrow will be quite satisfactory.

Baldness for a man is a real disaster. To avoid this unpleasant process, strengthen your hair roots with a mixture of crushed nuts and milk. The medicinal mixture can also be used to treat boils.

Almonds for women

Of course, representatives of the fair sex should definitely include almonds in their diet. First of all, as a product that contains the vitamin of youth. Along with this, almonds cleanse the body of toxins and reduce the risk of cancer. Eat twenty grams of almonds every day to ensure your body receives its daily requirement of vitamin E.

Almonds significantly improve kidney function, remove sand and dissolve small stones. During heavy menstruation, it is useful for women to consume almonds: to relieve pain and to restore the body after blood loss. Every woman monitors her figure, so she controls her weight and monitors her nutrition.

Almonds, as a source of protein, can be an excellent “substitute” for meat products. Everyone needs protein, as it is the building material of tissues and cells. It’s not for nothing that vegetarians always eat almonds, replacing the missing amount of protein.

Almond milk is the best remedy for colds and sore throat. During periods of raging infections, you should definitely consume almonds. The production of cosmetics is not complete without almonds: cleansing, softening, rejuvenation - such is the effect on the skin.

The vitamins and minerals contained in the product enhance cell regeneration, rejuvenating the skin of the face and body. Almond-based cosmetics are an excellent way to combat stretch marks and cellulite. Don't forget to pamper your locks with almond oil! By rubbing the healing mixture into the hair roots, you can strengthen the follicles and also cure dandruff. Almonds for women are a source of beauty and youth!

Almonds for pregnant women

Scientists consider any nuts to be much healthier than fruits, so during pregnancy you should consume a source of protein. However, not every type of nut is healthy: many can become allergens and even poisons for the expectant mother’s body. But almonds are the best food for pregnant women.

The high content of minerals is especially useful in the early stages of preparation for motherhood. Almonds “supply” zinc, phosphorus, iron, and folic acid to the body. A pregnant woman can eat no more than fifteen almonds every day. Doctors who examine expectant mothers for chronic diseases recommend eating almonds for nine months while waiting for a miracle.

Pregnant women often suffer from insomnia, and almonds help calm the nervous system and promote sound, healthy sleep. The fiber in almonds will solve digestive problems. By consuming a healthy product, you take care of building cells in a new body even before the baby is born. Do you have a headache? Take almonds, not harmful pills.

Under no circumstances should you eat unripe almonds, as this can cause poisoning. Before you eat almonds, you should check if you are allergic to this type of product. If the expectant mother gains weight very quickly, then it is better to avoid eating almonds, as the high-calorie nut will be harmful. If you have a rapid heartbeat, do not expect benefits from almonds; on the contrary, nuts can only aggravate the situation.

Use and storage of almonds

Almonds should be stored in a container with an airtight lid to preserve the nutrients for as long as possible. Do not place the container with nuts in direct sunlight; it is better to hide the almonds in a cool place. Almonds can be stored in the freezer for a long time.

Sweet almonds can be consumed fresh, and the delicious nut is the basis of all kinds of cakes, desserts, and pastries. Almond shells are used in the production of cognac and wine to color drinks. To make your skin soft and velvety, you can take a bath with almond cake. Almond wood is used in turning and carpentry.

Almond oil has a mild laxative effect and is also included in many ointments. Three to four drops of almond oil can be used daily as a pain reliever, sedative, and to improve appetite. Oil made from bitter fruits is used for otitis media, lung diseases, and bloating.

External rubbing with almond oil is characterized by a calming effect. In medicine, almond oil is used in the preparation of fat-soluble vitamins, injection solutions, and hormonal preparations. Acute pain or noise in the ear can be cured by instilling seven drops of almond oil. The condition of seriously ill people who have been immobile for a long time can be alleviated by lubricating bedsores with almond oil.

It is better to buy almonds in shells: make sure that they are not split, moldy or rusty. Nuts must be uniform in color and shape. The smell of almonds is a great hint when choosing a product. Spoiled almonds have a rancid aroma. Choose sealed almonds rather than buying them in bulk: packaged almonds are not exposed to moisture, air or heat. For lovers of roasted almonds: buy nuts prepared without oil using the “dry” method.

Which, in addition to being decorative, has useful properties. The value of the plant is in its nuts, which are eaten as food and used to prepare medicines. Growing an almond tree on your own plot is the dream of every summer resident.

Almonds are associated with the bliss and fragrance of the East. In the Middle Ages, traveling with caravans from Asia to the Mediterranean, almonds conquered more and more territories. Now it is widespread in European countries and on the American continent as a nut crop. The tree requires warmth to grow and is difficult to grow in temperate climates. The plant is successfully cultivated in the south of Russia, in California.

plants exceed the size of the tree crown. The almond trunk branches abundantly, producing two types of shoots - long and short. The greyish-green leaves of the bush are narrow and long. Before their almonds bloom, they bloom. The flowers have white or pink corollas with many stamens. In place of the flowers, gray-green fruits are formed, inside the pulp of which there are seeds or nuts.

