The leaves of the seedlings of Beijing cabbage dry. Why do cabbage seedlings wither and dry after planting in the ground? What to do? Difficulties after transplant

It often happens that cabbage seedlings develop normally at the initial stage, and then gradually or even suddenly begin to turn yellow. Why can cabbage seedlings turn yellow and how to prevent this?

In fact, there are plenty of reasons for the yellowing of cabbage seedlings, and only after determining them, you can start treating plants.

chapter 1. Causes of yellowing seedlings

Some gardeners associate the appearance of yellow leaves on young cabbage with improper watering - soil moisture should be moderate. The yellowness of the leaves can be caused by a lack of moisture, as well as its excess. In the first case, this happens during stable hot weather, but if the seedlings are watered with large doses of water, then as a result of rotting of the root system, yellowness may also appear on the leaves of the plants.

The second reason for this phenomenon is the lack of nutrients in the soil, and especially potassium. The lack of this element is usually determined by the yellowing of the leaves of not only cabbage, but also other vegetable crops.

Often, all kinds of seedling diseases are associated with exposure to various viral infections. It is known that during the development period the plant can be damaged by clubroot, which causes yellowing of the leaves and their slow drying. You can determine the disease in question by swelling on the root system of crops. Fusarium is considered the second disease that can affect young cabbage, it is caused by a fungus. The pathogen penetrates into the cells of the plant through damage to the root system and blocks the access of water and nutrients, as a result of which the plant dies and wilts.

Section 1. Diseases of cabbage seedlings

Good yields of any vegetable plant can only be obtained using quality seedlings, but young plants can be exposed to various diseases during the growing process.


The most common disease of cabbage at the stage of growing seedlings is the black leg, which appears on the sprouts, root collar or subcotyl knee of the plant. The main symptom of the disease in question is the blackening of the stem, as a result, diseased crops bend down to the ground and rot. In the event of a focus of infection in the root zone, the cabbage begins to turn yellow.

In the predominant number of cases, the defeat of young plants is carried out from the root system. The causative agent of the disease can reside in untreated seed or affected soil. Other causes of the disease may be thickened plantings, improper watering of crops.

If infection of cabbage crops with a black leg is detected, the soil is loosened and the top layer is sprinkled with wood ash or lime. After the seedlings have recovered, the weakest cultures should be removed.


This disease is considered one of the most dangerous, it can appear on all cruciferous crops, as well as some types of flowers. The infection affects the root system of the plant, you can notice it by a variety of swellings and growths. After the defeat of the roots, the plant will not be able to fully receive water and nutrients, the culture stops growing and withers.

The intensive development of clubroot on cabbage seedlings is facilitated by increased soil moisture, late planting of seeds and high soil acidity. There are no effective measures to combat the disease, therefore, it is necessary to take preventive measures: prevent waterlogging, carry out liming in case of high acidity of the soil, and immediately remove the affected plants.

chapter 2. What to do if cabbage seedlings turn yellow

So really, what to do when yellow leaves are found on cabbage seedlings? First of all, determine the cause and it may not be as terrible as it seems at first glance. As for watering young plants, the soil should be moistened with water heated to room temperature as the soil dries out. Pay special attention to the preparation of the soil, the land for seedlings should pass air and moisture well, contain a sufficient amount of nutrients.

You can fight diseases at the stage of sowing seeds, they are pickled in a solution of potassium permanganate, and the earth is kept under the influence of high temperatures by calcining in the oven, which allows you to get rid of pathogenic bacteria.

Section 1 Prevention

Preventive measures should include:

  • soil cultivation for seedlings by heating in the oven or impregnation with potassium permanganate;
  • seed disinfection;
  • disinfection of containers for the soil;
  • constant monitoring of soil moisture.

Chapter 3. Video

Watch the video to learn how to avoid mistakes when growing cabbage seedlings.

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What to do if the cabbage seedlings dry leaves?

