Short stories for children. Tolstoy L.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, stories, fairy tales and fables in prose for children. The collection includes not only all the well-known stories of the lion of the thick "bone", "kitten", "Bulka", but also such rare works, as "to do good with all sorts", "not torturing animals", "not to be lazy", "Boy and Father "and many others.

Galka and Kuvshin

I wanted a daw to drink. On the courtyard stood a jug with water, and in the jug there was water only at the bottom.
Galka could not be delivered.
She began to throw in a pitcher of pebbles and so much sketched that the water became higher and could be drunk.

Rats and egg

Two rats found an egg. Wanted to share it and eat; But they see, the crow flies and wants to take an egg.
They began to think rats like an egg from a crow to pull. Carry - not to grab; roll? - You can smash.
And the rats decided that: one lay on his back, grabbed the egg with his paws, and the other lucky by the tail, and how the egg pulled under the floor.


Bracked bone through the bridge. Look, in the water its shadow.
It came bug to mind that in the water is not a shadow, and bug and bone.
She and let her bone in order to take. Tu did not take, and his dna went.

Wolf and goat

The wolf sees - the goat is grazing on the stone grief and can not get it to it; He says to her: "Would you go down: here and place more than more, and the grass for your feed is much sweeter."
And the goat says: "You're not behind you, a wolf, I call me down: you are not about mine, but about your feed you are creating."

Mouse, cat and cock

The mouse went out to walk. I walked around the courtyard and came again to the mother.
"Well, Mother, I saw two beasts. One is terrible, and the other is kind. "
Mother said: "Tell me, what are these animals?"
The mouse said: "One is terrible, walks in the yard here's a form: his feet is black, the Khokhol is red, the eyes on the shower, and the nose with a crochet. When I went past, he opened the mouth, his leg raised and began to scream so loudly that I didn't know from fear where to leave! "
"It's a rooster," said the old mouse. - He does not make evil to anyone, do not be afraid. Well, and another beast?
- Other lay in the sun and he was heated. The neck of his white, the legs are gray, smooth, hisself licks his white breast and a slightly movement, looks at me.
The old mouse said: "The fool you, a fool. After all, it is the cat itself. "


There were brother and sister - Vasya and Katya; And they had a cat. Spring cat disappeared. The children were looking for her everywhere, but could not find.

Once they played near the barn and heard - someone's heads over her head with thin voices. Vasya got along the stairs under the roof of the barn. And Katya stood and everything asked:

- Found? Found?

But Vasya did not answer her. Finally Vasya shouted her:

- Found! Our cat ... and she has kittens; so wonderful; Go here rather.

Katya ran home, pulled milk and brought a cat.

There were five kittens. When they rose a little bit and began to get out of the corner, where they gave themselves, the children chose one kitten gray with white legs, and brought to the house. The mother distributed all the rest of the kittens, and this left the children. The children fed him, played with him and put to sleep with them.

Once the children went to play on the road and took the kitten with them.

The wind moved a straw along the road, and the kitten played with straw, and the children rejoiced at him. Then they found the road sorrel, went to collect him and forgot about the kitten.

Suddenly they heard that someone shouts loudly:

"Back, back!" "And they saw that the hunter jumps, and a kitten saw ahead of his two dogs and want to grab it. And the kitten, stupid, instead of running, sat down to the ground, burned his back and looks at the dogs.

Katya was scared of dogs, shouted and ran away from them. And Vasya, that was a spirit, started to the kitten and at one time with dogs ran up to him.

Dogs wanted to grab the kitten, but Vasya fell a belly to the kitten and closed it from dogs.

The hunter prompted and drove the dogs, and Vasya brought home the kitten and no longer took him with him in the field.

Old man and apple trees

The old man was saved apple tree. He was told: "Why do you need an apple tree? Long wait for the fetus from this apple tree, and you do not eat apples from them. " The old man said: "I do not eat, others will eat, thank you for me."

Boy and father (though it's all more expensive)

The boy played and broke an intensely dear cup.
Nobody saw.
Father came and asked:
- Who broke?
The boy shook off the fear and said:
- I.
Father said:
- Thank you for telling the truth.

Do not torment animals (cooking and chiz)

Vola had chiz. Chizh lived in the cage and never sang.
Varya came to I. "It's time for you, Chizh, sing."
"Let me be on the will, will sing all day on the will."

Do not be lazy

There were two men - Peter and Ivan, they mowed me together. Peter the next morning came from his family and began to remove his meadow. The day was hot, and the grass dried; By evening, it became the hay.
And Ivan did not go cleaned, but spent at home. On the third day, Peter is leaning home hay, and Ivan was just going to row.
By evening I rained. Peter had a hay, and Ivan had all her grass.

Do not take away strength

Was in Petit and Misha horse. He became the dispute: whose horse?
They became a horse to tear each other.
- "Let me, my horse!" - "No, you give me a horse, not yours, and mine!"
Mother came, took a horse, and became a horse of anything.

Do not combine

The mouse gnawed the floor, and became a gap. The mouse went to the gap, found a lot of food. The mouse was greedy and ate so much that her belly became full. When it became a day, the mouse went to myself, but the belly was so fully, that she did not pass in the gap.

