Memories. Student years

Timosilov Tamara Mikhailovna

Student years - the most wonderful time in the life of any person. I have to mention student life, always only the warmest memories of the institute, teachers and classmates. My student years came in 1979 - 1984. Five years of study in the university is the most important stage of the formation of the personality and the formation of a human worldview and is very important who next to you at this time.

For me, faculty foreign languages and the department of English language They became not only the place of receipt of higher education, but also a place to predetermined further professional activities and ensuring the improvement of already acquired knowledge and skills (the defense of the candidate thesis). The department gave me an educational foundation that made it possible to look with confidence in the future. I am deeply grateful and grateful to our dean to Vladimir Ivanovich Lew. Over the years, he has provided high-quality education, paid attention to the personality and social development of students, created a trust, creative and benevolent atmosphere in the teaching and student team. I am also gratefulhead of the Department of English Zhanette Mikhailovna Lagodenko for its high professionalism and competence, patience and willingness to respond to any issues of students.

Until now, I remember the entrance exam in the English language, where I got acquainted with the beautiful teacher of Catherine Fedorovna Roslakova. From excitement, I could not immediately answer her question, what is the name of my school teacher of the English language. This situation has become the beginning of our dating. Later we met her at the senior courses when she led our practical phonetics and read lectures on the method of teaching a foreign language. Great knowledge of English, beautiful phonetics, thin English humor, well-built lectures and seminars, it could have led a lot.

The first course is very similar to school. Classes are held as in school: an explanation of a new material, an oral survey on magazine, written dictates and control. Independent work He took place in the Lingopon Cabinet, since not all students had personal tape recorders. And the laboratory assistant in your tetradi celebrated the time you spent there, working out phonetic exercises, sounds, intonation, reading texts. The notebook with the signature of the laboratory was needed to show the teacher before the lesson. IN language groups Total 10 - 12 people, so they answer almost the entire couple, and the teacher has time to ask everyone. Hence the feature of the first course - everyone learn.

Our first teacher of English Selikhova Nadezhda Pavlovna seemed to know everything about English vowels, consonants, monophthongs, difongs, intonation. She was always ready to correct our sounds, intonation, and when it did not appeal to her - a smile, a desire to explain and help. For us, Nadezhda Pavlovna was perfection. At the senior courses, she reads us lectures and led seminars on the history of the English language. The subject is not empty, but due to the excellent supply of the material, not understandable became clear, complicated - simple. Nadezhda Pavlovna put all the soul to work.

About each teacher of the department can be spent very long, because they are true professionals in their case. They loved so much and love their item that you were involuntarily infected with this limitless love for tongue.

I want to say thanks: Maria Vasilyevna Janitor - for oral speech classes; Galina Ivanovna Kalinichenko - for knowledge of theoretical and practical grammar; Alla Nikolaevna Vernigorenko - for the ability to analyze texts and read between the lines; Lydia Stepanovna Markina - for love for the language and the ability to fall in love with it (stylistics classes); Tamara Georgievna Valchuk - for the knowledge of the theoretical foundations of phonetics; Nikolay Vasilyevich Tikhonovich - for home reading, newspaper and practical course of written English; Valentina Alexandrovich Doborovich - for magnificent lectures on lexicology and country head; Galina Mikhailovna Gladykova - for the love of foreign English literature.

Student years is a whole layer of life - these are not only the mountains written by the abstracts in all disciplines and primary sources, but also participation in the faculty choir, whose classes could not be skidding, even if you had neither hearing or voices. Rehearsals of concert programs for the "Red Days" of the calendar, a huge excitement and desire to make our faculty better than everyone. It is good that teachers have always been near, helped and even participated in these concerts themselves. Work in the night shift at the canning plant. When we were returned home in the morning or in a hostel from us smelled of Kucacular Ikra and Borsch.

Construction of a narrow-sole railway under the old Oskol. Cleaning the coarse in the Borisov district: we lived in beautifully, we were very tasty and satisfying, but because of bad weather almost did not work and were very surprised when the collective farm would also pay the collective farm.

Target camp in the third year. Students of all faculties for several days have become pioneers. And life flowed across the camp routine: Early rise, morning toilet, charging (spent the sport facility), in the dining room we run with a speech, duty in the dining room, the choice of emblem and the maiden for the detachment, the design of the detachment, contests, quiz and other events that We had to spend in children's camps during summer practice. The last night of our short camp shift by the fire on the river bank.

And we had unforgettable medicine classes. They all the day was given. We were taught to write recipes, making injections, and the doctors of urban hospitals read short courses of therapy, surgery. We visited in practice in all hospitals of the city and even in the morgue at the autopsy, where some became bad. At the end of this course, all students were given a military ID in which it was written that we were a stock medalistra.

And if it were possible to turn the time ago, I would have chosen our Institute named after M.S. Olmin, Faculty of Foreign Languages, the same faculty and a group.


Position: Associate Professor of the Department of English and teaching techniques

Faculty: Foreign languages

Student life is always saturated with vivid impressions, positive emotions and feeling of freedom. We decided to interview those who can only remember about the best years of life. Which still remains in memory after five years of study and more:

Daria Antropova, Ural state University them. Gorky, 29 years old.

The most memorable life in the hostel. It was also remembered by our frequent game of Phanti to the whole floor. The tasks were the most different, for example, stand up onto the garbage tank, twist on the 1st floor on the turntable of the passage, walk around the kitchen of the floors and that the first cooking will find - you need to try, so my neighbor ate a small piece of raw meat. Then we considered themselves just the generators of ideas. It was very amused and hungry existence far from relatives no longer seemed so sad.

Ksenia Bogdanova, Ural Institute of Economics of the St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics, 27 years.

What a student without a club cheerful and resourceful. Almost the whole group participated in our team, we were going after couples or on the pairs that our curator led. They discussed contests, and what themes we will develop, many people came up with themselves, took something from the Internet, something came in the course of rehearsal. And while we rehearsed, the main plan has been changed a million times. The curator also attracted, she participated in a pair of miniatures. KVN himself passed as it very quickly, I do not even remember, we improvised a lot, because I forgotten words from excitement and carried everything that came to mind. But it was fun and we won! The most interesting thing is that at that time we were freshmen, and KVN passed among all courses of the Academy.

Julia Kormilitsyn, European Asian Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, 27 years old.

SO school years I dreamed taken participation in the beauty contest, And thanks to the University of Dream embodied in reality. I participated in Miss University, preparation took about a month. Daily rehearsals, memorizing monologues, songs, etc. And now it came the long-awaited day, at first everything was perfect. And it was necessary for me to unsuccessfully turn the leg and fall. Miss University, of course, did not become, but it received a prime of audience sympathies. Apparently of pity.

Yulia Kukushkina, Ural State Economic University, 27 years old.

I have always participated in the cultural life of the institute: various contests, KVN, holidays. And one day it is not indifferent as I decided to arrange a holiday with a daily departure to the recreation center. We went with us most of the teachers. Was the end of May, the weather is gorgeous, we bathed, sunbathe. At night there was a disco. None of us guessed that the historian plays Chanson on the guitar, and the teacher of the highest mathematics is professionally dancing rock and roll. Still, it is useful to spend time with teachers in an informal setting.