When the fruits ripen, the outer inedible part dries out and is easily separated from the seed.

The oval-shaped nuts are two to three centimeters long. Grooves or small dimples are visible on the shell. Depending on the type of almond, the shell has strong walls or thin, paper-like walls. There are two types of almond kernels - bitter and sweet. They differ both in taste and composition. The kernel pulp consists of half fatty oil and 30 percent protein, which indicates the high nutritional value of almonds.

The nut species are eaten raw, and the oil is used to make confectionery products. It is used in the perfume and pharmaceutical industries. The bitter fruits of the tree contain substances beneficial to the human body. Reddish-colored almond wood also has valuable qualities. Furniture and souvenirs are made from it.

During flowering, almonds attract insects with their aroma. Bees collect early nectar from the tree, which is especially important for them. And the beauty of the bush, covered with a pink fragrant cloud at the beginning of spring, was sung by many poets and artists.

Almonds are often grown to produce nuts. They are produced by ordinary almonds, which have a huge variety of varieties:

  • The Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea has developed early-ripening Alushtinsky and late-ripening Sevastopol almond varieties. They produce up to forty kilograms of nuts from one bush. Their flower buds withstand spring frosts. Trees tolerate drought and heat well. The nut kernels are dense and sweet. The only drawback of the varieties is their inability to self-pollinate.
  • Frost-resistant varieties include Victoria. Already in the fourth year of life, sweetish nuts weighing four to nine grams are collected from the tree. The shrub is resistant to fungal infections.
  • The main difference between low or steppe almonds is its small height of half to one and a half meters. Large flowers of rich pink color appear simultaneously with the leaves in May. Shrubs are not afraid of frost and are resistant to drought.
  • The northern provinces of China are considered the birthplace of the three-lobed almond. The tree blooms in early spring, becoming covered with a thick pink cloud. Each large flower has up to twenty petals; in the middle of them a greenish spot with yellow edges is formed. This type of almond is used in landscape design. The splendor of the plant is combined with the delicacy of the appearance. It often dies from the cold and does not tolerate drought well. Among the popular varieties of ornamental shrubs are Plena and Joy with double flowers.
  • Petiolate almonds are found in the steppes of Buryatia. The trunk of the tree reaches a height of no more than a meter. Its elliptical leaves and bright pink flowers adorn the mountainsides.

All types of almonds are interesting, some for their appearance, some for their useful fruits.

Almond propagation occurs in different ways:

  1. If a seed is taken to plant a tree, it is very difficult to preserve the varietal characteristics. In early spring, prepare a planting site protected from the winds. Twenty days before planting, the seed is dipped into a container with sand and placed in a room with an air temperature of one to ten degrees Celsius. Germinated seeds are ready to be transplanted to a permanent place in the garden. The sprouts are buried in the fertile layer, pinching the roots to stimulate their growth.
  2. Grafting of varietal almond species onto bird cherry and plum rootstocks is successful. The cutting for the scion is grown from a nut or taken from an adult tree. The scion branch should have developed, fully formed eyes. Before the procedure, all leaves are removed from the cuttings. Reproduction is carried out during the period of active sap flow - May or August. Make a T-shaped cut on the rootstock just above the root collar. The shield of the cutting is inserted into the hole, pressing it with bark and fixing the grafting site with tape or adhesive tape.
  3. For cuttings, prepare the material in the first half of summer by cutting off semi-lignified shoots with two nodes and a length of twenty centimeters. The cuttings are planted in a nutrient soil mixture, having previously been kept in a growth stimulator.
  4. After severe pruning, almonds produce a lot of young shoots. In the second year of life, it is separated along with the root system and transplanted to a permanent place.
  5. Similarly, they are propagated by layering. Having bent the side shoot to the ground and secured it with a pin, they weed, loosen, and water the soil around. After a year, a root will form on the cuttings, and it can be separated from the mother bush.

An almond seedling is planted in a hole thirty centimeters deep. Drainage is placed at the bottom, then sand is poured. Before planting, the root of the seedling is dipped into a clay mash. Having lowered it into the hole, the stem is sprinkled with a substrate of humus and sand. Make sure that the root collar is two centimeters above ground level.

The bush is watered and tied to a support. To preserve moisture, you can mulch the circle around the trunk without filling the root collar. Almonds are easy to care for and are not difficult to grow.

For full development, ornamental shrubs need watering. By observing the condition of the soil near the plant trunk, determine the frequency of its moistening. Usually once a week is enough. A bucket of water is poured under each bush. Then the soil around the tree trunk is loosened to a depth of five to ten centimeters. The depth of loosening increases depending on the age of the tree.

