Term paper: Synthetic detergents. Household cleaning products

  (SMS) are liquid, pasty and powdery substances that contain surfactants, as well as other organic and inorganic substances that increase the effectiveness of surfactants.
  The main purpose of detergents is to remove contaminants from various surfaces. Contaminants are firmly held on them due to physicochemical forces, are not wetted by water and therefore practically are not washed off by it. To transfer contaminants into solution, they should be made hydrophilic (wettable). Molecules of detergents, adsorbing on a mud particle, “attract” it to water, tear it off the surface and prevent the particles from sticking together and sticking together. Thus, the particles pass into solution. Since the solution of surfactants better wetts the surface, it penetrates into the smallest pores and destroys large particles of contaminants.
  Fatty soaps have some drawbacks. Their washing effect is manifested only in an alkaline environment, with calcium and magnesium salts contained in hard water, they form sticky insoluble salts that settle on the fabric and pollute them. The alkalis contained in the soap weaken the strength of wool and silk fabrics, as well as fabrics made of polyester fibers, especially at elevated temperatures, and can also change the color of fabrics. In addition, fatty raw materials for soaps are a scarce food product. All this determines the relevance of the development of production and use of synthetic detergents, which have the following advantages:
  1. SMS production is based on a cheap raw material base - oil and gas processing products. Calculations show that the cost of producing SMS is no more than 65-7O% of the cost of developing 47% laundry soap. The implementation of a wide program for the production of synthetic detergents makes it possible to release a large amount of dietary fat.
  2. Synthetic detergents do not interact with hard water salts or, when reacted, produce compounds that are easily removed from the fabric. Many of SMS are washed equally well in soft, hard, and some even in sea water.
  3. Synthetic detergents, depending on their composition, can wash fabrics well, not only in an alkaline environment, but also in a neutral and acidic one.
4. SMS show a washing effect not only in hot water, but also in water of a relatively low temperature, which is very important when washing products from chemical fibers, etc.

  All synthetic detergents are organic compounds. They have a one-sided hydrocarbon chain and a group participating in the reactions.
  The main component of SMS are organic surfactants with wetting, emulsifying, peptizing and foaming ability. The combination of these properties determines their washing action. Surfactants used for the production of SMS are divided into ionic, non-ionic, dissociating in aqueous solutions, and The most common are anionic substances (alkyl sulfates, alkyl sulfonates and alkylaryl sulfonates), which decompose in aqueous solutions into anions (larger negatively charged particles) and cations (small positively charged ions, usually sodium or potassium). Large anions provide surface-active properties. All anionic surfactants are crystalline substances that are soluble in water. Their content in SMS is from 10 to 40%.
  New synthetic amphoteric surfactants have also been developed. They are promising for the production of detergents, but so far they are expensive and still very rare.
  To enhance the washing effect of surfactants, alkaline and neutral electrolytes, alkylamides, carboxymethyl cellulose, etc. are introduced into synthetic detergents. Bleaching agents (peroxide salts, optical brighteners) are useful additives. Antistatic agents, enzymes, starching substances, etc. are introduced into certain types of SMS.
  In modern SMS, surfactants are used that have a biodegradation rate of at least 90%: alkyl sulfonates,
  alkanesulfonates with high detergency and high biodegradability, olefin sulfonates with good detergent action, including in hard water, which is especially important for phosphate-free detergents, etc.
  Alkyl sulfates, depending on the structure of the molecules, are divided into primary and secondary. Primary sulfates are processed products of natural fatty acids; secondary sulfates are oil refined products.
Alkyl sulfonates are sodium salts of fatty sulfonic acids. The main feedstock for their production is paraffin oil hydrocarbons. Alkyl sulfonates are used predominantly in a mixture with other detergents, as they have less detergency than alkyl sulfates.
  Alkyl aryl sulfonates are sodium salts of alkyl aryl sulfonic acids obtained by sulfonation of alkyl benzene. The feedstock for them are kerosene fractions of oil. A serious drawback of all benzene derivatives of detergents is their difficult bioavailability.
  More than half of all SMS are based on alkylaryl sulfonates.
  Electrolytes improve the washing effect and enhance the surface activity of detergents. They destroy fatty impurities, soften water and improve the washing effect of synthetic detergents, thereby reducing their consumption. Soda and sodium polyphosphate are added in large quantities to powders intended for washing cotton and linen products, and neutral electrolytes (sodium sulfate, etc.) are added to wash wool and silk fabrics. Polyphosphates are added to universal powders in order to create an optimal alkaline environment. However, these additives also destroy protein substances (wool, silk) and adversely affect the environment. They are gradually being replaced with neutral additives - zeolites.
  Alkylolamides are foam stabilizers, they are introduced into SMS in the amount of 1-3%. They significantly increase the effectiveness of synthetic detergents, increasing the stability of the foam, suspending impurities and preventing their deposition on the fabric. Their introduction into the composition of detergents reduces the content of active detergent. They are not used, however, for SMS designed for washing in washing machines in which strong foaming makes their functioning difficult.
  Neutral sodium sulfate and sodium phosphate are also added to SMS. Sodium sulfate is used to improve the flowability of the powder and its solubility in water, increases the washing ability of detergents, and is included in all types of SMS. Detergents also contain up to 30% phosphoric salts - trisodium phosphates and polyphosphates to reduce the alkalinity of washing solutions to pH \u003d 7.
Carboxymethyl cellulose (sodium salt of cellulose ether and glycolic acid) is introduced into the composition of SMS for linen and cotton fabrics. It prevents the re-deposition of contaminants on the surface of cotton fabrics. To prevent the resorption of dirt on wool and silk fabrics, polyvinylpyrrolidone is added to SMS.
  Among nonionic surfactants, OP preparations are most known, which are condensation products of fatty acids (or alcohols) with ethylene oxide. They are used mainly in the textile industry in the processing of fibers and fabrics and only partially in the production of household detergents. OP preparations are used for the manufacture of liquid detergents mixed with other substances. They are characterized by good wetting, but insufficient foaming ability, are a brown oily liquid.
  To preserve the whiteness of white products, chemical and physical (optical) brighteners are introduced into the SMS. Of the chemical bleaches that are used in SMS for linen and cotton fabrics, salts of peroxy acids (persols) are usually used. At a temperature of the washing solution above 60 ° C, this substance hydrolyzes, releasing atomic oxygen, which is a bleaching and disinfecting agent.
  Modern detergents contain special bioadditives to remove contaminants of fatty origin and protein substances containing protein (traces of blood, egg white, milk) - enzymes (enzymes).
  Recently, it has been recognized that it is advisable to introduce detergents into the composition of synthetic detergents as an additive for laundry soap, which stabilizes foaming and improves the washing effect.
  The composition of SMS for washing synthetic fibers is sometimes additionally injected with antistatic agents that remove static electricity charges. Non-ionic and cationic surfactants are commonly used as antistatic agents.
  The unpleasant odor in powdered SMS, especially containing enzymes, is eliminated by the introduction of perfumes, for example, perfumes using inexpensive essential oils with a smell of freshness, citrus or floral aromas. As disinfecting additives, substances with an antifungal, bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect are most often used.
The use of dyes in the composition of SMS is based on the optical effect, since dyes are adsorbed on the surface of tissues without chemical effects on the tissue. For this purpose, ultramarine, indigo, synthetic organic pigments are used. At the same time, the fabric acquires a large whiteness and brightness due to the blue tint.