Yana Bushina, Ural State University. Gorky, 28 years old.

Most of all remembered the defense of the diploma: the scientific leader went into the back in the back and in the end we had to write the characteristic ourselves, and he did not appear at the very defense itself. We then have already managed to wind up various optionsthat we will not be allowed to protect or have to be defended in a year, and maybe at all will be expelled, and we will walk with unfinished higher education. As a result, everything was done, and we successfully defended our works.

Alexander Osokin, Ekaterinburg Economic and Technological College, 23 years old.

I remember duty in the wardrobe, at that moment I felt like a king. Before you, the crowd of people, and you decide who will get their clothes faster. It is a pity that this honorable place is very in demand, and therefore for five years I managed to feel the power only once. So, by the way, I met a girl who liked me for a long time, but I did not give a reason to speak with her. Someone how in the songs connects music, in our case the dressing room tag was bound.

Olga Raslivinsky, Ural State Pedagogical University, 29 years old.

I studied at the speech therapist and, impressive with the material of the lecture, I decided to put the letter "P" (at that time I said "L" instead of her). Oddly, I managed it! At the next seminar, I tried with all my forces to demonstrate my works and made the focus on "R" in each word that is this letter. As a result, my answer took almost the whole couple - one-log bars were grateful to me, and I am proud of the right speech.

Tatyana Nikonova, Ural Financial and Legal Institute, 26 years old.

For me, student years are primarily associated with the first love. He was a star of the institute, read Rap at all concerts, dedicated to me songs and confessed in love from the scene. We walked until the morning, and then immediately went to the pair. It was a sleepless time, but I was truly happy!

Mikhail Osokin, Ural Polytechnic University, 28 years old.

One day my alignments who lived in a hostel called us with a brother. Enter us offered through the window on the second floor. In the hostel there were female and men's floors. The second floor was general, it was laundry and a kitchen. Because Video surveillance was conducted in the hostel, climbing the female floor in normal form was dangerous. Bathrobs dressed on us and wound the towels on the head. In this form and with basins in the hands, we fell into the final destination. It was my first and last experience of changing into the opposite sex.

Alexander Bakulev, Ural State Pedagogical University, 26 years old.

I studied at the Pedagogical University, and every summer we were sent to practice to country camps. I got a detachment of reports, it was impossible to calm them. I didn't have experience and knowledge with children, and I did not occur anything to me except to start "catching butterflies." So I called jumping up with a raising hands. For an hour, they caught the imaginary butterflies. But then they immediately fell asleep, and I went to the disco to the older detachment.

Evgeny Abramov, Ural State Agricultural Academy, 27 years old.

When preparing for the exam, I was enough to study only one ticket, namely the first. Going to the teacher, I pulled out a ticket and said that my ticket number is the first and, pretending that I read from the ticket - told the tasks in this ticket that I knew by heart. After that, I put a ticket back to a bunch of tickets. Naturally, the teacher was surprised by this act and asked to give him a ticket. Break all the tickets, I hardly found the first and successfully defended on perfectly.

Cherepakhina Julia, Ural Academy of Public Service, 29 years.

We at the Academy held a competition for the knowledge of the Russian language - "the smartest". Because I have always been good with literacy, I decided to take part. I didn't even suspect how small my knowledge in this area is. Most of the answers I gave relying on intuition, but, apparently, I also have problems with her. Our team took the last place, I would extremely offended and immediately ran to buy a spelling dictionary, which I have never been open.

Olga Yumaguzina, Ural State Law Academy, 28 years old.

Our group was sent to the collective farm. Early morning, rain, dirt, cold and we are planted in the middle of a giant field with beets. I have never been so dirty and tortured as that time. But the shared table, hatred for beets and hot tea rallied our group, after that we became much more friendly.

Whatever endless learning in early, sooner or later everything comes to an end. And it remains only to nostalgic. While there is an opportunity - create your own story!

Photos from the personal archive of respondents.

I graduated from MGRI (RGGU) in 1976 (Gir-71 Group, specialization of underground development technology of uranium fields), then another institution was located near the Manezhnaya Square. When choosing a specialization between a gold plane and a moster, I chose the latter because the scholarship of this specialty was raised by 15 or 20 rubles. Scholarship 55-60 rubles for a student then there were big money. A traveling monthly ticket for a student in Moscow then cost, it seems 2, 50 rubles. A good lunch in the student dining room MGRI then cost an average of 1 rub. I will add that by tradition, mountain universities (MGRI, MGI and SGI) well and cheaply fed their students. Unlike other, for example, somehow after classes on M. Bronny, I went to the vocal of the Moscow legal. Not lunch, but prison balancing. From the teachers I remember two characteristic types. The first type of teacher Associate Professor - Business, but is late, the student check does not produce. I do not cling to students, it is trying to convey the knowledge of the course. So, the first type: classes on the theory of an explosive case (for the conditions of mines and mines) in the laboratory on M. Bronnaya conducted an associate professor, (forgot his last name, he heard, the kingdom of heaven and defending his doctoral). And always his couple began with his late. We are waiting for 5-10-15 mmnut. Suddenly discovered the door for feverishly jumps up a treacherous teacher, says "Sorry, only from the plane," throws a portfolio and immediately started to paint the topic on the board and lead a lesson? Even if 2-3 people came to occupation. The second type is naive, scattered (like a d.N., Professor, head. Departments of underground developments, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Helium Nikolaevich Popov), lectured on underground development systems. He always started his lectures from checking on the magazine of those present (it took for up to 30 minutes). Each time before QLZ to the missing student (ki) raised the team's headman, asked about the reason for the lack of lecture (fell ill, Mom came). He (in most not knowing the causes), said (blinked) that the missing week of Sidirov, for example, fell ill. G.N. Was very kind, it seemed, he did not show the loved by all students. Checks themselves for students of the consequences did not have. In MGRI, I also remember the leading geodesy seminars Lecturer Borsch-Kompanello. He moved from Mountain (MGU). So it happened that I personally passed the geodesy twice, in Horny and MGRI (did not make a test). Appearing from us, he immediately began with an explanation of his unusual last name that after the revolution, his revolutionary Bolshevik Dad (in the fashion of that time) to the non-romantic "romance" added the surname of the glorious Komadnello. Bh was smart. It was all clear and intelligently on his geodesy. I remember, the "Felix" twist!, Calculus theodolite moves, it fits on a piece of paper (with a large line-lasting array of numbers) and says, here is the error here. Then the student seemed to me the level of god geodesy.