- they believed that since perlite is in the ground, it is reliable. Reliable only soil based on sterile peat or coconut. You seem to have a fungal infection.​

  1. Black leg: you need to roast the ground before sowing !!! The stem of the plant near the ground "loses weight" and dries up .... ((((​
  2. And I'm still waiting with the sowing of cabbage. I read here that it’s good to hold its seeds for 15 minutes before sowing in vodka or moonshine diluted 1:10 with water and then put it in the refrigerator overnight. By the way, there was also advice to spray the soil and rastyukhi with a solution of moonshine or vodka 1 tbsp per 1 glass of water from a black leg and even shed seedlings before planting in the ground. Only the solution must be in any case mandatory
  3. I support Natalia's answer! At home, the seedlings are all capricious, and basically, as you fail, dragging them into the house from the cold is tiring. easier to sow under glass on the street. strong, healthy seedlings will be! and a lot)))))))))))))))))))))))))
  4. Sometimes cabbage seedlings die due to keel. At the same time, a growth forms on the root, the cabbage does not grow, withers and dries. Quila infects the soil, so it is not recommended to grow cabbage in this place for several years. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to save seedlings of cabbage with keel.

Do not flood seedlings.

Seedlings die from the "black leg"

Be sure to calcine the soil or spill it with boiling water.

It's a shame when, after so much work, cabbage seedlings die right before planting in the garden. And what to do, because the planting dates are running out, and there is simply no time to grow new seedlings. But if you take action in time, you can still save the plants.

​Next, remember how intense the lighting is in the place where you placed the containers. Sometimes everything is done correctly from the selection of soil to the temperature regime, but the leaves of cabbage seedlings dry, and it is completely incomprehensible what to do. Meanwhile, as much as cabbage loves coolness, it needs sunlight so much.

  • If you plant everything in your garden, then from the very first stage - seedlings. However, even the most experienced gardeners sometimes refuse this idea due to the complexity of working with individual crops. Speaking of cabbage seedlings, a very often asked question is why the tips of the leaves on it begin to dry, and how to deal with it.
  • - they believed that there would be enough sun on the window, and your seedlings are stretched out, pampered, falling. cabbage does not grow on the window, miracles do not happen.
  • Black leg. Everything was written correctly. Only alcohol needs to be used for other purposes, and the earth should be pasteurized with heat. Or as they wrote - fry. But this is a matter of terminology. Or buy sterile peat substrates. Good luck.​
  • WARM
  • I'm laying the old frame with glass right on the ground, that's the whole nursery))

Pests of cabbage seedlings: cruciferous fleas

Hello. Beijing cabbage seedlings began to fall and dry.

Cruciferous fleas also harm cabbage. It often happens that after disembarkation, they directly pounce on young tender leaves and turn them into a sieve in one or two days. To get rid of cruciferous fleas, water the planted seedlings with a solution of the drug "Intavir" or another insecticide with a similar effect.

Kila - cabbage disease

Hold the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

The most dangerous disease of cabbage is the "black leg". From her, not only seedlings in the greenhouse disappear, but also planted in a permanent place in the garden, if the cabbage has already been infected. The "black leg" spreads very quickly through the nursery and directly "mows" the plants. The stem of the cabbage becomes thinner, it darkens, the young plants fall sideways and the seedlings die very quickly. Older plants remain upright, but do not grow, wither and gradually dry out.

It is likely that the leaves of cabbage seedlings turn white and dry due to acidic soil. In general, cabbage does not like to adapt very much; give it purchased clean land with neutral acidity. If such pleasure is not expected, we pour a couple of tablespoons of lime into a bucket of already steamed earth. So, since we decided to avoid this problem, it means that we should outline the range of possible errors in advance and try to avoid them:- they believed that airing hardens. but the bright sun will look out, warm up your black soil to 50 g and a burn of the pampered stem occurs near the soil itself, it is clear that it has fallen from the burn.

Why do cabbage seedlings die?

I put all the seedlings of cabbage on the balcony, it's cool there. But at night I clean it in the room, so at night we now have big frosts down to -10. I read that cabbage should be kept in a cool place. I have seedlings of nigella on the bulb there.

tatiana, eagle

Natasha, cabbage in general, and young seedlings all the more suffer from soil acidity. If your soil is acidic, then you need a seedling box, after disinfecting it, fill it with loose soil, mixing it with 0.5-0.7 cups of lime and it is advisable to keep the box in a warm place. Over the winter, the acidity of the soil will react with lime and return to normal. If you know what kind of soil you have, the dose could be suggested more precisely, but many are secretive with the region of residence and therefore it is not possible to give a more accurate answer. Pull out the dead plant carefully, tucking it with a knife, carefully look at the roots for small growths, rounds, that is, if the seedlings of the cauliflower are sick. I receive a lot of "paper" letters, from regions with acidic soil, that they cannot grow cabbage seedlings, and the reason is precisely in the acidic reaction of the soil.