  The modern range of synthetic detergents is very extensive. According to the consistency, SMS is divided into powdery, liquid and pasty. The bulk of detergents are washing powders (about 80%). In lesser quantities, liquid detergents and pastes are produced (about 20%). According to the conditions of use, SMS is allocated for low- and high-temperature washing, according to the method of application - high-foam (for hand washing) and low-foam (for machine washing, including washing in automatic machines).
  Depending on the purpose, household synthetic detergents are divided into the following main types:
  1) detergents for washing wool and silk fabrics;
  2) universal detergents for washing a variety of fabrics, including chemical fibers;
  3) detergents for washing cotton and linen fabrics;
  4) detergents for washing coarse and heavily soiled fabrics, in particular overalls;
  5) means for toilet purposes (shampoos for washing hair, liquid soaps, etc.);
  6) detergents for washing dishes, equipment, household utensils, etc.
  Means for washing wool and silk fabrics have a pH of 1% solution of 7-8.5. They are prepared mainly from primary alkyl sulfates, sodium sulfate (electrolyte up to 50%) and a small amount of alkylolamides (up to 2%). Sometimes a little hexametaphosphate or sodium bicarbonate is added to create a weak alkaline environment (when washing at room temperature or in warm water) The most widely used are liquid detergents for washing wool and silk fabrics, such as Vanish, Laska (available both in solid and in liquid form), etc.
  Universal detergents for washing a variety of fabrics, including chemical fibers (pH 9-9.5), are designed for fabrics made from a mixture of natural and synthetic fibers. Usually prepared from a mixture of alkyl sulfates and alkylaryl sulfonates, a nonionic surfactant - an OP preparation, sodium tripolyphosphate (up to 40%), alkylolamides (up to 2%), carboxymethyl cellulose (about 1%) and optical brighteners.
As a rule, this group presents separately detergents for washing white and colored linen, although this distinction is not always observed. Cotton and linen products can be washed with similar means with boiling, and from wool and silk - at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C. The assortment of SMS data is most diverse: Lotus, Dosya, Ariel, Tide, Bonux , "Myth-universal", etc. Often, universal SMS trademarks are issued with various flavors, which is achieved by the introduction of fragrances.
  Detergents for washing cotton and linen fabrics have a pH of 1% solution of 10-11.5%. It is prepared predominantly from alkylaryl sulfonates, adding also alkyl sulfates and alkyl sulfonates to some SMS. The composition of these funds includes carboxymethyl cellulose, alkylolamides, sodium tripolyphosphate and up to 10-15% soda ash. In addition to the classic components, up to 10-15% of bleaches are introduced into their composition. The range of these funds is not as diverse as SMS for universal purposes (Swan, Detsky, etc.).
  Means for toilet purposes are prepared on the basis of secondary alkyl sulfates. They also add alcohol, glycerin, perfumes, etc.
  Detergents for dishes, implements, household utensils represent a very extensive group of synthetic detergents. By appointment, they are divided into dishwashing detergents, detergents for washing glass (windows and mirrors), detergents for cleaning sinks, gas stoves, etc. They are available in various consistencies: liquid, gel, paste, bulk. May have various aromatic additives. The branded assortment of these products is very wide and diverse: dishwashing detergents - “Fairy”, “Pemolux” and others; window cleaning products - “Second”, “Istra”, etc .; universal SMS - “Chipo”, “Cillit”, etc.
  It should be noted that the main direction of the development of the SMS assortment is the production of universal detergents with bioadditives, which makes it possible to dispose of them after use, and also provides functional suitability for washing products from both natural and artificial, synthetic fibers and their mixtures. At the same time, there is a clear tendency to separate detergents (especially powders) for hand and machine wash, which is due to the requirement of limited foaming in washing machines.
Synthetic detergents have several advantages: they do not require expensive scarce raw materials for manufacturing; indifferent to hard water; do not weaken the strength of many fabrics; Do not affect their color.
  The consumer value of detergents is determined by a number of complex and individual properties that characterize both detergents and the effectiveness of the washing process. Of the group of functional properties, the most important are the washing ability and versatility.
  Detergent ability is a complex property that determines the ability of a detergent or composition based on it to restore the purity and whiteness of a contaminated surface. The washing ability is evaluated by the degree of whiteness achieved after washing an artificially contaminated tissue sample in a detergent solution of a certain concentration. Detergent ability is determined by the nature and type of detergent. The amount of washing ability is also influenced by the nature of the contamination, the nature and structure of the material being washed, the hardness of the water, the pH of the washing solution and the washing temperature. Contaminants containing animal fats, mineral oils, soot and silicates that mimic street dust are commonly used to determine detergency.
  The foaming ability of detergents is characterized by the volume or height of the foam column, as well as foam resistance, i.e., the ratio of the initial value of the volume or height of the foam column to the values \u200b\u200bof these indicators after a certain period of time. Foaming is important to consider when changing the washing mode. With manual washing, abundant and stable foaming increases washing efficiency, while mechanized laundry and dishwashing require low foaming ability.
  Universality. This property characterizes the suitability of detergents for the manifestation of the main

Usually understand household means for washing linen and clothes.

According to the commodity form, synthetic is divided into loose (powdery, flocculent), pasty, liquid and lumpy; by appointment, for domestic and technical. destination; according to the scope and specificity of the substrate to be washed, universal detergents for washing, detergents for machine washing heavily soiled laundry, washing products from thin, sensitive to damage and shrinkage, washing and bleaching with boiling, for pre-washing, soaking, Vas with for low-temperature washing, medium with anti-shrink, emollient, anti-static, refreshing color or other effect, special synthetic for baby clothes, etc.

WITH inthetics usually include micelle-forming (surfactants) possessing, wetting and antistatic. action, decomp. providing antiresorbts. action (prevent re-deposition of pollution particles), perfume. perfume masking specific the smell of the composition and fragrance, as well as all kinds of specials. : opt. and peroxide bleaches, and r-retarders, preservatives, defoamers, fillers, binders (in lumpy synthetic ones), etc.

The basis of many synthetic ones is anionic surfactants, e.g. alkylbenzene sulfonates (predominantly linear, with good biodegradability), alkyl ethoxysulfates, alkanesulfonates, a-olefin sulfonates.