MGRI (1971-1976). Useful renovation. Since I was stupid, I loved the conversion: everything is clear and simple. It is only necessary to do, doing homework what I did. In the study room in the hostel on the student in the evenings only diligent Vietnamese and I were sitting. And the conventional exam was taken by the head of the department, a professor on the last name Ribrik, such a coacher, if the correspondents needed a form of a professor, then photographed it. Delivered two groups, my gir (rusters) and drillers (forgot the designation). Including a student a driller, with whom I lived in the same room in a hostel on student. Later, he threw something, told the tails, took the Academake, went to the north to work the driller and did not come out of his companion peak. But one even offered me to go with him guests, by that time I was already popular, Vladimir Vysotsky, however Listening the brand and singing did not choose. He took a ticket, for confidence he passed that he would be entitled to the exam captured me on the same topic. He lied to me - part of the new library book on the concomitant, which broke out in the pressure. There is nothing to do, put it on the table, waiting for the moment. Professor Rebrik began to be fired between the rows, approached me and says: Student T. Pull out the crib. Of course, I did not pull out, then he climbed, pulled out ... almost fell into fainting from what he saw and shouted: "Barbarian ... savage ... a new library book ... Воно ... on reducing!" In general, I passed the exam on the concomitant Professor Ribric four times. So it turned out in the concomprise that he knew all its main formulas of the table and the tasks of the course of the congestion for memory, so that already argued with a professor. Put me four. Love for the concomitant is a difficult thing.

MGRI students on potatoes in Kashino. Ilyich's light bulb is a myth or dark story? Epigraph: "On November 1, 1920, a solemn launch of a power plant for electricity in the village of Kashino took place. The light caught fire, and it was proposed to celebrate this event, and to celebrate Lenin to celebrate. The message to the Kremlin contained the words: "The board of the partnership hereby reports that the 14th of November will be the opening of electric lighting in the village of Kashino, on what the joy that we feel at the sight of electric lighting in the peasant chaluts, about which, with the power of the kings, the peasants Did not bother to think. Your presence is quite preferably "

In 1972, we, students of the second year of the MGRI, helped to remove potatoes on the fields of the village of Kashino (Moscow region), where there was a notorious power station "Light Bulb Ilyich" in the middle of a small village (one street). The appearance was a dog booth in a dried stream, a 1.5 meter high, with an area of \u200b\u200b1 m2, inside which was the generator (Dynamo Machine, Sovr., Turbine with current generator) with a royal monogram, weighing 50-60 kg, which was on the shaft of which was belt pulley. Local old-timelled told me that the "Hydra" built a local cravelers in the royal time, who worked at the Electrical Plant in Moscow, his little hydroelectric station managed to light at home and the street D. Kashino in the royal time. Apparently, the Directorate of the plant presented, or sold his employee an expensive Dynamo car with a big discount. In the new time, the Armenian Hyerlo Bolsheviks shot, and the orphaned "hydra" as it were nationalized. There is information on the Internet that Kashinchi during the Bolsheviks only restored the stolen wires. After arriving at D. Kashino Ilyich with Krupskaya see the "technical miracle of the liberated peasantry", the dog booth became as if the beginning of the Leninist Plan of Goerlo. According to the story, they came to the night, at night, at 23 o'clock, the local party was met by the leader warmly and hospitably, spent the walked house of the expelled (or shot) fist, now there is a museum. In the morning, inspection of 1 kW micro-hydroelectric power station (IGA), he saw a great leader, then a rally, photo, after a good dinner, warmly drank. At the rally, according to Kashinsev, Lenin said for the first time famous phrase: "Communism Plus is the Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country." A woman came to our student camp from the museum and offered to visit the museum. However, none of the student went. Since the subsidence was 6-00, from potatoes came 18-00 tired. Cathedrals on the potatoes were in the heads of the chiefs, they often walked rains, did not let anywhere from the camp. I note that the apples in Kashinsev gardens were noble. The only event was the rapid celebration of the whole camp of my birthday, students of hydrogeologists, geophysics, fossils, moorings (my group) were dropped by 3 rubles, in the village we purchased several bins of "apple hip" (two pieces per brother), in champagne bottles , 82 kopecks. The thing is hip, tasty, sweet and black, from Moscow arrived by my girlfriend, putty sausage, cheese and other tasty, which she handed over through the conductor from the city of Mineral and her mother, my future mother-in-law. They celebrated in some kind of cow's shed, improvised tables from doors and chairs of the board. On the one hand, the cows stood and buried on us, the teachers were not invited. Soon the local kashinians guys were sitting with us (there were 80% of the girls in the camp), they brought a patefophone, dancing. Since after all the troubles and apple hip, I cut off, then Kashinters drove the car and took me with a girlfriend on peace. I remember how the kashiny guys, having embraced with our girls in the bodies drove with the song: "Our Paravoz is ahead of the fly, in the commune stop, in our hands we have a rifle." The next day, I was sent to Moscow to the Deanat with one comrade, with a note for violation of the camp regime, I am for immoral behavior, because I mistakenly slept with a girlfriend on the bed with a political commitassail of the squad (a teacher of political economy, left for Sunday to Moscow), his for hooligan. That was my "Light Bulb Ilyich"

I graduated from the MGRI (RGGRA) in 1976 (Gir-71 Group, the technology of underground development of uranium fields), then the institute was still at the Manezh Square. When choosing a specialization between a gold plane and a moster, I chose the latter because of the fact that the scholarship was raised by 15 rubles. Scholarship 60 rubles for the student then there were big money. A traveling monthly ticket for a student in Moscow then cost, 50% seems 2, 50 rubles. A good lunch in the student dining room MGRI then cost an average of 1 rub. (from 0.80 rubles to 1.20). I will add that by tradition, mountain universities (MGRI, MGI and SGI) well and cheaply fed their students. Unlike others, for example, somehow after classes on M. Bronnaya went into the vocalization of the Moscow Legal. Not lunch, but prison balancing. From the teachers I remember two characteristic types. The first type of teacher is a business, but late. First type. Classes on the theory and practice of an explosive case conducted a associate professor, (forgot his name, heard he died, the kingdom of heaven and defending his doctoral) in the laboratory on ul. M. Bronnaya. And always his couple began with his late. We are waiting for 5-10-15 minutes. Suddenly, the door will be discovered feverishly jumps up the teacher, says "Sorry, only from the plane," throws a portfolio and immediately immediately started to write on the board of classes and lead a lesson. Students did not get sick, did not check. The second type is a naive professor (like D.T.N., Professor, Head. Departments of the Mining, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Helium Nikolaevich Popov), lectured on underground development systems. He always started his lectures from checking on the crowd of those present (it took for up to 30 minutes). Each time reaching the lack of student (KI) raised the team's headman, was convinced that the group's headman knows about the cause of the lack of a student (fell ill, mother came). He (in most not knowing the causes), said (blinked) that the missing week of Sidirov, for example, fell ill. G.N. Was very kind, it seemed, he did not show the loved by all students. Checks themselves for students of the consequences did not have. In MGRI, I also remember the leading geodesy seminars Lecturer Borsch-Kompanello. He moved from Mountain (MGU). So it happened that I personally passed the geodesy twice, in Horny and MGRI (did not make a test). Appearing from us, he immediately began with an explanation of his unusual last name that after the revolution his revolutionary dad (in the fashion of that time) to the non-romantic "romantic" added the surname of the glorious Komadnello. Bh was smart. On his theoretical classes in geodesy, everything was clear and intelligent. I remember the Felix turn, calculus theodolite moves, it fits on a piece of paper with a large line array of numbers, and says, here is the error here. Then the student seemed to me the level of god geodesy.

