Who pays for the maintenance of an apartment building. How is the current repair of residential buildings carried out? Preparation of all technical devices and equipment in the house for seasonal operation

Most of the tenants of apartment buildings do not really know anything about what is meant by the concept of current repair. And this is not surprising since the representatives of the housing and communal services themselves are often confused in detailsconcerning their work.

This is due to insufficient coverage in the legislation of many issues from the housing sector - there are many white spots or legal vacuum, and this fact allows the development of all kinds of bureaucratic schemes unpleasant for residents.

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Therefore, tenants who rent apartments or are their owners in an apartment building will find it useful to at least superficially familiarize themselves with their rights.

All repair work is conditionally divided into two types:

  • capital;
  • and current.

The former are carried out with the aim of capital restoration of the building, the latter maintain it in a residential condition and are carried out regularly. For example, every three or twelve months. That is, the second type of repair work is necessarily planned by the utilities and does not depend on whether the building needs serious restoration.

For full participation and control of the progress of the repair, you need to know about.

Typically, current repair work is reduced to diagnosing the building and eliminating minor faults (for example, in the boiler room equipment). They concern exclusively common property.

You cannot require repairmen to carry out intra-apartment work - they do not apply to the current repair of the entire house

Types of jobs

To determine the type of work included in the current repair, it is necessary to clarify what exactly refers to the common property.

This list includes:

  • equipment related to the security system - intercoms, entrance doors, video cameras;
  • mailboxes;
  • elevators, including shafts;
  • heating systems and electrical networks located in the entrances;
  • risers of the water supply system (cold and hot);
  • basement areas, their equipment;
  • roof;
  • the entire facade;
  • foundation.

That is, everything that does not belong to individual individuals is in common use. And this property must be put in order according to plan and regularly. Funds for such repairs are also collected regularly from residents. If you look at the utility bills, you can find the corresponding line in them.

The list of works should include:

  • diagnostics;
  • drawing up an estimate and distributing the amount received between tenants (this issue is usually dealt with by a housing cooperative);
  • repair, which includes, first of all, the elimination of all minor problems, and then the modernization of the house (at the request of the tenants).

Modernization includes, for example:

  • installation of video surveillance,
  • replacement of elevators or old building structures.

The elimination of minor faults includes: replacement of light bulbs, wiring, elimination of problems in the ventilation system, sewage, water supply (this can be the replacement of individual units or sections, seals, taps, etc.), insulation of the heating system and its repair, painting work, plastering, replacing floors, repairing stairs, equipment of an elevator shaft, roof, foundation and facade - the list is quite large.

The entire list of works can be seen in the signed with the management company. It is the actions indicated there that should be carried out regularly. If something is not reflected in the contract, the tenants are not entitled to demand it during the repair.

The cost of repairs for each tenant will be determined by the housing cooperative according to the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment. The entire amount calculated according to the estimate is divided by the total square meters in the house, and then multiplied by the footage of each individual apartment. There is a second way of distributing the total amount - it is divided by the number of apartments and the payment for each apartment is the same. But this method is rarely used.

Who is repairing

The management company deals with the repairs. One tenant cannot fix, for example, a leaking roof - for this it is necessary to obtain permission from Stroynadzor and the management company itself.

The management company independently attracts contractors, concludes contracts with them and monitors their implementation

Also, a housing cooperative can act as a customer of the work (Article 740 of the Civil Code).

If there is no repair

The dishonesty of the repairmen and the topic of offended tenants has long become a "talk of the town." To deal with the troubles and solve the problem with the repair, residents need to take the following actions:

  • Contact the management company directly - its representative is obliged to draw up an appropriate act, on the basis of which the work should be carried out (or the shortcomings eliminated).
  • In case of non-fulfillment of repairs, tenants file a complaint first with the company itself, and then with the municipality (housing and communal services department of the city administration). The highest instance for the appeal is the Main Directorate of Housing Inspection.
  • Residents can demand the elimination of all malfunctions or complex repairs in accordance with an agreement with the management company, and in case of refusal to go to court.
  • Also, residents have the right to unilaterally change the management company that has not coped with its responsibilities.