Do good

Squirrel jumped from branches on a branch and fell straight on a sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat it. Protein began to ask: "Let me". The wolf said: "Well, I will pass you, only you tell me, why are you, proteins, so cheerful? I am always bored, but you look at you, you are there, at the top are playing and jumping. " Protein said: "Let me first on the tree, and from there I will tell you, otherwise I am afraid of you." The wolf was let down, and the protein went to the tree and said from there: "You are bored that you are angry. You burn anger of anger. And we are merry because we do not do good and no one. "

Old people respect

The grandmother had a granddaughter; Before, the granddaughter was Mila and he slept, and the grandmother whites herself whiskers, chalk hungry, soap, sewn, nailed and failed on her granddaughter; And after the grandmother became old and lay down on the stove and slept everything. And the granddaughter of the baked, soap, sewn, failed and nailed to the grandmother.

As aunt told about how she learned to sew

When I was six years old, I asked the mother to give me to sew. She said: "You are still small, you are only fingers to throw"; And I all pested. Mother took the red flap from the chest and gave me; Then he went to the needle a red thread and showed me how to keep. I began to sew, but could not do smooth stitches; One stitch went big, and the other fell to the very edge and broke through through. Then I caught my finger and wanted not to cry, yes mother asked me: "What are you?" - I was not kept and cried. Then the mother told me to go to play.

When I went to bed, I have all experienced stitches: I didn't think about how much I would like to sew it, and it seemed to me so hard that I would never learn. And now I grew up big and I do not remember how I learned to sew; And when I teach the sewing girl, I wonder how she can't keep needle.

Bulka (the story of the officer)

I had a face. Her called the boulder. She was all black, only the tips of the front paw were white.

In all the facesties, the lower jaw is longer than the top and the upper teeth enter the lower; But at the Bulk, the lower jaw was so outdated forward that the finger could be laid between the bottom and the upper teeth, the boulder face was wide; The eyes are large, black and shiny; And the teeth and fangs are always sticking out. He looked like Arap. Bulka was humming and did not bite, but he was very strong and chains. When he, it happened, would be offwarding for something, then the teeth will be sick and it will hang like a rag, and it is like a stick, it is impossible to tear off.

Once it was allowed to the bear, and he clung to the bear in the ear and hung like a leech. The bear beat his paws, pressed to himself, threw out of side to the side, but could not tear off and fell on his head to crush the bug; But the boulder until it was kept on it until it was cast with cold water.

I took it with a puppy and focused himself. When I was driving to serve in the Caucasus, I did not want to take it and left him slowly, and it was ordered to lock it. At the first station, I wanted to sit on another crossed, as suddenly saw that something black and brilliant rolls on the way. It was a bug in his copper collar. He flew in the whole spirit to the station. He rushed to me, licked my hand and stretched in the shadow under the cart. His tongue was leaned with a whole palm. He then pulled him back, swallowed saliva, then again turned on a whole palm. He was in a hurry, did not breathe breathe, his sides were jumping. He turned with her side on his side and tapping the tail about the Earth.

I learned later that he struck the frame after me and jumped out of the window and straight, in my footprint, rocked on the road and slipped so the vert twenty to the hottest heat.

Milton and Bulka (story)

I started myself for the Pheasans a legaw dog. Dog this name was Milton: she was high, thin, cracked in gray, with long flies and ears and very strong and smart. With the bleb they did not bold. No dog has never grieved on the bug. He, it happened, will only show his teeth, and the dogs push the tails and depart away. Once I went with Milton for Pheasans. Suddenly the Bulka came running after me in the forest. I wanted to drive him, but could not. And go home to take him away, was far away. I thought he would not interfere with me, and went on; But Milton just followed the Pheasant grass and began to look for, the boulder rushed forward and began to cross in all directions. He tried before Milton to raise Pheasant. He heard something in the grass, jumped, spinning: but the flair is bad, and he could not find a trace alone, but looked at Milton and ran there, where Milton was walking. Just Milton moves along the trail, the boulder will run forward. I responded the boull, beat, but I couldn't do anything with him. As soon as Milton began to look for, he rushed forward and interfered with him. I wanted to go home, because I thought that my hunt was spoiled, I had better invented me in Milton how to deceive the bug. He's what I did: As soon as the Bulka ranks him, Milton will throw a track, turns to the other side and will pretend that he is looking for. The boulder rushes where Milton showed, and Milton will look at me, waving the tail and go again for the real trail. Bulka again resorts to Milton, runs forward, and again, Milton will perform the steps ten to the side, deceive the bug and will lead me straight. So all the hunt he was deceiving the boulder and did not give him to spoil the case.

Shark (story)

Our ship was anchored by the shore of Africa. The day was beautiful, a fresh wind blew from the sea; But in the evening the weather has changed: it became stuffy and precisely from the foiled stove rushed onto us hot air from the Sahara desert.

Before sunset, the captain came out on the deck, shouted: "Swim!" - And in one minute, the sailors jumped into the water, launched a sail into the water, tied him and in the sail staged a swim.

On the ship with us there were two boys. The boys were the first to jump into the water, but they were closely in the sail, they attended to float on the open sea.

Both, as lizards, stretched out in the water and that it was forces floated to the place where there was a barrel over anchor.

One boy first overtake the comrade, but then began to lag behind. The father of the boy, the old artillery, stood on the deck and admired her son. When the son began to lag behind, his father shouted him: "Do not give out! Populate! "

Suddenly, someone shouted from the deck: "Shark!" - And we all saw the back of the sea monster in the water.

Shark sailed straight to boys.

Back! back! Return! shark! - shouted artillery. But the guys did not hear him, sailed on, laughed and shouted even more fun and louder than.

Artilleryman, pale as a canvas, without moving, looked at the children.

The sailors lowered the boat, rushed into it and, bending the oars, suffered that there were strength to boys; But they were far away from them when the shark was no longer further than 20 steps.

The boys first did not hear what they were shouting, and did not see the sharks; But then one of them looked around, and we all heard a shrill screech, and the boys swam in different directions.

