Scots boys popular cats names. How to name a cat british boy.

You got a wonderful British kitten girl, but what can you call this beautiful creature? After all, the name is given once and for life.

And the simple nickname "Murka" is hardly suitable for her. Below are the methods that you can use when choosing a nickname for a British beauty.

The choice of nicknames according to the characteristics of the character and temperament of the British girl

What do you call British beauty?

You can choose a name for the animal not immediately, but after looking at the temperament and behavior of your pet:

  • If the baby is too noisy, fighting and playful and just can not sit still, it is worth looking at such nicknames as: Peace, Alice, Greta, Squirrel, Leda, Ulyana   (abbreviated as Ulya), Gerda, Gella, Fortune, Bullet, Perry or Bert .
  • A kitten with a calm, peaceful and balanced character can choose a name: Matilda, Sonya, Fifa, Perseus, Sofia .
  • If the cat has a strict and serious look, call her: Hephaestus, Isis, Diana, Gabby, Lila or Athena .
  • Proud and impregnable "queen" fit such nicknames as: Medea, Vega, Aelita or Cleopatra .

We rely on the appearance when choosing a nickname

We rely on the appearance when choosing a name

Some owners are too frivolous to choose a nickname for a pet.

For example, if a cat has a large muzzle, it may be nicknamed “Muzzle”. This should not be done with a British kitten, it can be offended and grow up embittered and aggressive.

Better to choose more beautiful names. If the baby’s coat shines beautifully and shimmers in the sun, you can call it a darling Serebryanka.

Since cats of the British breed have a bluish tint, nicknames are good: Smokey, Malvina, Haze, Frey or Blue .

Hobbies of the owner

What are the names of these kittens? The owner of the musician will have it - Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven and Muse

Often, creative and original people choose an animal nickname that suits their type of activity or hobby.

  • If the owner likes to draw, he can name the kitten: Muse, Palette, Gioconda   or Mazila .
  • People who like to eat and consider themselves gourmets can be given nicknames to animals: Salmon, Carrot, Cherry   or Trout .
  • If you are keen on gardening, call your beauty Chamomile  or Petunia .
  • Programmers can call a cat Flash drive  and car lovers Lada .

Common Names for British Breed

British kittens can be called popular English names: Lisa and Kelly

Since the history of the origin of these majestic and freedom-loving animals is associated with England, you can call your darling a beautiful English name, but so that it does not cause difficulties in pronunciation.

Breeders also found that some names endow pets with a certain character:

  • Briton named Agatha   usually famous for its calm and friendly character, find mutual language  it’s not a big deal.
  • Cat named Bagheera  , named after the famous panther from the cartoon, has a rather wayward and independent character.
  • Vanessa  usually called independent and freedom-loving cats.
  • Gerda  pretty stubborn cat, she.
  • If you want your cat to be brave and courageous, call her Duffy .
  • The cat that you associate with secrets and magic can be called Jasmine  , this magic name is translated from the floral language as "night spell."
  • Nickname Patricia  will give the pet a contact and sociable character, thanks to which she can easily get along with the owners, children and animals.
  • Royal and majestic people often bear a chic name Charlotte .
  • The nickname is able to endow your beauty with special talents. Madeleine .
  • You can call a kitten in honor of the goddess of marriage - Juno  then she will become more tender and loving.
  • Though cats with a name Taisiya  and are more homely and calm, but they can be quite tricky.


Now you know what points you should pay attention to when choosing a nickname for your pet. We hope you enjoy it too.

For purebred animals, leading the genus from especially titled parents, the choice of nicknames is limited by the rules. It will depend on the names of the manufacturers. Not always this suits the owners. Then another, convenient home name comes up with a new member of the family. The official remains in the documents - for special cases. And the owners have almost a problem: how to name a British cat?

