Vomiting meaning of sleep. Vomiting: what is the dream of a disgusting dream

Some kind of illness, or you will suddenly be involved in a big scandal.

Seeing others in a dream in this state- portends that you will discover the insincerity of people you trusted.

For a woman to dream that she spews up rapidly flying chicks while vomiting- means that she will not receive the long-awaited joy. This dream also predicts a bad turn of events.

If you have bloody vomit- disease awaits you.

Dream interpretation of Medea

Vomit- symbolizes a situation that you do not accept. It is assumed that vomiting anticipates the resolution of a bad situation.

If you feel nauseous in your sleep- then you will be accused of something and it will bring you grief.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

A dream in which you vomit inside out and feel relief- speaks of a decline in negative nervous tension... If something has bothered and depressed you these days, you can expect that the given problem will receive an unexpected solution.

At the same time, if in a dream you see that you are vomiting with blood or bile- this is a sign of very big troubles and difficult conflicts. Most likely, too much negativity has accumulated in your life, and it will be difficult to get rid of it.

See someone tearing up- this is a hint urging you to free yourself from the burden of difficult experiences and relate to life more easily.

D. Loff's dream book

For many people, especially children, vomiting- is a difficult and humiliating experience. In a dream, this can happen in almost any type of dream. Since in real life vomiting is often associated with illness, it appears in dreams when our life is mostly out of control. It is most likely that the presence of this phenomenon in sleep is related to vomiting and nausea or other unpleasant sensations in the digestive tract in reality.

New family dream book

If you dreamed that you were vomiting- that means you can get sick with something or get into some scandalous story.

Saw someone else like this- discover the insincerity of people you trust.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream that you are vomiting- in reality, an illness awaits you, which threatens you with disability, or you will be involved in a loud scandal.

Seeing others vomiting- means that you will learn about the insidious designs of deceitful people who ask you for help.

If a woman dreams that she is spewing a bird, which then takes off- in real life, anticipated pleasure will be overshadowed by the illness of loved ones. In commercial matters, she will also fail.

Bloody vomit- a sign of an impending disease. You will be oppressed by gloomy forebodings, and children and relatives will annoy you.

Eastern female dream book

A woman has a dream in which she experiences a gag reflex- portends the illnesses of loved ones, and those in which her constant presence will be necessary.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Vomiting food- a sign of incipient gastritis or colitis.

Vomiting blood- to a disease of the gastrointestinal tract (most likely a duodenal ulcer).

Complete dream book of the New Era

Vomit- an urgent need to get rid of everything that interferes, from old ideas, perceptions, concepts, judgments, views on oneself and life. The need to stop hiding what makes you "turn up" makes you sick.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

If in a dream you have vomiting or you see how vomiting twisted another- this dream to unexpected guests.

Feel the urge to vomit in a dream- feel bad in reality.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Vomit- an unexpected stream will pour Money.

Feel the urge to vomit in a dream- to intestinal diseases.

Female dream book

If you start vomiting in a dream- this portends the onset of an illness or unexpected involvement in a big scandal.

If you see others in this state- you will have to make sure of the insincerity of the people you trusted before.

If a woman dreams that she is vomiting rapidly flying chicks- this means that joy and peace will not return to her for a long time. Also, such a dream can portend an unsuccessful course of business.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Vomit- this sign tells you that it is time to get rid of everything that bothers you. Free yourself from old ideas, notions and concepts. The time has come . Do it now!
Do you feel like you need to express what was usually hidden by you and which made you sick? It's time to speak out openly.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

To dream that you are vomiting- to wealth, that you vomit- to chagrin.

Give someone an emetic- means that your hour has come, use your luck.

Italian dream book

Vomit- the mindset to give up life.

Islamic dream book

If anyone sees that he has vomited- will bring repentance in sins or repent of any deed that he does.

Chinese dream book

Vomit- portends recovery for a sick person.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Vomit- a symbol of rejection and rejection, refusal. Possibly associated with real brain problems (after traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accident).

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Vomit- quarrels, troubles; vomited- to a good end of affairs; health, liberation; see someone else's- strong scandals.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Vomiting urge to experience- wealth / sorrow.

Pull yourself out- upset / slight discomfort.

Give vomit to someone- here is your hour, better use your luck.

Esoteric dream book

See vomiting- to profit, money.

Someone vomits- get

Throughout life, each person sees thousands of dreams. Some of them evoke positive emotions, while others - horror, disgust and many questions. We propose to turn to the most authoritative dream books and find out why vomit and vomiting are in a dream.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream interpreter is able to answer the question of why vomiting. If the dreamer himself has vomited, then in the near future you should be extremely careful. You may be involved in high-profile proceedings or experience serious problems with health.

From this source, we can find out why someone else's vomiting is dreaming. Such a dream has an extremely negative character and warns of disappointment in a loved one. Most likely, you will catch cheating on someone from your friends, whom you have infinitely trusted until this day. If in a dream you vomited, and the vomit was bloody, then in the near future you will have to throw all your strength into restoring your shaky health.

If a woman in whom she vomits, but instead of vomiting, chicks fly out of her mouth, a lingering black streak will come in your life. You will not be able to complete the work you have begun, disappointment will lie in wait for you everywhere.

Dream Interpretation of Hope and Dmitry Zima

Why dream of vomiting, after which the dreamer feels relief? Such a dream, according to astrologers Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, indicates positive life changes. If you have any difficulties, they will be resolved in the near future, and in the most unexpected way. You will be able to bypass all the traps set by ill-wishers, pay off your debts.

A less joyful interpretation awaits people looking for an answer to the question of why vomit with blood or bile is dreaming of. In the near future, you will have colossal troubles, disagreements with loved ones, loss of material stability. If another person is vomiting, then such a dream should be taken as a warning. You take other people's problems too close to your heart. Try to look at life from a different angle, be a little easier.

Family dream book

Answering the question of why vomit is dreaming, the family dream book warns of impending troubles. You may be experiencing serious health problems in the near future. If you saw a person vomiting in a dream, pay attention to your surroundings. Most likely, there is a traitor next to you.

