The result is not always fair. Opinion: "the result is not always a synonym for success"

You set a goal for others. Choosing a specific goal gives people a clear idea of ​​what to aim for. This raises one question: how high should the requirements be?

When we set a goal for ourselves (for example, saving $10,000 for the next deposit), we have the right to set such goals for ourselves, because we know whether we can achieve them or not.

Thus, we set ourselves goals that make us reach up, but at the same time we also know that the result is achievable for us. When we define tasks for others, we do not always have complete information about how high (or low) the requirements should be.

To better understand the challenge of setting specific tasks for other people, take a 10-minute break and try the following exercise. Take a blank piece of paper. Write "Rhode Island" on the top line. Your task will be to make 30 words from the combination of these letters. You are given 10 minutes for this task, so do not waste time and start doing it. What did you get? We hope that you managed to write 30 words, because almost everyone copes with this. If you have also succeeded, then you should feel a pleasant feeling of satisfaction from achieving this particular goal set for you. The feeling of satisfaction from the work done is the most important Return that people want to receive from their work; look at the list - this result of the activity is in the first place in importance.

The result of achieving your specific goal:

1. Feeling of satisfaction from achieving the goal

2. Feeling of self-importance

3. Position

4. Sense of Competence

5. Pride

6. Achievements

In our practice, there were people who managed to compose 30 words in less than 4 minutes. After which they stopped working. If we gave them the task of writing 40 words, they would probably continue this activity until they reach the end result, i.e. increase the amount of work done by 33%! This example probably showed you what happens as a result of choosing tasks that are too easy.

Too difficult tasks can lead to confusion and refusal to complete them. Sometimes, using the above exercise in our classes and programs, we gave the participants the task of compiling 60 words. One out of 40 managed to complete it. Others stopped after 15-20 words. They quickly realized that they would not be able to complete the task in its entirety and gave up. And nothing from the list we have given (Return on achieving the goal) was available to them.

The rector of one of the universities told what incentive her father used to encourage her success in primary school. She (the rector) still remembers how she met her father after work, holding the test results in her hand. “Dad, look, I have a 98th result!” Dad looked at her score, paused, and then asked: “And who has the hundredth?” A similar strategy is still used in the American leadership. During the recent economic downturn, the management of a department store decided to introduce a "targeted" program to improve the situation. When the sellers opened their envelopes at the end of the week with salary, they found leaflets printed from a computer in them. For example: “Your site generated $7,000 in sales this past period. Your quota for the next period is $10,500.”

Initial reports were very positive, with sales up 50%. But after four weeks of implementing this "target" program, the sellers realized that the tasks assigned to them would always be unattainable for them. And under the strongest pressure of the offended collective, freed from illusions, the administration was forced to stop its experiment. Sales immediately dropped to pre-program levels. Worst of all, in the future, all attempts to introduce other programs were seen as manipulation by the administration.

Thus, the statement of the problem determines the goal to which it is necessary to strive. However, the task will be feasible only if you know the level achievable for this person. You may be familiar with the IBM 100% Club. Any IBM seller who has fulfilled 100% of his quota for the previous year can be a member of the club. Interestingly enough, almost 80% of the firm's entire army of salespeople are members of this club. The merit of the administration is that it has set albeit high, but quite achievable goals. As a result, 80% of the employees of the IBM retail network meet the quota, are members of the club and enjoy all the benefits of such relationships.

But if you do not know exactly the capabilities of a particular person, then you can set too difficult tasks for him, which will cause a feeling of resentment, especially among those who consider themselves underestimated. You can give a person too easy tasks, giving him the opportunity to achieve a result at the expense of losses in production and productivity. If there is at least one of these dangers, then for you it will be the best way out from a position to adhere, especially in the family, to the third option for choosing a goal - participation.


  2. Feature 1: Glenda “For myself and for the organization, I want everything to be done right and lead to the right results”
The Psychology of Investing [How to Stop Doing Stupid Things with Your Money] Carl Richards

The result is not always fair

Of course, not all investment success stories can be deduced from an unambiguous, life-affirming moral. Sometimes stupidity is rewarded, while common sense and judgment are punished - at least in the short term. That is why I evaluate investment advice not in terms of possible return, but in terms of the soundness of the principles underlying these tips.

A client once approached me about shares in a mining company owned by his grandmother. The family lost millions of dollars trying to save a case that was a very important part of their family history. The share price fell to two dollars. The client was trying to figure out what to do next. He was worried - he would sell the shares, and they would rise in price again! Both he and his family will then reproach themselves for not leaving the assets in their own hands.