Frans Khasanovich Khalilov, Bugulma

Before that, the same thing happened with seedlings of Savoy cabbage. It stands on the southeast window, the temperature is +14 - + 19, the battery is covered with a blanket, I ventilate the room several times a day. Soil: special for seedlings with the addition of vermiculite. When they started to fall, just in case, she spilled a fungicide, but there was no black leg on the dead plants. Dies in 1-2 days. Tell me what to do, I don’t want to lose all the seedlings.

​If you find a mistake, please highlight a piece of text and click​

Olga Valerievna, Vladimir

If you do not want to use chemicals, make an infusion of tomato tops (for 10 liters of water, 1 kg of dry tops or 4 kg of fresh stepchildren). Pour cold water, hold for 4 hours and bring to a boil. Cool, dilute with water in half and spray cabbage seedlings in the evening and in the morning.

Do not sow seeds thickly or cut seedlings.

Vasily, Kostroma

You can save seedlings from the "black leg". The first step is to remove diseased specimens. Then water the remaining seedlings with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. Next, take the containers with seedlings to a cool place and no longer water for several days. This is usually enough to stop the spread of the disease.​ A very likely answer to the question of why the tips of the leaves on cabbage seedlings begin to dry is the so-called powdery mildew. In such a situation, you should resort to the help of a copper-containing drug. Many people try to grow cabbage seedlings in their house on their windowsill, and it becomes completely clear why her leaves dry. The first rule of agricultural technology for this crop is low temperatures for germination and a healthy look. Cabbage does not like heat and dryness. And just on the windowsill you create too hot conditions for it, and the seedlings simply dry out. Either we take it out to the insulated balcony, or into the corridor of a private house.

Galina Samoilova


Gennady Raspopov, Borovichi

You have three mistakes.

Better to fry the ground.

The photo turned out lying down. Kila cabbage in adult plantsLast edited on March 19, 2016, 11:29 AM​

If this is not a black leg, then you may have flooded it, the roots have rotted in this case. Cabbage does not like both waterlogging and drying out of the soil. In general, this has already been discussed here more than once, if you have a greenhouse in the country, then plant it in a greenhouse in early April and you will have seedlings of any cabbage in excellent condition. At home, unfortunately, it is impossible to achieve good seedlingsLast edited on March 19, 2016, 11:06


You can also scare away cruciferous fleas with a solution of vinegar. For 10 liters of water take 1-2 tbsp. l. essences (70%). Ash, black pepper, tobacco dust work very well. They are mixed and pollinated by plants. At the same time, put a bandage on your nose and mouth, it is advisable to cover your eyes with glasses. Ash can be used separately, it is harmless and is also a source of potassium.

Pour the seedlings with a solution of potassium permanganate for prevention.

Cabbage is dying, help.


In order not to encounter the "black leg", it is better to follow the following rules for planting cabbage.

And finally, the last answer to the question of why the tips of cabbage seedlings dry lies in the infected soil, namely the leaves get sick with a black leg.

In anticipation of the summer season, many gardeners are already looking at all kinds of vegetable seeds. Today's market offers this in a huge range, so it's easy to get lost in this abundance. Bright packaging with beautiful pictures so attract attention. Everyone thinks that exactly such a miracle will grow on his site. But it is the design of the packaging that you should not pay attention to. There are more important aspects that will help you choose the right seeds and grow a great crop of cabbage.

    The right choice of seedlings

    How to grow seedlings

    Leaves turn yellow

    The stalk turned blue

    Kila is just death for cabbage

    The main criteria for a rich harvest

The right choice of seedlings

The most correct start is cabbage seedlings grown on their own. But if this does not work out, then it is necessary to choose the right planting material on the market. Main selection criteria:

  • cabbage seedlings should have strong healthy leaves, at least five pieces;
  • well developed root system:
  • lack of traces of pests;
  • black veins on the stem indicate the presence of the disease;
  • swollen nodules - a possible defeat of the keel.