In connection with the worldwide tendency to reduce washing rates and the use of synthetic with and cationic anti-static softeners, the role of nonionic, hydroxyethylated alkylphenols increased. As an auxiliary. Surfactants that enhance this or that effect and mitigate the unwanted dermatologic. action, synthetic ones can be introduced in small amounts of alkyl and alkyl ethoxyphosphates, taurates, sulfosuccinates, a-sulfocarboxylic acids, ether carboxylates, and their ethoxylates, tertiary N-oxides, amphoteric derivatives, and. Synthetic based on anionic and (or) nonionic surfactants with cationic surfactants or that are capable of decreasing electrostaticity due to rinsing due to fibers, have gained some distribution (especially in the USA). charge and shrinkage, as well as improve its neck. Examples of such cationic, 1- (2-alkylamidoethyl) -2-alkyl-3-methylimidazolinium methylsulphate, a cationic derivative. Opt. at 25-35 ° C, they usually have surfactants with a C 12 -C 14 alkyl chain; with an increase in washing temperature, the optimum is observed among C 14 -C 16 homologs.

When preparing synthetic formulations, combinations of 2-3 surfactants-synergists are often used, which differ in p-severity, resistance to stiffness and effectiveness against solid, fatty and protein contaminants. Number of surfactants types in synthetic reaches 35% by weight.

Good anionic and nonionic surfactants are usually achieved in the alkaline pH region and on the day. decomp. . Almost all synthetic powders contain miner. , of which naib. Applicable: Na tripolysphosphate, trisodium phosphate, tetra-lithium pyrophosphate, etc., capable of forming complexes with polyvalent ones. In liquid formulations, pre. trisodium phosphate, tripolyphosphate K and chlorinated trisodium phosphate are used (in disinfectants for dishes), in enzyme-containing ones, a small amount of Ca or Mg. Fully or partially, the synthetic function can be performed by - Na-salts of nitrilotriacetic acid (trilon A) and ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (), ethylidene diphosphonic and citric acid (see), as well. The use of effective substitutes in synthetic is very important in connection with the pollution of water bodies with nutrients. The number of complexing agents in synthetic is up to 40% by weight.

As activator electrolytes, Na 2 SO 4, Na 2 CO 3 and Na 2 SiO 3 (or) are introduced into the washing. The last two (in the amount of up to 10% by weight) provide an alkaline environment; Na 2 SiO 3 also inhibits the corrosive composition.

Peroxide bleaches, e.g. (perborate) Na, is introduced only into powdered synthetic ones in the amount of 15-30%. When washing synthetic. bright colors use bleaches, e.g. tetraacetylethylenediamine, pentaacetylglucose. All of them interacting in a solution with

Modern life is unthinkable without household chemicals. Cleaning products for the home are necessary to maintain order and cleanliness, as well as to disinfect the room. But in order to choose the right detergents and cleaning products, it is advisable to figure out what they are in general and for what work they are intended.

Types of Household Cleaning Products

Of all the cleaning-chemical abundance, the following types of detergents stand out: universal. This is a laundry soap, various liquid products  and cleaning powders "from everything." They cope well with fresh or minor contaminants, but if you need to remove an old stain or clean the rust, it is better to use special tools; for dish washing. As a rule, this is a well-foaming and easily rinsing gel with a pleasant smell (for manual washing), or tablets (for dishwashers). The composition often includes antibacterial additives.

The most common form of release is liquid in a spray bottle. It is very convenient when washing vertical surfaces. They may contain alcohol; it cleans the glass better and does not leave streaks; for cleaning upholstered furniture, rugs and carpets. The main task of such products is to penetrate deeply into the fleecy surface and lift up the accumulated dust and dirt, which is then removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner. They look like a gel or powder that needs to be foamed with water and spread over a contaminated surface; for washing. These are washing powders, as well as various liquids that facilitate washing and improve its quality, stain removers, bleaches, rinses, conditioners, water softeners, etc., for mopping. They are universal and specialized (for example, for a laminate, natural parquet or marble tiles). Usually these are concentrated liquids or gels that must be added to water before washing the floor; for disinfection of the bathroom and toilet.

Since the bathroom is the main source of germs, toilet cleaners  often include a disinfectant component (chlorine or other antibacterial and antimicrobial agents). The main form of release of gels or liquids, sometimes in special bottles of a convenient form (such as " Dressing duckling"). As you can see, the range of action of household chemical goods is very wide, and for any problem you can find the right tool.

Means for washing dishes

As for the detergents for washing children's dishes, they are made only on a natural basis. Various dyes and perfumes in their composition are strictly prohibited for the kitchen. This includes products that can fight strong and persistent food contaminants with scale, grease, and “fried” spots on the surface of the stove and in the oven. Available in the form of liquids, gels, pastes and powders; for glasses and mirrors. The most popular brands of dishwashing detergents: Eared Nannies (however, chemicals under the Eared Nannies brand produced in Ukraine have been banned in the Russian Federation since June 15), AQA baby , Meine liebe, Babyline, BioMio  and others less famous brands : Baby Speci, Bambino Mio, Biolane, Chu-Chu Baby, Ecodoo, Frau Schmidt, Helan, Lion, Mommy Care, Nuk, Palmia, Pulamu, Saraya, Sodasan, Tide, Tri-Bio, Wellery, World of Childhood, Our Mother, Umka , I was born .

Advantages and disadvantages of detergents

Regarding the use of household chemical goods in a home, there are many pros and cons. Someone does not see any danger in the dishwashing gel or toilet disinfector, while someone uses only baking soda, mustard powder, vinegar and citric acid. Of course the main lack of synthetic detergents  their unnaturalness, as well as various additives and fragrances that are part of the composition, which can be harmful to health or cause allergies. But to minimize this negativity, you need to adhere to basic safety measures to use rubber glovesRinse thoroughly with water and ventilate the area well.

The advantages of artificial cleaner-washers are many. So, they are equally effective in cold and hot, as well as soft, hard and even salt water, perfectly remove old and strong impurities, which are unlikely to cope with mild natural remedies. In addition, now many manufacturers are trying to minimize the harmfulness of cleaning products, replacing potentially dangerous additives with harmless ones.

Buy home cleaning products  You can anywhere: in the market, in a supermarket or specialty store, as well as purchase online. By the way, the last option is most beneficial for wholesale buyers; you can get a good discount or free product delivery. Enjoy the shopping!

), multicomponent compositions used in water solutions  to intensify the removal of contaminants from decomp. solid materials, fibers, metals, glass, ceramics. In a narrower sense, under S. m. usually understand household means for washing linen and clothes.

By commodity form S. m. divided into loose (powdery, flocculent), pasty, liquid and lumpy; by appointment, for domestic and technical. destination; according to the scope and specificity of the substrate to be washed, universal detergents for washing, detergents for machine washing heavily soiled laundry, washing products from thin fabrics that are sensitive to damage and shrinkage, washing and bleaching with boiling, for pre-washing, soaking, Wed -wa with enzymes for low-temperature washing, a medium with anti-shrink, emollient, anti-static, refreshing color or other effect, special S. m. for baby underwear, etc.

S. m. usually include micelle forming   surfactants (Surfactants) with detergent, wetting and anti-static. action, decomp. , complexones providing antiresorb. action (prevent re-deposition of pollution particles), perfume. perfume masking specific the smell of the composition and fragrance, as well as all kinds of specials. additives: opt. and peroxide bleaches, activators and, retarders, corrosion inhibitors, preservatives, antifoam agents, dyes, antioxidants, fillers, binders (in lumpy S. m. s.), etc.