This screech seemed to wake up an artilleryman. He broke out and ran to the gun. He turned the trunk, predicted to the gun, ate and filmed wick.

We are all how many of us on the ship, froze from fear and waited for what will happen.

Shot came, and we saw that the artillery fell beside the gun and closed his face with his hands. What happened to the shark and with the boys, we did not see, because for a minute smoke stacked our eyes.

But when smoke broke up over the water, he heard from all sides at first a quiet ropot, then this ropot became stronger, and finally, there was a loud, joyful cry on all sides.

Old artilleryman opened his face, rose and looked at the sea.

On the waves, the yellow belly of a dead shark broke. A few minutes later the boat swam to the boys and brought them to the ship.

Lion and doggy (free)

Illustration of Nastya Aksenova

In London, they showed wild animals and for the examination they took money or dogs and cats on the feed of wild beasts.

One person wanted to look at the animals: he grabbed a dog on the street and brought her to the Wisther. He was allowed to look, and the dog was taken and thrown into the cage to the lion at the edoo.

The dog pursed the tail and pressed into the corner of the cell. The lion approached her and sniffed it.

The dog lay down on his back, raised the paws and began to wave a tail.

Leo touched her paw and turned over.

The dog jumped up and began to lion on the rear paws.

The lion looked at the dog, turned his head from the side to the side and did not touch her.

When the owner threw a lion of meat, Lev pulled off the piece and left the dog.

In the evening, when the lion went to bed, the dog feet beside him and put her head on his paw.

Since then, the dog lived in one cage with Lvom, the lion did not touch her, ate food, slept with her together, and sometimes he played with her.

Once Barin came to the belt and found out his dog; He said that the dog is his own, and asked the master of the crowd to give him. The owner wanted to give, but as soon as they began to call a dog to take it out of the cage, the lion was sophisticated and buried.

So Lion lived and the dog for a whole year in one cell.

A year later, the dog fell ill and flowing. The lion ceased to eat, and everything sniffed, licked the dog and tried her paw.

When he realized that she had died, he suddenly jumped, she was silent, began to whip himself his tail on the sides, rushed on the wall of the cell and began to nibble the absentee and the floor.

He fought the whole day, rushing in a cage and roared, then lay down the dead dog and the fortune. The owner wanted to carry a dead dog, but the lion did not let anyone to her.

The owner thought that the lion would forget his grief, if he was given another dog, and a live dog was put into him into a cage; But the lion immediately ripped it into pieces. Then he hugged his paws with his paws and lay like five days.

For the sixth day, Lev died.

Jump (iz)

One ship went around the world and returned home. There was a quiet weather, the whole people were on the deck. In the midst of the people, a great monkey and amused everyone. This monkey was wrung this, jumped, made funny faces, madded people, and it was clear - she knew that she was amused, and therefore was even more disengaged.

She jumped to the 12-year-old boy, the son of the captain of the ship, threw a hat from his head, put on the mast and vividly climbed on the mast. Everyone laughed, and the boy was left without a hat and did not know himself, whether he was laughed, or cry.

The monkey sat on the first crossbar of the mast, took off his hat and became her teeth and legs to tear it. She seemed to tease the boy, showed him and made him faces. The boy shook her and shouted at her, but she was still angry with a hat. The sailors louder began to laugh, and the boy blushed, threw off the jacket and rushed behind the monkey on the mast. In one minute, he climbed on the rope on the first crossbar; But the monkey is still a little and faster than him, at that very moment, as he thought to grab a hat, climbed even higher.

So you won't leave me from me! - shouted the boy and climbed above. The monkey again lifted him, climbed even higher, but the boy had already disassembled the burdens, and he did not lag behind. So monkey and a boy in one minute got to the very top. At the very top of the monkey stretched out the entire length and, having closed the back hand1 for the rope, hacked the hat on the edge of the last crossbar, and herself climbed to the mac. From the mast to the end of the crossbar where the hat hung, Arshina was two, so it was impossible to get it differently, how to release rope and mast out of hand.

But the boy was very swore. He threw a mast and stepped on the crossbar. On the deck, everyone watched and laughed by the fact that the monkey and the captain's son were distinguished; But as they saw that he was letting the rope and stepped onto the crossbar, shaking his hands, all froze from fear.

It cost him only to be stupid - and he would have crashed on the deck. Yes, if it was even not stupid, and I got to the edge of the crossbar and took the hat, it was hard for him to turn and walk back to the mast. All silently looked at him and waited that it would be.

Suddenly, someone became the people from fear. The boy came his boyfriend from this shout, looked down and looked.

At this time, the captain of the ship, the father of the boy, came out of the cabin. He carried a gun to shoot chap2. He saw his son on the mast, and immediately aimed in his son and shouted: "In the water! Jump now in the water! Shot! " The boy was walking, but did not understand. "Jump or shoot! .. Once, two ..." And as soon as the father shouted: "Three" - the boy swamped his head down and jumped.

Exactly a cannonic core, slapped the body of the boy in the sea, and did not have time to close it, as already 20 of the young sailors jumped off the ship in the sea. Seconds after 40 - they have appeared to everyone - the boy's body emerged. He was grabbed and pulled out on the ship. A few minutes later he had a water from his mouth, and he began to breathe.

When the captain saw it, he suddenly shouted, as if he had sought something, and ran to his cabin, so nobody saw how he was crying.