In a word, these are strong bushes with rather dense healthy leaves.

How to grow seedlings

It is good if the site for cabbage was selected and prepared in advance. Ideally, if the owner enriches the earth with phosphorus, iron and nitrogen since autumn. To do this, it is enough to spread bird droppings, manure or superphosphate after harvesting on the surface of the earth, if this has not been done before.

Important! Superphosphate is best used once every few years so as not to oversaturate the soil.

If the soil has not been prepared since autumn, do it not late in the spring before digging the site.

Early cabbage is planted at the end of April, late varieties of seedlings are planted in May. But if you decide to grow seedlings on your own, you must remember that the plant is capricious and requires careful care.

The seeds were chosen and planted correctly, but suddenly, just before planting, it becomes noticeable that the leaves wither, dry out, turn yellow. The plant withers just before our eyes. What to do, why is this happening? After all, there is no way to grow a new one.

Leaves turn yellow

The first reason why the leaves of the seedlings turn yellow must be sought in the ground. This can be both from a lack of nutrients, and from an overabundance. In the event that the land for seedlings was purchased in a store, you should not worry about a lack or excess of substances.

Obviously, the cause could be excessive watering or an excess of sun. Cabbage seedlings do not like too much heat and light, so do not try to create greenhouse conditions for them.

If the soil was taken from the site, then such a picture is quite obvious. Especially if the land was carefully fertilized. It is noticeable that the plant begins to dry out, takes on a stunted appearance. Here you can simply wash the soil.

This can be done right in the pot if there are enough holes for the water to drain out. Rinse the soil with a large amount of settled water, constantly pouring water into the ground and stand after it flows out.

Another reason why leaves turn yellow, cabbage seedlings dry out is a lack of iron and phosphorus. Once again it is worth saying that the ready-made purchased soil is ideal and the lack of something is excluded. You can try adding wood ash to the soil.

Important! Cabbage seedlings are sensitive to soil composition. Do not experiment and plant seeds in a special soil bought in a store. In this case, the seedlings grow healthy and do not wither.

A yellowed leaf, or rather its edge, can also speak of an infection that often affects the seeds of a plant. Therefore, it is important to prepare the seeds. Before disembarking, it is enough to hold them in a solution of potassium permanganate for about twenty minutes.

The stalk turned blue

A fairly common reason that leads to the fact that the seedlings begin to dry out, disappear. First, barely noticeable veins appear on the stem, then the entire stem darkens, the plant can dry out and die. This does not happen with the entire planting, but there is a real threat to healthy plants.

Barely noticeable black veins indicate that the diseased seedling must be urgently disposed of in order to save the rest of the plants. After removing diseased seedlings, water the rest of the plants with a solution of potassium permanganate.

There is a simple way that will help to foresee this trouble. It is enough to treat the soil with boiling water shortly before planting seeds aged in potassium permanganate.

It is impossible to sow densely! Maintain a distance or simply thread so that each plant grows separately from each other. Emerging shoots can be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate. This is another preventative method.

Kila is just death for cabbage

This is a real mortal danger for seedlings and for adult culture. Growths appear on the roots, they grow rapidly, the plant withers and dies. Nothing can save and help the plant. All means are ineffective. Why this happens, farmers do not explain.

This is a dangerous fungal disease that quickly infects the soil and neighboring plants. Therefore, it is urgent to dispose of the diseased plant, and treat the soil and healthy seedlings with potassium permanganate or Bordeaux mixture, strictly following the manufacturer's instructions.

The main criteria for a rich harvest

Growing cabbage on your own is not easy, but possible. To do this, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  • carefully choose varieties and do not trust the pictures, it is best to first make a choice
  • varieties simply by looking for information on the Internet;
  • buy seeds from trusted sellers;
  • properly prepare the soil;
  • observe the planting dates, they are indicated on each package and may not be the same for all varieties;
  • do not create greenhouse conditions for the plant, the temperature is not higher than 22 degrees, daily watering and light
  • a day up to 12 hours, this is quite enough for the seedlings to grow healthy;
  • do not forget to feed the seedlings, usually this is done a week after picking;
  • hardening, this is a necessary procedure, the plant needs to be cooled a little, just by opening the window for four hours.