Combined dream book

Why dream of vomiting? You should very carefully monitor your speech and actions. Perhaps they will try to drag you into a grand scandal. It is possible that your health will deteriorate, and you will lose your ability to work.

If another person - you will discover the plans of insidious people who want to ruin your life. Bloody vomit is a warning dream that indicates a health problem. You may experience extreme stress not finding support in the people around you.

Dream interpretation of Ivanov

If you vomited during sleep, this is a warning dream, indicating stomach problems. You should undergo a comprehensive examination. Bloody vomit, dreamed at night, can symbolize disease duodenum.

Summer dream book

Vomiting in a dream or watching how he turns out another person means that you need to get ready to meet unexpected guests. Most likely, an old and good friend, which you will be sincerely glad. If in a dream you just felt a gagging urge, then in reality you will lose your sense of comfort.

Autumn dream book

Why is vomit dreaming? Autumn dream book has a completely unexpected interpretation of such a dream. According to the dream interpreter, such a dream portends a strengthening of the financial situation. Swift cash flow an avalanche will fall on the dreamer.

If in a dream you just felt a gagging urge and did not vomit, then there is a high probability that you will be diagnosed with an intestinal disease.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Vomiting, according to this dream book, is a signal for the dreamer. It's time to throw the trash out of the bucket, head and life. It's time to get rid of everything that pulls you to the bottom. If you have complaints about others, then now is the perfect time to express everything in person. Take action!

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

If you vomited in a dream - this is to sadness, disappointment, chagrin. If you have just experienced the gag reflex, then in the near future your financial situation will significantly strengthen. If someone vomited in your sleep and you gave him medicine, then in real life this person needs your support.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Vomiting reflexes in a dream, according to this dream book, to great wealth. Perhaps you will get an impressive inheritance from a close or distant relative. If in a dream you vomited onto yourself, this is unfortunately, sadness, illness.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why does the dream of vomiting of a person standing next to the dreamer in a dream, the Wanderer's dream book knows. As a rule, such a dream predicts serious troubles, scandals, skirmishes. If the dreamer vomited, then in the near future his affairs will go as it should. He will be able to succeed in business, improve his health. Seeing vomit on the ground means difficulties at work.

Female dream book

If the dreamer had a dream in which she vomited, then this can be regarded as a warning. Most likely, there will be big troubles in your personal life or you will have to struggle with dangerous disease... Vomit dreams, as a rule, on the eve of quarrels, divorce proceedings, any losses.

If in a dream you had to watch a stranger vomit, then in the near future you will open your eyes to many things. Perhaps you will find out that you are people you have always trusted.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Vomit is a symbol of rejection, rejection, refusal. Perhaps such a dream is a consequence of a traumatic brain injury experienced.

Muslim dream book

A dreamer who sees vomit in a dream will have the opportunity to repent of the bad deeds that took place in his life. And harmony will reign in his soul.

Dream interpretation of Medea

Vomit symbolizes a situation that you do not perceive. If you vomited, then in the near future you will be able to complete all the business you have started, to achieve success in your career and business. If you felt the urge to vomit, but did not vomit, then you will find yourself in the center of a huge scandal. You may be slandered, which will entail certain difficulties.

Dream interpretation of spiritual seekers

If you vomit in a dream, this is a rather positive dream, foreshadowing the spiritual cleansing of the dreamer. You will be heard by God, and your inner demons will no longer bother you.

Small dream book

If in a dream you vomited, then you should pay attention to your health, which is under threat. If you happen to watch a vomiting person, then in the near future you will become aware of the insidious plans of the worst enemies. A woman who has a dream in which she experiences a gag reflex, and birds fly out of her mouth, should be more attentive. Most likely, your health will deteriorate, because of which your vacation will be in jeopardy.

Vomiting in a child

If you calmed or felt sorry for a child who was vomiting in your dream, this is a dream that indicates the dreamer's desire for spiritual comfort. Your goal is harmony with yourself. However, circumstances play against you.

Seeing in a dream a child suffering from stomach cramps is an extremely negative dream, predicting a colossal number of difficulties that you have to overcome.

Big dream book

A dream about vomit is a bad sign. Such a dream is warning, indicates possible health problems. Watching someone else vomit is a betrayal. Chances are you'll get stabbed in the back from loved one, who was infinitely trusted, believed.

Lunar dream book

If you vomited in a dream, this is in trouble. Most likely, your relationship with your loved one is at an impasse. If you do not take any action and do not take a few steps towards, then separation and tears await you.

Each action of the dreamer always carries some specific meaning, especially if it is related to his health. To find out why vomiting is dreaming, you need to look into the dream book. This article will show the most common meanings of such a dream.

Every action of the dreamer always carries some specific meaning.

If a person vomits in a dream, this means that he has an attitude to renounce life.

  1. The dreamer is sick at the workplace - colleagues spread gossip about him and try to ruin his reputation.
  2. Wiping the floor that has been vomiting is profitable.
  3. Vomiting in dreams can signal the arrival of unexpected guests. Most likely, the dreamer will not be happy with these people. You won't have to expect anything good from them.
  4. To watch someone vomit - to be sick for a long time in reality.
  5. If a person looks at other people who are sick, then in the near future he will have to face insincerity. Perhaps the dreamer will find himself surrounded by deceitful and vengeful people. The more people suffering from this ailment a person saw in a dream, the harder it will be for him.
  6. If you dreamed of nausea or how someone had to vomit - in reality there will be betrayal.
  7. If a person dreams of vomit, then soon he will face failure. Also, you should expect a refusal to help.
  8. To pull out in a dream - to chagrin and sadness.
  9. If a person vomits in a dream, then in real life he will be able to find something very valuable.
  10. Seeing how an old man is sick is an unwanted activity.
  11. Vomiting can dream of household chores.