Congratulations to all confiscated with the Day of Medical Worker. Probably, each in life has been the situation for which we could thank doctors. And today just a reason to wish all doctors good health, success in work and well-being.

Always on this day we congratulate on the holiday Mom. After all, she has 40 years of medical experience, she is a candidate of medical sciences, a neurologist and even now in pensions, but this profession remains with a person for life.

Those who have long and constantly read my magazine, remember that a couple of years ago, Mom published a memoir book "Notes of the Native Kharkiv." Then I cried it that in the book she did not reflect the most interesting memories - about the years of his student. And now the manuscript of the second mother's book is ready. We called it "comprehending the secrets of the Eskulap." Mom wrote about the choice of profession, about the years of student, about interesting cases from his medical practice. I think today is a suitable day to introduce readers with the head of the mother's future book. It is called

Our first classes in the anatomy (anatomical corps) were a serious test for me. In this case, we read the first lectures. The anatomka had a large hall located in the form of an amphitheater, with huge painted paintings by the ceiling. In the center - at the bottom - there was a department, behind which our profession read us lectures. The morphological body on Lenin Avenue (now Ave. Science) was then just completed. And lectures in the specialties of the first courses (anatomy, physiology, microbiology, etc.) we read in the anatomy. The anatoma from the first days of stay at the institute was our main place of study. Without knowledge of the anatomy, it is impossible to learn further. Classes in the anatoma! ABOUT! What are the young, almost children, standing above the corpse in their white coats. And the smell of formalin and a kind of gray Masa, who was once man.

Fig.1. Our group in class in the anatomy. I'm in Nizhny
row, first left

Among the student folklore, at all times there was such a song-joke:
"From Eve and Adam
Went the people stubborn
Went nonsense people
Students have fun
From the session to the session
And sessions only twice a year.
Day we walk
Two we mow.
And then we do not know the boom boom.
So drink for the walked
For nothing knew.
So drink for surrendered Namaum. "

Some students and in our time they studied as it walked in a song. But it did not apply to physician students. From the first months we studied passionately, with great interest, as obsessed. Otherwise it was impossible. Without a thorough knowledge of normal anatomy and human physiology, it would be impossible to move on to the study of various pathological conditions of the human body. And therefore, all the evenings we spent from the first school days in an anatomka, where there was a wonderful museum, drugs and corpses, on which we have been examined studied, studied, studied. Probably, we were all then hard in this new life for us, and there was fear, but we overcame it together, the whole group.

And how were you there we were, then, on modern students! Everyone lived in the same way, there was no luxury: very modest clothes, there were no beautiful bags and other accessories, but only small cheap suitcases, in which we folded our bathrobes, and often we wore a skeleton's bones, and a skull, constantly studying.

Fig. 2. Our group after classes

We tried to memorize everything in Latin, as teachers and experienced experienced students suggested.« Supinator u. pronator, two extensors and everything. " I still remember. And there were many such examples. And even the nicknames of some students gave Latin out of anatomy.

Fig. 3. Our group on a walk

Yes, classes in medical Institute They had their own specifics, sharply different from everything that was studied in other universities, except for Marxism-Leninism. And some could not stand. One very good girl from our course could not learn and left at the end of the year.

And our group was special. We supported each other and helped each other. Explained not understanding "eminentio."I.sulcus¢ sought togetherbulli. aRTERII., et. venul¢ s. And they sat in the anatomka until late evening. And then they went on fresh air, and he hit us in the head as wine, after many hours of student disciplons.

There are a lot of strength, energy, our intelligence went to anatomy. But it was the basis, without the knowledge of which further studies would be meaningless. And we understood it. Now I am surprised how, without knowing elementary mathematics, people learn in technical universities. And if at the senior courses, when we studied clinical disciplines, we were told teachers: "The ripple ona.. Dorsalis pedis.» , for example. We knew where to prick it. Because in the first courses studied truly. I wanted to remember everything, to know everything to become doctors. Such was our strongest motivation. And this is for life. No day without professional literature, no day without comprehending the new in your medical field. "The patient is a book - the patient" - you guessed us a young talented therapist of our time Tareyev. And we performed our own life this covenant.

The main god in the anatomy was then living in Kharkov and working in Medinitiste Professor R. Sinelnikov. I still have been kept by one of the volumes of Atlas Anatomy, who gave me A., my sister's husband with the inscription: "Tomka in honor of the arrival in Hsi."

The author of Atlas himself was a student of the famous professor Vorobyeva, who was balsaming V.I. Lenin. And among students even went joke. Alleged Vorobev, referring to R. Sinelnikov said: "Rafka! Feed the keller. " I think it is just a fiction of students, such a stupid joke. In fact, to Professor Sinelnikov, it was possible to apply only to the deepest respect. For it all exposed high intelligence, culture and kindness. He was small, already old (with the "height of our youth") gray-haired, with a soft good smile. I remember how I passed the exam. Very worried, although I knew answers to all questions. "Baby - he said, interrupting my answer. "Do not worry, count how many times you have to take exams for all the years of study. And what will happen to you if you always be so worried. Calm down! Remember my words. " And I remembered them all my life, even after the end of the institute. And this a lot helped me in life to keep your health.

In addition to the anatomy worried us, there were other, very interesting "sciences". We remember lectures on the normal physiology, which we read Professor Alpern, tall, slim, with a well-posed voice. And also as lectures were interesting and practical classes. In practical classes I had to be difficult. Frogs and rats could not cut at all. And then we organized an exchange in our group: someone from the boys by agreement cut me a rat, and I translated the whole sheets from English.

Fig. 4. In practical training in histology

We looked at the same English texts many times, and I still remember the Pediatrician Dombrovskaya of these texts and its guidelines: "A day spent without air, lost for his health day." And all his further life, when most of many peers became parents, I repeated this phrase for them. But, in general, practical classes with frogs, rats, biochemical columns and test tubes, microbiology, etc. flashed as one day.

It was most difficult for me in practical classes on forensic medicine, when it was necessary to open another to the office, which fell to the forensic examination of the corpse. And here it was impred. We have not opened rats and frogs for a long time, it was already impossible to change to English with the boys. I was lucky. When my turn came, the deceased turned out to be dead from the poisoning by denatant. And the smell of evaporation of this substance interrupted absolutely all odors, right up to the body. I coped well with the task.

I had great interest to lectures on microbiology. I read them dear, Already the elder then Professor Derkach. Unfortunately, read is boring, a monotonous attenuation voice. Few people listened to him. Everyone was engaged in their own affairs: they prepared for the following classes, read, chatted, etc. And suddenly there was a loud exclamation among the boring voices of the lecturer: "Do you hear? Spirochet Obermeyer! " And even loud voice with a raised hand: "Spirochet Obermeer! You hear?" Everyone suddenly woke up, and listened to his exclamations, and then part of the lecture on syphilis.

And among the teachers without high scientific titles and merit, I remember the associate of the Stupina, always well dressed, well-groomed, beautiful woman. She appealed to us with the same "Hello, Comrades Students." And these are "comrades, students" sounded as a combat call, he was mentioned clear, sonorous, voice voice as a commander's appeal to his army. Time went, and we moved to senior courses, where clinical disciplines have already begun.