Nicknames for Briton

Choosing the name of the animal is not an easy task. Usually the whole family gives a name to a new household, sometimes it is a very emotional process. It is not surprising that a new person lives for a while in a nameless house. How it will be called depends on several reasons, among which (do not be surprised) is not the last - the characters of the owners. The cat itself “attracts” nicknames in many ways.

The first circumstance is appearance. We look “by clothes”, that is, by the color of the fur coat, and the thickness of the coat. The name for the British cat will tell the creative imagination.

  • Smoky boy is Fog . Moreover, the nature is mysterious, the personality suddenly appears, and also disappears imperceptibly “to nowhere”. The sun will warm this side of the fog like fog, like all its other relatives.
  • Frost   - this is a possible impulsiveness of the British actions, changeability of mood: if he wants - it will stretch out on the sofa. Soon the cat may change its mind, change its location. Yes, so that you can’t find it quickly. If at all succeed. Do you like this? Then the question “what should be called a British cat” is not a question at all.
  • Dawn   - This is a good option for a blue Briton, you should like it too, if you are an early bird. But the chronic owl will not be glad when her beloved cat wakes her up at the sweetest sleepy hour.
  • Red (golden) brit Orange   attracts attention: as a bright appearance, and an unusual, but tagged nickname. The sunny aristocrat Orange is a positive, slightly mannered cat.

How to reflect in the nicknames of cats of the British character and other features

Not only the color of the coat, but also the character, physique, special signs - everything affects the name of the British cat.

  • An imposing sloth, condescendingly looking at what is happening through the clicks of half-closed eyes, the name itself asks - Baron . Or call a cat Barin .
  • The bastard briton is perfect name Bow . Strong, tight, ears pointing up, look like a bow. So call it. Especially if the kitten is mobile, playful in nature. Even if the cat is lop-eared, the shape of the ears is “eight”, along the perimeter it still looks like a bow.
  • What to name a naughty kitten british boy with innocent round eyes? If he just spun here, but his tail flickers somewhere out there, name Figaro   It will be the way to a cheerful fidget.
  • When the “dust is a pillar”, the baby manages to push the vase from the table, immediately drive the ball under the sofa, jump out and fly up the curtains to the ceiling, maybe he - Powder . But be careful with this, you never know. This temperament, however, is rare for British cats, so their names are usually of a different plan.
  • The British maintained their natural independence. If the cat is still small, as a privileged person, then probably it is Sheikh .

By the way, royal British cats will have many other “bossy" names:

  • Boss - it is you who will be in his dwelling, but not he - with you, keep in mind. From the point of view of the important Boss, another option is unacceptable. They called themselves so spectacularly - be patient now. And the name is beautiful. The selection of nicknames for cats for the British is interesting, even instructive.
  • Chef   - the same as the Boss. Perhaps a little easier, more condescending.
  • WITH Oligarch   reckon, be kind. The cat will not tolerate familiarity, you will feed thoroughly, and most importantly - in high quality. We'll have to correspond: You can’t get the oligarch in cheap harness on people, dress yourself yourself, an important person is supposed to be accompanied in a decent form. At home, the oligarch will lie wherever he wants. Do not expect anything reprehensible from him: the status will not allow the Oligarch to tarnish his reputation.
  • You notice an amazing punctuality behind a British kitten - there is an option, what to call: Timer   - he will always be so. The order will learn or install it yourself, you will also be taught to observe the regime. Sit in time at the bowl, look reproachfully at the owner's eyes if it is empty. In general, a timer should not be otherwise defined.
  • Mars - solid and beautiful. Suitable stern warlike character cat. But if you call the cat Marsik, it will be softer, more affectionate.
  • And here, for example, Prince   a powerful creature of a strong physique is better not to call. Such a “square” instance will grow up, far from it to the pampered princes. Think carefully about what to call a British cat or cat so that the nickname would not seem ridiculous afterwards.
  • It’s interesting to call a strong, compact cat, especially black Square . Here his forms are underlined, and originally Malevich is mentioned in a hint.
  • Dragon   - This is the cutest, slightly naive, curious creature. There will definitely not be anything dragon in it, only feline, the second half of the word sounds like that: "cat."
  • A lover of hiding or rustling packages. A cat who loves hissing sounds, who knows how to “voice” space with them - this Rustle .