Vomiting in the dream book (video)

Miller's interpretation

Miller's dream book says that the image of vomiting in dreams (and everything connected with it) is a bad sign. A dream about vomit is a symbol of deception, grief and resentment. For the dreamer, such a dream promises serious trials, through which he will have to go through. But a dream in which a person observes the nausea of ​​other people speaks of deceit and greed. Therefore, the dreamer must more carefully evaluate the people who surround him.

Miller's dream book says that the image of vomiting in dreams (and everything connected with it) is a bad sign

The psychologist also claims that such a dream could only be dreamed of by a person who was tired of constant scandals and stress. Vomiting, as a negative symbol, seems to leave a person's consciousness, leaving through his sleep.

Seeing vomiting in others

The interpretation of the dream, in which this ailment was in another person whom the dreamer was watching, is somewhat different. Sometimes the interpretation of a dream depends on who exactly vomited.

  • The dreamer's friend had to burp - which means in real life he is not quite who he claims to be, or rather, he is not entirely sincere. A person should seriously talk to his friend after such a dream in order to find out what he is hiding from him. If this is not done, the dreamer's friend can set him up and even betray him.
  • The dreamer's friend had nausea - this is a sign of his cunning and deceit. Most likely, he is already making some kind of insidious plans against the dreamer.
  • The animal had to pull it out - the man is in for chores and strong employment.
  • Watching a stranger get sick is trusting the wrong people. The dreamer should talk less about his life to strangers.

It turns out that expecting something good after such a dream is clearly not worth it. The main thing is to remember the face of a person who had vomiting, because it is he who can drive the knife into the back of the dreamer.

Burp in a dream

The interpretation of such a dream is different from the previous one. The most important thing that the dreamer should understand after seeing the image of vomiting is that he is entering a period of purification. This is not about physiological cleaning, but about psychological. Man will soon find what is called "inner harmony". Most likely, recently he had a very difficult time due to various difficulties, but now everything will change.

The most important thing that the dreamer should understand after seeing the image of vomiting is that he is entering a period of purification.
  • If, before the nausea, the dreamer suffered from prolonged vomiting, this means that in real life he will be able to solve an important problem. Moreover, this may be such a task, the solution of which initially seemed impossible.
  • A dream in which the dreamer vomited blood portends possible health problems. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to pay due attention to your well-being.
  • A person vomits bile in a dream - this is to the anger of other people. Perhaps a person will greatly anger someone with his word or deed, this will cause public discontent. In order to avoid such an outcome of events, you need to behave more restrained.

If in his dream a person smells vomit, gossip will circulate about him. It is possible that the dreamer will dissolve them on his own.

Experience nausea in sleep

If the dreamer was very nauseous, then soon he may experience great surprise.

In addition, nausea in the dream book has other meanings:

  1. Sharp leap in financial affairs. The dreamer will be pleasantly surprised at how well things will go for him materially.
  2. The meaning of nausea can be symbolic: a person needs release from something that weighs on him. The release of vomiting after nausea symbolizes the dropping of a heavy load from the dreamer's shoulders. After such a dream, you need to think about it and understand what exactly prevents you from feeling peace of mind.
  3. Such a dream means success in business.

In other words, in order to achieve a high result, you need to put in a significant amount of effort.

See how a child vomited in a dream

Children's ailments in dreams almost always mean some kind of warning, and vomiting of a child is no exception.

Failure should be expected for a person watching a child's nausea in a dream

Interpretation this dream can be found in the Wanderer's dream book. The following values ​​are given there:

  • Difficult trials await the dreamer, which will not be easy to cope with.
  • Failure should be expected for a person who watches a child's nausea in a dream. After a series of failures, he will feel humiliated and depressed.
  • The dreamer will have to go through important life trials. It is possible that after this he will acquire new personal qualities.
  • The situation could get out of hand.

Seeing vomit in a dream

Vomit is an image that means that the dreamer is experiencing serious difficulties in life. He may not have enough time for important matters, there may be discord in the family, but the person himself is not at all inclined to solve all these problems.

Vomit is an image that means that the dreamer is experiencing serious difficulties in life.

Seeing vomit with earth and insects in a dream is a very bad sign, foreshadowing the dreamer's complete apathy and his indifference to everything that happens. In order not to finally fall into despondency, you should remember that you can always find some way out of any situation. Even if the solution does not lie on the surface, after the efforts made, it can be found.

Why dream of vomiting blood?

Bloody vomiting is a symbol of illness. If a person was not sick with anything before such a dream, the likelihood that he will be "knocked down" by some ailment is quite high. Other meanings:

  1. Someone is intriguing against the dreamer.
  2. A person can be deceived by someone who attracts his family members.
  3. The dreamer will need to be treated for a long time in order to cope with his illness.

Why dream of vomiting (video)

Of course, a dream about vomiting is far from the most pleasant. However, its timely interpretation will help a person avoid a number of troubles.

Attention, only TODAY!

Miller's dream book

To dream that you are vomiting- means that some illness will cause you suffering, or you will suddenly be involved in a big scandal.

Seeing others in a dream in this state- portends that you will discover the insincerity of people you trusted.

For a woman to dream that she spews up rapidly flying chicks while vomiting- means that she will not receive the long-awaited joy. This dream also predicts a bad turn of events.

If you have bloody vomit- disease awaits you.

Dream interpretation of Medea

Vomit- symbolizes a situation that you do not accept. It is assumed that vomiting anticipates the resolution of a bad situation.

If you feel nauseous in your sleep- then you will be accused of something and it will bring you grief.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

A dream in which you vomit inside out and feel relief- speaks of a decline in negative nervous tension. If something has bothered and depressed you these days, you can expect that the given problem will receive an unexpected solution.

At the same time, if in a dream you see that you are vomiting with blood or bile- this is a sign of very big troubles and difficult conflicts. Most likely, too much negativity has accumulated in your life, and it will be difficult to get rid of it.

See someone tearing up- this is a hint urging you to free yourself from the burden of difficult experiences and relate to life more easily.