During your stay at the senior courses, we all "silenced" the diseases that were studied in clinics. We all examined our teachers and endured their verdict: "Healthy". Already then we looked closely to the features of different medical specialties, to stop your choice on one. At the same time, we were prepared for being district doctors in rural areas. Sometimes we left with teachers in rural ambulatory and hospitals and trained in practice asias of healing. And besides, the study program included the practice I will write about.

Before the smallest details I remember the face of the students of our group on the initialx courses. The elder of Volodya M. is a thin black boy from the Kharkiv region. Beautiful, modest Ukrainian beauty, high, slim black lily S. from Sumy, very brought up, all in itself, with rarely singing outward emotions. And next to her Valentine P. - Full, with a constant six-month curling with small rusia curls, very powerful, not for young age, which seemed older than us with his attitude to life and to study.

The biggest mockery in the group - Ivan K., Dollave, somewhat awkward, slow, imposing the labels of the part of us, which differed often by the eidny content and were offensive, but the values. And the most cheerful of the boys was Alik D. - lanky, thin guy, pure blond with curly curls. It was remembered that on short changes between 2-hour sessions, he constantly ate bread rolls, and we laughed at him. And then it turned out that he suffered obviously already at the time of diabetes. From there an increased appetite.

And in the group there were two girls who became favorite girlfriends for me: light T. and Emma F. Emma F. - from Sukhumi, purebred armyancan. Her brother Armavir Karapetovich was then a doctor, later became a famous specialist operating in the field of thoracic surgery. For the first time I met her at the apartment where they lived with Armavir, somewhere on Moskalevka. In those days I was very shy. At the sight of Armavir was embarrassed. And he asked me: "Taper! Are you from Poltava? " And I climbed further after these words, thinking that he considers me a deep provincial, asking such a question. And with Emma, \u200b\u200bI still brought love for music. I grew up on the music that I heard on the radio. And Emma graduated from the music technique. She was a professional. With her many times we went to our Kharkov philharmonic, where the famous musicians were performed in those years, including S. Richter.
Oh, what an unusually cozy, home and at the same time classically strict was our Kharkov in the brown tones of philharmonic, now no longer existing. She was demolished. It was located at the corner of Sumy opposite the cinema "1st Komsomolsky" (now there is a store).

During my studies and later before the demolition of the philharmonic queue, the tickets were drawn to it throughout Sumy, almost to the former store "Juki-Water" and the Medical Library. I remember both one of the concerts of the famous pianist who performs Chopin, there was no ticket, and I went to the administrator. "Do you learn at the conservatory?" - He asked me. And I was very surprised to find out that I am a student of the Medical Institute.
In general, during our studies (mid-twentieth century) there was the highest peak of culture. And most importantly: everything was available. And now - astronomical prices for tickets, and not the same, alas, level of artists, in a word, pop!And that's it.

Emma was very wise not by age; Huge brownish brownish, nose with a hubby, like Anna Akhmatova, a low breast voice. I perceived it as a very close person to me.

At the senior courses, often had in their home, already, on the beautiful Shatilovka. It was green, all in the gardens, the best paradise of Kharkov, located on an elevation over the source of mineral water - "Kharkov 1". And near the park and again solid greens. It was even breathing better than in other places. There, on Shatilovka, we often did in their garden, preparing for regular exams.
Emma loved Armenia very much. Often invited to visit: "Arriving, I will show you the mountains of Armenia." Not come true.

Well, and the most close to my one-line-friendly-girlfriend was light, T. Merry, Mixing, Cute, Umnets. All student years are connected with my light.

Fig. 5. I and light T. in the park

I loved her mother - Maria Nikolaevna. They lived then on the Moscow Prospect in one of the high-rise buildings. We often engaged together in her apartment, and Mom cared for us, fed and drank, and somehow, when I stayed with them, and she laid down. And all this with such care and kindness that the whole life is remembered. Strict and at the same time - soft, kind, and light on it was a bit like a little. Her mother treated me well as a daughter. And the lights sometimes used it in their own interests. Looking late on dates, she said to her mother, which goes to me. And my mother trusted it very much: if the meeting is with T., it means everything will be fine. I always remember Maria Nikolaevna and I will remember. And at a meeting with Maria Nikolaevna, I always wanted to cuddle to her like native man. From its middle growth, a bit of a complete mill, tired in the early wrinkles of the face, gray with gray short hair, loving glance has always imagined some kind of warmth. But there was a severity in it, just not imperative. The last time I saw her when I came on vacation from Voroshilovgrad, my workplace. She met me like a native daughter. And the light even dissatisfied was our with her mom a long communication. "After all, T. came to me - S. spoke -" But I also want to talk to her answered her. "

When switching to the study of clinical disciplines, we were reformed into other groups. And I had new fellow students-aligns. Among them were especially highlighted by Stanislav G. (S.G.). Small, dense, below average growth, with small gray eyes, an inexpressive face, he conquered us with his intellect. And then his appearance is not a handsome man, went out to the background. He was friends mainly with the girls of our group, and each mother of his daughter believed S. her fiance. He had "one, but fiery passion." He loved before the theater adoration. And dreamed of a theater institute. But in the choice of profession, the mother intervened, which he loved very much. And did not allow him to enter theatrical. She chose Medical for her son. And he turned out to be obedient and loving son.

Fig. 6. At the door of the clinic. I with Stanislav G.

The theater institute before his demolition was at the corner of Sumy between the current mirror jet and the Japanese restaurant (formerly diner). It was a beautiful white-blue building, the dream of our S. and he all free from studying time disappeared in this theater, where he had many friends among future actors and actresses. His life constantly proceeded not only in our reality of the medical university, but also in the world of the theater. Often he had copied fashionable films and theater performances trendy, and must be said - very similar. In the same theater, his love studied, because of which he took the direction to work there, where she was sent - to the Voroshilovgrad (now Lugansk) region.

During our studies in our Kharkov theater, the organization "White Horse" appeared, which united the theater students who have extraordinary views on our then reality. "White horse" was, of course, crushed. After working on the periphery of the laid time, S. entered the graduate school and worked in a medical institute in a medical institute at the Department of Histology. But the theater remained faithful as a viewer. Throughout his life, after work, fled to the theater for the next ideas. Fortunately, and maybe he had no family with misfortune.

And the largest aristocrat in the newly created our clinical group was Oleg K. Nobody called him aristocrat. I gave him a nickname mentally. Slender, with a beautiful haircut of white-wing hair, in horny-bicycles, always elegantly dressed in a black velvet jacket or costume, with an expensive leather briefcase. He stood out among all students and addressed attention. It was allocated from the general level even accommodation in the aristocratic house - Salamandre on Sumy. He brilliantly answered all classes, was an excellent student. He was referred to him a brilliant future in science.

Oleg had love for E., a student of our group, daughter Mama-Professors. After graduating from the Institute O. and E. went to Leningrad, where, it seems, Mother E. lived in Leningrad O. Routed her daughter. Several times came to Kharkov. Early died. The daughter emigrated into one of the Scandinavian countries, which later left O.