Firefighters Dogs (Free)

It happens often that in the cities there are children in houses in the houses and they cannot be pulled out, because they will hide and silently from fright, and you cannot consider them from smoke. For this, dogs are accustomed to London. These dogs live with firefighters, and when the house will light up, the firefighters send dogs to pull the children. One such a dog in London saved twelve children; Her name was Bob.

House caught fire. And when the firefighters came to the house, a woman ran to them. She cried and said that a two-year-old girl remained in the house. Firefighters sent Bob. Bob ran down the stairs and disappeared into smoke. Five minutes later he ran out of the house and in his teeth for a shirt was carried by a girl. The mother rushed to his daughter and cried from the joy that the daughter was alive. Firefighters caressed the dog and examined it - whether she burned down; But Bob rushed again into the house. The firefighters thought that there was still something alive in the house, and they let him down. The dog ran into the house and soon ran out with something in the teeth. When the people considered what she was carrying, everyone looked around: she carried a big doll.

Bone (ill)

I bought a sinking mother and wanted to give them to children after lunch. They lay on a plate. Vanya never ate plums and all sniffed them. And he really liked them. I really wanted to eat. He all went past the plums. When there was no one in the hubby, he could not resist, grabbed one plum and eaten. Before lunch, the mother found plums and sees one, there is no one. She said father.

For the dinner, the father says: "And what, children, did anyone have eaten one plum?" Everyone said: "No." Vanya blushed as cancer, and said too: "No, I did not eat."

Then the Father said: "What ate someone from you is not good; But not the trouble. The trouble is that there are bones in the plums, and if anyone does not know how to eat them and swallows the bone, then every day will die. I'm afraid of that. "

Vanya turned pale and said: "No, I threw the bone for the window."

And everyone laughed, and Vanya was crying.

Monkey and peas (bass)

The monkey carried two full hand in the peas. One pea popped up; The monkey wanted to raise and wake up twenty peas.
She rushed to raise and waking up everything. Then she got angry, hollowed all the peas and ran away.

Lion and mouse (bass)

Lion slept. The mouse ran around his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her; She said: "If you enjoy me, and I will do you good." The lion laughed that the mouse promises him to do it, and let her.

Then the hunters caught the lion and tied the rope to the tree. The mouse heard the lion's roar, ran, overlooked the rope and said: "Remember, you laughed, I didn't think that I could do you to do, and now you see, - it happens from the mouse."

Old grandfather and granddaughter (bass)

Became Grandfather is very old. His feet did not go, the eyes did not see, the ears did not hear, there was no teeth. And when he ate, he flowed back from his mouth. The son and the daughter-in-law stopped planted him at the table, and let him dine behind the stove. Demolished him to dine in a cup. He wanted to move her, yes dropped and smashed. The daughter-in-law began to marry the old man for the fact that he is all spoils in the house and the cups beats, and said that now she will give him to dine in Lohanka. The old man just sighed and said nothing. They sit the husband with his wife at home and look - the son playing them on the floor plays - something is famous. Father and asked: "What do you do, Misha?" And Misha and telling: "This is me, the father, I do a loyal. When you with the older older, you will feed you from this lochank. "

Husband with his wife looked at each other and cried. They became ashamed for the fact that they were offended by the old man; And since then, to plant it at the table and care for him.

Lygun (bass, other name - do not lie)

The boy is unregulated sheep and seem to see the wolf, began to call: "Help, wolf! wolf!" Guys came running and see: not true. As he did, and two and three times, it happened - and the wolf came to mind. The boy began to shout: "Here, more, the wolf!" The men thought that again was always deceiving, - did not listen to him. The wolf sees, nothing to fear: everything flock cut on the square.

Father and sons (bass)

Father ordered sons to live in harmony; They did not obey. So he ordered to bring a broom and says:


How many they were fighting, could not break. Then the father launched a broom and ordered to break one twig.

They easily blocked the rods by one.

Ant and Dove (Basnie)

Ant descended to the stream: I wanted to get drunk. The wave was overwhelmed and almost soles. Goluba carried a branch; She saw - ant sneaking, and threw him a branch in the stream. Ant sat on a branch and saved. Then the hunter set the network to the dove and wanted to slam down. Ant crawled to the hunter and bites his leg; The huntered huntered and dropped the network. Golube felt and flew away.

Chicken and swallow (bass)

The chicken found snake eggs and began to surround them. Swallow saw and says:
"That's, stupid! You will bring them out, and how they grow up, they will be offended first. "

Fox and grapes (bass)

Lisitsa saw the ripe brushes of grapes hang, and began to fit, how to eat them.
She fought for a long time, but could not get it. In order for the annoyance to drown, she says: "Green still."

Two comrades (bass)

Two comrades walked around the forest, and a bear jumped on them. One rushed to run, got into the tree and hid, and the other remained on the road. He had nothing to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

The bear approached him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing.

The bear sniffed his face, thought that the dead, and went away.

When the bear left, he tears from the tree and laughs: "Well," says, - did you speak the bear in your ear? "

"And he told me that - bad people Those who are in danger from comrades run away. "

Tsar and Shirt (Tale)

One king was ill and said: "Half the kingdom I will give the one who will cure me." Then all the sages gathered and began to judge how the king cure. No one knew. One sage only said that the king can be cured. He said: if you find a happy person to take off his shirt and put on the king - the king will recover. The king and sent a happy man in his kingdom; But the king's ambassadors have long traveled around the kingdom and could not find a happy man. There was no such thing that everyone was pleased. Who is rich, yes swear; Who is healthy, yes poor; Who is healthy and rich, yes the wife is not good, and who have children are not good; Everything is complaining about anything. Once goes late in the evening the royal son by the hut, and hear him - someone says: "Well, thank God, I worked out, but to sleep a laga; What do I still need? " The royal son was delighted, ordered his shirt from this man, and he would give money for it, how much he wants, and his shirt attributed to the king. Messengers came to K. happy man And they wanted to rent a shirt with him; But the happy was so poor that there was no shirt on it.