D. Loff's dream book

For many people, especially children, vomiting- is a difficult and humiliating experience. In a dream, this can happen in almost any type of dream. Since in real life, vomiting is often associated with illness, it appears in dreams when our life is mostly out of control. It is most likely that the presence of this phenomenon in a dream has to do with vomiting and nausea or other unpleasant sensations in the digestive tract in reality.

New family dream book

If you dreamed that you were vomiting- that means you can get sick with something or get into some scandalous story.

Saw someone else like this- discover the insincerity of people you trust.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream that you are vomiting- in reality, an illness awaits you, which threatens you with disability, or you will be involved in a loud scandal.

Seeing others vomiting- means that you will learn about the insidious designs of deceitful people who ask you for help.

If a woman dreams that she is spewing a bird, which then takes off- in real life, anticipated pleasure will be overshadowed by the illness of loved ones. In commercial matters, she will also fail.

Bloody vomit- a sign of an impending disease. You will be oppressed by gloomy forebodings, and children and relatives will annoy you.

Eastern female dream book

A woman has a dream in which she experiences a gag reflex- portends the illnesses of loved ones, and those in which her constant presence will be necessary.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Vomiting food- a sign of incipient gastritis or colitis.

Vomiting blood- to a disease of the gastrointestinal tract (most likely a duodenal ulcer).

Complete dream book of the New Era

Vomit- an urgent need to get rid of everything that interferes, from old ideas, perceptions, concepts, judgments, views on oneself and life. The need to stop hiding what makes you "turn up" makes you sick.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

If in a dream you have vomiting or you see how vomiting twisted another- this dream to unexpected guests.

Feel the urge to vomit in a dream- feel bad in reality.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Vomit- an unexpected cash flow will pour out.

Feel the urge to vomit in a dream- to intestinal diseases.

Female dream book

If you start vomiting in a dream- this portends the onset of an illness or unexpected involvement in a big scandal.

If you see others in this state- you will have to make sure of the insincerity of the people you trusted before.

If a woman dreams that she is vomiting rapidly flying chicks- this means that joy and peace will not return to her for a long time. Also, such a dream can portend an unsuccessful course of business.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Vomit- this sign tells you that it is time to get rid of everything that bothers you. Free yourself from old ideas, notions and concepts. The time has come. Do it now! Do you feel like you need to express what was usually hidden by you and which made you sick? It's time to speak out openly.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

To dream that you are vomiting- to wealth, that you vomit- to chagrin.

Give someone an emetic- means that your hour has come, use your luck.

Italian dream book

Vomit- the mindset to give up life.

Islamic dream book

If anyone sees that he has vomited- will bring repentance in sins or repent of any deed that he does.

Chinese dream book

Vomit- portends recovery for a sick person.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Vomit- a symbol of rejection and rejection, refusal. Possibly associated with real brain problems (after traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accident).

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Vomit- quarrels, troubles; vomited- to a good end of affairs; health, liberation; see someone else's- strong scandals.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Vomiting urge to experience- wealth / sorrow.

Pull yourself out- upset / slight discomfort.

Give vomit to someone- here is your hour, better use your luck.

Esoteric dream book

See vomiting- to profit, money.

Someone vomits- make a profit with someone's help.

Take away- your investments in business will bring profit.

Vomits you- make money savings.

Collection of dream books

Vomit- getting rid of unnecessary things. Liberation from old ideas, concepts and concepts. The need to express hidden or painful.

Vomiting during sleep- often amazes with its realism. It testifies to cleansing, liberation from demonic subpersonalities (demons) with correct Christian prayer.

If you dream that you are vomiting- a dream portends the acquisition of what was lost by you or stolen from you.

Why dream of vomiting?

Each dream has a certain interpretation, which can carry both positive and negative information. To find out what fate has prepared for you, you need to take into account the main details of the plot and the emotions experienced. It is also important to draw an analogy between the information received and real life events.

Why dream of vomiting?

Such a dream refers to unfavorable symbols that indicate the existing risk of getting into an unpleasant situation or you will become seriously ill. If you feel relief after vomiting, this is an indication that you will find a solution. existing problems and also get rid of nervous tension. A night vision, in which you were sick, predicts a strong surprise in reality. Perhaps your financial situation will soon improve significantly or you will get rid of unnecessary things.

A dream where you saw vomiting in a child predicts the emergence of serious troubles. There is also information according to which vomiting in a dream is an indication that it is time to get rid of everything unnecessary, for example, old things or ideas. Seeing vomiting with worms means that soon you will make a new acquaintance, which will be the beginning of a strong friendship. If you vomit in the presence of other people, it means that you will experience a feeling of shame and awkwardness in reality.

Why dream of vomiting with blood?

Such a dream refers to unfavorable signs that promise the emergence of serious quarrels and troubles. The dream interpretation hints that there is a lot of negativity in life, which should be got rid of as soon as possible. Another such plot is a harbinger of the development of a serious illness.

Why does a woman dream of nausea and vomiting?

In this case, night vision is an omen of hassle and trouble, and there may also be health problems for relatives. In another dream book, a similar plot is a symbol of pregnancy.

Why dream of a person's vomiting?

If you see another person vomiting strongly, this is a warning that loved ones treat you insincerely, and this can cause disappointment. The dream interpretation recommends being on the lookout and not trusting others, as this can turn against you.

Why dream of vomiting with worms?

Such a plot serves as an indication that soon you will be able to get rid of a person or things that weigh on you for a long time. It can also be a harbinger of serious trouble.

Dream interpretation Vomiting

Why dream of Vomiting in a dream according to a dream book?

Why dream of vomiting? You should take care of your own health and safety, it is possible that you will receive serious injury. Damage can be moral character, your reputation will be jeopardized by an unpleasant incident.

Who was vomiting in a dream?

I dreamed of vomiting from others

A dream about vomiting in another person foreshadows the receipt of information about the conspiracy of your ill-wishers. Use the information you receive competently, it will help you in the competition.

Vomiting in a child in a dream

Seeing vomiting in a child in a dream - one has to go through serious difficulties and go through humiliating tests. Care should be taken in your actions, otherwise the situation can get out of control.

What happened to you in your dream?