Funny names of cats of the British breed

  • Comedians will lead themselves Baton . And they will not be mistaken with the name: the roundness of the forms and the genetic tendency to gain weight among the British are available.
  • If the cat is reddish, a smile and tenderness will cause Biscuit . Chubby and cheerful, sometimes (according to the situation) important, the Biscuit will give the owners and their guests a lot of pleasant emotions.
  • There are also cool names for British cats: Hematogen   (for chocolate) Xerox   (this, of course, is not castrate) Wi-Fi .
  • And how do you - Dude ? Another one will be a cat. Real dude! Everyone will smile, but not for long. This minion is on his mind. The name for the British cat is a signal for action. Which cat will decide for himself.
  • Bracelet   - similar to Biscuit has a golden color. Maybe, by the way, and silver can be, all shades of blue, ashy, silver and their combinations. The creature is serious, it is held with dignity, occasionally the cat can come down and allow itself to be taken "by the hand".

Familiar fairy tale names for british cats

Fairy tales, legends, myths, cartoons and feature films are a good source of ideas: the names there are memorable, familiar from childhood.

  • A lover of sleep, and among the cats there are many, it will be touching for you   Morpheus . Its pacifying appearance and familiar calm will be the best sedative for the inhabitants of the house.
  • Cupid   better not call, unless castrate. Otherwise, you will have to endlessly stop attempts by the caudate to slip out of the apartment on their amorous affairs.
  • Leopold   (for the friendliest). The British are friends in a peculiar way, remotely, as it were. But some of them are real Leopolds, the name of the cat from the cartoon seems to have been invented for them.
  • Baloo - This is a kind, slightly clumsy big man in a chocolate-colored fur coat. A great option on how to name a British cat boy with such a look and gait.
  • Mowgli   will find that in your home will replace him with creepers. He will master the accessible and not very accessible space, he will feel comfortable everywhere. Mowgli, who has matured, will be filled with stats and dignity, “monkey” habits will become less common.

Keep in mind: the sound of the name partially shapes the character of the animal. Can you name Sherkhan , later notice not without surprise: animal notes in the character of the cat are thoroughly manifested. "What do you call a yacht." It is checked by many and repeatedly. Perhaps it is not only the sound that affects, but the special intonation of the voice. If you say “Smoke” softly, then a different tone will sound in the word “Sherkhan”. Truth, Smoke   for British solidity - rather weak.

Not only the color of the coat, but also the character, physique, special signs - everything affects the name of the British cat. Source: Flickr (Cees_Schipper)

Names for british cats

  • How to call a British cat, you can think for a long time, but sometimes it’s enough to see a blue coat, and this girl is already - Malvina . You will perceive her as a fabulous fragile business character, Malvina will catch it. It will become what they see it.
  • Mink - the girl will be cautious, graceful, truly omnipresent. Despite the strong forms, it will gain sophisticated grace, the ability to "leak out" almost through the cracks. He will keep the distance, ordinary cat's tenderness is not in her character, the desire to cuddle the animal will burden him. Respect Mink's personal space!
  • Lavender   - intense color, almost steel. She will be admired by everyone who sees this magnificence. The same name given to the white British promises you the fulfillment of desires.
  • Ash   - A beautiful, slightly windy creature. You can shift the emphasis to give the coquette a special charm on the first syllable, it will turn out interesting.

The nicknames of cats of British girls are almost endlessly diverse. Other colors of the fur coat and nuances of the cat’s behavior will “ask” for other names.