Basis of many S. of m. - anionic surfactants, e.g.   alkylbenzene sulfonates  (predominantly linear, with good biodegradability),   alkyl sulfates,  alkylethoxysulfa,   soaps, alkanesulfonates,sodium a-olefinsulfonates.

In connection with the worldwide tendency to reduce washing production and the use of S. m. with enzymes and cationic anti-static emollients increased the role of nonionic surfactants   -oxyethylated alcohols, hydroxyethylated alkylphenols, hydroxyethylated alkylamines.  As an auxiliary. Surfactants that enhance this or that effect and mitigate the unwanted dermatologic. action, in S. m. can be introduced in small amounts of alkyl and alkyl ethoxyphosphates, taurates, sulfosuccinates, a-sulfocarboxylic acid, ether carboxylates,   fatty acid hydroxyalkylamides  and their ethoxylates, tertiary N-oxides, alkylene oxide block copolymers, amphoteric derivatives of amino acids, imidazoline and betaine. Some distribution (especially in the USA) received S. of m. based on anionic and (or) nonionic surfactants with the addition of cationic surfactants or polymers, capable of rinsing due to adsorption on fibers to reduce electrostatic. charge and shrinkage of the fabric, as well as improve its neck. Examples of such cationic surfactants are dialkyl dimethylammonium chloride, 1- (2-alkylamidoethyl) -2-alkyl-3-methylimidazolinium methyl sulfate, a cationic derivative of hydroxyethyl cellulose. Opt. detergents at 25-35 ° C are usually possessed by surfactants with a C 12 -C 14 alkyl chain; with an increase in washing temperature, the optimum is observed among C 14 -C 16 homologues.

At drawing up formulations S. m. often use combinations of 2-3 surfactants-synergists, differing in r-resistance, resistance to hardness salts and washing efficiency against solid, fatty and protein contaminants. Number of surfactants types in S. m. reaches 35% by weight.

Good anionic and nonionic surfactants are usually achieved in the alkaline pH region and on the day. decomp. electrolytes. Almost all powdery S. m. contain a miner. salt, from to-ryh naib. phosphates used: sodium tripolysphosphate, trisodium phosphate, tetra-lithium pyrophosphate, etc., capable of forming complexes with polyvalent cations. In liquid formulations, pre. trisodium phosphate, tripolyphosphate K and chlorinated trisodium phosphate are used (in disinfectant detergents for dishes), in enzyme-containing ones, there is a slight amount of Ca or Mg salts. Fully or partially f-tion of phosphates in S. of m of page. can perform complexones - Na-salts of nitrilotriacetic acid (Trilon A) and ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (Trilon B), salts of ethylidene diphosphonic and citric acid (see   Complexones),and . Use of effective substitutes of phosphates in S. of m. very relevant in connection with the pollution of water bodies with nutrients. Number of complexing agents in S. m. up to 40% by weight.

As washing activating electrolytes, Na 2 SO 4, Na 2 CO 3 and Na 2 SiO 3 (or liquid glass) are introduced into the washing. The last two (in the amount of up to 10% by weight) provide an alkaline environment; Na 2 SiO 3 also inhibits the corrosive effect of the detergent composition.

Peroxide bleaches, e.g. peroxoborate (perborate) Na, is introduced only into powdery S. m. in the amount of 15-30%. When washing synthetic. brightly colored fabrics use bleach activators, e.g. tetraacetylethylenediamine, pentaacetylglucose. All of them, interacting in a solution with perborate, form peracetic acid, which is actually a low-temperature bleach. As an alternative to perborate, stabilizir is also used. commodity forms of diperoxydecane dicarboxylic acid, Mg peroxyphthalate hexahydrate, alkyldiperoxane-acid acid and others. The effectiveness of low-temperature whitening increases in the presence. bromides and iodides.

Opt. (fluorescent) bleaches, widely used in all types of S. m. C., - Ch. arr. derivatives of bin style, pyrazolone, coumarin, benzimidazole. The number of such bleaches in the formulations of S. m. does not exceed 1%.

As antiresorbents in S. of m of page. usually use carboxymethyl cellulose, or copolymers of acrylic to-you in the amount of from 0.5 to 2% by weight.

Liquid S. m. From. may, in addition, contain up to 10-15% by weight of org. p-antibodies (lower, glycols, their esters, alkanolamines) and   hydrotropes, to-ry reduce the point of cloudiness of solutions and improve the compatibility of components.

Liquid compositions with a high content of dissolved or suspension. electrolytes are used for intensive machine washing, usually with controlled foaming, achieved by the introduction of soap, silicone foam and (or) specially selected non-ionic surfactants, e.g. hydroxyethylated and hydroxypropylated alcohols. Liquid S. m. From. low in electrolytes used for hand washing fine fabrics; they foam well and, depending on the purpose, may additionally include water-soluble polymers, preservatives and other components.

In the table. the composition of certain industrial S. m. for washing.

Means for manual washing of dishes have approximately the same composition as S. m. for washing; however, surfactants are presented to surfactants introduced into such a medium. hygienic requirements - the absence of toxic and irritating effects. Wed-wa-for in-line automation. dishwashers contain, as a rule, low-foam nonionic surfactants with a high degreasing ability and, along with the usual set of electrolytes, disinfectants - chlorisocyanurates, chlorinated sodium tripolyphosphate (bulk materials), sodium hypochlorite, etc.

The effectiveness of low-temperature washing is enhanced by the introduction of S. m. alkaline protease enzymes or proteases in combination with amylase. Searches for economically affordable methods of obtaining and introducing into S. m. lipases that break down fatty contaminants. For powdered S. m. developed stabilizer. non-dusting commercial forms of enzymes, which are introduced into powders by dry mixing in the form of granules, agglomerates or capsules in water. Introduction of enzymes in liquid S. of m of page. encounters difficulties due to denaturation and the gradual loss of their activity.

S. m. for washing baby clothes are based in the main. on soaps from nature. fatty to. Lumpy detergents, unlike powder ones, contain more soap, and include binders.

The total production volume of S. m. in the USSR 1,400 thousand tons (1989).

  Lit .: Shtupel G., Synthetic detergents and cleaning products, M., 1960; Nevolin F.V., Chemistry and technology of synthetic detergents, 2nd ed., M., 1971; Surface phenomena and surface-active h. Handbook, ed. A.A. Abramzon, E. D. Schukin, L., 1984, p. 302-34; Buchstab 3. I., Melnik A. P., Kovalev V. M., Technology of synthetic detergents, M., 1988; Waschmittelchemie: aktuelle Themen aus Forschung und Entwickhmg, Heidelberg, 1976; Davidsohn A., Milwidsky B. M., Synthetic detergents, 6 ed., L.-N. Y., 1978; Woollatt E., The manufacture of soaps, other detergents and glycerine, Chichester, 1985; Flick E.W., Institutional and industrial cleaning product formulations, N. Y., 1985; Surfactants in consumer products: theory, technology and application, ed. by J. Fable, B., 1987; JakobiG., LohrA., Detergents and textile washing. Principles and practice, Weinheim, 1987.