The decision is made at the general meeting of owners at the end of the current year (article 162 of the LC). All documents must be transferred to the new management company or to one of the owners (if direct management is chosen).

The repair of the common property of an apartment building is understood as a repair carried out in a planned manner in order to restore the serviceability or operability of a residential building, to partially restore its resource with the replacement or restoration of its constituent parts of a limited range, established by regulatory and technical documentation.

The list of works included in the payment for the repair of the common property of an apartment building

The list of works included in the payment for the repair of the common property of an apartment building (current repair) includes:

1. Foundations:

sealing and pointing of seams, cracks, restoration of wall foundations cladding, etc.;

elimination of local deformations by re-laying, strengthening, screeding, etc .;

restoration of damaged areas of foundation waterproofing;

strengthening (construction) of foundations for equipment (ventilation, pumping, etc.);

change of individual sections of strip, pole foundations, foundation "chairs" under wooden buildings;

arrangement and repair of ventilation ducts;

change or repair of the blind area;

restoration of pits, entrances to basements.

2. Walls and facades:

sealing cracks, joining joints, re-laying individual sections of brick walls;

sealing the joints of elements of prefabricated buildings, sealing potholes and cracks on the surface of blocks and panels;

sealing of holes, nests, furrows;

restoration of individual walls, lintels, cornices;

sandblasting, washing of facades, loggias and balconies of buildings up to 2 floors;

repair (restoration) of architectural details threatening to fall, facing tiles, individual bricks; restoration of stucco details;

change of individual crowns, frame elements; strengthening, insulation, caulking grooves; change of wooden wall cladding sections;

insulation of freezing wall sections in separate rooms;

replacement of coatings, protruding parts along the facade. Replacement of drains on window openings;

restoration of damaged areas of plaster and cladding;

repair and painting of facades of one- and two-story buildings.

3. Overlaps:

partial replacement or reinforcement of individual elements of wooden floors (sections of inter-girder filling, boarding, individual beams); restoration of backfill and screed; antiseptic and fire protection of wooden structures;

sealing seams at the joints of precast concrete floors;

sealing potholes and cracks in reinforced concrete structures;

warming of upper shelves and steel beams in the attic, painting of beams.

strengthening the elements of the wooden rafter system, including the change of individual rafter legs, racks, struts, sections of ridge girders, beds, mauerlats, filly and battens;

antiseptic and fire protection of wooden structures;

all types of work to eliminate malfunctions of steel, asbestos-cement and other roofs made of piece materials (except for the complete replacement of the coating), including all elements of adjoining structures, coverings of parapets, caps and umbrellas over pipes, etc.;

replacement of drainpipes;

repair and partial replacement of roof sections made of various materials, according to the technology of manufacturing plants;

replacement of sections of parapet gratings, fire escapes, ladders, sleeves, fences, anchors or radio racks, building grounding devices with restoration of the watertightness of the attachment point;

restoration and installation of new transitions to the attic through heating pipes, ventilation ducts;

restoration and repair of ridge and cornice ventilation ducts;

repair of waterproofing and restoration of the insulating layer of the attic covering;

repair of dormer windows and roof exits;

equipment of stationary devices for fastening safety ropes.

5. Window and door fillings:

change, restoration of individual elements, partial replacement of window and door fillings;

installation of spring closers, stops, etc.;

change of window and door devices.

6. Interroom partitions:

strengthening, changing individual sections of wooden partitions;

sealing cracks in slab partitions, re-laying of their individual sections;

sealing of mates with adjacent structures, etc.

7. Stairs, balconies, porches (sunshades) above the entrances to the entrances, basements, above the balconies of the upper floors:

sealing potholes, cracks in steps of stairs and landings;

replacement of individual steps, treads, risers;

partial replacement and strengthening of metal railings;

the same, elements of wooden stairs;

sealing potholes and cracks in concrete and reinforced concrete balcony slabs, porches and umbrellas; restoration of waterproofing at the junctions of balcony slabs, porches, umbrellas; replacement of boardwalk with cladding with roofing steel, replacement of balcony gratings;

restoration or replacement of individual elements of the porches; restoration or installation of umbrellas over the entrances to the porches, basements and over the balconies of the upper floors;

installation of metal gratings, fences of basement windows, canopies over the entrances to the basement.

replacement of individual sections of floors and floor coverings in places related to the compulsory property of the house;

replacement (device) of waterproofing floors in individual sanitary units of apartments with a complete change of the coating that has failed after the expiration of the standard service life.