  • Viola   - This is an elegant creature, like a flower. Color can be mixed, from spots. different color, like the flower of the same name - varieties " Pansies". Ideal name for a three-colored cat (colors Harlequin, Van, Bicolor). The character is calm, almost unperturbed. Slight alertness in the look.
  • What do you call a British white cat? It could be Snezhana   - proud and cold, only occasionally she will thaw, allowing herself to caress.
  • Fairy   already a baby gives tenderness and works wonders. As a rule, of a positive nature. Wonderful beauty and grow up.
  • Beauty   - a little stiff person. Knows that spectacular. But it will provide admiring, perhaps envious glances of those who do not have such beauty.
  • Sissy   graceful, sometimes moody. It is legible in everything: feed, place in the house and everything else Nezhenka will choose herself. Offended by a strict call. In a word, Sissy, she is a sissy.
  • Lastena   - This is an affectionate creature in which independence is expressed less than the average breed. Clinging to a person, the question "what should I call a British cat a girl" in this case is decided by itself.

Grace and independence of cats often encourages people to compare them with goddesses. There is something mythical in the behavior of many of them and in appearance, too. Let's turn to mythology.

  • Naiad   loves water. The British are not particularly addicted to this element. But if, thinking about how to name a British cat a girl, you recall: she bathes without fear, calmly or even with pleasure, then this is Naiad. The general nature of the breed does not always coincide with the cat's personality. Naiad promotes a strong marriage, protects health - a solid positive.
  • Hera also strengthens marriage, protects love. You will certainly fall in love with Hera herself, and she will be the guard of the family hearth at home, the patroness of family love.

Giving favorite names of goddesses, do not overdo it. Some mythological characters are not positive.

The names of British cats should be frivolous, weighty, and at the same time reflect the grace inherent in the beautiful half of the cat's kind.

Many people call pets the names of people - this is an easy choice, but not creative. And perhaps you can’t name it right. A matter of taste, of course. Thinking about what to name the British cat of the boy, you can find him the original name, or you can just see Vasya in it. A nickname, however, it does not look.

What nicknames like the British

As for the hissing sounds that cats allegedly love, this is a myth. Cats themselves can hiss, but not from love. And the sounds of the name understand and remember - any.

For example, in a funny nickname Dude   the first letter sounds loudly. Although it is considered hissing. Cats respond to this name instantly and any Dude in a second or two will happily rush to such a call.

Take at least mongrel   Murzikov   - Nothing in this word hisses, and cats are glad to hear it.

Feel free to call your pet your favorite and suitable nicknames by nature, color or some special signs. Nicknames for British cats (and not only them) do not choose by hissing sounds. Any of those that you consider successful is easily recognized and remembered by the pupil. He has a great ear, our alphabet is not a problem for him. Though hissing, even whistling, even calling loudly and loudly, everything will be understood by intelligent animals.

By the way, the cat perfectly understands the transformation of its name. Imposing Katso   melts when called Katsushka , because after that there will be pleasant tenderness, stroking, scratching the tummy and behind the ear. And he knows who he is: he easily breaks away from a favorite place and easily, in two jumps, finds himself near the owner, having heard the invocation “cat!”, With the intonation “where are you?”. Dude   loves to be too   Dude . They all understand, our favorites.

I want to call a cat in an original way. Choosing names for British cats is an exciting experience. Even if the choice fails immediately, causing controversy. Peacefully decide what to call a British cat, if desired, you can. Get together as a family, write your variants of cat names on strips of paper. Roll the strips into rolls, mix. And then entrust the youngest or oldest of you to choose any roll without looking. Random choice - there is a pattern. Love and cherish this fluffy "pattern", let it always pleases you. With any name.

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When a British cat appears in the house, the question always arises of how to name your British cat. Each person has their own taste, which largely determines the choice of nicknames for cats. Some prefer more traditional and easy names, while others, on the contrary, are attracted by exotic, unusual, ornate nicknames. We bring to your attention the most popular and beautiful names for British cats.

Features of nicknames for british cats

The British breed is considered one of the oldest. Their homeland is England. These pets have a beautiful plush coat, good nature and ease of care. That is why the British cat or kitty is most often chosen.