Burp in a dream

I dreamed that they burp - the development of a disease of the esophagus and stomach is possible. The dream is functionally conditioned.

Do not ignore the body's signals about possible problems, then it will be possible to take timely measures. Burp blood - to gastrointestinal diseases.

Why dream of nausea and vomiting

Dreaming that she is sick and vomiting - you should calm down and reconsider own attitude to life in order to determine the moments that are completely unacceptable to you. This will help not to repeat the mistakes made earlier.

What kind of vomiting did you dream about?

I dreamed of vomiting blood

A dream about vomiting blood portends a significant deterioration in well-being. Health problems will be reflected in your emotional state, irritability over trifles will increase.

Dreaming of vomiting with worms

Seeing vomiting with worms in a dream means liberation from an oppressive circumstance or from communicating with people with whom relationships were forced for you. There should be more determination and less regret.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Why is Vomiting dreaming?

Why dream of vomiting

Dream vomiting

What does sleep Vomiting mean

Means the mindset to give up life.

See vomiting in a dream

If someone sees that he has vomited, he will repent of his sins or repent of any deed that he does.

What Dreams Mean Vomiting

If you dream that you are vomiting, the dream portends the acquisition of what was lost or stolen from you.

Dream about Vomiting

What does vomiting mean in a dream

Vomiting (nausea) - To see - to profit, money. Someone vomits - make a profit with someone else's help. Clean up - your investment in the business will bring profit. You vomit - to make money savings.

Meaning of dreams Vomiting

What does Vomiting mean in a dream?

The meaning of sleep Vomiting

Quarrels, troubles; vomited himself to a good end of affairs; health, liberation; someone else's to see strong scandals. See Add. Nausea in the sensation section.

Interpretation of sleep Vomiting

means repentance if it has no smell, and if it does, then the one who dreamed will get into an unpleasant situation. If someone snatched out blood, then he will repent of sin or that which he acquired through a sinful way, and if he vomits milk, he will deviate from the innate human ability to believe and serve God (Al-Fitra). Vomiting also means the return of secrets and secrets, getting rid of internal and external emotions. And if the one who dreamed is sick, then he will die.

What Vomiting predicts in a dream

What does it mean to see Vomiting in a dream

Interpretation of sleep Vomiting

Quarrels, troubles; vomited himself - to a good end of affairs; health, liberation; to see someone else's - strong scandals. Vomiting is a dream in which you will vomit inside out and you will feel relief: it speaks of a decline in negative nervous tension. If something has bothered and depressed you these days, you can expect that the given problem will receive an unexpected solution. At the same time, if you see that you are vomiting with blood or bile: this is a sign of very big troubles and difficult conflicts. Most likely, too much negativity has accumulated in your life, and it will be difficult to get rid of it. Seeing someone tearing up: This is a hint that encourages you to free yourself from the burden of difficult experiences and relate to life more easily.

What does sleep predict? Vomiting

Dream meaning Vomiting

Vomiting urge to experience - wealth / grief. Pull yourself out - chagrin / slight malaise. Give someone an emetic - this is your hour, better use your luck.

See Vomiting in a dream

A symbol of rejection and rejection, refusal. Possibly associated with real brain problems (after traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accident).

Sleep prediction Vomiting

Vomiting - portends recovery for a sick person.

Why dream of vomiting

This unpleasant act symbolizes a hostile relationship.

Dream vomiting

Seeing things in a dream that make you feel bad is unfortunately and unfortunate. The patient sees vomiting in himself - to better health.

What does sleep Vomiting mean

This sign tells you that it is time to get rid of everything that bothers you. Free yourself from old ideas, notions and concepts. The time has come. Do it now! Do you feel like you need to express what was usually hidden by you and which made you sick? It's time to speak out openly.

Shit vomiting

Dream interpretation Vomiting by shit dreamed of why in a dream Vomiting shit? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Vomiting shit in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Shit and toilets

Everyone should dream and often) I mean shit and toilets. Despite the fact that shit is not pleasant to look at even, this dream is one of the good harbingers. Why is shit dreaming? It's very simple .. Shit dreams of profit, money! If you dream of toilets, but they don't have shit, let's say, then profit is also inevitable, but not today, but let's say in 2-3 days. It so happens that you are looking for toilets in a dream to relieve needs, then this is a different case: you just want to go to the toilet during sleep, but you are asleep and this is dictated to you by a dream about a toilet. Moreover, it often happens that you seem to have entered a booth and cannot urinate, which means that your "alarm clock" has simply not yet rang. Strictly speaking, the dream is about shit and toilets - wholly and completely obeys the principle of inversion in interpretation. Roughly speaking, what is disgusting in a dream is pleasant in real life, here's such a mess) and of course, the more shit you see in a dream, the more profit awaits you in real life!

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

If you dreamed that you were vomiting, it means that you can get sick with something or get into some scandalous story. If you saw someone else in this state, you will discover the insincerity of people you trusted. D. Loff wrote the following about this dream: “For many people, especially children, vomiting is a difficult and humiliating experience. In a dream, this can happen in almost any type of dream. Since in real life, vomiting is often associated with illness, it appears in dreams when our life is mostly out of control. Most likely, the presence of this phenomenon in a dream has to do with vomiting and nausea or other unpleasant sensations in the digestive tract in reality. "

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

To dream that you are vomiting means that some kind of illness will cause you suffering, or you will suddenly be involved in a big scandal. Seeing others in a dream in this state portends that you will discover the insincerity of people you trusted. For a woman to dream that she is vomiting rapidly flying chicks while vomiting, it means that she will not receive the long-awaited joy. This dream also predicts a bad turn of events. If you have bloody vomiting, an illness awaits you.