The requirements for caring for almonds are simple; they grow successfully not only in warm areas, but also in regions with a temperate climate.

Fertilizers are used in feeding almonds, diluting them in a ratio of 1:6. The mineral complex for almonds consists of ten grams of urea and twenty grams of ammonium nitrate per bucket of water. In the autumn, twenty grams of superphosphate and potassium sulfate are applied to each square meter.

Care includes ornamental shrubs. In the spring, at the beginning of sap flow, damaged, dried shoots are removed. After the bush has bloomed, the crown is formed. To rejuvenate the plant, old branches are removed from an adult tree. Since almonds do not tolerate frost well, especially young shoots, they are covered with straw and material.

Fungal infections often affect almonds. They spread faster if the summer is wet:

  • Trees become infected with Cercospora in early summer. The leaves are covered with a gray coating and round reddish spots. Developing pathology leads to leaves drying out and falling off.
  • Spores of the scab fungus overwinter in plant debris, becoming more active in the spring. At the same time, the growth of young shoots slows down, and the fruits become unsuitable for consumption. Rust is characterized by the appearance of small brown spots on the leaves that merge into one large spot.
  • All trees in the garden can become infected with moniliosis if the disease is not combated. Pathogenic microorganisms overwinter in vegetation debris. Symptoms of clasterosporiasis, or hole spot, include the appearance of purple spots on the leaves, then on the fruits. Cracks appear on the trunk and gum appears. Gray rot fungus spores hide under fluffy islands located on almond leaves.

Fungal diseases can be combated by spraying with fungicides such as Topaz, Kuproxat. To prevent diseases, plant waste is removed in the fall, burned, and the ground is dug up. Spring treatment with Bordeaux mixture also protects against diseases.

Among the pests that like to feast on almond leaves are aphids, leaf roller caterpillars, and spider mites.

To combat aphids, he uses folk remedies. Pepper tincture is prepared by taking twenty pieces of hot pepper pods in a bucket of water. After keeping the infusion on low heat for an hour, add three hundred grams of laundry soap. After a day of infusion, the bushes are sprayed in the early morning.

Spider mites are destroyed by infusion of onion peels, which is prepared by putting onion peels in a bucket and pouring hot water. After infusion for twelve hours, filter the solution and dilute with water 1:1. Timely weeding and loosening of the soil will prevent the spread of diseases and pests.

An almond tree can decorate any area. The plant tolerates city conditions well, so it is grown in parks, squares, and used to decorate the entrance to administrative buildings.

Designers use ornamental shrubs in group plantings with red-leaved plant species.

But a lonely tree against a green lawn looks great. Groups of ornamental shrubs are combined with low-growing conifers. Hedges are formed from almonds, giving the crown an original shape. They use the powerful root system of almonds to strengthen slopes and the banks of a reservoir. The early flowering of almonds allows it to be used in conjunction with other ornamental shrubs.

More information can be found in the video:

Botanical name: Almond (Prunus dulcis). Belongs to the Plum genus, Rosaceae family. There are about 40 species of this plant in the world.

Homeland of almonds: Western Asia.

Lighting: photophilous.

The soil: loose, nutritious, drained, slightly acidic.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 6 m.

Average life expectancy: 100 years.

Landing: cuttings, seeds, root shoots, layering.

Description of the almond tree and its smell (with photo)

Almond is a deciduous shrub or low-growing tree, reaching up to 6 m in height. It does not have one trunk, it consists of several equal shoots.

When an aging or diseased shoot dies, another one gradually replaces it. The death of shoots occurs in the 7th year of their life.

Shoots can be of 2 types: elongated vegetative and shortened generative. The crown is wide, spreading, highly branched.

The leaves are simple, lanceolate, serrated along the edges, with an elongated, pointed apex. The flowers are large, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, with five white and light pink petals, grow singly, and are similar in structure to peach flowers. They bloom before the leaves, in April-May.

The fruit is a rounded drupe, 2-2.5 cm long, weighing 1-5 g, with a dry, pubescent, green, inedible pericarp, easily separated from the stone (nut). When the fruit ripens, the pericarp becomes wrinkled and after a while cracks, after which the nut falls out of it.

The shape of almond nuts (seeds) is the same as that of the pericarp, reminiscent of a peach pit. Their surface is dotted with small grooves and dimples.

This can be clearly seen in the above photo, which shows almond fruits. The taste of the seeds can be bitter or sweet. The tree bears fruit 3 years after planting. The yield is 400 kg of fruit per hectare. Most of the nuts are formed on the lateral branches. Ripening occurs in June – July.

As can be seen from the description of almonds, in many ways they resemble a peach tree. These two crops are similar in size, properties, shape of leaves and flowers, but almonds bloom earlier than peach.