How to name a gray kitten for a boy so that the name fits the pet and is original? Better give preference to short nicknames. Even if you give the cat a long name, its shortened version will appear over time.

Do not rush to make a decision regarding the nickname for British cats, especially if the kitten is still quite small. It is best to look at his habits, preferences and character. Only then will you be able to choose the perfect name for the furry pet.

It is permissible to change the names for cats of girls up to 2-3 times, as well as for boys. When choosing a nickname for, it is important to be guided by some criteria, which we will talk about later.

We select a nickname for your pet

Names for cats of girls, as well as names for cats of boys, are selected based on their behavior, character, and appearance. This process should be approached as carefully as possible, so that later you do not have to change the nickname already at an older age.

You need to name the cat by a name that will be in harmony with the names of all family members. The pet must understand that it is addressed to him. Many owners like to name kittens in honor of historical figures. So, for example, they often choose a name for a British cat, girls Mary or Elizabeth. Despite their beautiful sound and grandeur, they are not suitable for animals.

Cat nicknames often come out of your favorite cartoons, movies or literary work. It can be Mickey, Vesta, Tom or Luntik. Today, nicknames that are called different plants  or gadgets. Among them - Arugula or Joystick.

Experts recommend calling your pets names that consist of two syllables. So they are much easier to remember. Cats perceive whistling and hissing sounds well, so it will be good if they are present in his nickname.

Consider matching names  for a kitten, based on its nature and appearance:

  • if you have a pet "aristocrat" with long thick hair, and the color is pastel, then the names Muse, Eric, Pretty Woman or Young Lady will suit him well;
  • a moving pet can be Egoza or Yulia;
  • gentle, affectionate and tame kittens fit the names Bunny, Musha or Bead;
  • if the kitten is carefree and frivolous in nature, then it can be called Fun, Isolde or Chris.

British boy

The British cat breed is particularly popular in families where children grow up. They are characterized by beautiful appearance, smooth hair, interesting form  ears and mobility. In addition, the British fold is distinguished from other breeds by their patience and hypoallergenic coat.

Before you name the boy, you should watch him. Many owners associate the name of the animal with magic, believing that it will be a real totem for both the pet and its owner. Choosing a name for a British boy, one should remember that they tend to be overweight and obese. So that it always harmonizes with appearance  cat, you must carefully monitor the diet of the pet. The following video (All cats and cats channel) will help you understand what character the Briton has.

It is not recommended to call a kitten a nickname without any meaning. For example, Mitya, Petey, etc. Choose a cat such a nickname that carries a certain meaning and character. Good names are such as Strongman, Knight, Pound. Cats with such nicknames are distinguished by their exemplary behavior and complaisance.

Representatives of the British breed are most often blue. The overflow of a gray shade on soft and soft wool makes these animals real charm. Therefore, the name can be given in the tone of the color of the hair of a kitten. For example, Iris or Hyacinth. Also, more serious nicknames are suitable - Bassoon, Gray or Lord.

It should be noted that the British breed of cats is distinguished by its smiling appearance, and large round eyes create constant surprise. This characteristic  distinguishes them from other types of cats. They also don’t like being picked up. This feature can also be an occasion for a certain nickname. For example, it could be Impatiens, Kai, etc.

British girl

Names for girls' cats should not be complicated and too long, because later they can turn into something funny and disharmonious. This situation is not very consistent with this sweet, good-natured and majestic breed.

In addition, you should not give offensive nicknames, as the British are very sensitive to the tone and mood of the owner. This can lead to bitterness and aggressive behavior of the pet. That is why you should not rush if you have not yet decided what to call a British cat a girl. It is important to think through everything well before giving the pet a name. After all, it will be appropriated for his whole life.

For the correct choice of a name, one can be guided by such criteria.