And in our group student student - Chinese, Go-Yu-Zhun, he just gnawed science, although he was difficult for him. He was very hardworking, quiet, calm, excellent. We treated him with great respect.
I remembered here only very, very few, but about each of our classmates, you can write a whole novel.

Students - a special time in the life of a person, this is the period of transition from childhood in adulthood, the period of formality. Upon joining this new life stage, yesterday's schoolboy acquires greater independence and greater responsibility. This is the time of self-determination and self-realization, interesting acquaintances And new friends. It is in the university's walls that many discover the qualities and skills that were not even suspected of. For most students, the university becomes the second home, and the second family student group.

The graduate of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Vajania and Architecture named after Glazunov The Department of Architectural Environment Design Dzusov Albina shared his memories of student years.

Why do your choice fell on the specialty designer?

It will sound a little stupid, but this is fate, a confluence of circumstances, and love to decorate everything around yourself.

Have you had difficulty in admission?

Of course, the difficulties were. Lack of time, the loss of faith in achieving the goal and loss of time to restore this faith, huge loads. It was a feeling that you hold the sky on your shoulders. I remember, I did not believe that the truth did, and did not tell anyone until I was given the student.

Do you have a coincided with reality in your academy?

No, everything turned out to be much more difficult.

Was it hard to leave the hometown, live away from parents?

No, it's not hard, I waited for this. I wanted to see and feel more.

Did you like learning in this educational institution?

Yes of course. Wonderful educational institution. When you are inside, then you like in your personal picture gallery.

And what was the most memorable in your student life?

The brightest was the dedication to students. Very bright and joyful event. Also remembered hours and even a day spent at the Academy over projects and other disciplines.

Have you had your favorite disciplines and teachers?

- Very disciplines are very memorable as: the conversion, project, despalting geometry, theoretical mechanics, scientific specialization, design, philosophy and many others. All teachers remembered without exception, they all made a huge contribution to our knowledge and character. I am grateful to everyone, it is impossible to single out someone specifically, because the educational process is a systematic approach to the formation of you, and in you all have something that has influenced you.

What difficulties had to come across during training? What course was harder?

The main difficulties are the struggle, the struggle over themselves. It was necessary to make huge efforts in awareness of the transition to a new step in life. It is difficult to answer what kind of course it was the harder. In our specialty, every year brought surprises with whom it seemed impossible to cope.

How did the defense passed, did you worry?

The unrest were, no doubt. But in general, it was a wonderful day. You saw what worked on the whole year. This day is a huge joy.

Do you regret anything about something that I did not have time to do while was a student?

I will regret the knowledge that did not take.

What would you like to wish today's applicants?

Rejoice in the knowledge and obstacles that you encounter when you get it, because it all forms you as a person intellectual and educated.

Unfortunately, many perceive their studies as a tedious duty, and their teachers like tormentors. Someone will study at all only for the sake of obtaining cherished crusts that will open their way into life. But to become a successful specialist, it is important to love your specialty and appreciate the knowledge that teachers put in your head. And, of course, to achieve this goal can not do without perseverance and patience. Spend your student years so that there is no sorry for missed opportunities.

So, we broke up not far from the state -hold fields behind the Okoy, where the summer evening of the boys and girls are dancing under the fact that they, according to modern liberal interpreters of the past, was not at all accessible and for which they could punish "scenters of freedom and sprouts of real art." 😊

Such a interpretation was imposed on the "gentlemen" of Dibrov and Weller on the channel "Nostalgia" in the transfer "born in the USSR". From the screen, the "True" was treated about how hard it was to fall to the Soviet people to the lively Western Rock and Popce. When I was a young and not an experienced young man, it seemed to me approximately the same. But:

Who in the youth was not a revolutionary, no heart.

Who in maturity did not become a conservative, - no brains.

Not only is the western rock - quite and not so giving moisture. I "not exactly" his enough and know what I'm talking about. But for the most part - and not a sample of the highest musical skills. And the caring state should apply only the best for development, and not stupid, their lambs. The rest of the curious uninsoles will find themselves as a child finds harmful sweets or matches hidden from it. And in the USSR, anyone who wishes without much difficulty found the road to "forbidden fruits" ...

Western rock, like Hollywood cinema - rather, lightweight, aspectable, but harmful commercial stream, which will be overwhelmed, intrusive and prizes, and imperceptibly national culture and morality.

In the "Navigation heap," I confirm, fighting and releasing, you can sometimes find "untreated diamonds". 😊

Today, only the blind does not see that the emptiness and lowland quickly mastered our pops, it is still not on the best samples of Western music. Alternatively, young performers run on the stage, sparkling with glass and attracting attention to the cast coloring, as ladies of easy behavior. " Dance, while young, boy ... "- knocks in the temples. But it is meant: "After us, even a flood" or remembered the bass "Dragonfly and ant".

And about our rock in the musical sense and there is nothing to say. Relaxing "Freedom" having fallen on him, he, rather, died than not. Unlike his "masted fathers", the moisture is quite and not poor, but a pathetic in a professional sense, existence ...

Well, I, stumbled upon the TV shows on the unwinding distortion of the realities of my youth, decided to reach the live broadcast of the Nostalgia channel, where it brought some details to which there was nothing to object to lead. Note that every first without any effort could listen to Western music in my institute, somewhat embarrassed Weller, who is not used to facing evidential refutations of his point of view. But he helped his dibrov, asking distractions from the essence. Naturally, the "wrong" view later, no one was going to convey to the listeners and they brought me away from the sin, saying that the bell was broken.

I'll be back in the mid-70s. The best music for me in the last school classes was primarily associated with VIA "Pesnyary" and "Flowers". But there were and "for me there are no more beautiful you", and "how beautiful this world is beautiful, see", individual songs of different performers who were recorded in the "assembly" with radio and TV on the already spread "Babine" tape recorders. They corresponded from the tape recorder to the tape recorder and Western entries ("Schizgaru" come on!) Authors, which no one knew in the periphery on the periphery. Especially enthusiastically fucked that the song "Venus" sounds from the Shocking Blue group. I remember perfectly, as the first time demis of Russos and singers of the Forest Humphrey, who left the indelible impression, who left the most disgraced impression, heard the first time. The recording of the comrade appeared from Seva Novgorodtsev with BBC, whose transmissions were jammed, jammed "nonsense" of the KGBShniki, but did not muffle.

In those days I have come to the village every year. From the open windows of the neighbors to my dismissive young surprise came in the summer of chastushki, folk songs from the transfer "Sing, Harmony" and official and foreign pops (Karel Goth and other performers from the Cochangerian countries). The musical preferences of the older generation were not very different and in the cities where they listened and hooked the products of "singing guitars", Leshchenko, Kobzon, etc.

By the way, later, speaking in the city of Leninogorsk in Tataria as part of student VIA, I found only confirmation by this my school observations, having heard the request to execute the Baryn on dancing, instead of Slade. But "Moscow artists" (so there our ensemble perceived) was, it was proposed to stay for all summer to play dancing. 😊 So, most residents of the country with great pleasure filled stadiums at the concerts of Pugacheva and "Gems", listening to the tape recorder of Vysotsky and diverse bards. And to take tickets to the concert "Colors" in the Moscow Region Theater was a very difficult task.