   - 9) synthetic detergents detergents based on synthetic or natural surfactants used for domestic and industrial purposes; ...


1 Characteristics of raw materials

2 Technical description of the sample

3 Description of the process

4 Control of finished products

5 Storage and packaging of finished products

6 Scope


List of sources used



Synthetic detergents (SMS) are liquid, pasty and powdery substances that contain surfactants, as well as other organic and inorganic substances that increase the effectiveness of surfactants.

The main purpose of detergents is to remove contaminants from various surfaces. Contaminants are firmly held on them due to physicochemical forces, are not wetted by water and therefore practically are not washed off by it. To transfer contaminants into solution, they should be made hydrophilic (wettable). Molecules of detergents, adsorbing on a mud particle, “attract” it to water, tear it off the surface and prevent the particles from sticking together and sticking together. Thus, the particles pass into solution. Since the solution of surfactants better wetts the surface, it penetrates into the smallest pores and destroys large particles of contaminants.

Fatty soaps have some drawbacks. Their washing effect is manifested only in an alkaline environment, with calcium and magnesium salts contained in hard water, they form sticky insoluble salts that settle on the fabric and pollute them. The alkalis contained in the soap weaken the strength of wool and silk fabrics, as well as fabrics made of polyester fibers, especially at elevated temperatures, and can also change the color of fabrics. In addition, fatty raw materials for soaps are a scarce food product. All this determines the relevance of the development of production and use of synthetic detergents, which have the following advantages:

1. SMS production is based on a cheap raw material base - oil and gas processing products. Calculations show that the cost of producing SMS is no more than 65-7O% of the cost of developing 47% laundry soap. The implementation of a wide program for the production of synthetic detergents makes it possible to release a large amount of dietary fat.

2. Synthetic detergents do not interact with hard water salts or, when reacted, produce compounds that are easily removed from the fabric. Many of SMS are washed equally well in soft, hard, and some even in sea water.

3. Synthetic detergents, depending on their composition, can wash fabrics well, not only in an alkaline environment, but also in a neutral and acidic one.

4. SMS show a washing effect not only in hot water, but also in water of a relatively low temperature, which is very important when washing products from chemical fibers, etc.


All synthetic detergents are organic compounds. They have a one-sided hydrocarbon chain and a group participating in the reactions.

The main component of SMS are organic surfactants with wetting, emulsifying, peptizing and foaming ability. The combination of these properties determines their washing action. Surfactants used for the production of SMS are divided into ionic, non-ionic, dissociating in aqueous solutions, and The most common are anionic substances (alkyl sulfates, alkyl sulfonates and alkylaryl sulfonates), which decompose in aqueous solutions into anions (larger negatively charged particles) and cations (small positively charged ions, usually sodium or potassium). Large anions provide surface-active properties. All anionic surfactants are crystalline substances that are soluble in water. Their content in SMS is from 10 to 40%.

New synthetic amphoteric surfactants have also been developed. They are promising for the production of detergents, but so far they are expensive and still very rare.

To enhance the washing effect of surfactants, alkaline and neutral electrolytes, alkylamides, carboxymethyl cellulose, etc. are introduced into synthetic detergents. Bleaching agents (peroxide salts, optical brighteners) are useful additives. Antistatic agents, enzymes, starching substances, etc. are introduced into certain types of SMS.

In modern SMS, surfactants are used that have a biodegradation rate of at least 90%: alkyl sulfonates,

alkanesulfonates with high detergency and high biodegradability, olefin sulfonates with good detergent action, including in hard water, which is especially important for phosphate-free detergents, etc.

Alkyl sulfates, depending on the structure of the molecules, are divided into primary and secondary. Primary sulfates are processed products of natural fatty acids; secondary sulfates are oil refined products.

Alkyl sulfonates are sodium salts of fatty sulfonic acids. The main feedstock for their production is paraffin oil hydrocarbons. Alkyl sulfonates are used predominantly in a mixture with other detergents, as they have less detergency than alkyl sulfates.

Alkyl aryl sulfonates are sodium salts of alkyl aryl sulfonic acids obtained by sulfonation of alkyl benzene. The feedstock for them are kerosene fractions of oil. A serious drawback of all benzene derivatives of detergents is their difficult bioavailability.

More than half of all SMS are based on alkylaryl sulfonates.

Electrolytes improve the washing effect and enhance the surface activity of detergents. They destroy fatty impurities, soften water and improve the washing effect of synthetic detergents, thereby reducing their consumption. Soda and sodium polyphosphate are added in large quantities to powders intended for washing cotton and linen products, and neutral electrolytes (sodium sulfate, etc.) are added to wash wool and silk fabrics. Polyphosphates are added to universal powders in order to create an optimal alkaline environment. However, these additives also destroy protein substances (wool, silk) and adversely affect the environment. They are gradually being replaced with neutral additives - zeolites.

Alkylolamides are foam stabilizers, they are introduced into SMS in the amount of 1-3%. They significantly increase the effectiveness of synthetic detergents, increasing the stability of the foam, suspending impurities and preventing their deposition on the fabric. Their introduction into the composition of detergents reduces the content of active detergent. They are not used, however, for SMS designed for washing in washing machines in which strong foaming makes their functioning difficult.

Neutral sodium sulfate and sodium phosphate are also added to SMS. Sodium sulfate is used to improve the flowability of the powder and its solubility in water, increases the washing ability of detergents, and is included in all types of SMS. Detergents also contain up to 30% phosphoric salts - trisodium phosphates and polyphosphates to reduce the alkalinity of washing solutions to pH \u003d 7.

Carboxymethyl cellulose (sodium salt of cellulose ether and glycolic acid) is introduced into the composition of SMS for linen and cotton fabrics. It prevents the re-deposition of contaminants on the surface of cotton fabrics. To prevent the resorption of dirt on wool and silk fabrics, polyvinylpyrrolidone is added to SMS.

Among nonionic surfactants, OP preparations are most known, which are condensation products of fatty acids (or alcohols) with ethylene oxide. They are used mainly in the textile industry in the processing of fibers and fabrics and only partially in the production of household detergents. OP preparations are used for the manufacture of liquid detergents mixed with other substances. They are characterized by good wetting, but insufficient foaming ability, are a brown oily liquid.

To preserve the whiteness of white products, chemical and physical (optical) brighteners are introduced into the SMS. Of the chemical bleaches that are used in SMS for linen and cotton fabrics, salts of peroxy acids (persols) are usually used. At a temperature of the washing solution above 60 ° C, this substance hydrolyzes, releasing atomic oxygen, which is a bleaching and disinfecting agent.

Modern detergents contain special bioadditives to remove contaminants of fatty origin and protein substances containing protein (traces of blood, egg white, milk) - enzymes (enzymes).

Recently, it has been recognized that it is advisable to introduce detergents into the composition of synthetic detergents as an additive for laundry soap, which stabilizes foaming and improves the washing effect.

