Sentences with words starting with the letter f. Reading words with the letter f (reinforcement)

Girls often don't know what to ask a pen pal to get him interested and get to know each other better. It is not always appropriate to ask vulgar questions and talk on personal topics when meeting. It all depends on the character young man. Psychologists believe that you should first ask about hobbies and life goals guy, ask about his favorite music, films and books that made a lasting impression on him. According to the answers of the guy, you can make his psychological portrait and establish normal communication.

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Read history carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

Rules for correspondence on intimate topics

When communicating or correspondence on provocative and frank topics, the following rules should be observed:

  • The young man should not doubt that he is in control of the situation (even if this is not the case in reality), and should feel comfortable. When communicating in real life you can follow the guy's reaction to a question of an intimate nature, and with virtual correspondence - analyze his answers.
  • It is impossible to criticize his manhood and doubt his sexual abilities, to be ironic on this topic or to openly laugh at his shortcomings.
  • You should not ask your loved one how many partners there were before this relationship and compare yourself with them.

Vulgar questions can be veiled without turning to rudeness and obscene language, you do not need to write slang words and names of the genitals.

What should never be said to a man

Dirty questions for a guy

You can ask interesting and tricky questions of an intimate nature after a long communication and establishing a trusting relationship with a pen pal.

List of dirty trick questions for a guy who likes a girl:

  1. 1. Tell me about your first sexual encounter.
  2. 2. What do you prefer in intimate caresses?
  3. 3. Name the most erotic and attractive part of a woman's body.
  4. 4. Do you think that making love and having sex are identical concepts?
  5. 5. Do you like to experiment in intimate relationships?
  6. 6. Played role-playing games? What images excite you the most?
  7. 7. What things do you consider unacceptable in intimate relationships?
  8. 8. Are you a fetishist? Do you like lacy erotic lingerie and fishnet stockings?
  9. 9. Share your erotic fantasies and desires.
  10. 10. Describe the first girl you felt sexually attracted to.
  11. 11. What famous singer or Hollywood movie star would you like to have sex with?

To get to know your lover better and learn about his sexual preferences, you can ask the following questions:

  1. 1. Do you like long foreplay or think only about yourself during sexual contact?
  2. 2. How do you feel about female dominance?
  3. 3. What are your favorite positions during sexual contact?
  4. 4. The most memorable sex or lovemaking of your life.
  5. 5. What did you feel when you lost your virginity?
  6. 6. If I am not ready for sexual relations before marriage, can you abstain from intimate relationships with other persons or is it unacceptable for you?
  7. 7. What size is your manhood?
  8. 8. The size of the chest that your lover should have.
  9. 9. How often can you make love and how long do you have sexual contact?
  10. 10. You love hair on intimate parts body or do you prefer perfect smoothness?
  11. 11. Your attitude to tattoos and piercings in intimate places.
  12. 12. Do you watch adult films? If so, which category do you prefer and name your favorite paintings.

Questions that you can only ask a close man:

  1. 1. Have you had experience of group sexual intercourse or several partners at the same time? If not, do you dream of having sex with two at once?
  2. 2. The funniest moment during sex.
  3. 3. How do you feel about virtual explicit entertainment or phone sex?
  4. 4. Was there a case in your life when your parents came home at the most inopportune moment?
  5. 5. How do you feel about oral sex?
  6. 6. Have you had any experience with a girl of easy virtue?
  7. 7. Have you had sex with a girl you've only known for a few days?
  8. 8. Describe your ideal relationship sexually.
  9. 9. Attitude towards sexual minorities and sexual intercourse with representatives of other races.
  10. 10. Do you visit sex shops or buy sex toys online?
  11. 11. Do you calmly buy contraceptives or feel embarrassed while doing so?
  12. 12. What do you think about self-satisfaction and how often do you do it?

Questions of an intimate nature to a guy with whom a girl wants sexual relations:

  1. 1. Have you had unprotected sex in your life? If not, what is your attitude towards such intimate relationships.
  2. 2. Do dirty swearing turn you on during intercourse?
  3. 3. Attitude to anal caresses and sexual contact.
  4. 4. Would you sleep with a very mature lady for a large sum?
  5. 5. What are you ready for beautiful girl gave to you?
  6. 6. How do you feel if during sexual intercourse a stranger observes the intimate process?
  7. 7. Your attitude towards sexually explicit photos and home videos.
  8. 8. What smells turn you on?
  9. 9. Do you enjoy making love while intoxicated?
  10. 10. Sexual intercourse in water or in the shower - how do you feel about such sex?
  11. 11. Is it okay for you to have one night stand?