The fruits are harvested as they ripen - in August-September. The main sign of a fully ripened nut is cracking of the outer shell and its drying out. On low-growing bushes up to 2 m high, the fruits are collected by hand, after which the pericarp is immediately removed. They are shaken off from trees reaching 3 m or more.

When harvesting manually, the peeled kernels are dried in the sun for 2-3 days. Dried nuts are placed in wooden boxes with good ventilation, where they can be stored for a long time, or sent for export.

The almond plant has roots that penetrate deep into the soil, as can be seen in this photo:

Thanks to this structure of the root system, the tree tolerates drought well, but cannot tolerate stagnant moisture and the proximity of groundwater. The culture is frost-resistant, withstands low temperatures down to -27-30°C. Grows on any soil, except acidic. Prefers places with plenty of sunlight. For full development, almonds require at least 6 hours a day to be in direct sunlight. A tree growing in the shade does not bloom or bear fruit for a long time.

Almond fruits: photos and what they contain

Almonds are often classified as nuts, but they are actually stone fruits. The fruits of this crop have a tart, bitter or sweet taste.

Sweet almond kernels contain fatty oil, protein, nitrogenous, coloring substances, vitamins, mucus, fiber, water, ash, nitrogen-free substances, as well as essential oil, which gives the nuts a characteristic odor.

Thanks to a large number of vitamins and microelements, almonds are one of the most valuable foods. It is eaten fresh and fried. Sweet varieties are used in the confectionery industry in the manufacture of desserts and baked goods. Bitter varieties are used to obtain oil used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

100 g of this product contains 690 kcal. Its calorie content is comparable to the calorie content of hazelnuts or cashew nuts.

In addition to the fruits of this tree, almond milk, which is a complete substitute for cow's milk, is highly valued. Desserts and cocktails are prepared based on it in some countries.

The seeds are used in medicine and cosmetology. From them, fatty almond oil is obtained, which is part of medicinal and cosmetic preparations. Almond oil is also used in its pure form.

The shell is used to color wines and is also used in the production of cognac.

The wood is used to make carpentry and souvenirs.

The almond tree (photo above) is a valuable early honey plant, producing large amounts of pollen and nectar.

Many varieties of this crop are grown for decorative purposes. Japanese varieties with double flowers are very popular.

Types and forms of almonds with photos

There are 2 types of almond plant: bitter and sweet.

Bitter fruits contain amygdalin, which in large doses is dangerous for the human body, as it breaks down in the stomach and releases hydrocyanic acid (a very strong poison). Therefore, its use should be limited and eaten only after heat treatment (frying or roasting). Children are recommended no more than 10 seeds per day, adults - no more than 50.

The sweet nut has a slightly oily taste. It also contains this substance, but in much smaller quantities, so it does not pose a danger.

Externally, it is impossible to distinguish bitter and sweet kernels, since the shape and color of these types of almonds are the same, as evidenced by the photo in our gallery under this article. The taste of the fruit can be distinguished by its smell. The smell of bitter almonds is much stronger than the smell of sweet ones.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the appearance of this product. It is better to buy bones in shells. It must be whole, not split, without mold or any plaque. The fruits themselves should be large, dry, smooth, with a pleasant nutty smell.

The photo shows what quality almonds look like:

Photo gallery

For long-term storage, nuts are placed in a glass jar. Store tightly closed in a dry place. To store them in the freezer, place them in a plastic bag. In such conditions they can be stored for about 1 year. In the refrigerator, the shelf life will be 4-5 months. Almonds left in an open container will last for 2 weeks before turning rancid due to their fatty acids and oils.

The hard shell tightly fits the almond kernel, so to peel it, you should keep it in boiling water for several minutes. After cleaning, wet kernels must be dried, otherwise their taste will deteriorate.

The fruits of this crop are contraindicated for people with individual intolerance, as well as in case of an allergic reaction. Due to the high calorie content of the product, it is not recommended for obesity.

Unripe seeds contain a toxic substance, cyanide, which can cause poisoning if consumed in large quantities.

For centuries, almonds have been of great importance to many peoples. Historians have differing opinions about the homeland of this plant. Despite the fact that Western Asia is officially recognized as its homeland, there is an opinion that it comes from India or China.

In Europe, this culture became widespread thanks to the Arabs, for whom almonds served as a seasoning for many dishes. Chinese merchants, going on long journeys, took this tasty, nutritious delicacy with them. Once in Europe, the tree quickly spread to Italy and Spain. In the 17th century almonds originated in California, where the largest plantations of this plant are grown today.

Since ancient times, people have attributed unique properties to wood. In America, it was believed that its fruits, given to guests at a wedding, brought good luck, health, love and prosperity to the newlyweds. In England, the almond tree is a symbol of abundance, in Italy - fertility.

To find out more information about almonds and their features, you should watch the following video:

You can see what an almond bush looks like in the photo in the gallery below: