Beautiful status about loneliness and love. Sad statuses about loneliness

Loneliness is the destiny of the strong, the weak always huddle in the crowd!

The worst loneliness is when you don't feel like crying. When you don't even want to feel sorry for you. When you understand - there is you and there is the world - this world is not with you. You're alone…

Married to loneliness. I can't get divorced anyway.

For every moment of happiness we pay with years of loneliness...

And in the evening no one waits, and you can do whatever you want ... And what is it called, freedom or loneliness ...

Music- the best medicine from loneliness...

Sometimes I like to communicate with myself, thinking that inside this small tube there is a little man who understands me perfectly.

I have potato syndrome. I want to lie in a dark, warm corner, and so that no one touches me for a couple of weeks.

In this world, everyone wants to be in love. Everyone wants to be happy. Saved from loneliness..

Pride + indifference = loneliness. Statuses

Loneliness is a beautiful thing, but there must be a person nearby to whom you can tell: what a beautiful thing it is - loneliness!

She likes to walk alone, but hates being alone. She says that you need to go forward without looking back, and every evening she remembers the past.

Eagles fly alone, while rams graze in herds.

And yet one day he will come and hopes and prophecies will come true ... He will find your lips in the dark and whisper to drive away loneliness.

The heaviest torment and severe torture for a person is his loneliness.

Loneliness is always with you, but just happy and enjoying life)))

There is no person lonelier than the one who survived his beloved. (E. Hemingway)

A wise person does not grieve for what is not, he rejoices in the present.

LONELY is when you talk to yourself all night long and you are not understood.

True loneliness is the presence of a person who does not understand you.

Don't be jealous of my loneliness. I don't understand this jealousy. Sometimes a person wants to be alone, alone ...

I'm single..and I like it for some reason...

There is a reason for my loneliness - I'm so calmer.

From small bouts of loneliness, life actually consists ...

For some reason I feel so lonely today...

I look out the window and see one star, realizing that she is lonely, like me.

When you're lonely... Turn on the music, make coffee... And just relax.

I know what loneliness is: A bitten piece of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music that already hurts your ears, an unbearable emptiness in the depths of your soul and tears in your eyes ....

Hold my hands, I'm tired of being alone. Statuses

When there is no one to even write to, you really want to jump and go to heaven. But there is no heaven and no hell. There is only me and loneliness...

Where sincerity ends, loneliness begins.

Loneliness is the most cruel torture, the most difficult torment.

Most often, we ourselves become the cause of our loneliness!

Signs, questions… with whom we are… a cry of loneliness.

Loneliness is when there is money and time, but there is no one to drink with.

Who does not like loneliness - he does not like freedom.

Loneliness is when there are 200 numbers on your cell phone, and there is no one to call.

Our motto is invincible - we will excite and we will not give! .. Statuses

I never listen to music alone..... 5 more floors with me))

Strong coffee. Strong loneliness. Strong hopelessness. And a weak me.

Loneliness is when you have no one to tell you that you are lonely...

And I can't do this anymore... I can't stand these wounds... It hurts... I don't want to live... Emptiness... The whole world is empty... Cold... Indifference... Indifference... Loneliness...

The disease of the 21st century is loneliness.

I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to drink in splendid isolation, otherwise, God forbid, people will find out what I think of them.

...only loneliness teaches us to love....

People try to express themselves in different ways. Emotions, sensations, thoughts the artist splashes on the canvas, the writer leaves notes on paper, the musician plays sad music.

What to do modern people who do not have special talents and skills. It remains to pour out the soul through statuses in in social networks. Expressions should be precise and concise, full of meaning.

When a person constantly thinks about sadness and feels empty, it is better to express feelings with the help of a status on a personal page on a social network.

This method will help to inform the world about inner feelings and experiences.

Note! It is advisable to use expressions with meaning open type so that others do not perceive the record as a suicide note.

Many people use expressions famous people, quotes from the works of writers and poets.

Statuses for the soul that catch and convey the state of emptiness:

Phrases that tickle the nerves, conveying emptiness
Sadness permeates the heart, soul and thoughts. Painful and empty human food. It's worth saving yourself from this.
The state of the soul resembles a black hole - empty and lonely. I want to fill the dark space with bright stars
Explodes thoughts, emotions and feelings silence, reminiscent of the emptiness of the night
The soul is devoured by a thoughtless emptiness rising from the depths of human self-consciousness
Emptiness can push for new achievements, indicating completely new and amazing events in life.
A cry into the void will not give an answer, just like my soul, which is in a state of weightlessness, uncertainty, longing
Thanks to the emptiness, there is so much space in my soul that I can fit the whole world into it.
Empty soul and thoughts. The world is rushing at the speed of light around a lonely heart. Save yourself or stay in the darkness of trouble
Wasteland in the heart and soul, can not be compared with any sensation. It is better to get rid of sadness and sadness through love

Sad statuses about pain and resentment

You need to choose words and phrases that optimally reveal the soul and emotional base. It is undesirable to indicate the name, the cause, the circumstances - only the consequences.