The composition of SMS for washing synthetic fibers is sometimes additionally injected with antistatic agents that remove static electricity charges. Non-ionic and cationic surfactants are commonly used as antistatic agents.

The unpleasant odor in powdered SMS, especially containing enzymes, is eliminated by the introduction of perfumes, for example, perfumes using inexpensive essential oils with a smell of freshness, citrus or floral aromas. As disinfecting additives, substances with an antifungal, bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect are most often used.

The use of dyes in the composition of SMS is based on the optical effect, since dyes are adsorbed on the surface of tissues without chemical effects on the tissue. For this purpose, ultramarine, indigo, synthetic organic pigments are used. At the same time, the fabric acquires a large whiteness and brightness due to the blue tint.


The modern range of synthetic detergents is very extensive. According to the consistency, SMS is divided into powdery, liquid and pasty. The bulk of detergents are washing powders (about 80%). In lesser quantities, liquid detergents and pastes are produced (about 20%). According to the conditions of use, SMS is allocated for low- and high-temperature washing, according to the method of application - high-foam (for hand washing) and low-foam (for machine washing, including washing in automatic machines).

Depending on the purpose, household synthetic detergents are divided into the following main types:

1) detergents for washing wool and silk fabrics;

2) universal detergents for washing a variety of fabrics, including chemical fibers;

3) detergents for washing cotton and linen fabrics;

4) detergents for washing coarse and heavily soiled fabrics, in particular overalls;

5) means for toilet purposes (shampoos for washing hair, liquid soaps, etc.);

6) detergents for washing dishes, equipment, household utensils, etc.

Means for washing wool and silk fabrics have a pH of 1% solution of 7-8.5. They are prepared mainly from primary alkyl sulfates, sodium sulfate (electrolyte up to 50%) and a small amount of alkylolamides (up to 2%). Sometimes a little hexametaphosphate or sodium bicarbonate is added to create a weak alkaline environment (when washing at room temperature or in warm water). The most widely used are liquid detergents for washing wool and silk fabrics, such as Vanish, Laska (available both in solid and in liquid form), etc.

Universal detergents for washing a variety of fabrics, including chemical fibers (pH 9-9.5), are designed for fabrics made from a mixture of natural and synthetic fibers. Usually prepared from a mixture of alkyl sulfates and alkylaryl sulfonates, a nonionic surfactant - an OP preparation, sodium tripolyphosphate (up to 40%), alkylolamides (up to 2%), carboxymethyl cellulose (about 1%) and optical brighteners.

As a rule, this group presents separately detergents for washing white and colored linen, although this distinction is not always observed. Cotton and linen products can be washed with similar means with boiling, and from wool and silk - at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C. The assortment of SMS data is most diverse: Lotus, Dosya, Ariel, Tide, Bonux , "Myth-universal", etc. Often, universal SMS trademarks are issued with various flavors, which is achieved by the introduction of fragrances.

Detergents for washing cotton and linen fabrics have a pH of 1% solution of 10-11.5%. It is prepared predominantly from alkylaryl sulfonates, adding also alkyl sulfates and alkyl sulfonates to some SMS. The composition of these funds includes carboxymethyl cellulose, alkylolamides, sodium tripolyphosphate and up to 10-15% soda ash. In addition to the classic components, up to 10-15% of bleaches are introduced into their composition. The range of these funds is not as diverse as SMS for universal purposes (Swan, Detsky, etc.).

Means for toilet purposes are prepared on the basis of secondary alkyl sulfates. They also add alcohol, glycerin, perfumes, etc.

Detergents for dishes, implements, household utensils represent a very extensive group of synthetic detergents. By appointment, they are divided into dishwashing detergents, detergents for washing glass (windows and mirrors), detergents for cleaning sinks, gas stoves, etc. They are available in various consistencies: liquid, gel, paste, bulk. May have various aromatic additives. The branded assortment of these products is very wide and diverse: dishwashing detergents - “Fairy”, “Pemolux” and others; window cleaning products - “Second”, “Istra”, etc .; universal SMS - “Chipo”, “Cillit”, etc.

It should be noted that the main direction of the development of the SMS assortment is the production of universal detergents with bioadditives, which makes it possible to dispose of them after use, and also provides functional suitability for washing products from both natural and artificial, synthetic fibers and their mixtures. At the same time, there is a clear tendency to separate detergents (especially powders) for hand and machine wash, which is due to the requirement of limited foaming in washing machines.

Synthetic detergents have several advantages: they do not require expensive scarce raw materials for manufacturing; indifferent to hard water; do not weaken the strength of many fabrics; Do not affect their color.

The consumer value of detergents is determined by a number of complex and individual properties that characterize both detergents and the effectiveness of the washing process. Of the group of functional properties, the most important are the washing ability and versatility.

Detergent ability is a complex property that determines the ability of a detergent or composition based on it to restore the purity and whiteness of a contaminated surface. The washing ability is evaluated by the degree of whiteness achieved after washing an artificially contaminated tissue sample in a detergent solution of a certain concentration. Detergency is determined by the nature and type of detergent. The amount of washing ability is also affected by the nature of the contamination, the nature and structure of the material to be washed, water hardness, pH of the washing solution and washing temperature. Contaminants containing animal fats, mineral oils, soot and silicates that mimic street dust are commonly used to determine detergency.

The foaming ability of detergents is characterized by the volume or height of the foam column, as well as foam resistance, i.e., the ratio of the initial value of the volume or height of the foam column to the values \u200b\u200bof these indicators after a certain period of time. Foaming is important to consider when changing the washing mode. With manual washing, abundant and stable foaming increases washing efficiency, while mechanized laundry and dishwashing require low foaming ability.

Universality. This property characterizes the suitability of detergents for the manifestation of the main function in a different environment, i.e. under conditions of various pH values, water hardness and temperature of the washing solution. With increasing water hardness, the washing ability of the soap may be completely lost, since the soap will be spent on binding calcium and magnesium ions. Synthetic detergents are more versatile, in hard water they only partially lose their washing ability and show a washing effect at a lower temperature.

Harmlessness. The safety of detergents is evaluated relative to the person, the environment and the material being washed. When characterizing harmlessness, biological activity is also evaluated, since some detergents have bactericidal, general disinfecting properties, and certain drugs have toxicity. Unlike soaps that easily undergo biochemical decay, synthetic detergents containing benzene nuclei in the carbon chain and branched alkyl residues are biologically “solid”: they do not decompose in water bodies, but accumulate in them, causing the death of animals and plant organisms and difficulties in water purification.

The usability of detergents is assessed by the solubility of SMS in water, the degree of spraying, the need for heating the washing solution, the presence of devices in the container for opening and dosing agents, etc.

Synthetic detergents are currently being produced according to various formulations (Table 1).

