How to reset the BIOS password on a computer and laptop. BIOS Factory Reset

Many problems associated with the operation of a laptop can be solved by simply resetting the BIOS, that is, returning it to factory settings that are guaranteed to work. Often users change critical settings, overclock the processor, or, even worse, set a password and then forget it. And only resetting the settings will solve the problem. This procedure is simple and accessible to every user. Actually, there are always two options that will allow you to return the BIOS to factory settings - hardware and software.

Hardware procedure

The very first and simplest is a mechanical reset of the BIOS settings. Here's how to do it: turn off the laptop, turn it over, and find the inscription “CMOS” on the bottom side (there should still be a small hole near it). Insert a sharp object, such as a paper clip, into this hole and hold for about 10 seconds.

Please note that older models do not have such holes. But even there the BIOS can be reset. For example, you can remove the battery that powers the CMOS memory, although this will require you to disassemble the laptop (usually just removing the bottom cover is enough). To reset the BIOS in this way, you need to be very careful, and disassemble everything very carefully. The battery is generally easy to find, it is flat and always easily accessible. The battery must be removed from the socket and wait a while. On very old models, the battery may be soldered, but this is now very rare.

Much more often, the issue with the BIOS on the laptop is solved not by removing the battery itself, but by removing or shorting a special jumper (jumper) that is responsible for the same CMOS. Sometimes you can reset the BIOS by pressing a special button on the motherboard - this is an analogue of a jumper.

Note that the battery removal procedure is universal. So you can reset the BIOS not only on ASUS laptop, but generally anywhere. The CMOS memory battery can be reset on any device, from expensive servers to conventional PCs.

BIOS Reset Software Procedure

If you know how to enter the BIOS, and you can do it, then hardware methods are not needed at all, you can make everything easier. As for setting up ASUS laptops, there are several options depending on the specific implementation. In general, everything is done simply - you need to turn on your laptop and go to the BIOS settings menu at the boot stage.

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the messages at the bottom of the screen, the key combination you need is written there. Usually entering the BIOS occurs by pressing the "Del", "Esc" or "F2" keys during boot, but options are also possible. You will easily understand the principle of resetting BIOS on a laptop when you get to the settings menu. Please note that new versions of ASUS laptops may not have a text screen, but a graphic one. But in general, the scheme of how to reset everything is general.
  2. Next, select the desired menu item - usually it is called “Set BIOS Default” or “Use Default Settings”. Select and press "Enter", and then confirm your decision - press "Yes". In principle, and how to enter the BIOS, and how to reset it - all this is also in the documentation for the laptop / motherboard.
  3. Often, resetting the BIOS on a laptop must also be confirmed by saving - that is, select the menu item - “Save & Exit”, save everything, and then reboot.

  1. Hello admin, I want to ask you - How to reset BIOS, if on motherboard there are no special Clear CMOS jumpers. There are several jumpers and one of them has three pins, CLR is written under it, maybe this is it? In short, my problem is that I incorrectly overclocked the computer and now it immediately goes into blue screen. On various forums, they suggest resetting the BIOS settings to factory settings. I am a beginner user, I encounter such a problem for the first time, I'm afraid to do something wrong.
  2. Second letter. Tell me please - How to reset BIOS? A year ago I put a password on it, and now I want to reinstall the operating system, but I don’t remember the password, and I can’t enter the BIOS, respectively, and I can’t change the priority of the boot device to boot from the Windows disk. Friends say there should be a special jumper on the motherboard, but unfortunately I did not find one. My motherboard is Asus and I can use the boot menu to change the boot priority, but for some reason I can’t use it. When you press the F-8 key in the initial boot phase, nothing happens.
  3. Third letter: Tell me, if you just enter the BIOS and reset the settings to default, that is, select the Load Setup Defaults option, press Enter, then OK - some settings will be reset. Is this a factory reset?

How to reset BIOS

As friends can see, resetting BIOS settings may be needed in a variety of situations. “Various computer problems” can happen to every user, because no one is immune from mistakes. But as for the overclocking of computer components, one must be very careful here, because the matter can end with the failure of the motherboard or processor.
To reset the BIOS settings, you first need to turn off the computer completely and disconnect everything that is connected from it, then inspect the motherboard, the manufacturer must leave a special jumper on it to reset the settings. But even if you don’t find such a jumper, don’t be upset, BIOS settings can be reset without it.
On old and inexpensive motherboards, such a jumper consists of two such contacts without a jumper labeled under it Clear CMOS or CLR CMOS.

On a completely de-energized computer, we close the contacts with a flat screwdriver for 10 seconds and that's it,

then turn on the computer, go into the BIOS, the settings are already factory. If you had a BIOS password, it will be reset. You will have to set the time again as well.
If the BIOS reset jumper has three pins, then it has a jumper attached to the first and middle pins (position 1-2).