What to ask a young man when meeting to interest him:

  • Who are you according to the horoscope and according to the eastern calendar?
  • Do you like extreme sensations and adrenaline in the blood?
  • What do you value most in people? Name the main character traits.
  • Who is closer to you, dad or mom, and why?
  • Active rest - your attitude to it.
  • Tell us about the act that you are most proud of.

Normal questions to get to know a guy better:

  • How do you feel about assault and showdown with the help of fists?
  • What annoys you the most?
  • Tell me about your childhood fears.
  • Do you have any phobias at the moment?
  • The most vivid memory from childhood - tell us about it.
  • Do you trust your sixth sense?
  • Do you prefer to give or receive gifts?
  • An act that you will never forgive?
  • your negative side.
  • Describe yourself in four words.
  • What offends you?
  • Have you ever taken revenge on your offenders? If yes, then tell us about it.

The young man will like topics about cinema, literature and other questions that help to find out about the guy's hobbies and preferences:

  • How do you feel about magical rites and rituals?
  • Do you believe in psychic abilities?
  • Name your favorite piece of music.
  • What feature or documentary film will you remember for the rest of your life?
  • Do you like cartoons?
  • What is your attitude towards serial films?
  • Literature that has influenced your life and changed your worldview.
  • What cuisine do you prefer and the name of your favorite dish.
  • How do you feel about balls and costume parties?
  • Do you attend cultural events?
  • When was the last time you went to the opera or the theatre?

In this article, you will learn about what topics there are for conversations with men.

The right question can be a successful start to a dialogue and affect your relationship with a man. In order not to get lost in important point and always to interest your interlocutor, it is important to know in advance what he can and should be asked about.

Questions for correspondence:

  • Hey! How are you spending your evening?
  • How is the mood today?
  • What are the plans? What are you doing?
  • How to cheer you up?
  • I want to surprise you with something, do you think I can do it?
  • Hey! Let's play something?
  • I want adventure, do you?
  • There are evenings when it's especially boring, don't you think?
  • Tosca is mortal! Can you recommend any good movie?
  • How did you spend this day? Was he successful today?
  • Do not want to chat with a dreary, but terribly interesting person?
  • I'm boiling inside, do you want to listen?
  • Let's spend the evening together?
  • Have you watched this series (name)?
  • I love music, can you send me a couple of great tracks?
  • Haven't talked in a while, how are you? What changed?
  • Are you still into sports (fishing, basketball, dancing)?
  • Heard last news about (person's name)?
  • When was the last time you went to the cinema? Maybe we can go see something together?
  • I listen to a great track, you will definitely like it, can I throw it off?
  • Do you remember when we danced to this song? (drop track)
  • Hey! Already forgot what you look like, can we meet?

What questions can you ask a guy on the phone: a list

Questions for a telephone conversation:

  • Haven't heard from you in years, how are you?
  • How nice to hear your voice! Are you all right?
  • Thank you for calling! I hope nothing happened to you?
  • Good thing you called! Let's agree that you will call me more often?
  • Hello, are you bored tonight?
  • Hello, have you forgotten my voice yet?
  • Hey! Guess who's calling?
  • I give you 3 attempts to guess my name. Will you try?
  • Hey! Do you want some entertainment tonight?
  • How do you feel about me inviting you for a couple of cocktails?

What questions can you ask a guy when meeting: a list

  • Dear, does your mother need a daughter-in-law by any chance?
  • I'm sure I've seen you somewhere, maybe in my dreams?
  • Are you by any chance the man of my dreams?
  • How would you like to get to know you, would you leave your phone number?
  • My mom will definitely like you, but let's check it out?
  • I have never seen such a thing in my life handsome man! Have you been told this before?
  • Can you leave me your phone number so we can talk later and have a good time?
  • Do you happen to want a new romantic and completely crazy relationship?
  • I liked you at first sight, and you like me?