9. Stoves and hearths, the users of which are more than one apartment:

all types of work to eliminate malfunctions of furnaces and hearths, re-laying them in individual cases;

re-laying of individual sections of chimneys, hog branch pipes.

10. Interior decoration:

restoration of plaster on walls and ceilings in separate places; facing of walls and floors with ceramic and other tiles in separate areas;

restoration of molded parts and sockets (including apartments in buildings under the protection of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Architectural Monuments);

all types of painting and glass work in auxiliary rooms (stairwells, basements, attics), service apartments, as well as in apartments after repair of plaster and cladding (except for work to be performed by tenants, tenants and owners at their own expense).

11. Central heating:

change of individual sections of pipelines, sections of heating devices, shut-off and control valves;

installation (if necessary) of air valves;

insulation of pipes, devices, expansion tanks, ramps;

re-laying, lining of boilers, blast channels, hogs, chimneys in the boiler room;

change of individual sections of cast-iron boilers, fittings, instrumentation, grates; hydraulic testing of systems;

replacement of individual electric motors or low power pumps;

restoration of destroyed thermal insulation.

12. Water supply and sewerage, hot water supply:

sealing joints, eliminating leaks, warming, strengthening pipelines, changing individual sections of pipelines, fittings, siphons, ladders, revisions; restoration of damaged thermal insulation of pipelines, hydraulic testing of the system;

change of individual water taps, mixers, showers, sinks, sinks, washbasins, toilets, bathtubs, valves in apartments due to the expiration of their service life;

insulation and replacement of fittings for water tanks in the attic;

replacement of individual sections and lengthening of outdoor water outlets for watering yards and streets;

replacement of internal fire hydrants;

repair of pumps and electric motors, replacement of individual pumps and low-power electric motors;

replacement of individual units of water heating columns; replacement of smoke exhaust pipes that are out of order due to their physical wear;

cleaning of storm and yard sewerage, drainage.

13. Power supply and electrical devices:

replacement of faulty sections of the building's electrical network, excluding the electrical networks of residential apartments (except for common areas of communal apartments);

replacement of out-of-order wiring accessories (switches, plug sockets);

replacement of lamps;

replacement of fuses, circuit breakers, batch switches of input distribution devices, boards;

replacement and installation of photo switches, time relays and other devices for automatic or remote control of lighting in common building premises and adjacent territories;

replacement of electric motors and individual units of electrical installations of engineering equipment of the building;

replacement of broken burners, switches, oven heaters and other replaceable elements of stationary electric stoves in apartments.

14. Ventilation:

change of individual sections and elimination of leaks in ventilation ducts, shafts and chambers;

15. Special general building technical devices (Works performed by specialized enterprises under a contract with the owner (authorized body) or with an organization serving the housing stock, according to regulations established by manufacturers or relevant branch ministries (departments) and agreed by state supervisory authorities) :

built-in, attached and roof-mounted boilers and installations for heating and hot water supply;

installations, including pumping, for the supply of drinking water, its purification (post-treatment);

installations (devices) for receiving (sewerage) and wastewater treatment;

general house installations for forced ventilation in high-rise buildings (over 9 floors);

smoke removal and fire extinguishing systems;

intercom and lock devices;

automated heating points;

metering units for heat energy and water consumption for heating and hot water supply;

dispatching, control and automated control systems for engineering equipment.

16. External improvement:

repair and restoration of destroyed sections of sidewalks, driveways, filling and rammed paths and platforms, blind area along the perimeter of the building;

arrangement and restoration of lawns, flower beds, planting and replacing trees and bushes, sowing herbs;

replacement of individual sections and arrangement of fences and equipment for children's playgrounds, sports and utility areas, recreation areas for pensioners and disabled people, yard latrines, garbage cans, areas and sheds for waste containers, etc.