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

For many people, especially children, vomiting is a difficult and humiliating experience. In a dream, this can happen in almost any type of dream. Since in real life, vomiting is often associated with illness, it appears in dreams when our life is mostly out of control. It is most likely that the presence of this phenomenon in a dream has to do with vomiting and nausea or other unpleasant sensations in the digestive tract in reality. A woman in her forties recounts her dream: “I'm on the playground. I am a child about eight years old. The carousel moves faster and faster. I like it. The carousel is being pushed by a man I don't recognize. He stops the carousel and walks away. I'm sick of my yellow dress and I'm very sad. " This dream is interesting for many reasons. First, the dreamer presents herself as a child. All indications are that the memory of childhood will be essential for the interpretation of this dream. In a dream, a man walks away, and vomits her. It turns out that the dress is important because it was given to her that summer when her parents divorced. cannot have children. They felt they had lost control of their lives. Apparently, this dream was determined by anxiety about his future in a potentially childless home.

Dream interpretation - Shit

Shit in a dream is a sign of failures, betrayal, losses, disappointments, divorce, troubles and intrigues of enemies. Seeing shit in your home can sometimes mean a change of place of residence due to some kind of trouble. Emptying in a public place is a sign of failure and loss due to the fact that some secrets become known. See the interpretation: latrine, manure.

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

If in a dream you have vomiting or you see how vomiting twisted another, this dream is for unexpected guests.

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

If you start vomiting in a dream, this portends the onset of an illness or unexpected involvement in a big scandal. If you see others in this state, you will have to make sure of the insincerity of the people you trusted before. If a woman dreams that she is vomiting rapidly flying chicks, this means that joy and peace will not return to her for a long time. Also, such a dream can portend an unsuccessful course of business.

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

If you dreamed that you were vomiting, the dream suggests that you are in danger of a serious illness. If someone else vomits before your very eyes - problems with relatives. Removing vomit - you will have to complete an unpleasant task. Imagine that the patient takes very good medicine and the vomiting goes away. He feels good. Get a complete examination.

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

Feel the urge to vomit - to wealth. Vomiting you - to chagrin. Giving someone an emetic is your hour, use your luck.

Dream interpretation - Shit

Shit - To troubles and abominations.

The ABC of interpretation of dreams

Vomiting - symbolizes a situation that you do not accept. It is assumed that vomiting anticipates the resolution of a bad situation.

If you feel nauseous in a dream, then you will be accused of something and this will bring you grief.

American dream book

Vomiting - getting rid of excess. Liberation from old ideas, concepts and concepts. The need to express hidden or painful.

Eastern dream book

Why dream of Vomiting in a dream according to a dream book?

For a woman, a dream in which she is experiencing a gag reflex portends the illnesses of loved ones, and those in which her constant presence will be necessary.

Italian dream book

Vomiting is an attitude to give up life.

Muslim dream book

If anyone sees that he has vomited, he will repent of his sins or repent of any deed that he does.

The newest dream book

In a dream, why is Vomiting in a dream?

Vomiting food is a sign of onset gastritis or colitis.

Vomiting with blood - to a disease of the gastrointestinal tract (most likely, a duodenal ulcer).

Psychoanalytic dream book

Vomiting is a symbol of rejection and rejection, refusal. Possibly associated with real brain problems (after traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular accident).

Family dream book

If you dreamed that you were vomiting, then you can get sick with something or get into some scandalous story.

If you saw someone else in this state, you will discover the insincerity of people you trusted.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of Vomiting?

If you dream that you are vomiting, in reality you will have an illness that threatens you with disability, or you will be involved in a loud scandal.

Seeing that others are tormented by vomiting means that you will learn about the insidious plans of deceitful people who ask you for help.

If a woman dreams that she is spewing a bird, which then takes off, in real life the anticipated pleasure will be overshadowed by the illness of loved ones. In commercial matters, she will also fail.

Bloody vomiting is a sign of an impending disease. You will be oppressed by gloomy forebodings, and children and relatives will annoy you.

Dream interpretation 2012

Vomiting is an urgent need to get rid of everything that interferes, from old ideas, perceptions, concepts, judgments, views on oneself and life. The need to stop hiding what makes you "turn up" makes you sick.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why did you dream of Vomiting in a dream?

To dream that you feel the urge to vomit - to wealth, that you have vomiting - to chagrin.

Giving someone an emetic means that your hour has come, use your luck.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Vomiting urge to experience - wealth / grief.

Pull yourself out - chagrin / slight malaise.

Give someone an emetic - this is your hour, better use your luck.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Vomiting - this sign tells you that it is time to get rid of everything that bothers you. Free yourself from old ideas, notions and concepts. The time has come. Do it now!
Do you feel like you need to express what was usually hidden by you and which made you sick? It's time to speak out openly.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

A dream in which you will vomit inside out and you will feel relief - speaks of a decline in negative nervous tension. If something has bothered and depressed you these days, you can expect that the given problem will receive an unexpected solution.

At the same time, if in a dream you see that you are vomiting with blood or bile, this is a sign of very big troubles and difficult conflicts. Most likely, too much negativity has accumulated in your life, and it will be difficult to get rid of it.

Seeing someone tearing up is a hint that encourages you to free yourself from the burden of difficult experiences and relate to life more easily.

Dream interpretation of spiritual seekers

Vomiting in a dream is often striking in its realism. It testifies to cleansing, liberation from demonic subpersonalities (demons) with correct Christian prayer.

Dream book by David Loff

For many people, especially children, vomiting is a difficult and humiliating experience. In a dream, this can happen in almost any type of dream. Since in real life, vomiting is often associated with illness, it appears in dreams when our life is mostly out of control. It is most likely that the presence of this phenomenon in a dream has to do with vomiting and nausea or other unpleasant sensations in the digestive tract in reality.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Vomiting - an unexpected cash flow will pour out.

Feel the urge to vomit in a dream - to intestinal diseases.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

If in a dream you have vomiting or you see how vomiting twisted another - this dream is for unexpected guests.

Feeling the urge to vomit in a dream is a bad feeling in reality.

Miller's dream book

To dream that you are vomiting means that some illness will cause you suffering, or you will suddenly be involved in a big scandal.

Seeing others in such a state in a dream portends that you will discover the insincerity of people you trusted.