Two brothers (fairy tale)

Two brothers went to travel together. At noon, they lay down to relax in the forest. When they woke up, they saw someone's stone and something was written on the stone. They began to disassemble and read:

"Who will find this stone, that way goes straight into the forest to the sunrise. The river will come in the forest: let it float through this river on the other side. You will see a bear with bearings: we will cubs with a bear and run without a look right in the mountain. House, and in the house you will find happiness. "

The brothers read what was written, and the little said:

Let's go together. Maybe we will throw this river, bring the cubs to the house and find happiness together.

Then the oldest said:

I will not go to the forest behind the bearings and you do not advise you. The first thing: no one knows - the truth is written on this stone; Maybe all this is written on laughter. Yes, maybe we are not so disassembled. The second: if it really is written, we will go to the forest, the night will come, we will not get on the river and get lost. Yes, if we find the river, how do we throw it? Maybe it is fast and wide? Third: if we throw a river, - is it easy to take a break from the bear cubs? She dresses us, and instead of happiness disappear anything. Fourth case: if we manage to carry a bearish, - we are not sure without resting in the mountain. The main thing is, it is not said: What happiness will we find in this house? Maybe we are waiting for such happiness, which we are at all at all.

And the younger said:

In my opinion, not so. In vain to write on the stone would not be. And everything is written clearly. The first thing: we will not be trouble, if we try. The second thing: if we do not go, someone else read the inscription on the stone and finds happiness, and we will remain with nothing. The third thing is: do not work well, but do not work, nothing in the world pleases. Fourth: I do not want, so that I thought that I was afraid of something.

Then the oldest said:

And the proverb says: "look for big happiness - small loss"; Yes, more: "did not promise cranes in the sky, and give a blue in hand."

And smaller said:

And I heard: "Wolves fear, not to walk into the forest"; Yes, even: "Under the lying stone, the water will not flow." For me, you have to go.

A smaller brother went, and the eldest stayed.

As soon as a smaller brother entered the forest, he attacked the river, swam her and immediately on the shore he saw the Medvice. She slept. He grabbed the bear and ran without a look at the mountain. He just fought to the top, "the people come to meet him, brought him a carriage, took to the city and made the king.

He reigned for five years. For the sixth year, the one king's war came to him, stronger him; I won the city and drove it. Then a smaller brother went to wander again and came to her older brother.

Senior brother lived in the village or rich or poor. The brothers were delighted with each other and began to talk about their lives.

Senior brother and says:

So my truth came out: all the time I lived quietly and well, and you knew and was king, but I saw a lot of grief.

And smaller said:

I am not a mellow that I went to the forest on the mountain; Although I am also bad now, but there is nothing to remember my life, but you have nothing to remember.

Liponiushka (fairy tale)

He lived an old man with old man. They did not have children. The old man went to plow in the field, and the old woman remained home pancakes oven. The old woman dried pancakes and says:

"If we had a son, he would be a father of pancakes; And now I will send with? "

Suddenly a little son got out of cotton and says: "Hello, Mother! .."

And the old woman says: "Where are you from, son, who took and how to call you?"

And the son and says: "You, Mother, pulled a cotton and put in a column, I got out there. And call me Liponiushka. Dai, Mother, I will take the pancakes to the father. "

Old woman and says: "Do you convey Lipnyushka?"

Donos, Mother ...

The old woman tied pancakes in the nodule and gave a son. Liponiushka took the knot and ran in the field.

In the field came across on the road Kochka; He shouts: "Batyushka, Batyushka, transplant me through a bump! I brought you pancakes. "

The old man was heard from the field, someone calls him, went to his son to meet, transplanted him through the bodie and says: "Where are you from, son?" And the boy says: "I, father, in a cotton gave out," and filed a father pancakes. The old man sat breakfast, and the boy says: "Give, father, I will plow."

And the old man says: "You will have the strength to plow."

And Liponiushka took the hust and began to plow. He himself plows and sings the song itself.

Barin was driving past this field and saw that the old man sits breakfast, and the horse alone plows. Barin went out of the carriage and says the old man: "How are you, an old man, the horse one plows?"

And the old man says: "I have a boy plows there, he sings and songs." Barin approached closer, heard songs and saw Liponiushka.

Barin and says: "Old man! Sell \u200b\u200bme a boy. " And the old man says: "No, I can not sell, I only have one."

And Lipnyushka tells the old man: "Sell, father, I will escape from him."

Man and sold a boy for a hundred rubles. Barin gave money, took the boy, wrapped it in the handkerchief and put in his pocket. Barin arrived home and says his wife: "I brought joy to you." And the wife says: "Show what?" Barin took out a handkerchief from his pocket, turned it out, and there is nothing in the handkerchka. Liponiushka has tied to his father for a long time.

Three Bear (Tale)

One girl left home to the forest. In the forest she lost and began to look home, but did not find, but came to the forest to the house.

The door was converted; She looked at the door, sees: there is no one in the house, and entered. Three bears lived in this house. One bear was father, called him Mikhailo Ivanovich. He was big and shaggy. Another was a bear. She was smaller and called her Nastasya Petrovna. The third was a little bearish, and called His Mishutka. The bears were not at home, they went to walk through the forest.

