Online store bed world. Online store bed world Blanket 190

Size and weight. When selecting suitable model be sure to pay attention to light blankets, because under too thick and heavy products you may be uncomfortable. Many manufacturers even offer woolen options, which hardly differ in weight from downy ones. Size is a matter of personal preference. If you change positions frequently while sleeping, opt for a square-shaped blanket.

Season. Today, manufacturers produce both denser and lightweight sleeping blankets. For the summer, it is better to choose a light model made of bamboo, cotton or silk. In winter, it is preferable to pick up blankets filled with wool, down or synthetic materials. If you are looking for a versatile product, look for all-season models.

Practicality. Choose models that do not require complex maintenance. These are blankets made of linen, bamboo, camel hair and artificial materials. These garments are machine washable and dry quickly. long time do not lose their original shape. Blankets made of wool perfectly absorb moisture and quickly give it away, due to which they do not require constant ventilation.

To buy a blanket for winter and summer, it is enough to use the convenient service of the online store "MnogoSna". Thanks to a large selection of sizes (1.5 bed and 2 bed), you can choose the option that is perfect for your sleeping area and personal wishes. To buy a blanket in Moscow, contact the managers of the online store or order the products you like using a convenient online form.

Half-woolen blanket 190*200, 50% wool, 50% PAN, pl. 420 gr
There is nothing better than the relaxing and cozy atmosphere that you can find yourself in, hiding behind a warm blanket. Coming home from work, study, tired of the rapid daily rhythm, I want to relax to the maximum, and with health benefits. And although modern trade marks constantly developing new types of filling, there is nothing better than wool blankets
Woolen blankets are unique products of their kind. Such blankets are radically different from their Soviet counterparts. If then wool blankets were prickly, causing discomfort, today they are presented in a favorable light, they have a natural, soft, body-friendly texture, are made using the latest technologies, while not detracting from the best properties
The uniqueness of woolen blankets lies in the fact that they perform several functions. Due to its composition, such products:
used as regular blankets;
depending on the type of execution, they can become a daytime “spread” of a bed (sofa);
if necessary, they can become a mattress cover, providing the right atmosphere (relevant for sick people and babies);
are a kind of cocoon-sweater, covering the user from head to toe when the room is cold.
most main feature woolen blankets is their benefit: these are not simple products, designed only to maintain body heat during sleep. Wool blankets are good for health, and this is a scientifically proven fact.
Today, doctors themselves recognize the tangible benefits of such products. Wool blankets:
with regular use, they help strengthen the user's immunity;
able to relax the body nervous system;
relieve a person from feeling tired, providing beneficial effect for the whole body;
create comfort and cozy atmosphere, sheltering the wearer;
reduce the severity of pain syndromes associated with such diagnoses as rheumatism, osteochondrosis, otitis, pain in the lower back and shoulder girdle, joints;
accelerate recovery from colds, sinusitis, gout;
relieve puffiness and restore the structure of skin cells (relevant for frostbite, dryness, flabbiness of the dermis);
normalize metabolism, blood flow and heart function;
relieve the body of prickly heat (relevant for infants and people with increased sweating);
good for adherents of a sports lifestyle, restoring the body after intense training, stretching of muscles and ligaments.
The basis of the beneficial effect is the ability of the filler to warm the body in the right amount. Whatever the temperature in the room, under this blanket it is impossible to overheat and sweat. Thanks to the "breathing" structure of the fiber, the slightest moisture from the inside will be immediately absorbed and flow out into the air. Due to the low thermal conductivity, heat will not "leak" through the blanket.

A person sleeps for about a third of his life. In order for the rest to be complete, the awakening pleasant, and the mood cheerful, you need to choose the right and buy bedding, especially a blanket.

From what you buy a blanket in our online store directly related to well-being and performance. Under the right duvet will be comfortable to sleep. An inexpensive synthetic blanket can be quite high quality and does not require special care. And how pleasant it is to sleep in winter under a warm down or woolen blanket.

Buy a blanket in the online store

Right now, check your beds, as well as those of your family members - perhaps the blankets do not match the season or the size of the duvet covers and it is uncomfortable to sleep under them? And how old are they? Where did you buy them? Maybe they have long been out of order, so your loved ones sleep restlessly, and during the day they are in a bad mood?

To provide yourself and your family with a strong healthy sleep, costs buy new blankets in the online store"website". Suitable bedding in size and properties will make your stay more comfortable.

What kind of blankets can you buy from us?


Bird down is a lightweight soft filler that perfectly retains heat, lets air through and absorbs moisture. However, it requires special care. Downy things need a special washing regime, regular airing and drying. You can buy a duvet at a bargain price.

Silk blankets

Buy a blanket in Moscow in a store website. from natural silk. Natural silk contains amino acids, proteins and other useful material Therefore, it has a healing effect on the human body. soft light the material is not electrified, regulates body temperature, does not cause allergies. It does not breed bacteria and dust mites. Elite class blankets are made from silk fibers.

wool blankets

The wool of camels and sheep is used to make blankets. different breeds, including merino. Warm, lightweight products are environmentally friendly, breathable, hypoallergenic, maintain a comfortable body temperature. The material contains lanolin, which prevents the development of bacteria, and also relieves headaches, insomnia, and depression.

Cotton (wadded and flannel)

Wadded blankets are stuffed with 100% cotton, so they are considered environmentally friendly. They are hypoallergenic, perfectly warm, do not electrify. Suitable even for small children.

Worth it for the summer buy flannelette blankets which are made from cotton fibers with the addition of viscose or synthetic materials. They fully retain the properties of natural cotton.

Synthetic blankets

If you want to buy a cheap blanket, but get good quality choose a fiber blanket. Products made of holofiber, synthetic winterizer or other artificial fibers are very practical. They are cheap, durable, easy to wash in washing machine, dry quickly, weigh almost nothing. quality synthetic materials do not cause allergies and pass air well.

Where can I buy cheap duvets?

We sell certified products from domestic manufacturers. They are much cheaper than imported counterparts, but they are not inferior to them in quality and meet international standards.

AT store"site" is blankets all colors and sizes:

  • large blankets
  • children and adults;
  • economy and premium class;
  • summer, winter, demi-season;
  • electrical;
  • filled with down, wool, silk, bamboo, holofiber, eucalyptus.

You buy practical bedding for the hotel, children's institution or hospice? And online store"site" offers available prices, holds promotions and sales- you can cheap buy blankets that will serve for many years.

Most of the goods are in our warehouse in Moscow. We can order blankets in bulk or retail directly from home and sleep peacefully - within the Moscow Ring Road we will deliver the goods within a day!

Make the choice of the right blanket in the online store site in Moscow and you will be satisfied.

When buying blankets or other products in excess of 2300r. free delivery!