Note: the list of works must be spelled out in the agreement with the management company, since the management company will perform the work exactly according to the concluded agreement.

Reading time: 6 minutes

All elements of a residential building wear out during operation. For this reason, sometimes it becomes necessary to carry out a major overhaul - a complete replacement of faulty equipment and structures. Work on the restoration of an acceptable condition for the premises is included in the current repair of an apartment building.

Renovation of an apartment building

Repair of an apartment building is a complex of construction and other technical measures, the purpose of which is to eliminate identified faults or restore the operability of elements, equipment and engineering systems of a residential building.

After carrying out the renovation measures, the apartment building must meet housing norms and standards, and be suitable for living.

Repair can be both major and current. Each of them has a separate budget, their own spending schedule and work schedule.

The concept of maintenance and its differences from overhaul

Routine repair is a set of measures for the maintenance of the housing stock taken by responsible organizations in order to maintain a satisfactory condition of the apartment building, eliminate malfunctions that impede the safety and comfort of residents.

Work within the framework of the current repair is carried out at the expense of the residents. To do this, a special line of expenses is included in the receipt for payment of utilities.

The frequency of repair work depends on the condition of the housing, the degree of wear and tear and the type of residential building: whether it is a brick house or a panel house, and so on.

Extraordinary restoration work can be carried out after inspection of the premises.

It is not difficult to understand what the current repair of common property in an apartment building is, given the range of issues that are solved with its help. So, current work is being done in relation to:

  • walls and roofs;
  • pipes for hot and cold water supply outside the apartments;
  • gas and electrical equipment;
  • elevator;
  • basement.

The difference between current and major repairs lies in the fact that in the first case, the work is aimed at supporting measures, for example, at eliminating roof leaks in several places, and in the second, at replacing and restoring load-bearing, enclosing and communication structures (complete replacement of the roof).

Major repairs include large-scale events:

  • roof change;
  • complete replacement of hot and cold water risers;
  • replacement of windows;
  • facing of the facade of the building and others.

In addition, current repairs differ from capital repairs in the frequency of carrying out. The first is carried out when a problem is detected, while the second is carried out strictly on schedule and financed from a separate fund.

The legislative framework

The legal regulation of measures for the implementation of current repairs begins with the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). So, in accordance with Art. 153 of the RF LC, individuals and legal entities must timely pay for current repair work. This obligation arises from the moment of registration of ownership of the premises.

According to the provisions of Art. 155 LCD RF, payment for current repairs, as well as for the maintenance of housing, must be paid monthly by the 10th.

The payment schedule may be established as part of the contractual relationship with the service organization.

The contract also specifies the work related to the current repair. Their recommended list is indicated in the Rules and Norms for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock, approved by the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of September 27, 2003 No. 170.

Some issues are also reflected in the Government Decree of 13.08.2006 No. 491. For example, it fixes the features of the inspection of premises for troubleshooting.

Who is responsible for organizing work

The organization servicing the house is responsible for the current repairs:

  • housing construction cooperative (HSC).

For example, a house contract with the Criminal Code should contain separate provisions that govern:

  • the frequency of inspections of the premises, as well as the recording of their results;
  • the frequency of activities for the repair of common property;
  • list of works;
  • requirements for the timing of the repair, as well as for the organizations performing them.

Repair work is carried out by employees of contracting organizations that have entered into an agreement with the company that serves the MKD.

The contractor can be selected according to the results of the announced, or the housing cooperative competition. The service company must monitor the progress of the work, and then accept the result.

Who makes the decision to carry out maintenance

In accordance with paragraphs. 4.1 clause 2 of Art. 44 of the RF LCD, the decision to carry out current repairs is made at the general meeting of owners of premises. To do this, you need to get the majority of votes from the total number of participants.

The authority to assign maintenance repairs can also be delegated to the house council. The decision on this is recognized as adopted if at least 2/3 of the votes of the total number of owners of premises agree with it. This option simplifies the organization of work, because it is much easier and faster to assemble a council than to achieve the presence of all residents.