Table 1 SMS composition

name of raw materials

for washing

cotton fabrics with bleaching,%

for washing


for washing

woolen and


for soaking and pre

Surface-active detergents 20-18 25 35 15
Sodium Tripolyphosphate 35-40 50 5 40
Sodium perborate 10-20 - - -
Sodium silicate 5-7 5 - -
Soda ash 15-20 - - -
CMC 0,9-1 - - 1,0
Optical brightener 0,1-0,2 0,4 0,2-0,3 -
Peroxide Stabilizer 1-2 - - -
Sodium Toluenesulfonate 0-2 0-2 - -
Sodium sulfate to 10 up to 8 up to 55 up to 25
Perfumery fragrance 0,1-0,3 0,1-0,3 0,1-0,3 -
Enzymes (Enzymes) - - - 3-5
Moisture to 10 to 10 up to 5 to 10

Each SMS is intended for fabrics of a certain type, because, for example, cotton and linen fabrics are resistant to alkalis, elevated temperatures, and wool and natural silk fabrics, on the contrary, are destroyed in aqueous alkali solutions and when the temperature of the washing solution is higher than 45-50 С .


SMS is released in the form of a powder, liquid or paste. The technology of preparation consists in composing the composition, mixing and dissolving all components of the formulation. To obtain powdered products use drying. Next is the packaging and packaging of the finished product.

The preparation of the composition consists in mixing surfactants with the necessary additives according to the recipe. To reduce the cost of water evaporation, the most concentrated compositions (up to 50-60% dry matter), which are actually suspensions, are prepared for powdered products. The compositions are then filtered and passed through a colloidal mill to give uniformity. Drying consists in spraying the solution in a drying tower under a pressure of up to 50 atm and a temperature of 250-350 C. With this method, the powders are obtained in granular form. The bulk of powdered SMS is produced by high-temperature spray drying, which provides a high-quality granular product.

Liquid and paste-like detergents dissolve better in water, are easily dosed, their production is associated with lower costs, since the drying process disappears, however, the shelf life of such agents is lower. Pasty products contain up to 40% water. They may include almost all additives, with the exception of unstable chemical bleaches.

The main components of the SMS composition are alkyl sulfates, alkyl sulfonates and alkylaryl sulfonates.

Alkyl sulfates. They are sodium salts of sulfonates of higher fatty alcohols. Alkyl sulfates are obtained by sulfation of fatty alcohols, followed by neutralization of the obtained sulfoproduct.

Fatty alcohols are obtained in various ways:

1) the method of hydrogenation of fatty acids;

2) the method of direct oxidation of paraffin hydrocarbons in the presence of boric acid;

3) sulfonation of fatty alcohols.

Synthetic powders are produced on the basis of primary alkyl sulfates, and liquid synthetic detergents are produced on the basis of secondary ones.

Alkylsulfonates. They are sodium salts of fatty sulfonic acids containing 12-18 carbon atoms in a chain. The raw materials for the production of alkyl sulfonates are natural and synthetic hydrocarbons containing 14-22 carbon atoms (fractions of straight-run petroleum kerosene or hydrogenated synthine, boiling within 240-300 C).

Alkyl sulfonates can be obtained in two ways: sulfonation or sulfonation of aliphatic hydrocarbons. Sulphochlorination is carried out when gaseous sulfur dioxide and chlorine are exposed to hydrocarbons. The reaction is accelerated by catalysts such as peroxides. For a successful reaction, it is necessary to irradiate the reaction mixture with short-wave light. Treatment with caustic alkali (15-20% solution), the resulting sulfochlorides are converted into alkyl sulfonates. The resulting finished product is called “Sulfonate”, it is used for the preparation of synthetic detergents such as “Astra”, “Novosti”, etc. The technology for producing alkyl sulfonates is relatively simple, characterized by low capital costs, and the raw material base is practically unlimited.

Alkyl aryl sulfonates. They are sodium salts of alkylarylsulfonic acids and are the most common detergents. In our country, alkylaryl sulfonates are produced mainly in the form of alkylbenzenesulfonates (sulfonols).

The production of sulfonol consists of the following stages:

a) purification of kerosene from aromatic hydrocarbons by extraction of the latter with diethylene glycol;

b) photochemical chlorination of purified kerosene;

c) alkylation of benzene with chlorinated kerosene in the presence of a catalyst - anhydrous AlCl;

d) sulfonation of alkylbenzene is carried out with a solution of sulfuric anhydride SO in liquid sulfur dioxide anhydride SO at a low temperature (10С), since the sulfonation process proceeds with a large heat release;

d) neutralization of the obtained alkylbenzenesulfonic acids with a solution of caustic soda (20% solution). The neutralization temperature should not exceed 45-550C;

e) separation of non-sulfonated and evaporation aqueous solutions  sulfonol.

Currently produced chlorine sulfonol in the form of a 30% solution (in active substance) Well established for the production of synthetic detergent powders.


Quality requirements for synthetic detergents are regulated by GOST 23361-78 E “Defoaming agents. Technical conditions "; GOST 25644-96 “Detergents, synthetic, powdery. General technical requirements "; PCT 525-85 “Powder-based detergents on a fat basis. General technical conditions ”, as well as technical specifications for specific types of products.

The quality of synthetic detergents is judged by their washing ability and organoleptic and laboratory assessment. The washing ability is set by experimental washings along the whiteness of the washed fabric.

Organoleptic methods evaluate the appearance, color and smell of SMS, the appearance, packaging, labeling. By appearance  they must be homogeneous powders or granules (not larger than 3 mm across) of white or light yellow color. In liquid SMS there should be no delamination and sediment.

An essential consumer property of SMS is the smell, which can be transmitted to the product being washed and to some extent stored in it. Odor due to insufficient cleaning of SMS components, in particular the smell of petroleum products, is not allowed. A slight odor of perfume fragrances is allowed if they were added to SMS.

The laboratory quality indicators of synthetic detergents include: the pH of an aqueous (1%) solution, the content of the main detergents of surface-active substances (alcohol-soluble), as well as non-sulfonated compounds, the content of alkaline salts, moisture, optical brighteners, carboxymethyl cellulose, etc. normalize only some (foaming) SMS.

The main quality indicator of synthetic detergents, characterizing its consumer value, is the content of alcohol-soluble surfactants. This indicator is equivalent to the content of fatty acids in soap and is standardized in the normative and technical documentation. In powdered SMS, a qualitative number is also determined, which is the amount (in grams) of alcohol-soluble active detergents in a separate package. The need to determine this indicator is due to some fluctuations in the bulk density of the powder and its moisture content. A quality number guarantees a certain amount of active detergent in each individual package.

The number of non-sulfonated compounds in SMS should be as small as possible, since they do not have a detergent effect, and can significantly degrade the quality of the detergent, causing its color to darken and an unpleasant smell to appear. Certain acceptable norms for the content of these compounds in SMS have been established.

Certain norms have been established for the content of alkaline salts in SMS - tripolyphosphate (in terms of PO in%) and sodium silicate (in terms of SiOv%). These salts, like other minerals that make up the SMS, affect the ash content of the washed tissue.

The residual ash content in the washed fabric is an important indicator of the quality of SMS, as it affects the sanitary-hygienic properties of clothes. The increased ash content causes unpleasant sensations when wearing laundry, helps to increase its stiffness, reduces breathability and sweat absorption, as well as the drying speed of the laundry.