  1. Temperament and pet behavior. If the kitten is mobile and active, then the following nicknames will suit him well: Greta, Berta, Ulya. A British woman with a calm and meek character, especially if she loves to sleep, can be called Sonya or Persia. A fighting cat can be called Hera, Bullet or Besya.
  2. Features of appearance. The external features of the cat, combined with the imagination of the owners, will make it possible to understand in which direction to move when choosing an animal nickname. So, for example, names for cats of girls with big eyes are good - Kapitoshka or Serebryanochka.
  3. Pedigree. Cats from the pedigree are given nicknames directly in the kennel, but the owners rarely use it. True, this nickname is often reduced or changed to another.
  4. Custom solutions. Often the owners, choosing a name for a cat British, are guided by their own interests, hobbies or professions. For example, creative people can call it Muse, Palette or Tassel. Thus, given the features and some aspects of the professional direction, you can come up with a very original nickname for your favorite. Focusing on your own hobby, you can opt for the name Chamomile, Petunia, Gerberka or Bead.
  5. Addictions of the owner. Cinema fans can name their "Briton" in honor of their favorite movie heroine or cartoon character. Gastronomic predilections can also predetermine the future nickname of a British cat. For example, it can be Cherry, Apricot, Trout, Carrot.
  6. The color of the pet. Sometimes the color of a cat can play a decisive role in choosing a nickname for her. For example, if the wool is cream colored, then it can be called Blond, pure white - Snowflake, and silver-gray - Sylvia.
  7. The method of choosing nicknames from Hollywood stars. Hollywood stars choose their pets names, depending on the period when they appeared in the house. For example, the names June or June are suitable for June cats, and Chris for December cats from the word Christmas, since Catholics celebrate Christmas this month. For spring cats, the nickname Maya or Martha is perfect.

Choosing the name of these wonderful pets is an important and crucial moment. Take your time, think it over well, and most importantly, watch the new member of the family. The animal is sensitive to the tone and character of the spoken words, so the name should not be humiliating or offensive. An improperly chosen nickname can lead to the fact that the pet will show aggression and disobedience instead of affection and love. The ideal option is a simple, beautiful and affectionate name that will be pronounced daily with love and kindness.

Video “Kitten named Baton”

In the video from the author, Nadezhda Bernat, we offer you to watch a very funny kitten named Baton, which is characterized by a playful disposition.

Finally, you have a long-awaited british kitten. Now, in addition to you, there is a difficult task: to choose a nickname for him. Remember that this nickname should be simple, easy to remember and sonorous. Then it will be easier for your baby to get used to it. In addition, it is good if the nickname of the kitten will have a certain meaning, approach the character of your baby. Therefore, the choice of a nickname for a British cat is a very important and responsible matter.

Nicknames for cats of the British breed

Many owners of British kittens want to name the baby with a name that would remind you of your pet’s historic homeland. For British boys, the nicknames Lord, Prince, British, Mr., Rich and others are suitable. For kittens of British girls, you can choose the nicknames Princess, Queen, Lady, Miss, Dachiz and others.

Some call their Briton simply: Kat, which means “cat” in English, the girl Pussy means “cat, pussy”, and the boy means Puss.

Recently, nicknames for British cats taken from cartoons: Tom, Pokemon, Richard, Luntik are becoming more and more popular. Quite often, cat lovers give nicknames to their pets by the name of the currency: Dollar, Ruble, Funtik, Frank. However, such Britons, and especially boys, require special attention, and they eat too much.

If you are looking for a name for a British boy, then the good names for them can be Strongman, Knight, Bogatyr, Prince: you will grow up a well-bred cat that perfectly performs all the commands.

Name the white British boy Snowball, Casper, Zephyr, Iceberg, etc. For a white kitten girl, nicknames Blonde, Umka, Alba, Snowball, Pearl and others are suitable.

The names Garfield, Peach, Chestnut, Spark, Rambo, etc. are suitable for a red-haired British kitten. A red-haired girl can be called Alice, Toffee, Fiona, Zlata, Chanterelle.

A black British boy is called Black, Black or Lucky, which means "lucky." For a black girl, the nickname Panther, Bagheera or Find (night) will do.