There were two rooms in the house: one dining room, another bedroom. The girl entered the dining room and saw three cups on the table with a chowder. The first cup, very big, was Mikhail Ivanovchev. The second cup, smaller, was Nastasya Petrovnina; The third, shiny cup, was Misheutkina. Beam each cup was lying a spoon: large, medium and small.

The girl took the largest spoon and a hop of the biggest cup; Then he took a middle spoon and the middle cup of the middle cup; Then he took a small spoon and a bhamatic cup of a shower; And Mishetkina Schwalee seemed better than all.

The girl wanted to sit down and sees three stools from the table: one big - Mikhail Ivanich; Another smaller is Nastasya Petrovnin, and the third, small, with a shiny pad - Misutkin. She climbed into a large chair and fell; Then sat on the middle chair, it was awkward; Then I sat on a little chairs and laughed - it was good. She took a blue cup on his knees and began to eat. Hashed the whole chowder and began to swing on the chair.

The chair broke, and she fell to the floor. She got up, raised his chairs and went to another hubby. There were three beds: one big - Mikhail Ivanacheva; another average - Nastasya Petrovnina; Third little - Mishenekin. The girl fell into a big one, she was too spacious; went into the middle - it was too high; Lit in a small one - the crib came to her just fit, and she fell asleep.

And the bears came home hungry and wanted to dine.

Big Bear took a cup, looked and roared a terrible voice:

Who was bread in my cup?

Nastasya Petrovna looked at her cup and buried not so loudly:

Who was bread in my cup?

And Mishutka saw his empty cup and saw a thin voice:

Who was bread in my cup and all out?

Mikhail Ivanovych looked at his chair and buried a terrible voice:

Nastasya Petrovna looked at her chair and buried not so loudly:

Who sat on my chair and moved him off his place?

Mishutka glanced at his broken chair and regained:

Who sat on my chair and broke it?

Bears came to another doors.

Who fell into my bed and crumpled it? - Zaened Mikhail Ivanovich a terrible voice.

Who fell into my bed and crumpled it? - I buried Nastasya Petrovna is not so loud.

And Mishanta put the bench, got into his crib and shed a thin voice:

Who fell into my bed?

And suddenly he saw the girl and lung up as if it was cut:

Here she is! Keep, keep! Here she is! Ai-I-Yai! Hold!

He wanted to bite her.

The girl opened his eyes, saw bears and rushed to the window. It was open, she jumped out the window and ran away. And the bears did not catch up it.

What is the dew on the grass (description)

When in the summer morning you will go to the forest, then on the fields, diamonds are visible in the grass. All diamonds are glittered and overflow in the sun different colors - and yellow, and red, and blue. When you come closer and see what it is, you will see that these drops of dew gathered in the triangular shears of grass and shine in the sun.

A leaflet of this grass inside a mochine and fluffy like a velvet. And drops ride on the sheet and do not uroat it.

When carelessly disrupt the leaflet with ROSInka, the droplet rolled like a light bead, and you will not see how to slip past the stem. It happened, you will break such a cup, slowly bring to your mouth and drink to Rosink, and the Rosinka is tastier every drink seems.

Touch and vision (reasoning)

Course forefinger With medium and braided fingers, it is a little ball with medium and braided your fingers so that he rides from both fingers, and the ball himself. It will seem to you that two balls. Open your eyes - you will see that one ball. Fingers were deceived, and the eyes corrected.

Looking at the bottom of the side) on a good clean mirror: it will seem to you that this is a window or door and that there is something there. Sketch your finger, - you will see that this is a mirror. The eyes were deceived, and the fingers corrected.

Where does water go from the sea? (Reasoning)

From springs, keys and swamps water flows in streams, from streams in rivers, from rivers to large rivers, and from big rivers flows from the sea. From other sides, other rivers flow to the sea, and all rivers flow to the sea since the world is created. Where does water go from the sea? Why does she not flow through the edge?

Water from the sea rises fog; Fog rises above, and clouds are made of fog. Tuchi drives wind and spreads over the ground. From clouds water falls to the ground. From the ground flows into the swamps and streams. From the stream flows into the river; From rivers in the sea. From the sea, again, water rises in clouds, and clouds are spreading on the ground ...

The great Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828-1910) loved the children very much, and even more he loved to talk to them.

He knew a lot of fables, fairy tales, stories and stories who told the children enthusiastically. He was listened to as native grandchildren and peasant children.

Having discovered a school for peasant children in a clear Polyana, Lev Nikolayevich himself taught in it.

He wrote a tutorial for the smallest and called her "ABC". The author's work, consisting of four volumes, was "handsome short, simple and, most importantly, is clear" to understand the children.

Lion and mouse

Lion slept. The mouse ran around his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her; she said:

If you enjoy me, and I will welcome you.

The lion laughed that the mouse promises him to do it, and let her.

Then the hunters caught the lion and tied the rope to the tree. The mouse was assisted by the lion's roar, ran, overgrown with the rope and said:

Remember, you laughed, I didn't think that I could do you to do, and now you see, - it happens from the mouse well.

How did the thunderstorm found me in the forest

When I was small, I was sent to the forest for mushrooms.

I reached the forest, scored mushrooms and wanted to go home. Suddenly it became dark, it went raining and stuck.

I was afraid and sat down under great oak. Lightning flashed such a bright, that I hurt my eyes, and I climbed.

Over my head, something shine and stuck; Then something struck me in, head.

I fell and lay until it stopped raining.

When I woke up, all over the forest dropped from the trees, sang the birds and played the sun. Big Oak broke, and the smoke walked out of the stump. Around me lay a secret from oak.

The dress on me was all wet and liplot to the body; There was a bump on my head, and it was a little hurt.