SMS powders are hydroscopic, therefore, they determine the moisture content, since it affects the value of the quality number, although the increase in humidity does not affect the washing ability of SMS.

When assessing the quality of synthetic detergents, the content of alkylolamides, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), peroxide and optical brighteners, etc. is taken into account. These components and useful additives are contained in small quantities in SMS, therefore, the definition is limited by positive qualitative reactions to their presence in SMS.

In laboratory conditions, the main attention is paid to physicochemical parameters, especially the ability to foam, wet, emulsify. These properties are determined mainly by the washing ability of SMS. The most often and quickly washing ability is determined by laboratory washings in conditions that reproduce practical washing in a household machine GOST 22567.15-95 (Appendix A). The effectiveness of the washing action is evaluated by the speed and quality of washing. The higher the whiteness of the washed fabric, the higher the washing effect of the product. The standard indicator of washing ability should

be not lower than 85%.

The manufacturer must ensure that the quality of detergents is consistent with the technical documentation; Each batch of SMS is accompanied by documents certifying the quality of the products. The consumer has the right to carry out a quality control check of synthetic detergents prepared for shipment (delivery) at the enterprise.

To check the labeling, packaging and external design of the drug, the recipient reviews at least 3% of the product and establishes its conformity with the technical specifications. If more than 2% of non-conforming products are detected, the entire batch is rejected, and less than 2% - only detected packs.

To check the physico-chemical parameters, a control sample is taken: from 5% of the total batch, at least 10 packs (packages) are taken, their contents are mixed, then the sample weight is reduced to 0.3 kg and the study is carried out. If detergents do not meet at least one of the indicators, the entire batch is rejected.


For packaging synthetic detergents, colorfully decorated containers (packs, cans, cuvettes made of polymeric materials) are used, the size and shape of which are approved by the artistic council.

Powdered SMS are packed in strong, neatly made boxes or sealed bags, liquid and pasty - in jars and bottles. Packaging should be resistant to external influences and the product itself.

SMS can be packaged in a variety of secondary packaging - wooden, plywood, corrugated cardboard boxes, in packs of brown paper with a density of 80-120 g / m (powders). The gross weight of wooden boxes should not exceed 30 kg, cardboard boxes - 25, boxes and packs - 10 kg. When packing in containers, the goods are stacked in rows, with the lids facing up, the voids are filled with cushioning materials (dry shavings, waste paper, cardboard).

Primary marking must be affixed so that it is not erased by mechanical stress. On the product indicate the name of the manufacturer and its trademark; name and purpose of SMS; mode of application; mass; the name of the NTD on the basis of which the product is released; production date and shelf life.

The same data is applied to the secondary packaging (boxes, packs) and, in addition, the number of packing units, mass, lot number, packer number. On the packaging of liquid and pasty preparations indicate "Do not turn over!", "Top".

When evaluating the packaging of synthetic detergents, its information content is taken into account. It is important that the packaging indicates exactly which fabrics the powder can be used in, in which washing conditions (soaking, boiling, hand or machine wash) can be used. What should be its dosage in each of the washing modes, at what temperature of the water should it be produced. This is a list of information necessary for the consumer to help him choose the right detergent. All information needed by the consumer must be available. It can be stated either in printed form or in the form of a diagram. But the main thing is that it be interpreted unambiguously, be extremely clear and understandable.

SMS is usually stored for a long time, with the exception of products containing peroxide salts. On the packaging of such products indicate the month of manufacture and shelf life, since the effectiveness of their action after 6-9 months is sharply deteriorating.

Shelf life - at least 9 months from the date of manufacture for SMS with chemical bleaches or bioadditives, for other types of products it is not limited.

Store SMS in closed, dry, clean rooms, protecting from moisture and sunlight. Boxes and packs are stacked in stacks of no more than 1.2 meters high, leaving passages between them for air circulation.

Storage rooms should be equipped with an exhaust hood and fire fighting equipment. Synthetic detergents, like all other household chemical goods, are stored separately from other goods in compliance with the commodity neighborhood.


Synthetic detergents are the most widely used household cleaning products. The first synthetic powder, Novosti, was released in 1953 based on products isolated from whale salomas.

The modern range of synthetic detergents is very extensive. The selection of the appropriate composition (composition) of synthetic detergent makes it easy to produce detergents for a wide variety of purposes.

Means of each subfamily are produced in powder, liquid and in the form of pastes. About 85% of the total production of synthetic detergents falls on the share of powder products, approximately 15% of the production is liquid and pasty preparations. Customer survey data show that ¾ of all families currently use mostly synthetic powder detergents, about 14% use pastes, and only 10% of consumers use liquid detergents. The low demand for liquid and paste detergents is mainly due to poor advertising. The buyer is not always properly informed about the advantages of these detergents: ease of dispensing, good solubility.

Approximately 45% of all household SMS are universal synthetic detergents, the same amount is for washing cotton and linen fabrics, and only 10% of the output falls on the share of SMS used for washing products from wool, silk and chemical fibers.

Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the production of synthetic detergents of combined action, which provide, in addition to washing, disinfection, tinting, softening, antistatic action. The production of synthetic detergents containing enzymes that facilitate the removal of protein contaminants (bio-effect products) is also increasing every year.

In recent years, the production of synthetic detergents (SMS) in the world has already reached tens of millions of tons per year. However, most of them (70%) are consumed only by residents of the most developed countries, which make up only about 20%. About 70% of SMS consumed by the population is spent on the so-called general washing (in the USA and England it is called “heavy”), which is done every 3-7 days. This washing, in which bed, table and underwear is washed, is carried out most often in washing machines. About 20% of SMS is spent on “light” washing lightly soiled products from thin fabrics by hand in warm water. SMS for easy washing should not have an irritating effect on the skin of the hands, should create a rich foam and wash well at a water temperature of 25-45 C.

In the Republic of Belarus, the production of synthetic detergents is also characterized by a fairly wide range and high consumer qualities. At the same time, there is a tendency to increase SMS production (see table. 2).


Detergents are multifunctional compounds. Due to their high activity, they show a washing ability, i.e. provide separation and removal of contaminants from the surface of the material being cleaned, thereby restoring the whiteness and purity of the product. At the same time they are emulsifying, suspending and dispersing substances. The versatility of SMS determines the satisfaction of various needs. Synthetic detergents are effective in washing textiles, washing household items, vehicles, equipment, facilitate the process of bleaching and dyeing fabrics, furs and leather.

The advantages of SMS are that they replace fatty soaps and do not require edible fats for their manufacture, do not form insoluble salts of calcium and magnesium in hard water and have a washing effect even in an acidic environment.

However, a number of disadvantages are inherent in synthetic detergents: not always sufficient washing effect, lower foam resistance, difficult bioavailability, cause dry skin of the hands when washing.

Nevertheless, synthetic surfactants are promising in relation to the creation of complex detergents. Therefore, the range of synthetic detergents combining a number of properties is successfully expanding: detergent with antistatic, disinfectant, etc.


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