In addition, at the meeting, residents must agree on the following:

  • list of services and works;
  • conditions for their implementation;
  • rates.

Works included in current repair

You can find out about what is included by law in the current repair of an apartment building in 2019 from the Rules and Norms for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock (Appendix No. 7). They provide for a wide range of restoration works:

  • foundation: elimination of minor deformations and damaged areas;
  • facades and walls: closing of joints, sealing of architectural elements, painting;
  • floors: painting and sealing of seams and cracks;
  • roofs: renovation of waterproofing, replacement of gutters;
  • door and window filling: restoration or replacement of elements, for example, those that are in the porches. The act of checking the premises or in the work plan under the contract may separately stipulate what is included in the current repair of the entrance;
  • stairs, balconies, driveway;
  • interroom partitions;
  • floors: repair of individual areas;
  • finishing of common areas;
  • central heating, water supply and sewerage;
  • electrical devices;
  • ventilation: replacement or restoration;
  • garbage chute;
  • sidewalks, paths, driveways, recreation areas.

Consideration of the list of works allows you to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat includes the current repair of common property.

Note that this type of restoration measures does not apply to residential premises. All works that are carried out in the apartment and concern the personal property of the owner are organized and paid by him personally. Exceptions are, for example, hot and cold water risers, which belong to the common property, although they are located inside the house.

Approximate list of additional work

The list of repair works can be supplemented with measures that go beyond the framework recommended by the legislator. Solving a number of problems requires a quick response, so it is not always acceptable to wait, for example, for a major overhaul of a house to eliminate them. In these cases, the list of ongoing jobs is expanded.

In exceptional circumstances, certain restorative measures in individual apartments can also be included in the current renovation.

This applies only to cases where the damage to the property of the owner was caused by the actions or inaction of the managing organization.

For example, she ignored the need to restore the roof, so she untimely ordered the repair of the roof, and the violation of its tightness led to damage to the interior decoration in the apartment on the upper floor.

It is important to note: what kind of work is additional can be negotiated by the residents of the house, and their sequence is determined based on the results of inspections of the premises and identification of current needs.

Frequency and timing

When planning current repairs, one should focus on damage that occurs in the house, so it can be situational. However, as a rule, such repairs are carried out in a certain sequence and are not spontaneous.

The frequency of work is determined on the basis of full and partial inspections of premises and equipment, which correspond to a previously drawn up schedule.

General inspections take place twice a year: in spring and autumn, but before the start of the heating season.

If during the inspection violations of the technical condition of the house and the adjacent territory are revealed, they should be recorded in the inspection report. After drawing up this document, the service organization selects a contractor.

The timing of current repairs in an apartment building depends on the following factors:

  • the complexity of the activities;
  • scale of restoration work;
  • speed of work of contractors.

Who pays for the repair

The budget for current repairs is formed from the funds that homeowners contribute on a monthly basis. The rate may vary depending on the house. It is determined taking into account the needs of the residents and the condition of the premises, therefore it is usually set at a general meeting.

If the tenants and the management company fail to agree, payment is made at the standard rate of the municipality, approved by local authorities.

It is important to note that the financial participation in the costs of each apartment will be different. This is due to the fact that the amount of the monthly payment depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling. At the same time, the number of people living in the apartment does not matter.

Thus, expenses are charged according to the following formula:

Tariff for 1 m2 x apartment area.

The expenditure of funds from the repair fund occurs:

  • on the basis of a contract with a contractor;
  • according to the assessment of the restoration work;
  • according to the compiled estimate, which includes the purchase of materials, the performance of work and the payment of taxes.

The process ends with the signing of the acceptance certificate, which confirms that the payment for the current repair of the apartment building was made reasonably.

Where to complain about the poor quality of repairs or inaction of the Criminal Code

If the repair fund is regularly replenished, an agreement has been signed with the service organization, but no troubleshooting is carried out, residents have the right to demand in writing that the service organization recalculate contributions.

In case of her unjustified refusal, you can apply for a court decision.

When the inaction of the managing organization results in damage to common property, compensation for the damage can be claimed.