You can connect the nickname of the kitten with mythology and name the British boy Lucifer in honor of Lucifer, Pluto - after the god of the underworld, and the girl - in honor of the goddess of witchcraft Hecate or the patroness of cats Bastet (Basi). Some cat owners are ready to call their black pet a name borrowed in the world of high fashion: Carden, Dior, Armani, Coco or Chantal.

If you can not choose a name for your kitten, do not rush. Watch him for several days, find out how he eats, sleeps, plays, and, possibly, the nickname that suits your baby will come by itself.

Choosing a name for your favorite pet is a responsible task. In the future, this nickname will be heard from you. Your British kitten will respond to it. However, if you are lucky enough to buy a British kitten in a kennel, he will probably already have a name. By European standards, at the birth of babies, they are given nicknames.

How to choose a name for a pet?

Most of us are faced with the problem of choosing a nickname for a kitten. Calling the uncomplicated name of a non-purebred cute kitten, we paid little attention to this issue. But what about the name of the British thoroughbred kitten? Basically, long names consisting of several words are used to select the nickname of the little Briton. But there is another option - to call the kitten a simple, but memorable name.

Based on the characteristics of the character of the baby, you can choose a nickname that will reflect her inner world. For example, you cannot name a calm baby Fury. The best option would be the names Hub or Bambi. But for active bullies, Varyag or Richard is quite suitable. The main thing is that the name carries a positive and like you and the kitten.

The only thing that is not worth doing is to call the pet pseudonyms of famous actors or singers. To determine the name, you need to consider several factors:

  • Rely on traditional nicknames
  • Choose a nickname, depending on the territorial location of the kitten
  • Take into account the color of the animal
  • Take into account character and habits

Names that copy cartoon characters remain very popular now. In the process of selecting a nickname for a pet, you should adhere to the golden mean. His name should be easy to remember and so that family members do not break the tongue when pronouncing it.

Names for Boys

The name for the kitten should be well perceived by ear and easy to remember. Choosing a nickname for a boy's kitten, it is desirable that hissing be present in it. The number of syllables can vary from one to three.

Having preferred names from Greek mythology, it is worth paying attention to what it means. For example, if you named the baby Marsik, in the future he will turn into a solid cat and his name will not correspond to reality. Then, it will be possible to call him Mars. After all, Mars is the patron of Roman power and the god of war.

  • Based on the names mentioned in the cartoons, the boy’s kitten can be called Phil, Hercules, Tom, Mowgli or Leopold.
  • For kittens who like to sit at the computer and watch the movement of the mouse, you can call Pascal or Pixel.
  • With the calm nature of the baby, he will certainly become Paracelsus or some of the famous philosophers.

Black color

  • That black color has always been appreciated in high fashion circles. The black British can be safely called Carden, Versace or Dior.
  • You can also take into account the gods of the dungeon or night. One of these names may be Hades. Also suitable are Balthazar, Lucifer, Acheron. After all, it is a cat that is considered a guide in other world. Perhaps there is something in it.
  • Sometimes it happens that a black kitten is presented to a person. And man is superstitious. In this case, you should call him Lucky.

White color

White kitten can be called Blonde, Earl, House or Othello.

Blue color

A fur coat cast in a beautiful blue tint is quite popular among British representatives. She will come to the image of a certain charm. For a boy's kitten, the names Ash, Gray, Caesar, Bruno or Azur are suitable.

Red color

The bright sunny color of the pet’s fur evokes funny names that will not leave anyone indifferent. Peach, Chipsik, Cupcake, Medoc or Chestnut emphasize your Brit's personality. You can focus on more original names - Dawn, Mandarin or Rusty will cause positive emotions at their mention.

Gray color

The smoky color of the coat soothes and causes a blissful state. For a gray kitten, the names Velvet, Basil, Chrome, Smokey or Dorian are perfect. The main thing is to be able to fantasize and not be afraid to call your beloved Briton.