To reset the BIOS, with the computer turned off, we transplant the jumper to the middle and extreme contacts (position 2-3), wait 10 seconds and replace the jumper back and turn on the computer.

On newer motherboards, there is a special button clr CMOS specifically for resetting BIOS settings.

You can reset the BIOS settings by removing the CMOS battery from the motherboard and shorting the two contacts in the battery slot with a screwdriver for a few seconds.

Well, the most unpretentious way is to simply pull out the CMOS battery for 24 hours. Many experienced users may object and notice that it takes an hour to remove the battery to reset the settings. I mean, not always.

And the last question. Reset BIOS settings to factory and default (default), are they different things?
Resetting BIOS settings to default is almost the same as resetting to factory settings. The only difference is that when you reset the BIOS to factory settings, the time in the BIOS is also reset, that's all.
We go to the tab (Exit), in it, using the arrows on the keyboard, select the item Load Setup Defaults or maybe Load Fail-Safe Defaults, press Enter and OK. The settings have been reset.

It is no secret that in some cases, in order to restore the health of a computer system, it may be necessary to reset the BIOS. This technique allows you to fix many hardware problems that Windows tools and tools cannot solve. The following are some basic ways to do this without any problems. Consider both software and physical methods for resetting the parameters of the primary system.

Why might you need to reset the BIOS?

Quite often, you can come across situations when those who like to delve into the system settings set such parameters that then not only the installed equipment does not work or does not work correctly, but the operating system does not boot either.

You can often come across situations when a password is set through the primary system for entering, which, to the settings operating system has no relation at all. Sometimes it is necessary to reset the settings to the factory settings even if the user notices that the entire computer system is extremely unstable (it constantly crashes, spontaneously reboots, etc.). In some cases, this approach even allows you to restore the OS boot, if problems at startup were observed precisely through the fault of the hardware.

How to reset BIOS: standard method

By by and large there is nothing particularly difficult in resetting the parameters to the factory settings. How to reset bios settings? There is nothing easier.

When you turn on the computer device, you must enter the primary system itself using the keys that will be indicated on the start screen, and then go to the reset item on start page. It can be called differently, but most often it is the Load Setup Defaults parameter or something like that. After its activation, the system will issue a warning to confirm the reset, which must be accepted by pressing the "Y" (Yes) key.

In some versions of the primary system, such an item may be present in the exit menu (Exit).

Using a jumper on the motherboard

The question of how to reset the BIOS can also be solved by physically interfering with the stuffing of a stationary computer (the suggested actions are usually not applied on laptops).

Here, near the battery, you can find a special jumper or the so-called jumper, which is usually marked as CLRTC, Clear CMOS or has a similar name. The position in which it is installed is responsible for changing the operating modes of the motherboard and resetting the settings of the primary I / O system itself. How to reset BIOS settings to default? If there are three pins on the board, you need to set the jumper to the second position, if there are only two, use an additional jumper from another place on the motherboard to close them. Naturally, all actions must be performed with the computer terminal turned off. After that, the question of how to reset the BIOS involves a long press on the power button (about ten seconds). The computer, of course, will not turn on, but resetting the primary system is guaranteed to you. Then you should set the jumper to its original position (and also remove the additional jumper, if it was installed) and turn on the terminal.

Reset by removing the CMOS battery

Another technique that allows you to quite simply solve the problem of how to reset the BIOS is to temporarily remove the CMOS battery from the motherboard socket.

The pause between its withdrawal and re-insertion is about ten to fifteen minutes. But here you need to be very careful, because on some models of motherboards the battery is non-removable.

Using the Debug Utility

Finally, the problem of how to reset the BIOS on a Windows computer can be solved by using a small utility called Debug, which is a built-in tool of the operating system itself.

To launch it, you must use the call to the "Run" menu, where you enter the command of the same name with the tool. After the start, a black window will appear, which looks no different from the command console. Here the parameters entered will depend solely on which version and which manufacturer is installed in the computer system.

For example, for Phoenix primary systems, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof O 70 FF, O 71 FF and Q are entered sequentially, for AMI or Award systems, parameters O 70 17, O 73 17 and Q are entered. But for the correctness of the entered reset commands, you must first familiarize yourself with the BIOS technical documentation, using, for example, the Internet resource of the developer (manufacturer). If you enter incorrect values, it may either have no effect at all, or bring the entire system into a completely inoperable state.

Additional measures

In some cases, when it is only absolutely necessary, you can perform a reset by installing an updated firmware that does not inherit the settings of the previous version.