In the soul, a person can experience the brightest and darkest emotions and feelings. In the process of choosing words, you should not violently pour out resentment, projecting feelings into a social network.

It is better to choose the right phrases. The entry should not be too long and overloaded with beautiful words - simplicity is the best option.

sad statuses talking about pain and resentment:

  • How painful and dangerous it is for the heart to open its soul. You can pay dearly for the mistake of sincerity and kindness.
  • The soul hurts, it burns with fire. Love has gone like a snowball. Resentment and pain are two faithful companions of the heart.
  • It hurts and hurts when loved ones betray you. It is scary and dangerous when enemies do it. It is impossible to understand and forgive if this is a loved one.
  • A person's eyes can hide problems, lack of sleep, but the fire of pain and resentment will never be removed.
  • No physical pain compares to mental pain. No medicine can heal the wound of the spirit.
  • The heart is on fire. Feelings are mixed, blurred and interfere with thinking - this is due to a feeling of pain and resentment.
  • Do you want to feel the pain and resentment of betrayal? Rely on a friend or loved one once.
  • Resentment, pain are woven together when there is no more strength to withstand the betrayal of a loved one.
  • It hurts both the heart and the soul, the body is torn along to pieces. It will be nonsense if someone gives happiness.

In a desperate state of pain and resentment, you need to control the statements and make less eloquent entries on the wall on the social network.

A little secrecy will add mystery in the eyes of users and visitors.

thoughts of loneliness

Loneliness is the most terrible feeling experienced by a person. You can find a sincere friend, a loved one thanks to social networks.

A suitable status can attract attention, reveal the needs of a person.

Statuses about how lonely:

  • Loneliness allows you to feel people so deeply that tears well up in your eyes.
  • Thoughts do not see depth, the soul is torn upwards - this is the result of loneliness that a person experiences.
  • Heart broken forever. I'm abandoned and alone. How to regain strength and faith in yourself? Find solace, love.
  • Thoughts, thoughts and words can inspire loneliness. To get rid of the threat, you need a special person with love in his heart.
  • Only a worthy person can brighten up lonely longing, so problems are not a sentence.
  • When it's bad and lonely, you want to cry and suffer indefinitely. But someday the time will come, and the darkness will dissipate.
  • Only cold comes from a lonely heart. It needs to be warmed, caressed, saved.
  • You suck, nothing works? The worst problem is loneliness. Only love and acceptance can save you from this.
  • Loneliness is a terrible feeling that causes disgust for others and oneself. You have to deal with these feelings.
  • There are many friends and relatives around, but there is no one to talk heart to heart with. This terrible feeling of loneliness eats from the inside.

Loneliness can also manifest itself in aggressive statements. It is important to pay attention to the sensations, and not cause disgust with tearful statements. It is worth using proud, dignified words and phrases.

Attention! Under the condition of loneliness, one must independently be able to get out of this circle so as not to aggravate the psychological state.

It is worth finding a new hobby, meeting interesting people.

In the absence of thoughts, inability to speak out, it is worth choosing statuses on the Internet.

It is advisable to use sayings and quotes of famous writers and poets. You can correct the text yourself by making minor edits.

Useful video

Everyone has experienced this feeling at least once in their life. Feeling abandoned, lack of understanding and support - that's it, loneliness. Social media statuses often express just that. You can make sure that this is familiar to many, you can tell others about your experiences with the help of the statements proposed in the article.

Loneliness: statuses for social networks

  • "There is nothing worse than being left alone with an emptiness in your own heart."
  • "They don't really know if their phone is on."
  • "Extraordinary people are always alone."
  • "I'm never bored alone with myself. Where can I find someone with whom I would be just as interested?"
  • "I'll be alone until I find someone with whom I can think out loud."
  • "I prefer to keep my thoughts to myself. After all, saying something to a person who does not understand it is like talking to a wall."
  • "Freedom is the other side of loneliness."
  • "You know, being single is actually easier. Easier than engaging in self-deception, waiting for mutual feelings or suffering from betrayal."
  • "Sometimes somewhere in the depths of the soul a nasty voice sounds. He whispers that this is not proud loneliness at all. This is uselessness."
  • "Actually, I'm surrounded by wonderful people. Even comrades. But they all have someone closer than me."
  • "Lonely people can't stand silence."