IMPORTANT: Do not hesitate to ask a man even the most "juicy" questions, getting to know him better.

What questions can you ask a guy to interest him?

Question options:

  • Do you like my eyes?
  • I am often told that I look good, what do you think?
  • I have a feeling we used to know each other, don't you think?
  • I have many interests, would you like to share some?
  • I'm sorry, but can I fall in love with you?
  • You have a beautiful look, have you heard that before?
  • How often do you go on dates? I want to invite you to one more!
  • Have you ever watched a movie from kissing places?
  • I was once told that I'm a good kisser, would you like to check?
  • Have you ever drunk champagne under the moonlight? Me not. Let's try together?

What questions can you ask a guy on a first date?

Every woman's dream is the perfect date. It can only go well when you know exactly what you can talk about on a date. Can help you with this preliminary preparation topics and questions.

Good question options:

№ 1

№ 2

№ 3

№ 4

What questions can you ask a guy when talking?

If communication with a man is established, you may well count on signs of attention from him. Try to ask him as many questions as possible about his hobbies and passions.

What can we talk about:

Ideas for conversation

What questions will tell more about a man that you can ask a guy?

When you get to know your beloved man closer, you can understand what your life with him will be like in the future. Use the selection of "interesting" questions, designed to obtain the most detailed information.

What can you ask about:

Themes and ideas

What questions and what can you ask the guy you like?

It’s very easy to “scare off” a guy you like with a funny or inappropriate question, so choose your phrases carefully and take into account all the features of your relationship.


№ 1

№ 2

What questions can you ask your boyfriend, beloved?

If your relationship is already "started", you should not let your guard down and relax. Try not to stop being interested in your man's life. So you can earn his trust and attention!

Ideas to start a conversation:


What question can I ask a guy to find out if he likes me?

Very often a woman is tormented by questions about mutual sympathy on the part of a man, try to ask him about it on your own and directly by asking a delicate question.

Ideas for conversation:


Questions for dating a guy on the Internet, VKontakte?

Suitable topics:

For "Contact"

Interesting questions for a guy, on any topic: a list

Love relationships are not only sex and signs of attention, they are also conversations and mutual interests. Don't lose your thread by asking your partner questions about his love life, adventures, successes, and women.

Suitable topics:

What can you ask?

What intimate questions can you ask a guy?

Questions like these will help you get on with your sex life, make adjustments, and set rules. Feel free to talk to your partner about sex.

Ideas for conversation:

"Intimate" compilation

What erotic questions can you ask a guy?

There is one secret: any man not only loves sex, but also any talk about sex. Feel free to be interested in any topic about sex: experience, technique, number of women.

Ideas for conversation:

Erotic compilation

What dirty questions can you ask a guy?

Every man has his own hidden sexual fantasies and dreams, talking to him about it, you not only give him your attention, but also show love.

Ideas for conversation:

"Naughty" selection

What tricky, tricky questions can you ask a guy?

Do you want to surprise your man? Intrigue? Show that you are not such a simple person? Feel free to ask him unusual questions and let him try to answer them!

Ideas for conversation:

"Tricky" selection

What "unusual" questions can you ask a guy?

Surprising a beloved man is not easy, but you try to ask him a non-standard question and see how he answers it!

Ways to start a conversation:

What to ask the "second half"?

What kind of "honest" questions can you ask a guy?

The line between interesting and superfluous is very thin. With the help of "frank" questions, you can not only get closer, but also spoil the whole relationship. Try to choose the right topics for conversations.

What to talk about:

original selection

What romantic questions can you ask a guy?

Having learned some nuances about the romantic nature of your beloved man, you can understand what your relationship will be like in the future.

What to ask about:

What questions about love and relationships can you ask a guy?

Relationships are hard work and if you do not discuss some of the nuances between each other, you can lose understanding and trust.

Suitable questions:

Compilation "love"

What questions can you ask a guy to confuse him?

Ideas for conversation:

  • Are you looking at me just like that or do you have special plans for me?
  • Be honest, do you want me?
  • Am I attracted to you like a woman?
  • Do you want me to show you something interesting?
  • Do you think I can surprise you in bed?
  • Is this your friend or lover?
  • Have you ever slept with your friends girls?

Video: "Men's questions?"