It is important to remember that the official singers and musicians of the Soviet Brezhnevsky "stagnation" possessed in the overwhelming majority of expressly pronounced musical voices and performing skills. Listen to at least Ozodisinsky in McCen Gold. And people who cannot get into the notes live (Varum, younger Malikov and the mass of modern "performers") simply could not appear on the stage, because no one had canceled the level of certain quality in favor of money and low-lying tastes.

And the problem of our rockers with the transition to the pro have often arose not for their opposition regime texts and a sound manner, but due to insufficient performing skills, which is openly and mentions talkative Podgorodetsky in his book.
I was in my time in DC Mai on listening to the Sunday group for speaking in professionals. Many famous songs were performed. Then there was a rumor that they were not allowed, although everything looked quite officially and without rock - Podataya ...
And what about the public? And the public on dancing is not very important, what quality the musical product rattle, what I have repeatedly made sure, playing in the ensemble. The crowd occurred in the rage only from the fact that our Solo Guitarist simply slowed down the "Vibratto" lever and the hall responded with a coherent roar, going out in delight.

So, young, like everywhere and at all times, wanted a new, loud, expressive, outcast, unusual, exciting, which corresponded to the state and age of their organisms. And the fashion for the West armored and spread from megacities to the periphery, reinforcing ordinary human curiosity. Forbidity (more precisely, the lack of popularization from the state side) of this "fetus" made it for young even more attractive. Yes, life itself, accelerating in his eyes, more matched a sharp rhythmic rigid electrical recorder than leisurely melodic rulads of parents, grew out of the 19th century.

We, teenagers, cobbled the pressure and officialness of the scenic behavior and the severity of the performing manners who leveled the difference in the performance of an anti-march, children's songs and dance rhythms. Well, tell me how you can, breaking, relax, being dressed in a tie and troika? You can only join and rhythmically move the handles.

But the quality of musical performance among Soviet professionals was definitely higher than the overwhelming majority of Soviet rockers, which did not really owners and tools, often not having a music school as an education, and did not possess the voice. No wonder at the same Makarevich among the favorites - the gevious Vertinsky and the like. And when some group "Bravo" had to "get a chance" a complex solo on the guitar, then jazz guitarist Boyko was attracted. By the way, the session musicians and in the West are actively used and not only to record albums.

Enrolling in the Miphy, I immediately huddly plunged into the most fashionable musical trends inherent in our and foreign rock music.

But after many years, I understood why my father did not share my delights about Deep Purple and Uriah Heep. With age, a loud sound starts only to annoy that I found relatively recently, making assemblies from my favorite compositions. And the young volume is very often replaced by skill and quality. For us, then the novelty of musical aggressive expression oversted everything else. Our then sounded sluggish and clamped in comparison with Western liberated groups. Especially if the group had a leader with a strong characteristic voice and attended performing skills.

And what is interesting: there are no teams today comparable to the best Western rock bands of the 70s and there they have here. And this is with complete freedom of self-expression, which, focusing on the low demands of the crowd, replaced the music by Rap and the simplest rhythm. In the 70th Rock stretched to the complexity of jazz and classics, fascinating towards their complexity and their fans. Today it descends to the level of triple in the urban gentleman.

And our professional groups in those times have quite actively promoted the western rock, engaged by his compositions in their concerts. I remember in DC "Mos Moskvorechye" Araks appeared. I am surprised to hear almost a whole branch of Western compositions known to me, realizing that expression and volume are the easier and affordable, which can be reproduced for the public. But the most complex things of the very best Western groups of our were especially given ...

And the fact that people still feel real art and stretch to him, confirms such a case.

Someone brought to the institute dormitory to listen to the "native double" (!) Rock Opera "Jesus Christ Superstar". She was written in 1970 Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. "Native" meant the record, not even a reprint by secondary firms, and the "double" - two albums for 40 minutes.

The dorm of myths in those times consisted of five buildings. There were four buildings of five floors each in the podgorodka. Today, the hostel is demolished and therefore I will describe a little that he was formally. Next to the residential buildings was an asphalt sports ground and a bath case. On the first floor of each residential building was a buffet, "reader", where it was possible to engage, and the club room, where dancing were arranged, concerts of groups of type "broken air", "polite failure" or "time machine". There were also poets and famous bards. And the above residential floors consisted of rooms for three people, located on both sides along a long corridor, ending with washings and toilets, and in the middle of had the kitchen. The room has three beds, a table, a wardrobe and a few shelves. If we compare with the dorms of other institutions, they were better and worse than the living conditions of studios. I, I lived a significant number of semesters by a survival, i.e. - fourth. But youth, interesting rich life and intellectually developed good friends allow me to count today - fantastically happy in all respects. Although I can say for sure that there are also those who do not seem to be paradise among my acquaintances.

So, in one of the rooms we rushed with comrades and on the full power of the instrument with delight, two disks of rock opera, without breaking down. Sidim under the impression. At the door - knock: "Guys, what did it sound? Can I listen?". The people, during our "concert" walked past the door and listened. Naturally, the real "layers" nobody knows who to give then did not give because of their great value and value.

We brought chairs additionally, made an "amphitheater" and were happy to listen to Opera once again with new music lovers. So, good music pulls everyone. I know that we have been made attempts to record this opera with our performers. But I did not hear the best execution than on that "twin", I did not hear the creation of Weber and Rice.

By the way, to understand the atmosphere of life in a hostel is another case. In our room "yelling" music. After a while in a pause between the songs, a knock on the door is heard. I open. On the threshold - institute teachers who inspect the lives of students in the hostel. Try me to shame for overly loud music. I suggest to ask the neighbors if we prevent them. To the great surprise, the neighbors offered to strengthen the volume ...

There are people who have a student flying like a uninteresting landscape outside the window. For me, this is a sweet period of my life. I was looking for reason why? If you briefly, you can formulate this: enough carefree, free and interesting life in communication with very different and not trivial developed people. Very dense for that time the stream of new and not everyone is available, especially on the periphery, information. Then there was no internet! And here only in the institute itself on a regular basis, there are views that are not available for all films, meetings with Strugatsky and performances of Gradsky, Egorov and Gaft. Next to the Skibatreon (electronic announcement board), lecture announcements dedicated to the most controversial and advanced concepts of science and philosophy are posted. In the film "Sheep Dolly was evil and died early" you can see this place.

And the hostel gives "for one night" the opportunity to read also not published in Russian "Hobbit" or not much common works of Bulgakov and forbidden "Moscow-Petushki". Read and Brodsky in the reprints and a lot more ... That's how the leisure of techinar-mafista proceeded, if he sought to harmonious development. No one in the hostel is Shmanal and did not selected forbidden literature, which quite had access to those who wished it. And those who, to Brodsky or Tolkien, were, as to the lamp, were calmly passed by them and went to Moscow, as we called it to theaters or exhibitions. 😊

And now? Students, without having a scholarship, allowing you to live, are forced to work. And the time we spent on the development, entertainment and human communication, today spend on earnings, which will allow you to get an education and disdication on the Internet.