Statuses about sadness

Sadness is a faithful companion of a lonely person. Sometimes she puts on the bright clothes of thoughts of past pleasant moments, but more often - the dark mantle of hopelessness. The status about the loneliness of the soul is full of sadness, but there is always a place for hope for the best.

  • "Strong girls want nothing more than to be weak."
  • "Is there any point in doing something in life if no one needs it?"
  • "The more I stay alone, the more I think. The more I think, the more deeply sadness settles in my heart."
  • "Because there is no one to share the sadness with, it becomes even harder."
  • "Sadness is temporary. But it gives food for thought."
  • "To enjoy a conversation with a random stranger is better than to comfort ungrateful friends."
  • "A cheerful person does stupid things more often. But a sad person has more."
  • "The last of all feelings is disappointment. It comes after sadness, jealousy, anger and remains forever."
  • "Sadness is inherent only in thinking people."
  • "When you remember, they also know how to purr."

Statuses about sadness can hint to others when there are not enough words to speak out. But is it as effective as a personal conversation?

with meaning

  • "A person gets used to everything over time. Even to loneliness. But as soon as this peace is disturbed, you will have to start getting used to it again."
  • "The self-sufficiency of a person is manifested in the uselessness of the company."
  • "Truth can only be heard in private."
  • "Man is always alone. Everything else is a product of fantasy, illusion or temporary insanity."
  • "Better than bad friends, only good loneliness."
  • "You can go out late, throw your socks off, or eat whatever you like. Freedom or loneliness?"
  • "Loneliness is the natural end of disappointments."
  • "When loneliness captures the whole human essence, the whole the world appears to be stills from a movie, a slideshow where you are in the role of extras.
  • "Self-critical people are most often lonely. They care about how their society affects others."
  • "Single people are more likely than others to have good taste."

Original statuses about loneliness and sadness

Is loneliness so scary? Statuses tell about different aspects. Which one to choose is a personal matter.

  • "I will never communicate with a person, just not to be alone. I live by the rule: it is better to go hungry than to eat anything."
  • "You feel the acuteness of your loneliness from the minute of communication with a person who does not understand you."
  • "Work saves you from loneliness. And exacerbates it."
  • "It's complicated" is not a status. A tired look, a sad smile and a quiet voice actually speak about the loneliness of a girl.
  • "Sometimes a great joke comes to mind, but there is no one to tell it to."
  • "The danger of loneliness is that over time you begin to like it. And, in the end, there is no need to let someone into your cozy world."
  • contrary to popular belief, deserves respect. After all, she has enough strength not to be exchanged for just anyone.
  • "It's not so scary to live life alone than to spend it with the wrong person, to close the door to happiness with your own hands."

Everyone sooner or later has to learn what loneliness is. Statuses can suggest how to act, show that a person is not unique in this. But to understand one's soul, thoughts and plans is subject only to the person himself. Everything will work out, you just need to start.

And you know, the sun, I'm used to loneliness... Evening, sad music and I almost don't want to cry anymore...

It happens in life so dreary that even tea does not climb into the throat. And it helps only beer, which you wash down with vodka !!!

Being an adult means being alone.

Being lonely doesn't mean being alone!

In solitude, everyone sees in himself what he really is.

This is always bad for those who wish themselves harm.

Deep loneliness is sublime, but it is somehow frightening.

Yes! I drink! Yes! Lonely! Yes! I smoke! Yes! Smearing tears down my face! Yes! Weak! But let me be weak sometimes!

Behind a beautiful figure, a beautiful soul, beautiful eyes, a beautiful walk, loneliness walks ...

From small bouts of loneliness, life actually consists ...

Sometimes you laugh so hard that you roll on the floor. And then it goes away and it gets so sad and lonely. Does this happen to you?

True loneliness is the presence of a person who does not understand you.

To every girl who is now lonely and sad, I wish to meet her true love. There are princes! Truth! You just need to learn to wait and believe in love.

No matter how cruel fate is to a person, no matter how abandoned and lonely, there will always be a heart, albeit unknown to him, but open to respond to the call of his heart...

When you want to be alone, there are always too many people around. When you really want to see at least one dear little man, you are alone.