True, ordinary users are categorically not recommended to do such things without knowing the intricacies of flashing, otherwise you will even have to change the chip itself with the primary system, and maybe even the entire motherboard. So be careful.


If we draw some conclusions from all that has been said, it is recommended to reset the BIOS settings and parameters through the options of the primary system itself. For fixed terminals, a reset can be used by temporarily removing the battery. With jumpers, too, without knowing the essence of the issue, you should be careful, otherwise you will close the wrong contacts, and the motherboard, as they say, will “fly”.

The need to reset the BIOS can occur in various situations. The most common case is the introduction of incorrect settings, due to which the computer does not work correctly. It also resets the BIOS before and after updating it.

We have previously published an article about. But, in the old article, it was only about desktop computers. Now we will talk about how to reset BIOS on a laptop.

Resetting the BIOS on a laptop can be done in two ways. This is a reset through the BIOS Setup interface using a special function, and a reset by disconnecting the battery. Next, we will consider both of these methods.

Resetting BIOS settings through the BIOS Setup interface

The easiest way to reset BIOS settings is to enter the BIOS Setup interface, find the reset function there and activate it. In order to restart the laptop and start loading, press the button to enter the BIOS Setup interface (at the time of loading, information will appear on the screen about which button to press).

If there is no information about the button on the screen, then you can try pressing the keys that are most often used to open the BIOS Setup. For example: DELETE, F10, F11, F12, F1, F2, F3, Esc.

After entering the BIOS Setup, you need to find the function to reset the settings. Usually such a function is located in the last section of the BIOS settings and is called "Load Setup Default". Other names for this function are also possible. For example, "Load Safe-Fail Defaults". It is impossible to say exactly what this function will be called in your BIOS version. Here you have to navigate yourself.

After using this function, the computer will go to reboot, after which it will start with standard BIOS settings.

Reset BIOS settings on a laptop by disconnecting the battery

The second way to reset BIOS settings is to feed the CMOS memory. The battery is disconnected for 1-2 minutes, after which it is put back and the computer is assembled. This momentary shutdown enough to clear the CMOS memory and reset BIOS settings. Usually to this method they resort only when the computer does not boot at all and it is impossible to enter the BIOS Setup.

On desktop computers, this is very easy to do. To do this, just remove the side cover and disconnect the battery. With laptops, things are a little more complicated.

On laptops, this battery can be placed in various places. Sometimes, in order to gain access to the battery, it is enough to open the hard drive access compartment and random access memory. And sometimes, the CMOS memory battery is hidden so deep that it can only be accessed after the laptop is completely disassembled.

In order to determine where this battery is located on your laptop, you need to refer to your laptop's maintenance manual. In order to find such a manual, enter into the search engine a query consisting of the phrase " Service Guide” and the name of your laptop. You can also use the phrase " Service manual».

Further in the maintenance manual, you need to find a section that describes the process of disconnecting the battery. Usually this section is called " Removing the RTC Battery" or " Removing the CMOS Battery". For example, this is how the instructions for removing the battery for Acer laptop Aspire 5810T.

If you're lucky and the CMOS battery is in the battery compartment hard drive and RAM, then it can be disconnected and connected back without much risk. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions in the maintenance manual.

If, on your laptop, to access the battery, you need to perform a complete disassembly of the device, then it is better not to do this without proper knowledge and experience. Contact service center so you save your time and nerves.

BIOS needs to be reset often on laptops when the user comes face to face with a number of problems that can only be fixed by resetting the BIOS.

Some problems can only be fixed full reset settings; but the user needs to be aware of what this entails and how to do it.
Most often, the problem is far from being in the hardware, this will help bring the device back to life.

1. Reset details

It would seem that resetting the settings to the factory settings is nothing complicated, or cannot be difficult. But the user who encounters this for the first time will need to specify the "path" and answer questions.
Why you need to reset the BIOS on a laptop:
- the need to reset the paralyzed BIOS due to the loss of access to it. But this is only necessary if you will often access the BIOS settings;

- incorrect "overclocking" of the processor, while the highest ones are set, critical values bus frequency or memory timing. In general, most often, it is not recommended to overclock the processor on laptops;
- the system cannot boot, but the BIOS is available;
- Various changes were made to the BIOS by an inexperienced user, which led to a malfunction of the system.

2. How can I reset the BIOS. Options.

For PCs and Laptops, there are several basic options for resetting BIOS to factory settings:
- using the interface of the BIOS itself, if it is available;
- with the help of additional software, most often applicable for a 32-bit OS;
- mechanically.
Other ways to reset the PC to factory settings can be found in its documentation, if any. Find instructions under certain models devices can also be found on the Internet or on the manufacturer's website.