I told him, yes, you would feel disgusting if you sold the stock now and it was likely to double or triple in value. But on the other hand, there is a risk of feeling much worse in the event of a complete depreciation of the saved securities.

When making the right investment decisions, it is very important to be emotionally prepared for the fact that the result of putting the decision into action can be painful. However, you must continue to follow the right path. Ultimately, this strategy is more profitable than wrong decisions.

I remember the story of a 27-year-old Englishman who sold everything he had and, taking with him the proceeds (136 thousand dollars), went to Las Vegas to play roulette one and only time.

Good decision or bad?

Fate was kind to him. He won and doubled his fortune.

What do you say now?

Answer: Whatever the outcome, the solution itself is disgusting.

Another client came to me after the company he worked for was taken over by another organization. He was forced to retire early, but he still had a significant stake in his former employer. 90% of all his capital was concentrated in these securities. My client was devoted to his old company, and having to retire early was a blow to him.

And now I was urging him to sell his shares - to cut the last thread that connected him with the past.

Client: "Why? Do you think they will fall?

Me not. My advice has nothing to do with the price of the stock or the dynamics I expect it to change. I have no idea what the price will be, so my opinion on this matter is not important here at all.

Client: “What if the stock goes up?”

Me: “Your feelings will not be pleasant. But it is not important. Holding 90% of all capital in the shares of one company is a terrible idea.”

I insisted that decisions should be based on principles and not on subjective perceptions of future events. In this case, the decision was based on the following rule: it is very bad when the lion's share of capital is concentrated in shares of the same type, not to mention the dominance of one issuer in the portfolio.

The client sold shares. After some time, they fell in price by more than 90%. He still calls me Santa Claus. I keep reminding him that selling these assets of his would be the right move anyway, even if they doubled in price.

There is no perfect tool. But sometimes the best is obvious solution.

From the book Investing in real estate author Kiyosaki Robert Toru

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9. Indicate the following result. Again, carry out the analysis as suggested in step 5 (Fig. 7.23). What is the immediate result of the last action in the diagram? Is it getting closer to the goal? If not, then the action in the previous step was chosen incorrectly. Note 1:

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The result is not always guaranteed Nothing can scare away inspiration like an order to find a brilliant solution in the shortest possible time. Give teams and their leaders a chance: agree to hold a meeting or two to look for an out-of-the-box approach

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Outcome exercise Use this exercise to assess the need to focus on results. List five to ten on a piece of paper. difficult situations that you could do with ease. Then, on another piece of paper, list five to ten

Hello space! If you are here and reading these lines, then you had to, applying or using various products and services, be perplexed and wonder why the result is not always, or it happens, but not the way we would like it to be. This will be discussed today.

Spiritual Prototype

When we come with our questions and tasks to some methods, attend courses that, according to the assurances of their creators, can help us solve our pressing problems, we do not always clearly understand what exactly we need to solve.

I'm talking about the fact that under every narrow question, there is a larger topic, seeing which, smaller questions fly off like a husk.

The spiritual prototype is one of the key concepts of the Technology, because the understanding of the great spiritual behind the small material gives us a large-scale and complete vision of the picture as a whole. There is a wealth of information on this topic on our website.

“When I looked at my question with money, for me money turned out to be equal to security. Money gave me security, and because of this, I worked like a horse all my life, without days off, because I tried to provide myself with the security that I did not get in childhood. Until I resolved this issue, this issue within myself, the money did not come.

Elena Bolgova

I remember (I didn’t think it would come in handy) the words of my literature teacher. She often repeated: "To understand the essence - look wider."

During the broadcast, you will be offered to take a short test, as a result of which you will clearly see this.

"Seeing gifts, not looking for reasons"

In every question, situation or task that worries us, there are “bonuses and goodies” for us. Realizing this and accepting it, we understand how valuable our conditionally negative experiences (“problems”) are.

By concentrating on seeing them, we will solve a large proportion of the situations that concern us.

Thank you! Thank yourself for everything!

You know, I'm a person who just squints! Honestly. I do everything so uniquely (facepalm here) that long time could not get answers to her questions by comparing herself with others.

It gave me even more associated "fun". Phrase: "What a surprise!" - has become my faithful and constant companion in life. Nothing global, but I don’t need much to be properly surprised.

I thought, what can I thank myself for if I am “like this”? Since then, I have always thanked myself for the strength. The power to create all events and situations, to fight, to surrender, to ask for help, to yield, not to lose one's own, to protect personal boundaries, to forgive, not to forgive, to worry, to let go, etc.

Everything I do (and don't do) leads me deeper and deeper.