Names for girls

The owners of a small fluffy lump have a responsible task - to give him a nickname. After all, she should reflect the characteristics of the baby's character, and you also need to take into account the color. And so that the cat could respond to the name.

Often, for small cats, the names Pusya, Babaochka or Masya are characteristic. But, over time, the cat grows up and turns into a real Matron, whose name Masei doesn’t turn his tongue. Therefore, you should think carefully and choose a name suitable for any age.

Traditional nicknames

  • Choosing the name of a kitten, you need to understand that the nickname leaves a certain imprint on the character and behavior of the animal. Or is it a reflection.
  • For example, Kitty’s nickname can be given to a kitty that does not show any particular activity and does not manifest in any way.
  • The name Murka is suitable for a baby who loves to play a trick. An adult will have a wayward character.
  • A cat who wears bows with pleasure and loves when she is looked after and combed can be called the Marquise.
  • If a kitten at a young age differs in manners and graceful gait, likes to sit by the window, watching what is happening, call her Aphrodite.
  • A cat who immediately after meeting became her own on the board and without hesitation became a friend for you can be called Motei.
  • An animal that loves to sleep for a long time and sweetly - Sonya.

Nicknames according to breed

For the British breed, the most common nicknames are Dusty, June, Eli or Marie.

Nicknames for black kitties

For a British woman of black color, the name should carry a few mystical notes. Do not be afraid to name your favorite Carmelita, Moor or Chantal.

Nicknames for white cats

When purchasing a white kitten girl, you need to understand that her name must match her angelic image. And even more so, the character, which is worth a closer look, will lead you to a clever idea. Basically, it can be Penelope, Martha, Snowball, Diana or Taya.

Due to the fact that the white color is used against the forces of evil, the cat can pick up a not quite ordinary, divine name. Gamia, Gabriel, or Salamia are fine.

Nicknames for blue kitties

The unique luxurious look of the blue fur coat gives a certain aristocracy to the pet. It is appropriate to call a kitten a girl with such a woolen coat Aqua, Vesta, Grace, Nora, Daphne or Cora.

Nicknames for red cats

Choosing a nickname for a red kitten, you need to understand that you have an extraordinary personality and, accordingly, the name should be unusual. You can call your favorite Lucky, Bonya, Nyura, Boriska or Monya.

Nicknames for gray cats

The gray cat seems to be created by nature, and give peace to its owners. Of course, it cannot be said unequivocally that it is the gray color that guarantees the calm nature of the animal. The best names for the gray British will be the Shadow of Rooney, Sheila, Haze, Mate or Shandi.

Fancy nicknames

If the character of the pet owner is cheerful, you can call the kitten a funny unusual name. The kitten itself is an interesting playful creature, and if you call him, for example, the Joker, the effect of the pleasure of communicating with him will intensify. Of course, the kitten must be active and have funny tricks. A sample list of funny names: Godzilla, Pipo, Marshmallow, Waffle, Aspirin, Mickey, Anchovy.

The use of English names in the name of British kittens

Sometimes you want to call your pet something special. To emphasize the chic and grace of the pet, you can turn to English names that have proven themselves on the positive side. For a girl’s kitten, you can choose the name Ira, Britney, Sharon, Emmy or Nancy.

For a kitten, a boy has an active, playful behavior. Often, these kittens are the best friends of children. Kittens can be called Lord, Nick, Byte, King or Rocky.

Famous british cats

Maria Butyrskaya met her British fold Lelya by accident. Once on the Bird Market, she could not deny herself pleasure and did not pass by a pretty cat, which later became her favorite. The cat is stubborn in nature and loves to break vases. Of course, Lelka does not bear punishment for this, the mistress loves her British too much.

Alexey Glyzin is the owner of a luxurious blue Briton Roma. Roma is a big fan of rubbing himself on the owner’s feet and loves affection, sitting on his hands for hours. And the Cat is a real thunderstorm of mice, and dealt with them in two counts at the celebrity’s summer house.