Any changes in appearance require immediate action. To begin with, you can simply sprinkle the soil with wood ash, after treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate. If the plant has not moved away, then most likely it will die, and in order to save other seedlings, the diseased sprout must be disposed of. Big and healthy harvests to you!

Here we will look at cabbage diseases and find out answers to such frequent questions as, for example, why it turns yellow (usually it is the lower leaves that turn yellow) and cabbage disappears in the garden (or in the open field and in the greenhouse). Consider the reasons why it doesn’t tie or, as they usually say, it doesn’t curl (i.e., it doesn’t form) a head of cabbage on white and cauliflower, because when there is no ovary, what is asked to eat? In the article below, the many diseases listed are a type of garden crop. We will answer such questions: why the cabbage leaves wither, dry, twist and twist inward, the root dries, which leads to the fact that pale cabbage grows poorly or does not grow at all and dies. Consider why the middle (core) of the cabbage rots and why it rots on the vine, the leaves turn black and fall off. Consider what to do if holes appeared on the leaves and the cabbage became all full of holes, usually this is due to the presence of pests on your site, you can identify them from the photos listed below.

From this article you will learn:

  • cabbage leaves wither
  • Heads of cabbage are not tied
  • Lumps, growths on the roots

Read below, signs, 25 photos and how to treat. (drugs)

downy mildew

  • Greyish yellow spots
  • The cabbage withers
  • perishes

Read below, symptoms, 25 photos and prevention and how to deal with it. (drugs)


  • Rapid decline!
  • Spots between veins
  • Leaves dry up and die off entirely
  • Spreads from lower leaves
  • small head of cabbage

See below how it looks (25 photos) and how to treat. (drugs)

insect pests

  • Peak activity in August
  • Found on the underside of the leaves
  • Cabbage growth slowed down
  • Leaves turn pinkish
  • Cabbage leaves curl and wilt

Study below 25 photos of aphids and how to treat. (drugs)

cabbage fly

  • Rotting roots
  • The bushes wither
  • The leaves are turning gray

Read below how to treat. (drugs)

cruciferous fleas

  • Adults will eat the top of the leaf
  • The larvae eat the roots
  • holes in the leaves
  • Young cabbage is dying
  • Mature cabbage gives a poor harvest

See below 20 photos and how to treat. (drugs)

Mosaic on cauliflower

  • Yellow spots between veins
  • Zate dark green "mosaic" spots
  • Stripes along the veins
  • cauliflower wilts

Read below: signs, 25 photos and how to treat. (drugs)

Cabbage is the most important crop that has been on the table for many people for a long time. Many vitamins are found in all its types, it is used both fresh for salads and for winter preparations. Here we will consider only the most common diseases and common pests and talk about how to deal with them.
Cabbage diseases caused by fungi

Such diseases can affect both certain types of cabbage and all types of cruciferous. They can reduce plant yields and even destroy the entire crop, so gardeners need to take a whole range of measures, from the use of modern chemistry to time-tested traditional means.

Kila cabbage: 25 photos, description and control measures

25 photos of how to look like a keel on cabbage:


Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure keela. The fight against this fungus involves the observance of preventive measures to avoid infecting other plants. First of all, you should not plant infected seedlings. It is necessary to remove all wilted sprouts with a clod of earth. Before planting, you need to treat the soil with lime, colloidal sulfur. The fungus is only dangerous for cruciferous crops.

Downy mildew cabbage (Peronosporosis): signs, methods of control and preparations.

The causative agent of this disease, popularly called downy mildew, is the fungus Peronospora brassicae Guum. The disease can begin at the seedling stage, small shapeless, single or multiple, grayish-yellow chlorotic spots appear on the leaves, which, as the disease progresses, merge into one large brown spot. On the reverse side of the leaf, a white powdery coating is observed, consisting of spores of the fungus. Affected leaves quickly wither and die. Usually the disease manifests itself on the lower leaves of cabbage. The disease develops with too dense crops in conditions of high humidity and, if urgent measures are not taken, it can destroy the crop.