For a woman to dream that she is vomiting rapidly flying chicks while vomiting, it means that she will not receive the long-awaited joy. This dream also predicts a bad turn of events.

If you have bloody vomiting, an illness awaits you.

Chinese dream book

Vomiting - portends recovery for a sick person.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If you start vomiting in a dream, this portends the onset of an illness or unexpected involvement in a big scandal.

If you see others in this state, you will have to make sure of the insincerity of the people you trusted before.

If a woman dreams that she is vomiting rapidly flying chicks, this means that joy and peace will not return to her for a long time. Also, such a dream can portend an unsuccessful course of business.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of a dream: Vomiting according to a dream book?

Vomiting - quarrels, troubles; vomited himself - to a good end of affairs; health, liberation; to see someone else's - strong scandals.

French dream book

If you dream that you are vomiting, the dream portends the acquisition of what was lost or stolen from you.

Esoteric dream book

To see vomiting - to profit, money.

Someone vomits - make a profit with someone else's help.

Clean up - your investment in the business will bring profit.

You vomit - to make money savings.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Vomiting according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, she suffers from vomiting - you can get serious injury or tarnish your reputation with an unpleasant incident.

If it is bloody, your health will deteriorate significantly, and you will feel it, you will burst into trifles and pluck evil in the household.

A dream in which you are giving others a medicine that induces vomiting indicates that the time for action has come, this is your chance.

Washing floors after someone has vomited is a good investment.


Why dream of Vomiting, dream book of Vomiting to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream interpretation of the gypsy Seraphim

Why dream of Vomiting in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Vomiting - it is necessary to pay for something (the law of compensation); cleansing (something swallowed must be removed from the body). A dog eating vomit - you repeat your mistakes, as the dream book says - the fortuneteller.

Dream interpretation of the healer Evdokia

Why does Vomiting dream in a dream?

To dream of Vomiting means - Vomiting. To see that someone has vomited - you will have to make sure of the insincerity of the people you trusted; to experience it yourself - to an illness or a big scandal, if the vomiting is bloody - to a serious illness, your own or a loved one (blood) person. If a woman dreams that during vomiting she spews birds that immediately take off - a long joyless period, luck will leave her, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

Dream interpretation of a housewife

What is vomiting in a dream:

According to the dream book, Vomiting to see what it means - Vomiting - Symbolizes a situation that you do not accept; also anticipates the resolution of a bad situation. Feeling nauseous in a dream - you will be accused of something, and this will bring you grief

Psychological dream book

Why dream of Vomiting in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Vomiting - For a woman, a dream in which she experiences a gag reflex portends diseases of loved ones, and those in which her constant presence will be necessary

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Vomiting, which means sleep:

Seeing Vomiting in a dream - If you dreamed that you were vomiting, it means that you can get sick with something or get into some scandalous story. If you saw someone else in such a state, you will discover the insincerity of people you trusted. D. Loff wrote the following about this dream: “For many people, especially children, vomiting is a difficult and humiliating experience. In a dream, this can happen in almost any type of dream. Since in real life vomiting is often associated with illness, it appears in dreams when our life is mostly out of control. Most likely, the presence of this phenomenon in a dream has to do with vomiting and nausea or other unpleasant sensations in the digestive tract in reality. "

Summer dream book

Why see Vomiting in a dream?

Interpretation of a dream: Vomiting - If in a dream you have vomiting or you see how vomiting twisted another, this dream is for unexpected guests.

The urge to vomit - Feeling the urge to vomit in a dream feel bad in reality.

Burp - Burp in a dream - disgrace before big amount of people.

Nausea - Nausea refers to your disgust for someone.

Autumn dream book

Why see Vomiting in a dream?

Why dream of Vomiting (puke). - An unexpected cash flow will pour in, as the dream book says about this dream.

Desire to vomit (nausea, nausea). - To feel in a dream the urge to vomit - to intestinal diseases.

Burp - To marry children, to part with a loved one.

Nausea - Someone in your family is pregnant or rumors of someone being pregnant.

Spring dream book

Why see Vomiting in a dream?

According to the dream book, Vomiting, which means in a dream - Burp (vomit, vomit). - you will lose money and will not find it.

Nausea - to incompatibility with a new member in the team, to conflict.


Dream Interpretation: Vomiting what dreams

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Vomiting

Vomiting in a dream is a positive dream and suggests that you are about to find out good news, in addition, you are lucky. And by your behavior, others see that you are in harmony with your spiritual world. Surely, you will be offered a partnership: you can safely work with people who will make you such an offer.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why dreams about vomiting are dreamed, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see vomiting in a dream in Miller's online dream book.


why have a dream that makes you sick and vomits?



Vomiting - To see in a dream that you feel the urge to vomit - to wealth, that you have vomiting - to chagrin. Giving someone an emetic means that your hour has come, use your luck.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer. Interpretation of dreams

Dream Interpretation Vomiting - Quarrels, troubles; vomited himself - to a good end of affairs; health, liberation; to see someone else's - strong scandals. See Add. Nausea in the sensation section.

French dream book

Vomiting - If you dream that you are vomiting, a dream portends the acquisition of what was lost or stolen from you.

Miller's dream book. Interpretation of dreams

Why dream of Vomiting - To dream that you are vomiting means that some illness will cause you suffering, or you will suddenly be involved in a big scandal. Seeing others in such a state in a dream portends that you will discover the insincerity of people you trusted. For a woman to dream that she is vomiting rapidly flying chicks while vomiting, it means that she will not receive the long-awaited joy. This dream also predicts a bad turn of events. If you have bloody vomiting, an illness awaits you.

Muslim dream book

Vomiting - If someone sees that he has vomited, bring repentance in sins or repent of any deed that he does.