If the repair took place, but its quality did not satisfy the residents of the apartment building, it is necessary to study the clauses of the work contract concluded with a third-party company. The document must specify the warranty period for the work performed and the conditions for correcting defects.

Evgeny Rasskazov

Lawyer. Member of the St. Petersburg Bar Association. Work experience over 10 years. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in the field of civil, family, housing, land law.

Any building falls into disrepair over time. Communications fail, wall decoration decays, the roof begins to let moisture through. To keep the house from losing its original characteristics, it must be regularly maintained and repaired.

Home maintenance and repair: what is it and when is it done

Therefore, the current repair of a house can be generally described as carrying out work to restore the original characteristics of the building elements, prevent malfunctions, restore the initial resource of the entire structure and its individual parts.

In order to find out in detail what is included in the maintenance of a dwelling, you should familiarize yourself with Government Decree No. 491 of 13.08.2006. The document spells out the basic rules for determining property that belongs to the common property of residents of a house, and requirements for its maintenance.

In accordance with this act, the maintenance and current repair includes:

  • cleaning stairs, lobbies, attics and basements, garbage chutes, garbage chambers and other auxiliary premises;
  • central heating system maintenance - flushing, preservation for the summer;
  • removal of solid waste, disposal of liquid waste;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • maintaining the efficiency of the power supply system;
  • maintenance of elements of landscaping and land improvement;
  • energy saving and energy efficiency measures at home;
  • maintenance of sewerage, water supply systems;
  • inspection and repair of the roof of the building;
  • other operations.

As you can see, the state control over the condition of apartment buildings is carried out.

The owners cannot, at will, exclude any services from the established list. Doing so may result in the building not meeting normal safety requirements.

Clause 18 of Resolution No. 491 indicates that the repair of common property in an apartment building is carried out by decision of the owners. However, it is not always possible to hold general meetings in order to approve the implementation of certain works.

Therefore, all operations are divided into several categories:

  1. Planned. Conducted on a pre-established schedule. For example, preparing communications for the heating season.
  2. Unscheduled. For example, a regular survey revealed cracks in the facade of a house. To eliminate them, it is necessary to develop an action plan and approve a budget.
  3. Emergency. The implementation of which cannot wait until the general meeting is called. The category of urgent repairs usually includes the elimination of the consequences of a break in water supply pipes.

All issues of current repairs are resolved by the HOA, the general meeting or when concluding an agreement with the management company.

What relates to the current repair of an apartment building, which is included in the list of works

  1. Foundation maintenance:
  • examination of reinforcement for corrosion;
  • search for uneven settlement of the structure;
  • checking for cracks, swelling and other damage to the concrete structure;
  • checking the condition of waterproofing materials;
  • elimination of identified malfunctions.
  1. Basement maintenance of apartment buildings:
  • checking compliance with the proper level of temperature and humidity;
  • basement flooding prevention;
  • control over the condition of the premises and entrances to it to exclude littering and pollution;
  1. Maintaining the walls of the house in proper condition: identifying cracks and damages and their timely elimination.
  2. Water supply, sewerage, central heating service. This includes:
  • pipe cleaning;
  • replacement of individual parts;
  • installation of new communications.
  1. Replacement and repair of door frames, window frames, partitions in common areas.
  2. Roof replacement and restoration, floor reinforcement.
  3. Elimination of malfunctions of furnace equipment.
  4. Restoration of draft in ventilation.
  5. Replacement or restoration of individual sections of the flooring.
  6. External improvement:
  • repair of sidewalks and footpaths;
  • landscaping;
  • restoration of flower beds;
  • repair of sports and playgrounds.

The specific list is established by the contractors. It depends on the age and equipment of the house, as well as on the willingness of apartment owners to bear additional costs.

Differences from overhaul

Routine and major overhaul of MKD are similar in nature. This is a specific list of measures aimed at maintaining the building in the form in which it was conceived during the design.