25 photos of what Downy mildew on cabbage looks like:

How to cure (methods of struggle):

Effective in the fight against flexibility are the chemicals Phytophtorin and the fungicide Ridomil Gold. However, not everyone wants to use strong chemicals. Such gardeners are recommended to treat the seedlings with a Bordeaux mixture.


As a prophylaxis against peronosporosis, it is necessary to disinfect the soil and planting material, select seeds of only healthy plants, carry out hydrothermal treatment of seeds, avoid excessive moisture, and also do not plant seedlings repeatedly in the same place.

Fusarium cabbage: 25 photos, description and treatment (drugs)

(fusarium wilt or cabbage jaundice)

Fusarium is another fungal disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum. The fungus infects all cruciferous plants. A favorable condition for the development of the pathogen is hot and dry weather. The pathogen penetrates through the roots into the vascular system of plants and clogs it, causing rapid wilting. The signs of the disease are as follows: spots appear between the veins, then the leaf turns yellow, dries up and dies entirely, the head of cabbage is underdeveloped and has a small size. Fusarium spreads from the lower leaves to the upper ones. If timely measures are not taken, the plant dies completely. The fungus remains in the soil for a long time (up to several years).

25 photos of what Fusarium looks like on cabbage:

How to cure (control measures):

With Fusarium, drugs such as Benomyl, Tekto, Topsin-M, Immunocytophyte will help to cope. It is also necessary to immediately remove wilted plants along with the soil, disinfect the soil before planting seedlings and observe crop rotation. It is also possible to grow fungus-resistant hybrid cabbage varieties in previously infested soils.

Diseases of cabbage of a viral nature

Although viral diseases are not as common as fungal diseases, they are practically untreatable and, most often, cause the death of the crop. The mosaic virus is widely known to gardeners, which has many types that are still poorly understood. Such viruses infect plant tissues at the cellular level, damaging chloroplasts and destroying chlorophyll, which causes necrosis. The virus is also dangerous because it affects not only the cruciferous family, but also other plants. The virus is transmitted through a dirty tool, through insects and through the juice of already infected plants, easily and quickly mutates, getting into the tissues of leaves or roots.

Cauliflower mosaic (25 photos): description and control measures

The causative agent of this disease is Mosaic caulivirus. Although this virus is less common than fungal diseases, it is the most dangerous for all types of cabbage. The carrier of the virus are cruciferous weeds, as well as peach, false cabbage, cabbage aphids and turnip whites. The aphid itself becomes infected after eating infected leaves. The course of the disease is aggravated by cool weather. The most unpleasant thing is that it is possible to detect the disease only after planting the seedlings in the soil: after a month, yellow spots are found on the leaves between the veins, spreading from the base of the leaf. Further, dark green "mosaic" spots and stripes appear along the veins. The plant may wilt. If the virus infects young cauliflower, then no heads are formed at all.

25 photos of what a mosaic looks like on cabbage:

How to cure (control measures):(see below)

Mosaic of Turnips

The causative agent of this disease is Turnip mosaic virus. This virus is ubiquitous. Like the cauliflower mosaic virus, it is transmitted through a variety of aphids and weeds. Possible simultaneous defeat of these two viruses. Coolness also negatively affects the progression of symptoms of the disease. At the first stage, light green spots 2-5 cm in size form on leaves infected with the virus. They are especially visible from the bottom of the leaf. In the future, the spots grow, merging and forming areas of necrosis of the mosaic structure. In Chinese cabbage, the veins of the leaves are affected and dark spots appear. This leads to wilting and premature leaf fall.

How to protect cabbage from mosaic viruses?

Unfortunately, the mosaic cannot be removed with insecticidal agents. The main method of struggle is prevention!!!

  • Seeds need to be disinfected
  • fight weeds
  • sucking insects such as aphids, mites and bedbugs, which are often carriers of infection,
  • immediately remove and destroy infected plants, and plow their remains into the soil in which they grew.
  • It is also necessary to disinfect the working tool and avoid getting the juice of infected plants onto healthy ones.

insect pests

Cabbage aphid: 30 photos, how to process (control measures)

25 photos of what aphids look like on cabbage:

Control measures and drugs.

25 photos of what a fly on cabbage looks like:

Control measures and drugs.