I found my hat, took mushrooms and ran home.

There was no one at home, I took a bread in the table and got to the stove.

When I woke up, I saw from the stove that my mushrooms were frozen, put on the table and already want to eat.

I shouted: "What do you eat without me?" They say: "What do you sleep? Go more, eat."

Sparrow and swallows

Once I stood on the yard and looked at the socket of swallows under the roof. Both swallows were flew away, and the nest remained empty.

At the time when they were in the absence, from the roof flew the sparrow, jumped on the nest, looked around, waved the wings and whisen at the nest; Then he dried his head and stupid.

Soon after he flew to the jack of swallow. She jumped into the nest, but as soon as the guest saw, sheepdown, he shoved the wings in place and flew away.

Sparrow sat and tweet.

Suddenly, herd of swallows flew: all swallows twitched to the nest - as if in order to look at the sparrow, and again flew.

The sparrow was not Roblast, turned his head and tweeted.

The swallows again cleared to the nest, they did something and flew again.

The swallows were not forgotten: they brought every in the keyboard dirt and gradually smeared the hole of the nest.

Again, they flew and again swallowed swallows, and more and more nested the nest, and the hole was getting closer and closer.

First, the neck of the sparrow was visible, then one head, then the nose, and then nothing became visible; Swallows completely shook him in the nest, flew up and with a whistle began to spin around at home.

Two comrades

Two comrades walked around the forest, and a bear jumped on them.

One rushed to run, got into the tree and hid, and the other remained on the road. He had nothing to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

The bear approached him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing.

The bear sniffed his face, thought that the dead, and went away.

When the bear left, that tears from the tree and laughs.

Well, - says, - did you say a bear in your ear?

And he told me that the bad people are those who run away in danger from comrades.


The boy is unfortunately sheep and, as if he saw a wolf, began to call:

Help, wolf! Wolf!

Guys came running and see: not true. As he did, and two and three times, it happened - and the wolf came to mind. The boy began to shout:

Here, more, the wolf!

The men thought that again was always deceiving, - did not listen to him. The wolf sees, nothing to fear: everything flock cut on the square.

Hunter and quail

I caught quail to the network to the hunter and began to ask that the hunter would let him go.

You only let me go, - says, - I will serve you. I have other quails to you on the network.

Well, quail, - said the hunter, - and so it would not let you, and now and is suppressed. Completed the head for the fact that you want to give out.

Girl and mushrooms

Two girls walked home with mushrooms.

They needed to move through the railway.

They thought the car was far away, closed the mound and went through the rails.

Suddenly there was a car. The older girl ran back, and the smaller - moved across the road.

The older girl screamed her sister: "Don't go back!"

But the car was so close and so loudly noisy that a smaller girl did not hear; She thought she was told to run back. She ran back through the rails, stumbled, dropped the mushrooms and began to pick them up.

The car was already close, and the driver whistled that was forces.

The older girl screamed: "Throw mushrooms!", And the little girl thought that she was told to collect mushrooms, and crawled along the road.

The driver could not hold the car. She whistled with all his might and hit the girl.

Senior girl screamed and cried. All passing looked from the windows of the wagons, and the conductor ran to the end of the train to see what was happening with the girl.

When the train passed, everyone saw that the girl was lying between the rails head down and did not move.

Then, when the train has already drove away, the girl raised his head, jumped on his knees, gathered mushrooms and ran to her sister.

Old grandfather and granddaughter


Became Grandfather is very old. His feet did not go, the eyes did not see, the ears did not hear, there was no teeth. And when he ate, he flowed back from his mouth.

The son and the daughter-in-law stopped planted him at the table, and let him dine behind the stove. Demolished him to dine in a cup. He wanted to move her, yes dropped and smashed.

The daughter-in-law began to marry the old man for the fact that he is all spoils in the house and the cups beats, and said that now she will give him to dine in Lohanka.

The old man just sighed and said nothing.

They sit the husband with his wife at home and look - the son playing them on the floor plays - something is famous.

Father and asked: "What do you do, Misha?" And Misha and telling: "This is me, the father, I do a loyal. When you with the older older, you will feed you from this lochank. "

Husband with his wife looked at each other and cried.

They became ashamed for the fact that they were offended by the old man; And since then, to plant it at the table and care for him.

Little mouse

The mouse came out to walk. I walked around the courtyard and came again to the mother.

Well, Mother, I saw two beasts. One is terrible, and the other is kind.

Mother asked:

Tell me what are these animals?

The mouse said:

One terrible legs of his black, Khokhol - red, eyes on the picness, and the nose with a crochet. When I went past, he opened the mouth, his leg raised and began to shout so loudly that I didn't know from fear where to leave.

It's a rooster, she said the old mouse, he did not make evil to anyone, do not be afraid. Well, and another beast?

Another lay in the sun and he walked. She had a white, her legs are gray, smooth. Summary licks her white breast and a sniffer slightly, it looks at me.

Old mouse said:

Fool, you are a fool. After all, this is the cat itself.

Two men

We drove two men: one in the city, another of the city.

They hit the sleigh by each other. One shouts:

Give the way, I need to easily in the city.

And the other screams:

You give the way. I need to go home soon.

And the third man saw and said:

Who is more likely to be the besiege back.

Poor and rich

In the same house they lived: at the top of the rich-barin, and the bottom up the tailor.

Tailor at work all sang songs and interfered with Barina to sleep.

Barin gave the tall bag of money so that he does not sing.

The tailor became rich and all erased his money, and not to sing no longer.