Level of consciousness

You also need to understand at what level of consciousness you are in a given segment of your life and learn how to measure this with the scale of your ambitions.

The eternal dissatisfaction of homo sapiens is, no doubt, a wonderful engine of progress. However, if the source of your aspirations is fed from somewhere outside, it will become shallow.

If we recall five-seven-year-old tips, which have already become shtetl, on how to form “successful” (“rich”) thinking, it is clearly seen that they gave so few results that it is even a little sad. Do you know why?

Climbing into someone else's skin, you can grab the maximum echoes of someone else's, again, experience. That is why in the space of the project we talk so much about individuality and uniqueness, and we invite you to go deep into yourself, remember your own essence.

If you think about it, indeed, the average student will not be able to defend a doctoral degree in molecular physics. To do this, you just need to have the necessary vision and understanding of the issue, which he (yet?) does not have.

Anyone who will go in the direction of himself, sooner or later will come to where he wants to go.

Does “more” always mean “better” in weight loss? Train every day, cardio - every morning on an empty stomach or after strength training, strength training 4-5 times a week for one and a half to two hours, swimming pool and yoga - as an addition, and all this against the backdrop of a hungry diet. Considering how many likes the motivational pictures about not feeling sorry for yourself are gaining, it all seems like the right strategy.

In reality, poor results are not only due to the fact that a person has trained too little and easily. Women more often on the contrary: the lack of progress is due to the fact that they train too much, too often and eat too little.

The result of this crazy regime is an increased level of cortisol, edema, depletion of the body and central nervous system, chronic fatigue, and frequent colds. And the figure does not change in better side as much as such a regime promises.

If you constantly feel acute hunger or, conversely, loss of appetite and fatigue in the morning, if your muscles hurt after each workout, and your heart rate has increased in the morning, this may be a sign of exhaustion and overtraining.

You can dig a garden with a tablespoon - for the result you will have to do it often, a lot and for a long time. You can go smarter and take a shovel or even an excavator. You will get better results in less time and with less effort.

It is foolish to brag about the fact that you dug up the garden with a spoon, how tired you are and how hard it was. But as soon as it comes to training, everything happens the other way around: the more torment, the harder it was, the more satisfied the person remains, because the reward will be greater in the end. It always seems that a well-deserved prize awaits for the torment at the end.

To some extent, yes, you will have to leave your comfort zone. But in fitness, as in medicine, there is the concept of a dose-effect curve: up to a certain point, an increase in the “dose”, that is, efforts, leads to greater, better results. But after reaching a certain point, the effect stops increasing or even decreases with increasing dose.

Reason #1: Blood, sweat and tears

Neither the feeling of incredible fatigue, nor the blackout in the eyes, nor the soaking wet T-shirt is an indication of a well-practiced workout. This is an indicator that the vegetative-vascular system can not cope with the load.

- not an indicator of its quality, all the more. There is no direct connection between krepatura and muscle growth. People who don't train hard sometimes get better results simply because they can train more often. Unlike those who make it impossible to walk and sit every workout and are forced to skip workouts or work through pain, preventing the body from recovering.

You can feel mentally good working up a sweat, and sore muscles in the morning can serve as a pleasant reminder that you had a good workout yesterday. But none of this speaks of the benefits of training for the body. It helps to feel good emotionally, but it doesn't always have a physiological benefit.

Reason number 2: severe hunger

Many people, when they start strength training, find that they do not decrease and the figure does not improve. One of the reasons is that they dive into fitness too aggressively, start to work hard right away and do too much in training, which greatly increases their appetite. The “trained well – I have the right to eat well” attitude fails many.

Firstly, training in reality (and not on the monitor of the simulator) burns for beginners up to - 200-400 per hour. But when the monitor or heart rate monitor shows 800-1000 calories, a person allows himself to eat properly. As a result, all losses are reset to zero, sometimes with a positive move.

When we are talking about fat loss, the only thing a ton of intense daily workouts can do for most people is make them hungry as hell. If your workout turns your stomach into a bottomless pit, reduce the frequency or intensity of your workouts.

Reason #3: Stress

The body perceives training as a form of stress. It reacts to it in the same way as to any other stress - the reaction is always the same, whether it be an illness, a quarterly report, family problems or running away from a dog, pouring cold water or bath. Workouts allow feel good emotionally, but physiologically it is stress, and the body reacts to it with a change in hormonal levels, and especially an increase in cortisol.

stress caused big amount intense training may be fine, as long as its levels are under control in all other areas of life, and you get enough energy from food and have time to recover.