Coffee house, hot chocolate and milk. She herself is the person with whom she is easy ...

Who does not like loneliness - he does not like freedom.

Does loneliness bother you? And I have fish. Since childhood, I love the fish in the aquarium, because they are silent.

Nobody wants to be alone: ​​it frees up too much time for reflection. And the more you think, the smarter you become - and therefore sadder.

Loneliness is when you go crazy, and you don’t even have to tell anyone about it ...

Loneliness - in 4 corners you are looking for the fifth.

Loneliness is the underside of freedom.

Loneliness is a beautiful thing, but there must be someone nearby to whom you can tell what a beautiful thing loneliness is ...

Loneliness is the most cruel torture, the most difficult torment.

Loneliness is for the strong. The weak always huddle in the crowd.

Loneliness is when you rejoice in your topeg even flood.

Loneliness is when you go out to smoke at night and you understand that no one will wake up and ask: "Where are you going?"

Loneliness is when there is money and time, but there is no one to drink.

Loneliness is when you wait for someone to call, but the alarm rings.

Loneliness is when you forget the sound of your own name because no one says it.

Loneliness is when only search robots come to your home page.

Loneliness is when you are unimaginably lonely with the person who is nearby.

More fear of loneliness, maybe only fear of spending your whole life with the wrong person.

Call loneliness freedom and be happy...

Know how to live without someone who is no longer in your life ...

If I appeared on this earth, does it mean that someone needs it?

Men cannot be left alone for a long time ... They are such breeders - they either breed dirt in the house, or women in bed ...

- Happy people- never alone! They just… have no time to be lonely people.

A person is lonely not only when there is no one around. A person is lonely when there is no mutual understanding with those who are nearby. And it is still not known which loneliness is worse ...

Fucking is when you keep the secrets of other people, listen to the snot of friends, help your loved ones, ... and at that moment when you feel bad yourself - you sit alone, listen to music and don’t even know who to talk to ...

In this life, one must live by the principle: praise yourself, help yourself, love yourself. In short, all by myself.

If you decide to climb to the top, don't forget to enjoy life while you're at the bottom, because it's usually cold and lonely at the top...

If you live in such a way that you don’t need anyone, sooner or later it will turn out that ABSOLUTELY nobody needs you.

Everything in my life is amazing! ... but to be completely frank, I sometimes get terribly tired of convincing myself of this ...

If you zealously protect your independence all your life, then why cry from loneliness?

We come into the world alone and we leave alone... a person needs to be alone sometimes. To make sense of your life... and fear can make a beast out of a man...

Life passes like sand through our fingers, but we understand this when, clenching our hand into a fist, we feel emptiness in it ...

It's bad to be alone, but to live alone - fuck it.

People who are left alone for a long time rethink their lives or go crazy. A I haven't decided yet.

There is no loneliness worse than being alone in a crowd...

It’s good that friends are nearby, you can lean on their shoulder. You can't live without friends. Loneliness is hard!

The longer you are alone, the less you are able to… be with someone. You forgot it...

I can do without you, but I don’t understand why ...

I don't know who I was in his life... But I'm happy that at least for a short time he was in my everything.

We never appreciate those around us, always looking for the best. This is the reason for the loneliness of many people.

Loneliness lives in the soul if this place is not occupied by anyone, regardless of the number of people around ...

Are you lonely? Sadness in your heart and nothing to do with yourself? Come to me... wash the dishes.

The desire for absolute independence leads a person to loneliness ...

When you are happy... you laugh... the whole world seems to be laughing with you... but when you cry... you cry alone...

Fuck you teachers of life, unable to lend a hand when asked.

Of all bad habits, the worst is not smoking. It is to be faithful to a person who does not need you at all.

No matter how old we are, we always need a place to call home... Because without the people you love the most, you'll still feel lonely...

On that stuffy lonely night, for some reason, she again remembered Vovan, who knew how to make his fingers like a fan.

Loneliness is when you don’t care what part of the apartment your phone is in and that it is silent ...

I have always been terribly afraid of being someone's wife, because life has taught me that one person cannot love another to the end, for real.

The strength of the weak is in the crowd, the weakness of the strong is in solitude.

"Seclusion is to be found in the big cities."

You don't feel lonely when you're doing what you love!
You just need to do it more often and longer ...

It's not loneliness that's scary... It's scary to know that there is someone you need... And he is comfortable in his life without you...

As a rule, too "smart" people are lonely. Not because they are smarter than us, but because they think so of themselves.

About lonely life statuses