Loff's dream book

Vomiting - For many people, especially children, vomiting is a difficult and humiliating experience. In a dream, this can happen in almost any type of dream. Since in real life, vomiting is often associated with illness, it appears in dreams when our life is mostly out of control. It is most likely that the presence of this phenomenon in a dream has to do with vomiting and nausea or other unpleasant sensations in the digestive tract in reality. A woman in her forties talks about her dream: I am at the playground. I am a child about eight years old. The carousel moves faster and faster. I like it. The carousel is being pushed by a man I don't recognize. He stops the carousel and walks away. I am sick of my yellow dress and I am very sad. This dream is interesting for many reasons. First, the dreamer presents herself as a child. All indications are that the memory of childhood will be essential for the interpretation of this dream. In a dream, a man walks away, and vomits her. It turns out that the dress is important because it was given to her that summer when her parents divorced.In real life, the daydreaming was just finishing what she called a carousel of infertility: she and her husband were deeply traumatized and upset that they could not to have children. They felt they had lost control of their lives. Apparently, this dream was determined by anxiety about his future in a potentially childless home.

The ABC of interpretation of dreams

Vomiting (nausea) - Symbolizes a situation that you do not accept. It is assumed that vomiting anticipates the resolution of a bad situation. If you feel nauseous in a dream, then you will be accused of something and this will bring you grief.

Esoteric dream book

Vomiting (nausea) - Seeing profit, money


someone envies you ...

Isabelle Fruit

a loss


some situation in real life is very unpleasant for you, but it will be resolved

Child vomiting

Dream interpretation of a child vomiting dreamed why the child dreams of vomiting? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see vomiting in a Child's dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

If you dreamed that you were vomiting, it means that you can get sick with something or get into some scandalous story.

If you saw someone else in this state, you will discover the insincerity of people you trusted.

D. Loff wrote the following about this dream: “For many people, especially children, vomiting is a difficult and humiliating experience. In a dream, this can happen in almost any type of dream. Since in real life, vomiting is often associated with illness, it appears in dreams when our life is mostly out of control. Most likely, the presence of this phenomenon in a dream has to do with vomiting and nausea or other unpleasant sensations in the digestive tract in reality. "

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

To dream that you are vomiting means that some kind of illness will cause you suffering, or you will suddenly be involved in a big scandal.

Seeing others in a dream in this state portends that you will discover the insincerity of people you trusted.

For a woman to dream that she is vomiting rapidly flying chicks while vomiting, it means that she will not receive the long-awaited joy. This dream also predicts a bad turn of events.

If you have bloody vomiting, an illness awaits you.

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

For many people, especially children, vomiting is a difficult and humiliating experience. In a dream, this can happen in almost any type of dream. Since in real life, vomiting is often associated with illness, it appears in dreams when our life is mostly out of control. It is most likely that the presence of this phenomenon in a dream has to do with vomiting and nausea or other unpleasant sensations in the digestive tract in reality.

A woman over the age of forty talks about her dream:

“I'm in the playground. I'm a kid, about eight years old. The carousel moves faster and faster. I love it. The carousel is pushed by a man I don't recognize. He stops the carousel and walks away. I feel sick to my yellow dress, and I'm very sad. "

This dream is interesting for many reasons. First, the dreamer presents herself as a child. All indications are that the memory of childhood will be essential for the interpretation of this dream. In a dream, a man walks away, and vomits her. It turns out that the dress is important because it was given to her that summer when her parents divorced.

In real life, the dreamer was just finishing what she called the "carousel of infertility": she and her husband were deeply traumatized and upset that they could not have children. They felt they had lost control of their lives. Apparently, this dream was determined by anxiety about his future in a potentially childless home.

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

If in a dream you have vomiting or you see how vomiting twisted another, this dream is for unexpected guests.

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

If you start vomiting in a dream, this portends the onset of an illness or unexpected involvement in a big scandal. If you see others in this state, you will have to make sure of the insincerity of the people you trusted before. If a woman dreams that she is vomiting rapidly flying chicks, this means that joy and peace will not return to her for a long time. Also, such a dream can portend an unsuccessful course of business.

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

If you dreamed that you were vomiting, the dream suggests that you are in danger of a serious illness. If someone else vomits before your very eyes - problems with relatives. Removing vomit - you will have to complete an unpleasant task.

Imagine that the patient is taking very good medicine and the vomiting goes away. He feels good. Get a complete examination.

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

Feel the urge to vomit - to wealth.

Vomiting you - to chagrin.

Giving someone an emetic is your hour, use your luck.

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

Vomiting (nausea) - To see - to profit, money. Someone vomits - make a profit with someone else's help. Clean up - your investment in the business will bring profit. You vomit - to make money savings.

Dream interpretation - Vomiting

means repentance if it has no smell, and if it does, then the one who dreamed will get into an unpleasant situation. If someone snatched out blood, then he will repent of sin or that which he acquired through a sinful way, and if he vomits milk, he will deviate from the innate human ability to believe and serve God (Al-Fitra). Vomiting also means the return of secrets and secrets, getting rid of internal and external emotions. And if the one who dreamed is sick, then he will die.


Why is vomiting dreaming?



This suggests that something is bothering you ... and you want to get rid of it.


If you dream that you are vomiting, the dream portends the acquisition of what was lost or stolen from you.

Akane xd

What is gone will return

Alexey Miroshnikov MAG

If this is not a stomach urge, then expect some kind of acquisition):


to illness or scandal. be careful.

olga ivan

to stomach disease. check with a specialist


getting rid of something unpleasant: bad habit, the person you dislike


You are rejecting something. It is also a sign of prudence that will allow you to end a defamatory or criminal friendship.

Kate ***

If in a dream you suffer from vomiting, then in reality you are threatened with illness or a scandalous story. Bloody vomiting - to illness. If you dream that someone is nauseous, then in reality you will soon realize that those you loved and trusted were insincere with you. If a woman in a fantastic dream sees that, together with vomiting, she is vomiting rapidly flying chicks, then her bright dreams and hopes will not come true.

† No one needs it... †

If you dreamed that you were vomiting, then in real life your health is threatened by a serious illness. If others have vomiting, then soon you will discover a secret conspiracy of your enemies.
If a woman dreams that she is experiencing a gag reflex, but a bird flies out of her mouth, then in reality her hopes for a well-deserved rest are not destined to come true due to the illness of loved ones.