And it became boring. He took the money and demolished them back Barina and said:

Take your money back, and I already allow the song to sing. And then I was attacked by longing.

I planted two hundred young apple trees and three years in the spring and in the autumn turned them out, and for the winter I walked straw from the Zaitsev. For the fourth year, when snow went down, I went to watch my apple trees. They have grown in winter; The bark on them was glossy and pillow; The swirls were all intake and on all tips and on the developers were round, like skids, color kidneys. In some places already burst the flames and the scarlet edges of the color leaves were visible. I knew that all the sneaks would be flowers and fruits, and glad, looking at her apple tree. But when I turned the first apple tree, I saw that at the bottom, above the earthly, the apple tree bark climbs around the wood, like a white ring. It made mice. I unfolded another apple tree - and on the other it was the same. Of the two hundred apple trees, no one is left. I smelled the sprayed places with a mixture and wax; But when the apple tree blossomed, their flowers slept now. Little leaves came out - and those started and dried. The bark was wrinkled and blackened. From two hundred and apple trees left only nine. On these nine apple trees, the bark was not a circle, and in the White Ring there was a strip of the bark. On these stripes, in the place where the bark was diverged, the growths, and the apple trees were made, although they beat, but went. The rest are all disappeared, only the proceeds of the spilled places went, and that's all wild.

The bark in the trees are the same residents of a person: through the veins, the blood goes through a person - and through the bark, the juice walks on the tree and rises in bitch, leaves and color. You can extend from the tree all the nutrola, as it happens at old Lozin, but only the bark was alive - and the tree will live; But if the bark disappears, the tree is gone. If a person fits the veins, he will die, firstly, because the blood will follow, and secondly, because the blood will not have the move by the body.

So birch dries when the guys will continue the hole to drink juice, and the whole juice is flowing.

So apple trees were disappeared because the mice there were all the bark around, and the juice was no longer a move from the roots in bruises, leaves and color.


Galka and Kuvshin

I wanted a daw to drink. On the courtyard stood a jug with water, and in the jug there was water only at the bottom.
Galka could not be delivered.
She began to throw in a pitcher of pebbles and so much sketched that the water became higher and could be drunk.

Rats and egg

Two rats found an egg. Wanted to share it and eat; But they see, the crow flies and wants to take an egg.
They began to think rats like an egg from a crow to pull. Carry - not to grab; roll? - You can smash.
And the rats decided that: one lay on his back, grabbed the egg with his paws, and the other lucky by the tail, and how the egg pulled under the floor.


Bracked bone through the bridge. Look, in the water its shadow.
It came bug to mind that in the water is not a shadow, and bug and bone.
She and let her bone in order to take. Tu did not take, and his dna went.

Wolf and goat

The wolf sees - the goat is grazing on the stone grief and can not get it to it; He says to her: "Would you go down: here and place more than more, and the grass for your feed is much sweeter."
And the goat says: "You're not behind you, a wolf, I call me down: you are not about mine, but about your feed you are creating."

Monkey and pea

The monkey carried two full hand in the peas. One pea popped up; The monkey wanted to raise and wake up twenty peas.
She rushed to raise and waking up everything. Then she got angry, hollowed all the peas and ran away.

Mouse, cat and cock

The mouse went out to walk. I walked around the courtyard and came again to the mother.
"Well, Mother, I saw two beasts. One is terrible, and the other is kind. "
Mother said: "Tell me, what are these animals?"
The mouse said: "One is terrible, walks in the yard here's a form: his feet is black, the Khokhol is red, the eyes on the shower, and the nose with a crochet. When I went past, he opened the mouth, his leg raised and began to scream so loudly that I didn't know from fear where to leave! "
"It's a rooster," said the old mouse. - He does not make evil to anyone, do not be afraid. Well, and another beast?
- Other lay in the sun and he was heated. The neck of his white, the legs are gray, smooth, hisself licks his white breast and a slightly movement, looks at me.
The old mouse said: "The fool you, a fool. After all, it is the cat itself. "

Lion and mouse


Lion slept. The mouse ran around his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her; She said: "If you enjoy me, and I will do you good." The lion laughed that the mouse promises him to do it, and let her.

Then the hunters caught the lion and tied the rope to the tree. The mouse heard the lion's roar, ran, overlooked the rope and said: "Remember, you laughed, I didn't think that I could do you to do, and now you see, - it happens from the mouse."

Varya and Chizh.

Vola had chiz. Chizh lived in the cage and never sang.
Varya came to I. "It's time for you, Chizh, sing."
"Let me be on the will, will sing all day on the will."

Old man and apple trees

The old man was saved apple tree. He was told: "Why do you need an apple tree? Long wait for the fetus from this apple tree, and you do not eat apples from them. " The old man said: "I do not eat, others will eat, thank you for me."

Old grandfather and granddaughter

Became Grandfather is very old. His feet did not go, the eyes did not see, the ears did not hear, there was no teeth. And when he ate, he flowed back from his mouth. The son and the daughter-in-law stopped planted him at the table, and let him dine behind the stove. Demolished him to dine in a cup. He wanted to move her, yes dropped and smashed. The daughter-in-law began to marry the old man for the fact that he is all spoils in the house and the cups beats, and said that now she will give him to dine in Lohanka. The old man just sighed and said nothing. They sit the husband with his wife at home and look - the son playing them on the floor plays - something is famous. Father and asked: "What do you do, Misha?" And Misha and telling: "This is me, the father, I do a loyal. When you with the older older, you will feed you from this lochank. "

Husband with his wife looked at each other and cried. They became ashamed for the fact that they were offended by the old man; And since then, to plant it at the table and care for him.