3. To factory settings via BIOS

Resetting the BIOS settings can occur through the working BIOS itself, using a special utility already built into it in advance. To do this, you need to go to the interface. The transition to the BIOS interface can be done using the buttons: Delete, F2, 10, 11, Esc. Most often, this button is specified at system startup. The picture shows an example.

After you are in the BIOS menu, you need to find the special menu "Exit" and select the item "Load setup Defaults". Confirm the reset with the "yes" button, so the factory settings will be applied. After confirming the action with the F10 key, all changes will be saved.

Some laptop models have a different name for the BIOS reset point. For example, Sony has “optimized defaults”, that is, using this item, you can reset the BIOS settings.

In Toshiba, Samsung and HP, this item is located under the F9 key and it is called "Setup Defaults".
For older models, these items are most likely: Use Default Settings or Set BIOS Default.

Most often, resetting the settings will turn on the PC and boot it normally.

But in the event that during the BIOS reset an error occurred, for example, at the system media selection point, you will need to go back to the BIOS and go to the special settings:
1. Go to BIOS;
2. Find the Boot partition;
3. In the Boot Mode tab, change the UEFI item to Legacy;
4. Save the settings and reboot the system.
This method has a chance not to work, for example, if a password is set on the BIOS, or it is not available for some other reason.

4. Reset BIOS using the DEBUG program

You can change the BIOS interface and reset it using a special add-on for Windows OS. Most often, it is built into the x32 system and must be launched "as administrator".
1. Open the program "run" Win + R;
2. Enter "debug.exe";
3. Now enter "o702E", "o71FF" and "q" in turn;
4. Confirm the entry with the special "Enter" button.

After this action, all BIOS settings will be reset. And after the system reboots, the user will receive a notification that it is necessary to check the BIOS settings. Next, the BIOS will need to be manually configured, or left as it is.

The disadvantage of this software is the inability to run Widnows on x64 OS. And this means that most modern computers will need to be "zeroed" using other methods.

5. Mechanical (hardware) BIOS reset method

Such a “hard” reset of the laptop BIOS settings is needed when the BIOS password is forgotten, unknown, or in any other case when the BIOS is not available.
In this case, the only way out is a hardware reset of the BIOS.

Reset "BIOS" button

Laptops released 2-3 years ago have this button in a conspicuous place, so as not to resort to disassembling the device. To reset the BIOS using the button, you need:
1. Turn off the laptop completely, turn it upside down;
2. At the bottom, find the inscription "CMOS", near it there will be a special hole through which you can reset the BIOS;
3. Insert a suitable object such as a “paper clip” or “carnation” into the hole found to hold the button for 30 or more seconds;
4. Turn on the laptop.

In the event that there are no holes, you need to disassemble it and find such a button.
Before disassembling the laptop, remove all power cords and other peripherals, including the battery.

Removing the battery on the motherboard
This is the easiest way to "hard reset" the BIOS. Most laptops will allow you to reset the settings by removing the battery highlighted in the picture below.

By removing the battery, you turn off the BIOS power and, accordingly, reset all settings and the password itself. The board must be de-energized from 5 to 40 minutes, it all depends on the model. Sometimes this may not work.

The battery is always in a prominent place and is located closer to the edge of the motherboard and nothing interferes with its removal.
The user must:
- remove the cover;
- completely de-energize the devices, remove the laptop battery;
- find a battery;
- remove it carefully;
- wait up to 40 minutes for it to work;
- install a removable battery in place;
- turn on the laptop;
- BIOS settings in a new way, set the date, clock and other parameters.
There are also non-removable batteries. For them, this method is impossible. Therefore, you can use the following method.

Clear jumper - toggle

This method of switching the jumper is possible if the laptop has a special jumper, which is responsible for resetting the BIOS settings.
In order to find it, you need to “crawl” under the cover of the laptop and gain access to the motherboard. Most often, such a switch is located directly near the battery, and the jumper is signed by one of the following names: CLRTC, CLR and CCMOS.

Most often, the Jumper pad consists of three contacts. To reset the BIOS, you need to move this jumper one step, that is, from a certain position to the next, and vice versa.

After the jumper is switched, you should press the laptop power button for more than 10 seconds.
The laptop, of course, will not be turned on, but the signal will be transmitted to the jumper. After that, return the jumper to the position in which it was and proceed to turn on the laptop and configure the reset BIOS.

The hardware method of resetting the BIOS settings will almost 100% reset them, but if the laptop is still under warranty, this action will lead to the loss of the warranty on it, so it is best to use the hardware method after the warranty expires.

6. Bottom line

The provided BIOS reset techniques will help you deal with this problem without specialists. Most often, this problem should take no more than a couple of minutes to resolve.

But if none of the methods helped, contact a service specializing in this area. The device can be protected by some additional chip.