Usually the body does not have time to recover, especially if a person is on a diet, because nutrition is one of the recovery factors. All this against the background of lack of sleep, chronic fatigue and various nervous situations at work, at home, on the road. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the "stressfulness" of life and your ability to recover under the current mode, when you plan how often, hard and for how long you will work out.

When stress levels are high, the first thing to do is to reduce the speed in intense training (interval, functional, circuit, etc.), replace some of them with something more relaxed - calm cardio, swimming, yoga, stretching. The second is to try to get enough sleep (difficult, but solvable) and reconsider the calorie intake: if you eat very little, you should start eating more - due to healthy carbohydrates.

Remember that the goal is not only to get in shape for the beach season, but also to stay healthy. Beauty and health are directly related to each other.

Hierarchy of weight loss

Every time you stop seeing progress in your training, look not so much at your workouts and their composition, but at other factors in the overall recovery of the body. Perhaps you have driven yourself. The priority list looks like this:

  1. Whole food with a slight calorie deficit
  2. Enough sleep
  3. stress management
  4. Movement during the day
  5. Workout

This concept for many people turns the idea of ​​​​losing weight on its head, especially when everything is put on "fat-burning" workouts.

Training is necessary and important, but at the right time and in the right place. They develop physical strength and stability of the central nervous system, they have, but you should not spend all your free time in the gym, leaving it on all fours for a result.

Improving nutrition, quality and duration of sleep, controlling life stress and overall daily activity will be more effective than simply increasing the number of workouts and the time spent on each.


There is a certain "dosage" of training, which gives the greatest effect in terms of time and effort. Train effectively, not a lot - that's the task of any losing weight.

For most losing weight, this means 3 - a maximum of 4 quality strength training per week for no more than an hour. They can be supplemented if desired with a couple of gentle cardio workouts lasting 30-60 minutes. The rest of the results are merit proper nutrition with a deficit of calories, sleep, stress control and general activity during the day.

Hello space! If you are here and reading these lines, then you had to, applying or using various products and services, be perplexed and wonder why the result is not always, or it happens, but not the way we would like it to be. This will be discussed today.
I'll share my thoughts on this as well as share a recent, public broadcast from Mastery Project leaders.
Spiritual Prototype
When we come with our questions and tasks to some methods, attend courses that, according to the assurances of their creators, can help us solve our pressing problems, we do not always clearly understand what exactly we need to solve.
I'm talking about the fact that under every narrow question, there is a larger topic, seeing which, smaller questions fly off like a husk.
The spiritual prototype is one of the key concepts of the Technology, because the understanding of the great spiritual behind the small material gives us a large-scale and complete vision of the picture as a whole. There is a wealth of information on this topic on our website.

“When I looked at my question with money, for me money turned out to be equal to security. Money gave me security, and because of this, I worked like a horse all my life, without days off, because I tried to provide myself with the security that I did not get in childhood. Until I resolved this issue, this issue within myself, the money did not come.
Elena Bolgova
Take your question and see its true image using THOT meditation. What is "your question" for YOU?

I remember (I didn’t think it would come in handy) the words of my literature teacher. She often repeated: "To understand the essence - look wider."
During the broadcast, you will be offered to take a short test, as a result of which you will clearly see this.
"Seeing gifts, not looking for reasons"
In every question, situation or task that worries us, there are “bonuses and goodies” for us. Realizing this and accepting it, we understand how valuable our conditionally negative experiences (“problems”) are.
By concentrating on seeing them, we will solve a large proportion of the situations that concern us.
Thank you! Thank yourself for everything!

You know, I'm a person who just squints! Honestly. I do everything so uniquely (facepalm here) that for a long time I could not get answers to my questions by comparing myself with others.
It gave me even more associated "fun". Phrase: "What a surprise!" - has become my faithful and constant companion in life. Nothing global, but I don’t need much to be properly surprised.
I thought, what can I thank myself for if I am “like this”? Since then, I have always thanked myself for the strength. The power to create all events and situations, to fight, to surrender, to ask for help, to yield, not to lose one's own, to protect personal boundaries, to forgive, not to forgive, to worry, to let go, etc.
Everything I do (and don't do) leads me deeper and deeper.

See also: Levels of consciousness. Transition Theory. In the course of life, we go through a level that we could not pass before, and either we go through it or not, and we are born again in the same world, in similar conditions.

Level of consciousness
You also need to understand at what level of consciousness you are in a given segment of your life and learn how to measure this with the scale of your ambitions.
The eternal dissatisfaction of homo sapiens is, no doubt, a wonderful engine of progress. However, if the source of your aspirations is fed from somewhere outside, it will become shallow.