These works differ according to several criteria:

  1. By frequency. Overhaul is carried out once every several decades, in accordance with operating standards. Some maintenance operations are carried out every year.
  2. Tasks. Overhaul is aimed at restoring the integrity of load-bearing structures, replacing obsolete communications. The purpose of the current repair is to eliminate minor malfunctions, to prevent excessive wear.
  3. Budget. Residents of the house constantly deduct a certain amount for major repairs. And after the accumulation of the required amount of work can be carried out.
  4. Reasons for conducting. Overhaul is carried out in accordance with the established standards for each model of an apartment building. Routine repairs are done according to the results of actual observations of specialists Overhaul is more focused on the planned replacement of elements. So, within the framework of this event, the water supply pipes will be replaced, since their service life has expired. Even if they are in satisfactory condition.

List of works that can be included additionally

The owners of the common property, that is, the owners of the apartments, at the general meeting can agree on any additional repairs. The management company will cope with any work if the budget is approved. So, if tenants want to update the facade or restore the sidewalks, then finding a contractor will not be difficult.

The list of works is updated by signing an additional agreement with the service company. In such a situation, the payment for current repairs will increase accordingly.

Types of work that are never carried out as part of ongoing repairs

Direct repairs to the dwelling are carried out by the owner.

The list of works on current repair does not include:

  1. Repair of windows, balconies, entrance doors, insulation of these elements, if they are part of the apartments.
  2. Repair and replacement of meters, switchboards.
  3. Installation and retrofitting of fire shields, installation of smoke detectors and fire detectors.
  4. Redecoration of common areas: painting walls and whitewashing ceilings
  5. Replacement or modernization of elevators.
  6. Thermal insulation of external walls, redecoration of facades.
  7. Replacement of parts of the building: floors, stairs, etc.

An extended list of works can be established at the general meeting of apartment owners.

Who carries out maintenance

  1. The developer until the transfer of the property to the apartment owners. After the construction of the building, it can be on the balance sheet of the construction organization for a long time.
  2. Homeowners' association, housing cooperative or other cooperative that was created to manage common property. At the same time, repairs can be carried out both by specially hired workers and by a contractor.
  3. Management Company. Maintenance of an apartment building is most often carried out by a special organization, which has the necessary experience and staff with the appropriate qualifications.

The developer or HOA can carry out the work on their own. But usually routine repairs are entrusted to a specific service organization, for example, a management company.

In some cases, the management company engages third parties. For example, if the staff does not have employees with the required qualifications. A contract is concluded for the performance of work, the contractor performs maintenance or current repairs on a reimbursable basis.

Payment for maintenance of an apartment building

Any work aimed at the current maintenance of housing is carried out at the expense of its owners.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation in article 154 contains a list of expenses that are covered by monthly payments from owners and tenants of apartments. Among other things, it lists the expenses for the maintenance of common property and maintenance.

If the owners of the apartments have formed a HOA, then the payment for the performance of the work can be part of the regular membership fees.

Maintenance work is not performed or poorly performed, where to go

The main problem of routine maintenance and repair of apartment buildings remains the lack of proper control over the actions of contractors.

All results of operations carried out as part of maintenance and repairs are subject to delivery to the owners of the common property. Owners should assess the quality of the work performed.

If the management company violates the established procedure for carrying out current repairs, or produces poor quality work, then you should contact it with a written claim. A representative of homeowners should indicate their comments in the acceptance certificate. And demand free elimination of deficiencies.

If the negotiation method does not help, then you should contact the municipal housing inspectorate with a complaint. If violations are found, representatives of the state will bring the management company to justice and issue an order to eliminate the defects in the repair.

To get a good result of maintenance and current repair of the house, you should familiarize yourself with the documentation issued by the management company. For example, a work plan and an estimate. It is best to create an HOA and choose a person whose job will be to control the ongoing repairs.

The current repair of common property in an apartment building includes a whole range of works aimed at maintaining the operability of a residential building, replacing equipment, restoring its serviceability if necessary.

The managing organization with which the contract is signed is responsible for each of these services. To carry out repair work, all owners of MKD contribute a certain amount of money, which is indicated in receipts to pay for housing and communal services.

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What is the common property of an apartment building?

The peculiarity of an apartment building is that, in addition to the premises owned by residents, there are common property, which all owners enjoy on equal terms.