Yes, and the Institute is unlikely to strive to expand the horizons of their students, spending her money on it, as it was at the time of my youth. The MEPI football team trained in winter in Football Manege CSKA. Each hostel had musical complexes and equipment. Well-known writers, lecturers, musicians who spent at the institute itself were invited.

Scholarship in MEPI was 55 rubles, if there were no more than two triples in the session. Everyone who "shot" the session with one four and the other fives received an additional 15%. Excellent - 25%. The trade union on a fairly regular basis twin the coupons for lunch at the institute dining room. The cheapest lunch of three dishes in it cost 45 kopecks. IN mall Along the way from the Institute in a dormitory, the cheapest semi-finished cake cost 8 kopecks, and a kilogram of potatoes - 10. True, it was necessary to fulfill, it was necessary to make one of the two cutlets, and a third of the package of potatoes could go to the dump because of rot. But the idea of \u200b\u200bthe price of residence is clear to you if the baton has a good real bread cost 13 kopecks.

It was possible to spend a month in the premium in the premium. This is a sanatorium-type housing next to the hostel and the institution and reusable nutrition on slaughter. In the summer, who wanted to go rubles less than 20 per shift in Solga. In winter, in the Medivers Sewing holiday homes near Moscow. If the student at least a few parents helped (I was given for food for another 15 rubles, and some - up to 100), then life in a hostel, which accounted for about 3 rubles, turned into a fairy tale without end. Only it was necessary to avoid the session. And some, not wanting to finish the Institute even organized a fictitious "Academy". 😊 I had a friend who knew how to raise the temperature. Legged to the hospital and, that was, lay there the laid time to "learn" at the Institute for another year.

And in the hostel, life beat the key. In the newspaper MK then told about the first musical literary club, which opened in the Miphy dormitory. With every case, we already had such clubs with a mass of branches of interest. There was also high-class and quite expensive equipment for those times. As I said, poets, writers, bards, rock bands arrived. In such conditions, it was not easy to learn. After all, no one has canceled the girls and sports. 😊

In the first year I got into the vocal instrumental ensemble (VIA). The group was created by the older guys who introduced me to the preferenta, the echoes of the grandfather and the "layers" of rock bands. Interested in Western music, I learned many, gentlemented by branded vinyl discs, cost from 25 rubles to 100, depending on the state, the quality of the company, etc. Naturally, at the institute there was a take-off disk, which periodically slightly Smeanali Oerotransporters. There was such an organization, something distinguished from the voluntary folk squad (DND). What - I do not remember, although later it consisted. 😊

But at the same time on dancing we performed and Queen and Karel Gota, and Deep Purple and "in the city garden playing a brass orchestra" ...

In mythi, VIA contests were held. At one of them, the famous head of the Jazz-Rock group Arsenal A. Kozlov was chaired. Our group distinguished himself by playing Baha in Rock Arrangement.

And about the year from 76th in each housing, the dances were changed by discos, the program of which actually consisted only from Western music ... We again rest in the problem of the "crystality" of the minority, which is always granted the word today, where I started this part of the memories. And the listeners have the feeling that in the USSR everything was exactly the way Liberals and anti-Sovers occupy, occupied the stands. In fact, the hobby of the West did not concern the majority of the population, which was quite satisfied with her songs, her clothes and his rims. See that most today, when there are no musical restrictions, is listening? And this is not a western rock.

Rather, we can say that the people looked at excessive mods or lovers of Western music, as on a slightly shifted wounds. No wonder when the disks of the Pugacheva "Woman who sings" and Tukhmanova "on the waves of my memory" came out when Antonovsky songs "Dream" appeared, "again a month ascended to the throne," they sounded almost from every window of the hostel, in contrast From some sensational "Queen" or "Pink Floyd" or "Pink Floyd" in those days. The completion of musical memories will tell the detective party history that happened in our hostel.

FROM back side The housings stood garbage tanks (where the arrow 😊).

Our hard institutional youth.

Someone accidentally saw next to the tanks covered with rags musical instruments. Arranged an ambush. A student fell, one of the party bosses. The case decided not to inflate. The guy put out from the party and kicked out from the Institute. And the equipment from the club of our housing was returned to the place.

Hiding from the KGB, parody one cover of the Western disk.

Pay attention to this old photo, where the cover of the western plate is paroded. Isn't it proves that we could then not listen to Western Rock? 😊

My comrade (Volodya, the kingdom of him ...), with whom they were playing football, was after the army and the preparatory department was appointed a flows for a stream (the faculty was divided into two streams and several groups of 20-30 people in each).

And at first, all student officials were trying to distribute among the former army teams, implying that they were older, more seriously and disciplined. And these guys were already at least a bit, but are familiar to the Institutional Administration for the preparatory department, on which they fell from the army those who wanted to study in the MEPI. And Volodya picked up people already in their preferences and told me: Let's try to make live real things, and not engage in propaganda nonsense to cut off politicians and consignors. And you, they say, you will raise the sport on the stream, and not to shift the papers. I agreed with children-youth idealism and badger. Idealism and burdens, praising on a couple of minutes of the flow of the Bureau, fucked by I and Volodya, like a piercing camera. Other members of the Bureau went, probably, with other purposes and objectives or were stronger. No wonder one lady today reached the State Duma and the leadership of the public front and flashes periodically in the zomboyel.

Activists with whom I encountered, for the most part spoke some other formal newspaper not very affordable my language. I could not establish mutual understanding with those who saw the public work as a staircase for growth. Although I admit that all the fault was my inability and unwillingness to deal with the Organization, as the Institution Komsomol understood it. So, soon I "scored" on my Komsomol burden ...

Passed year. All were called to the Komsomol Assembly, which was specially arranged between the flowing general lectures, so that no one was ruined. We are sitting with comrades on the gallery and about something "Three", as they say today. Suddenly I suggest listening, because My surname is suiced. I hear that the work of the sporega was evaluated unsatisfactory and led me from the flow office. That's all the repression for almost annual mutation by Komsomol affairs. Since then, I no longer advanced to the advanced frontiers of Komsomol work, limited, as well as most, the load for the "check mark".

Students "Magazine Paul", who did not have more serious public loads, which were formally needed at that time, were chosen between DND (voluntary folk friendly), whose members with police officers (or without) patrolled streets and oper traffic. I chose a "detachment" because he was engaged in guarding order at various interesting cultural events at the institute with the invitation of famous humanitarians. It seemed to me that to get there - a good bonus for inspecting the attic of the institute for the subject, there is no evidence of any unlawful gatherings. And this is exactly more interesting than just to dudge on the streets of the vigor.

I remember how to formally and with the minimum time loss of time were the Komsomol meetings in my educational group of the institute. Asset Group: Komsorge, Street and Pro-Fortor tried to collect people only in binding to the time of classes, uniting reasons that have spent periodically on the trade union, administrative or Komsomol lines. So, the severity of the part of the party to our criticizing minds was not at all burdensome. Here, for example, I have never been to the May and November demonstrations in Moscow, although the people somehow chose to such events. But once I met some official overseas figure in the ranks, smearing friendship flags.

To be continued…